MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 69

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Gu Siyi said to Zheng Pei-pei: "You ask Lu Jialu, how come you learn?"

Zheng Peipei nodded and immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Lu Jiayu.

Zheng Peipei: "How did you not see the gods in the class?"

Lu Jialu: \"I can't see it is normal.\"

Zheng Peipei: "What happened? He transferred to school?"

Lu Jialu: \"For learning God, you can't infer from the logic of ordinary people. [Touch the chin]\"

Zheng Peipei: "Turning the donkey, don't sell it! What the **** is going on?"

Lu Jialu: \"Study God jumped to the third year of high school, and later we are the seniors."

Zheng Peipei: \"I am going to...\"

Lu Jialu: \"牛逼吧?\"

Zheng Peipei: "The cow is crying!"

Here, Zheng Peipei and Gu Siyi have already reached the cafeteria. The two have had a meal, and they have found a corner where no one is sitting.

Zheng Peipei told Gu Siyi about the information he had just received.

Gu Siyi stunned for a few seconds, saying: "Is it so powerful..."

Zheng Peipei: "Yes! It's so powerful! This is learning God!"

Fortunately, it was not transferred to school... It was learned that it was a jump, and Gu Siyi’s heart was a bit lucky.

Although not in a class or in a grade, they are still in the same school.

Always have a chance, look at him occasionally?

In Gu Siyi's new class, half of them are classmates in the original class, and some of them are outside classes and come in. The environment as a whole is still relatively familiar.

On the first day of school, the class teacher named it, and the students shouted together, and it was also for everyone to know.

When I clicked on the name "Lou Ming", the class teacher paused, and I remembered something like this. He explained: "Lu Ming has already transferred to school." "Well, continue to name."

Zhou Hao heard this sentence and snorted.

In the summer vacation, Lu Ming was miserable by Xia Zhi in the summer. Lu Jia took the summer shacks and couldn’t help but hate the Xia family. I wanted to go and forced Lu Ming to transfer to a school in the field.

Lu Ming has been paying attention to Gu Siyi and Xia Zhijun. After several times, he was humiliated by Xia Zhixuan. He hated and said nothing, and the feelings of Gu Siyi never faded. Zhang Yin went to their class and scored with the few people. Lu Ming was curious and asked someone to check the background of Zhang Yin. This investigation is even more angry. Xia Zhijun is an official Missy and a little cute Gu Siyi, left and right?

He waited for the opportunity to be thoughtful, and finally, after taking photos of Xu Na’s long-term follow-up, he took action.

His original calculation was to open up the relationship between Xia Zhizhi and Gu Siyi, and let the outside pressure force them to break up. When they were in high school, they became a classmate with Gu Siyi. Who knows, he himself has been countered by this whirlpool.

Lu Jia was deeply worried about the growing contradiction between him and Xia Jiaxiaozi. No matter how he opposed it, he forced him to drop out of school and change to a city.

Regarding the gossip news that broke out at the end of the last semester, the school downplayed, and the external rhetoric was that Gu Siyi was the daughter of Xia Jiagan and the sister of Xia Zhijun, so the two were very close. This is the brother-sister friendship.

On the second day of high school, the coursework was aggravated, and the difficulty of mathematics and physics was also significantly improved.

Gu Siyi puts his energy into the study. Fortunately, the classmates are very interested and will not run to ask her gossip.

However, there are always certain moments every day. Even if the classroom is full of people, she can see the person she wants to see at a glance, and suddenly she feels that she is surrounded by empty...

Gu Siyi’s new table is a girl who is a student of the students. The relationship between the two is dull and the well water does not make a river.

Zhang Yin was very well placed in the front row of Gu Siyi, and sometimes turned around to discuss the problem with her, the two people are not bad.

One week after school, on Friday night, Zheng Peipei went back to the dormitory, and he was very excited to talk to Gu Siyi: "The afternoon of the afternoon will be the opening of the college entrance examination mobilization meeting."

\"噢...\" Gu Siyi whispered while learning.

\"It is said that the learning **** of jumping grades will speak as a representative of outstanding students."

Gu Siyi’s heart was awkward, and the pen tip paused.

\"There are no classes for high school and high school. Many people are excited to go to the school grass. Do you want to see it too?"

\"Not good...\" Gu Siyi hesitated.

The two people have calmed down. In so many people's occasions, she went to see him specially. Will it be too swaying and causing trouble?

\"What's wrong, break up is not a stranger, at least alumni." Zheng Peipei said.

But she was afraid of hooking up the sadness of Gu Siyi, and soon said, "It doesn't matter, pull yourself, look at yourself, you don't want to go shopping, let's go shopping."

\"...\" Gu Siyi seems to be silent, and his heart is over the sea. The problem under his hand is completely impossible.

The next day, several people slept in the bedroom. After lunch, Zheng Peipei asked Gu Siyi if he wanted to go shopping. Gu Siyi asked: "Which mobilization meeting... What time is it?"

\"Two to four in the afternoon, according to the process, God should be speaking at about two and a half." "Zheng Peipei said very intimately."

\"Then let's go see it, how about going shopping? I just have to buy a few books.\"

\"行呐.\" Zheng Peipei nodded. She knew that she couldn't help it.

At two o'clock, the two went to the auditorium of the Mobilization Conference.

Unsurprisingly, many younger schoolmates came to pay respect. The school did not stop it. It is also a good thing to edify in this strong atmosphere of preparation.

The students in the lower grades have no place to stand in the back or on both sides and find their place to stand.

Gu Siyi and Zheng Pei-Pei stood at the end.

In the auditorium, people are moving around, people are everywhere, the stage is full of lights, and the light below is dim.

When the host announced that the outstanding student representative Xia Zhijun came to the stage to speak, Gu Siyi suddenly mentioned the eyes of the blind man. He originally took Zheng Peipei’s hand and hurriedly grabbed her.

Xia Zhijun took the stage with warm applause.

A blue-and-white school uniform, a tall and clear figure, and a beautiful and unmatched face, caused a commotion when standing on the stage.

Gu Siyi and Xia Zhixuan, one on the auditorium stage, one at the end of the auditorium, separated by a long distance, as far as the large slogan hanging on the stage, she could not see clearly. But she could see the boy.

I haven’t seen it for two months...

The last time I saw it, or on the summer vacation, he suddenly appeared outside her home. With a dusty body, she suddenly hugged her, her eyes were dark and bright, and her burning breath was thin in her ear.

But he went to see her thousands of miles, but she said something that made him sad...

Zheng Peipei said: "This is too far, let's go ahead..."

Zheng Peipei took Gu Siyi's hand and took her to the front, trying to make her see her sweetheart more clearly.

In the center of the stage, Xia Zhijun is still giving a speech, a bilingual speech in both Chinese and English, and the whole process is off-line, and the expression is not shocked.

There is neither tension nor ostentation, nor is it impassioned to give everyone blood.

His indifference is not like a high school student, but this feeling makes everyone very useful.

His color and temperament make the girls extremely comfortable.

Zheng Pei-Pei took Gu Siyi to the side of the aisle not far from the stage, standing in the same place to see Xia Zhijun’s speech.

It is very close here, she can see the face intuitively without thinking.

He stood in front of the floor-standing microphone, tall and thin, clear and straight.

Gu Siyi looked at the face almost greedy, and the man, even his eyes, was not willing.

Like a sensory person, the person who spoke on the stage, his eyes moved down the stage and swept over here.

Gu Siyi's heart tightened, and then laughed again. The light in the audience was very dark. So many people had so many eyes, he certainly couldn't see her.

Xia Zhijun ended his speech and thunderous applause sounded from the audience.

The recent high school girls are excited to whisper, \" I heard that the Longxing school grass summer is super handsome, and it really deserved reputation...\"

\"It’s a pity, he’s all high school, and he’s going to college after one year. We only have one year to be blessed.”

\"The next school girls have no chance to see the school, we can still see, contentment."

Gu Siyi’s eyes firmly follow the people who came down from the stage.

He walked along this aisle, Gu Siyi: \"...\"

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and Gu Siyi is standing still, not knowing how to be good.

The lights were dim, and Gu Siyi stepped back and leaned against the wall. The people standing here have spontaneously avoided, giving way to the summer of the next step.

\"嗨~\" Zheng Peipei greeted Xia Zhijun, Xia Zhijun looked over and nodded, it was a response.

Gu Siyi, standing next to Zheng Peipei, didn't open his mouth, his eyelashes trembled, and he looked at him closer and closer. When she was out of her way, her hand was suddenly caught... Gu Siyi’s heart beat! The tip of your finger is shaking!

Then for a second, let go. It’s almost as if you accidentally bumped into it.

He continued on, going around halfway and returning to his seat.

Gu Siyi did not dare to breathe for a long time, as if he was afraid that the residual touch on his hands would dissipate. For a long time, he took a deep breath.

The sudden sweetness made her eyes sore and tears. Hold back, don't cry.

Xia Zhisheng’s speech ended, and they left the auditorium if they did not need to continue.

Take a taxi and head to the city centre. Gu Siyi grabbed his right hand with his left hand and looked at his hand.

Zheng Peipei slammed her shoulder and said: \"Happy, you see your boyfriend is still so handsome, or the male goddess of the whole school."

\"He is not..." Gu Siyi bit his lip, did not continue to say, the heart is very resistant to the fact of breaking up.

Zheng Peipei patted her shoulder and comforted: "It will be fine, everything will be fine."

Gu Siyi went to the bookstore and bought a bunch of information books. Zheng Peipei was shocked. "Do you have such a hard science student?"

After Gu Siyi paid the bill, carrying a large bag of books, he said with full ambition: "There is no way to teach me now, I have to work harder."

\"Yes, I will give you a tutor for a small stove. There is no such thing..." "Zheng Peipei sighed," "I know that I would like to come over and study liberal arts with us."

\"It doesn't matter." Gu Siyi said, "If you choose, you don't regret it."

Zheng Peipei nodded, "I can only cheer you up mentally!"

Gu Siyi said that it was done. When you are in high school, you need to stare at Xia Zhiyu to be more focused on learning. There is no need for anyone to spur now, and there is a force in her heart that has been driving her to work hard. Race against time, do not dare to slack off, the only exception... is to think of his time every day, she will empty herself.

Time passed by, and the period was less than a month.

Before the class in the afternoon, Zhou Wei came to her and handed her a booklet saying: \"Exercise questions, do it well.\"

Gu Siyi took over, this is the A4 paper bound book, the questions are handwritten, the font is familiar to her... The text is vigorous and powerful, the numbers are elegant and the formula is neat.

The booklet is divided into three parts of physics and chemistry, and each part is the solution to the problem of these questions.

He went to the third year of high school and is still taking the time to write a high school book for her...

Gu Siyi looked at this exercise book, and his mood was so turbulent that he could not calm down.

After getting the cheats of learning God, Gu Siyi worked **** the questions on the book, and it felt much better than the seven seven eight eight-eighth tutorials. He seems to be able to predict where she will be struggling and where it is easy to make mistakes.

When Gu Siyi was doing this workbook, it seemed to be back to the days he was coached. When he brushed the questions, his heart was sweet.

The mid-term exam is coming as scheduled, and Gu Siyi is fully committed.

The results of the exam came out. She was in the class of more than 20, with more than 200 grades.

The science class competition is more intense, and her early efficiency is not high. Compared with the high school, it has not improved, but has declined.

She tried too hard and hoped to get a good test. The result was not well tested. Gu Siyi’s mentality was a bit broken.

The brain is messy, I don't know how to face myself.

One week after the test, the top 100 honors in each grade were posted.

The most sensational event is that Xia Zhijun, who is from the first to the third year of high school, still ranks first in the grade with an absolute leading score.

A group of people gathered in front of the Hall of Fame. Seeing and learning.

\"My God, this summer is a god, how can it be so powerful?\"

\" Otherwise, do you think that learning God is fake?\"

\"He only jumped to the level, actually took the first... hanged a group of seniors!\"

\"I really served, does his IQ have no upper limit??\"

\"I want to sing and sing to him..."

Gu Siyi took a mask and stood in front of the Hall of Fame, watching the first place in the third year, Xia Zhixuan.

His eyes fell on this name and he couldn’t get away with it for a long time.

The people around him are talking about him in a slap in the face, all showing admiration and admiration for him.

In key middle schools, it is impossible to win the hearts of all girls by the value of Yan, but when he has both the value of the sky and the terrible strength, no matter what type of girl will be unable to hold.

After Xia Zhisheng was promoted to the third year of high school, he had always been alone, and there was no closeness to the opposite sex, which led to the endless stream of people who wrote letters to him. Even if he did not dismantle it and throw it into the trash, he still couldn’t stand the excitement of everyone’s eagerness to try. What if he was noticed? What if?

On the day of Gu Siyi’s date, she was responsible for the last lock.

The people in the classroom were gone, she stayed alone in the bright classroom and suddenly didn't want to leave.

Go back to the position, take out the test paper, and continue to revise the wrong question.

\"It’s stupid... this can be wrong...\"

\"It’s careless...\"

She reviewed herself while watching.

But when I saw a wrong question, I didn’t know what it was, I just couldn’t do it.

Her heart is very anxious, I don’t know why I’m so anxious, I’m trying to solve it, but I can’t...

Just as she was anxious with the ants on the hot pot, a palm covered her head and Gu Siyi looked up.

The person who thinks about it day and night, standing in the afterglow of the sunset, standing in front of her eyes... Gu Siyi’s eyes are not afraid to look at him.

\"Can't you do it?\" Xia Zhizhen took away the test paper under her hand and sat next to her. It was still lazy and had a gentle feeling. He took the pen from her hand. There are several key conditions on the subject...

Gu Siyi looked at him close to him, looking at the broken hair on his forehead, his tall nose, his thin lips. The smell on his body is the smell of good smell that she is familiar with.

\"What to do, look here.\" He scorned her head, and the pen tip clicked on the formula.

But Gu Siyi didn't want to see the subject. She just wanted to look at him. She didn't want to look away for a minute or two.

He simply put down the pen, slowly approached her, raised his hand and pinched her chin, the two were getting closer and closer, her heartbeat was getting more and more urgent, and it was like exploding soon.

\"......!!!\" Gu Siyi suddenly sat up.

The empty classroom, nothing, the sky is already dark, the moonlight and the stars are reflected in the classroom without lights.

Turn your head slowly and look at the test papers on the table. The roll surface is a bit of a messy thread. At first glance, it is a sleepy time stamp...

She stayed up late last night, when she was doing the problem, she fell asleep while doing her work...

A dream, his appearance is just a dream.

But the dream was so realistic, so warm. Let her be so surprised and happy.

Suddenly she woke up in a huge emptiness, and the pain in her heart was pulled.

Why is it just a dream...

Excessive thoughts, let her a weak mess, buried in the table and cried.

She endured for too long, finally because of this ubiquitous thoughts, sad to cry out.

For a long while, she packed herself up, left the classroom, and returned to the bedroom.

No one in the bedroom, she sat at the table, picked up the phone, uncontrolled... dialed the person's cell phone.

Soon, the phone was connected, and there was a low voice, "Hey?"

\"I... I have a question that won't..."

\"Hmm.\" He sighed softly.

\"Can you teach me?\" she asked cautiously.

\"Wait a minute.\" Xia Zhizhen sat at the table, picked up the pen and paper, and said again, "You read the subject to me."

But Gu Siyi feels that he has no way to talk well, fast, \"I shoot it for you.\"

\"it is good.\"

Gu Siyi hung up the phone, took the title and sent it to him via SMS.

In order to control herself not to find him during the summer vacation, she pulled his WeChat black.

Soon, Xia Zhijun called her and told her step by step.

Gu Siyi listened in silence, from time to time.

She is a little scared, afraid that she is still dreaming, gently rubbing her arm, hurt!

When she took a sip of cool air, she was heard by Xia Zhijun over there and asked: "What happened?"

\"Nothing, accidentally bumped down...\" She said casually.

He sighed and continued to give her a title.

After the topic was finished, Gu Siyi still didn't want to hang up the phone, and Xia Zhiyi didn't hang up, waiting for her to hang.

Gu Siyi said: "I am in the mid-term exam... the test is very bad... I am so stupid..."

Xia Zhiwei warm voice: \"It doesn't matter."

Gu Siyi said: "Nobody is there, I can't even learn it... I am stupid..."

Xia Zhisheng once again said warmly: "It doesn't matter."

Gu Siyi said: "I saw it, you took the first grade... Congratulations..."

Xia Zhijun said for a few seconds of silence, "I really want to give you the scores and talents, as long as you are not upset."

\"I just had a dream... dreaming...\"


\"Dream to test a zero score...\" Gu Siyi’s voice choked, \"What if I get worse and worse...\"

\"I said, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you take zero scores."

\"But I don't want to be so far away from you...\" She cried and said, "I don't want to be so far away from you..."

It was quiet for a long time, and Xia Zhijun suddenly said: "You cry again, I will take a zero with you."

Gu Siyi stunned and stayed.

Xia Zhijun said: "Go downstairs, I will give you something."

\"...What?\" Gu Siyi asked doubts.

\"Get it down."

At this moment, Gu Siyi can't take care of any influence. She wants to see him, especially thinking, especially thinking.

So she went downstairs.

Xia Zhijun stood in the shade of the tree waiting for her, Gu Siyi stepped forward, he handed a bag of things to her.

\"There are all waste papers. If you are unhappy, you will tear it away."

Gu Siyi took over.

Xia Zhijun raised his hand and wanted to lick her head. The hand was put down again in the air and said: "Go away."

Gu Siyi returned to the dormitory to see that Xia Zhisheng gave her a certificate and a certificate.

A prompt tone, Xia Zhizhen sent a text message:

\"I don't need your grades to be good. It doesn't matter if you can get into a good university. Just wait for me."

When Gu Siyi was still digesting, he sent another one:

\"If you don't cry because of the test, I will take a zero with you at the end of the period. I am not kidding."

Gu Siyi rushed to reply: "You don't want to mess!"

\"Cry and cry?\"

\"Don't cry! I swear not to cry!\"

Gu Siyi was obeyed by Xia Zhijun, and the inexplicable mood faded.

As if as long as he is still there, she will still care about her, there is nothing to be sad about.

The next day, Gu Siyi took the first honorable list of Xia Zhijun's grade.

She did not give up on herself, but adjusted her mentality and continued to work hard. When she is tired, when she is sleepy, she takes out her mobile phone and takes a look.

Look at this outstanding teenager, let her rush out of endless energy and continue to work hard.

As a student of school, for the first time, she fell in love with her heart. Because whenever she studies, she feels that she is closer to him.

I don't know if it is intentional or unintentional. Since that time, there have been many opportunities for the two to meet.

Sometimes I meet in the cafeteria, sometimes in the library, sometimes in the study room, although it is just a look of eye, Gu Siyi has been extremely satisfied.

When the final exam came, her mood was not as tight as the midterm exam.

Before the exam, she specially sent a text message to Xia Zhijun: "I am very prepared! You must also take a good exam! The first is to learn God!"

Xia Zhixun replies: \"Good.\"

At the end of the period, Gu Siyi's scores advanced ten in the class, and the grade advanced by seventy.

Xia Zhijun still maintains the legend of learning the gods, and got the highest score in the city in the final exam of the city's unified examination papers.

However, the school’s expectation for Xia Zhijun has not only been the case. During the winter vacation, he entered the national team training and competed in the international competition.

On the day of the holiday, when Gu Zhiyuan and his wife came to the school to take care of Si Yi, they saw the honorable list posted.

Of course, I also saw the first name of the third year of the summer.

Gu Zhiyuan: "This child is too good."

Xu Jiahui nodded: \"Yes, smart and extraordinary."

Gu Siyi went home during the winter vacation and took the initiative to ask his parents to ask for a tutor.

Mom and Dad don't really want their daughter to be so hard, but seeing her being so aggressive, she still works very well. She spent a lot of money asking people to come home to give her a tutor. In the past few days, the tutoring was suspended.

On New Year's Eve, she received a message from Xia Zhijun: "How long do you want to keep me on the blacklist?"

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