MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 71

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The lively music by the pool continued. Among the more and more young people who were having fun, a man was sitting on the beach chair by the pool, looking at the lively opposite. The man in blue casual clothes shook the champagne, and his gaze fell steadily on Chen Qizhao who was on the sofa in the pool opposite.

Yan Kailin didn't want to rub off in front of other people's cameras, so he pulled Chen Qizhao to sit on the sofa and sat down to greet the people who came. Why do people always wink at us?"

"May be interested in you." Chen Qizhao lowered his head and picked from the photos sent by Yan Kailin. He chose one that was acceptable, but hesitated a bit on the sending interface.

Yan Kailin looked over, "Brother, what are you doing? Are you posting on your Moments? What are you posting?"

Chen Qizhao's fingers paused slightly, and when sending, only Shen Yuhuai was visible, and then said: "No sending."

Yan Kailin glanced at the Moments in disbelief, but he really didn't see Chen Qizhaofa's Moments, he was wondering when he suddenly saw a person walking towards them not far away.

"Kailin, long time no see." The man sat next to him, and the beautiful woman who came with him sat comfortably next to Chen Qizhao.

Chen Qizhao, who was parked on the friend circle interface, raised his eyes slightly and saw a beautiful woman with a champagne glass swaying beside him. He didn't speak, but looked at the man who was communicating with Yan Kailin.

Taking a look, he remembered who this man was.

The relationship between the Sun family and the Chen family is just normal. But the Sun family and the Lin family are different. The Sun family runs the transportation line of some of the Lin family's products, and the two have cooperated several times. The relationship between the Sun family and the Lin family is not bad.

"It's Zhao." Master Sun raised his glass a little.

Chen Qizhao did not speak, but did not refuse, and clinked glasses with him.

Just this clink, the champagne glasses were drained in one go, and Chen Qizhao raised the glass towards Young Master Sun.

Master Sun's sipping action stopped, so he had to bite the bullet and finish it, "Qi Zhao has a good amount of alcohol."

Cheng Rong originally took his little girlfriend, but when he saw that Yan Kailin was busy, he came over to join in the fun.

Master Sun mixed in, looking at Chen Qizhao who was clinking glasses and drinking with Yan Kailin.

And when it's lively here, the table games are on. Young Master Sun came here, so it's not good to withdraw at this time.

It's just this participation, the relationship between Master Sun and Cheng Rong is the same as usual. Cheng Rong's wine party has been mixed several times, and he knows how crazy these people play games. But this kind of game, in the final analysis, is like that, more people may not drink more.

Everyone rolled the dice, and Master Sun silently observed Chen Qizhao.

When he looked at Chen Qizhao, he found that Chen Qizhao was also looking at him occasionally, his eyes were clear, and he occasionally avoided his eyes.

"It's boring to drink so much." Chen Qizhao, "Would you like to blow the bottle?"

Yan Kailin loves to be lively: "Okay!"

Chen Qizhao looked at Young Master Sun, "Can Young Master Sun do?"

"Okay." Master Sun came to Chen Qizhao this time. Sometimes it's always better to talk when drunk, and playing games is also an opportunity for him. His eyes looked at Chen Qizhao from time to time, and every time it was Chen Qizhao's turn to call, he would find a way to open his dice.

But soon he found out that these were just his illusions, because every time the dice was rolled, the unlucky one was always on his side. The key point is that this group of people is playing a lot. When he loses, he will face a whole bottle of champagne next to him.

"Why do you drink so much!?" Yan Kailin said dissatisfied.

Liu Kai also joined in the fun, "Young Master Sun, how much is this, can't you afford it?"

Master Sun's eyes noticed Chen Qizhao.

Chen Qizhao did not speak, his eyes looked at him calmly.

As if noticing his gaze, he lifted the glass slightly, "Drink."

After several rounds, Master Sun also learned to be smart, and he did not take the initiative to touch Chen Qizhao.

It's just that he didn't take the initiative to touch him, but Cheng Rong and others chased after him, and in the end, the inexplicable drinker became him. Before he could get Chen Qizhao drunk, he vomited first.

The liveliness by the pool was watched by the man sitting on the beach chair not far away.

He shook the glass and watched Young Master Sun being helped to vomit, his expression did not change.

In the booing crowd, his eyes stopped on the young master of the Chen family who was talking to Yan Kailin in the middle. come together.

Silently, the phone he placed beside him lit up.

The man answered the phone, drinking and listening to the caller's voice, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Tonight? Then you send a car to pick me up."

"I am now? I happened to be free to attend the party and saw Chen Qizhao." The man looked away and put down the champagne in his hand, "I didn't see anything, Chen Qizhao really had a good time with this group of people."


The man loosened his collar slightly, "That may be my illusion."

By the pool.

"There is something wrong with this surnamed Sun. He drove us twice and instigated us to drive you. Do you think we can't see the situation?" I don't see how to play it, but there is a way to target it."

Yan Kailin said: "I said why he keeps aiming at me."

"I've been in the game for so long, can't you see who is targeting me in front of me?" Cheng Rong's relationship with Chen Qizhao is not bad recently. Last time Chen Qizhao helped him and Liu Kai is busy, "Drinking is just playing, it's boring to target."

"Really? Don't you have a good time? It's a pity that others have left."

Just now they were playing games here, and there were not many people watching curiously. They were among the people watching the game blatantly looking at them, and it was really not easy to be found. The man on the opposite side seemed to be drinking, but in fact, he looked towards them very frequently, and seemed to be watching them all the time.

Chen Qizhao couldn't help but concentrate.

If it were changed before, Lin Shizhong would most likely do the same to him as last time.

He came here on a whim, and even if Lin Shizhong wanted to arrange it, it was too late, not to mention that this party was not hosted by him, there were too many uncontrollable factors. Lin Shizhong is busy cleaning up the mess now, and he has no time to do another hot topic, especially in such an occasion that involves a lot of people.

It's just that he is curious, there are too many people to follow.

Lin Shizhong is indeed shrewd, but he will not arrange too many people to follow him at this critical moment. This is too much to startle the snake, and it is easy to make the Chen family vigilant. There is a Chen Liyao in the company. There was a person in the school before, and now he has people from the Sun family coming... In addition to the sight in the dark, he always thinks this is a bit strange.

Is it necessary to divide so many people to check him?

What went wrong?

"I'll go to the bathroom." Chen Qizhao said.

Yan Kailin was having a good time with others, and he just waved his hand.

Chen Qizhao walked to the bathroom, always paying attention to the sights behind him, but when he was near the bathroom, some of his sights suddenly stopped. When he entered the bathroom, he accidentally saw a certain A beautiful woman was supporting the young master of the Sun family, who was holding the door of the toilet cubicle and vomited wildly into the bathroom.

He washed his hands slowly, and saw the messy young Master Sun behind him through the mirror.

Suddenly I remembered something I accidentally saw in my previous life. Lin Shizhong likes to use people very much, and also likes to provoke contradictions and bites in others. The Sun family did have a good relationship with the Lin family, but Lin Shizhong was just using the other party's channels. After the Chen family went bankrupt, Lin Shizhong made the channel himself, and the Sun family was kicked aside by him in the blink of an eye, and the final outcome was ugly.

Because some illegal transportation was involved, Lin Shizhong escaped cleanly, but the Sun family not only got a lawsuit, but also went bankrupt later. At that time, Lin Shizhong hadn't even seen them, let alone helping them. He even stepped on them secretly several times, which made them ugly.

Chen Qizhao also listened to it once or twice in his last life, so his memory of the Sun family is not too deep.

Lin Shizhong has too many means, including the means of vicious competition that he is using now, to devour opponents and strengthen himself.

Beauty can't help Young Master Sun by herself, and when she sees Chen Qizhao, she casts a look for help.

Chen Qizhao didn't even look at it. After washing his hands, he wiped his hands with a tissue. He looked at the embarrassed man kneeling on the ground with interest, and finally threw the tissue into the trash can and went straight to left the bathroom.


At 12:00 in the middle of the night, the man at the table drank the warm water in his hand, and he opened the phone.

The message on the interface is still the previous conversation. The email he sent was accompanied by a short reply from Chen Qizhao. .

[- Zhao: recently [photo]]

He saw a similar photo in Yan Kailin's circle of friends not long ago, but this photo and the angle are more real than the previous one. Shen Yuhuai liked under the circle of friends, and when he returned to the news, he suddenly noticed a new message popping up in the message list.

Shen Yuhuai opened the address book and made a direct call.

After the call on the other side, he opened his mouth and said, "Have you rested yet?"

"You haven't slept yet?" Yan Kaiqi's voice came from the receiver, "Then I just told you about the controlled items, you asked me to check the customs before, and I looked at the channel for you. , there is no suspicious situation. But there is one thing I can remind you to pay attention to. From the few institutions you gave me, I found that two of them have cooperation with the capital. "

"The capital?" Shen Yuhuai hesitated.

Considering the extraction route of the controlled substance, he went to check the large equipment and raw materials that need to be extracted, which is not difficult to check, so he listed the institutions in S city that have registered the large equipment , simply find the company behind the organization.

It's just that some institutions belong to foreign companies and involve related overseas channels, so he asked Yan Kaiqi for help in this matter. Yan's family has a wider overseas market, and it is easier than him to check some things, but Apparently this line is broken from overseas.

"Overseas is basically impossible. The S city is strictly checked, so I will help you focus on domestic."

Yan Kaiqi said: "I checked their business, the background is rather strange is that the two cooperate with Beijing, I want to tell you another thing, the information of these two is very Strange, it’s legal and compliant, but I can’t find out which company he is cooperating with, which means that someone is helping.

"So the focus is not on the S city... but on the capital." Shen Yuhuai asked: "Can't find any other information on the surface?"

"I can't find the things on the bright side, but I think you know, if it's really in the S city, do you think the Chen family can't find it?" Yan Kaiqi said with a smile, "Chen Shiming is shrewd, He will definitely check things like dangerous compounds, but he probably doesn't think about it as deeply as you, after all, except for your profession, who would think about using equipment to extract such a laborious thing."

Shen Yuhuai did not speak, but was thinking about things.

"But I thought about it carefully, maybe you thought too much." Yan Kaiqi explained: "Businessmen seek profit, according to what you said, extracting this kind of thing takes time and costs so much. It is too much to extract a small amount of things to make a problematic aromatherapy. It's too small to use. This inexplicably increases the cost, and the possibility of extraction is not large, and you have to find a skilled technician ."

Shen Yuhuai suddenly said: "Then if you say... not only extract this time."

Yan Kaiqi was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"This type of compound is harmful to the human body, but its use is not limited to that, it is also used in the industrial chain of other industries. You are right, the extraction does take time, I assume it is This kind of technology is mature, and for the user, he thinks the extraction method is safer than buying in the market, so he chooses to extract." Shen Yuhuai thought for a moment, "Of course I'm just guessing."

There are so many things that can be done... From the capital needed to operate the equipment to the raw materials, if we really want to do such an industry chain, there must be very mature technical personnel and operation systems. Things that can't be found on the Internet will only be dirtier in the background.

"Your guess is too scary." Yan Kaiqi became full of energy and said: "If you say it like this, isn't it possible that someone is doing these things behind the scenes without registration, a mature industry chain, Who knows what they do with these things."

In the room, Shen Yuhuai said calmly, "So I hope this is just my guess."

He said: "After you send me the information, there is no need to check the rest. I will find a way."

If this matter involves too many levels, then asking Yan Kaiqi to investigate will only put the other party in danger.

At first, he didn't think much about it, thinking that it was just a special purpose made by an enemy of the Chen family, but with the recent expansion of the matter, the investigation of aromatherapy has become more and more complicated, and Chen Qizhao has many people around He always felt that an inexplicable big hand stopped behind them when he followed the people who took the candid photos, and he might reach out to the Chen family at any time.

"Yu Huai, you have already mentioned this, then I will help you to check." Yan Kaiqi stretched, "Besides, this matter belongs to the Chen family, when I was a child Our family also owes the Chen family a lot of gratitude for Kailin's falling into the water. If not for Chen Qizhao at that time, when the two of us arrived, Kailin's kid would have been cold."

Yan Kaiqi recalled that when he arrived with Shen Yuhuai at that time, he saw Chen Qizhao holding Yan Kailin tightly, and the two of them were lying on the side of the boat, almost breaking out in a cold sweat. His younger brother Yan Kailin didn't know how to water at all, and he sank immediately after entering the water. He didn't know where Chen Qizhao had the strength to bring people up at that time.

Thinking of this matter, he hated that iron is not steel, "Then I won't disturb your rest for now, I'll tell you about other things tomorrow, I have to bring that stinky boy back now , I haven't seen you for a few days and I've learned to lie."

Shen Yuhuai heard the words: "What?"

"What can you do, take a bunch of photos to deceive me, and tell me that you and Chen Qizhao are studying at school, but you end up going to some pool party, blowing bottles with people, and bringing women." Yan Kaiqi I didn't want to worry about it so much, but I saw a photo of Yan Kailin blowing a bottle with someone, flushing from the drink, surrounded by two or three **** beauties, "I don't care about him, he will make trouble for me the next day. Come."

Shen Yuhuai's eyes stopped slightly, "Who are you going with?"

Yan Kaiqi said: "Who can I go with? With Chen Qizhao, for the first time, I know that I can learn to go to the swimming pool. When I travel in the sea of ​​books, I don't take him to swim like this."

"Stop talking, I'll take a look first."

Shen Yuhuai suddenly said, "Are you at home?"

Yan Kaiqi stopped and asked, "Yes, what's wrong?"

In the middle of the night, when Shen Xuelan came out of the study, she heard noises from outside the room.

She yawned and walked to the window, and suddenly caught sight of Shen Yuhuai's car coming out of the garage, frowning slightly, "In the middle of the night... is there something wrong with the laboratory?"

The road is quiet at night.

The direction of Yan's house was right on the way. Shen Yuhuai picked him up at Yan Kaiqi's residence, and then navigated away according to the address provided by the other party. Yan Kaiqi got into the car and said, "You seem to be sleeping very late recently. You still have time to come out with me at this point."

Seeing Yan Kaiqi's tired appearance, Shen Yuhuai said, "Next time you come out late at night, you'd better call a driver."

"It was originally intended to be called, so it's fine if you don't come." Yan Kaiqi, "I have to trouble you to come out and be my driver, in fact, I'll just call a driver."

When the car arrived at the traffic light, Yan Kaiqi was still chattering about Yan Kailin to Shen Yuhuai.

Shen Yuhuai said at the right time: "This age is very playful, sometimes you can leave it alone."

Yan Kaiqi was in a fit of rage: "Can you ignore this photo?"

The photo in the mobile phone is the photo of the circle of friends, which should be taken by a friend of Yan Kaiqi.

Shen Yuhuai glanced at it, Yan Kailin was blowing on the bottle on the sofa by the pool, Chen Qizhao was sitting next to him, champagne in his hand, the sofa looked a bit crowded, and the thigh of the person next to him was almost touching Next to Chen Qizhao.

Yan Kaiqi withdrew his phone and drew another photo for Shen Yuhuai to see.

The photos are nothing but those photos that Yan Kailin posted while pretending to study. One of them is too familiar. It is the one that Shen Yuhuai liked in Chen Qizhao's circle of friends not long ago.

Swipe up and you can see several more.

Same scene, same people…

Shen Yuhuai: "…"

He fell silent.

Yan Kaiqi asked: "Are you going too far?"

The green light was on, Shen Yuhuai turned the steering wheel, and responded, "Yeah."

By the pool, young people who are ready to play all night are getting more and more fun.

When Chen Qizhao sat down, he glanced at the chair opposite the pool. The man who was sitting there was gone, and there was no sign of coming back. He lowered his eyes slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he looked away, and the sight that was vaguely following seemed to be gone.

He checked the news on his mobile phone, but he didn't see any news from Chen Shiming.

In the past, when he went out to drink, Chen Shiming either called or sent text messages. It was rare to be so quiet today. He skipped the news and saw the news of the circle of friends below.

When I clicked in, I saw Shen Yuhuai's praise for him. His eyes stayed on the little red heart for a moment, and he noticed that the time of the praise was an hour ago. He stopped and wanted to cut back. hand.

It's almost 2 o'clock.

At this point, Shen Yuhuai should have fallen asleep.

Chen Qizhao finished the champagne and said, "Let's go."

Yan Kailin was having a good time and said, "So fast?!"

"There will be morning class tomorrow." Chen Qizhao glanced at him and said, "Or do you want to skip class tomorrow morning, and then your brother will settle the account with you?"

When he mentioned the eldest brother of the Yan family, Yan Kailin hesitated and said to Cheng Rong, "Brother, see you next time."

Cheng Rong and Liu Kai were used to it, and when they saw it, they said, "I'll have someone call you a car."

It didn't go astray when.

When the car drove into the villa area, the music in the villa had already spread to the outside.

In a group of luxury cars, Yan Kaiqi was looking for a parking space, and suddenly saw two people standing in the distance, feeling a little familiar, he said: "There is someone over there, why does it look like Yan Kailin?"

Shen Yuhuai stared slightly, followed the direction Yan Kaiqi pointed, and saw the boy standing in the night wind. From a distance, there was a man lying on the hood of the car beside the boy. Shen Yuhuai adjusted the direction and drove over, and he could see the person after taking care of him.

The boy stood in the cold wind and turned over the lighter skillfully.

With a snap, the flames lit up in the dark night, and he lit a cigarette by the side of the road.

There are a bunch of cars parked outside the villa, and others are still having fun inside.

The driver arranged by Cheng Rong hadn't come yet. Chen Qizhao asked Yan Kailin to lean on the car next to him. He glanced at the bright villa, and just opened the lid of the lighter, and saw the light on the opposite side. come over.

The light is facing this way, as if looking at them.

Chen Qizhao squinted slightly, unable to see people in the backlight, and said with Yan Kailin, "Wake up, the car is coming."

Yan Kailin: "Come again! Do it!"

"Fuck him!"

A drunk person is delirious.

Chen Qizhao: "…"

He didn't move at all, lit a cigarette, and planned to wait for the driver to come and help.

Only after the car stopped, the light was still shining here.

Chen Qizhao squinted and the lights went out. He suddenly felt that the car was a little familiar, and he couldn't help but move his eyes to the position in front of the car, intending to look at the license plate.

"Yan Kailin!" A man got off the co-pilot and walked towards them angrily.

Chen Qizhao was thinking, when he saw the eldest brother of the Yan family, he suddenly recovered, and after a while, he saw the man in the driver's seat come down.

The man was tall and straight, showing a familiar profile face under the slight light.

Soon, the man turned around, looked towards Chen Qizhao, and closed the door.

Chen Qizhao's expression froze, his hand suddenly hid behind him, and the smoke between his fingers fell to the ground. He silently looked at Shen Yuhuai, took two steps back slightly, and stepped on the cigarette with precision.