MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 70

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In the moving car, Lin Shizhong was talking to someone.

It's not easy, all the lines that can be received are closed, so that things here won't get involved there."

After hanging up the phone, he looked a little dignified, thinking of something, and a little bit of anger.

If there was no problem with the Charity Association, why did he need to be careful like this, but he would have caught the line long ago. Now not only are some things closed to avoid influence, but Chen's affairs are also full of problems. When he used Chen's to set up such a big situation, it would have been a smooth thing to make Chen's bankruptcy logically. Who knows it will become like this now situation.

He inquired about the situation with Chen Jianhong many times these days. Chen Jianhong's attitude was the same as before, but in fact he was a little suspicious of him.

The giant ship sank.

As of now, the Chen family can no longer stay.

Staying around is too much for them.

Lin Shizhong was silent for a moment, then asked, "What's the matter with Chen Qizhao last time?"

The assistant reported the investigation results in an orderly manner.

"How did you find the person?" Lin Shizhong frowned: "Discovered by Chen Qizhao? How did you find it?"

"It was not discovered at first, but Chen Qizhao only regarded him as a stalker in the school, beat him up and let him go." The assistant hesitated, then said: "He So it will be revealed that it was discovered by Shen Yuhuai of the Shen family. At that time, Shen Yuhuai and Chen Qizhao were together, and it may have been discovered that others were following him.

Chen Qizhao and Shen Yuhuai are friends and have a good relationship.

Lin Shizhong knew this information. He also suspected Chen Qizhao once before, but at that time, no problem was found in Chen Qizhao. "So things are gone and people are exposed?"

The assistant looked embarrassed, "Although there is no photo, we learned from the person's oral statement about Chen Qizhao's recent itinerary, which is similar to our previous investigation. Except for class time, other times he or Mixing with the rich second-generation like Yan Kailin, or going to the company occasionally, I didn't find any problems on the whole."

No other problems were found from Chen Qizhao himself.

"Where is the person he associates with?" Lin Shizhong continued to ask, taking the report paper from the assistant.

"It's still those rich second-generation students who didn't make good friends in school." The assistant continued: "Our people in the company can't move around obviously, and they are all being watched by Chen Shiming. We I had to get in touch with the person arranged by the gentleman, and the other party said that Chen Qizhao was really concerned by Chen Jianhong recently, but he did not participate too much in the management of the company, but his assistant walked more diligently."

"We also followed the clues he gave to check the assistant. He has a simple resume and no other complicated interpersonal relationships. He is honest and has a strong ability to do things. There have been many things happening in the Chen family recently. It is said that Chen Shiming took a fancy to this assistant Zhou and planned to promote him. It seems that Chen Qizhao also quarreled with Chen Shiming because of this incident, and it was very unpleasant, and he did not go to the company for the past few days. "

The assistant finished the situation and looked at Lin Shizhong cautiously: "Mr. Lin, this matter..."

Lin Shizhong swept to the people who appeared on Chen Qizhao's relationship network, "He is close to Qin Yunxuan?"

The assistant said: "It seems to be the Cheng family's Cheng Rong team. Chen Qizhao has met Qin Yunxuan several times at the wine party. It is said that the relationship is not bad."

"Keep watching." Lin Shizhong threw the report back to him, "There is no problem now, it does not mean that the person is right."

The night at the Shen family was quite lively, and it was very late when Mrs. Gu left.

Mother Shen and Father Shen went to talk about the Gu family, Shen Yuhuai left the living room, saw Shen Xuelan drinking on the balcony, and walked over.

Shen Xuelan in a suit leaned against the railing, the ice cubes in the whisky in her hand swayed, and when she saw Shen Yuhuai coming, she said in a relaxed voice, "It's rare, you didn't leave the table early tonight."

"I'm curious about the Chen family." Shen Yuhuai didn't hide it, and said directly, "Ask you something."

Shen Xuelan asked: "Are you investigating the controlled object recently? Want to borrow someone from me?"

"It's not necessary to borrow someone, I have ideas." Shen Yuhuai looked at her sideways, "I want to ask about the Chen family, has the Chen family encountered any problems recently?"

"Ask this? It's hard to say, but something happened at the Chen family's side. You also know about the aromatherapy thing a while ago, it wasn't too loud, but the people who should know I see." Shen Xuelan frowned and said, "Someone is targeting the Chen family."

Shen Yuhuai did not speak.

"You asked because of Chen Qizhao, right?" Shen Xuelan raised her eyes slightly: "It's rare that you are interested in these things. When Yan Kaiqi returned to China for development, you only asked him something, but As for the Chen family, you seem to be doing it yourself."

"Well." Shen Yuhuai stretched out his hand and took away the whisky in her hand, his tone was flat: "Drink less wine."

"You're so boring, I'll let the assistant send you the Chen family's information later, so I'm so curious, why don't you come to the company to do things, how can you mess with your research?" Shen Xuelan snatched the wine back again, He smiled and said, "By the way, this year happens to be in S City. Dad is going to hold a birthday party for you. What do you think?"

"Let's talk."

Shen Yuhuai didn't communicate much with Shen Xuelan, and not long after returning to the room, he received a related email from Assistant Shen Xuelan in the mailbox.

He downloaded the email and caught a glimpse of an album on the desktop.

I don't know when I took it out, and I didn't put it back after I finished flipping it.

Shen Yuhuai opened the album, his eyes stopped on the young self inside, and then he turned back to see Xiaodouding standing beside him.

The Shen family has a very good relationship with the Chen family. Shen Yuhuai remembers that when he was eleven or twelve years old, he often attended parties with his parents. He had also seen children from other families, but the one that impressed him the most should be It still belongs to Chen Qizhao.

Chen Qizhao was actually cuter than now when he was a child. He always had baby fat on his face and had a small dimple when he laughed. He is the most outstanding among the young children. Although he is playful, he is more like a little sun and often makes the elders laugh.

Shen Yuhuai has seen it several times from a distance, and has always had a good impression of him.

When he first entered junior high school, the Shen family encountered some problems. For a period of time, he followed Shen Xuelan in the Chen family's car and stayed at the Chen family for a while, and waited for someone to pick them up at night. Occasionally, in special circumstances, they will stay at Chen's house. In the relationship between Shen Xuelan and Chen Shiming, the two are also classmates, and they often discuss homework together. The atmosphere of the two is surrounded by a circle, and they have no time to talk to Chen Qizhao, who is still a child.

So in the end, it was his turn to stay with Chen Qizhao.

The study place is Chen Qizhao's bedroom, the desk is very long, while he is reading here, Chen Qizhao is practicing calligraphy on the other side.


The math problem that day was very simple, and he had seen Chen Qizhao write a more difficult problem.

But he patiently explained the topic to him, leaving his own handwriting on the other party's clean book.

One makes two, and then three.

Chen Qizhao began to like to talk to him, or to ask questions, or to be curious about what books he was reading, or to take him to stroll in the Chen's garden.

The matter of the Shen family came to an end.

But he also went to study in another place because of his studies.

When we meet again, Chen Qizhao has changed into another appearance.

Shen Yuhuai took back his thoughts, and a prompt box popped up on the phone, prompting someone to reply to his message.

Chen Qizhao had something to do when he arrived at the school, so he went to the counselor's office to make up the leave slip, and then sent it to the teacher. When he got to the dormitory, he noticed the message Shen Yuhuai sent him in the afternoon.

As soon as he replied to the message, Yan Kailin knocked on the door and said that he was going to play at night.

"Brother, what time do we go out!" Yan Kailin came into the dormitory, and said in a carefree voice: "Cheng Rong said that everything is ready over there, and the group is only two of us. The class was skipped, didn't you say that you would take leave today?"

Cheng Rong organizes rounds, and there are many rounds recently.

When Cheng Rong came to invite yesterday, Chen Qizhao did not refuse. After all, there may be several people behind him now. There are too many people who want to observe him and follow him. fall.

Acting is also a work of art, too often to appear intentional, too little to appear abnormal.

"Did the car call?" Chen Qizhao put down his schoolbag and went to the closet to pick up some clothes, "I'll take a shower first."

"Called." Yan Kailin swiped his phone, "Everything is ready, waiting for you to take a shower."

Chen Qizhao: "…"

Yan Kailin was about to say something to Chen Qizhao, but as soon as he spoke, he saw the bathroom door slam shut.

The things in the bathroom were left at will, Chen Qizhao put the things in his pockets on the sink, and turned on the shower and other hot water.

The sound of the collision of water flow covered the noisy Yan Kailin outside the bathroom, and he stared at the water gushing out of the shower.

The water was hot, and Chen Qizhao came back to his senses and entered the shower, where the water soaked his hair.

After a while, the bell rang from the sink, Chen Qizhao came out of the shower with squinted eyes, wiped his wet hands on the dirty clothes, and opened the phone without looking at it .

"Hello? Who?"

"Are you busy?" Shen Yuhuai's voice came from the receiver.

Chen Qizhao was stunned for a moment, took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Shen Yuhuai.

"It's fine." Chen Qizhao: "...Why did Brother Huai suddenly call me?"

Shen Yuhuai replied, "Can't I call you?"

Chen Qizhao paused: "Yes, you can call me directly."

"I didn't reply to the information I sent you, so I called and asked." Shen Yuhuai's voice was as usual. The voice over there... are you taking a shower?"

"It's okay, you say." After Chen Qizhao finished speaking, he paused, listening to the silence on the phone for a moment, suddenly felt that his words were a bit strange, and changed his words: "What information?"

In the room, Shen Yuhuai looked at the chat interface on the computer, but his mood was on his ear.

The boy's voice seemed to be separated by a layer of fog, with a bit of hoarseness in the sound of rustling water.

Shen Yuhuai didn't hang up the phone, but said, "The information about the aromatherapy controlled substances, I checked something and sent it to you."

"Wait." Chen Qizhao raised his voice, put it aside, and went to the shower to wash off some foam from his body.

He took a battle bath, turned off the shower, and said, "I'm fine, you say."

The man's steady voice came from the handset, mixed with a little smile.

Shen Yuhuai said: "Actually, there is no need to hurry, it is the market company that controls the flow of goods that I checked before. I don't know if you need it or not, so I will send it to you first."

"I need it." Chen Qizhao brushed his wet forehead back, "Thank you Brother Huai."

He checked his mobile phone and found that there were indeed documents sent by Shen Yuhuai in the vx.

At this time, there was a knock from Yan Kailin outside the door.

"How are you?"

A voice came from the speaker, "Yan Kailin?"

"Well, he called me out for dinner."

Chen Qizhao retracted his thoughts and noticed that the call between the two had not been interrupted, "I'll look at the document in a while... Then I hang up?"

Shen Yuhuai hummed.

Chen Qizhao did not move.

Shen Yuhuai asked: "Isn't it hanging?"

"Hang up." Chen Qizhao hung up the phone, and the sound in the bathroom suddenly disappeared.

He wiped his hair with a bath towel, his eyes still on the phone interface, his eyes darkened slightly.

Chen Qizhao tapped his finger on the screen and looked at the name in the call log.

Since it's not urgent...why did you call?

The door opened, and Yan Kailin, who was leaning in front of the door, stumbled twice.

Chen Qizhao looked at him, "What?"

"You didn't answer me just now." Yan Kailin asked curiously, "Who were you on the phone with? I seem to hear you talking to someone."

Chen Qizhao threw the dirty clothes into the washing machine and took the coat, "You are hallucinating."

Cheng Rong's pool party is in his villa, which is a long way from S, and it takes 40 minutes to drive.

When I went to the place, I saw a lot of people, and there were many people, and there were many strange faces mixed during the period.

Chen Qizhao looked at the big cake near the pool, frowned slightly and asked, "Today is Cheng Rong's birthday?"

"It's not his birthday, didn't he find a girlfriend a while ago? Little star, who is in the entertainment industry." Yan Kailin handed a glass of champagne to Chen Qizhao, and then said: "It's his today. It's your girlfriend's birthday, haven't you seen a lot of stars?"

The light by the pool is not very bright, and there are a group of people mixed together, Chen Qizhao is not interested in other people's faces.

I heard that Cheng Rong was looking for a girlfriend a while ago, but Yan Kailin talked too much every time. It doesn't matter if Cheng Rong has a girlfriend or not.

Birthday...Chen Qizhao suddenly thought of something, but after a while, his attention was distracted by other sights in the arena.

The flow of people is mixed, and there are many faces, which means that there are people who do not know.

Chen Qizhao shook the wine glass, and other emotions were hidden in his half-drooping eyes.

At this time, Cheng Rong brought his girlfriend over to say hello.

Chen Qizhao looked back at them.

Cheng Rong: "This is what I told you before, Mr. Chen, my friend, do you remember that drama that became popular before? He has investment and has made several stars popular."

Yan Kailin corrected: "It's called the heart."

"Yes, yes, that's it!" Cheng Rong said.

The little star is really pure and beautiful, and the face is a bit familiar. Chen Qizhao thought that he should have seen this person when he watched the dog blood gossip file with Zhang Yazhi. He gave Cheng Rong face and raised it a little. Raise the wine glass.

When Cheng Rong walked around with his girlfriend, more people came to say hello.

"I'd better not go over to join in the fun, and we'll go to the sofa over there in a while." Yan Kailin was horrified when he saw the young man who was recording a video not far away, "How can these people love Shooting and shooting, whether to drink or take pictures, it's really boring, Cheng Rong also told me that it was a little fun."

"You didn't deal with your brother before you came?" Chen Qizhao clinked glasses with him.

Yan Kailin said: "Can I tell my brother? Before I came, I sent him several photos in succession. He now thinks that I am studying with you in the dormitory."

Chen Qizhao: "Where did you get the photo?"

"The last time I shot, I changed several angles to shoot continuously." Yan Kailin said: "Don't worry, it won't be revealed. Brother Shiming has been staring at you recently, look back at me Send it to you, you can take it to deal with Brother Shi Ming, ready to use."

Chen Qizhao: "…"

Noticing Chen Qizhao's eyes, Yan Kailin said dissatisfiedly: "It's really useful. After I posted it last time, Shen Yuhuai gave me a like."

Chen Qizhao's expression paused slightly, "He also likes you?"

"Well, I added Yu Huai as a friend, and I haven't seen him in the Moments. I thought he was disdainful of playing Moments." Yan Kailin pulled Chen Qizhao away from there He flashed the flash, and said as he walked: "I didn't see him like it when I posted it on Moments before. Didn't I post that pretentious Moments before? Shen Yuhuai gave me a thumbs up."

Yan Kailin occasionally likes to call Shen Yuhuai's name directly in private, and when he talks about it, he is very proud: "As expected, for people like my brother and Shen Yuhuai, only this photo can make them like it."

Chen Qizhao frowned slightly, "He gave you a lot of likes?"

"Of course, don't believe it." Yan Kailin took out his phone, "Lately I have been liked every day, you can see. Oh, this is a second like, I was shocked when I saw it, but he didn't leave me a message. I suspected that he took advantage of my brother, and I looked at my circle of friends every day, just to see if I went out and fucked."

Chen Qizhao took Yan Kailin's mobile phone and swiped over to see several of Yan Kailin's recent Moments, all of which were liked by Shen Yuhuai.

He lowered his eyes slightly, thinking of what Shen Yuhuai had liked in his circle of friends a while ago, he threw the phone back to Yan Kailin, "It's a good post, don't post it next time."

Yan Kailin: "Why, isn't this very effective?"

Chen Qizhao's tone was indifferent, "If your brother can't even see that you are wearing the same clothes in the circle of friends for three consecutive days, then there is no need for him to return to China to develop."

Yan Kailin: "?"

Chen Qizhao added: "Of course, if your Yan family is a one-liner, you can pretend that I didn't say it."

After he finished speaking, he took two steps, saw Yan Kailin stopped in place, looked at him suspiciously: "What?"

"I deleted the day in the middle, so that I don't wear the same clothes for three consecutive days." Yan Kailin quickly finished the circle of friends, "After we go back, let's change clothes and take two pictures. "

Chen Qizhao: "…"

Yan Kailin said with a pity: "I took a lot of pictures before, but I can't use them now."

"What did you take?" Chen Qizhao said: "Show me."


At ten o'clock in the evening, the Chen family's study was brightly lit, Chen Shiming stood in front of Chen Jianhong, and all the surveillance photos inside the company were spread out on the table, and Chen Liyao's figure was very obvious.

Chen Jianhong finished flipping through the photos, his eyes sank a little: "What else is there besides these?"

"According to the current investigation results, Chen Liyao should be the eyeliner placed by the other party in the group, but his department has little influence on us and is not conspicuous enough. In addition to following Xiao Zhou, he also I passed by the 6th floor." Chen Shiming explained: "He was excusable to go to the 6th floor, because he needed to go to the 6th floor to deliver documents for his work, but the manager Qi on the 6th floor was my focus. After finding out his problem, he I went to adjust the surveillance during this period and found that he had entered Manager Qi's office on the grounds of sending documents."

"Your third uncle's house... Forget it, this matter will go according to your plan." Chen Jianhong said: "To be on the safe side, check all the projects that have been in line with your third uncle's house over the years. If something goes wrong with Chen Liyao, it doesn't rule out that your third uncle is safe."

"I'm arranging this matter, but there is one more thing..." Chen Shiming looked at Chen Jianhong, his tone was a little lower: "I received a document from Qi Zhao a while ago, and then I checked the South Among the several companies in the district, the Chen family started from the southern district. I remember that the Chen family decided to develop in the southern district because there was a municipal project in the southern district."

When the Chen Group was in the generation of Chen Shiming's grandfather, there were only a dozen companies under it. Compared with the nearly 100 companies under the group now, the Chen Group was not so smooth.

With the opportunity of the year, Chen's business became bigger and stronger, so that most of Chen's business is now in the southern district of S City.

"There is such a thing, why ask?" Chen Jianhong said.

I would ask this question, naturally I saw something in Chen Qizhao's file.

Chen Qizhao's investigation has a very strong purpose. He insists on one direction and will investigate in that direction. Regarding the business in the Southern District, Chen Qizhao investigated the matter when the Chen family started to develop rapidly 30 years ago, and also mentioned the overlapping part of the assets of the Lin family and the Chen family.

Chen Shiming said: "I received a document that mentioned something, and I followed it to the group to check. It was difficult to check the situation in the early years, but I learned something." When I went to investigate this matter, I found that the Lin family had a tendency to develop into the real estate industry as early as 30 years ago, but because of setbacks in a certain project at that time, the Lin family was not so smooth, and was almost dragged down by the investment in that project. After the rapid rectification, it developed rapidly in the medical field.

After he finished telling Chen Jianhong about the situation, he hesitated a little: "I think this is a bit strange. The Lin family has not touched the business in the southern district since then, but the group found out The project shows that the people behind these operations have been touching Chen's core business."

In other words, the Lin family has nothing to do with the Southern District on the surface, but in fact it has been staring at the Chen family.

Chen Shiming said: "Is the project of the Lin family in the southern district sure?"

"Not necessarily." Chen Jianhong's face darkened slightly, "At least not until Chen's hands are in my hands."

The father and son talked for a long time in the study, and when Chen Shiming came out late at night, his face was already a little tired.

Chen Shiming stood at the entrance of the study and glanced at the end of the corridor, the villa was much less bright.

At this time, Chen Shiming's phone vibrated.


Xu Te assistant said: "Boss, the information from the southern district has been integrated and sent to the mailbox, the rest..."

Chen Shiming walked out while on the phone, "I know, it's hard work, rest early."

"One more thing." Xu Tesuke hesitated.

Chen Shiming frowned, "Speak straight."

"It's that the Cheng family held a party tonight, and Er Shao went over there." Xu Te assistant said while paying attention to the boss's status on the phone.

"You haven't gone back to school yet? You..." As soon as Chen Shiming said it, he suddenly stopped.

Assistant Xu immediately understood the boss's intention, and immediately said: "If necessary, I will immediately prepare a car to pick up people here."

Chen Shiming suddenly said, "No need."

Special Assistant Xu: "?"

Chen Shiming was silent for a while, then pinched his eyebrows: "...let him play."

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