MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 478 Finale (below)

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The soldiers in the two circles seem to be completely different. The soldiers of the Devils, each of them are majestic and full of war. However, on the contrary, the soldiers of the Divine Realm seem to be inferior, and even the vagueness of the covenant is accompanied by a sigh of anger.

The war has not yet begun, and it seems that the results can be seen.

Ni Yunya looked at the face of Murong, and she hated it. Since this day, the army of the gods has been losing ground. Although the heart is not willing to admit it, but for the last battle of today, her heart is not bottom. She can see that the difference between the army of the gods and the demon world is too great.

She did not expect it at all. Murong’s face was really for a Yuan, and she decided to send troops. Moreover, before she proposed to let the Yuan away, Murong was not moved. She really didn't know what Murong was thinking about in her heart.

When Ni Yunya looked at herself, Murong looked at Ni Yunya, who was standing opposite, her face with a light smile. She and Ni Yunya have been hostile for so long, and this is the first time that the two people’s grievances have been placed on the table. However, this time, it is also a knot between them!

At this time, Ni Yunya stepped forward and looked at the face of Murong, who was standing opposite. He opened his mouth. "Murong pours out, do you really intend to fight with our gods like this? You are not afraid of being affected by other circles." The ridicule of the people? I laughed at you, the devil is bullying."

Murong pours a smile, "Ni Yunya, what do you do yourself, you know."

Saying, she looked at the soldiers of all the gods who stood behind Ni Yunya and continued to speak. "Let's take a look at your saint! If it is not because of her own privacy, take me away." Master, want to threaten me. Now this war between the gods and the devil is impossible to start."

Those who are in the realm of the gods, after hearing such words from Murong, look at it again, the eyes are full of complexity. They have already heard about the cause of this war. Although no one has put this matter on the table, everyone knows it well.

Of course, for such things, their hearts are full of dissatisfaction. No matter who they are, they don't like war. In particular, the outcome of this war is simply clear. The **** world cannot be the opponent of the devil world.

However, this saint who had been in their gods did such a thing, and even triggered a war between the two worlds. For the sake of the self-denial of the saints, they are faced with such a situation, how can they feel comfortable in their hearts?

Perceiving the bad eyes of other people who voted for themselves, Ni Yunya hated to gnash her teeth. She immediately retorted, "Murong pours out, you don't want to confuse people here. I have never seen you before. Master, let alone take him away. It is clear that your ambitions are too big and you want to annex our gods."

"Ni Yunya, you really dare not do it!" Murong looked at Ni Yunya and smirked at the corner of his mouth. "But it is also said that you have done so many bad things, but it has always been Hidden so well, you can even occupy the position of the saint in the realm of the gods. Visible, your means is not ordinary!"

After hearing the words of Murong, Ni Yunya’s heart jumped and there was an unpredictable hunch in my heart. “Mu Rong’s face, what do you want to do?”

"People in the realm of the gods, do you really know the true face of your saint?" Murong looked down at Ni Yunya, but looked at the soldiers in the realm of the gods. "You know, she is for this. How many things have been done in the position of the so-called saints, how many people have blood on their hands?"

As soon as this statement came out, there was a commotion in the army of the gods.

If it was before, those people would not have any doubts about Ni Yunya, the saint. Because Ni Yunya, the saint, represents the faith of all.

However, during this time, Ni Yunya has sent too many negative news. Although she has violent means to suppress these messages. However, this does not mean that the negative news, in everyone's heart, is so ruined.

Now I heard the words of Murong’s face again, and everyone’s heart could not help but start to shake.

"Murong pours out, you give me a shut up." Perceived the hearts of everyone, Ni Yunya even killed Murong's heart at this time. "You dare to filthy me here, I will never put it." Passed by you."

During the speech, Ni Yunya has already refused to take care of the situation at this time. Before she flew directly to the body, she attacked the past with a face of Murong.

In the face of Ni Yunya's attack, Murong had no hesitation in his face and greeted him directly.

Soon, Murong Yanyan and Ni Yunya got up.

However, the troops in the realm of the gods still have no movements. First, Ni Yunya has not yet issued an attack command. At this time, the army of the Devils is also waiting. If you really fight like this, it is definitely their loss.

Ni Yunya has no scruples at this time. The only thought she has in her heart is to kill Murong. In her heart, it is all caused by Murong's face. As long as there is no Murong, then everything will return to the right track. She is still a holy woman in the realm of the gods.

In the face of Ni Yunya's attack, Murong did not have a trace of panic. Most of hers were only on defense and did not take the initiative.

Perhaps it is because of Murong’s move that Ni Yunya’s heart is even more worried. When she shot at Murong, almost every move was attacked by Murong’s fate, and it seemed that she did not kill Murong’s face.

Whether it is the people of the devil or the people of the realm, they are watching the battle in a tense manner.

However, Huangfu’s face did not have any emotions. Although he has been watching Murong's face, he has no worries on his face. Even in his face, there is no trace of extra emotion.

He is very clear about the strength of Murong's face. If it was before, Murong will face Yan and Ni Yunya, she will be very worried. However, it is different now. Don't say it is a Ni Yunya now, even if there are ten more Ni Yunya, it is definitely not the opponent of Murong.

Time has passed, and Ni Yunya’s heart is getting more and more anxious. At the same time, she also felt a bit wrong. Because, although she has been attacking, Murong has been defending her face, but until now, she still has no way to hurt Murong.

"Oh--", the two once again, and then separated.

Looking at the opposite of me, unscathed, and even seeing a messy face, Ni Yunya hated to gnash her teeth, and her heart was also confused. This time, the change of Murong’s face seems a bit big. It can even be said that she does not seem to understand the repair of Murong.

Thinking of this, Ni Yunya was shocked and more alert. She vaguely felt that many things have now surpassed her original expectations. For a time, she was a little confused.

Unlike Ni Yunya, Murong looked particularly calm. Her mouth smirked and looked at the person standing opposite her. She smiled and said, "Ni Yunya, you are the saint of the gods. Is this the level? If this is the case, then it is conceivable that what your gods will become under your rule is almost foreseeable."

When he heard Murong’s face, Ni Yunya was so angry that he was going to vomit blood. In particular, the skeptical eyes of the soldiers who came across the gods made her angry.

"Murong pours out, I want to kill you."

Ni Yunya red eyes, and then condensed the body of mystery, turned into a ball of light.

The ball of light exudes a dazzling light, and with a sacred atmosphere, people can't help but want to worship.

Seeing the holy gas emanating from the ball of light in Ni Yunya’s hand, many people’s eyes in the realm have also undergone some changes. Originally, did everyone get a legacy of Ni Yunya, or with a trace of suspicion. But now I see the ball of light that the mysterious force in Ni Yunya’s hands is condensed, and everyone’s heart is practical.

With such a strong holiness, there is no one but the saint.

"Mu Rong is looking at it, I will let you have a good look. What is the holiness of the gods?" Ni Yunya lost the light ball in his hand and turned to Murong. "Holy Light--"

The ball of light that embodies most of Ni Yunya’s mysterious power, so that it is too fast to cover the ears, and flies toward Murong. The strong dazzling light seems to be telling how powerful it is. It can be imagined that if this attack is really hit by Murong's face, what will be the consequences.

In the face of such a rapid attack, Murong looked like a scared stupid, standing there fixedly, not moving.

The ball of light attacked the past against Murong’s fate, and then made a loud noise. Just after Murong’s face was standing, there was a big pit, and the smog filled, so that people could not see what was going on inside.

When the soldiers in the Devils saw such a scene, each one was excited and red eyes. Seeing them like it is like going to attack at any time. However, because the emperor stood there, there was no order at all, so everyone could only clench their fists and try to restrain the impulse of murder in their hearts.

The emperor stood at the forefront of the army of the demon world, watching everything that happened, saying nothing, no action, and people could not guess the thoughts in his heart.

The rotors and other people who have been standing behind the emperor have not seen any movements when they saw such a scene. Because they are very clear, they have always been holding the devil in the palm of their hand. If the devil is really dangerous, then it is certainly impossible to be so calm.

Now that there is no movement, you can only explain one fact, and the devil is nothing.

On the contrary, the people of the army of the gods are all very excited. Now the saint has killed the demon of the demon world, but the emperor has no movement, does it mean that, in fact, in the heart of the emperor, the devil is not so important at all? If this is the case, then this war caused by the devil can be counted like this?

Ni Yunya looked at the position where Murong had just stood up, and could not help but make a painful laugh. "Ha ha ha, Murong pours, you are still defeated in my hands, this is your fate."

At the moment, her heart is not happy. Since Murong’s appearance, she has been in a terrible situation almost every day, because she is really scared. One day, Murong will take her position, then she really has nothing. It is.

However, now Murong is finally dead and disappears in this world. In the future, there will be only one of her gods in the realm of the gods. She will always be the master of the gods.

Murong pours out, you still have to die in my hands, this is the end of you and me.

"Ni Yunya, are you too happy to be too early?" At this time, a crisp voice sounded, and Ni Yunya’s face once again became difficult to look.

Her eyes stared at the smoky place.

The wind gradually blows away the smoke. On the top of that big pit, Murong leaned in the air, with a smile on his face, and quietly looked at Ni Yunya.

Seeing the unscathed Murong pours, Ni Yunya only feels a pain in her chest, and then spits out a bit of blood.

Murong nodded without any hesitation and attacked the past directly toward Ni Yunya.

This time, Murong did not use any fancy tricks, but directly operated his own hands and feet, and then directly played with Ni Yunya in the most primitive and direct way.

Did not remind, she really played.

Murong pours his hand into a fist, and then attacks the past toward Ni Yunya's face.

As long as it is a woman, it is very important to pay attention to her face, Ni Yunya is no exception. She subconsciously went to the side to hide, but even so, her shoulders were hit by the fists of Murong.

At the moment when the shoulder was hit, Ni Yunya only felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. She could almost feel the bones on her shoulders seem to be broken.

However, before Ni Yunya returned to God, Murong’s attack was once again coming. She lifted her foot and kicked it toward Ni Yunya's waist.

This time, Ni Yunya was not so lucky. He was directly kicked by Murong for a few meters and then landed on the ground.

At this time, Ni Yunya was particularly embarrassed. Because of the fall of the ground, the white clothes on her body had been covered with mud, and there were a few slight scars on the beautiful cheeks.

However, Murong’s attack did not stop because of this. Before she flew to her, she turned to Ni Yunya and launched an attack again.

For a time, it was originally a battle of mysterious power, and finally it became a fighting fight. However, it may not be appropriate to say that fighting is because this is simply the unilateral abuse of Murong. Because under her attack, Ni Yunya did not have any room for resistance.

This time, the popularity of the gods was red-eyed, and all of them wanted to attack the past directly toward the face of Murong. However, after seeing the means of Huangfu, no one dared to act rashly.

At the beginning, when the cold frost saw the appearance of Ni Yunya, she couldn't help it anymore. She wanted to go up and rescue Ni Yunya. However, she only took a step forward and suddenly exploded. For a time, blood was splashed and blood was flying.

Such a means makes everyone in the realm of the world feel terrified.

At this time, Huangfu spoke up. "Whoever dares to go forward is like this."

When this statement came out, all the soldiers in the realm of the gods could only swallow their own stomachs and swallow them all. Although it is known that war is likely to be sacrificed. But there is no one who knows that it is a dead end, but still has to go forward.

Murong’s fight with Ni Yunya is still going on. Perhaps it should be said that Ni Yunya has been being crushed by Murong!

Just like the light of holiness, Ni Yunya has almost exhausted all the mystery in her body. At the beginning, when she was fighting with Murong, she also consumed too much mystery.

Now, when Murong is so violently attacked, she is simply unable to cope. She stared at Murong, and her eyes were full of killings.

"砰-" a loud noise, Ni Yunya was kicked down from the air by Murong and fell to the ground.

At this time, Ni Yunya has completely lost the style of the past saints. The white clothes on her body are covered with mud and blood, and the original color is not seen at all. The face that had been smashed was almost swollen like a pig's head at the moment. If you don't always look around, almost no one can believe that this wretched man will be the holy and innocent saint of God.

Ni Yunya struggled to get up, but there was no way to get up because she had no strength. She can only look at Murong with that sly look. If the eyes can kill, Murong is afraid that he has already been ruined.

Murong pours step by step to Ni Yunya's side, looking at Ni Yunya with a condescending edge, and a smile on his lips. "Ni Yunya, you lost."

"Mu Rong pours, you -" Ni Yunya pointed to Murong to face, but also want to say something, but could not help but spit a blood.

"Ni Yunya, do you think this is really finished?" Murong smiled at the corner of his mouth with a hint of evil. "I want not only your life today, but also your ruin."

After hearing Murong’s words, Ni Yunya’s eyes widened and her eyes flashed a little panic. She didn't know what Murong was going to do, but she knew that it would be a disaster for her.

However, at this time, Ni Yunya has no strength to stop Murong's face.

Murong looked at the men of the gods, and smiled at the corners of his mouth. Then he said, "Everyone in the world of God, here today, I will expose the mask of your so-called saint."

After hearing the words of Murong, the men of the gods face each other. They simply don't know what Murong is saying. However, I have to say that this really caused their curiosity.

"Murong pours out, you shut me up, shut up." Ni Yunya made a scream of shouting.

However, no one has noticed her at the moment.

Murong continued to open his mouth. "Do you know? I and you, the sacred son of the saint, have already begun when I am flying. All the saints have always regarded me as a nail in the eye. Do you know what the reason is?"

During the conversation, Murong raised her hand and released a mysterious force. Suddenly, the breath of the strong life is spreading.

"The power of life!"

Suddenly, the soldiers of the realm of the gods will almost blow up. They are holding the ribbon in the hands of Murong and the mysterious power of life, just like the people in the desert see the water, the face is full of desire.

You must know that the power of life is definitely not comparable to the sacredness of the district. For a long time, those who have the power of life in the realm of the gods are only the first generation of the saints. But now, from the devil's body of the demon world, they actually saw the power of life.

Suddenly, when all the gods looked at Murong, they had a trace of faith in their eyes.

Seeing such a situation, Ni Yunya is going crazy. "Mu Rong is looking down, you shut up, you shut me up. I am a saint, I am the holy woman of this god."

"Are you a saint?" Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and smirked with a sarcasm. "A saint who has not received any inheritance, is it a saint?"

When this statement came out, it suddenly seemed like a thunder, and it exploded in the realm of the gods.

Although there have been such rumors in the past, it has not been confirmed. Now that Murong is fascinated and said it again, everyone has no doubt and believes directly.

"Murong pours out, I am not allowed to say it, you shut me up." Ni Yunya looked red and looked at Murong. "You don't forget, I still have Yuan away. If you go on, I will kill Yuan."

At this time, Ni Yunya has lost all her reason. She is only thinking about letting Murong squint and shut up. As for the others, she is completely unimaginable.

However, when this statement came out, when the soldiers of the realm of the gods looked at Ni Yunya, their eyes were even worse. Because at this moment, they have already determined that this war is caused by Ni Yunya.

"Ni Yunya, you want to say, have you locked my master up?" Murong looked at Ni Yunya with a sarcasm in his tone. "But, I have to say that you have only one place." Let's take a look at the place where you were in this place! But, are you sure that my master is still there?"

"You know the moon, how do you know?" Suddenly heard the name of the moon, Ni Yunya's face was dyed with a trace of madness. "It's you, you have been to that place, you have seen the moon."

"Yes." Murong smiled and nodded. "It was the day you were married."

After hearing the words of Murong, Ni Yunya directly spit a blood again.

Those who are in the realm of the gods, when they look at Ni Yunya, have no previous respect. At this moment, in their eyes, Ni Yunya has become a heinous person.

They never imagined that the saints whom they respect so often would have been such a person.

After Murong looked at the expressions of the soldiers in the realm of the gods, she came to Ni Yunya again and knelt down and whispered. "Ni Yunya, look at it, now in the eyes of the gods, to you. This saint is afraid that it is extremely disgusting! You are finished."

Ni Yunya’s eyes were wide, and she immediately turned her head. When she saw her as usual, she was watching her, and when she looked at her, it was like seeing something disgusting. The crazy color on her face was even more Deep, "No, it shouldn't be like this. I am a saint. I am a saint in the realm of the gods. No one can take my position. Murong is a face, it is you, you are harmed."

"No, Ni Yunya, you are wrong." Murong smiled and shook his head. "It's all you take it for yourself. At the beginning, I don't even know who you are. But, it's you." On my. So, this is what you deserve."

"No, you don't want to talk anymore, don't say it anymore." Ni Yunya held her head and kept shaking her head and shouting. "It's all you are your fault. If it's not because of your appearance, things don't. It will become like this."

"Ni Yunya, you are really funny!" Murong pours a sneer at the corner of his mouth. "You don't feel that your life is a joke? You counted so much, and finally it is not the point of being defeated."

"Murong pours out, I want to kill you!"

Said, Ni Yunya is about to rush.

However, when she did not fall in front of Murong's face, she was shot by a powerful force.

Huangfu came to the side of Murong's face, and embraced Murong in his arms. His tone was with a hint of connivance and favor. "Why should you waste so much tongue with her?"

"Oh, I always want her to know how bad she is losing!" Murong leaned toward the emperor, and smiled softly. "And, don't you think, is this very fast?"

At this time, Ni Yunya, who was shot to fly, had no strength to climb up. She could only look at Murong with hateful eyes. "I will not let you go, I will never let you go." ”

Looking at Ni Yunya's appearance, Huang Fu's eyes flashed a murderous murder. However, even so, he still did not shoot, because he knows that Murong is trying to solve it himself.

Murong looked at Ni Yunya and smiled at the corner of his mouth. He smiled with infinite coziness. "Ni Yunya, rest assured, you will not have this opportunity."

After hearing the words of Murong, Ni Yunya widened his eyes. Because she was obsessed with Murong, she heard the killing. She did not expect that Murong would actually want to kill her.

Seeing Ni Yunya's unbelievable, Murong looked funny and laughed. Is this Ni Yunya too naive, actually think, she will let her go this time? Is it difficult for her to look like a fool?

Suddenly, Murong looked like he thought of something, and smiled at Ni Yunya. "Yes, you shouldn't know it! Before you were in the town, the couple who met, actually It’s what we have turned into. The mysterious force that I left in the cave, you should like it!”

"Is it you?" Ni Yunya suddenly widened his eyes. "All this is what you did. Do you already get it--"

"Yeah!" Murong nodded and smiled. "I got what you want. But maybe it's not what you want! Because it's not the inheritance of the saint, but the first generation. All the inheritance of the saint."

Murong’s remarks made Ni Yunya’s entire popularity rush, and spit out another bite of blood. Suddenly, the front of Ni Yunya’s place has been dyed bright red.

Murong’s face seemed to be not enough. She continued to smile and said, “And, I know one thing from the beginning of the first generation of the Holy Virgin, a thing you have always wanted to know. In fact, the inheritance of the saints of the past is in the temple."

After hearing the words of Murong, Ni Yunya couldn't bear it anymore. She shouted and then her eyes gradually lost their brilliance, so they fell to the ground.

Looking at Ni Yunya who has lost his breath, Murong will almost be dumbfounded. She is indeed planning to kill Ni Yunya today, but she did not think that she would like to live and die Ni Yunya.

Should this be said that Ni Yunya’s ability to withstand pressure is too low?

However, no matter what, Ni Yunya died, she also felt that the whole person is much easier.

When Huangfu saw such a scene, there were some unexpected things. He waved his right hand directly, and Ni Yunya’s body suddenly turned into smoke and dust, and disappeared with the wind.

All the grievances and grievances have disappeared in the wind with the fall of Ni Yunya.

Huangfu took the hand of Murong's face and whispered, "Yan, things are over."

"Yeah!" Murong turned his head and looked at the emperor. The corner of his mouth evoked a bright smile. "It's all over."

The two stood side by side, although on the battlefield, but it was an unusual harmony. In the sun, the figure of the two also seems to have a golden light.

All the bad things have passed. Their future is like the golden eyes, and the rest is only bright.

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