MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 477 Finale (on)

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After hearing the words of Huangfu, Yuan was almost out of breath, and he began to squat at the nose of Huangfu. "This is my little apprentice. Can't I still hold it? Why are you so stingy!"

If it is normal, he certainly does not have the courage to point to the imperial concubine. But now, because Murong is on the side, his courage is a lot bigger. At least, even if Huangfu is really angry, his little apprentice will protect him.

Huangfu did not say anything, but looked at Yuan Yuan coldly, and did not know what he was thinking.

In the face of the indifferent eyes of Huangfu, Yuan’s head, which was originally high, was slowly lowered, and even seemed to be somewhat guilty. His eyes drifted and looked left and right, but he did not dare to look at the eyes of the emperor.

Seeing the interaction between Yuan and Huangfu, Murong shook his head with a smile. "You two are also true. Here are the people's sites. You really have to be noisy, and you should wait until you go back and quarrel!"

Huangfu looked at Yuan coldly and looked away, with a trace of disdain in his eyes. It seems that he still disdains to quarrel with Yuan.

"You--" Seeing the attitude of Huangfu, Yuan is anxious, pointing to the imperial concubine, almost unable to speak.

"Looking at you, you really have to take care of him." Seeing that there is no way to quarrel with Huangfu, Yuan Yuan directly transferred the target, he looked at Murong and said, "I am yours." Master! He doesn't respect your Master like this, just doesn't respect you. You say, can he have such a heart for you?"

I heard that Yuan was so determined that he was sincerely fascinated by Murong. The eyes of Huangfu flashed a chill of coldness. When looking at Yuanyuan, it was cold and extremely cold. It can be said that if it is not because the Yuan is the master of Murong, he has already started.

Under the cold eyes of Huangfu, Yuan could not help but fight a cold war. His heart is secretly remorseful that he just seems to be saying something wrong. However, now in the face of his own apprentice, he will never easily admit his mistake.

Seeing such a situation, Murong leaned forward and took the arm of Yuan Yuan. He smiled and said, "Master, you are very good to me. Also, this time he came to save you personally. How can I say that he does not respect you? Well, let's leave here and say it again! Or, after living here for so many days, have you liked this place?"

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Yuan looked at the surrounding environment and spoke openly. "This ghost place, I can't stay for a minute. You don't know, I don't know. In this place, I am so bored that I have to grow grass."

Looking at Yuan’s appearance, Murong shook his head with a funny smile.

However, just when they were about to leave, Huangfu directly released a person, which is exactly the same as Yuan.

Seeing this person in front of him, Yuan could not help but widen his eyes. Obviously, he did not think that there would be someone who looks exactly the same as him.

"This is --" Yuan Li's eyes with a hint of doubt.

"Master, this is just a jealousy." Murong said, "We don't want to let the other person know, but you have already escaped. So I will put a beggar here to reduce their defense."

Although I don’t know how Murong is going to do it, Yuan Yuan nodded.

Soon, they finally returned to the devil world.

Although it is the first time to come to the devil world, but Yuan is not at all a sense of restraint, perhaps this has a certain relationship with his temper! In the devil world, he is much more comfortable than when he is in the realm of God. Because his little apprentice is also in this place.

After so many days of tossing, Murong turned his face and let Yuan go to rest first. She also returned to the dormitory with Huangfu.

"After Yuan returned from the rescue, you seem to be much more relaxed!" Huangfu chuckled and said.

"That is natural." Murong smiled and nodded. "You don't know. Before, although I knew that Ni Yunya would not hurt Master, I still worry! But now Master is saved. Come back. A lot of things, we don't need to bind our feet."

"Yeah." Huangfu nodded. "That two days, I will let people pass the essays to the gods!"

"Alright." Murong nodded and nodded. "Ni Yunya has touched my bottom line this time. I can never let her go. I must let her pay the price."

In the past, she and Ni Yunya were hostile. However, Ni Yunya is only targeting her. Now Ni Yunya has started to target people around her, which is absolutely unacceptable to her. Since Ni Yunya dares to do this, he has to bear the corresponding price.

Between her and Ni Yunya, I am afraid that I am born to be an enemy. Perhaps only by solving Ni Yunya, she can live a life of peace of mind.

"Do not worry!" Huangfu reached out and poured Murong into his arms. He said softly, "This time, we will solve Ni Yunya once, and we won't have any troubles in the future."

"I will let Ni Yunya lose his name." Murong's eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "There is also the thing of the moon, and it is time for the people of the world to know the truth. They should also know that they are now ruled. What kind of person is the saint of the gods?"

"Everything will be solved." Huangfu whispered openly. "However, God is away from the hustle and the rainbow, they are afraid that you will feel like you are going back."

"This is their business, it has nothing to do with me." Murong said with a sigh of care. "And, what is the final result, and who can make it clear?"

During the conversation, Murong’s mouth smirked a meaningful arc.

After Yuan lived in the magic hall, there was no discomfort. On the contrary, now he has almost nothing to do with Murong to discuss the things about alchemy, and it is very exciting! Of course, if there is no black face of Huangfu, he may be more excited.

It’s not the same as Yuan’s self-satisfaction. Huangfu is now almost black with a face every day. If he can, he really wants to leave the Yuan directly out of the Temple of Devil. After Yuan left, the time between him and Yan Er was greatly reduced. This made his heart particularly unhappy.

The people inside the magic hall have also noticed that the mood of the emperor seems not very good in the recent period. So everyone is careful about doing things.

Two flowers are blossomed, one for each table. The atmosphere inside the Devil is good, but the inside of the gods is completely different. Because the devil has sent a gauntlet over there, indicating that there will be a war between the gods and the realm.

Inside the temple -

Ni Yunya looked at the gauntlet in her hand and her face became extraorious. She didn't think of it. After that, she still sent the still body. This time, the Devil actually sent a gauntlet.

She always felt that as long as she still held the yuan in this hand, the Murong will never dare to do anything to her. However, now the Devil's side is actually going to fight the gods. She does not believe that there is no credit for Murong.

Rainbow Art stood behind Ni Yunya, so naturally I saw the gauntlet. When she saw the gauntlet, there was already a storm in her heart. She did not think that the devil really wants to fight the gods.

In the past, the devil had already promised her, and as long as he found someone, he would not fight with the gods. Could it be that the Master of the Devil, who was imprisoned in the realm of God, was hurt?

For a time, Rainbow Art’s heart was very messy and his face became ugly.

However, Ni Yunya was completely immersed in his own thoughts at the moment, so he was completely unaware of the inadequacy of Rainbow Arts.

"Hongyi, you are going right now, call the cold cream." Ni Yunya said.

After hearing the instructions of Ni Yunya, Rainbow Arts did not dare to have any fallacies, and immediately went to pick someone up.

After the cold frost entered the temple, he was interrupted by Ni Yunya without a salute.

"You don't need to do these vain." Ni Yunya waved his hand and handed the gauntlet in his hand to the cold cream. "Look at it!"

Cold Frost didn't know what Ni Yunya had handed her, but she still took it. When she saw the contents of the gauntlet, her face suddenly became pale. "Saint, this is-"

She can't believe her eyes. Before, although I heard that the Devils had begun to train, but she felt that the Yuan is still in their hands, so the Devil should not be rash.

However, the situation is now completely out of their expectations. The Devil's side actually gave them a gauntlet directly. The reason for the war was because the saints of the gods captured the master of the demon world. Such a thing, if it is known to the people of the world of God, will certainly arouse the resentment of many people.

"The devil has officially declared war." Ni Yunya's face is also very unsightly, almost can be said to be darker than the bottom of the pot. "I didn't expect that Murong's face was actually ignored by her master's safety. Just declare war on us."

"The saint, then what should we do next?" Cold frost on the face with a hint of urgency, "If the gods and the two worlds go to war, it will be a great disaster!"

"Even if this is the case, there is no other way." Ni Yunya gnawed his teeth and said, "The devil has already had a heart to fight."

She does not want to go to war. In the past, the gods were on the magic world, and perhaps there was a possibility of a war. But now the gods are on the magic world, they can only hit the stone with eggs. Ming knows that this battle will be defeated, but she has no other way.

"The saint, it is better, let's send the yuan back!" After the cold frost thought for a long time, he began to open his mouth. "Maybe, the devil will promise not to fight!"

This is the only way she can think of now. Everything is caused by the Yuan. If this is the case, then send the yuan away and everything will be solved. Otherwise, as long as the gods and the devil are fighting, it must be a life.

"Impossible." Ni Yunya did not hesitate to speak up. "If this time, the Yuan is sent back to the Devil World, isn't that acknowledging to everyone that I have done such a thing? If such a thing spreads out, How do I manage the affairs of the gods in the future? At that time, the people of the gods will definitely not serve me again."

She definitely does not allow this thing to spread. If the outsider knows about the things she has done, then she will no longer have any credibility and authority in front of others.

"The saint, the most important thing now, is not to quell this war?" Cold Frost persuaded, "And, as long as we are concealed, we will not be discovered by outsiders."

"There is no need to say this thing again." Ni Yunya raised his hand. "No matter what, I will not easily send the Yuan back. And now, even if I send the Yuan back to the Devil, I will not be a Devil." Will there be a stop over there? If it is time, the Devil will continue to attack our gods. At that time, we will not even be able to contain the Devil."

After hearing Ni Yunya's words, the cold frost could not help but fall into silence. Indeed, the return of Yuan to the Devil World now does not mean that the Devil will stop. On the contrary, if Yuan is still in their hands, there may be three points in the Devil.

"If you want to fight in the devil world, then fight!" Ni Yunya flashed a hint of darkness in her eyes. She sneered and said, "I have Yuan Yuan in my hand. I don't believe that Murong is completely disregarding her master." I am still alive and dead. Even if I am going to die, I have to take Murong to face it."

During the speech, Ni Yunya’s body exudes a strong sigh of relief. Now she is almost like being desperate. Since this war is not going to escape, fight it!

Seeing Ni Yunya's appearance, the cold cream did not say anything more, she asked, "The saint, then, what should we do?"

"Intensify the training." Ni Yunya said with a serious attitude. "And, Yuan is over there, arrange more people to look at it. There must be no trace of flash. You must know that after the war started, he is the only one in our hands. You can contain the emperor of the Devil."

"The virgin is relieved." Cold frost said, "The genius will be optimistic about the Yuan, and will never let Yuan get a chance to escape. Also, every day, the subordinates will personally confirm whether the Yuan is away or not. Still there."

"Yeah." Ni Yunya nodded. "The realm of the gods is now beginning to enter the state of emergency martial law. Also, for all the personnel in the realm of the world, it is absolutely impossible to allow the devil to mix in."

"Subordinate to obey."

The news that the gods and the devil world are about to start war will soon spread in the realm of the gods. For a time, the world of the gods is heart-wrenching.

You must know that in the past, because the saints and the last gods competed for power, the gods have experienced decades of civil strife. Now, it’s hard that the realm of the gods has just begun to settle down, but once again, the news of the war with the devil world is coming out. How can everyone’s heart calm down?

Moreover, the most surprising thing in everyone's heart is why the magic world suddenly went to war with the gods? We must know that the relationship between the devil world and the realm of the gods, although not harmonious, has not reached the point where the soldiers meet each other! When the new **** of the gods was enthroned, did the devil and the devil in the devil world come to congratulate? Why are you going to start a war suddenly?

For a time, everyone has speculated about this reason.

At this time, I don’t know where the news came from, saying that this is the war. It’s entirely because the saints are bent on their own way and they have taken away the master of the demon world. So, the devil will fight.

The news soon came in the entire realm of the gods. For a time, the people in the realm of the gods were uncomfortable against Ni Yunya, the saint.

When Ni Yunya heard the news, she almost gave everything in the temple. She did not expect that she had already been so strict, and how the news would be passed out.

Moreover, at the most important moment, almost everyone in the realm knows that this war was caused by her selfishness. As she continues this way, she will lose the hearts of all the gods. At that time, her seat of the saint is not necessarily stable.

She has sent someone to trace it, but she has not been able to check it out, and where the rumors came from.

Since this time, Ni Yunya’s reputation in the realm of the gods has fallen to the lowest point. First, she was told that she did not have the inheritance of the saint, and she was not a fair-minded saint. Although the news has been violently suppressed, but everyone has left a shadow. It is now being reported that she has caused a great battle between the gods and the devils because of her own privacy.

Now, in the realm of the gods, many people have begun to question the status of Ni Yunya's saint. Many people feel that Ni Yunya is simply not qualified to sit on the position of the saint.

When I heard the questions from the outside world, Ni Yunya’s heart was even more annoyed. However, even so, she is determined not to give up the position of the saint. Moreover, she also believes that this war, as long as the Devil is willing to retreat, then everything will pass. When the matter is over, she can still sit in the position of the saint.

The gods are getting more and more turbulent. At the same time, the battle between the gods and the devil world also kicked off.

The last **** war, still do not know how many years ago. At that time, the realm of the gods and the devil were equal, and the war was fierce.

However, this time the war is different from the previous one. The current world of gods is far less brilliant than ever. On the contrary, the strength of the devil world is far more powerful than before. Therefore, the trend of this war is expected by everyone.

Sure enough, after the beginning of the war between the gods and the devil, the devil world can be described as a ruin, and the gods are defeated.

In the face of such a situation, Ni Yunya’s heart is more and more anxious. She is very clear that if she continues this way, the realm of God is only really going to be destroyed in her hands. In desperation, Ni Yunya can only send a summons book to the Devil.

Of course, this summons book, she pointed out that it should be sent directly to Murong's face. In the summons, she promised that as long as the Devil is willing to retreat, she will send the Yuan back to the Devil.

Murong looked at the summons sent from the gods in his hand, and the corner of his mouth could not help but sneak a smile. "This Ni Yunya is really naive enough, she should not think that as long as she is willing Summing, I will definitely let her go!"

The emperor next to him reached out and directly took away the summing book in the hand of Murong's face. Then, with a wave of hand, the summoning book turned into dust directly and disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

"If you don't want to see it, don't read it." Huangfu looked at Murong and whispered, "Why do you feel uncomfortable in your heart?"

"I don't feel uncomfortable in my heart." Murong shook her head and smiled and said, "With her Ni Yunya, I am not qualified to make me feel bad. I just admire her cheeky. She is still a good man." Women! Actually able to do such a thing. She should not think that she is willing to put Master back, should I still be grateful to Dade?"

When she thought of Ni Yunya's tone, she felt funny. It’s hard to be. In Ni Yunya’s heart, is she such a weak and deceivable person?

"Ni Yunya doesn't need to care for her over there." Huangfu whispered openly. "There is no support for God's side."

"The last war, I am afraid that it is about to come." Murong’s mouth smirked and smiled. "It seems that it is time for me to compete with Ni Yunya."

On the other side of the gods, after the summons was sent out, there was no response, and Ni Yunya’s heart was very annoying. She simply wouldn't know what it meant to be Murong. She is even less convinced that when Murong is facing her own master's safety, she can really be completely indifferent.

The war between the gods and the devil is still in full swing. Finally, the last big battle is still coming.

Above the battlefield, the devil and the gods stand opposite each other.

In the devil world, standing at the forefront is Huangfu and Murong. The two stood side by side, without any humble distinction. It can be seen that the status of the two is the same.

As for the gods, Ni Yunya is standing at the forefront. There was endless hatred on her face. When she looked at Murong, she even wanted to remove it and then quickly.

In her slightly lower position, standing is God's departure. As the **** of the gods, he has nowhere to go now, but in such an occasion, nature can not be absent. At this moment, when he looked at Murong, his eyes were a bit complicated.

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