MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 359 Moyu... really amazing

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  Chapter 359 Moyou... really amazing

   It took only two months to copy the most basic modules, thus endowing the object with the ability of divine characters.

   Such an outrageous speed of progress, even the well-informed Jin couldn't help but feel shocked.

  But Moyou in the room didn't think it was a problem at all, but felt...

   "Still too slow."

  Moyou leaned back on the chair and let out a tired breath.

  Raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, his vision towards the ceiling became blurred.

   "Just copying the most basic divine character module with 'seal effect', it takes about 40 minutes of preparation time..."

   Slowly put down his hand, and his vision gradually became clearer.

   Moyou stared fixedly at the ceiling.

  If the module types of the divine characters are divided into grades, then the divine character module he installed on the door is undoubtedly the lowest grade G.

   Not to mention that the intensity is pitifully weak, it takes forty minutes to draw it alone. It is really hard to imagine that this level can be useful.

  This is the result of his two months of sleepless nights and forgetting to eat and drink.

   What's more, there is also the bonus of "Cultivation Rate Buff"...

   "It seems that my talent for divine characters is still too bad."

  Moyou slowly withdrew his gaze from the ceiling, and said to himself: "There is no other way, I can only use hard work to make up for the lack of talent."

   After finishing speaking, Moyou cheered up, picked up the pen wrapped with Nianli, and continued to copy on the paper several divine character modules that he had asked for from Jin last night.

   Copying the ready-made divine character modules is relatively low in terms of difficulty.

  Repeated copying exercises can increase the proficiency in drawing the strokes of the divine characters, as well as the experience in creating the divine character modules independently in the future.

   There are no shortcuts to this path.

  Outside the door.

  Jin silently withdrew his right hand.

   It was not because of the divine character on the door that contained the effect of "seal", but because he heard Moyou talking to himself just now.

  God word talent is too bad?

   Need to make up for it with hard work?

   Are you speaking human language?

  Kim resisted the urge to rush into the room and exclaim "you're awesome" at Moyo.

   "Then you continue to work hard."

   Shrugged, Jin turned and left quietly.

  In order to prevent Moyou from being too proud and affecting the progress of learning the divine characters, he decided to keep Moyou in the dark.

  If necessary, you can also consider using the statement "Your progress is barely qualified" to further stimulate Moyou's motivation.

   In this way, Moyou may reach the expected level in only half a year.

   Until then...

  Well, this is all for the sake of Moyou, not for the sake of restoring freedom as soon as possible.

  King touched his chin.

   At noon, the restaurant.

  Jin looked at Xiao Di who suddenly came out to eat on time.

  Since Moyou and Xiaodi started practicing divine characters, they spent most of their time in their rooms, and they didn’t even have to eat for a day, let alone eating.

   Now seeing Xiao Di come out of the room stepping on the meal, Jin couldn't help but think of some kind of terrifying possibility.

   Could it be—

  She also got started? !

   Jin looked at Xiaodi with drooping eyelids.


  Xiao Di noticed Jin's strange gaze, and a question mark slowly appeared on his head.

  Jin thought for a while, and asked directly: "Xiaodi, how far is your divine character?"


  Hearing Jin's question, Xiao Di immediately frowned.

  Men Qi on the side also became interested, turning her head to look at Xiao Di, waiting for an answer.

  In fact, she really wanted to learn the divine characters, but developing her abilities had taken up most of her time and energy, and she really didn't have the energy to learn the divine characters.

  Under the watchful eyes of Men Qi and Jin, Xiao Di sighed and said calmly: "The progress is zero."


  Men Qi and Jin suddenly had question marks on their faces.


  For two months without sleep and food in the room, and then no progress at all?

   This is a full two months.

  Even a pig can remember a little fur, right?

  Facing Men Qi and Jin's seemingly incomprehensible reactions, Xiao Di sighed again, frowned and said, "I've worked hard, but I can't remember those strokes."

   "Don't remember any?"

   "Well, it's so difficult, it seems that I am not suitable for learning divine characters."

  Xiao Di lowered his head a little uncomfortable.

  The corners of Jin's eyes twitched.

   Today is considered a long experience.

  It took only two months for a monster to get started with the word of God.

   A monster spent two months without remembering a single stroke.

  Men Qi widened her eyes and said, "Stupid goose, I know you have amnesia, but it's not so serious, right?"


  Xiao Di raised his head and looked at Men Qi with a puzzled look on his face.

   That response seemed to say: Do I have amnesia? I do not know how?

  Seeing this, Men Qi raised her hand to cover her forehead, and said a little helplessly, "Don't talk about amnesia, if you really can't remember, why did you waste two months in your room."

   "Because Jin has been emphasizing that the word of God is difficult to learn."

  The droplet gives an explanation.

  The underlying meaning is: the divine characters are too difficult, so it is normal that I have been unable to remember the strokes, right?

  Jin understood the meaning of this sentence, and only felt that a black pot was covered like this.

  God word is indeed very difficult, but it is not so difficult.

  He wanted to argue a bit, but he swallowed it back in the end.

never mind…

   Jin shook his head in his heart.

   In two months, I couldn't even memorize a single stroke structure, so no one was there.

  In order to take care of Xiaodi's mood, Men Qi also refrained from swallowing the words "Is it possible that you are too dumb?"

  Although two months of time were wasted on practicing the divine characters, Xiao Di's mentality was not affected, only a little regret.

  She thinks "God Word" is a great technique.

  If it can be learned, it can definitely be applied in many places.

  Xiao Di calmed down, looked at the empty seat next to Men Qi, and suddenly said, "I'll call Moyou."

   Before he finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the room at the end of the corridor.

  Men Qi didn't stop her either.

  It would be the best if Xiao Di could call Master out for dinner.

  Jin's attention was already on the stew that Men Qi had carefully prepared today.

  There is light surging in the seemingly clear soup.

  That is not oil, but the luster of the power of thought.

  Today's cooking, as usual, has been poured into the power of mind, so it is called luminous cooking.

   But Jin vaguely saw a difference.

  Nian in this soup...

  Its sense of presence is stronger than any previous dish.

  Men Qi noticed the change in Jin's eyes, and understood that the other party immediately noticed something strange.

   After all, he is the strong man at the end of the pyramid...

   It's only natural that I could notice it so quickly.

   "This is the second 'category' of luminescent cuisine. It is not very stable yet, and the eating effect is very general."

  Men Qi took the initiative to explain.

  Jin's eyes glowed, and he asked, "Blue bottle?"


  Men Qi nodded.

  Jin immediately gave Men Qi a thumbs up.

  Although he hasn't tasted the taste and actual effect of this stew, it doesn't prevent him from admiring Men Qi.

  Even if the ability is still in an unstable stage, even if the effect of the ability is very mediocre...

  But the prototype of the road has been opened up.

   This in itself is something worth admiring.

   "I haven't tasted it yet, give me a thumbs up."

  Men Qi slapped the spoon in front of Jin angrily.


the other side.

  Xiao Di came to the door of Moyou's room, raised his hand and knocked on the door lightly.


   This knock activated the divine character set on the door.

  Suddenly, the strokes of the divine character like roots spread orderly on the door, and the faint luster of thought power contained in the handwriting shone like stars in Xiaodi's eyes.

  Xiao Di originally wanted to knock a second time, but the word of God spreading from the door made her raised hand freeze in mid-air.

   "God word..."

  She stared blankly at the word of God on the door, and soon understood what was going on.

  Two months.

  She couldn't remember even a little fur.

   But Moyou learned the divine characters within two months...

   "Moyou... really amazing."

  The light spots reflected in Xiaodi's eyes suddenly became brighter, and an indescribable sense of admiration permeated her chest.

   I wasn’t depressed or jealous because of the huge gap…

  Some are just pure admiration.


  The door of the room was suddenly opened.

  Moyou poked out his somewhat sloppy face, and saw Xiaodi who was maintaining a posture of raising his hand outside the door, and asked with a smile: "Xiaodi...what's the matter?"

   "Come here and call you for dinner."

  Xiao Di truthfully told the reason for knocking on the door, then pointed to the divine character on the door, and asked, "Moyou, what divine character is this?"

   "A divine character with a sealing effect."

  Moyou glanced at the divine characters on the door.


  Xiao Di asked with some doubts: "But when I knocked on the door just now, I could clearly feel the hardness of the door getting stronger."

   "Well, because the so-called seal also means 'forbidden to break', so it can bring a certain degree of reinforcement effect."

  Moyu explained with a smile.

   Then thinking that Xiaodi is also the type who would wantonly radiate curiosity, he added: "I am still in the stage of groping for the word of God, and may not be able to satisfy your curiosity."

   "Oh, the divine characters are really complicated."

  Xiao Di sighed from the bottom of his heart.

   Moyou heard the words and subconsciously asked: "Then how are you doing?"

  Xiao Di replied very calmly: "I can't learn it at all."


   Moyou didn't know what to say for a while, and he probably guessed the reason why Xiaodi didn't learn at all.

  Xiao Di looked at Moyou who was suddenly silent, and said seriously: "But Moyou is very good no matter what he does. Even such a difficult word to learn, it only took two months to learn it."

   "Not as good as you think, and now I have only learned a little. To be honest, my talent is probably very average."

   Moyou sighed softly.

   It took two full months, with the blessing of Buff, and still copying, it took about forty minutes to successfully deploy the divine characters.

   It's just too bad.

"is that so…"

  Xiao Di tilted his head slightly.

  She doesn't know much about this aspect either.

  If it is based on her own experience, no matter from which angle you look at it, Moyou is very, very powerful.

  Moyou nodded, but he was not discouraged at all, and said with a smile:

   "However, I'm very interested in divine characters, and I'm willing to spend time on it. I'm sure I can't catch up with Jin's level, but as long as I persevere, I'm sure I won't be far behind."

   "Well, come on!"

  Xiao Di raised his fist and waved it twice.


   Moyou was smiling.

  Over there at the restaurant.

  Jin, who seems to have the ability to listen to the wind, is fiddled with the spoon with drooping eyelids at the moment.

   Obviously heard the conversation between Moyou and Xiaodi.

  Men Qi frowned seeing Jin's reaction.

   "Sure enough, it still can't even be called a 'prototype'..."

  Men Qi, who thought it was a cooking problem, sighed in her heart.

   After a while.

  Moyou and Xiaodi came to the restaurant.

   After eating lunch on time after a long absence, Moyou praised Menqi's cooking skills as usual, and then immediately returned to the room to continue practicing divine characters.

   These two months of painstaking practice...

   It can be said that I have deeply realized the difficulty of learning the word of God, and I regret that there is no Miss Cookie to help out.

  With the massage ability of Miss Cookie, the efficiency of practicing divine characters can be at least doubled.

   It's just that the buff effect given by "look and feel" can only last until after getting started.

   That is to say—

   Now Moyou, who just touched the threshold, has no buff blessing. In the future, he can only move forward step by step.

   Just like that, time passed slowly.

  The four seasons rotate, and the year passes.

   Mount Alagasy.

  At an altitude of 3,600 meters, there is a place where rocks are piled up.

  A figure in a black windbreaker came here facing the lingering mountain wind.

  The howling mountain wind blew the windbreaker of that figure rattling.

   "This is it."

  A white cloth scarf was casually wrapped around the neck of the figure.

  It seems to be to block the mountain wind, including half of the face, is wrapped in a white cloth.

  This figure is Moyou who has practiced the divine characters behind closed doors for a year and two months.

  The Alagasy Mountains where he was located was the first test site when he participated in the hunter test.

  At that time, it was in a pile of rocks that he sensed the breath of thoughts after death, and thus found a stone slab engraved with the word "God" under the pile of rocks.

   Later, because the ability of the "God Character" was activated, the people on the entire mountain were teleported to the unknown ruins.

   Now that I revisit the old place, I want to learn from the structure of the divine characters on the stone slab.

  Although he could no longer feel the slightest breath of thoughts after death, Moyou still found this place by relying on his memory.


  The phone in his pocket vibrated.

  Moyou took out his mobile phone, but it was a news notification of an event subscribed in advance, and it was also the four-year food competition that Men Qi participated in.

  The content of this event news is that Men Qi and his assistant Xiao Di fought a **** way under the siege of powerful enemies, and won the laurel of the food competition as a rookie in one fell swoop.

   Seeing this result, Moyou smiled.


  He sighed softly, then put away his phone, and focused on the dusty and gravel-covered open space in front of him.

  Slowly squatted down, released the power of thought to wrap around his hands, and immediately dug up the sand with his bare hands.


  A stone slab engraved with the words of God emerged from the sand.

   Moyou's eyes suddenly glowed.

  If the structure of this divine character can be analyzed...

   I really couldn’t fall asleep, so I got up and typed...

   Wait until the weekend and try to adjust your schedule, cover your face.

   I thought about simply writing a food contest, with Nitro and Lin Nie as judges.

   So I spent a little space to pave the way before, but considering that the fit between this plot and Moyou is not high, I am afraid that the plot will become meaningless and lengthy, so I can only abandon it.



  (end of this chapter)

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