MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 358 Good guy!

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  Chapter 358 Good guy!

  The sudden increase in fame was expected by Moyou.

  The youngest one-star bounty hunter in the history of the Hunter Association...

  No matter how calm he is in this matter, this achievement and identity will undoubtedly attract more attention to him.

  Like a bomb thrown into the water, it will inevitably cause huge waves.

  The benefits brought about by this incident are not only the soaring reputation, but also the attention from law enforcement agencies in various countries.

  If Moyou can still make great strides, complete more amazing feats, and even reach two stars...

  It is predictable that when he is chasing a criminal, no matter where he goes, the local law enforcement agencies will not only regard him as a guest of honor, but will also do their best to actively cooperate.

  This is the benefit of "fame" plus "status".

  As the fame continued to grow, the fourth green bead on the stone tablet of the Road of Legends arrived as expected.

   As long as one more green bead is condensed and five are collected, Moyou can get a counterpoint cornerstone with a wide range of functions.

  Although the condensing of the green beads was within Moyou's expectations, he did not expect that the perception would reward him with a buff of the success rate of the divine character at this time.

  Doze off and send a pillow?

   No, this is already a fully furnished big bed!

  Maybe I was thinking too much...

   But Moyu always has a feeling.

  It seems that "Guan Gan" hopes that he can learn the divine characters as soon as possible.

   "The origin of the divine characters is unknown. Humans first discovered the existence of the divine characters from ancient ruins such as murals and documents, but there are also contents about the divine characters in the book 'Journey to the New World'."

  In the dimly lit room, Moyou walked slowly to the window, raised his hand and opened the curtain.


  The soft curtains were drawn aside, and the hazy morning light passed through the window, reflecting on Moyou's body.

"The ruins of a huge ancient city like a maze, and the gold and silver ingots of plant weapons guarding the ruins of the ancient city. In this section, although there are only a few descriptions about the characters of gods, it is enough to show that there are also characters of gods in the Dark Continent. exist."

   Moyou stared at the ancient city shrouded in morning mist outside the window, thinking in his heart:

   "So... the word of God is very likely created by the ancient humans of the Dark Continent. Jin will not easily draw conclusions on this possibility, but that's what I think."

  In the process of understanding the divine characters, Jin told Moyou about a small amount of descriptions about the divine characters in the book "Journey to the New World".

  This information shows that the word God originated from the Dark Continent.

   It also gave Moyou a vague feeling that maybe the "look and feel" really came from the Dark Continent.

   "I don't think so much, let's get started as soon as possible."

  Moyou returned to the desk and continued to memorize the mountain of materials that Jin had given him.

  After a long time—


  With a slight sound, the wooden door was pushed open.

  Jin walked into the room, and immediately saw Moyou sitting at the desk and studying hard.

  Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, Moyou put down the documents, turned his head to look at Jin standing in front of the door, and then turned his gaze to the lock on the wooden door.

  He was pretty sure the wooden door was locked.

  Jin smiled, and raised his hand to light the wire between his fingers.

   Moyou understood instantly, and shook his head speechlessly.

  It seems that the professional hunters he knows have similar bad habits.

   "All night?"

  Jin put away the wire and glanced at the large amount of information on the desk.

  Maybe recalling the difficult memory when learning the word of God, and quickly looked away after just a glance.


   Moyou responded and continued to browse the information.

   It is not an easy thing to memorize so many stroke structures of divine characters.

   It is also conceivable that with so many structures, countless results can really be combined.

   And he was just starting out, it took a lot of time to start working on the composition.

  Jin looked at Moyou who was immersed in it again, his thoughts paused slightly, he moved his right foot hesitantly, but finally took it back, turned around and left the room quietly.

   "If this momentum can continue... Even if the talent is mediocre, I will definitely be able to get started."

  Leaving the room, Jin walked in the quiet corridor, looking a little emotional.

   "About half a year."

  Preliminarily deduced the time required for Moyou to get started.

   And this also represents the time that Jin will spend on Moyou.

   "Half a year..."

  Walking in the corridor, Jin's eyebrows were slightly frowned.

   "No, no, this is just the beginning. After Moyou gets started, he has to teach him some basic combination methods."

  The thought of staying in one place for at least a year made Kim sick.

  But words that are spoken are like water that is poured out, and you can’t take it back.

   Treat it as a request, and go all out as a professional hunter.

  Jin can only comfort himself in this way.


  Psychological comfort alone is not enough, some physical comfort is also needed.

That is-

   Let Moyu be responsible for his consumption during this period, including the wine bill at the Yellowstone Tavern.

  He is not short of money, what he wants is the experience of being surrounded by others.

  Thinking that he would be able to drink Boss Isaac's rare and good wine from time to time in the future, Jin suddenly felt that staying in this misty and misty ancient city for a long time was not so difficult to accept.

  Time slowly passed—

  After officially starting to practice the divine characters, Moyou successively received calls from relatives and friends such as Qi Duo, Pyorn, Kang Zai, and Wright.

  The reason for calling was naturally his promotion to a one-star hunter.

  In addition to chatting about daily life, the content of the call is mostly reminders.

   Bounty hunters look for criminals they think fit.

   Actually, criminals do too.

  The crime rate around the world is terrible, and among the endless stream of criminals, a small group of maverick criminals are often born.

  These criminals act perversely, not only are they not afraid of being chased by bounty hunters, but they even go out of their way to hunt bounty hunters.

   And rising star hunters like Moyou can arouse their hunting desire even more.

  Qiduo and others specially reminded them in the call, just to let Moyou have this understanding.

  If it wasn't for their reminders, Moyou would not have known that such reverse hunting existed among criminals.

   But Moyou didn't care too much.

  Compared with this small group of special criminals, we should be more at ease, that is, the remnants of the Phantom Troupe and the Elimo Bandit Group...

  In order to condense the green beads of the legendary road, I chose to disclose the information on the bounty hunter website.

   Presumably the Phantom Brigade, who wished to take his life, and the members of the Elimo Bandit Group would pay close attention to his information and movements.

  At some point in the future, there will inevitably be contact and fighting.

  In addition to calls from relatives and friends, Moyou also received a call from the Sky Arena.

  I thought this call was to remind him to go to the ring.

   The result was a special call to congratulate him on becoming the youngest one-star hunter ever.

   Moyou politely thanked him on the phone, and then tactfully said that he has no time to play the game.

  Once the landlord fails to sign up for the competition for more than 90 days, he will give up his qualifications by default.

  Although he only needs to play one game to get another 90-day offseason, Moyu is too lazy to make a special trip to the Sky Arena.

  So he has already planned to give up his status as the owner of the Sky Arena.

   I just didn't expect him to say it casually, but the person in charge of the Sky Arena on the other end of the phone directly gave him the privilege of retaining his identity as the host without participating in the competition.

   Moyou was quite an accident.

  For him, the status of landlord is dispensable.

  But the person in charge of the Sky Arena offered him this convenience, so he gladly accepted it.

  After hanging up these calls, Moyou switched his mobile phone to call forwarding mode, and then plunged into the world of God characters.

   It is worth mentioning that Xiao Di felt bored, so he also practiced divine characters with Moyou.

   Jin doesn't care about this.

  For him, teaching one is also teaching, and teaching two is also teaching.

  And Men Qi's cooking skills surprised him.

  Having such an excellent gourmet hunter in charge of the daily diet can somewhat reduce the sense of resistance to stop here.

   "Is there any food that can relieve fatigue... It's kind of like a therapeutic food."

  Jin looked down at the wine-red stew on the plate with a faint luster, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

  Pour "Nian" into the cooking, thus endowing the cooking with some special abilities.

  This is the ability of both the release system and the transformation system...

  Since the two attributes are on opposite sides, it is conceivable how difficult it is to complete.

   "Good idea."

  Jin stuck a piece of meat into his mouth.

  It is difficult to return to, but once it is cultivated, it will definitely become a logistics support ability with a full rarity.

  Men Qi glanced at the closed door at the end of the corridor, thinking that Master would forget to sleep and eat once he started practicing.

  That's fine, even that stupid goose was brought in by Master.

   "Let the cooking have some buff effects, which is the direction of ability development that Master taught me."

  Men Qi withdrew her gaze and looked at the stew prepared for Moyou and Xiaodi.

   Most of them are put in the cold, and Moyou and Xiaodi can't wait for them to come out to eat.

   "Moyu taught you?"

  Jin was slightly surprised.


  Men Qi nodded and said: "But my 'fat' is still too weak. At present, at most, I can only make cooking have the effect of relieving fatigue."

   "Otherwise, what level do you want to achieve?"

  Jin raised his eyelids, looked at Men Qi who looked sad, and asked.

  When Men Qi heard this, she recalled the various buff effects that Moyou had given her.

   There are too many.

  However, if they are arranged in order of difficulty, the luminous dishes in the next stage will have the effect of restoring potential energy.

   "Blue bottle."

  Thinking of this, Men Qi blurted out a game term.

   That's what Moyu taught her.

   "Blue bottle?!"

  Jin froze for a moment, and immediately, as a game fan, he understood the meaning in seconds.

  The blue bottle to replenish the potential energy, right?

   Good guy...

  Jin's eyes showed surprise, and he instantly understood the origin of Moyou's thoughts.

   I am afraid that not only the potential energy will be restored, but there will be subsequent gain effects such as increasing strength, agility, and even showing the total amount of energy, right?

  Watching Jin's reaction, Men Qi realized that the explanation of the word "blue bottle" was too weak, so she prepared to explain.

   But before she could explain further, Jin complained.

   "There is a saying, just dig a hole and don't bury it."


  Men Qi looked puzzled, not knowing what Jin meant.

  Jin looked at Men Qi, shook his head and said:

   "It's not that your 'hair' is too weak, but that the development of this ability is too difficult. This very difficult."

   "Well, Master said so."

  Men Qi nodded slightly.

  Jin raised his eyebrows slightly.

  His statement is still too subtle.

  This unprecedented road is not only difficult to walk, but it will also be blocked by mountains with invisible tops at any time.

  Men Qi looked down at the stewed meat, and said seriously: "But Master believes that I can do it."


  Jin drooped his eyelids, feeling that... this kind of scene seemed familiar.


   Not right.

   What should be concerned is that Moyou is unreliable and very irresponsible.

   Only gave the apprentice a difficult idea, and then let the apprentice develop freely.

  This kind of practice of just digging a hole and not burying it is too abominable.

   Fortunately, I am not such a person.

  Jin silently slandered Moyou's actions in his heart.

  However, it’s really incredible, these juniors...

  Kim munching on delicious stew.

   Moyou's talent and talent need not be said much, and the future of the little girl in front of me can also be looked forward to.

   As for the other one, although I haven't seen a bright spot yet, in terms of ability... I guess it has something to do with "stripping".

   After staying in such a place for a long time, most of the time, I often feel that it is good to be young.

   "I hope Moyou can master the basics as soon as possible, half a year is still too long."

   Jin Xin thought.

time flies-

  Two months passed by.

this day.

   At dawn, Jin came outside Moyou's room and listened attentively, but there was no movement.

   "Shouldn't it be all night again?"

  Jin Fanshou took out a wire and inserted it into the keyhole of the door with ease.


  The moment the wire touched the keyhole, twists and turns of strokes exuding psychic luster suddenly appeared on the wooden door, spreading like roots in front of Jin's eyes.

  God word!

   engraved on the door, forming the effect of "no entry".

  The instigator is undoubtedly Moyou who has only been exposed to the word of God for two months.

  Able to set divine characters on the door...

  Although the effect looks mediocre, it is enough to show that Moyou has passed the threshold of the word of God.

  Most people stop here, and it only took two months for Moyu.

   "Good guy!"

  Jin couldn't hide his astonishment as he looked at the word of God on the door.

  The radiance of thought power lodged in the structure of the strokes is like a candle in the wind, so weak that it may go out at any time.

  But in Jin's eyes, it was as dazzling as light, which shocked him.

   No wonder this guy suddenly asked himself for several basic modules yesterday.

   At that time, I also reminded him earnestly not to aim too high.

   It turned out that it was already possible to do this.

   "Although the difficulty of copying is relatively low, it only took two months to copy the gourd... It's outrageous."

  Jin suppressed the waves in his heart.

  He previously estimated that it would take half a year for Moyou to get started.

  But there is also the possibility of reaching the entry level one or two months earlier.

   There will be such an estimate, not because he underestimated Moyou's talent.

  Because it took him four months to cross the threshold of the word of God.

  At that time, the teacher who taught him the word of God was astonishing.

   Until now, Jin still clearly remembers the scene where the master opened his mouth wide in shock, causing the dentures to fall out.

   It can be seen from this that it is a great thing to master the basics of divine characters in only four months.


  A more powerful monster appeared.

  Jin raised his hand and scratched his head, suddenly feeling as if he was going to be slapped to death on the beach.

  (end of this chapter)

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