MTL - Hokage: Invincible at the Beginning, Anger Against Konoha-Chapter 490

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and shouted loudly.


"Haxi hot mom, it's really embarrassing!"

The grandfather laughed.

Looking at the gray-faced Hashirama, he looked very proud.

"Madara, you..."

"Wait, who are you???"

Looking at Madara Madara and Natsume's two [Kings of Monsters] sitting down, Hasuma also said in shock.

Banye: "This is my new mount."

"How? Not bad?"

"But it's more powerful than the nine tails, isn't it?"

Hakuma clicked his tongue, and exclaimed while looking at it:

"This this……"

"Such a monster, where did you, you catch it?"

"This, this is too burly, isn't it?"

Seeing the look of astonishment in the pillars, Madam Banya felt extremely happy in his heart:


"This guy's ability is more than that."

"Would you like to release the Nine-Tails and have a dance?"

Hearing this, Jiujia's face froze.

What dance?

Just the size of this monster.

Not to mention the half nine-tails of one's own, it's just the whole nine-tails added up.

I'm afraid it's not enough for each other to fuck!

You have nothing to do when you are full, humiliate yourself?

What's more, such a huge monster fights.

I'm afraid that the aftermath alone can destroy the entire [Kinoha Village]...

How could he possibly agree?

at this time.

The middle leader of Ghidorah, who was originally obedient, suddenly became irritable.

He started shaking his neck frantically.

Seems like he wants to throw something off...

Madam Ban frowned and looked down.

This was suddenly discovered.

It was the beast in the door!

I don't know what teleported over, and was holding Ghidorah's neck with a foolish look.

While drooling, he studied excitedly and murmured:

"Amazing! Awesome!"

"There are such huge monsters in this world."

"And there is no chakra scent..."

"Without Chakra support, how could ordinary creatures grow to be so huge?"

"This scale armor, this physique..."

"It was amazing!"

Obviously, for unknown creatures and knowledge.

Like Orochimaru, he has no resistance.

Even, between excitement.

Tobirama also took out Kunai, ready to buckle down a dragon scale as research material.


With Ghidorah's trembling, a strong bioelectricity flashed across the surface of its scales.

In an instant, Tobirama was scorched black, and then fell.


And this little episode did not affect Madam Ban and the others.

Madara didn't even bother to look at Tobirama if he hadn't looked at Hasuma's face, and directly let Ghidorah swallow it.

"Okay, Old Spot, let's show it off later!"

"It's time to talk about it."

"Thousands of Hands, are you ready for the military spending you promised before?"

After recovering a little Natsume, he got up and spoke.

Interrupted the passionate chat between Hasuma and Madara.

Directly asked for that large amount of military spending.

5 billion taels of real gold and silver!

Once you get it, the [Sacred Tree Fruit Type II] in the system will be stable.

How could Natsume not be in a hurry?


Chapter 416

Hearing this, the pillars were stunned.

Ready to answer frankly.


Tobirama, who was charred in black, instantly returned to his eldest brother Hasuma.

And actively said:

"not yet!"

"Little devil, do you really think 5 billion is so easy to raise?"

"I tell you, you'd better wait..."

Todoro's words were not finished yet.

Natsume deliberately touched the boss under his feet and gave a hint.

The next moment, my brother understood.

Immediately opened his mouth and sneezed fiercely.

"Ah sneeze..."

A faint blue [atomic ray] spurted out of Godzilla's mouth.

Across the kilometer, it hit a hill in the distance.

boom! ——

A violent explosion sounded, and the earth shook.

until the explosion is over.

The hill had also disappeared, leaving only a tragically charred pit.

Seeing this, Natsume smiled with satisfaction.

While stroking his brother, he looked back at the two of them.

He smiled and apologized:

"I'm sorry! My pet has a bad throat recently and often sneeze..."

"I hope you don't mind."

"By the way, what did you just say?"

Tobir: "..."

Column: "..."

After ten minutes.

Tobirama hurriedly went to the [Land of Thunder] and raised the remaining money.

This was quickly handed over to Natsume.

Finally, Natsume got the 5 billion astronomical military spending as he wished.

A full 100 carts worth of silver taels are comparable to 50 Konoha vaults once! All fell into the hands of Natsume.

Then, Natsume waved his hand and inhaled all of the [Shenwei Space].

Looking at Tobirama, my heart is bleeding!

Such a large sum of money, if it is given to his own Konoha.

In less than five years, he can guarantee to double the size of [Kinoha Village] and regain the position of the top of the five hidden villages!

And now, he actually wanted to give this evil kid Uchiha Natsume for nothing.

How is he not angry?

Speaking of which, he thought again.

Before his death, although there were many wars in Konoha, his own treasury had enough real gold and silver of 500 million as a strategic reserve.

But now?

There's not even a grain of rice in the vault, and the mice cry when they see it.

He really didn't know.

Monkey and Danzo have developed the village together for so many years.

It just developed to the dog!

Not only that.

Konoha White Fang, Konoha Sannin, Qianshou Clan, Uchiha Clan, etc...

They were all lost to Huo Huo, it was so angry that he had a brain hemorrhage!


Can't help it.

After going back for a while, I have to grab Danzo again and take it for a while to vent!

Tobirama clenched his fists and secretly decided.


Read The Duke's Passion