MTL - Hokage: Invincible at the Beginning, Anger Against Konoha-Chapter 489

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"Come on, roar twice to add to the fun!"

Madam Madara, who was standing on Ghidorah's head, was also very satisfied when he looked at the terrified Konoha crowd below.

Even kicked Ghidorah.

Signal it to roar again to increase the intimidation effect.

the other side.

Natsume, who had finished teleporting, staggered on his head.

Start resting and recovering chakra.

Teleporting with two big guys at one time, the consumption is too terrifying, and actually drained more than half of the massive chakra in Natsume's body.

A full 10,000 cards!

Simply terrifying!

If it was another person, it would definitely have been sucked into an adult long ago.


"Looking at you, the consumption is not small."

"However, knowing that teleporting directly to Konoha will save a lot of trouble."

Madam Ban glanced at Xia Mu and joked slightly.

Being able to teleport directly to [Konoha Village] really saves me the trouble of going to Hasuma.

Spot is also very satisfied.

In response, Natsume rolled his eyes.

He didn't teleport to Konoha to satisfy Madara's perverted show-off.

I have come to collect the 5 billion astronomical military expenses!

It's been more than half a month, Konoha should have the money ready, right?


not ready yet?

Don't worry, the two kings of monsters are definitely not here to scare you!

However, will they suddenly feel hungry?

That's not good to say.



Chapter 415

For a moment, under the traction of Ghidorah's biological electromagnetic field.

A large black thunderstorm quickly covered a large area of ​​the sky.

The rain was falling, and the golden thunder light flickered in the clouds, and the momentum was amazing...

Plus the violent earthquake just now.

Such a vision quickly alarmed the high-level ninjas in the village.

"What's going on outside?"

Tsunade, who was sitting in the [Hokage Office], was a little puzzled.

He got up quickly, came to the window, and looked away.

At the same time, sitting on the sofa Zilai also.

Picking up a toothpick, with Erlang's legs crossed, he complained boringly:

"Isn't it just thunder and earthquakes, what's all the fuss about?"


"Tsunade, why are you not moving?"

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing Tsunade at the window froze.

Jiraiya also got up curiously and leaned over.

Get ready to see what kind of thunderstorm it is that will shock Tsunade too.

As a result, I just came to the window.

Take a look.

Just met the two bright pupils that are bigger than the house, and that evil smile.


"Then, what kind of monster is that?"

Ji Lai also roared, his legs flexed.

Sitting on the ground with a butt, obviously startled.

no way.

This kind of ferocious-looking Titan beast is much more terrifying than the tailed beast.

At first glance, it was really scary.

"That's definitely not a tailed beast!"

"It's a monster I've never seen before!"

"Quick! Inform Grandpa and the others! There is another accident in the village..."

"Let them hurry back!"

Tsunade gritted his teeth and commanded firmly.

Although she was also frightened by the two towering monsters outside the village, at least she knew what to do.


the other side.

[Knoba Village] outside.

"what happened?"

"Where's Hot Mom? What are they doing? Why haven't they come out yet?"

"Aren't you home?"

Madam Madam folded her hands, frowning in dissatisfaction.

He even wanted the 'new mount' Ghidorah to moisten his throat and spit out a few gravitational thunders for fun, intensifying the intimidation of Konoha.

However, you can only think about it.

After all, Mr. Ji's "gravitational ray" is not a joke, in case the shot goes wrong.

A random shot is enough to wipe out half of [Kinoha Village].

In that case, Hasuma will definitely fight with himself.

I came here to show off, not to try my best.

It's really a fight, how can you show off happily?

However, Konoha did not make Natsume wait too long.

Soon, Tobirama and Hasuma, who learned the news, immediately used the Flying Thunder God to teleport back from the [Land of Thunder] Damingfu.

That's right, the two of them were just 'guests' at the Daming Mansion in [Land of Thunder].

It is only the last 'military aid' from the [Land of Thunder] side to raise enough 5 billion taels.


Tobirama took his eldest brother and dragged a whole ten carts of silver taels before appearing in front of the Hokage Building.

"What happened?"

"It's raining?"

"Xiao Gang said that the village encountered a monster. Could it be that some tailed beast came to attack?"

Hashirama touched the back of his head, very puzzled.

this time.

Tobirama took himself, driving a thousand-handed giant Buddha, and threatened the five countries everywhere.

Really offended the ninja world over and over again.

However, there shouldn't be any ninja village who would dare to take revenge, right?

In front of his own Buddha, the complete nine tails are no different from pinching chickens.

What about other tailed beasts?

That's not how you send people's heads!


"Brother, that's not a tailed beast..."

"You, look at the back..."

Tobirama stuttered and pointed to the back.

His stinky face also showed a very rare expression of fear...

"Not a tailed beast?"

"What other monsters could there be?"

Hashimama muttered curiously, and followed Tobirama's point, looking back.

As a result, the next moment.

His vision was overwhelmed by a dazzling golden thunder.

in a hurry.

Hashimama didn't even have time to call out the name of the ninjutsu.

Just slap both hands.

Conjured five Rashomon, three wooden figures and one wooden hand as a resistance.

"Boom! Boom!—"

The Rashomon burst, the wooden figure shattered, the wooden hand collapsed...

Even, the explosion set off a shock aftermath.

Also behind the column, the [Hokage Building], which was finally repaired in half, collapsed again.

And this was just a greeting attack from Madam Madara from Ghidorah.

Madara knew very well that such an attack would not threaten the pillars.

But it was enough to startle him and make him a little embarrassed.

I also just took the opportunity to show off the combat power of my new pet...



In the black mist of the explosion, a figure jumped high and fell outside the village.