MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1157 I can surpass Mr.

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  Chapter 1157 I can surpass Mr.


   Early in the morning, Jia Ping'an was not at peace.

   "What is it?"

  Doudou ran into the study, "Aye, I'll take Erlang out to play."

   Second child!

  Jia Pingan nodded, "Don't let Erlang be bullied."

"I know, I know."

  Doudou hurried away.

   How do I look like a nagging old father?

   Jia Pingan couldn't help laughing.

  Everyone gets old, but he is still young!

  He suddenly remembered something, went out and shouted: "Where is Sanlang!"

  Doudou turned around, "Sanlang said he won't go."

   Weird boy!

   Jia Ping'an was speechless.

   "Sister, I don't want to go out."

  Jia Hong was very sad.

   Doudou bewitched, "I'll buy you delicious food."

"I do not want to eat."

   "There is a big monkey outside."



   "Then let's go quickly."

  Doudou got into the carriage, and suddenly sighed.

   "Erlang, you are so easy to deceive."


   Li Xian opened a mansion.

  After the opening of the government, there is more autonomy, which represents an adult.

  Li Xian invited some people to drink and celebrate, including Wang Bo.

   "I heard that you are very talented, would you like to come to me as an official?"

  The palace has an establishment, but it has not been filled yet. Li Xian wants to find some talented and famous people.

  Wang Bo was a little surprised that he was invited here, but he understood immediately after hearing the words.

  He looked at everyone and said: "Thank you for your kindness, but I am still studying now..."

  I'm still a student!

  Li Xian nodded slightly, and turned to another place with the wine glass in his hand.

  No one else would refuse, so everyone present knew that Wang Bo didn't want to work for King Pei.

   "This person is a student of Zhao Guogong."

   "Pei Wang and Zhao Guogong have some disagreements."

   "No wonder!"

  Wang Bo was also quite confused, and went to find Jia Pingan after the celebration banquet later in the day.

   "Don't think too much, you have talent, that's all."

  Attract celebrities...

   Jia Ping'an thought of Wei Wang Li Tai.

  When Li Chengqian was the crown prince, Wei Wang Li Tai kept making big moves, and the palace recruited many great talents, and the momentum was like a rainbow!

  Li Xian's imitation is okay now, but if Wang Bo is also invited, the taste in it is worth pondering.

   "Want to hint to the outside world that your relationship with me is okay?"


   "To this day, I somewhat regret my original impulse."

   After drinking some wine, Li Xian's face was slightly red and his eyes were piercing.

  The man sitting opposite said: "The queen trusts Zhao Guogong very much, like a brother and sister. After the Western Expedition, he has a great reputation, but he is still the same. He is not domineering. This is a sense of propriety.

   Your Majesty, look at those courtiers... Starting with Yu Chigong and others, how many of those who are domineering can die well? Jia Ping'an is known for his laziness, and he doesn't care about wealth and power... The cloud is light and the wind is as light as a foreigner, this is the long-term way. The king was reckless at the beginning. "

  Li Xian sneered, "At the beginning, I couldn't understand him befriending the prince, thinking he was flattering..."

  The man sighed, knowing that this was an excuse... Jia Ping'an is the prince's husband, so how can he flatter the prince? King Pei is looking for excuses for his past mistakes in this way, instead of admitting it frankly, which shows that he is narrow-minded.

   "Wang Bo refused to come to me to take up a job. This is probably due to Jia Pingan speaking ill of me behind my back in the past."

  The man smiled wryly, "My lord..."

   That's all!

   What can he say?

   Can you still say... Your Majesty, you are just a prince. Jia Ping’an is the queen’s younger brother, the prince’s husband, and a famous commander of the Tang Dynasty. Is it necessary for him to speak ill of you behind your back?

   Not worth it.

  The man walked out of the room.

  Although Pei Wang has some shortcomings, his talent is beyond doubt.

  If such a prince has the opportunity to display his talents...

  But the prince is here.

  The prince is here, and the prince's talents will remind people of Wei Wang Li Tai.


  Jia Pingan didn't care about Li Xian at all, but thought that Wang Bo had entered Peiwang's mansion this year to edit and write in history. Two years later, an article "Warning the King's Rooster" opened the prelude to the catastrophe.

so far so good!

   Jia Ping'an was in a good mood, rolled up his fishing tackle and went fishing outside the city.

   "I'm going out!"

  He took the fishing tackle and yelled at the two women.



   Wei Wushuang was looking at the account books without looking up.

  Su Ho is researching some dim sum recipes, the same is true.

   In other words...not to mention early, even five years ago, whenever Jia Pingan came out with fishing tackle, the two wives would have something to say.


  Old husband and wife!

  After being an old husband and wife, they are just like family members, and I know what you will do and what I will do afterwards.

   While Jia Ping'an was going fishing, the emperor and empress discussed matters in the palace together.

   "Liulang opened the mansion, and Qilang is almost done when he turns back."

  As a parent, watching the children grow up one by one and then leave themselves, the mentality is difficult to express in words.

   "There will be such a day, why be sad."

  Li Zhi thought about his own past, "At that time, what I wanted most was to leave the palace and become a feudal vassal."

  At that time, his title was King Jin, and he could be free after going to the fiefdom.

   "But life is not easy for Fan." Wu Mei said: "Look at King Teng, there was a mess in Tengzhou before."

  Scumbag Vine's little tricks can't be hidden from the Empress, but he is willing to defile himself, so just watch.

   "Liulang is intelligent." Li Zhi said, "Such talent can be a prime minister, but a prince cannot be an important minister."

  This is not the period of the founding of the country, the prince can take power.

   "Your Majesty."

   Shen Qiu came.

   "Li Yifu and the warlock secretly discussed."

   Li Zhi said indifferently: "The wild dogs should return to their cages."


  Li Yi's mansion has been a little distracted these days. Jia Pingan finally went to the court, and seeing his blank eyes, he asked curiously: "Do you know why, Mr. Dou?"

  Dou Dexuan sneered and said, "Greed is boundless."

   Got it, I'm still thinking about how to get money!

  Wu Mei saw him and Dou Dexuan murmured on it, and said: "Every year, a batch of silver is sent from the Japanese silver mountain, and one day it will be used up. What will happen after that? Dou Qing..."

  Dou Dexuan glanced at Master Jia, "Queen, I think that silver coins are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people now, and if they are cut off suddenly, it will cause a lot of trouble... For example, the people don't trust cloth... So I think I should look for gold, silver and copper mines."

  This is the most pertinent suggestion.

  Wu Mei glanced at Jia Pingan, "Where is the gold, silver and copper?"

  Jia Prospector Ping'an said: "Queen, people from the Ministry of Industry have gone to Liaodong. It is said that iron ore and copper ore have been initially discovered there, but gold and silver mines are only sporadic."

  Wu Mei said: "Iron and copper mines are also urgently needed by the Tang Dynasty, but Liaodong is too far away..."

   This is the most realistic question.

   I've been waiting for this!

Jia Pingan said: "Queen, the Three Kingdoms of Goryeo were destroyed, and the Khitan Xi people migrated to the southwest. Now there are some Datang immigrants left in Liaodong. I think that we should increase the immigration to Liaodong, so that cities dominated by Datang people It rose from the ground in Liaodong, and then the ore veins were dug and smelted on the spot..."

   Later Liaodong was a heavy industry base!

  There are top copper mines over there, and there are even bigger copper mines further north...

  When a large number of mines are discovered, all kinds of metals will be cheaper and more widely used, and then there is no need for you to do anything, and the changes that should take place will still happen.

  The whole society joins forces to promote the development of productive forces. This is the production revolution... and the first to start is the industrial revolution.

   And the biggest promoters are workshops and businesses!

  Dou Dexuan stood in line decisively, "Queen, if Liaodong can become a treasure land of minerals in the Tang Dynasty, it will only take 50 years for it to flourish... Merchants flock there in an endless stream, and the common people will be willing to move when they hear that they can make money there..."

  Jia Ping'an thought of the so-called gold diggers of later generations.

  The news of the discovery of gold mines attracted countless immigrants, and then a desolate place gradually became prosperous.

   This is to lure them with profit.

  After the imperial court disbanded, Jia Pingan went to math school.

  Later, Dou Dexuan was also notified.

   "Mathematics is going to release a batch of things that can increase the output speed of various goods."

   "What's the relationship with the old man?"

   Dou Dexuan looked puzzled.

   "Zhao Guogong said that this is an auction, and the money from the auction will be handed over to the household department..."

   "Xiao Jia is a good man!"

  Dou Dexuan was excited, "Send the calligraphy and painting that I got recently... Treat it as the capital from the Ministry of Households."

   Jia Pingan got the calligraphy and painting, and collected it with peace of mind.

   Hubu has fart capital!

   "Tell those wealthy merchants in Chang'an and the owners of those workshops that tomorrow there will be some treasures for sale in Mathematics. If you are interested, you can go and have a look."

   Immediately, there were many discussions in Chang'an City.

   "Things that allow us to produce faster? Isn't that a treasure? How can there be in mathematics?"

   "But this is what Zhao Guogong said..."

   "Then let's believe it once."


   "What does arithmetic mean?"

  Wang Kuan was a little puzzled, and glanced at Guo Xin.

  Guo Xin is taking a nap.


  Wang Kuan looked at the Three Musketeers.

   Today's Three Musketeers have long since lost their original vigor and restraint, and look haggard.

  Lu Shunyi said: "Could it be that the so-called baby belongs to Jia Ping'an personally?"

That's it?

  Wang Kuan was disappointed, "Let's go and have a look tomorrow."

  The three of Lu Shunyi looked away uncomfortably.

  What to see?

  Look at face slap?

  Lu Shunyi went to find his second brother.

   "Baby, baby." Lu Shunzai didn't care about such things, "This is a matter of arithmetic... How many times has this old man told you, do things by yourself, stay calm."


   On the second day, Jia Ping'an came to the mathematics school early.

   "Meet sir."

   "Meet sir."

  The teachers and students hadn’t seen him come to Mathematics for a long time, and they couldn’t help being overjoyed.

   Jia Pingan greeted everyone with a smile, and Han Wei greeted them, "Everything is ready."

  The auction venue is set up on the school grounds.

   "Sir." Zhao Yan came in a hurry, "Students are not in the mood to attend class, they say they want to listen to the teacher's teachings."

   "What do I teach?"

   Jia Pingan smiled wryly and said, "I'm the most lazy person, and I haven't been here for a long time... That's all."

  Everyone knew that he was avoiding suspicion.

  The farther the distance between Mathematics and Jia Ping'an, the better the development will be.

  Jia Ping'an was surrounded into the school, and saw his son Jia Yu at first sight.

  He glanced at Zhao Yan, Zhao Yan whispered: "They arranged it."

  The eyes of the students were blazing. If there was no discipline, they would definitely be clamoring at this moment.

  Jia Pingan stepped onto the podium, looked at these students, and said, "Looking at you, what I think of now is decades later."

   This opening is very attractive.

   "You are working hard in the school right now, and I will be working hard for Datang in the imperial court. After decades, you will replace us. The Guozuo of Datang will shine brightly and last forever because of you..."

   "I often think, what is the foundation of a dynasty? Some say it is the emperor, some say it is the courtiers, and some say it is the common people... But in my opinion, the foundation of the dynasty lies in the future, and you are the ones who hold the future!"

  Seeing the brilliant eyes of those students, Han Wei was very excited, and said in a low voice, "Mister's ability to speak is still unrivaled."

  Zhao Yan said softly: "This is not a lie, sir has always said that the future of Datang lies in young people."

  “I like to stay with young people, that will make me look younger. People will age, so the future lies in young people. Knowledge will age, so the future lies in younger knowledge…”

   "The so-called blue is better than blue, respecting the teacher is the rule in mathematics. What do we respect the teacher? We respect the teaching of the teacher, and we respect the love of the teacher to the students like a parent. This is respect. But we should respect knowledge more."

Jia Pingan said: "What is the greatest? The knowledge is the greatest. I hope that each generation will be better than the next generation. I heard some people say that it is the end of learning! What else... Gewu's current knowledge is worth studying for a thousand years. This kind of mentality is wrong. , Big mistake!"

  The teachers and students were a little surprised.

   Shouldn’t it be to maintain authority?

   "Here I have to mention Confucianism." Jia Pingan casually mentioned his old opponent, and everyone couldn't help but smile knowingly.

  Wang Kuan came, brazenly standing outside the door.

   There are some teaching assistants behind.

Jia Pingan glanced at him, "The sages founded Confucianism a thousand years ago, and it is reasonable to have a thousand years of development. Confucianism should be more and more vigorous and broad. People who scoop up food from pots, these people are called Great Confucianism..."

   "Jia Pingan!"

  Someone wanted to curse, Wang Kuan turned around and said, "Get out!"

  The man pointed at Jia Pingan, "Jijiu, he is humiliating us."

   Wang Kuan's eyeballs were red, "Get lost!"

  Jia Pingan didn't pay attention to the commotion here, and continued: "What caused Confucianism to regress continuously for thousands of years?"

  He even used the word regressive.

  Han Wei lowered his head, feeling that people of Confucianism would vomit blood today.

   "It's because you don't want to make progress!"

   Jia Ping'an patted the table, his eyes were piercing, "It's conservative, and where did all this come from? It comes from the exclusive Confucianism."

  He must express his own views on academics, so as to express the attitude of mathematics to the outside world. Abandon ambiguity and express clearly.

   "After Confucianism is respected alone, Confucianism has no rivals, so who will work hard to promote the development of Confucianism? Where does the status of those people come from? It comes from the sages."

Jia Pingan cupped his hands to show respect for the sages, "The sages of Confucianism are Confucius and Mencius and others. In order to stabilize the status of Confucianism, they must enshrine Confucius and Mencius and their knowledge. Anyone who dares to question is treasonous." ...Why are you so rebellious? Because you question their knowledge, you are shaking their jobs!"

  Han Wei's eyes brightened, "Mr.'s words... are so wonderful, I suddenly realized it!"

"What is their job?" Jia Pingan said, "It's the statues of gods. Confucianism has wrapped up the statues of gods since Confucius and Mencius. Once someone touches the foundation of Confucianism, they will see what lies beneath Confucianism." shallow…"


  Another person roared and was expelled immediately.

"How big is this world? How many unknown mysteries are there in this world? Some of these mysteries may allow people to fly into the sky, hide from the ground, go deep into the bottom of the sea, or communicate with people thousands of miles away. ?”

   A group of people were confused.

   "Sir, this... is a bit exaggerated."

  Han Wei felt impossible just thinking about it.

   "Everything is possible." Jia Pingan said: "Confucianism has developed for thousands of years, but it has become self-styled and rigid. Everyone spontaneously maintains the knowledge of Confucius and Mencius. Whoever dares to go one step beyond the threshold is a big rebellion..."

   "Rice bowl!" Han Wei praised: "Mr.'s words are so clear that people are enlightened. It turns out that the reason why the development of Confucianism has stagnated for thousands of years is that a group of so-called great Confucians are maintaining their jobs."

   "Is it okay to explore the opinions and words of the sages as knowledge? Yes!" Jia Pingan felt that he was poking a hornet's nest, but it was the last time.

"But is it okay to take the words of the sages as the prominent learning of a dynasty? No!" Jia Pingan said firmly: "Times have changed, but Confucianism can't keep pace with the times, let alone be inclusive of all rivers, so this knowledge is doomed. will fall."

   "They despise businessmen and craftsmen. They only know how to read sage books. What's the use of reading? If you ask them, they will say that they can make people understand things and make people... But what good are these for Guozuo?"

  Jia Pingan raised a book on the podium, "What does Datang need? It is solid knowledge that can promote the development of Datang. What can promote the development of Datang?"

   "New learning!"

   A group of students were roaring.

  The faces of these teenagers blushed with excitement.

   This is a thorough criticism of Confucianism.

Jia Ping pressed his hands, "Should we study how to behave? I think it should. So there is still Confucianism in mathematics, but it is only a homework. Moral norms depend on laws and village rules and folk customs, and on Generation after generation to set an example...without having to go to great lengths."

  People in a country are thinking about Confucianism crazily, and people in later generations will probably feel a little scared, wondering if it is so complicated to be a human being?

  What is the meaning of popularizing and researching knowledge that should be studied by philosophers?

  Zhu Xi, a great Confucian in the Song Dynasty, said: The sages and sages have thousands of words, but they are just teaching people to be human.

  In the eyes of many great Confucians, if you do a good job, nothing else matters. You have to ask how to build sharper weapons, how to increase farmland income...they will look at you with disdain...

   These are naturally done by lowly craftsmen and farmers, so what does it have to do with gentlemen like me? I'll just wait for the gentleman to figure out how to behave.

  Ancient Greece produced countless philosophers, is it useful?

   "I said before that this world is a jungle, and countless beasts are staring at Datang, wanting to tear our flesh and blood from us to strengthen ourselves. It was like this in the former Jin Dynasty."

  Jia Pingan said seriously: "The only way to get rid of this bad luck is to strengthen oneself. To become strong by studying things, and to be strong by teaching people how to behave... These are all indispensable, but what is absolutely indispensable?"

  He pointed to Void, "Stay in the same way! Follow the old ways. Today I want to tell you the last thing... From the first day of entering the school, new students should have such an idea..."

  He said seriously: "I can surpass Mr.!"

  He pointed to himself, "I hope that in ten years, twenty years, or even hundreds of years, countless descendants will continue to develop countless disciplines and new knowledge on the basis of new learning."

  Han Wei couldn't help asking: "At that time, the new learning will be lost."

  Jia Pingan looked at him, smiled and said, "Why does the new learning exist?"

  Han Wei subconsciously said: "Strengthen the Tang Dynasty."

"Xinxue is just a tool, not the master. If Confucianism takes the lead, Confucianism will become the future label of Xinxue! Sooner or later, Xinxue will become a tool for power struggle. So I want to warn you, in the future, whoever uses new learning In the name of students, in the name of teachers and students, even in the name of the imperial examinations at the same time... in the name of various groups, such people should be beaten by everyone!"

  The development of Confucianism in the Ming and Qing Dynasties can be said to have reached its peak, and countless scholars were connected together through these relationships and shared the dynasty.

   Jia Pingan nodded, and then went out.

  Wang Kuan murmured: "As long as Datang can be strengthened, he doesn't care whether the new learning can still exist..."


   Ask for a monthly pass!

  (end of this chapter)

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