MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-v2 Chapter 1156 falling leaves

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  Chapter 1156 Falling leaves

  The matter of Dashi, Jia Ping'an successfully planted the seed of "Dashi is very powerful and ambitious" for the empress.

   After returning to the Ministry of War, he called Wu Kui.

   "Ge Luolu Department... that's all."

   Jia Pingan suddenly laughed.

  Who is not capricious among those tribes who surrender?

  The so-called people who are not of our race must have different hearts.

   It is like the collusion between the Gongyue Ministry and Tubo during the Western Expedition is an example.

  The best way to deal with grassland enemies is firearms.

  Among the roar of artillery, the invincibility of riding and shooting naturally became a joke.

  And if it is about cavalry, Turkic cavalry is only allocated to Datang cavalry to lead horses.

  Ge Luolu's tribe certainly didn't know that they were going to escape, and they didn't know that Master Jia wanted to visit their tribe.

  Shangshu of the Ministry of War went to inspect...

  Jia Pingan asked suddenly: "You said...what if I went to inspect Ge Luolu's department?"

   "Duke..." Wu Kui felt that Jia Ping'an might have drunk too much, "Ge Luolu will definitely run away with his family."

  The last time you went to inspect the Khitan and Xi tribes, the result was that the two huge tribes were inspected and disappeared.

   "No fun!"

  Jia Ping'an felt that it was not a good thing for him to be too famous, and he couldn't plan many things.

   "The Duke doesn't know, but now those tribes have said that the Duke of Zhao is going to be an exterminate the tribe." Wu Kui felt that Jia Ping'an would have to stay in Chang'an City or lead the army. Let's forget about inspections, so as not to shock the aliens.


   Jia Pingan got up angrily, "I still have something to do, so I won't be coming back today."

  Wu Kui is silent.

  Out of the guard room, the accompanying officer asked, "Duke isn't coming back today?"

  Wu Kui nodded.

  The little official sighed: "It's really hard for the servant."

  Wu Kui said dumbly: "I can only chat with you if I can make decisions."

   Jia Pingan is not in the Ministry of War, and the two servants check each other, but Jia Pingan obviously trusts Wu Kui more and doesn't like Wang Xuan, so Wu Kui has the upper hand.

  Thinking of this, Wu Kui felt full of strength again,

   Jia Pingan left the Ministry of War and immediately went to Xincheng.

   "Meet the Duke."

   Jia Pingan nodded with a smile, "Huang Shu! The little fish is in the front yard."

  Huang Shu lowered her head, "Yes."

   The weather is hot, and Xincheng reads a book at home for entertainment.

   "Xiao Jia."

  The beauty looked up, her shy look was real.

   "It's hot."

   Jia Ping'an sat beside Xincheng in a serious manner.

  Xincheng's face flushed slightly, "I just wanted to find something about you."

   "What's the matter?"

   Jia Pingan looked at her hands, they were surprisingly white and tender.

  O white shining woman!

  Xincheng said: "I had a meeting with people the day before yesterday, and some people said that His Majesty is now in a lingering condition, will the prince supervise the country? I was worried when I heard..."

   "What are you worried about? Worried about the recurrence of the tragedy of Emperor Gaozu and the late emperor?"

   This matter can only be blamed on Lao Li's genetic problems.

"Well." Xincheng said worriedly: "I have been in the palace frequently for the past six months, and knowing the emperor's very difficult. He often cannot see things, has a splitting headache, and can't manage things. Once he is angry or happy, he is prone to attacks... "

  Jia Ping'an remained silent.

Xincheng looked at him, "Nowadays, most of the queens are in charge of the government. In the past, the prince was young and had little prestige, so everyone had nothing to say. But this time the prince followed you to Anxi. A great victory made the outside world quite convinced of the prince. ..."

   "But someone suggested that the prince supervise the country?"

  Xincheng nodded, "Yesterday, after someone made a speech, he was imprisoned immediately..."

  Jia Ping'an has been busy with artillery matters these past two days, so he didn't pay attention to this. He smiled wryly, "Sister wouldn't do that."

   This is slapping the emperor and the prince in the face, sister will not.

  Xincheng said: "That man was found out to be corrupt... The censor who impeached him was Yang Deli."

   Damn it!


  Jia Pingan said firmly: "Cousin would not do such things for anyone, even His Majesty."

   But he can impeach anyone for me.

  Xincheng sighed, "Someone said earlier that Yang Deli followed your orders and came forward to impeach that person in order to let the Queen take power."

   "Do you think I'm that kind of person?" Jia Pingan rested his chin on one hand, showing off shamelessly.

   "The queen can't order her cousin, and His Majesty knows this."

  Yang Deli is a person who dares to impeach even the emperor, who can order him?

   "But you can!"

  Xincheng looked at him, "This matter can be big or small..."

  Xiao Baihua was really worried about me.

   "New City."


  Jia Pingan suddenly held her hand and said seriously, "Thank you very much."

  Xincheng's heartbeat quickened, and he tried to calm down, "No need."

   "Thank you."

  Jia Pingan got closer, "By the way, today's weather is quite good, suitable for watching the moon."

  Xincheng said with a cold face, "Nothing."

   "New Town..."

   "You... woo..."

  Huang Shu just came back, stood outside and was about to come in, when she saw the scene inside, she immediately turned her face away.

   Later Jia Pingan was kicked out.

   "Hey! I'll come back tomorrow!"

  Indoors, Xincheng was sitting there, and Huang Shu came in. Seeing her pink lips and pink complexion, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

   "Princess, do you want to enter the palace?"

  Xincheng was about to enter the palace, but Master Jia's arrival delayed her for a while.

   "Enter the palace."

  Xincheng all the way into the palace.

   "How is the emperor today?"

  Wang Zhongliang who came to meet him said: "Your Majesty is feeling better today."

  Being able to go out of the city to watch the artillery salvo shows that the emperor's body has indeed recovered a lot.

   "What about the headache?"

   "Once in a while."

   This is the one that makes me a headache.


   "My head will hurt sharply from time to time, and once it hurts, it feels like my head has been split in two, and the pain is unbearable."

  Li Zhi only showed some tiredness in front of his own sister.

   "Emperor, I don't think someone ordered Yang Deli's impeachment,"

  Li Zhi was surprised, "You didn't like to get involved in court affairs in the past, why did you suddenly..."

  Xincheng said: "There are some ugly rumors out there, saying that the queen is going to usurp the throne, and the queen is going to poison the prince..."

  Li Zhi smiled, "Then just listen to the words. As for the impeachment of Yang Deli... I don't think the queen can order Yang Deli. That is a fearless censor, even I can't control it."

   But he didn't mention Jia Ping'an.

Xincheng felt uneasy, worried that Xiao Jia would be suspected, "I happened to meet Xiao Jia earlier, so I asked about it, and he said that such things were pure nonsense, if he really wanted to support the queen, he had many ways to make him feel better during the Western Expedition. The prince's reputation is not very good."

  This is true, Li Zhi sneered, "He is a big lala, domineering!"

   It's better to be domineering at this time!

  Big Lala is even better.

  After Xincheng left, Li Zhi ordered: "Since it is corruption, then it will be dealt with."


  The evidence for Yang Deli's impeachment is solid, but the official has not been dealt with, which can be called inefficient.

  Li Zhi said quietly: "Qin lost his deer...I lost my eyes."

  Xincheng came out of the palace, got into the carriage, and said quietly: "The pheasant slave is still the same, the deeper the city is, the more he will be suspicious of this person. The big lala is fine."

  Master Jia still didn't know that Xiao Baihua wiped his ass, so he took Belus to inspect the Tang army.

  After a performance, Bellos was very excited.

   "Datang needs time to prepare."

   Jia Ping’an’s eyes were sharp, “The Great Tang’s Western Expedition has cost countless money and food. If there is another Western Expedition at this moment, and the opponent is replaced by a more powerful Dashi, there will be great opposition from the court and China.”

  Bilus nodded, "Listen to the Duke."


  You listen to me in everything, from the counterattack to Dashi's withdrawal from Persia, and then you take the position... Isn't this white prostitution?

   It takes courage to want to prostitute Datang for nothing these days.

   Jia Ping'an smiled slightly, "You can live in Chang'an well."

   It is impossible for Datang to expand indefinitely, that is a dead end.

  Let Dashi concentrate on going to the west, and fight hard. Historically, they fought Frank and lost in the end. If the power of the east is strengthened to the west... what will happen to the outcome?

  Jia Ping'an expressed his expectation.

   "Duke of the State."

   Bao Dong quietly appeared.

   "Li Yifu's family members are all outside today."

   "What are you doing outside?"

   "I'm selling an official..."

   Li Yifu is crazy, at least in Bao Dong's eyes, the prime minister is crazy.

  His son and son-in-law, including himself, are making money like crazy.


   "Twenty million dollars!"

   Li Yifu sighed.

   After sighing, Qin Sha came in, "Sir, someone sent money..."

  His eyes were complicated, and when Li Yifu nodded, he said: "Sir, this matter is too ostentatious."

  Li Yifu smiled and said, "What's the point? This old man has lived and died for His Majesty. Could it be that His Majesty can't tolerate such a trivial matter? Don't worry, Your Majesty still has opponents."


  Qin Sha sighed softly.

   "My husband..."

  Li Yifu looked down at the document.

  Qin Sha suddenly knelt down, "Sir."

   "What are you doing? Get up!"

  Li Yifu frowned.

  Qin Sha raised his head, "Your Majesty treats me with great kindness, but now you are in a dangerous situation without knowing it. My Majesty, if this continues... Your Majesty may take advantage of the situation and make a move!"

  Li Yifu coughed dryly, "Go home and rest for a while, maybe in January."

   This is punishment.

  How far Li Yifu has reached at this moment...Qin Sha doesn't know.

   But Jia Ping'an knew.

  Historically, Li Yifu's arrogance has no bounds by this time.

  The emperor ordered him to come and warned him to control his family, but Li Yifu felt arrogantly that the emperor couldn't do without him, so he even asked the emperor back, and even left in a rude manner.

  In his eyes, the only thing the emperor of the court can trust is himself. If he is dealt with, the emperor will face the dilemma that no one can use him. When the gentry and other forces counterattack, the emperor will be devastated.

   This is confidence!

   "That idiot!"

  Jia Pingan smiled contemptuously after hearing the news of Li Yifu's crazily accumulating money.

  Wang Bo felt that Li Yifu might have lost his mind and went crazy.

   "Sir, doesn't Li Yifu know the consequences of crazily accumulating money?"

   "Of course he knows, but he believes in his ability and his ability to cover up."

  Countless corrupt officials are still greedy and amassing money after being warned, how stupid?

   It's not stupid, it's just greedy for profit. As for the pain and tears after being caught, this is the reaction after the arrogance is broken.

   And the common people were quite shocked when they saw the experience of these people being corrupt, and thought that these people had a problem with IQ? If I had changed it, I would have given up already.

   It is impossible to experience the mentality of the parties without being there.

  The so-called bystanders often overestimate themselves.

   Not everyone can resist that kind of temptation.


  Qin Sha returned home.

  After the mother's funeral, the family was a little lonely, but everyone from the wife to the children was a little dazed and relaxed.

   "Husband, why do you read the comments?"

  Qin Sha looked through the law in the study after dinner.

"I'm just looking around."

  Qin Sha smiled.

  He looked down and looked.

  —All the supervisors and supervisors who violate the law by accepting money will receive one hundred sticks per foot, one horse plus one class, and fifteen horses twisted. For those who do not break the law, one foot stick is ninety, two horses plus first class, thirty horses plus service flow.

  Those who accept bribes and break the law will be punished for one foot of cloth, and fifteen pieces of cloth will be strangled. Those who do not break the law are lighter.

  Punishment can be mitigated by only collecting money and not doing anything.

  Qin Sha sighed.

  Late at night, he was still sitting there, staring blankly at Shu Yi.

   Until the wee hours of the morning.



  Qin Sha came out with a smile.

  Breakfast is very simple, but the children eat very happily.

   "Everyone should study well."

  Qin Sha wiped the soup from the corner of his mouth for the youngest son, and said with a smile: "Remember to be a man, and you can distinguish between grievances and grievances."


  The child dragged his voice to respond, and then several children winked.

  Qin Sha looked at it with a smile, and said to his wife, "What do you need to buy at home?"

  Mr. Yang shook her head, "Just to buy some food."

  Qin Sha took out a document, "You take this away."

  Ms. Yang took a look, and said in surprise, "Husband, you actually saved a lot of money in the East and West Market?"

Qin Sha said: "I haven't thought about it for a long time. I always felt that I forgot something last night. I rummaged through the box all night before I found this. I will put this document with my uncle later, and when I run out of money, I will use you." Go get it again."

  Mr. Yang laughed and said, "My husband trusts Eldest Brother."

  Her brother is simple and honest, the most reliable one.

   "I'm going."

  Qin Sha walked up to her and said softly: "I have suffered for you all these years, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely repay you like a cow and a horse."

  Mr. Yang lowered her head shyly, "Why is your husband talking about this? If there is an afterlife, I am still willing to marry you."


  Qin Sha gently touched her face, then went in to see the children.

   "Everyone should study hard!"


  The children responded loudly.

  Qin Sha walked out of the house with a smile, turned around and glanced, "I'm leaving."

   "Husband, go slowly."

  Qin Sha first went to find his brother-in-law and handed over the documents to him.

   "If there is nothing wrong, brother-in-law will also go to sit at home."

  Then he came to the Daming Palace, and chatted with the sergeant guarding the gate familiarly.

   Li Yifu came late, with big bags under his eyes, it seems that he didn't sleep well last night.


  Qin Sha came in, "Did Mr. Xiang sleep well? I went to make some tea."

  He didn't follow Li Yifu's request to rest at home for a month, but Li Yifu was so obsessed with making money recently that he didn't care about it.

  The tea is here.

  Qin Sha sat down and said slowly: "The experience of Mr. Xianggong these years can be called magnificent..."

  Li Yifu took a sip of tea comfortably.

   "Master's ability is naturally a temporary choice, but his power comes from His Majesty."

  Qin Sha didn't care about Li Yifu's unwavering expression, and continued: "Power can be given or taken away. The gentry are very powerful, but Jia Ping'an has set up a new school, and now it is everywhere.

  The so-called Confucian classics heirs of the gentry can't be proud of now, what else do they have? There are also huge forces gathered together, but their foundation is the field population..."


  Li Yifu snorted coldly.

  Qin Sha raised his head, smiled and said: "Your Majesty will not completely turn against the nobles, he will only weaken the nobles step by step... Your Majesty, so you are no longer someone His Majesty urgently needs... Your Majesty is in danger."

   "Qin Sha!"

   Li Yifu was furious!

  Qin Sha got up and said in a low voice, "Master, take care."

   Before Li Yifu could react, Qin Sha threw the teacup back on his body.


  Li Yifu was covered in tea and tea leaves, and was extremely embarrassed.

  Qin Sha suddenly raised his voice, almost screaming, "Sir, I was only temporarily obsessed with ghosts, so I took money from those officials, sir, forgive me... sir, please forgive me..."

  Li Yifu was startled.

   "Sister-in-law, you have forgotten my help for many years and refused to spare me, so we will die together!"

  Qin Sha shouted loudly. The case was overturned at once.

  The officials rushed out upon hearing the sound.

   Someone shouted: "Protect Mr. Xianggong!"

  Officials flocked.

  Qin Sha rushed out of the duty room, turned around and ran.

"catch him!"

   Li Yifu is in charge of the Ministry of Officials, no one wants to flatter him, so everyone chases him madly.

  Qin Sha ran around and was finally surrounded in a small courtyard.

  He climbed onto the roof, and Li Yifu led the officials to surround him.

   "Li Yifu, I have worked hard to plan for you for many years, but now I just collected some money, and you are so stubborn and want to put me to death..."

  Li Yifu looked up at him, "Come down!"

  Qin Sha shook his head, "You will definitely be arrested and reported to the government when you come down, and then you will be charged with corruption and exiled for three thousand miles... No, if you don't, you will be strangled... Li Yifu..."

  Qin Sha whimpered and glanced in a certain direction.

  Li Yifu was shocked, "Come down!"

  Qin Sha said softly, "Aniang, I'm here."

  A fallen leaf fell from a high altitude and slowly fell to the ground.



   Something happened to the household department.

   "Your Majesty, Qin Sha, Li Xiang's aide, was discovered to be corrupt. He tried to assassinate Li Xiang. After failing, he escaped and was surrounded by everyone. He finally climbed onto the roof and fell, touching his head to the ground and died."

   Li Zhi was taken aback for a moment.

   At this time Shen Qiu came.

   "Your Majesty, Baiqi has discovered something..."


  Li Yifu sat in the duty room, silently looking at the teacup.

   "Why are you doing this?"

  He turned his face away, with tears in his eyes.

   "I heard your advice, but I can't help myself now. You are so painstaking and only want to take the blame for the old man. You want the old man to put those crimes on your head, but how can the old man..."

  He lowered his head, "You!"

   After an unknown amount of time, someone outside came to ask for instructions.

   "Master, is Qin Sha going to confiscate his home?"

   This is Li Yifu's staff, so naturally he should deal with it... No one wants to fight Li Yifu for this matter.

  Li Yifu shook his head, "The crime is not as serious as his family members. In addition...someone sends 100,000 yuan to the Qin family, and sends it quietly so that no one can find out."

   The follower was stunned, "Yes."


  Jia Ping'an also got the news.

   "This is trying to take the blame for Li Yifu...but why do I feel that this person still wants to warn Li Yifu?"

   Bao Dong praised: "The Duke seems to have seen it in person."

   "Qin Sha's mother has been ill for many years, in order to treat her mother..."

  Jia Pingan listened to Bao Dong's introduction and sighed: "A filial son is a loyal minister, but it is a pity that Li Yifu is loyal."

  He ordered: "Tell Shen Qiu that if there is an order to confiscate his home, please be merciful."

  After Bao Dong left, Jia Ping'an ordered again: "Xiaoyu went to Qin's house to have a look and send some money. Also, if his children are older, ask if he would like to go to school...don't choose the eldest son."


   "Your Majesty, Li Yifu ordered someone to send 100,000 yuan to the Qin family."

  The emperor was silent.

   "Zhao Guogong... Zhao Guogong sent someone to send a message, saying that if the Qin family is copied, please be merciful."

  Shen Qiu took a look at the emperor, and continued: "Mr. Zhao also sent some money to the Qin family, planning to calculate the income of Qin Sha's second son..."

  The emperor was silent.


Good night!

  (end of this chapter)

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