MTL - Good Luck in the Year of the Pig-Chapter 33

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It was not early, and the subway station at the entrance of the community only had a few people in and out. Lu Ying and Qin Zhuopu stepped into the station one after the other, and neither of them spoke for a while.

"You go back first, cubs are not at ease at home alone. It is very convenient for me to take the subway to the airport." Qin Zhuopu offered to leave. It's enough for Lu Ying to send him off, not to mention that his mouth is still full of Lu Ying's aftertaste... Although he is reluctant to give up, he is extremely happy and satisfied.

"Well..." Lu Ying responded lowly, took out a card from her pocket and handed it to Qin Zhuopu: "This is the subway card I charged you, there are 200 yuan in it, enough You take a lot of subways. You can use it." From here to the airport, it costs ten yuan for a trip, and one trip is twenty yuan, and two hundred yuan is enough for ten trips. After all, Qin Zhuopu is very busy, so there is no Running to him every day in his spare time, Lu Ying pondered, one year should be enough.

"..." Qin Zhuopu lowered his head and quickly concealed the trembling smile on his face, and took over this festive red recharge card. cub cub that child.

"Is it very similar to our cub?" Lu Ying asked with a smile, "As soon as I saw this card, I thought that the little pig was very similar to him, so I bought it immediately. You see, I have two more in a series, and I have both." He spread out the cards and approached Qin Zhuopu, and the two of them were admiring the three recharge cards of the same red color, each with a pig-like posture. Different, but undeniably all cute.

The smile on Qin Zhuopu's face never faded, and after talking to Lu Ying, he couldn't help rubbing his hair: "You are also like a cute little pig. In my heart , you are the cutest."

"Who is willing, I will be thirty years old on my ID card." Lu Ying retorted with a blushing face: "The little girl in the store said that I am a beautiful and handsome man, and I have nothing to do with cuteness. Okay? You are the only one in the world who praises me for being cute, what kind of eyes do you have?" He praised him like that seven years ago, and it's still like this now, and he hasn't improved at all. Too earthy ┓(`)┏.

"In the whole world, only I know that you are cute enough." Qin Zhuopu murmured and forced him to the corner: "I don't want to go."

Lu Ying clearly felt the strong male hormones erupting, he immediately pressed his teeth against Qin Zhuopu's chest and scolded: "You, you pay attention to me! Don't look at this is a corner, a subway station There are surveillance cameras everywhere, you are shameless, and I want shame." As soon as he said that, he pushed Qin Zhuopu away, quickly stuffed something into his palm, and hurriedly warned: "This is the little lucky bag I got, you Take it with you when you go out, don't lose it, you know?"

Qin Zhuopu is not a wild person outside, even if he can't control it for a moment, his reason can always prevail. Now pushed away by Lu Ying, Qin Zhuopu nodded subconsciously when he heard his advice.

Lu Ying waved her hand and left with confidence: "Then go slowly, bye."

"Bye bye." Qin Zhuopu reluctantly bid farewell to his distant back. Looking down at the small red pig head blessing bag in the palm of his hand, looking at it, he couldn't help but put it on his lips and kiss it. Immediately turned around and pitted, swiped with a brand-new recharge card to drive home.

In the cramped rental house, Lu Cuizai was already asleep.

After washing up, Lu Ying carefully got into the quilt, turned on her mobile phone, looked at the huge extra deposit on the online bank card, and counted it three times in a row, one 0, two 0s, and three 0s …

After a while, Lu Ying buried her head in the quilt and snickered. She couldn't control it, she couldn't stop laughing!

What can he do! He is so helpless!

But a total of 660,000 red envelopes!

The savings are worth years of hard work.

You tell him not to laugh?

Too embarrassing... (*^▽^*)

Qin Zhuopu's grandma is really a good person.

Sure enough, grandpa is right, there are still many good people in this world!

Mrs. Qin's mother is really different from Mrs. Qin.

Tsk tsk, she's so generous without seeing her face. And after reading the chat records between Qin Zhuopu and his grandmother, he could really feel his grandmother's kindness and love for the cubs.

Lu Ying had to sigh that **** is still old and spicy.

My grandma only looked at the photos of the cubs and found that he and Qin Zhuopu were father and son, but Mrs. Qin... She didn't believe what others said. In turn, he scolded him for fooling people, even smashing his own son.

If it weren't for Qin Zhuopu's mother, he would blow her bad luck and let her go!

Fortunately, not everyone is as blind as she is!

Lu Ying's mood was very excited all night. She held up her mobile phone to watch hot news, and went to Mow for a while to deposit money. The smile on the corner of her mouth never calmed down. After tossing and turning for more than three hours, a message popped up.

Qin Zhuopu I just arrived at Guanlan Airport, and my grandfather sent a car to pick me up. Are you asleep?

Perfect Dad is getting ready to sleep. Then you go back and have a good rest, I'm sleepy, good night.

Qin Zhuopu good night [kiss]

Perfect Dad kiss you jpg

Qin Zhuopu^_^ I will lose sleep tonight

Full Score Dad is getting old, be careful with baldness.

Qin Zhuopu…

Full score dad (*^▽^*) Don't be afraid, I'll help you grow if you're bald.

Qin Zhuopu, hurry up and sleep.

I can’t chat this day, I’m so stressed, I’m afraid I won’t be able to sleep. Can't sleep, lose hair, more stress.

When you meet someone who is cheap, you say this is your son? Do you still want the old face.

He most dislikes an old man who is looking for a little girl, standing together and saying that father and daughter are flattering, and grandfather and granddaughter are no exaggeration. Not to mention the hot eyes, that kind of wretchedness, I don't want to suffer.

Qin Zhuopu shook his head helplessly, put away his mobile phone and got into the car. The driver helped him close the door and returned to the driver's seat. He was about to start the car when he heard President Qin in the back seat touching his hair Q: "Xiao Wu, do you think my hairline is okay?"

The driver Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, looked at President Qin carefully and answered seriously: "President Qin's hairline is completely fine, which is very enviable. Your hair is thick and thick, and Dong Qin is so big. My hair is very thick at my age, even I am envious. Your family has good genetics. My grandfather and my father are bald, and now my wife always laughs at me like her big brother. It also has a lot to do with work and rest. Drink less."

Qin Zhuopu got a satisfactory answer and nodded, "Well, let's go back." No matter how busy you are, you can't be lazy in fitness. In the past, there was nowhere to use physical strength, but in the future... this, you have to prepare well! His young and beautiful little lover is not a 'fuel-efficient lamp'.

In the evening, Qin Zhuopu fell asleep.

Lu Ying woke up early in the morning and saw the eye-catching mobile phone message, and her dissatisfaction almost overflowed from the screen.

After eating your fried pork kidney, I couldn't sleep all night, and the fire was so hot Boarding the plane, talk back.

Lu Ying replied: "Who told you to like to eat that stuff, I am a kind heart." Qin Zhuopu liked to eat when they lived together before.

On the other side of the ocean, Qin Zhuopu didn't see the news until very late, she was sad and relieved. Before he met Lu Ying, he didn't eat pork kidneys! After meeting, tired and happy.

Thank you for remembering my taste. Next time we meet, I hope you moved to a big house. Give him a place to stay.

In the bakery, Lu Ying secretly replied, hiding from her colleagues: "I'm looking at the house. You work hard!"

After a long period of rain and fine weather, Caifeng City officially entered the warm spring, Lu Ying has already put the matter of booking elementary school in the most important position.

Although the principal is quite sure, Lu Ying has inquired about the enrollment situation of various primary schools nearby. Qixia Town is so big, there are only a handful of primary schools, and the ranking is basically indistinguishable. Lu Ying chose two primary schools in his mind, both of which are closest to his home and are also very convenient to his work place. Twelve hours closer to the bakery.

New, only opened for three years. The other cheap ones are basically local residents. To be honest, the education level of the residents in the small town is very average.

Originally, Lu Ying was very partial to the 12th elementary school. She used to struggle with the extra 20,000 yuan.

Although Twelve Elementary School is far from where I live, it is only a ten-minute walk from the bakery. It is more convenient than kindergarten to pick up children from get off work, so why not do it?

While busy with work and study, Lu Ying prepared all the materials needed by the primary school.

"My heart is finally half relieved, and I feel a lot more at ease." After receiving the call from the principal, Lu Yingcai suddenly felt light and light when he learned that the answer was not a big question.

Yang Sigu laughed at him when he heard the words: "You are in such a hurry when your child is in elementary school. What can you do when you go to junior high school and high school in the future?"

"Brother Yang, how do you understand my feelings? The pressure of being a parent is too great. Don't say I worry about it every day. Those parents in the kindergarten are college students. The children are busy running around. Everyone wants to choose a better one. After primary school, they can’t just transfer to kindergarten. The first study is six years, and the impact is too great.” Lu Ying talked about the problem of children’s school enrollment.

Yang Sigu listened thoughtfully and couldn't help repeating the old saying: "I said a few times, you have no house to be afraid of, I will help you transfer the cub to me, and then Let him go directly to the private primary school in our community. All kinds of facilities in the primary school are good, and the owners and parents have reported that it is okay. However, these public primary schools in the town have a good reputation. "

Lu Ying couldn't help laughing, "Brother Yang, please forgive me, your private primary school is too expensive!" Not to mention the tuition fee of 200,000 yuan a year, but this is just tuition, not including living expenses, There are also annual school activities fees.

Summer camps, winter camps for children of rich families, and then organized trips abroad! Going out to collect wind and experience life, even in school, a variety of colorful interest categories are essential, piano, painting, etc. are almost compulsory courses, although learning these are included in the tuition, but when you go home, do you want to consolidate and practice? ? Should you buy musical instruments and painting tools? Please do not ask for private lessons? And the most important one, after graduation from a private primary school, you still have to go to a private middle school, and after the middle school, it’s a private high school again... and then go abroad!

What a joke, he never thought of letting the cub go abroad to study and live, and travel abroad is similar. He just wants to let the cubs receive a local regular education, and then work hard to get into high school, take the college entrance examination and go to college. At that time, if Zaizai had the ability to study abroad, he would definitely support it. Qin Zhuopu has such good conditions. At first, he did not go through the college entrance examination and university in China, and then chose to go abroad.

Lu Ying felt that the child was already an adult at that time, and she could make her own decisions if she did not go abroad. But now, what he chooses for his children is compulsory education.

"Aren't you going to rent a house? I have spared a small room for you to live in. It is convenient for you to go to work, and it will be more convenient for you to go to elementary school in the future. In the community, apart from cheap rent, there is no quality of life at all." Yang Sigu suggested.

Lu Ying was moved when she heard the words: "Brother Yang, have you vacuumed the house?"

Yang Sigu nodded: "Yes, it's on the sixth floor of a small high-rise, with a total of 11 floors. There are two bedrooms and two living rooms in the house, there is a terrace, and the environment is not bad. I rented it to a university teacher before. Now that teacher has moved away. Just in time for you to stay."

"Really? That's great! Brother Yang must be left to me. I can't live in vain. How much is the rent?" Lu Ying agreed and was very happy. Zaizai has always envied the beautiful environment of Yang Ge’s community, the large and rich amusement park, as well as the swimming pool, the separation of people and vehicles, and the cleanliness, who doesn’t like it. The bakery's side is the south gate with a lot of traffic, and there is also a row of shops on the opposite side of the north gate. The big trees, flowers and plants are arranged brick by brick in a very British style, and all kinds of training classes, gyms, and beauty clubs are gathered here.

Every time Lu Ying passed there, she would take a special look at the training class.

Yang Sigu was surprised. He thought it would be difficult to persuade the frugal Lu Ying. Unexpectedly, Lu Ying agreed, and he couldn't help laughing: "Are you making a fortune?"

Lu Ying smiled, a little silly: "That's right."

"Okay, then you can give it as you see it. Later, you can go over and see for yourself. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can raise it. If you think it's okay, you can stay at any time." Yang Sigu was also refreshing. , immediately went to the bag in the rest room, took out a booklet, flipped through it, tore off one, and handed it to Lu Ying: "This is the password for that house, you can change it after you move in."

"Yeah! I'll take a look after I pick up the cubs after get off work!"

Lu Ying looked at the house that day, and couldn't wait to start moving the ants the next day. It took him three days to get everything into the new house, and then he returned the house with the cubs on the rest day. The small rental house was cleaned, and even the smoking machine in the kitchen was cleaned as much as possible. Except that the walls are not scratched with a layer of white, the room is refreshing and refreshing.

In this way, the father and son handed over the keys to check out.

Liu Dichuan took the key and said with a smile, "If every tenant is like you, the landlord can save a lot of heart."

"It should be, after all, I lived for so long. I am very embarrassed to quit early. Aunt Tong doesn't blame me."

"How can she blame you, if you didn't take her with her kindness, she wouldn't be able to go to Dr. Hu. Now her granddaughter is much better. Let's go, I'll take you to a new house."

"Well, thank you Brother Liu."

On the way to the new home, Liu Dichuan said: "I recently saw a house with high cost performance and wanted to buy it and live in it myself. But the real estate in my name has been restricted. I am not qualified to register. Lottery, Lu Ying, do you plan to buy a house in the next two years?"

Lu Ying shook her head, "I didn't plan to buy it. I might consider it when the cub is going to junior high school."

"That's the case, I want to borrow your place to buy this house, okay? Buy it first, I will sell other houses later, and then you can transfer it to me .You are just in need, qualified enough, and there are discounts for the first suite. After you get it, brother will send you a big red envelope."

"What's the problem with that?" Lu Ying agreed, and there was no doubt between them, "I'm lucky this year, I won a lottery ticket of 2,000 yuan a few days ago. I can also help with the lottery. you!"

"That's right! I almost forgot, that's right, when you go to the lottery, you'll be able to grab a good floor that I like."

"Well, tell me what information is needed to buy a house, and I'll prepare it for you later."


Back to the door of the newly moved house, Lu Zaicai immediately extended his fingers happily, the door opened with a slam, Lu Zaizai jumped in with a laugh, quickly took off his shoes and socks, and then barefooted The house ran around: "Wow, wow, the new home is so beautiful, the carpet is so soft! Dad, I won't wear shoes at home in the future! Dad, look at the flowers on the balcony, it's so beautiful!"

Lu Ying hummed, and entered the house barefoot like her son, with a comfortable wooden floor and a beige blanket in the living room. There is also a waterproof carpet in the kitchen, and my feet are finally freed. The two of them are not very happy. The house has a small balcony and a terrace, which is convenient for drying clothes, and flowers can be grown on the terrace. The former tenants are very interested. Several large pots of beautiful succulents and roses are left on the balcony, which is cheaper for them.

The kitchen is not big, but all kinds of utensils are nice and easy to use. Lu Ying hummed a pleasant tune and made dinner. After she was full, she took her son to the North Gate to attend the hobby class.

Today's move was also the day when Lu Zizai went to a hobby class for the first time. Lu Ying asked him to choose two courses, one is his favorite Lego robot, and the other... is actually street dance. He thought that his son would choose the quiet type of painting or English, but he didn't expect that this kid just passed by the door of the dance room, and saw a group of children dancing coolly, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he signed up for hip-hop.

The choice of son Lu Ying will not interfere, he is not short of money anyway (*^▽^*)

As long as it's healthy, the son likes it.

Today, my son is going to take the first Lego lesson.

"Lego robot has a class of 380, and hip-hop has a class of 18. Since you have chosen, you can study hard, you can't give up halfway, you know? Especially hip-hop, if you choose, you will Take it seriously." Lu Ying told her son that Lego has always been his favorite, but hip-hop is a whim, so I don't know if I can stick to it.

"Dad, don't worry, I will listen to you." Lu Zaicai nodded vigorously, and suddenly hugged Lu Ying's neck: "Dad has worked hard!"

"...You." Lu Ying rubbed his forehead with him: "Go in, Dad is waiting for you outside."

After Lu Zizai entered the classroom, Lu Ying strolled in the hall of the Lego training center, took a few pictures with her mobile phone, and posted it on the glass window at the entrance of her son's classroom to take a look inside, small class Teaching, there are only a few children in each class. Lu Ying glanced at it for a few minutes and saw that the teacher smiled kindly and interacted very well. It was the first time that his son came here, and he was very active. He was relieved and took a few pictures. Photos, satisfied.

Afterwards, Lu Ying, like other parents, waited in the hall boringly. An hour and a half is hard.

Lu Ying played with her mobile phone boredly, and selected a few photos of her son in class to send to the circle of friends. He rarely made hoops, and his godfather Ji Xiaofeng praised it in seconds. After that, he saw Qin Zhuopu.

Lu Ying frowned suddenly and took him out to greet him: "Are you up?"

Qin Zhuopu replied, "No, I'm in China now."

"When did you come back?"

"At noon today, I negotiated with the project over there. This time it is very difficult, there are too many competitors, and there is a bit of luck. There is still a lot of supplementary work in the company. Fa to see you, sorry."

Lu Ying breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that the work goes well, you can do it." Qin Zhuopu briefly told him about the difficulties he encountered on a business trip, but he was also in a hurry and couldn't help. I can only pray that my little lucky bag can add a little luck to Qin Zhuopu.

"I saw the picture of the cub, he is in the hobby class?"

"Yes, this has always been his favorite. I used to be reluctant to sign up for him, a class was too expensive. Now...ahem, thanks to your grandma's red envelope, thank you." Lu Ying Sincerely.

In the office, Qin Zhuopu closed his eyes and sighed.

For a long time, he said, "No thanks, you are too polite."

"...Oh." Lu Ying pursed her lips.

"I brought a lot of gifts to you and Cub, do you want me to send them to you in advance, or wait for me to give them to you in person?"

Lu Ying thought about it and said, "Is there anything delicious?"


"Send the delicious food first. You can do anything else."

"...Heh, he also said that he is not a pig, and only cares about what he eats." Qin Zhuopu teased.

Lu Ying is righteous: "I'm a pig! Why don't you praise me for being cute!"

"Yes, yes, I will call you Lu Xiaozhu later."

"Brother Ji keeps calling me that."

"...People have families, so you have to keep your distance." Qin Zhuopu's tone was harsh.

"He's Cub's godfather, hum."

Qin Zhuopu said, "yes, he's a godfather, and I'm just an uncle."

"..." Lu Ying sighed, "You can smell your sour smell through the phone."

"You know how much I miss him calling my dad!"

It is not easy for a child to change his mind, he has to work harder. As long as Lu Zizai is willing to recognize him, he is willing to do anything.

Qin Zhuopu's strong will can almost be passed on. In the hall, Lu Yingmai walked all the way to the outside with his long legs, looking up at the clear night sky, full of stars shining brightly.

He seemed to see that person in front of him, jealous and anxious. However, the missing time cannot be made up in an instant, especially a child. If you don't look at him for a few days, he will grow up in the blink of an eye, and in the blink of an eye, the rebelliousness will be shown to you.

In the child's short childhood, there was no such person.

For Lu Cub, there is only one father.

Uncle is very good, but uncle is uncle.

Even if he was anxious for Qin Zhuopu, there was no way to replace him.

Lu Ying took a deep breath, stared at the stars and blinked, "You just want to be a father?"

"Of course."

Lu Ying muttered in a low voice, "How about I call your father?"


Qin Zhuopu shut down the computer and groaned at the phone: "Wait for me!"

It's so outrageous!

Less lesson! Shame! owe…!

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