MTL - Good Luck in the Year of the Pig-Chapter 32

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On the way back, Lu Ying was still in charge of riding the bike, Lu Zaizai squatted in front, Qin Zhuopu sat behind the car, the small electric car carried three people rushing home, speeding Slow but steady.

Lu Cub's mouth couldn't stop along the way, he wanted to wrap his neck from the front to the end, it would be better if he could squeeze into Qin Zhuopu. Who told him that he hasn't seen his uncle for a long time, he wants to have a good chat with his uncle now! He wants to talk to his uncle about the dream he had yesterday.

"So uncle, guess what is in the gift box in my dream?"

Qin Zhuopu's low voice passed through Lu Ying's ear, with an obvious smile: "I guess it must be um... someone who will surprise you when you meet him?"

"Ah!" Lu Zizai screamed, almost stood up from the front, Lu Ying hurriedly scolded him: "Squat down, have something to say. Please don't move, the car is about to run out of electricity. It's over!" Lu Ying looked at the electric table that was on the verge of a critical line, and panicked a lot in her heart.

"Uncle, how do you know that there is a person in the gift box?" Lu Zizai exclaimed exaggeratedly, "Uncle, did you have the same dream as me, that's why you know that the gift box is inside? You are pretending to be yourself!"

Qin Zhuopu laughed: "Uncle didn't dream, but uncle can guess." He wanted to touch the child's head very much, thank him for having himself in his dream.

Lu Zizai had to be convinced, the deep admiration in his smiling eyes was like squirting out like chocolate: "Dad is right, uncle is very smart people!"

Qin Zhuopu seemed to smell the sweet fragrance of happiness and enveloped him, "Cub is also a smart baby."

The praised Lu Cub smirked and rubbed his fat face a little shyly: "My father and teacher also said that I am a smart and good boy. No, no, I am no longer a baby! "Lu Zizai strongly corrected: "I'm six years old, I'm the big brother! It's not a little baby, hum!"

Qin Zhuopu smiled: "but you will always be a cute baby in the eyes of father and uncle."

Lu Zizai didn't appreciate it, shook his head and protested: "No! Besides, I'm a baby, I'll be angry!"

Qin Zhuopu conceded defeat: "Okay, uncle is wrong, you will be the big brother in the future."

Lu Zaizai suddenly burst into laughter, and he has to teach him a few words: "Uncle, let me tell you, the younger brothers and sisters in the small class are the little babies! They still pee their pants at school, and they are so big all day long. Cry, not obedient at all."

Lu Ying interjected: "It wasn't the same when you were in a small class."

"How is it possible!" Lu Zaizai didn't believe it.

"It's over, it's about to run out of electricity!" Lu Ying screamed, the speed of the car was as slow as a snail.

"Oh my God, I don't want to walk..." Lu Cuizi twisted.

Qin Zhuopu was stunned for a moment: "It's still a long way from home."

Lu Ying turned her head and glared at him: "It's all your fault that you are too heavy, and you can run fast when you have electricity behind you."

"...What should I do?" Qin Zhuopu looked confused. He has ridden a motorcycle but never an electric bike.

Lu Ying raised her eyebrows: "What else can I do? Get down quickly."

Qin Zhuopu got out of the car immediately, and Lu Ying continued to run forward slowly with her son. The fallen Qin Zhuopu held his forehead for a few seconds, and then... what else can he do, of course, keep up!

"Uncle, hurry up, don't fall behind. Come on, uncle!" Lu Zizai was still cheering in the car.

Qin Zhuopu had no choice but to fall behind the car, fortunately, the speed of the car was as slow as a snail, he would not fall behind if he walked faster.

"Cub, don't move around, be careful, dad will blame you later." Qin Zhuopu reminded the lively fat boy with a smile.

Sure enough, as soon as the words came out, Lu Ying stopped angrily: "Lu Zaizai, hurry up, go with your uncle, and I will ride back alone. Hey, I don't know if I can ride home. "If you can't ride back, you have to push the car back, thinking about it, you're heartbroken.

"Ah, Daddy, don't..." Lu Zizai pouted.

Lu Ying rolled his eyes at him.

Qin Zhuopu held back a smile, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to Lu Zizai: "Come down, uncle will lead you, just to accompany uncle for a walk."

Lu Zaizai hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded: "Okay, uncle, I'll show you the way." He grabbed Qin Zhuopu's hand and threw his arms and walked forward quickly: "We It must be faster than dad's bike! Dad's car is a little snail crawling and crawling."

Lu Ying hummed angrily: "You'd better pray that Father Snail can climb back." Then he threw his schoolbag to Qin Zhuopu, and told him: "Take your child to watch the car, he knows the way, I go first."

"You know, be careful when you ride." Qin Zhuopu, who was holding a small schoolbag, looked serious.

Lu Ying waved her hand, slid off on a bicycle, and soon turned invisible at an intersection.

"Hey, what a confused dad, the car doesn't even know if it's fully charged before picking me up." Lu Zaizai sighed sadly.

Qin Zhuopu couldn't help laughing: "If your father is confused, then you are a little confused."

"No, I'm smart!" Lu Zizai was not convinced.

"Dad is also very smart. He learns things very quickly." Qin Zhuopu said with a smile that Lu Ying is naive sometimes, but also learns things quickly, it depends on whether he is interested.

Lu Zaizai looked proud again: "Of course, my father must be very smart, he can do anything."

Qin Zhuopu has been watching him attentively, seeing that he has a small face raised with a vivid expression, a plump face, and a small curved mouth, not to mention how cute. He took out his mobile phone: "Can uncle take a picture of you?"

"Okay, okay, hee hee!" Lu Zizai immediately made a super funny face.

Qin Zhuopu held up his mobile phone to take pictures continuously, and Lu Cubai quickly jumped forward and stopped, picking up fallen leaves, kicking the small stones along the road, and taking pictures from time to time Qin Zhuopu beckoned him to follow quickly.

On the way home, one or the other can see family members and children who ride or drive, or walk like them. Parents, grandparents, no matter who the parent is responsible for picking up the child, on this crowded street, the schoolbag and child in their hands are now a symbol of their identity.

When he promised his mother to do IVF for the first time, he was ready to be a father at that time. At that time, he thought that when the child was born and returned home, he had to reduce the workload and strive to spend more time with him every day Accompany the child. Since the child has no mother, he should take full responsibility. When the child goes to kindergarten, he must not just leave it to the driver and the nanny to pick him up, his own child should try his best to do whatever he wants.

"Uncle, hurry up!" Lu Zizai ran to the front again and urged him loudly.

Qin Zhuopu approached, touched his head, bent down and whispered, "Come, take a photo with uncle. Uncle's grandma likes you very much."

"Okay, is my uncle's grandmother very old?"

The two were head-to-head, one in front of the other, Qin Zhuopu quickly took a photo and sent it to his grandmother, and then answered Lu Zizai: "My grandmother is in her 80s and her hair is full of hair. white.

"Wow, being in her 80s is amazing, then she is almost 100 years old!" Lu Zizai looked surprised.

"Yeah, grandma is very good, and I really want to see you. When I have time next time, can my uncle take you and dad to see grandma too? My grandma's house has a lot of delicious and fun things, There are also children about your age, you can play in the amusement park together."

Lu Zaizai nodded without hesitation: "I want to go!"


The two walked and turned to the new street, Lu Ying held the station under the tree in the distance, and saw Qin Zhuopu's leisurely figure and lively son, happy fat The boy wished the whole street could hear his laughter.

He shouted at them both, "Hurry up, you two."

"Whether it's my business, please push it back for me."

Qin Zhuopu stepped forward to support the car, and Lu Ying was behind the car: "Just push it like this, come on."

"Dad, I'll help you!" Lu Zizai also stepped forward to help.

The rest of the journey is not far, the three of them work together to push the car forward smoothly. It was the peak season after school and get off work, and it was rare that it didn't rain today, and many young people were dispatched on the street. It is absolutely rare to see a crowded presence that can attract attention at a glance.

Two handsome guys and a fat kid, all three of them are very eye-catching, pushing a small broken electric car, looking inconsistent and funny. Everyone passing by looked curiously.

Qin Zhuopu couldn't help laughing and said, "There is always a lot of attention when you are with you." Going out with Lu Ying before was definitely the most shining existence in the crowd. Lu Ying is not a high-profile person, but he is so dazzling.

Lu Ying was immediately dissatisfied: "Yes, yes, a bunch of people are staring at the big boss Qin to help me push the car! If you are afraid of being ugly, don't push it, and don't think about who to blame. If it weren't for you, I'd be pushing the cart. If you have the ability, let go."

"I dare not, I have no ability." Qin Zhuopu shook his head helplessly, "If you can afford me as a cartman, there will be no one else in the world except you."

"Don't brag about it, you didn't push a car for your grandfather, a wheelchair is also a car." Lu Ying immediately retorted.

"...OK, a wheelchair is also a car! You are right." Qin Zhuopu smiled helplessly and indulgently.

Lu Ying was embarrassed and blushed slightly: "Actually, I can push it by myself." It's completely trivial! Go back without panting. But he just wanted to toss the big boss Qin, and it would be interesting to see him push a small broken car! (#^^#)

No, it's rare to see him do physical work, Lu Ying immediately took out his mobile phone and clicked, and took pictures around Qin Zhuopu in a 360-degree series. To keep your demeanor: "Make me look handsome."

"I want to be handsome too!" Lu Zaizai raised his hand.

"Show me?" Qin Zhuopu wanted to check.


Lu Ying was very satisfied with the filming, avoiding Qin Zhuopu, burying her head and admiring her mobile phone, secretly laughing. Well, even if Qin Zhuopu pushes the little broken car, he is still... so handsome. His mobile phone comes with a filter, so what's so ugly about it? It's just a big hard photo!

It's still a good model (*^▽^*).

Lu Ying put on her mobile phone and waved her hand: "Go, go home and eat. Today I'm making beef hot pot."

The three returned to the community, parked the electric car, Lu Zizai pulled one person in one hand, and the three swayed into the elevator.

"Does it look like a family of three?" Qin Zhuopu looked at Lu Ying and asked with a smile.

Lu Ying teased: "Mom, you are right!"

“…” Qin Zhuopu was dumbfounded.

"Hahahaha, uncle is not my mother!" Lu Zizai laughed.

"No, he's your mother, silly child, call me mother!" Lu Ying made a bad move.

Lu Zaizai was about to cry with laughter and shook his head: "No, no, uncle will be angry. Dad, you are good or bad, don't bully uncle!"

Qin Zhuopu was dumbfounded, holding hands like a lively young son and a slightly rebellious eldest son.

In the evening, Lu Ying made beef hot pot and fried a few side dishes.

It has been a long time since Qin Zhuopu could eat so much, so much that he didn't want to move, and his whole body was hot. Lu Zizai, a caring child, kept giving him food during dinner, what else could he do except eat it.

Lu Ying swiftly began to clean up the tableware, Qin Zhuopu got up to help, and the two crowded together in the narrow kitchen. Lu Ying despised him: "don't squeeze me, you go out to play with the children."

Qin Zhuopu shook his head: "You hate washing dishes the most, I'll come, you go out."

"..." I remember so clearly a little thing.

Lu Ying didn't rush with him, just stepped aside to let him wash. He didn't even go out.

Qin Zhuopu said: "The birthday red envelope that grandma gave to the cub is still with me. I will send it to you later."

Lu Ying whispered: "No need." As soon as he thought that it was Mrs. Qin's mother, he wanted to refuse.

Qin Zhuopu gave her a hand and said, "Grandma really likes the cub and me. If I like it, she will support me. From a very young age, when our juniors celebrate their birthdays, she will give the same The red envelopes are treated equally, and so are the cubs."

Lu Ying bowed her head and said nothing.

Qin Zhuopu washed his hands, turned to face Lu Ying who was silent, and put his mobile phone into Lu Ying: "Trust me, cub is so cute, it's strange that grandma doesn't like it. You If you don't accept red envelopes, grandma will be sad. If you don't believe me, look at my mobile phone, she really likes cubs."

Lu Ying pouted: "Cub is so cute, of course I like it." However, it may not necessarily like me.

Staring into Lu Ying's eyes, Qin Zhuopu seemed to see through people, Qin Zhuopu felt a pain in his heart, his palm touched Lu Ying's face, and Lu Ying turned his head away. Qin Zhuopu embeds him and wraps his hands around the person to prevent him from moving.

Lu Ying's back was beside the white stove that had just been cleaned, and she was trapped in a small space, and even her heartbeat could not help beating fast. Qin Zhuopu's scorching breath sprayed on his face and around his ear sockets, which made people numb and itchy.

Lu Ying's fair cheeks suddenly turned red.

"Go away... woo..."

The lips and tongues were suddenly blocked, and there was no escape.

I don't want to run away either.

It was just for a moment, he followed his own thoughts and desires, and warmly responded to the hug and kiss after a long absence.

Want to own it.

I want to be together forever.

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