MTL - Gold Medal Mediator-Chapter 69 I'm really not the heroine of x-wen (16)

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???? To be honest, Zhao Mei doesn't know why she is so unlucky.

???? When the lawyer's letter was sent to her house, she had only one sentence in her mind: Is the Xue family playing her?

???? But it has been a long time since she plagiarized and deleted the text...

???? Why does Xue Ling want to pursue things that happened so long ago? !

???? When the thought appeared, Zhao Mei’s heart was filled with unspeakable anger, which made her wish she could rush to the door of the Xue family and roar:

???? Are you kidding me!

???? She couldn't control her expression, and the strength at hand was a little distorted. When she took out the lawyer's letter, she almost tore the letter due to the strength at hand.

???? "Mei Mei, what did you receive? Why do you look like this?"

???? At that time, her mother had just cut a plate of fruit and brought it out, when she found Zhao Mei dismantling things angrily in the living room.

???? Because I just checked my husband's salary card for this month yesterday, so the woman is in a good mood at the moment, and she is even thinking about taking her daughter to buy clothes in the afternoon. , she remembered that a nearby store was going to be sold out recently, and it was doing the final sale—

????"Mei Mei, go shopping with me this afternoon to buy clothes, look at the clothes you keep in your closet all day long, they look weird and expensive, girl Just dress up a little, then burn money, who can support you in the future..."

???? Zhao Mei heard her talk, and her brows immediately became a little irritable, as if there was a manic depression in her heart that has been around for a long time. The lawyer's letter, while replying:

???? "Who is going to buy those bargains from you, I-!"

???? Her voice stopped abruptly when she was halfway through.

???? There was already the summer heat in the house, but when she read the content of the lawyer's letter, she felt like falling into an ice cave.

???? She knew every word on the paper, but when they were connected together, it created an effect that scared her.

????Northern Pictures…

???? The film and television group in China is like thunder, and only Southern Film can compete with it in China, because in the 1930s and 1940s, the country caught up with the wave of the industrial revolution , Many people of insight in China have gone to the West to learn advanced technologies and bring them into the country.

???? Among them, the founder of Northern Pictures went directly to the United States to learn the most advanced film technology in the United States at that time, not only learned the technology of the most historical film and television company in the United States, At the same time, he is also one of the first group of people to propose legislation on copyright protection and patent protection in China.


???? Since Huaxia entered this century, people all over the country know that Northern Pictures attaches great importance to copyright awareness.

???? Especially in recent years, I heard that the top ten lawyers in China are all working in the buildings of Northern Films, and their lawsuits regarding copyright are even more unfavorable.

???? Now…

???? She is an ordinary prodigy, Zhao Mei, who was sued by Northern Pictures for infringement.

???? The more Zhao Mei thought about it, the more her scalp exploded!

???? She looked at the content on the piece of paper with white lips, and gulped.

???? The words "Miss Zhao Mei" never made her feel so dazzling.

???? Her hands on both sides of the paper almost tugged the paper into a ball. In a panic, she put the paper back on the table in the living room. , squatted down and muttered:

????"It's not true, it's a lie, I have never resold their copyrighted works, they must have found the wrong person, yes, that person must have the same name as me... "

???? "It must be another Zhao Mei..."

???? I don’t know if she has been talking to herself for too long, but she believes in the effect of this comfort, completely ignoring the mother’s inquiries next to her, and only loudly replied:

???? "Shut up! Don't harass me! I'll read it again! Go away!"

???? Hearing her words, she had a very good temper. The woman standing behind the sofa with a fruit plate in her hand suddenly felt a fire in her heart. She just thought of taking this losing daughter to go there. buying clothes.

???? But now, listen, what did this unfilial female dog spit out?

???? She immediately threw the fruit plate on the sofa, regardless of the diced apples and pear pulp rolling down on the sofa, she only raised her finger and pointed at the person in front, her eyes were like electricity He said fiercely: "What did you say to your mother just now! Say it again!?"

???? In the past, when Zhao Mei heard her thunderous anger, she must have long since confessed, either she compromised on the face and returned to the room to curse again, or she simply opened her mouth. Addicted, and then quickly returned to the room, locked the door, and staged a verbal confrontation with his mother.

???? But today, she doesn't seem to feel the horror of her mother at all.

???? She just turned the paper over and over, staring at the movie name on it for a long, long time.

???? "Hanli".

???? A very familiar name.

???? It looks like the name of the movie she copied from Xue Ling's folder and then sold it to Southern Films.

???? Some time ago, someone from Southern Films specifically talked to her about the copyright issue of this script. If it weren't for the huge amount, she would have forgotten its existence .


???? Zhao Mei immediately came back to her senses and saw her mother who was close at hand, she was slipping her ear with one hand, and the anger on her face almost spread out on that face.

???? "Dead girl, who did you just let go? Do you recognize who your mother is? Ah?"

???? Seeing that Zhao Mei didn't apologize immediately, her mother's anger had already been ignited. How could such a woman who has never been defeated in the streets and scolded the streets tolerate Zhao Mei May this daughter's rebellion.

???? She came around from behind the sofa almost immediately, walked straight to the table, and pulled Zhao Mei up by her ears.

???? However, at the moment when she raised her palm, Zhao Mei stared at her raised palm and suddenly remembered something.

????Northern Pictures…


???? She had a ridiculous feeling in her heart, as if everything today was unreal, so instead of restraining her temper, she went up to it:

???? "You beat me! You beat me to death! You will lose the house soon hahahaha! You have the ability to kill me!"

???? "Pop!"

???? A heavy slap fell, almost stunned her.

???? Zhao Mei’s ears were buzzing, her face was also full of burning pain, and even a sharp pain spread to the corner of her eyes, I wonder if it was because of her mother’s long nails scraped.

???? She had her eyes open, but she felt that there was a circle of gold stars in everything she saw.

???? Very painful.

???? Almost awakened her hot, overstimulated, unwilling to believe fact brain.

???? She looked down at the piece of paper in her hand again, and in the voice of her mother scolding, she finally realized that she was going to be sued by Northern Pictures it is true:

???? "Why did I give birth to such a thing as you, it's okay to be a loser, and now you want to curse me to become poor, do you want to be mad at me to be reconciled!"

???? At that moment, panic, regret, helplessness, and aggrieved crowd rushed up, pressing on her shoulders, making her suddenly open her mouth and scream:

???? "Ah-!!"

???? Why!


???? Why does Xue Ling want to kill her again and again!

???? She hates her so much!


???? At this moment, the Xue family.

???? The cicadas outside the window are very cheerful. I don't know if they are happily welcoming this season of vigorous vitality, or because there is not much time to jump around, so they are so excited. child's creation.

???? But when all things are at their peak, they seem to be out of control, and the constant anger does not patronize all creations in the world.

???? "Ahem..."

???? Listening to the suppressed coughing sound, it seems that the body owner is not willing to disturb others, and the phlegm stuck in the chest pulls out a kind of air leakage like a broken bellows, making people come and go The maid is not very comfortable to hear.

???? But it was only a low sound, and it didn't sound again. Looking at the expression of the coughing man, I knew that she was holding it in pain, but she could no longer hear her voice. The second sound came out.

???? At that time, Xue Jiming had just walked out of the door and was buttoning his wrist. Hearing this sound, he couldn't help but quickly walked towards the living room—


???? The domineering black seems to have the effect of swallowing people's hearts.

???? Obviously winter has passed, but her clothes are still so heavy, as if they are out of tune with the short-sleeved party in the whole living room.


???? There was a thin blanket covering her knees.

???? With such a thick blanket covering her, she didn't look hot at all, and there was no trace of sweat on her forehead.


???? "Sister, you've had a cold for a week now, why haven't you seen it yet? It's not quite right for me to hear your cough?"

???? "Have you taken the medicine?"

????"Is this hospital not good, I heard from my friends at school that this hospital is not reliable, why don't we invite the old doctor from Dad's unit next time? have a look?"

???? This series of caring questions gave Hua Baihe no chance to intervene.

???? Just as she was about to speak, she opened her mouth and uttered a word, her face flushed red, and then there was an earth-shattering cough—



???? "Cough cough, cough... cough!"

???? She wanted to cough again and again, but was tortured by her pain, she couldn't help bending down subconsciously, and finally she could only wave her hands to push Xue Jiming away, worried about infecting him.

???? "Cough, I'm fine, I'm fine, you don't care..."

???? How could Xue Jiming hear her say that? He immediately took a cup of warm water from the servant beside him and handed it to Hua Baihe.

???? "What's the matter, you've been sick for a long time... I haven't seen you like this before, or is your physique suddenly weak?"

???? Hua Baihe took a few sips with the water cup in his hand, and then he felt that the dryness in the throat receded, only the pain in the heart and lungs accompanied every beat of breathing, wandering all over the chest cavity. a cell.

???? She fell weakly into the wheelchair.

???? Hearing Xue Jiming's doubts, a helpless smile appeared in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

???? Of course Hua Baihe knew the cause of her illness.

???? The reason is nothing more than following Jiang Xuehu.

???? That person didn't know if she noticed that she was about to complete the task and was about to leave, and while the Xue family was away, he dragged her to the study several times, even in a dignified manner Take her to Jiang's house.

???? Lock her in her own room, and let her taste all the special products in her store.




????" I forgot to tell you before that the Lord God suspects that the memory of the Child of Destiny in the previous worlds is abnormal because of the side effect of directly pulling you out of the world, so he decided to modify this loophole."

???? "From this world, your departure will follow normal procedures."

???? When Hua Baihe started, she didn't know what this normal procedure meant, but when this simple cold was not good for a long time, and even worsened day by day, she fainted Understood.


???? "It's all right." Hua Baihe took a few sips and handed the cup to the helper next to him.

???? She raised her hand and patted Xue Jiming's shoulder, a little smile appeared in her eyes, and said softly: "You have your business to do, today is not an appointment Are you going to see the wedding dress with Xiao He?"

???? "As for my body, I know it well, don't worry, it will be fine in a while."

???? After she finished speaking, she found that the worry in Xue Jiming's eyes did not fade away.


???? Hua Baihe seemed to have seen through his plans, his shallow lips parted lightly, and he said, "You..."

???? "Sister, why don't I tell Xiao He another day, in your situation, she certainly won't—"

??? It'll be fine in a while, but it's you, how can you release other people's pigeons when you go on an appointment with your partner?"

???? "And it's still a matter of choosing a wedding dress. Did you forget that you have to prepare for the wedding, eh?"

???? "Stop dawdling here, Xue Jiming, hurry out!"

???? She didn't say a word, and while her throat was not itchy, she finished her words in one breath, and then raised a finger to the door direction.


???? "Sister..."

???? Hua Baihe was unmoved and just stared at him.

??? Because the night is cold and so on.

???? Hua Baihe: "…"

???? She took a deep breath, covered her cheeks, and said, "Xue Jiming, I didn't see it, besides marrying a wife, you have this ambition? "

???? Xue Jiming looked back: "?"

???? Hua Baihe clapped his hands slowly: "You want to be my mother?"

???? Xue Jiming: "…"


???? "This white one is beautiful and very temperamental. I see those foreign brides getting married, and they are all dressed like this, clean, and we Xiaohe will dress up again. , um! It must be a talented woman on the wedding day."

????In a wedding dress shop in Beijing, Zhao He is pulling his parents to try on the wedding dress with him.

???? Last time about Zhao Mei's matter, although Xue Ling took it lightly, she did not take it too lightly.

???? Xue family has good intentions, it is her luck.

???? But Zhao He can't guarantee that the next time he encounters this kind of thing, he can still expect the victim to forgive her cousin.

???? Zhao He's whole life was devoted to that day.


???? The point is, the Xue family is looking at the sake of marrying their Zhao family, and through the pressure of Xue Cheng, Xue Ling is not allowed to care about this matter.

???? Then, she and Xue Jiming got engaged quickly under Xue Ling's suggestion.

???? This fact proves that the Xue family values ​​her future daughter-in-law.

???? Besides, Xue Ling seemed to have a special fondness for her, and after hearing her dissatisfaction with her family, she quickly gave her advice.

???? Zhao He went back and repeated what she said to his parents.

???? It probably means that now she is the daughter-in-law of the Xue family, which is different from the ordinary relationship with Xue Jiming before. The help of the Xue family will help them Home help is quite unusual.

???? If she offends her husband's family again for her cousin's affairs, her marriage may not be very good in the future.

???? Especially at this moment, her father Zhao Xin was negotiating a business in the company, because the partner was a branch of the Xue family, and the other party gave him the green light directly, Let him be very appreciated in the company.

???? So!

???? The Zhao Xin family seems to really see the benefits of marrying the Xue family.

???? Since they don't mean to look down on their Zhao family, and Xue Jiming's attitude towards Zhao He is nothing to say, then of course Zhao Xin and his wife know that when similar things happen in the future, what is in their hearts? How to judge.

???? In the days when he was very proud in the workplace, Zhao Xin also thought about it, his brother, when he could help, he would definitely help, but if he really came back, he would look for it He dealt with this terrible thing, and he also made his only daughter wronged in the Xue family, which didn't seem too wonderful.

???? He was still at the dinner table, drinking too much several times, and chatting with his daughter Zhao He about this:

???? "Xiaohe, my father is old now, and some things are a little old and confused. I know that you were wronged about Meimei before, but luckily there is no such thing as my in-laws. Care are with a good person, Jiming looks good to me, you should cherish it..."

???? "Xiao He, my father has no other wishes in this life. It is very hard for your mother to take you too far. We both want to see your future. When I was admitted to Jingcheng University, I was very proud in front of my brothers and in the company, and now you can find Jiming, it's not bad..."

???? "Xiao He, I have asked you to help Meimei for so many years. I have also seen your efforts. Sometimes, it's a matter of human beings, just do your best."

????The various words, gathered together, made Zhao He easily understand the subtext inside.

???? The depression from some time ago, which has been dragged into the water by Zhao Mei for many years, has nowhere to say, and seems to have disappeared in just a few days.

???? Zhao He did not expect Xue Ling's suggestion to have such a great effect.

???? At that moment, she felt that she could not understand this 'blood first' father, but she felt that she actually understood.

???? But it's good news for her anyway.

???? In this life, she doesn't want to wipe Zhao Mei's **** anymore!

???? Zhao He looked at himself in the mirror wearing a long white dress and a long wedding dress, and a relaxed and happy smile appeared on his lips, especially when he heard the staff of the wedding dress building at the stairs The voice that greets those who come:

???? "Mr. Xue, your wife came early in the morning and just tried a few wedding dresses. It's over there, please come with me."

???? Zhao He turned his head with surprise in his eyes and called him happily:

???? "Jiming!"


???? "This young couple..."

???? "We are old."

???? When the two elders looked at each other, they suddenly heard a not-so-beautiful ringtone interrupting the atmosphere.

???? Xue Jiming raised his hand and touched his girlfriend's head, and came forward to greet them:

????"Uncle Zhao, Aunt Zhao, good afternoon, I'm a few minutes late, sorry, do you have time to have dinner together at night? Xiao He said to me last time, She likes a new restaurant that just opened in the city center, and I had a reservation when I came."

???? Zhao Xin answered his question with a smile, while Zhao's mother picked up her bag and glanced at the call with some puzzlement.

???? The words "brother and sister" flashed and jumped on the phone screen.

???? She had a bad premonition in her heart, avoiding the crowd, and finally picked up the phone: "Hello? Ah, we are going to accompany Xiao He to try the wedding dress... What? You and Meimei are coming here...I'm afraid it's inconvenient...ah? Is there something urgent?"

???? After a while, she hung up the phone and walked back to Zhao Xin with a bad expression.

???? "How?"

???? "My younger brother and sister just called me and said that Meimei has something urgent and wants Xiao He and Jiming to help."

???? This is a familiar recipe, a familiar taste.

???? Zhao Xin's breath was suffocated again, looking at the two in front of them discussing the color of the wedding dress, only the other's little lover in his eyes, couldn't help but feel a little irritable:

???? "What's wrong with Meimei?"



???? in half an hour.

???? Zhao He walked out from behind the curtain a little shyly, the short red wedding dress had a playful and pleasant taste on her body.

???? The knee-length design on the front part revealed her beautiful calf shape. She stepped in front of Xue Jiming and asked:

???? "Does it look good?"

???? Xue Jiming nodded, the smile on her face was even wider, she was about to ask the parents in the rest area, but found that there was no one.

???? Zhao He was a little puzzled: "My parents are gone?"

???? Xue Jiming smiled at her: "Just now, my aunt said I was a little thirsty, and my uncle didn't know much about these wedding dress designs, so the two went to the coffee shop downstairs opposite to wait. "

???? Zhao He didn't think much about it, only thoughtfully said: "Okay - then do you think I look good in red? Or white?"

???? When the two were chatting, they didn't know that the parents of the Zhao family did go to the coffee shop opposite, but they didn't really go to drink coffee, but took the troublesome thing for their daughter. things stand in the way.

???? The slap print on Zhao Mei's face is still very obvious. When she was pulled out by her mother, her whole face was full of haggard, and she couldn't see that she used to put herself out whenever she went out. Traces of exquisite dressing.

???? At this moment, Zhao Mei's mother just came and wanted to repeat the old tricks for her brother and sister-in-law.

???? Her knees softened, only to hear Zhao Xin say something indifferently:

???? "In public, my younger brother and sister have something to say. I'm too old to lose that old face."

???? So when Zhao Mei's mother knelt down, she couldn't go down.

???? She could only wipe away her tears: "Brother, sister-in-law, it's not that I want to trouble you two, it's mainly because the Xue family and the others are not forgiving, pity my Meimei, Suffering from this at a young age—"

???? Zhao Xin's eyelids jumped.

???? He raised his hand to hold the coffee and asked calmly, "This time, what did our in-laws do to make you feel sorry for you?"


???? Zhao Mei's mother's eyelids jumped, as if realizing his unusual attitude.


???? "Brother, it's the Xue family, it's too much deceiving! They slandered my Meimei for stealing the script, and now things are going to the North Films side. , if you don't help, our family can't survive!"

???? Zhao and his wife: "…"

???? They were shocked by the four words of Northern Pictures.

???? This time, Shi Guifen moved faster. She did not know which time she had a chat with her daughter, and suddenly said:

???? "I remember Northern Pictures, not Xue?"

???? "Listen to Xiao He, even the Jiang family only has a 10% stake in it."


???? Then I saw a screen on the table lit up. It turned out that Zhao Xin took his mobile phone and started searching for news about Northern Pictures.


???? He breathed a sigh of relief: "This Northern Pictures has a lot of background... But, what does this have to do with the Xue family?"

???? Zhao Xin stared blankly at the younger brother and sister across from him.

???? It can be said to be quite confusing!

???? Zhao Mei's mother was stunned for a moment, then raised her hand and patted her daughter's back: "What time is it! You are still in a daze, so hurry up and say it!"

???? Zhao Mei was directly hit by the edge of the table with the force of her mother, and while there was a pain in her chest, she couldn't help but talk about what she took away the manuscript for reference.

???? By the way, I mentioned the matter of helping people contribute.

???? Zhao's parents felt their scalps numb, and immediately said, "We can't help with this, really can't help, you can find someone else."

????Zhao Xin is a little intoxicated.



???? Soon.


???? Seeing that the mother next to her wanted to slap her again and scold her for being unsatisfactory, she hurriedly said: "Mom! Mom! I know I was wrong, I'll find someone to apologize , I'm going to find Xue Jiming... No, I'll find Xue Ling directly! I'll go and apologize to her on my knees!"


???? Just don't let her lose money!



????"Cough cough, I said it's useless, what are you wasting this hospitalization money for, hey... life and death are fate, wealth is in heaven, organ failure can't be saved, my friend. "

???? At the entrance of the First Hospital of Beijing, a figure in a black wheelchair leaned lazily on the back of the chair, waved to the person pushing her behind him, squinting for a moment Vice looks very comfortable.



???? "Shut up!" Jiang Xue whispered through gritted teeth.

???? Hua Baihe blinked, as if seeing her angry for the first time, and asked innocently, "You murdered me?"


???? But Jiang Xue didn't want to coax her at all.

???? As soon as she thought of taking her for a re-examination, taking the previous medical report, and seeing the content of "early organ failure symptoms" written on it, she felt that the sky was about to collapse .

???? This heartless person is still teasing her!

????Because Hua Baihe wanted Jiang Xue to push her out for a walk before being hospitalized for observation, so the two of them just left the hospital just now.

????Jiang Xue suddenly stopped pushing the wheelchair, turned around and walked to the front of the wheelchair, her eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of frost and snow that was hard to melt for years, just like this coldly Looking at Hua Baihe.

???? Hua Baihe raised her hand and stretched out, as if she didn't realize that it annoyed her.

???? "Do you still have a heart?"

????Jiang Xue asked.

???? Hua Baihe was halfway through stretching and suddenly stopped, staring at her.

???? The two looked at each other silently for a long time, and the patients who came and went all looked at them.

???? Until Hua Baihe sneered suddenly, looked at her with complicated eyes, and suddenly asked:

???? "What do you think?"

???? Jiang Xue was so angry that the blood in her brain rushed upwards because of her painless appearance.

???? She closed her eyes and was about to speak when a man suddenly rushed out of the corner:

???? "Sister Ling! Sister Ling, I was wrong! Don't let them sue me, I'll return the manuscript and the U disk to you, okay? Sister Ling, please forgive me this time. Bar!"

???? That figure grabbed Hua Baihe's wheelchair armrest, his eyes full of urgency, eager to see hope from her.

???? Hua Baihe was distracted by the movement, looked at his side lightly, and found that the five-finger print on Zhao Mei's face was particularly obvious.

???? She 'hiss' and asked with great interest:

???? "Hey, Zhao Mei, where did you get this tattoo on your face? The color and shape are very special."

???? Zhao Mei's mind went blank for a moment when she heard her words, and she asked, "What, what?"

???? Before she could get the answer she wanted, she suddenly felt a force from the back of her neck, pulling her away from the wheelchair without question.

???? Zhao Mei was about to look back to see who interrupted her at this time, but suddenly saw Jiang Xue's expressionless face.

???? "Excuse me, you're in the way - didn't you see me talking to my girlfriend?"

???? Zhao Mei shivered for some reason, she turned her head pitifully and looked at Hua Baihe:

???? "Sister Ling, Sister Ling..."

????Hua Baihe raised his hand and gave her a stop gesture: "I don't seem to know you well enough to make you call me that, eh?"

???? Zhao Mei froze for a moment.

???? It was her daze at the moment, Jiang Xue nodded to a place not far away, and immediately a few security personnel that she brought with her when she went out came up to take this Zhao Mei to pull away.


???? "My God? Is it so hard for you to touch porcelain actors? Even disabled people?"

???? Zhao Mei: “…”

???? Before she could react, she saw all the people passing by in the hospital glaring at her.

???? "No, I'm not..."


???? Vaguely, she suddenly realized.

???? These eyes will accompany the future court trial of Northern Pictures and her life-

???? Plagiarism.

???? Copyright infringement.

???? "Sentenced to Ms. Zhao Mei and compensated the North Film Company for its reputation damage and copyright fees, totaling 3.5 million yuan..."

???? "Sentenced to Ms. Zhao Mei and compensated Southern Film Company for the damage to its reputation... A total of 2.34 million yuan..."

???? These two lawsuits in the future.

???? will let Zhao Mei spend her whole life in huge debts.


???? At this time, she only felt something, but she was trembling all over and burst into tears on the steps of the hospital. Looking at the person who did not know when to leave, she said uncontrollably:

???? "You want to kill me..."

???? "I didn't steal..."

???? "I didn't steal that script..."

???? "Ah—!" She screamed at the door of the hospital, and the passersby were startled, and immediately the security staff of the hospital came to invite her out.

???? "I didn't steal! I didn't copy! You are trying to kill me! It's all your fault!" The two of them shouted hoarsely.

???? Some passers-by raised their hands to record this scene and reposted: "Jingcheng Hospital is so scary, why are all mentally ill people released? Scared!"


???? But that's all for the future.


???? This moment.

???? Hua Baihe was just breathing the air that was still a little hot after the sunset, listening to the system report:

???? "Emotional Progress, 95."

???? She turned a deaf ear and said slowly to the people behind her:

???? "Go home."


???? Jiang Xue didn't listen to her, she just said to herself: "You will be admitted to the hospital in a while, I have already sent someone home to pack your things for you, do you still have anything left? I'll let them remember to bring whatever they need, so you can take good care of yourself in the hospital in the future, and you'll always be able to find out the reason—"

???? "Jiang Xue." Hua Baihe suddenly called her.

???? The people behind were silent.

???? Hua Baihe's head rested on the back of the wheelchair, looked up at her, and pulled her lips slightly, revealing a beautiful smile.

???? That was one of the few times when she smiled at Jiang Xue like this.

???? "Don't put me in the hospital, okay?"

???? She said: "I'm afraid of pain, I don't want to be stuck with tubes all over my body, my throat and chest are opened, I can't say a word to you, I beg you with my eyes, Let you let me go."

???? "I begged you many times, this time, don't let me beg, okay?"

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