MTL - Gold Medal Mediator-Chapter 68 I'm really not the heroine of x-wen (15)

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???? Hua Baihe read that passage over and over many times.

???? But it is not only her who is touched, but also the system.

???? It clearly remembers that the last world was on the verge of destruction because of Destiny Child's loss of life.

???? If the world collapsed due to the failure of the mission and could not be restarted, Hua Baihe would not face the risk of dismissal, and even risk offending the Lord God and go to the prosecutor File a complaint.

???? But what does it see now...?

????Wen Congshu's consciousness did not dissipate, and even followed to this world, only Jiang Xue, Liu Ying...

???? What's more, the existence of Wen Congshu means the continuation of Luo Sheng, Jiang Yao, Yun Yeman and others—

???? The things that have puzzled the system for a long time have finally been answered.

???? It's not the charm of Hua Baihe itself, but the people who have been obsessed with her since the first world.



???? But…

???? This does not fit its known logic at all.

???? The system was silent for a long time in Hua Baihe's murmured voice before he said in shock, "How is this possible?"

???? That was its extreme surprise.

???? Hearing its voice, Hua Baihe smiled, raised his hand to wipe the wet marks from the corner of his eyes, and said, "Yeah, how is this possible?"

???? She doesn't know the answer, nor how to find it.

???? But it's good news for her, no doubt.

???? Hua Baihe's voice was still a little vague, he cleared his throat, and said to himself, "Tong'er, do you still remember, what happened in the last world? "

???? The system was quiet for a few seconds, then replied: "Of course."

???? In the previous world, Hua Baihe was determined to have a good relationship with Wen Congshu, and it doesn't matter even if she rescinded the contract with the Lord God. A world of determination.


???? Wen Congshu's sudden death has dealt a great blow to her, although the system has never seen her silent for long, and even after calling this world, Hua Baihe's naughty All as always.

???? But the system can vaguely know from her habit of not watching animations that this person has saved the past one by one.

???? Whether it is with Jiang Xue or Liu Ying, it is like playing a role in the scene, following the trend, after being pursued, and even some "minor accidents" that occur, she directly and indulgently ignores.

???? She is like the most qualified taskman, doing her best in this world and using the greatest wisdom to assist the success of Destiny Child—


???? When the progress is 100%, she can turn around and leave gracefully, no matter how much effort she has spent in this world, she can take no pause or even rest, Directly open the next world's teleportation.

???? This is what the Lord God needs most, and in the sense of contract, the most perfect contractor.

???? However, at this moment, the system can feel that Hua Baihe is "alive" again.

???? It is obviously a very headache for it, but perhaps in these five worlds, the system has found itself with some subtle excitement.

???? It seems that I want to say "good", vaguely wanting to be happy for my host.

???? "She's still alive... Really, great." Hua Baihe just sat in front of the computer, watching the countless lines beating on it, "Those who are dead and cannot be resurrected, are all unsympathetic To also."


???? Hua Baihe remembered the story of the world he was in.

???? Now in her closed heart, the opening has been reopened, and a new person has been accepted.

???? However, deep in the atrium, there is a place that never sees light.

????—There lies a grave.



???? She thought so, and accidentally revealed what was in her mind.

???? At this moment, the system said: "That person? Who?"

???? Hua Baihe knocked on his desk with a low smile, and replied lightly in his mind: "No one."

???? Miracles, you should be content with one request.


???? Just when Hua Baihe was immersed in the joy of being lost and found, someone was feeling the taste of falling from heaven to hell.

???? "Sister, please help me, Sister Xue Ling is so eccentric, she will never forgive me, I beg you, as the uncle said, you are just me. Sister, you can't die without saving me."

???? Zhao He is receiving the revised content of the fourth edition from his tutor. He finally wanted to take advantage of this time in the morning to get out of the quilt. When it came to Zhao Mei's endless complaints.

???? When the other party called for the first time, she was still thinking about the incident on the computer yesterday, but she just hung up.

???? But seeing Zhao Mei so persevering, she couldn't help but want to see:


???? Still feel that yesterday was still not enough, and I have to call her again today to tease her?

????None of the results.

???? After so many years of getting along, Zhao He now has a good understanding of his cousin's temperament, and he can make this person play him with arrogance only yesterday. But lowering his body to beg for his own, it will never be a trivial matter.

???? And in these few words, Zhao Mei kept silent about what she had done to offend Xue Ling, but only described the other party's description as unreasonable, and asked Zhao He to look at it when she opened her mouth. In relation to Xue Jiming, go to intercede for her.

???? No matter how stupid a person is, he will remember the pain after playing the same routine countless times from childhood to adulthood. Besides, Zhao He is not a fool.

???? She didn't seem to hear the anxiety in the other party's tone at all, so she opened the door in a leisurely manner, got up from the bed, and changed her clothes while speaking in a calm tone that was completely different from the other party's. asked:

???? "Tell me first, what did you do to feel sorry for Sister Ling?"

???? The meaning of these words is as if she insisted that it was Zhao Mei who had bad intentions.

???? Hearing her words, how could Zhao Mei not refute a few words for herself, and even some of the pain of being betrayed by her came through the microphone:

???? "Sister! What do you mean! You haven't listened to me, why do you say I'm sorry for Xue Ling - wow, I didn't expect you to be married yet. Going to the Xue family, the ability to turn the elbow out is so powerful."

???? Zhao He didn't have the patience to talk to her. He had seen her unforgiving skills before, and now he let out a laugh from his nose, and he set it on. A cyan sweater, she folded back to the bed.

???? Picking up the phone, she asked calmly, "You still want to continue digging at me and Jiming. It seems that you are not in a hurry."

???? Zhao Mei choked on the opposite side by her words.

???? She used to bully others, often with her unreasonable mother beside her. It's a junior, and the theory with the elders can't be asked for a good word.

???? Therefore, Zhao Mei doesn't have much time to appreciate her sister's ability to chat with others.

???? After all, he is a literate person. When he is anxious to get angry, he can’t scold a vixen. The tone of voice, the person who poked it, was very angry, but it was very simple.


????However, the situation is better than others now. She recited countless greetings to Zhao He in her heart, and finally calmed down. No one could see her distorted smile across the phone. :

???? "No no no, sister, you misunderstood, I take back my words, I'm sorry, I'm actually happy for you to find such a good match."

????" But sister, my dad, plus the uncle, told us from a young age that a family can't do two things, do I really make you so annoying at ordinary times that you are in Are you not willing to help me at this critical time?"

???? Zhao Mei completely tore off her face and lowered her posture to an unprecedented low.

???? But Zhao He was not happy at all, and could even realize the seriousness of the matter from her attitude, she turned cold and asked in a dignified tone: "So , what did you do to make Sister Ling care about you?"

???? Even when she went to Xue's house, she could only meet Xue Ling every time, but from Xue Ling's lukewarm attitude, she never felt it. What kind of malice, the other party's family background, there is really no need to embarrass her, not to mention her cousin.

???? "That's it, I've been writing novels, don't you know? I published a serialized novel on the Internet some time ago, and my income this month has been tens of thousands Yes, but... I accidentally bumped into someone, and that person happened to be Sister Ling."

????" She insisted on saying that I was plagiarizing on the Internet, and also handed me a lawyer's letter, sister, look who are these people in the Xue family? They are right If you are not satisfied, you have to specifically target me, this is killing chickens and warning monkeys, sister!"

???? Zhao He listened to her provocation, which was no less skillful than the mother of the other party, and there was only one sentence in his mind:

???? "The dragon gives birth to the dragon and the phoenix gives birth to the phoenix, and the son of the mouse will make a hole." There is still some truth to the old saying.

???? Because Zhao He didn't know the process of the incident, she couldn't make a direct conclusion, but she was suspicious of Zhao Mei's words, and said to the other party: "You send me the link to see Here's a link to your two articles."

???? After reading Zhao Mei's writing for so many years, she felt that she should take a look to understand the process of the incident.

???? After hanging up the phone, Zhao He was shocked by what he saw.

???? First, Zhao Mei's writing style has become too thorough, completely different from what she usually sees.

???? Second, she followed the article to find Xue Ling's scarf, and in her scarf, she saw a video under the latest news.


???? Zhao He felt a little inexplicable in her heart. She didn't really want to know what she would do if Xue Ling found out that the new author was her cousin. look at their home?

???? This thing is like putting her on the fire.

???? Zhao He has slowly made a decision in his heart.

???? She did not show on her face, she cleared the search page of her mobile phone, and walked out of the room as if nothing had happened, and suddenly smelled the fragrance of soy milk.

???? "Xiaohe got up? I soaked soybeans yesterday, just made hot soy milk, try it."

???? Her mother didn't know anything, so she raised the bowl full of soy milk in her hand, and she also smiled a little, and happily went to the breakfast table And go.


???? Zhao He thought that if she ignored all this, everything would be gone, but it was not until noon that she realized that she was thinking too much.

???? Because Zhao Mei brought her mother and came to the door.


???? Zhao He's father, Zhao Xin, was also at home today. When he saw the mother and daughter coming to the door, he thought they were coming as guests, but when he opened the door, he heard a plop and knelt down.

???? Zhao Mei's mother knelt there tearfully: "Brother, please help us mother and daughter, we really have no choice."

???? Zhao Xin was taken aback and didn't know what was going on. He wanted to help her up, but felt it was inconvenient, so he only dared to shout into the room: "Guifen! Guifen, you What are you busy with? Come out quickly!"

???? Zhao He's mother walked out of the kitchen in a hurry, before wiping the water on her hands, she rubbed the hem of the clothes behind her and asked, "What's wrong— Huh, brother and sister, which one are you doing? This year has just passed?"

???? Zhao He, who happened to go to the living room to pour water to drink, twitched his eyelids, and heard his heart beat heavily.

???? She doesn't want to see the annoying relatives performing a shameless scene here, and is about to leave—

???? As a result, Zhao Mei's mother, who was just lifted up, saw her figure with sharp eyes, and rushed over to hold her: "Xiao He, auntie, I think I treat you well, I have never treated you badly during the New Years and festivals. Do you remember when you were in college? At that time, I gave you such a big red envelope."

???? "Xiao He, you can't live without a conscience."

???? Zhao He felt that he was on the verge of collapse when he heard the words that popped out of his ears.


???? It means that they give her fifty, and her family gives Zhao Mei three hundred?

???? As for the red envelopes for college, she remembered that after Zhao Mei went to college at home, she had already given it back double?

???? She couldn't tell the annoyance and grievance in her heart, but it was not easy to embarrass Zhao Mei and her daughter in the presence of her father, so she just turned around calmly go.

???? "Auntie, if you have something to say, I still don't know what you are doing so aggressively?"

???? "Yes, brother and sister, sit down and talk, drink tea and drink tea - everyone is a family, as long as we help, you can just speak." Zhao Xin also followed behind.

???? Now, Zhao Mei's mother has the meaning to stop.

???? She first looked Zhao He up and down with those eyes, and then turned around and spoke in a strange tone: "Brother, you don't know what Xiao He has climbed on. Such a high-profile family, right? I heard that when you met your in-laws before, it was very grand, but people don’t like this marriage, I think—it’s hard to say!”


???? Men want face, and his daughter can marry a good person, which naturally makes him feel very beautiful, but if others say it is their Zhao family is shy Posting it up, the face of the individual is not very good-looking.

???? Zhao He had already anticipated what she was about to say, so he squeezed the cup in his hand tightly and grabbed the conversation:

???? "Auntie, I know what you are doing, you don't have to involve my dad and Uncle Xue."

????"Dad, it's very simple, Meimei stole Xue Jia Xue Ling's novel, changed the name of the protagonist and the plot, and posted it online, and now they want to sue her plagiarism, so she wants me and Jiming to plead for her."

???? Zhao He summed it up with a high degree of precision in a few words.

???? But she said so, but Zhao Mei jumped up for no reason, from the time she entered the door, she saw her mother's arrogance, and now she finally opened her mouth: "What plagiarism! I didn't copy it, I was at most a reference, and I was the one who posted it first."

???? Zhao He looked at her calmly, with a sharp look in her heart:

????"Have you seen the video she posted? I know that the USB flash drive belongs to you. Everyone knows the whole process of changing the text. The color palette is available online. It's ready for you, and you still say you're not copying?"

???? "Do you know what plagiarism is? It's the same concept as stealing, understand?"

???? Zhao Mei was infuriated by her act of deceiving herself as a thief.

???? But before she could speak, her mother spoke first: "Yo, Xiao He has really grown up now, are all those who have been admitted to Jingcheng University so proud? You can take the place of the police, and if you keep your mouth shut, you can still convict your family as a thief? Should I praise you for killing your relatives?"

???? "Xiaohe, don't be like this when you talk to your sister." Zhao Xin also said something about his daughter.

???? Zhao He: “…”

???? She's used to this kind of result, isn't she?

???? In the end, this cousin must have his wish.


???? For a moment, Zhao He suddenly thought sadly:


???? Did something wrong, does she really need to pay anything?

???? Zhao He closed his mouth and only lowered his head to drink water in silence.

???? Then she heard her father follow along and help: "The world is copying a lot of articles, where did you steal this statement, these literati just swipe their pen."

???? "Yes, uncle, let me tell you, the Xue family is very rich, but Xue Jiming's sister just sees me as uncomfortable and can't get along with me, she just read what I wrote Better than her, jealous of me, that's what happened."

???? "It's alright, we and the Xue family will be family soon, Xiao He will definitely help you talk, don't worry Meimei."


???? However, at this time, what she remembered was the words she had discussed with Xue Jiming shortly after they met.

???? "If one day, it's your relatives who do this kind of thing?"

???? Zhao He didn't expect that he really saw this day coming.

???? She still remembered her answer.

???? At this moment, her heart is very calm, just because her answer is no different from that time.

???? There are relatives like Zhao Mei…

???? What a disgrace to her.


???? "Xiao He, Xiao He, hey, this kid pretends not to hear, but is really in a daze?"

???? Zhao He fell into his own thoughts, and when everyone recalled his consciousness back to the living room, he saw Zhao Mei's mother looking at him impatiently.

???? She pursed her lips, her eyes were full of sullenness, she looked at her father Zhao Xin, who often said 'blood is thicker than water', and swept over the Not only to work, but also to do all the housework at home, Shi Guifen, a cowardly mother.

???? Zhao He moved his lips and asked softly, "You guys, what did you discuss?"

???? Zhao Xin looked at his daughter a little embarrassedly, but after all, he was the one with the most suitable identity among the people present, and unconsciously said in a negotiating tone:

???? "Xiao He, Dad knows that you are not very good, after all, when we met last time, we also met Xue Ling from the Xue family. Girls, but—"

???? "You want me to help Zhao Mei." Zhao He interrupted his father's words.

???? Zhao Xin nodded: "After all, she is your cousin, I don't need you to do anything, just ask Jiming, since everyone is a family For the sake of it, can you remove that lawyer's letter?"

???? Zhao He's face has become numb. For the first time, she feels that Xue Jiming's family background is so good, so pitiful.


????"Dad, you told me since I was a child that it doesn't matter how much money you make, as long as it is your own hard-earned money, you can be proud of it - but today, you asked me to help Zhao Mei to intercede , do you know what the Xue family will think of me?"

????" She took Sister Ling's painstaking work, no matter whether the family has money or not, it is normal to sue her. Three, without mentioning compensation, you want me to plead with Sister Ling, Dad, can you speak this way?”

???? I don't know why, Zhao He thought, in fact, her father treated her very well, and he paid attention to the quality of her school since she was a child, paid attention to cultivating her, and enlightened her in her rebellious years .

???? In fact, Zhao Xin is a very ordinary and very responsible father.

???? But at that moment, she felt embarrassed.

???? After Zhao He said this, as expected, Zhao Mei and Zhao Mei's mother responded.

???? The living room was noisy again for a while, Zhao He felt tired and couldn't listen to these fallacies. For her precarious three views, she found an excuse to go back to the room.


???? "Who is knocking on my window~"

???? The phone rang.

???? Zhao He was covered in the quilt, far away from the "indignation" quarrel of Zhao Mei's family in the living room, so that when the bell rang at close range, she reacted for a while , only to find out that this is the ringtone of my phone that I just changed recently.

???? Zhao He picked up the phone and saw the words 'Xue Shuaishuai' beating on it, and a tired arc appeared on his lips.

???? she thought.

???? Does Xue Jiming know what happened?

???? He was happy every time he called himself, as if he had eaten candy, if he knew that he was being forced by his family to let him Go to Xue Ling and ask Xue Ling, the victim, to keep silent, what will happen to him?


???? She dared not answer the call, but was reluctant to hang up.

???? Zhao He looked at the words 'Xue Shuaishuai' on the screen, and suddenly felt his eyes full of moisture.

???? An inexplicable sense of guilt filled her.

???? She has some grievances and wants to talk to Xue Jiming, and because the source of this grievance is related to the Xue family, she dare not tell him.

???? Zhao He just watched the screen dim.

???? Until—

???? 'Answer' key.

???? "Little Lotus?"

???? That warm voice sounded suspiciously on the opposite side.

???? The sounds of 'patta' and 'patta' made Zhao He hear clearly.

???? There were a few wet marks on her quilt.

???? "Little Lotus? Hello? Where is my baby?"

???? Xue Jiming's smiling voice clearly reached her ear, just like when she whispered in her ear in the past.

???? But for some reason, the grievances in Zhao He's heart suddenly erupted. She couldn't help crying on the phone, but she was worried that the other party would not hear the response and hang up The phone can only reply:

???? "I, I am."

???? "I'm here."

???? Xue Jiming heard the thick nasal voice in her words, and asked in surprise: "What's wrong? Who bullied you? What happened?"

???? Zhao He didn't speak, but cried a little louder.

???? Now Xue Jiming is completely panicked. He just got an inexplicable order from his sister, but now he can only hear his little girlfriend crying. He panicked.

???? Inexperienced, how to coax?


???? Hua Baihe just took a bite sour, squinted his eyes and enjoyed it for a long time, noticed his gaze, and said calmly:

????" You can coax her if you tell her things straight, I guess her cousin has done something to embarrass her - hey, my poor younger brother and sister. "

???? She made a look of embarrassing Zhao He.

???? Just as Hua Baihe spoke, Zhao He also caught a few words from the microphone.


???? What to say?

???? Does Xue Ling want Jiming to tell her about plagiarism?

???? Thinking of this, Zhao He sobbed and took a few deep breaths, and immediately said: "It's okay, Jiming, I, I know, although my father asked me to intercede with you , let Sister Ling not care about it, but! But—"

???? "I know what is right and what is wrong, I will never say a word to Zhao Mei, don't worry."


????For no other reason—

???? This reaction of Zhao He is all within the expected range that Hua Baihe just told him!

???? When did his sister learn psychology by herself?


???? Xue Jiming's emotional thoughts flashed in his mind, and he quickly turned his attention back to his object: "Don't, don't cry, I really want to say this things, but you don't have to be so embarrassed."

????"Sister, she knows that your cousin did it, but she just told me that in terms of our relationship, as long as your cousin deletes the article and blocks the pseudonym , posting an apology online acknowledging plagiarism is enough."

???? Zhao He held the phone and sat on his bed in a daze.

???? She knows…

???? With Zhao Mei's character, as long as she doesn't let her spit out the money she's already got, other things like blocking a pseudonym, deleting an article, and apologizing are all painless things. .

???? What's more, there is no need to go through legal procedures, which means that no one will know the identity of the plagiarist.

???? But she figured it out, but she knew that Xue Ling was giving in...

???? Just because she is the future daughter-in-law of the Xue family?

???? Zhao He knew that the other party was saving his embarrassment, so his favorability towards the Xue family rose to a higher level, and then—

???? She cried out loudly!


???? The more Zhao He thought about it, the more he felt that Xue Ling was a good person. In comparison, his own family was simply too much.


???? She was crying heartily here, but she was pitiful for Xue Jiming who was in a hurry. He was crying while listening to the whistle on the phone. He never thought that his little girlfriend would have such a Crying energy.

???? But more than this kind of surprise, is the grievance revealed in the cry, as if someone had been bullied.


???? His face was full of pity, and he asked Hua Baihe with an expression:

???? Didn't you say that if you told Xiao He the solution, she wouldn't be embarrassed?

???? Why are you crying QAQ?

???? Hua Baihe looked down at the texture of his orange peel seriously, as if he did not receive the signal from his brother.

???? Xue Jiming was very anxious to see her pretending to be stupid, but now he is the only one crying in front of his girlfriend, he can only think of the old way, and tentatively said:

???? "No, don't cry, okay?"

???? "How about... I'll buy you another bag?"

???? Hua Baihe watching: "…"


???? Xue Jiming who heard her comment: "???"


???? "Hey! Don't you like bags?"


???? "You big pig's hoof!"

???? Then she hung up the phone angrily.


???? Next, he saw Hua Baihe throwing the orange peel on his face, laughed and clapped his hands, and said to him:

???? "You can do it, little brother."

???? Xue Jiming still didn't know what he did wrong, racking his brains to figure out how to coax Zhao He, after hearing Hua Baihe's laughter, his face became a little stiff.

???? Then he turned around and wanted to leave.

???? But halfway through the steps, he suddenly turned around and said to Hua Baihe seriously:

???? "Sister, I know about this matter, but you didn't care about Zhao Mei because of my face, thank you."

???? He knew that if it wasn't for Zhao He's relationship with him, Xue Ling's matter would not have passed so easily.

???? Hua Baihe suddenly heard his thanks, and was stunned for a while. When he remembered to speak, the person had disappeared.

???? She could only laugh at the system:

???? "This time my brother seems to be pretty good too..."

???? Reminds her of Yin Xiao, the cheap father in her previous world.

???? At this moment, a helper came in and notified her: "Miss, Miss Jiang is here."


???? When Jiang Xue learned of Hua Baihe's decision from Xue Jiming, she was actually quite resentful.

???? That's the person she holds the baby in her hand, how can a little scoundrel like Zhao Mei bully her at will?

???? If Xue Ling was going to file a lawsuit, she would like to lend her the lawyer from Northern Pictures, who occupied an entire building of the company building. It is best to sue Zhao Mei. Get up!

???? Let them lose their pants!

???? The result?


??? study.

???? "How did you—"

???? The person sitting in the wheelchair behind the desk raised his head, the emotion in his eyes returned to a calm state, only a little puzzled that she came to him at this time.

???? It stands to reason that on Monday, Hua Baihe seldom saw Jiang Xuelai at home. She guessed that it should be because of her busy work.

???? In the end, Jiang Xue didn't wait for her to finish her sentence, she raised her hand to sweep away the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table, leaving only a slightly rough felt to spread underneath , and then raised his hand through Hua Baihe's armpit, like holding a child—

???? put her directly on the desk.

???? Hua Baihe looked back at the closed study door, and had a bad premonition in her heart, and looked back at her deeply:

???? "What happened to you? Did you take the wrong medicine today?"

???? "Why did you let Zhao Mei go? I have a lawyer from a building that I can borrow for you." Hua Baihe is not taller than her, and when she came over to look down at Hua Baihe like this, she felt a wonderful sense of oppression.

???? Hua Baihe blinked at her question. If it was in the past, if Jiang Xue questioned her like this, she would either ignore it or choke back.

???? But today, she just smiled faintly, tilted her head, and said with great interest:

???? "It's enough to hit a snake and hit seven inches at a time, isn't it?"

???? "Miss Jiang, "Hanli" is about to start filming, is the lawyer in your building ready?"

???? This time, she wants Zhao Mei to have no chance to speak to Zhao He at all.

???? Because no one can help her.

???? Seeing the gleaming light in Hua Baihe's eyes and the sure-to-win attitude on his face, Jiang Xue couldn't help but be a little fascinated.

???? is this self-confidence and arrogance for no reason...

???? Made her favorite.

???? She raised her hand to reach the brush beside her that was swept away by herself, touched the soft and smooth tip, easily separated Hua Baihe, stood between her legs, firmly While imprisoning people—

???? A ray of light reflected in Jiang Xue's glasses lenses.

???? She curled her lips and replied softly:

???? "Whether the lawyer in my building is ready or not depends on Sister Ling's performance."

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