MTL - Fei Pin Ying Qiang-Chapter 60 patio

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Ji Hansong said: "The father-in-law, Qi Daren used to help the king of the palace when he was on the expedition."

The university student was unhappy with a sleeve, and his eyes were full of disgust. The same was true of several people walking with him. At one time, the atmosphere on the main table was awkward. Ji Hansong did not dare to offend the people of the palace, but he did not persuade the teacher and father-in-law. I can look at the eldest son in a difficult way: "It is better to open a table for the season adults in the flower room."

"No!" Ji Xiandao.

If Qi Yun looks at the university student, he said: "Where is the Wenda people dissatisfied with the lower officials?" If I really went to the flower hall, I was not afraid of this bad old man. Where did the face of Wang Ye and Wang Fu go? Qi Yunruo frowned: "Don't ask where is it to offend you?"

The literary scholars sneaked a sigh of relief: "The so-called different ways of doing things, dare to ask the adult who was promoted? Is it a scholar, or a cheat?"

Ji Yan's face was iron and blue, but it was a filial piety. He couldn't open his mouth. If Qi Yun shook his hand under the table, Ji Yan's face was slightly slower. Qi Yunruo said: "If the lower official did not remember correctly, Wen Daren had participated in the past few months. Playing the king."

The university student's face proudly said: "The squatting king has an in-law with the old woman and the old woman. The old man can't sit down and watch the king break the outline." He looked at Qi Yunruo. "The old man is the king of the king, but the cause is you, if Without you, this is a must, and the merits of the king will be greater."

Has been classified as "smuggling", Qi Yunruo did not have any waves in his heart, he looked around, seeing people or like a university student to see him as a hatred, or fear that the king of the house will not dare to look at him, Lightly said: "These are the eyes of the scholars?"

A literary scholar, said: "The world knows..."

If Qi Yun is cold and cold, "If this is the case, Wen Daren is just a personal cloud and a monkey. You haven't seen it with your own eyes, but you are only staring at the narrow place where the king was attacked. The lower official does not say the merits of the king. Speaking of the lower official, the lower official once went to the enemy camp, the risk of the northwest geese and the valley, and the lower official killed two monks in it. One of them was Xiqiao Yaksha, and the lower official was in Singapore. After the country broke into the conspiracy of the country, then he turned to the king of the Yi nationality and saw the princess Changping... According to the adults, how many achievements are these?"

Ji Yan bowed his head and laughed. Wen’s morale was shaking. After a while, he said: “These... these... these! What evidence do you have?”

Qi Yunruo said: "If you attack the lord, what evidence is there?"

After all, Qi Yunru Shi Shiran stood up. "You don't bother to be with me. Coincidentally, the lower official is not willing to sit in the same place with the Wen Daren. You are not going to have a table in the flower hall for the next official?" Please take the lead." It was different from being inexplicably driven away and won. It’s different from seeing the text. The man is now flushed with a word, and he is blocked and can’t say anything to refute. Qi Yunruo is bleak and arrogant. I looked at him.

Ji Yan stood up and respectfully said to the university scholars: "The family is rigorous, and there is no reason for the guests to go alone. The grandfather is not strange, just let the grandchildren accompany the adults."

Ji Hansong whispered and asked the next person to take them out, just thinking, finished, with his temper of Yuezhang, don't continue to read the book on the next day.

The University of Wenshi slammed the table and shouted: "The traitor is the gangster, the traitor is the way!"

In fact, many people, although they did not help, also felt that Qi Yun was an exquisite teenager, but he was arrogant in speaking and well-founded. However, the university scholars did not care, and one of his disciples advised: "Teacher, today we are coming. If you are happy with the small season, don’t break your mind for these little things."

The university student nodded reluctantly, but he remembered Qi Yunruo’s sum, and his own good grandson. It was really supportive, and he had no filial piety to himself. Such a person could actually suffer in the Hanlin Academy. Pursuing, repeatedly promoted, really... really... the university scholars thought, the young people do not know the heights of the sky, the Hanlin Academy is not the place where these people can come.

Ji Ji and Qi Yunruo walked on the way to the flower hall, Ji Yan said with a smile: "You don't know my grandfather, the vengeance is very good, you provoked him today, saying that you can't have anything wrong in the future, he entangled a group of literati to participate Play you."

If Qi Yun looked up, he didn't care: "Let him come," said Qi Yun, if he looked around quietly, whispering, "I am not afraid of him if the king is enthroned. If the prince is still unable to be a prince, I am hiding in the palace, and he can't find me."

Ji Yan nodded and sighed leisurely. "I am also annoying those people. We only have two of us in the flower hall."

"Hey?" If Qi Yun thinks that he has destroyed the atmosphere outside, he said: "Sorry, my brother, everyone is coming to celebrate your return and rise to the official."

Ji Yandao: "Forget it, they will be enough to show up in front of my father. My father is now a second-class member, and he is a big Sima. I am a five-product officer. I will succeed in the future. They come. Look at the face of my father and the university student, not for me."

If Qi Yun didn't know what to think of, he suddenly laughed.

Ji Yan looked at him curiously. If Qi Yun was embarrassed, "I saw it a few days ago. I don't understand the words "Mu is very rainy, I don't know the wind". I went to ask Wang Ye, Wang Ye said to me, and then I talked about 'Mu' and '栉' and said the idiom 'Mu monkey and the crown'. I can't think of the word today."

Ji Yan couldn't help but laugh. This reminds me that there is not much reading in Xiao Qi, but he can talk about it. It turned out that he had recently supplemented his studies. He put Qi Yunruo on the stool of the flower hall. He remembered that Wang Ye had told Xiao Qi. The scene, can not help but laugh, Qi Yun, if he smiled more and more blushing, busy: "Jie brother, do not say this, let's say something else."

It’s hard to be able to hold on to the season, and the people put the food on, and the season screamed them to retire. Ji Xian said: “Now, you and the prince...”

If Qi Yun doesn't go too far, don't talk.

There is not a big table in the flower hall. Ji Yan screwed his head back and looked straight into his eyes. Qi Yunruo said this: "Wang Ye is very good to me, and I don't want to leave the lord."


Qi Yunruo said that Wang Ye is now different from himself. Qi Yun sighed: "Maybe many people will feel that I am not worthy of the prince, but I still want to give it a try. I don't want to hide behind him for a lifetime, when he meets When the problem is difficult, I will stand in front of him."

Ji Yan said: "You can figure it out yourself."

The two used lunch together and drank a small wine. In the afternoon, Qi Yun would leave with a reply. Ji Yan got up and sent him. Along a small road, two people walked slowly. Spring afternoon, leisurely, the season is like a big brother. Like Qi Yunruo, Ji Yan knows that when a boy accompanied by his mother grows up, he will have some brothers. When he is aligned with the cloud, he is more gentle and meticulous. In his heart, if he has a younger brother, maybe it is Xiao Qi. Look like.

Ji Xin was thinking comfortably. The two unpopular younger brothers suddenly did not know where they came from. They all looked like a jade, and they held their arms and looked up at Qiyun. "Big brother, who is this?" ”

If Qi Yun had more alcohol, the first reaction was to think, ah, the wine bag came.

Li Wei came out of Jing Wangfu and walked aimlessly south. There was also a conclusion in the Sydney Palace. However, the ending may be just a matter of mentioning it. I may wait for a reward to compensate for it. The emperor will not attack Jing Wang. Li Xin understands that after the incident is taken out, the war in Beijing for the princely position will be completely opened. This is not what the emperor is willing to see.

After half a month, Liu’s violent illness in the side room of King’s Palace died. When King Jing’s mourning, Li Wei was silent for a long time and sent a funeral, but this was all afterwards.

When Qi Yun looked at the two Chinese costumes opposite, Ji Yan frowned: "What are you doing?"

Ji Yan's three brothers said: "Why, if the big brother is an official, I will look down on our brothers? Your guests are our guests in the quarter, our brothers are masters, when can the masters not even ask the guests?"

Another way: "Yes, that is, what are we asking?"

Qi Yunruo yawned and yawned, Ji Yan said indifferently: "Did you not see it in the front yard? Now ask again, is it so bad?"

"Of course we saw that this person is disrespectful to his grandfather."

Qi Yunruo rubbed his tears and said: "You still disrespect me."

Ji Didi looked at him with his eyes open and crossed: "I know who you are, our sister was bullied by you all day, and you took my sister's child away."

Qi Yunruo said that he was too lazy to say that he had smashed the season, and he said that he was going to go faster. Ji Yan nodded, but the two young masters of the Ji family stopped in front of them. "I know the truth, and I will return the child to our sister."

Qi Yunruo said: "You will talk to the prince."

"My grandfather is right, you are a traitor, tempted the prince, and also snatched my sister's child..." Ji Sandi snorted. "I really thought that I was an official. Xiaoye is not afraid of you."

Qi Yunruo yawned again, Ji Yan pulled him up, bypassed two idiots and left.

Ji Erdi still wants to chase, the third brother pulled him and said: "Let's tell my mother, isn't the mother going to the palace to see the big sister tomorrow?"

"Well, let's tell my mother that my sister is the side of the palace. From the command of the second product, I can't cure him?!"

Qi Yunruo and Ji Yan bid farewell, fell asleep in the sedan, and even when he returned to the palace, he did not know, when he was conscious, he felt that his body was light, and someone took him up.

Qi Yun opened his eyes and surprised: "Wang Ye!"

Li Wei took Qi Yunruo to his back. Qi Yun screamed and clung to his body. Li Wei took him back to the Lotus House. Qi Yun was sensitive to the feeling that Wang Ye was in a low mood. If Qi Yun did not speak, after a while, When I was near the Lotus House, Li said: "Is it good to eat today?"

Qi Yun Ruo whispered: "I may have caused you trouble today."

Li Wei didn't care: "What's wrong?"

When Qi Yun talked about the martyrdom of the university scholars today, he said that while he was secretly watching Li Wei’s face, Qi Yunruo said that the voice was louder, and finally he was almost filled with indignation. "The old man is so abominable. How can such a person become a university?" What about?"

Li Xiao smiled.

Qi Yunhe hesitated: "Wang Ye, what do you say when this person comes to see you later?"

"Call him."

Qi Yun immediately did not worry, but he made another wine cellar. He ran to his side with a grin, and Li Xiao smiled at him, and his heart was swept away.

On the second day, Li Wei received the sacred decree. The Sidley case was undoubted. Sid was treason in the front, and after he was framed, he regained his life. He had no children in his family and scattered his family slaves. The government no longer existed. .

Li Wei silently accepted the reward and called the person who went to the northwest. He aligned with Yun Ruo: "Do you see if you like something, pick it out."

Qi Yun went to see the emperor's reward and shook his head.

Li Wei waved and gestured to collect the wares into the library. After a while, he remembered the things of Wang Hao, aligning with Yun Ruo:

"Let's go and see."

Qi Yun nodded.

Frost Autumn Court is now a monk living alone. At noon, she stayed with her mother for dinner. Wei Wei moved to the Yulanyuan. Near the Luoxia Courtyard where we lived, Li Wei was idle and often went to Wei Wei to talk. She saw Wei. When I have children around me, I miss my daughter more and more. When Wang Hao had no children, it was not bad for her. When Wang went, she often called her father to see her father. But then Wang Hao gave birth to two daughters. All of them have sealed the princess, and the nephew has become more and more embarrassed in Dongmeiyuan.

Li Wei is a queen who appreciates the appearance. He is also favored by the prince. He was discovered by the prince when he passed the news. Li Wei thought that the Queen's Empress was the mother of the prince. Is it not normal for the mother to know the son's current situation? When the matter was discovered, she found that she was wrong, but it was too late.

She wants to go back to the child, but she doesn't dare to speak with Wang Hao. What should she say? When I was trying to give the children a way out, I turned to the past. Now that Wang Hao has a bad temper, he said, will Wang Hao think that he wants to rely on Wei Wei? Will Wang Hao know that he suspects that he will peek at Dongmeiyuan?

Li Wei was in a mess, and he appeared on his face. Wei Wei met yesterday and asked about it. Li Wei also said nothing.

"What's the matter?" Wei Wei looked at the son on the small bed. The gaze was that Li Wei felt more and more glaring. Wei Wei said: "You are the biological mother of Missy, and Wang Hao can't stop you from seeing the child."

Li Wei worried and said: "You don't know, my nephew is being bullied in Wang Shuo's courtyard. This is what I worry about!"

"Oh?" Wei Wei looked up.

Li Wei said with sorrow: "The two Miss and the three Miss are both princesses. How many squats, servants, and clothes are in charge of the clothes, and the rituals, and the meals are taken, and the people who sent the two ladies to the past are not Less, the two princesses in front of the cluster, Jinyi jade food, but the nephew is a prostitute, and no identity, only a few people around, but also do not care, one by one can wait to serve the princess or Wang Hao, now Dongmei The hospital’s cockroaches with head and face looked down on her...” Li Yuzhong began to breathe in the air. “I went to Wang Hao once, and saw my nephew looking at me in the corner!” Li Wei again endured Can not stop, fluttered on the couch, Wei Wei frowned, afraid that she disturbed her son to sleep, indicating that Xiao Qiao took Mu to take out, Xiao Qiao carefully took Mu Er out, Wei Wei smiled and patted her in the past. "What are you crying? In my opinion, this is not difficult."

Li Wei cried and stopped. She looked up and wiped her tears. She looked forward to seeing her. She knew that Wei Wei had an idea. Wei Wei had read many books and had the name of a talented woman. My nephew knows that she is her biological mother, but her mother and daughter don’t dare to recognize each other. They are not daring to say to themselves. Li Wei does not know how uncomfortable. I can’t wait for Wei Wei to give himself a good idea and ask her daughter to return. Beside yourself.

Wei Wei said faintly: "Yu is the pro-female of Wang Ye, or a daughter of Wang Ye's head. Even if Miss Er and Miss San are more noble, they are the same in the eyes of their fathers. You just have to find a way to tell Wang Ye that Miss Da is wronged. It's better to hurt..."

Li Wei’s eyes evaded the road: “Wang Hao didn’t call anyone to fight.”

Wei Weidao: "If you asked me to come up with an idea, I will say it directly. I don't want to get into trouble, but I just want to say if you cry so poorly."

Li Wei hesitated for a while and said: "Sister, you continue to say."

Wei Wei said directly: "I know that you are also in Dongmeiyuan."


Wei Wei patted her hand. "I understand that you are a kind mother. This is not a big deal. I said that there is a wound, not that there is a wound in your body. You think, Missy is being treated coldly, and often hungry and thirsty. There is also no care, or it is sick, no one cares, or climbs high and does not pay attention to some small accidents, this can be."

Li Wei was somewhat distressed: "But I can't bear the suffering of Missy."

Wei Wei smiled and didn't speak.

After a while, Li said: "But if I don't make any way, Missy stays in Dongmeiyuan and continues to suffer! It's better to make a direct attack."

Today, Li Yiyi went to the backyard and went to the side of Dongmeiyuan. Both Li Wei and Wei Wei learned the news. Li Wei took a few steps back and forth in his house, and said to his own little girl: "Go, tell your emerald sister, just do what I sent yesterday."

"Oh, I know."

When Li Wei walked into the Winter Plum Garden, Qi Ni skirt was drinking a bowl of bitter medicine. She heard the news from Wang Ye and hurriedly said, "Get these up quickly."


Qi Ni skirt wiped her mouth, her eyes drifted, she was thinking when she could call Wang Ye to stay here, but when she saw Qi Yunruo who came in together, her eyes flashed a bit of grievance, and she bit her teeth and rushed to Li Yiyi, Li Nodded, sitting in the main position.

Qi Yunruo stood behind him, Qi Ni skirt also sat down and said: "I don't know if the prince came here, is there anything important? What she said has a strong acidity, if it is not important, Wang Ye is afraid Will not come here.

Li Weidao: "Wang Hao, the first few Japanese kings said, it is not appropriate, the king will accompany you not."

Qi Ni skirt was happy, and looked at Qi Yunruo provocatively, stood up and said: "The prince is broken, because these things are called Wang Ye, this is not what you are."

Li Weidao: "Therefore, this king thought of a compromised idea."

Qi Ni skirt was a stiff body, Qi Yun looked at Li Wei, did not notice her.

Li Wei looked at the Qi Ni skirt: "You are the wife of the king who is just saying that he has returned to the king. He has given birth to two children for this king. The king will not ask you to be wronged. According to the list, Wang Hao moved the things of Xiao Qishengmu. Going to the front yard warehouse, the king opened the private library to make all these treasures back to Wang Hao. How about Wang Xi’s?

"No!" Qi Ni skirt does not think about it.

Li Wei frowned slightly, "Why?"

why? Qi Ni skirt bites his teeth, who is this idea? In doing so, isn’t it that you and your prince are getting more and more? His own dowry is still to give Qi Yunruo the little monk, Wang Ye and his own righteous wife have begun to settle accounts, Qi Ni skirt said: "If Qi Yun wants property, it is better to directly reward him, but also save these troubles."

Qi Yunruo said: "I just want to go back to my mother's relics."

Qi Ni skirt sullen face, but did not speak, only felt angry and constantly rising, then suddenly a rushing in, kneeling and crying: "Seeking the prince to see Missy! Missy fainted! Please look In the case that Missy is your biological daughter, please come to the doctor for medical treatment, otherwise...the young lady is so small..."

Li Wei suddenly stood up, "What is going on!"

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