MTL - Fei Pin Ying Qiang-Chapter 59 Feast

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Ci'an Palace.

Li Wei said Xiaoqi, could not help but laugh, "...he is actually very smart, sometimes confused. Yesterday he read a book, met a word he did not know, I am embarrassed to ask me, deliberately Jinger said, ask Jinger to ask."

The Blue Queen laughed too. "It's a fun kid."

"Jinger recognizes the word is more than a dozen, where to remember to live, hold the page to come to me, but forgot which word, turn back and shout, 'Uncle Xiaoqi, which word do you not know? I forgot'.. ...."

Li Lan learned how Jinger looked, and the Blue Queen couldn't help but laugh out loudly. "Good Jinger, it's a dexterous child, so he gave him a small uncle."

Li Wei smiled and said: "He always has the heart to help me. When he was in the northwest, he didn't understand anything. He rode his horses in the Xishan camp. He went out to go to the geese to find me, in the long sand. Without losing his direction, he is such a small person, and he is not afraid of being a tall and mighty Yi people. He can escape safely and face the new yuan. The tunnel of the king's palace was exposed."

The Queen Mother Blue listened quietly to him and said: "He is much stronger than many men in the world."

Li Wei nodded. "I don't want grandmother, Si De case, grandchildren stare at the news of the northwest, and Beijing-China matters are all Xiao Qi watching."

The Queen Mother Blue was a little surprised at this moment. "He is a 17-year-old boy who still understands the messy relationship in the capital. The case of Si De is very deep."

Li Weidao: "Even the grandson did not think that he accidentally hit a lady who was rescued by his wife. I followed this clue to find a lot of things. Xiaoqi was careful and intelligent. Some things did not come to mind, but he thought of it. It is."

The Blue Queen asked casually: "I have always heard about this, can you have a sense of concentration in your heart?"

The smile on Li’s face converges. For a long time, he nodded.

The Queen Mother Blue sighed. "It’s all the troubles in this position... The emperor has not been a prince. Oh, he has been an emperor for nearly fifty years."

Li Yan frowned: "Grandma... It is indeed that I am not doing well. Everything leaves a handle."

The Queen Mother Blue waved her hand indiscriminately. "I am old, and I can't touch the political affairs. I like to talk to people. When you change the day, you will bring the little one, I have to see it myself."

"Grandmother... Xiaoqi is special."

The Queen Mother Blue recalled: "In your early years, your grandmother had seen water and exquisiteness."

Li Yu was shocked.

The Empress Dowager laughed: "I was just curious. I know who I saw. It really is a wonderful woman who is very beautiful. She is not a bad child."

Li Lan looked at the blue Queen Mother inexplicably, and the Blue Queen Mother said: "Who told your grandmother to think that the emperor was hooked on a brothel woman? I was curious about the reputation of the first squad in Beijing, sneaked out of the palace, and saw that. Water's female side."

Li Wei didn't talk, and the blue queen poked his head angrily. "Do you really want you to make the dowry out of the dowry, stupid! I don't see enough jokes, grandmother tells you, put things in your house." Quietly moving a place, can't let outsiders know, this is not the case? You can't be wronged by you, Wang Hao, from the private treasures of the same treasure to send the past to compensate back, this is not good? Money and silver two, I don't think it's so clear, so it's almost like the purple house.

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Suner thanked her grandmother."

The Empress Dowager looked lovingly at this self-raising child, from his babble to the young man who now grows into a stalwart, Blue Queen said: "I don't leave you, you remember to find a time to bring Xiaoqi. ""

Li Wei stood up. "The grandson has retired."

The Empress Dowager sent him to him, and Li Wei retired and left, looking back and saw her hair shining with silver.

Li Yan came out of Ci'an Palace, a small **** and other people on his way out of the palace, and said: "The slaves give you the royal king, please, and the queen will hear you enter the palace. Please go to Jingyang Palace."

Li Wei’s calm face didn’t show any expression. After a while, he said, “Well, this king knows, you can go back first.”

At this time, Qi Yunruo finally turned out a lot of gifts, and the wonderful nuns only remembered that Mrs. Si asked the Buddha to bless the woman. The birth of the woman was four years ago. At that time, Si Yuer was just pregnant, or was near to the production Qiyun. Knowing that he has resisted the temper, all the ceremonies were collected from the beginning of the first four months of the year four years ago, and the list was copied.

If Qi Yun thinks that he will go to the feast for the feast tomorrow, he will finish the matter today, and he will feel more troubled. He will shake his head with his head and continue to copy the list. In those two years, there seemed to be a lot of children, and there were children born in Jingwangfu and Yuwangfu. Even the little princess had a small princess in the palace. If Qiyun was overwhelmed, he noticed that the mother of these children was not recorded in the book. Only a few said it was a slap out or a slap.

The affairs of the women's sons and daughters are not so easy to find out. Qi Yun first excludes some unimportant officials from the family, and stares at the families of the honourable ministers...

After half an hour, Qi Yunru stood up and went down to practice the martial arts horse riding.

Jinger likes to follow him. He is held by a guard in a small foal. He walks slowly and takes the excitement of driving, driving, and driving. Qi Yun’s mood is better, just when He was stopped by the small insider and said that when he had his letter, he suddenly pulled down.

He knows who sent it.

Wang Ye did not return, Qi Yun returned to the bedroom to change clothes, left a note to Wang Ye, went out, Qi Su Xiao asked him to meet at a teahouse in Beijing, when Qi Yunruo went, there were few people in the teahouse, small Second, he diligently led him to the second floor.

Qi Yunruo opened the door, Ziyang Boqi Su Xiao face window stood, Qi Yun, if he walked to the table to sit down, Qi Su Xiao turned around, cold and cold: "How, even Xiaoxiao have forgotten, you met the father, a word Don't say?"

Qi Yun, if he poured a cup of tea himself, looked at him silently.

This is not the time when Qi Yun was seven years old. He was ignorant of the grievances between his parents. After losing his mother, he could only follow the father who was strange to him, leaving the Qingzhi Hutong behind him and entering the courtyard. Ziyang Bofu, who is unreasonable and fearful.

"Qi Bo," Qi Yun Ruo said, "We should have nothing to do with it."

"Is it?"

Qi Suxiao sat down on the opposite side of Qi Yunruo. If Qi Yun pushed another cup of tea over, he slowly said: "My family registration is now in the palace. Our father-son relationship has always existed in name. I don't know what else we need to play the father. The drama, you are looking for me, what is it?"

"I heard that you want something that goes back to the water."

When Qi Suxiao talked about the water, the tone was too dull. It was not like a woman she once sought after. It was not like an enemy. It was just a simple saying that the past was hidden by him. Deep places, easy to not touch.

Qi Yunruo frowned: "That should be mine."

Qi Su Xiao nodded, it seems not to be surprised, but he looked at Qi Yunruo's eyes a little strange, he slowly said: "Well, it is yours."

Qi Yunruo feels weird and even has some uneasiness.

Qi Su Xiao smiled. "You think it is yours, but the emperor has acquiesced. This is his compensation for Ziyang Bofu."

Qi Yunruo said: "But that is my mother's thing, not the emperor."

Qi Su Xiaodao: "What is the difference?"

If Qi Yun looked at him, his teeth were unconsciously tightened. Qi Su Xiaodao said: "She was originally a woman of the emperor. She never saw a foreigner in Zhiya Building. Her things were given by the emperor."

Qi Su Xiao cold and cold road: "Ziyang Bofu does not owe water to Linglong what." After that, he stood up and prepared to leave this elegant room.

If Qi Yun looked at his back, he shouted without thinking: "But she died for you! She is still calling your name before dying! You know! You must know! In Qingzhi Hutong, I Mother looks at your gaze... and you look at her gaze..." Qi Yun closed his eyes in pain, "Qi Suxiao, you know!"

Qi Suxiao’s rare embarrassment was awkward, but only for a moment, he suddenly opened the door and quickly disappeared into the sight of Qi Yunruo.

If Qi Yun slowly, slowly stand up, and the ice is cold.

In Jingyang Palace, the Queen smiled and said: "The history of Changshi is of great importance. You can't appoint it. Now your government is in the midst of something big, and there should be someone who knows the truth and plans for you."

"What does the mother mean?"

The empress recruited, and a young man came out of the temple and bowed down.

Queens Road: "After returning to the sea, I have been asking for a job in this palace. I want to go to your office. I wanted to tell you, telling you to leave a long history position... You are still too young, not in After the cadres and the households finished the procedure, they took the official uniform and the official seal back."

Li Wei faintly said: "The history of the king's house, who was appointed by the owner of the palace, Xiaoqi can afford this official position, and the children are not aware of it."

Queens said: "You always think that it is a matter in your house. You, the emperor, the prince, which is not a trivial matter, can be said to be everyone's attention... If you just want to find out what is sensible, Shunhai It is also a good fit."

Zhou Shunhai said first: "The next official is willing to work for the prince."

Li Weidao: "After the mother, the children heard that the four brothers did not appoint a long history. If Zhou Daren is willing, he can go to Yong Wang."

The Queen’s eyes were tight, and Li Wei stood up and said: “There are still important things in the kindergarten. It’s not good to stay in the palace. When things are over, the children will come back to the mother.”


After Li Wei left, Zhou Shunhai said: "Grandmother... Wang Ye has made people who are not willing to approach our week."

The original gentle face of the empress has quickly sunk down. She slammed her hand on the table. "The blue queen is out of the mountain, even if the blue family has not finished, just keep an empty title, but originally cast it to Zhou Jiahe." The family has begun to shake!"

Zhou Shunhai nodded: "Queen Empress, what should we do?"

The Queen closed her eyes. "The king of the king is not going to give the Zhou family the opportunity to continue to be rich and wealthy. He only has him. He will never be a mediocre king... Don’t worry, there are people who are more anxious than us. Look, isn't this someone already jumping out?"

Zhou Shunhai said: "Is the Queen Empress already guessing the people behind Sid?"

The emperor smiled softly, and the eyes of the phoenix were sarcasm.

In fact, after seeing the list of Qi Yunruo’s copy, Li Wei also figured out who the man was. In recent days, he sent many people to explore his own behaviors of several brothers who were away from the palace and found that only his own big brothers frequently He sent people to work, he raised a horse in the suburbs of Beijing.

Li Wei said faintly: "Three years ago, the emperor of the emperor's brother Liu gave birth to his second son. This Liu Xia's identity was low, and he was originally a shackle. He had a side because of his fertility, but her origin was also counted. It’s not bad, it’s the Xiaojiabiyu of Yin Shimen’s,” Li Wei recalled the life of Liu’s side, “She is a Beijinger and her age is similar to that of the young girl who died.”

Qi Yunruo said: "Liu Jia took the girl back and raised it."

Li Wei nodded. "Later Sid learned about the girl's news. The great emperor took the opportunity to contact him and became the new master of Sid."

Qi Yunruo said: "Just we have no evidence... Liu Jia..." Qi Yunruo said: "Let's go check the Liu family!"

Li Wei was silent for a moment and said: "On the northwest side, maybe I have already heard the news."

The king’s palace was three-pronged, one northwest, one Beijing, one Sifu, and Qi Yun was temporarily picked up by Li Wei from this incident. Li Wei patted his face. “You will go to dinner tomorrow, these things. Don't worry anymore."

Qi Yun nodded, smiled and looked at Li Wei calmly.

In the evening, two people embraced each other, and Qi Yun suddenly sighed: "Wang Ye, why didn't the emperor seal you as a prince?"

Li Wei looked down at him. Qi Yun seriously said: "I really don't understand. You are the eldest son of today, and you have a virtue. Why have you not been made a prince?"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Why must it be me?"

Qi Yunruo licked his lips and said after a while: "Who are you still?"

Li Wei remembered that he was always blindly self-confident, and shook his head with a smile. Qi Yunruo said: "It is because the emperor has not established a prince. The rest of the princes have already used you as a target. You can't see your merits, and you will not be honored by the emperor. Everyone has been targeting you."

Li Wei said leisurely: "Even if I am made a prince, it is still a target."

"But if that's the case, you are doing the right thing, your status is beyond a few princes, you can do it."

Xiao Qi’s things are always so transparent. Li Wei used his fingers to lick the face of Qi Yunruo. Qi Yunruo sighed again: “Wang Ye, now you are just a prince, you have been so framed by a credit, your brother in the future. We will be enthroned as emperors and will not let you go."

"I won't lose." Li Wei put Xiaoqi tightly in his arms, his face was smiling, but his face was chilly. "Small Qi, there won't be that day."

On the second day, Qi Yun, if wearing a red Luoguan uniform, sat in a four-person sedan, and left the palace to go to Jishangshufu for dinner. He was not used to the crown, and always felt that his black gauze always seemed to fall, he shook Shaking his head, and feeling that his hair was tied up, he was so numb that he had to bite his teeth to the quarter. Today is the day of the official’s retreat. When Qi Yun’s sedan is down, he sees that there are a lot of cars and cars in the car and horses. It’s probably to celebrate the return of his brother’s safe return. He is promoted from the Hanlin Academy to a bachelor’s degree in the Hanlin Academy. His The official position only rose by half, and the duties were not only for the emperor, but for the important things that could be involved in the drafting of the script and the imperial examination.

The bachelor's degree of the Hanlin Academy is small and heavy, and there are officials who have served in Yushitai, who are the same as the officials who play the role of the wind, and whoever is a big man does not dare to underestimate them.

Qi Yunruo was greeted by the quarterly housekeeper personally. Qi Yun was curiously looking around. Ji Hansong was a cold student. He started his family in recent years. When his daughter was accused of being a squat, he was not even a minister. In the past few years, he has risen to the Shangshu Shangshu. His house was purchased by Yuejia in his early years. After several expansions, he now looks like a model.

Ji Yan saw Qi Yunruo far away, and his mouth could not help but hook up. Qi Yun, if he looked at him sideways, just shouted a "Tea brother", looked at the housekeeper, and held back, and ran over him with a smile.

If Qi Yun walked to Ji Xian, he made a sly playful gesture. "The lower official has seen the bachelor of the season."

Ji Yan couldn't help but the slender fingers poked his forehead helplessly. If Qi Yun saw the butler leave, no one left or right, hugged him up. "Tea brother, I finally saw you."

Ji Yan patted Qi Yunruo's back and took his hand: "Come, go to my house and rest for a cup of tea."

"it is good."

The small courtyard where Ji Yan lived was just a short repair. The courtyard was full of lush forests. There was a big lotus plant with water lilies. The lotus leaves were not open. Now it is just green leaves. The green piece will change when you see it. it is good. Ji Yun took Qi Yunruo into the inner room, and Qi Yun saw the new official uniform of Ji Ji, and was carefully ironed by the prostitutes and stacked up.

The two prostitutes rushed to Qi Yunruo's body, and Qi Yunruo said: "Jie brother, you ask them to go out, let's talk."

Ji Yan waved his hand and went out. He gave Qi Yunru a tea. When Qi Yun looked at the furnishings in Ji Jiwu, he asked: "What did I send from the day before, does my brother like it?"

Ji Yandao: "Well, I like it very much. I am now on my desk. The wine is good. I had a family dinner yesterday. My father took a break from the altar. It was mellow and sweet, and the stamina was not small."

Qi Yun couldn't help but tell Ji Ji that he was in the New Yuan Dynasty. He was sometimes excited and sometimes lost. Ji Ji can now connect things and sigh: "You are a big life."

Qi Yunruo said: "I did encounter a lot of dangers, but I was safe and sound once and for all. I think maybe there are gods who are sheltering me."

Ji Yandao: "But it is really thanks to you. If you are not in the palace, I can't think of the new Yuanguo spies. Later, we agreed with Cheng Sizhen. He took the spies out within half a year. Those who are caught in the customs are also put back."

Qi Yunruo frowned: "But will he take such a honest person back?"

"Of course not, but one less is less."

Qi Yun nodded and said: "When I left the New Yuan Dynasty, if not your frame came, those officials would make way, I really might be detained on the spot."

Ji Yan also recalled the scene of that day and smiled: "I am not far behind, anyway, I can see it when you are caught, I will bring you back." Ji Wei in the New Yuan Dynasty, set a new one The most important clause is that in the future, the New Yuan Dynasty to sell food to the Yi people must be submitted to the court, and the court can only sell it after permission.

The two men said it for a while, and the front of the cricket came to call it many times. Qi Yunru had to follow Ji Ji to go to the feast.

Ji Xiandao: "Most of my father's invitations today are his old friends. There are officials of the military department, the same year of his father or his old friend. The gentleman of the university is very majestic. The people on his side are always high, so we don't have to talk to them. ”

Qi Yun nodded, Ji Yan said: "There are two brothers," he lowered his voice. "The wine bag is not enough."

Qi Yun Ruo laughed. "They don't have a season brother, are you so smart?"

Ji Yan said with a self-confidence. "They are not unwise, but stupid."

If his two nephews are not so stupid, Ji Hansong realizes that Ji Jia is likely to be ruined in his own next generation, and then turned his hope back to Ji Yan.

In the front yard, the banquet directly took Qi Yunruo to sit next to him. Anyway, the official status of the princely palace was detached. It was not appropriate to put it on the same level as the six-grade official. The university student coughed and said: "Who is this?"

If Qi Yun looks at the season, Ji Yan faintly said: "Father, this is the great man of the king's house, and he is also a friend of Qi Yuze."

Qi Yuze stood up and said: "I have seen a university student."

The university student frowned: "This is the first time that the king sent troops and brought the person around him?"

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