MTL - Fei Pin Ying Qiang-Chapter 35 Strategy

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Li Yao, who is at the center of the conflict, is talking to Berg. There is no arrogant atmosphere around them. Li Yao pours tea in person, Berg thanked and took a sip.

"What kind of tea is this princess?"

Li Yao smiled and said: "New tea is not easy to preserve, and it is mostly tea bricks. This is Kang tea."

Berg said: "We use more tea bricks here, and I feel a little tired. I don't know the princess used."

Li Yaodao: "The tea is very mellow and warm stomach, I have always felt good."

Berg smiled and the conversation between the two men came to an end. Li Yao said: "In this case, ask the prince to quickly send a message and tell the king that he will not send troops."

Berg nodded. "This is nature. When the situation settles down, I can even arrange for the princess to meet with my brother and personally inform us about our cooperation."

Li Yao trembled a bit, then indifferently said: "This is not necessary, I will write a personal letter in the next few days, after seeing the king, naturally understand."

Berg looked at her and nodded. "Good."

Unlike the proud father and second brother, Berg always refuses to recognize that they can break through Yushuguan, attacking the city and conquering the Han people’s territory. He does not think that those in the New Yuan Dynasty are so kind, afraid of arresting them. The idea of ​​the oriole is after him, but the father thinks that he is careful and he is more and more daring. Berg found that no matter whether the father and the second brother are successful, the successor of the father will not be himself. Boduke is fierce and cruel. The Xishu warrior is his solid supporter. If he does nothing, In the future, it is very likely that Bobuk will be killed or driven out of the king.

Boduke helped him a lot at this time. He wanted to provoke the king to send troops, but he didn't want the Han Chinese princess to give him such a chance to interact with Dakang. Berg would not be a fool if he didn't use it.

What surprised him was that the Han Chinese princess was smart and savvy, and the two reached no consensus. In the end, Li Yao smiled and said: "I remember that Cin is in the big prince. I don't know if she is okay these years. What?"

Berg’s face showed a few proud smiles. “The two sons she was born are very strong.”

Li Yao nodded, her face was a little gratified, her maids scattered everywhere, she knew that there were only a few children of the parsley, and many died. Cin is a slave, but she can give birth to two sons. Very good. She looked at her inadvertently and sighed. She was already like a duckweed. What should I do?

Yushuguan, the generals account.

There are only three people who are negotiating this time, Zhao Weidu, Si De and Li Wei.

Li Wei said faintly: "In this way, if things are done, they are three arrows and three carvings."

Zhao Wei was sitting in a chair and hesitated for a moment. "No, Wang Ye, I am going out, you are left behind."

Li Wei shook his head and sneered. "Don't they want to see a king who was provoked and forced to take out the record by the imperial court? If you change the general Zhao, I am afraid that the effect will be halved."

Si De was silent for a long time. The King of the King ordered only 5,000 people to go out to find the main force of the Yi people. He had about 100,000 troops to support after three hours. At that time, the Yi people who were about to attack the king of the king had already come out from their respective places. However, he does not say a big victory for 100,000 people, and he is also in an invincible position.

As long as the king of the king went out, Zhao Wei began to personally take people to check all the customs, and any birds and beasts did not let go, whether it was to pass the news and all the news.

Even Li Yao did not think of Li’s determination to send troops. Berg’s letter was still on the road. Li Wei’s terracotta warriors were already filling the grain and preparing to go out.

In the evening, there was a burst of drinking noise outside, and Qi Yun just got up and took a nap, and he was frowning. He didn't know why he felt a guilty heart.

It seems to be very confusing, like something bad is going to happen.

If Qi Yun sat in bed for a while, he got out of bed and put on his shoes. When he opened the window, he saw that the bonfire in the distance had already ignited. The wine and meat were passed together.

For the first time, Situ Xu took the person out of the customs. As a result, 60,000 people were killed or injured. How many people left behind and they fled back. They didn’t even find the camp of the monks. Later, they repelled hundreds of Yi people, and the blood flowed into the river. I don't know what the outcome is, but it is very likely that the brothers who are drinking and eating meat today will not be there tomorrow.

Drunk lying in the sand field, Jun Mo laughed, the ancients came to fight a few people back.

Li Wei sat next to a campfire, surrounded by Li Yue and others. Li Wei said: "We went all the way to Yanluo Valley. This is the route that General Situ Xu walked. Beside the Yanluo Valley is Lushan, not to the mountains. The two places are the easiest to ambush, but if we are swaying, the Yi people will know that they are enemies of the enemy at a glance. Therefore, after seeing the geese, we will continue to follow the Yunhe River."

Zhou Lingyan sat on one side and said: "Along the Yunhe River, it will go to the border of the New Yuan Dynasty. What if the Xinyuan people do not know what to do?"

"If the New Yuan Dynasty wants to go to war, it will already start fighting. Before they have better benefits, they will not risk the direct tearing of their faces with Dakang."

Everyone was silent, and he said: "Wang Ye, I have ordered everyone to carry three days of grain, and they are lightly loaded. Now they are all ready."

Li Wei nodded. After a while, he raised his glass and smiled: "Done this cup!"

"Yes, have done this!"

A group of guards, slowly learning to bring soldiers to fight, they originally came for the order of the prince, but now it is for the country to build merit, many families of guards are for the purpose of sending them to the palace, but their hearts are full of confusion One will die, and they may die, or they may be famous.

Li Wei looked at them and silently drank another drink.

Tomorrow is the time of the expedition. After Li Lan’s three cups, he stood up and prepared to go back. There was not much wine prepared today. He was not too worried. He took a few steps and suddenly someone helped him, saying: “I send Go back, Wang Ye."

It is Zhou Shunhai.

Li Wei’s brow was wrinkled and unrecognizable, but he still said: “Okay.”

Zhou Shunhai has excellent skills. These Li Wei have already seen it, but he has a small baby face and a short stature. He looks like a small Qi, but he is actually a year old with his uncle. too much.

"I know that Xiaoshu wants to come out with you, but he has to follow him. Uncle is still not allowed. I am afraid that I will get into trouble. I told Xiaoshu that if I add something to Wang Ye, I will directly drive me back to Zhou. You are. Say yes?"

"Yeah." Li Wei said faintly.

Zhou Shunhai didn't feel his coldness. He continued: "Wang Ye, I used to want to be a guardian in the past. I didn't expect to have a chance to fight with your thief. I have been satisfied in my life."

Li said: "You have great talents, it is a pity to be a guard."

Zhou Shunhai smiled and said: "But if you can guard your safety in Fuchu, you can fight for the battlefield outside the Sai, no matter what you do, I want to be someone who can help you."

Li Wei’s footsteps paused.

Zhou Shunhai took Li's arm and walked back to their camp. Zhou Shunhai still lived with Zhou Ling, not far from Li Wei's house. Zhou Lingyan was still drinking, and their bedroom was empty.

Zhou Shunhai's eyes were a little bright, with some charm. He moved his arm to his waist and whispered: "I don't know when I will come back..." He blinked wide. The king took his arm and pulled it back. Some of the misty eyes were so cold because of the alcohol.

"Wang Ye..."

Li Wei asked: "Is the Queen telling you?"

Zhou Shunhai was a little trembling in his gaze. He was silent for a long time. He said: "The Queen Empress said that you must have a trustworthy person to wait on the side... Wang Ye, the Qi family is too greedy, It’s not enough to occupy Wang’s position. No, it’s not because of the Queen’s Empress. I really admire the prince.”

Li Wei looked at him calmly.

Zhou Shunhai calmed down and firmly said: "Wang Ye, that person is not worthy to be with you. I admire the prince, even if I give up as an official, I will be willing to serve you in the palace. I have read the four books and five classics and read the world articles. Young martial arts, swordsmanship is not weak, I think I can help you, that person can't!"

Li Wei just said: "Are you finished?"

Zhou Shunhai immediately silenced.

In Li’s eyes, with unconcealed disgust, Zhou Shunhai was shocked. Li Wei took a step forward and grabbed his chin. He said coldly: “This Wang Pingsheng, the most disgusted, decided what to do for the king. What should I choose, know? Whether it is Queen Empress, or you, it will not work."

Zhou Shunhai only felt that his heartbeat had stopped, and he was cold. He nodded in confusion. Li Yan let him go and left without returning.

Opening the door, Li Wei found that Qi Yun, if he was holding chopsticks, was ecstatic, and chopped with chopsticks in the dish, he could not help but laugh. "Is it eating or chopsticks?"

Qi Yun surprised: "Wang, you are back."

Li Wei nodded and washed his face with cold water and came over to sit down.

Qi Yunruo’s worries of where he did not know where he was rising came back. He looked at Li Wei, who was calm in his face. He didn’t know how to open his mouth, holding the chopsticks and holding the meat, but he didn’t send it to his mouth.

Li Wei looked at it for a while and asked: "Is Xiao Qi worried?"

Qi Yun shook his head and nodded later.


Qi Yunruo said: "I believe you, Wang Ye, you will not have anything, but my heart is always restless, I feel that there are bad things happening, my heart is awkward." He has been hesitating for a long time, could not help but swallow, I lowered my head and asked: "Wang Ye, I want to go out with you tomorrow."

"No!" Li Wei did not hesitate. "Tomorrow is too dangerous."

If Qi Yun frowned, "Is it dangerous?"

Li Wei looked at Qi Yunruo and nodded. For a long time, he said: "The plan is always unable to catch up with the change. Even if everything is prepared, the battlefield changes, no one can tell what happened in the next moment. I can't let you take risks."

"You don't let me take risks, why do you have to take the risk test?" Qi Yunrui sharply said.

Li Wei was only the hair behind Qi Yunruo’s brain and did not answer.

After a while, Li said: "If you are alone, I will ask a few people to stay with you."

Qi Yunruo shook his head. "No, those guards are going to kill the enemy."

"Tomorrow, you can go to Dong Duan's home."

Qi Yunruo shook his head again. "I am here waiting for you to come back."

"I will leave a letter to you. If you have a hard time, don't panic."

Qi Yun nodded, then was relatively speechless, Li Wei lay down, Qi Yun went to check what he will carry with him tomorrow, and quietly went out to see Li Wei's horse, adding a few fodder to it. Li Yu’s jujube horse was given by the emperor in his early years. He was strong and tall, and the hoof was searched for. The name was called Red Search. It was surrounded by Qi Yunruo’s horse. Li Wei chose him in Xishan Camp. His temper was meek and he had no name.

If Qi Yun touches the unnamed horse, he will go back with great enthusiasm. Even tomorrow, he will understand his danger. Wang Ye tried his life and used himself as a bait to try to gather the Yi people scattered everywhere, and wait for Shide. The general came to support with the crushing force, but was General Russell a step later? What if he found the wrong place? If... Qi Yun does not dare to think.

If Qi Yun didn't sleep for a night, when he was three o'clock, Li Wei took people to be ready to go. Qi Yunruo did not continue to sleep. He stood in the distance, watching Li Wei wearing armor, and with thousands of people opening the city gate to go out, Huangsha Feiyang Without waiting for the dust to calm down, Li Wei has disappeared into the field of vision.

Sid slowly stepped back to his garrison, and his look was light.

If the king is victorious and returning to the DPRK, his family is afraid that it will not be stable in the future. In the letter that has been incinerated into ash yesterday, the Lord made it very clear.

Situ Xu originally had the opportunity to survive, but unfortunately, he refused the recruitment of the Lord.

After three hours, he should set off. In order to prevent the route from leaking, he started to follow the route of the king and others. Only he is the most clear. If there is a slight deviation on the road and something unexpected, then it will be perfect. De coldly thought that as long as he arrived at an hour later, the five thousand people of the king could not hold back. He led the 100,000 army but could wipe out the remaining Yi people. In this way, Zhao Wei will be inevitably responsible as the Lord, but he will only obey the command of the defenders, not to mention the annihilation of the main force of the Yi people, even if there is a punishment, the big deal is to exempt the official from returning to Beijing is, in the border for many years, he always guards Yushu As a duty, he has not failed, but he is really tired.

He should have been resting for a few years. 2k novel reading network

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