MTL - Fei Pin Ying Qiang-Chapter 34 situation

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After seeing the emperor’s fold, the emperor put it aside and went to see another one. He looked at his forehead with some exhaustion and asked: “Is there no fold in the northwest?”

Former University President Shirohara said: "Return to the Holy Spirit, no."

The emperor nodded and continued to look at the eclipse. After a while, a servant walked over to him and said a word, the emperor's hand slammed, and the eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"Oh." He stayed for a long time.

Yuan Rong asked: "The emperor, the minister will hold these folds first."

"it is good."

Yuan Rong took the already approved letter and retired. A small **** came to report to the Ministry of Military Affairs, Shang Shuji, and Hansong asked for it. The emperor waved and let the insider retreat to the side. Xuan Jin Hansong came in.

The purpose of Ji Hansong is also the northwest issue. There is no movement in the emperor these days. I don’t know if I don’t care or introduce it. He is a person tied to a king in a boat. He needs to understand the meaning of the emperor to know what he should do next. How to do it.

Ji Hansong slammed the military situation again and said: "Yu Shuguan is easy to attack and defend, and the king of the palace is under the hands of three Xilu people's night forks. It is rare to lead the Yi people to commit crimes for many days. It is rare to see the past. The 12-night fork of the family participated in the war, and the death and injury of the Dakang soldiers would be heavy. The first time the prince entered the war, there was such a record, and the priests invited the sacred priest to praise the king and boost morale."

The emperor listened to him and said: "Ai Qing said it is reasonable."

Ji Hansong’s heart is happy.

The emperor continued: "But if it is only a defensive victory, free rewards, I am afraid that it will be cold to protect the hearts of the soldiers for many years. It is also called that the king is easy to give birth to the arrogant heart, depending on the look, wait for the king to break. Returning to the enemy, Xu Qin, Xu Aiqing, pro-intellect, what is it?"

Ji Hansong has long been a cold sweat, busy: "Chen Yu dumb, Chen dumb, please the emperor to punish."

The emperor said moderately: "Why do you have a good punishment for you, and you will let go, wait until the king wins and return to the DPRK, why do you want to go to the decree?"

Ji Hansong slammed a head and was busy with it. Only he was seen as a wolf, and he was inevitably guessed. On the second day, the squadron and the king did not send out soldiers, and there were more folds suspected of forging military power.

However, this is a postscript. After the emperor stayed in the season, he asked the insider: "Wang Wang went to Jingyang Palace?"

Inside the servant: "Is there a small half hour for the king to come?"

The emperor’s meaning was unclearly laughed. After a while, he said: “Hey, I heard that the king of the Qing Dynasty often enters the palace.”

The servant Huang Wei smiled and said: "The slaves heard that Qing Wang 妃 often came to mourn with 沅贵妃, about the young and greedy play of His Royal Highness, and Wang Hao felt that he was left out. In the end, he came to find his mother-in-law."

The emperor shook his head and smiled. "The third child is really young and ignorant."

Huang Weidao: "It is the most sageful Shude of the Great King, and there has never been a sigh of the King of Kings. It is a sight to the King of Kings."

The emperor did not speak, and the original smile gradually sank. After Wang Hao entered the palace and Ji Hansong, he had already seen the consequences.

The Queen said softly: "If you are pregnant, how can you shed tears? You can rest assured that since it is a rumor, nature is not true, and the emperor will not be in the heart."

Qi Ni skirt wiped his tears and said with enthusiasm: "The children can only rely on the mother."

The Queen smiled. "Good boy, mother will plead for the child." She took a sip of tea and sighed. "But the child is also a big thing. It is really bad to bring a male pet. ""

Qi Ni skirt eagerly said: "I don't know after the mother, Qi Yun Ruo's mother is a sly, oh, she is the exquisite water of Zeng Yanguan Jingcheng, Qi Yunruo learned a fox fox with his mother, he was not in Ziyang Bofu since childhood. When I grew up, my mother and I were detained by him and brought him into the palace. There was never such a person who had the means to the side of the prince. I didn’t even see it at the moment. After the mother, I would understand the prince."

"...Shui Lingwei, I heard it." The Queen smiled.

Northwest, Yushuguan.

Li Wei stood on the door of Yushuguan City, looking at the mountains and rivers, and the rumors of dust in the Guanzhong. Li Yan unexpectedly did not ask people to stop.

Qi Yunruo always has some concerns, but Li Wei just said: "The rumors stop at the wise, I am going to punish those people, but it seems that I am mad, and the dog jumps to the wall."

When he said this, he had a strong sense of self-deprecation. Qi Yun said with anger: "The reputation of Wang Ye was destroyed by the villains."

Li Xiao smiled and said nothing.

In fact, it is Zhao Weidu who is not blamed for sending troops. It is just because Li Wei’s identity is higher, and he has forgotten his identity as a “long-term leader”. Zhao Wei has sent a number of spies from Yushuguan to investigate the place where the Yi people stationed in the army. However, all the way to return to the army, the monks are more familiar with the complex landscapes of the mountains and rivers, and the map of the New Yuan Dynasty is clear, and it is used freely for the Yi people. On the contrary, the Central Plains people keep the customs and keep the customs for years. Every year, as long as they hold on, they are not clear about the situation outside the customs.

The map used by Li Wei only shows some important places. The spies sent out in recent days have added a lot of details, but those unexplained places are still dangerous.

Zhao Weidu and Si De have been waiting for the Yi people, especially the rebels of Boduke and the Xi'an Nubha, but after half a month, Li Wei and others came to a cruel news.

The leader of the Yi nationality, Agu Ermu, is preparing to marry the Changping Princess Li Yao and give him the eldest son Berg.

If Qi Yun remembers the situation of that day, the spy sent the news to Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei came to look for the prince. At first, the prince thought it was a war news. As a result, Zhao Wei was ugly, even Qi Yunruo was not sure, Zhao Wei hesitated. Yu said things, Li Wei stood up, and some stood up, Qi Yun screamed, Li Yu opened his hand and squeezed a few words in his teeth - "Deceive too much, Agu Children, Boduke, deceiving too much..."

Zhao Wei said: "Wang Ye... Are we sending troops?" Zhao Wei can lead the troops, but when it comes to the royal family, he does not dare to decide.

If Qi Yun eagerly went to see Li Wei, Li Wei sneered: "They release the news, isn't it forcing us to go out? It must be a good preparation."

Zhao Wei frowned: "Don't we watch the princess..." His voice did not fall, and Li Xiao's cold eyes shot at once, and he suddenly had no words.

In the Yi nationality, after the woman is married, she becomes a subordinate of the husband. The diverticulum is more like a slave. After the death of the family, his wife and wife can be inherited by their sons. When they are still in the world, some of them will be sent to others. However, Princess Changping is a princess of Dakang after all, and his status is noble. Can these barbarians really do this kind of thing?

Zhao Wei did not dare to guarantee that his heart was also very irritating. At present, it is not a good time to send troops, but it hurts the dignity of the country. The emperor does not like it. He is also difficult to handle.

Qi Yunruo was on the side, remembering Wang’s memories of Princess Changping in the past. He made a vow to bring his long sister back to Beijing. How can he tolerate the long sister’s humiliation? The Yi people’s strategy is really too sinister.

In the evening, Li Wei summoned the confidant and several generals to discuss the matter and did not return overnight.

In the morning, when Qi Yun went out to find him, he found him sitting in the corner of the camp, holding a pot of wine on hand, and the night was cool. Qi Yun didn't know how long he had been sitting, and he was busy getting people into the house and playing hot water.

Li Wei lay in bed, raised one hand and covered it in the eyes.

If Qi Yun warmed up his body, Li said: "No, I am not drunk. I will be back soon, just sit there and be quiet for a while."

Qi Yun did not speak.

In the small room, there is only the sound of Li Wei.

"...In fact, the long sister came to Ci'an Palace later than me. When she came, I was four years old. I don't love my grandmother and I am close to other people. I can't like the appearance of my long sister. But when I was sick, my eight-year-old sister stayed up all night and kept me, feeding me medicine... I forgot everything when I was young, only this one is clearly remembered, long sister The hands of the medicine bowl are shaking. My grandmother is coming to avoid her. The long sister, the grandmother is tired, and finally falls asleep, don’t bother her to rest."

Qi Yunru did not understand the happiness of having brothers and sisters, just listening silently.

"Then our feelings got better and better. I couldn't bear the long sister to take care of the other younger siblings. The long sister said, I am also a brother. I should learn to be young and give them what I love."

Li Wei suddenly said: "Have I ever told you my grandmother?"

Qi Yun Ruo said: "The Blue Queen is a person worthy of respect."

"Grandmother took the father and took the road from the most critical road, so when I encountered difficulties, I couldn't help but think, my grandmother encountered the same situation as me, what would she do?"

Qi Yunruo said: "If the Queen Mother is here, will she send troops?"

Li Wei was silent for a while and said: "She will."

Qi Yun looked at him with some surprise.

"Grandma is the most decisive person. She is never indecisive. When she was invited to marry, the most reluctant person should be a grandmother, but the grandmother did not hesitate to take the lead, but she was in front of the Buddha. Asking the Buddha to bless the elder sister, I have not slept for three days. After the long sister went, I was with my grandmother all day... I finally got dissatisfied with my mother. I was young, not sensible, and I argued with my mother." Li Wei was caught in a painful memory, his eyes were sad and sad.

Qi Yun holds his hand and stays quietly.

"I said that I don't respect my grandmother after my mother. I don't want to recognize her as a mother."

If Qi Yun looks at Li Wei’s eyes, he seems to feel his sadness and regret.

"My grandmother heard it. I gave me a slap on the spot and told me to beg for forgiveness before my mother. I can't figure out why my grandmother did this. It was the first time my grandmother started to me, and the only time... Now think about it. It may be that our grandparents had just lost a loved one at that time, and their moods were not stable. My grandmother was very angry with me and told me to go back to Jingyang Palace with my mother."

Li Yin’s voice was getting lower and lower. “I refused to go. My grandmother drove me out. I was outside the Ci’an Palace. At night, my grandmother said that I was sorry for our mother and son. I said that before I knew things, our grandparents did not want to. See you again."

"This is the case, the Empress Dowager..." Qi Yun, if he looked at Li Wei, finally understood why every time Li Wei talked about the Queen Mother, his expression was always sad.

"I was finally scared. I went to Jingyang Palace and went back to my mother. I thought that my grandmother would open the door of Ci'an Palace, but no, I thought that my grandmother would meet me after I got married, and she didn't. ....." Li Wei faintly said.

"Everyone said that the grandmother was because of Zhou Jia’s suppression of the Blue House, and hated her mother, only to hold me up and raise it personally. About me alone, I understand... Grandmother, she is just lonely."

Dai big account.

Boduk looked good and said to Nubianha, "The general idea of ​​the general, I am afraid that the prince already knows."

Nubiha said: "It’s just that the subordinates don’t understand a little. The subordinates ask the second prince to ask the king to give you the Chinese princess. You ask Wang to give the Chinese princess to the great prince. Don’t you like the princess?”

Boduk’s face is lacking in taste: “What is good for Han Chinese women? I only like the beauty of our Dai people. Those Han women love to take the plunge. The former father gave me a princess’s nephew. I cried all day, no. I mean, it will die in a few days."

Nubiha’s face showed a strange smile. “But the second prince, the Han women tasted it, but the taste is exceptional.”

"Oh, I thought I didn't know you. You are not a pity, but you have come back to those Han Chinese women, who have lived for half a month."

Nubihaha laughed.

Boduke sneered and said: "The Han Princess is not as weak as she is. In these years, I have not seen her suffer a loss. Later, she called Berg to have a headache." He looked at Nubiha. "When we wait for the Han dynasty and the emperor to kill, how many princesses you want, you want Changping princess, you can also go to Berg to grab it."

Nubiha seemed to see that day, and his eyes stunned with joy. For a long time, he said: "Isn’t the Han people the most bloody? If the prince does not send troops, he is a tortoise. If it is a soldier, let us The army of people is ready."

Boduk and Nubiha met a cup, and the two looked at each other and laughed together.

The Yi people's account is not far away, and the Huayi man looks gloomy and looks at the direction of Li Yao's residence.

The servant said: "This is indeed a good idea. No matter how good the king can't get out of the army, he can't get the wind. How, the Lord, you don't seem very happy."

Cheng Sizhen took a deep breath and said coldly: "It’s just a thought that Li’s piano is superb and the tea is good. I don’t know if it will spoil the Berg.”

The servant said: "According to what is known, the Prince of Berg is not as simple as everyone else knows. He can't do it with force, but his heart is unfathomable. Boduke and others may not be his opponents."

Cheng Sizhen muttered: "But his mind is delicate and he will not take the Chinese princess seriously like Aguermu, if..."

The waiter was silent for a moment and said: "God, don't you want to stop Princess Bologna?"

Cheng Sizhen was silent for a long time. After a long time, the attendant had thought that he could not hear his answer. Cheng Sihao was faint: "No."

In Beijing, the Shangshu Shangshu was reprimanded by the emperor for pleading for the king, and the news that Wang Yuzheng was running around for the king, has spread rapidly. 2k novel reading network

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