MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-~ Finale

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After the marriage between Shao Zitang and Yan Tingfang, Xia Yuqing went to sleep and slept, slept and slept, and teased the cat to tease the dog in his spare time, and teased the child's happy life. Read novels to the net

On this day, Xia Yuqing was carrying lunch with two children, and suddenly felt that a very hot sight was projected from the side, making her a little thorn.

Xia Yuqing turned around and stiffened, and the eye was that Xiaobai was staring at the various drooling of their hands on their side, and the small belly still gave off a very poor and dynamic appearance from time to time. The muffled sound heard the mother and the child looked at each other in unison, and they were all surprised.

"After the mother, is the father emperor recently lazy?" The second baby twisted his round face and asked with a tangled look.

Xia Yuqing looked at her own baby daughter with a puzzled look and said: "Well? Lazy? Why do you say that?"

"Why is Xiaobai hungry like this? My brother said that after returning from the father, he can't accompany the baby and the mother every day because the father is going to work to earn money to support the family. If you make money, the father can buy a lot of delicious food for the baby and the mother." However, the baby recently discovered that the baby's favorite roast pigeons, marinated chicken legs and sweet and sour pork ribs are gone." The second baby said that he was very unhappy and pouted, and snorted, "and you look at the mother." The white stomach is screaming and there is nothing to eat, it looks so pitiful! After the mother, you said that the father is not working lately? Didn’t make enough money to support the family, so we can only reduce our deliciousness like this. ?"

Xia Yuqing looked at the second baby that day was really innocent, extremely innocent little face, the corner of his mouth could not help but smoke. Pier, your roast pigeon, stewed chicken legs, sweet and sour pork ribs, what is missing, because the old doctor and your father and the green core "into the rumors" said that you are so small to eat so round, to the body It's not good, so you have to change the meat to a variety of vegetables.

As for earning money to raise a family, you really underestimate your father! Your father can afford the entire dawn of the country, how can you still not afford us?

Xia Yuqing coughed twice and shook his eyes. He did not attack the child's enthusiasm. He shouted: "Green Core, come over..."

Just after a meal, the small green cakes came over and heard the call. I quickly stepped up and rushed to Xia Yuqing's side. Some anxiously asked: "What about the goddess? These meals are not tasteful?"

Xia Yuqing shook his head and waved his hand to the side, pointing to the side of the table, still looking at the table full of dishes, drooling: "Cough, green, white, is it wrong?" Hungry like this, you still don't give him something to eat?"

Green Core smashed, and suddenly understood it. He sighed with a sigh of relief: "Sinners thought that something had happened? Xiaobai, Xiaobai didn't know what was stimulated recently, and he was losing weight."

“Slimming?” Xia Yuqing was taken aback. It was never picky eaters. The whole body was thrown at the white of eating, and actually had to lose weight?

"Yeah, he used to eat things in front of him very quickly. Now he only eats a little."

"Is it wrong? Xiaobai can eat, how can I suddenly want to lose weight? Will it be sick and uncomfortable, so I only eat less?"

Green Core shook his head: "I shouldn't have it. At first I didn't care. I found that the more I ate it, the less I ate it. I was shocked. I hurriedly took care of the old doctors who gave the hospital, but they didn't even have it. I have found out what the problem is, and Xiao Bai has not been full of hungry stomach from time to time, but the spirit is still very good. And it is not really no food to eat, so hungry, slaves have changed the law every day to do a lot of it. It’s delicious. No matter what, every time he just stares at the food and drools but doesn’t move them, so the slave wants to find out that he is too fat, so he wants to lose weight?”

As soon as the green core was finished, the second baby couldn't help but poke his round belly and his round face. He looked up and looked at the big baby with a look of innocence: "Brother, baby." Fat?"

"!" Xia Yuqing was shocked, and the attention brushed it to the two children on the side. I was afraid that the big baby would say something amazing and hurt the second baby. However, it turns out that Xia Yuqing is simply a white mind.

The big baby listened to the question of the second baby. It was very calm. I took a silk scarf from the side and wiped my hand. Then I took a meat buns from the plate and stuffed it into the hands of the two babies. My sister's good brother looks like a little smile. "The baby is not fat at all, so it is just right. Hey, not only is not fat, the baby has recently eaten less, and is thin! Come, eat buns, the baby is still fatter, it is better. It’s more comfortable to hold soft.”

“Really?” The second baby’s mouth was stuffed with a steamed buns, and he snorted and asked, and the two eyes sparkled.

"Of course it is true, when did your brother fool the baby?"

"Yeah!" The second baby was happy to hold the buns and smashed up. Hey, as long as the brother doesn't disappoint the baby, the other baby doesn't care. Fat yourself, let others say go!

"..." Xia Yuqing silently watched the interaction of the two brothers and sisters, and the corner of his mouth could not help but pump.

Dudu, although the mother knows that you can't bear to hurt his sister's little heart, he will say such a good lie, but you said that the first half is just fine, the latter half is purely redundant! What is called soft and comfortable, the pier is your sister, not your pillow, hello, how much you are sick to say this! Sure enough, there is a father who must have a son! The beast is born a small beast!

Xia Yuqing Sensen feels that he has inadvertently spy on the root cause of the reason why his second baby has become so round and round, and it is forced to be hard-pressed by the big baby.

With a sigh, Xia Yuqing regained his attention and returned to Xiaobai.

Looking at Xiao Bai’s eyes, staring at the rich food on the table, but the poor appearance of the movement, Xia Yuqing is really a bit unbearable, stepping forward into the arms, a rough name, really light Quite a lot!

"Little white, tell the owner what happened to you recently? How come you suddenly don't eat anything? Or how do you suddenly want to lose weight?"

Xiaobai heard Xia Yuqing’s questioning, and some of the grievances scratched his claws and made a faint sigh: "Wang..."

"Well?" Xia Yuqing looked up at the green core with a misty water. The green core looked at Xiaobai and couldn't help but shook his head.

Just as the master and the servant bothered to understand the words of Xiaobai, a black shadow rushed from a distance.

Xiaohe rushed to half, and found that Xia Yuqing’s arms had a little white, and he snorted and turned a direction, and suddenly slammed into the dinner table. Picking up a chicken leg in the dish and licking it up, Bian Yan also tilted his head and turned to Xiaobai for a provocative look.

Xiao Bai’s body was amazed. Under the exclamation of Xia Yuqing and others, he jumped out of Xia Yuqing’s arms and slammed his feet on the ground.

"Wang Wang Wang..." Damn bastard, don't be proud, this uncle will one day be thinner than you!

Xiaohe disdained it and glanced at it, lazyly yelled: "Hey..." Just like your fat body, I still want to be like a young man, dreaming, stupid, you are stupid!

"Wang Wang Wang..." Don't look down on people, we are waiting!

Xia Yuqing, two master servants, watched the two small animals squatting one after another, and looked blank.

Half a sigh, the green ruth is like a clear understanding: "Ah, I know!"


"Small white must be so thin as black, but it is so fat, so there is a sense of crisis. It may not be felt when Xiaohe has not come, but now Xiaohei is coming. Small animals, originally More sensitive, Xiaobai must be worried that it will be so fat again, the maiden you don't like it, so..."

After the green core finished, it was very proud to turn to look at Xia Yuqing, but found that Xia Yuqing touched his chin, looked like a thoughtful face, could not help but sighed: "Anniling?"

"Ah, I know." The voice of the green core did not fall, Xia Yuqing's double stunned light, the right hand clenched into a fist, and knocked to the left palm, and made a burst of exclamation. "Little white must feel that he is too fat. I can't match the black, so I lost my way and decided to lose weight and then pursue the black. Ohmygod! This is how deep the blood of the dog! I am born, it really is not ordinary, hey, white, master Supporting you spiritually, you can do it."

"..." A green drop of cold sweat on the head of the green core, and a look of the gods to Xia Yuqing, the goddess, have you just heard the slaves?

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai in the shackles heard Xia Yuqing's shouting small body and a stiff, short-lived mistakes, and Xiao Bai suddenly burst into a scream of earth-shattering.

"Wang Wang Wang..." is not worth it? This uncle is like a jade tree, how can it not match this annoying black hair ball! This uncle is not because he likes it to lose weight, this uncle is for the indecent assault of this uncle, so that the uncle of the uncle who lost the body before losing weight!

Compared with Xiao Bai, who is not calm, Xiao Hei seems to be a lot calmer. He silently finishes the chicken legs in his mouth and throws the chicken bones forward, directly on the small white round head. I ignored the shouting of the white violent thunder, and the elegant steps disappeared in front of everyone.

"Brother..." Looking at the bustling two babies, looking at the big baby who is holding his hand.

"Hey, my brother took you to the small kitchen to eat, it is too dangerous here." After the mother began to go crazy, insurance to see him still take the baby out of here earlier, absolutely can not let the baby be broken by the mother.

Danger? The second baby is puzzled and swearing, what is the danger here? But since my brother said so, let's go first. Anyway, the food in the small kitchen is no less than here.

The second baby squatted the big baby and walked outside. When he walked out of the gate, he saw a person coming out from the outside and swept directly from the two children.

The big baby’s foot was next, and he looked at the black man who walked straight toward Xia Yuqing.

"Brother, what's wrong?" The second baby pulled the sleeve of the baby, and asked incomprehensible.

"Nothing." The big baby pulled back the line of sight, reached out and touched the head of the second baby, while pulling the second baby to go outside, while calculating whether or not to immediately tell the father, the old man in the shawl is back!

Xia Yuqing was shocked to see the night, but she immediately opened a very happy smile, and quickly stepped forward to hold the night's hand: "Small face, you are finally back, Where have you been running these days? I am looking for you."

The night smiles gently and smiles: "Go out to do something urgent, Xiaoqing child is so anxious to find me, is it difficult for Xiaohe to trouble you?"

“Trouble?” Xia Yuqing groaned and his face was stunned. “Yes, it’s going on!”


"It has stolen our little white heart! It must be responsible. So let's talk about their marriage."


The night was awkward for a moment, and the smile at the bottom of the eyes became deeper and deeper. He smiled and said: "As long as Xiaohe is willing, I have no opinion."

Xia Yuqing's eyes slammed, it was a heroic shot on the shoulder of the night: "Small face, I really did not misread, you are an enlightened parent."

"...there was a prize." Suddenly, the night was like what I found, and I took a hand on Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yuqing was shocked and looked at the night with a look of fright.

In the night, the double-faced glimpse of a touch of faint light, smiled slightly: "Xiao Qinger, I just came back from the outside, the dust is servant, you still don't hold me better, or you should stain your clothes later." It is."

Xia Yuqing stunned, and it was discovered that the face of the night was still obviously exhausted. It was obviously the reason for the many days of the road. He laughed twice and pulled back his arms: "This way!"

The smile on the face of the night did not change. His eyes lingered on the face of Xia Yuqing for a while, and turned to look around: "Is there a child? I am looking for her."

Xia Yuqing glimpsed, this reminds me that this person is the adoptive father of Tsui’s name and the former owner of her. I don’t know why, the mood is a little subtle.

"Cui Er, I should arrange the room inside, I called her. Tsui, come out, Xiaoyanyan came to you."

After Xia Yuqing just shouted, Tsui came out from the inner hall and saw that the night was also a glimpse. Later, his face could not help but float a few points.

"You go to the partial hall to talk." Xia Yuqing thoughtfully made a place for them.

Tsui nodded and led the night to go to the temple.

Looking at the back of the two people disappeared from the front, Xia Yuqing could not help but ask: "Green Core, do you think that the recent Tsui is a little weird?"

The green core wiped the cold sweat on the head and sighed aloud: "The slaves did not think that there was anything strange about the sister of Tsui, but it was a sow, and it was a bit strange recently."

"Master brother? What happened to him?" Xia Yuqing asked with a surprised turn.

"The maiden did not find that Su Gongzi had not come to our ancestral hall recently? He used to run around with his sister's **** anytime and anywhere."

As a reminder of the green core, Xia Yuqing is considered to be remembered recently. It’s really not so good to see that there is no way to move around to them. Is it so easy to empathize?

"To this end, the slaves also deliberately let people go to Xu Lao to investigate."

Xia Yuqing's eyes are slightly brighter: "Is there anything I found?"

Green Core frustrated and shook his head: "I heard that Su Gongzi went to the wedding party of Shangshu adults with Cui Er’s sister on the day. After going back, it was a little weird. I locked myself in the house all day, no one, no one in it. What is the drum?"

"Lock yourself at home?" Xia Yuqing was a little relieved, as long as it wasn't going out. However, it is difficult to lock yourself in the house without a door. It was stimulated by the luxurious wedding of Xiao Shangshu, and began to retreat to seek a way to hold the beauty back.

Xia Yuqing touched his chin, thought for a moment, and sighed: "Green Core, go, let's go to Master."

"Going to see the son, now?"

"The master is trapped by love. As a younger sister, I should always care about it. Oh, oh..."

Lu Rui looked at his own master who was afraid of the world's treacherous appearance, the eyebrows could not help but shake, in fact, you just want to look at the lively!

Xia Yuqing’s gossip has always been the pursuit of efficiency. This has not just stepped up, and the back foot has rushed to Xu’s house.

Xu Laoyi heard that Xia Yuqing came over, and now he was excited. Even the organs that were placed in the first place on weekdays were thrown aside, and they rushed outside to meet Xia Yuqing.

"Little apprentice little apprentice, are you going to come to see Master? Ah hahaha, needless to say, Master knows that you must come to see Master! I don’t know that Master has been hurting you so many years. In the end, it’s still a good girl. It hurts people, like a boy, every day, every nature knows that he is running around." Xu Lao whirlwind rushed to the front of Xia Yuqing, and the stunting appearance did not see that he was already an old man who knew the destiny, together with The crutches that were originally used to lean on have become ingenious, and they are left alone.

Xia Yuqing looked at all of this, and he was very curious in his heart. He coughed twice and looked at his face. "Master is good recently? I haven't seen it for a few days. It is more and more old to take advantage of Master."

Xu Lao’s eyes flashed and his face sank: “Old?”

"Amount, Master, you got it wrong. What you just said is that Master is the more lively and young you are. You can see the past style in faint! Seeing Master’s appearance today, you can think of how Master you were. Fengshen is handsome and the crown is full of Jinghua. I want to come to the same year. There must be a lot of beautiful women in the capital, and it will be a great glory to be able to get Master’s favor."

Xu Laowen said that the dark-skinned face suddenly turned into a clear sky: "Although it is not so exaggerated, but it is almost the same, but Master is relatively low-key. Otherwise, as long as Master goes to the street, it is definitely an empty lane. The grand scene of thousands of people stopping."

"..." How many people are empty? Thousands of people stop? Master, are you a squad?

Xia Yuqing secretly wiped the cold sweat, and continued to smile: "Master, the disciple heard that the master recently returned to you to live here? And it seems that he still changed the day and night, staying in the night, staying in the sky, staying in the day Isn’t it true that the door is not in the house, and the second door is not a squat?

The smile on Xu’s face was convergent, and his face looked sad and Xia Yuqing: “The original little apprentice, you are not coming to see Master. I said, the little apprentice is so happy in the palace with the wind boy. How could you think of Master being such a bad old man? Originally..."

Xia Yuqing’s smile on his face was also a stiff one. He smiled twice and stepped forward to hold Xu’s hand and said: “Master is so painful, how can you forget Master? But just today. On the way to see Master, I heard people talking about the masters. I feel that the master’s brother is too weird recently. I have some worries in my heart. Isn’t this just a way to come over? Master, don’t be angry.”

"Hey!" Xu old snorted, don't look away.

Xia Yuqing was busy holding Xu’s arm and continued to spoil: “Master...”

Xu Lao took Joe for a moment. In the end, he still couldn’t bear to be the most loved little apprentice. He reluctantly returned the sentence: "Your master brother has been given a slap in the face recently, and he is really hurt, not thinking about tea!"

"Is it awkward? Master, how do you know?" Xia Yuqing asked strangely.

Xu Lao snorted and looked up. "Is there anything in the world that has gotten through the old man? The unspoken stinky boy, chasing people for so long, can you still be defamed? I really lost this." Hey old face. Hey, I thought that when the old man was young, he could be chased by others. When the old man hooked his finger, there was a group of women who rushed to give the old man a hug. Why did he need the old man’s troubles? Running behind the **** of the girl and the girl? It’s the mother of the kid. It wasn’t the beauty of the old man. I climbed onto the bed of the old man and gave birth to the kid. Oh, after all, the girl wouldn’t teach. The child, even the boy who taught the boy so much, is really a kind of mother!"

"..." said that you are fat, are you still breathing? Master, you didn't say that at the beginning! At that time, you clearly said that you are not deeply involved, you will be given by the teacher... and a big man will be strong by a girl in the end. You are still stunned, and the more you live, the thicker your face is, the more you say it. Be so careful to be retribution!

"Oh, hook your fingers, there are a lot of women climbing your bed? If so, why didn't you meet me until you met me? Are you a beautiful boy? Your beauty? You are the crumpled sachet of your body. Is there any beauty? If it wasn’t because you saved my life at that time and looked at my body, I am not happy to strengthen you! Will you say this afterwards? I also said that my mother has lost many children. My son has a mother-in-law since childhood. He has no support, and he has pity. If I don’t want him to be better for him, isn’t it hard to die?”

Xu Lao’s voice did not fall, and a familiar female voice with a playful chorus passed from the top of Xia Yuqing’s head.

Xia Yuqing was shocked when they heard the words. They looked up and saw a woman who still had a charm standing on the roof and staring at them. The corner of her mouth was still smeared with a smile.

"Sister Niang! Are you back?" Xia Yuqing was very surprised when he returned.

Su Lin took a bit of a foot and jumped lightly from the roof. She smiled and walked to the front of Xia Yuqing. "I just came back. I didn't expect it to come as soon as possible. When I arrived, I heard someone who was still young." It’s not a shame to be self-proclaimed without skin."

Xia Yuqing was slightly stunned, and turned to sympathize with Xu’s glance, so he said that he could not casually say bad things behind others! Look, it’s reported!

Xu Lao’s face is already black as the bottom of the pot. I heard that Su Lin’s words are like igniting the bangs. I started to shoot indiscriminately. “You said no one has no skin? You dare to say that you didn’t take the initiative to send it. Hold, eat and run? Also blame me for not raising my son, you ran away the next day, these years have never been exposed, I don’t even know if you have pregnancy, how can you know that you still Have a son? How to raise him?"

"So, blame me?"

"Do you not blame you?"

"Oh, you are so clean, who is the son who has been around for so many years, but I still don't recognize it? You only know what it is like in the eyes of the organs? In your eyes, the son has your broken copper. Is bad iron important?"

"Son...the son is certainly more important than those things."

"Then you hesitate a wool? Don't think I don't know what you are thinking..."

The two were so arguing that they would have to stage a family martial arts, and Xia Yuqing wisely took the green nucleus and ran out, so as not to smash the two small fish.

"Mother, it’s really hard for us to leave. Xu Lao and Mrs. Su are so fierce, both of them are old, how can it be if they fight?"

"It's okay, Master's skin is thick and thick, so it's forbidden to fight."

"..." Niangniang, this is not the point!

"And, this is the old wife and old wife. Occasionally, noisy is good for marital relations. It is not a good saying. Couples fight at the bedside and do not have anything to do. We still have to hurry to see the masters."

"..." Ok, the goddess you won.

Green Core has no choice but to turn a blind eye, and he will follow the summer rain and run inside.

Most of the servants in Xu Laofu knew Xia Yuqing, and Xia Yuqing was very enthusiastic to say hello. Xia Yuqing smiled and asked about the unprovoked residence, and went straight to the destination with the green core.

When I walked to the door of the yard, I was confronted with a small book boy who sent a meal. When I saw Xia Yuqing, I also went to the ceremony and said: "Queen Empress."

Xia Yuqing nodded at him and whispered: "The master is in the room?"

The book boy nodded and smiled: "The slaves are preparing to send the food to the son, but these few days, the sons eat very little, I wonder if these meals are not tasteful."

"Eat little." Xia Yuqing whispered aloud: "How come this one has been fascinated by weight loss and hit the evil?"

"What do you say about the girl?" The book boy did not listen to the words of Xia Yuqing, and asked curiously.

"Nothing, I said that I just want to go in and see the master, you give me the food, I will help you bring it in."

The book boy weighed a bit, or handed the tray in his hand to Xia Yuqing: "Then there will be a Queen of the Queen."

Xia Yuqing nodded and whispered at the green core: "You are guarding the green core, I am going in."


Xia Yuqing carried the tray and slowly pushed open the door. The room was gloomy, and the doors and windows were quietly closed. Although the club had already entered the end of winter, it was a bit stuffy. The most important thing is that because it is too closed, there is a faint smell in the room.

Xia Yuqing raised his hand and waved his odor around the tip of his nose, looking at the empty room. He tempted a sentence: "Master?"

I haven’t heard the response for a long time. Xia Yuqing’s doubts twisted her eyebrows: “Don’t you go out?”

Put the food in the hand on the table, Xia Yuqing turned and prepared to go to the window to open the window and ventilate, a black shadow suddenly hanged from the top of the head, scared Xia Yuqing to take a breath of air, trying to hold it The mouth is so easy to stop the scream to the mouth.

"Where is the enchanting? I dare to scatter in the room of my master, saying, do you want to plot against my master! I tell you, the demon is a different way, the ghost is a different way, honestly, where to play back and forth Go, otherwise I don’t want to find a Taoist to accept you!” Xia Yuqing stepped back a few steps, holding her chest with both hands, and then felt that this posture was too imposing. He changed his method, his hands pointed at the orchid finger, pointing at that The black shadow shouted.

The black shadow shook, and Xia Yuqing’s heart was suddenly tightened. Just when she thought that this ghost was irritated and ready to kill herself, she suddenly heard a familiar sigh: "Little sister."

"Well?" Xia Yuqing looked around, only to be sure that the voice was coming from the black shadow port. He stepped forward and walked a few steps. Seeing that the black shadow had no movement, this was carefully surrounded by black. The shadow turned around, and the tester asked: "Master?"

"Otherwise, who do you think?" The shadow fell over and fell from the beam.

"Master, I haven't seen you for a few days. How did you become this look?" Xia Yuqing looked stunned and looked at the unskilled face. The whole man was embarrassed, and a mess was like a chicken's head. Under the chin spread to the side of the face, the clothes on the body are not wrinkled a few, at first glance, it has not been sorted out for a few days.

"Nothing, anyway, don't go out, no matter how bad." Suddenly, he was self-defeating and went to the table to sit down. He did not go to the table, only poured a glass of water to Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yuqing sat down on his opposite side, faintly able to see the dark circles under his weeds, which is still her family's romantic, thousands of flowers in the bushes, the leaves do not touch the master! Distinct is a sly horrible uncle!

"Little sister, let's talk, what's the matter with you coming to me?" asked the unprovoked powerless.

Xia Yuqing’s mouth is pumping: “I can’t come to you if I’m fine? I’m afraid I won’t see you in the last few days. Master, what are you doing? How do you make yourself look like this? Wasn't it the most important thing about your skin? Did you make yourself like this, how can you take the skin that you are proud of in the future to hook up the girls? The children will not be able to see you, this is what you see. You don't have to go around."

Xia Yuqing did not mention Tsui is okay, mentioning Tsui, the whole person was wilting, and the body went to the table, looking at the front with a dull look: "I don't want other girls, as long as my wife, unfortunately My wife doesn't want me at all, don't want me. Hey, I have a bad place, she dislikes me, I hate me..."

Xia Yuqing's ears were vertical, and he was surprised to see that there was no reason to smash on the table. It turned out that Master said yes, the master is really sleepy, and according to him, he was really given to Tsui? !

"Master, what happened to you with Tsui? She... don't you?" Xia Yuqing approached the unprovoked side, whispered softly, for fear of stimulating the man who looked vulnerable.

"Yes, she doesn't want me! She told me to let me not go to find her in the future, we can't...can't!" Suddenly excited, hands rushed to the table and turned to look To Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yuqing was shocked by him, and he looked at him with a shocked heart. Wouldn’t it be that he wanted to anger and flatten me? !

Unexpectedly, I was suddenly stunned by the mouth, and immediately grabbed Xia Yuqing’s arm and cried: “Little sister, little sister, why do you want her not to be me? I am not good? Is my body not good? I am right Isn't she good?"

Xia Yuqing's eyes widened and she stared at the hand that had been holding her sleeves for no reason. Mom, I have to change clothes after going back! I knew that I wouldn’t wear this clothes out. This is my favorite body. Who knows how many days this product has not been washed?

Xia Yuqing tried to hold back the grievances in her heart and grinned and said: "I'm sure that Tsui is worried about your ability in some aspect, and he can't satisfy him in the future."

"..." You **** is teasing me!

Receiving a sight that is unreasonably dissatisfied, Xia Yuqing’s guilty conscience coughed: "Just kidding, make a joke."

"It's not funny at all. The ability of Xiao Shimei to tell jokes is still as bad as ever."


Xia Yuqing took a deep breath and resisted the urge to flatten the person on the opposite side. He smiled and said: "Will it be the master, what did you do recently, sorry for Tsui, annoyed her, so she was jealous. Under the heart, I am dead to you? For example, stealing people outside? Apricot is out of the wall!"

Suddenly brushed straight up, a face of righteous words: "How is it possible? Since I have a wife, I will cleanse myself, and carefully observe the three from the four virtues, not late, do not drink, do not go to the brothel, it is simply the new century. Man. Since I have a daughter-in-law, my heart is a daughter-in-law. My people are daughter-in-law. In my eyes, there are only one wife in my heart. How can the outside of these mediocre powders get into my eyes?"

"Vool..." Xia Yuqing couldn't help but licking his chest and vomiting a few times. He finally stopped the disgusting feeling. When he looked up, he looked at himself with a mischievous look. He smiled cheerfully. "Doesn't blame me, who can let the masters talk about love, so that people can't stand it. You shouldn't have said these things to Tsui. If you really want that, it's me and me." I will marry you, listen to such words all day long, I will be indigested."

"How can I be so subtle, how can I say such shameful words in front of my wife?" Su said with a look of shame.

Xia Yuqing just wants to breathe a sigh of relief, but he has heard that he has made a sentence: "People just use their actions to express their voices."

"..." You are a beast!

Xia Yuqing just wanted to get up and turned away. She didn't want to take up the laughter on her face. She sighed: "She is not joking. This time, she really didn't want me."

"Master brother..." Xia Yuqing was the first time to see such a frustration, and he was used to seeing his heartlessness on weekdays. This will see him so that Xia Yuqing is somewhat helpless.

"I am not good enough? Not good enough? I know that I used to be a confusing person. I have met her since I met. I have tried hard to change. Why do she still refuse to accept me? Why?" It is very troublesome to go to the table. Hammer, the thing on the table jumped and jumped.

"Maybe... Maybe there is any difficulty in the birth of Tsui, maybe she is forced to do this. Master, don’t be like this, I am carrying Tsui, she doesn’t feel it at all, or she will not tolerate you. She has moved her hands to the present. You calm down first..."

"How do you calm me?" Xia Yuqing has not finished, and there is already some collapse that has been interrupted.

Xia Yuqing saw that he was like a trapped beast. He couldn’t help but lick his lips. He asked: "I only ask the master, you still want to be with Tsui?"

"Of course I think, but..."

"Nothing, but you are so willing to give up, really like Tsui’s words, don’t look for her in the future, and form a stranger with her?”

"Of course, I am not willing, but she said that let me not pester her, don't look for her, I..." There is a little embarrassing face, and all the girls say that he is still entangled in others. It is also shameful to say how to put it.

Xia Yuqing seems to have seen the unreasonable voice, hate the iron and sink into the face of the steel and ask: "Cui is important, or is your skin important?"

"...the wife is important."

"That won't be there." Xia Yuqing wanted to slap a slap in the face, but after seeing someone's mess, he silently took it back. "And, Tsui let you not go to find her, are you? Can't you turn a corner, turn to find me? I am also your little sister, you ran to find me to talk about the old saying is also reasonable. The head is not enough, no wonder Tsui does not want you."

Suddenly heard the words double-minded, and looked at Xia Yuqing and praised: "Little sister, I did not expect you to be quite smart sometimes."

"..." Sister has been very smart, is it good? Even dare to fall into the ingenuity of the sister, and be careful that the sister is not happy to wear your shoes. Don't think that you are my master, you can smear me so much, and I am jealous of you!

Suddenly touched the chin and pondered for a moment, and suddenly looked at Xia Yuqing: "Listen to your younger sister's tone, it seems that there are any tricks that can help me turn the tide?"

Xia Yuqing snorted and looked up. He said, "The master is very heavy, and the younger sister is so stupid. How can there be any tricks to help you?"

Suddenly stunned, sly smiled, and quickly reached out to try to catch Xia Yuqing, but was quickly escaped by Xia Yuqing: "Don't touch me with your dirty claws."

Suddenly, the handcuffs stretched out, and the corners of his mouth could not help but pumped. After for a long time, he took his hand back and said, "Small sister, just a master’s brother owes, said the wrong words, you are the most Clever, I am much smarter than the master. You see it on the poor side of the master, help the master?"

Xia Yuqing was praised for a little bit of arrogance, and it was a loose mouth. He smiled slightly: "In fact, it is not a solution. Since Tsui has already said that you broke up, it is better to take a move... ..."


Xia Yuqing went to the table and took a photo: "I want to squat!"

"What are you looking for?"

Xia Yuqing nodded and slammed his fingers toward the unscrupulous head. He said that he had no reason to get closer and whispered: "Master, you are like this..."

Suddenly listening to Xia Yuqing's whispers, his face changed and changed. From the beginning, he was curious, and then he will be suspicious after the letter: "So... can it really do?" For Mao, he feels so unreliable?

Xia Yuqing was arrogant and doubtful about his proposal. His face was sullen and sullen: "I don't believe it, anyway, it is you who lost the last time, and I have nothing to lose."

"Amount...Don't!" Suddenly seeing Xia Yuqing turned and wanted to go, hurriedly shouted, "I don't believe it, that is... is..."

Xia Yuqing is a bit jealous and has a little sigh: "Do you know that my three empresses and prime ministers are not?"


"When the three emperors were chasing the prime minister, the prime minister was also unreasonable. Later, because I gave her a plan, it didn't take long for the prime minister to ignore her. Opened up, and then chased me to the three emperors. Let's see how they are now? Not only have the honey adjusted, even the little ones have given birth to one. Listen to the younger sister, I am right! Xiao Shimei, I am so kind, can you still hurt you?"

Xia Yuqing said so, the unreasonable eyes could not help but show a few shakes.

"Well, I will believe you once, I will go find someone right now."

"Wait... wait a minute!" Xia Yuqing saw no reason to turn around and wanted to go, hurriedly shouted.

Suddenly, I was so stiff that I turned to my inability to look at Xia Yuqing: "Is there something else?"

"Amount... Before you go to find someone, I think, you have to do something."

"what's up?"

"Take your messy heads out." Xia Yuqing waved his hand and looked like a distracted person. "Master, how long have you not taken a shower? Not afraid of smoking girls, if three The brothers met you and you will definitely throw you into him and feed the wolf."


Xia Yuqing fluttered in vain, and the joyful greens came out from Shangshufu, and he returned to the palace with a pleasant mood.

Just looking at the heart and mind, how to match the most uneasy pair of Xia Yuqing did not find out. When she walked out of Shangshufu, a figure slowly came out from the corner not far away. Staring at the figure that Xia Yuqing gradually drifted away, a pair of clear and stunning scorpions sparkled with obvious complexity and confusion.

"Qinger..." Just like a sigh of sighs spread in the air, telling a heartbreaking heartbreak.

Xia Yuqing was shocked and turned his head to look behind him, but did not find any strange.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Green Core saw Xia Yuqing some wrong, some worried.

"No...nothing, it should be that I think more." Xia Yuqing regained her gaze and barely smiled, but her heart could not help but raise some concerns.

The unprovoked movement was very fast. It didn't take long for it to regain the temperament of the weekdays and reverse the appearance of all beings, but in two days, a beautiful woman was brought into the palace.

"Oh, I said, how the magpies on the outside of the tree are screaming, this is the master. You are here. This is..." Xia Yuqing just came to see the unprovoked, the spirit is a shock I hurriedly got up and greeted.

On the face of a pair of surprised and curious appearances, my heart is secretly stunned, although she is so ignorant to find a good-looking, temperament temperament is more optimistic about the girls to support the field, so that Tsui has some sense of crisis, but This seems to be in front of me... I’m too old to look at it?

The woman with the unarmed arm looks good, and the pair of Danfeng eyes rises slightly, giving a hint of charm at the end of the eye, making the whole face become very vivid. At this moment, the woman is holding on to the unprovoked hand, and the whole person is trapped in the unwarranted arms, and it is really like a swearing person to look away from the appearance of a bird.

"Cough, this is a red confidant of mine, I just arrived in Beijing recently." Suddenly said something awkwardly, but his eyes are unconsciously aiming at the face of Tsui who has not been lifted from the head not far away. of.

"Red powder confidant?" Green Core did not know Xia Yuqing and other people's plans, and no matter how unreasonable he even led a woman to come over, also said that he is a red confidant, and then look at a distance, although not looking back, but has stopped Tsui, who is under the action of the man, is not happy at the moment, and sneer a sneer. "Is it really a blessing?" This front foot has just left one, and the back foot has pulled one again. The feeling is in your girl. Like changing clothes, it’s not too tired to change one in a day!"

Suddenly, the face screamed more and more, and looked for Xia Yuqing for help. However, Xia Yuqing was working hard to make his eyes look good. The eyebrows were twisted and there were countless question marks on his head. I don’t know what to do.

However, the woman in his arms broke the silence one step at a time, and asked pitifully: "Su brother, is she really talking?"

"..." Xia Yuqing and others heard the woman’s sorrowful lingering brother, who trembled in unison and shook the goose bumps.

The smile on the face of the face is slightly stiff, and the eyes of everyone are burning. It is difficult to talk about it for no reason. Before he hesitates, the slender hand of the person in his arms has already caught his waist and twisted.

The unreasonable face was distorted for a moment, but then he had to work hard to hold it up and put on a look of tenderness like water: "Iyi, don't listen to them nonsense, how can those mediocre powders compare with you?"

The woman heard the words not only did not show her face, but was even more angry, and snorted: "That is, you really have other women?"

"This one……"

"Hey!" The woman saw that she had no hesitation in the face, and she was on the ground with a slap in the face, and she broke away from the unreasonable embrace and ran out.

There was nothing to be said about it, but after seeing Xia Yuqing rushing to his own eyes, he still bit his teeth and turned and chased it out.

Far away, everyone can still hear a little bit of a despicable cry: "Yiyi, don't be angry, don't be angry, it's all past tense. I only have one of you, only you."

The green core listened to the movement between the two people and said: "Oh, what is the confidante, can bring us to see the goddess, how could it be ordinary ordinary confidante? The temper is quite big, raw So a fox face, doing things is also so emotional, how do you really see how to get in the way. Su Gongzi is also, past the past, I swear, this cargo did not say that pile of Women are past tense? Now it’s not just a blink of an eye, it’s better with another woman. Hey, I see, this is a big radish!”

Before the green core, I heard that there was no reason for the tea, but I didn’t think about it for a few days. Only when he accidentally offended Tsui, he was rejected by Tsui, and he still felt that he was very poor. He thought about it. Say a few words to him in front of Tsui. I never thought about it. It took only a few days for this product to be hooked up with a beautiful girl. This is no problem. He even brought his Yan Yanyan to the temple, as if he was afraid. People don't know that he has found another new love, and can't bear it!

The green core has not been finished yet, and some people on the side can't help but reach out and pull her sleeves.

"Why do you pull me, am I wrong?" Green Core was very dissatisfied and turned to look at it, but saw a little girl in the temple kept pulling herself, seeing her finally looked over and was busy pointing at her. Directions.

The green core looked in the direction she pointed, facing someone standing still in the distance, the expression on her face could not help but be a stiff: "Ah, hahaha, that, my sister, I just had that. If you talk about playing, don't mind, don't mind."

Cui Er nodded with no expression, Green Core saw her so slightly relieved, and busy made up a sentence: "Cui Er sister, you don't be sad, there is no grass in the end of the world, the plain son looks at it Not a long-lasting person, not for you, don't be too sad."

Tsui’s hand holding the rag was slightly tightened, and she smiled reluctantly: “I didn’t feel sad, I started it... I expected it.”

After the speech, I did not wait for everyone to react, turned and left, leaving a group of people standing on the ground floor.

Xia Yuqing took Cui's reaction to the bottom of his eyes. After a moment of contemplation, when everyone's attention was concentrated on Tsui, he sneaked out of the temple and ran away in the direction of the two people who had just left.

The two people have just slowed down when they have just left the Fangfang Temple, and they are not far away. Xia Yuqing ran for a while and saw two people on the edge of a relatively remote grass.

"Master, Master!" Xia Yuqing raised his hand to the unprovoked call, successfully stopped the two people's footsteps.

"Small sister, how did you run out? Just married, she...have...has there any special reaction?" Suddenly seeing Xia Yuqing running over, he was overjoyed and asked anxiously.

"Don't say that, Master, I will let you find a safe and self-confident, and the temperament can also compete with Tsui. How do you find such a beautiful one? At first glance, it makes people..." It feels like a seduce The character of the fox!

"Can I regard this as your compliment to me?" Xia Yuqing has not finished, and she heard a female voice with a smile.

Xia Yuqing turned his head and looked at it. The woman who was surrounded by the unprovoked side had just the little bird, and the poor appearance. The slightly raised eyebrows were clearly accompanied by a touch of playfulness and interest.


Suddenly seeing Xia Yuqing was scared, and coughed a bit: "Little sister, this is the saint of Miaojiang, and my master sister, Feng Jiuyi."

Xia Yuqing's eyes widened and her face was astonished. She thought that she had just gone to the plaza where he had visited and found an old acquaintance to save the field. I did not expect this woman to be the master sister of his master brother, and still a seedling. The saint of Xinjiang!

"Master, rabbits still don't eat grass in the nest, you even have to let your own sisters and sisters do not let go!" Xia Yuqing said that he still took a step back with his hands on his chest, and he was also a strange door, who knows This kind of goods will not be able to make any animal things for themselves when they have a fever. When she jumps into the Yellow River, she can't wash it.

Suddenly, the face brushed black: "...Sister Xiao, my sister has married, she..."

Unexpectedly, he was interrupted again by Xia Yuqing: "Master, you not only let your own sisters and sisters, but even the widowed woman is not let go, it is a beast!"

"Hey, hahaha..." Xia Yuqing's voice did not fall, Feng Jiuyi couldn't help but grin and grin. The unreasonable face was so dark that it could squeeze out ink.

"When I heard the younger brother talk about how interesting his little sister is, today's sister can be seen. The little sister doesn't have to worry, just because of Xiaoduan's arrogance, I don't see him, let alone the overlord." Hehe, he is not that big."


Xia Yuqing looked at the ignorance of ignorance, but did not dare to look at the people in front of her eyes. I couldn’t help but say a few words to Feng Jiuyi’s words. He smiled and said: “I am just kidding and joking.”

Suddenly sighed with a sigh of relief, explained: "Sister and sister came with the mother, I heard that my wife and daughter-in-law and the younger sister, your idea, automatically ask for help, I also want to find someone anyway. It’s better to find someone who knows the roots, so... it’s like this.”

Xia Yuqing suddenly realized: "It turned out to be sauce purple, thank you Master for helping out."

Feng Jiuyi smiled and said: "You are welcome, I have grown up watching this kid grow up, he is now difficult, my sister is naturally able to help, just how I played? Is there any effect?"

"Master Sister played awesome, that is, the master is a little inferior. Fortunately, there is a master sister who fills the scene, otherwise..."

It’s not that he played too badly, but since he met Tsui, he basically never touched other women, and he didn’t know how to play girls. Especially in the presence of his wife!

Feng Jiuyi nodded slightly as he saw the hero. He hated the iron and could not become a steel road: "This kid really can't move when he sees a girl. Hey, I have to remind me at the end."

Suddenly guilty of touching the nose, Feng Jiu continued to ask: "Then my future brother-in-law?"

"I just glared at Tsui, but I was not completely indifferent, but she has always been forbearing, and you will continue to force me to admit her heart."

"Well, I understand, it works, I am afraid that the girl will not respond at all."

Xia Yuqing raised a sly smile toward Feng Jiuyi: "Then I will also trouble the master sister."

"no problem."

As a result, several people have reached a consensus. In the following days, from time to time, I will pull Feng Jiuyi from the palace to Xia Yuqing from time to time. I can see that some of the green scorpions hate the teeth and itch. I can’t wait for someone to punch the two punches for Tsui.

The unreasonable two people entered the palace too often, and even the winds also paid attention to them.

On this day, after the winds and sorrows, I was able to return to the political affairs. I just had to take Feng Jiuyi’s forefoot and walked away. The wind smirked and grabbed Xia Yuqing’s waist and smiled slightly: “What your ghosts are doing? How? How often have you seen him running to you recently? Some time ago, didn’t you come for a while? I heard that he still has a very beautiful strange woman every time he comes?”

Xia Yuqing listened to the wind and asked, God mysteriously stunned and looked around, and determined that the people in the temple saw the wind and came back with great interest, and this smiled back: "Previous time, big The brother does not come because he is breaking up with Tsui!"

"Attachment?" The wind and the eyebrows picked up, and the eyes passed a glimmer of light, apparently coming to the interest.

"Well, not long ago, at the wedding banquet of Xiao Shangshu, I don’t know how the Tsui suddenly said that the master would stop looking for her and say that they were impossible. The master did not think about it for several days. The whole person is languishing."

After listening to Xia Yuqing, the wind sighed and said: "So, your master brother was abandoned by Tsui, and he was not willing, but he found a new one. With this new joy, he ran to the old love and triumphed and regained it. face?"

"It is not. The woman brought by the master is actually his master sister, who is now the saint of Miaojiang. The name of the family has the Lord."

"Oh?" The wind and the peak of the eyebrows are another one. "This is new. What is your master doing? Is it wronged outside, wanting his master sister to ask him justice?"

"The amount... In fact, it is not the case. He will come with the master sister. It is actually my intention."

"What do you mean?" This time, the wind is even more curious.

Xia Yuqing nodded and saw that it was so decadent in Xufu, so he gave him an idea to be able to hold the beauty, and later the unreasonable sister-in-law saw everything from the beginning to the end. Again.

After listening to Xia Yuqing, some of them were crying and laughing. They reached out and licked Xia Yuqing as always with a round face. He whispered: "Are you sure that you can do that?"

"How could it not? The idea of ​​the three emperors was also from me. You can see how happy the three emperors and the prime minister are now." Xia Yuqing snorted with a cold head and looked dissatisfied.

The wind is stunned: "If Feng and your master are not the same, if Feng Qing is used to it, he has always been very clean and self-satisfied. Your master is the windy son in the flowers, you let him bring a new joy in the sky. When I swayed in front of my children, I couldn’t help him to think that he was empathic. With the temper of Tsui, you are afraid that you will lose more than you."

"It’s not a new joy..."

"But in everyone's eyes, it is a new love."



Xia Yuqing looked up and looked at the wind: "What?"

"When you teach your master brother, you want to squat, and in the sky, you want to sway in front of Tsui, what kind of sorrow and sorrow? You should also hang Tsui for a few days, so that she is nervous."

Xia Yuqing groaned and touched his chin for a moment, and his eyes were slightly brighter: "Yes, I want to squat, always have to stand up to achieve the effect. I will tell Master now that I will not run to me these days." ”

Xia Yuqing was so hot that he wanted to turn around and ventilate the letter, but he was pulled back by the wind.

"Now the weather is late, why bother to be a moment, it is not too late to tell them tomorrow. And it is not easy to deal with the political affairs, you just think about other people's affairs, do not know how to accompany you." Sigh a little, some helplessly said.

Xia Yuqing gave a slight glimpse, looked up and looked at the wind, and found that under his fascinating phoenix phoenix, I did not know when to bring two faint dark circles, I remembered that these days, I don’t know how busy. Some of these things, often come out early and return late, even the most close to him, these days have not been able to see him a few times, every time you get up, the wind has more to get up and leave, will be vaguely in the middle of the night I felt him coming back, then I put myself in my arms, and I got up the next day and disappeared. Today is the first time he came back.

"Is there a lot of things in the court recently? It seems that you are very busy." Xia Yuqing's nest was in the arms of the wind, watching him with a faint side face, eyes with concern.

The wind touched her hair and smiled: "It's okay, it's just a few runs, and it has accumulated a lot of things. It will be better after a while."

"Oh..." Xia Yuqing nodded and no longer asked. Even though the wind is so, Xia Yuqing feels that he has something to look at himself.

The wind smashed Xia Yuqing into the arms, feeling the warmth in his arms, and passing a faint sensation of cold light in his eyes. Before Xia Yuqing never noticed it, this cold light quietly sank into the eye, not Leave a trace.

"I heard that recently the night is coming back?" The wind whispered and screwed his eyebrows and asked softly. For this variable that I can't see clearly, the wind is always a headache. I hope that he will disappear. Every time he disappears for a while, he will appear silently in front of them, and he will be disheartened.

"Well, come back." Xia Yuqing was buried in the arms of the wind, and whispered back.

"That guy is too evil, nothing to do with him too close, away from him!" Windy frown, unhappy sorrow.

"... um." Xia Yuqing sighed, but could not help but sigh. She knows that the wind has not liked the night beauty, and she does not like to go too close to the night. But this is not something she can control. She really wants to come to her at night, can she stop him from seeing him? And... even if you really want to stop, I am afraid that no one can stop him.

The next day, when I heard the words of Xia Yuqing, I felt that there was some truth. I haven’t even brought Feng Jiuyi to Xia Yuqing Palace for several days.

As a result, the green core is more and more unhappy. When she was unreasonably carrying people to sway, she was so ignorant that she was arrogant and arrogant. This will be unreasonable, and the green core will start to be disgusted. The man is really unreliable. When chasing you, the sweet words are falling out of the basket. Don’t want you now, even if you see one side, you are too lazy.

"Hey, I saw it at that time. The guy from Su Gongzi had a peach blossom, a pointed monkey, and it was a short-lived ghost. It was not a good thing. Poor Tsui’s sister was so good that he was stared by this flower radish. It’s a pity that I was at the beginning. I saw that he was so kind to Cui’s sister. I thought he was really close. I didn’t expect how long it took. It turned out to be... oh, it’s really a dog can’t change it. The flower radish is a big radish, how can it not become a white radish, ah ah, really mad at me!" Green Rui stood at the door of the temple, very angry and filled.

The little white on the side of the scene also ran out of loneliness, it was a call for two sounds, and it was pointed out that the little black and white was not far away, and it looked proud.

The voice of the green core did not fall, and it was once again pulled. When I looked down, I saw the little girl who was holding the arm in front of her face, and her eyes swept away behind her.

The green core smashed, and a bad premonition came to life. The stiff body turned around and turned to the face of Xia Yuqing, which was like laughing and laughing, and the stunned look of Tsing Yu after Xia Yuqing.

"Ah, hahaha, sissy, when did you come?" Green Core smiled and took a step back, smiling with a look.

Xia Yuqing stared at her with a smile: "When you say that my master is a short-lived short-lived ghost."


The green core heard the silent tears. Is there anyone in the world who is more tragic than her? Every time I say bad things, I will be caught by people. What kind of luck is this!

"Ah, hahaha, niece, slave is not the meaning, Su Gongzi him... very good, how could he be a short-lived ghost? The slave really does not mean to curse him, really!"

Xia Yuqing looked at the green patience of the bitter haha, sighed, and looked like a heartache: "How can you squint at the green core? How do I teach you on weekdays? Loyalty against the ear, these four words It means that as long as it is the truth, it is not good. The words you just made are not good, but I think it makes a lot of sense. It’s hard that you think I will blame you for the bad truths you have. In your heart, your mother, I am such a small belly, do not distinguish between right and wrong?"

A green glimpse, hurriedly stepped forward, hugged Xia Yuqing's arm and said: "How can a goddess be a small belly chicken, do not distinguish between right and wrong? Niangniang, you are the most broad-minded person, the most unique insight. ”

Xia Yuqing looked at the green core, and the evil charm smiled: "Don't think that you have said a few more truths, I can not blame you for smashing my master. Some words know what to do, why do you say it?" Death sin is exempt, living sin is hard to spare, and at night I want to eat the Buddha's wall that you are best at."

"..." Niangniang, saying that a good heart is broad and clear, right and wrong? You talk so two sides and three knives, and you will reduce your credibility! Although your credibility has long been negative! Also, what the Buddha jumped on the wall is entirely because of your mouth!

Xia Yuqing glanced at the expression of Green's petrified petrochemicals, and meditated and added another sentence: "I want to say that the guy who is a master is very mean, looks not only short-lived, but also refuses to pay off his wife! We, Tsui, lost their way in time, otherwise they may not know how to die."

"..." Niangniang, you are only the state official to set fire, not allowed the people to light, the slaves do not make the Buddha jump wall!

Xia Yuqing said that she secretly took a look at Tsui, and saw her look indifferent. She did not react. She twisted her eyebrows and quickly condensed the expression on her face. She coughed a bit: "It’s not too early, go. I went to Xufu with me."

"Women want to go to Xufu?" Green Core stunned, some strange look to Xia Yuqing and the empress behind him, not sure, "the goddess, this early, what do you go to Xufu? Going to see... Su Gongzi?"

"Of course not!" Xia Yuqing was just a face, a serious way, "Shi Niang recently visited the capital to visit Master, will stay in the Master's House for a few days. The teacher is rare to come to the capital, as a young apprentice, I should do my best. Friendship, go see her more, take her out and turn around."

Xia Yuqing said that she looked at Cui Er and said with care: "Cui Er, your face doesn't seem to be very good, or you are resting in the palace. Is it better for me and Green Core?"

Cui Eryi, barely smiled and said: "Nothing, the slaves still go with the maiden, the green core has no martial arts, she is alone with the maiden, the slave is not at ease."

"That's okay." Xia Yuqing made a look of worry on the face, but he was happy.

Her original intention is to bring people to find people in the past. It hasn't seen a lot of people for a few days. It's almost time, and it's time to smash it. It’s not a problem, but it’s not a problem. You can take someone to the past and do the matchmaker to do her. If the master is going to do this, don’t give yourself a big red envelope. Wow hahaha!

Xia Yuqing sat in the carriage to Xufu. Suddenly, she thought of something. Looking at the green core, she asked: "Green Core, do you know what happened on the recent court? How do I squat with the emperor recently?" Very busy, I can’t see people in the sky, I don’t know how to do it. Is it a tricky thing?”

The green core smelled awkward and tangled. "The niece, the slave is just a little girl in the harem. How can the slaves in the church know what?"

Xia Yuqing silently glanced at her: "Are you not familiar with the little straight son next to the emperor? I heard that you still asked him how old the black-brother is?" You know, little things, you don’t even know what happened in the front hall?"

"..." Niangniang, the reason why the slaves will go to inquire about how long the black-bone chickens in the Taishi House are, is because you want to eat Babao Wuji at the same time, but the black-bone chicken in the palace has been eaten up by you and the little princess. The new ones were not fat enough, and the slaves had no choice but to make a decision. They were prepared to borrow a few from the Taishi to save the emergency. Who should blame this thing! Can you not say that slaves seem to be carrying you the same as Xiaoshunzi? Also, it is not a political matter to ask Wuji Shenma!

The green core sighed with a tired body and mind, and suddenly it was like something that was remembered. The eyes slammed in front of it: "Ah, the slaves think of it. Recently, the former dynasty seems to have done something big."

"What big thing?" Xia Yuqing suddenly came to the interest, asked close to the green core and curiously asked.

"Several eunuchs who accidentally listened to the Qing Dynasty said that the northwestern borders seemed to be in the snowstorm in the past few days. A lot of food was frozen and died, and the northeastern border was still suffering from drought this summer..."

Xia Yuqing’s heart trembled, and her face was awkward. Her face was a bit ugly: “The summer is a drought, and the winter is snowstorming. Isn’t the grain in the northeast and northwest today not covered?”

The green core licked the lips, it seemed to think of something, and the face was a little dignified: "The particles are not harvested or the next, the important thing is..."


"The slaves have heard that there are many people who died in the northwest because of the snow disaster. There are many people who have said that ... there has been a plague."

Xia Yuqing’s eyes suddenly tightened, and the plague... is still a daunting word in modern times, not to mention the fact that it was so backward in medical care. Once it spreads... I don’t know how many people are going to die.

This is a natural disaster. It is a disaster that cannot be violated by human beings. No wonder... no wonder even those who are so omnipotent in the general attack are so helpless...

Xia Yuqing's hand on the lap suddenly tightened, and his face suddenly became ugly.

"Mother, are you okay?" Green Core looked worried about Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yuqing strongly suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and barely smiled: "No...nothing..."

Waiting for Xia Yuqing to finish, the carriage stopped, and the two only heard a message from outside: "The goddess, Xu Fu arrived."

"Well, come down immediately." Xia Yuqing took a deep breath and looked back at the green syllabus. "Let's go ahead, let's go back and talk about it."

Green Core nodded and reached out to help Xia Yuqing get off the carriage.

Su Lin heard the movement and greeted her early. She saw Xia Yuqing and others came over and smiled. "I said that this is a wind blowing, and even the Queen of our country has been blown over. It is hard to be Run us to find the emperor? It's a pity that our little temple can't accommodate the big Buddha in the emperor!"

"Sister, you don't make fun of me. How can I run you to find the emperor? I am here to find you." Xia Yuqing was so flustered by Su Lin's straightforward words, and stunned her.

Su Lin picked up her eyebrows and teased and smiled: "Look for me? What are you looking for?"

"It’s rare for the teacher to come to the capital. I don’t want to do the best of the landlord’s friendship. Take this opportunity to take the lady out and walk around. Let’s take a look at the customs of this capital city. What about the master? Master? Call out and go, people are more lively."

Su Lin’s gaze was glanced over by Xia Yuqing’s body. Finally, she settled on the body behind Xia Yuqing and spread the handkerchief: “But forget it, the ladies are all older, and the young people are harder than you. Go out for a lap and come back and estimate that you will have a backache for a few days. Your master, he is busy slamming the wood, how can I stay with you everywhere? Even if you are free, he is not too small, still good. Staying at home is good, it’s not good to go out and squeak out people. It’s not good to do this. I’m going to let your master accompany you, and he’s been very busy lately, and he’s at home. It’s growing out.”

Xia Yuqing received the suggestive gaze from Su Lin’s projection, and her eyes were slightly bright, and she suddenly understood it. Su Lin was helping them.

Think about it too, that Feng Jiuyi is the current saint of Miaojiang, she knows that there is no such thing, Su Lin 琅 this mother did not reason do not know! I am not sure, Feng Jiuyi will be willing to help, and it is still largely instructed by Su Lin, even if she is not instructed, she is also connived.

"Also, where is the master now? I haven't seen a master for several days. What have he been doing recently, so busy."

Su Lin’s gaze was swept away from Tsui’s body, and she smiled and said: “What else can you do? He doesn’t know what his temper is. I’m not thanking you on weekdays, but I’m thankful. I heard that he was fascinated by a beautiful girl who was very beautiful. I was thinking about whether or not to help the child to get the girl into the door of his thirty-sixth room! Oh, one is too much. The welcome son is also a very distressing thing."

"..." Shi Niang, Master did not say anything wrong, the mother is more defeated! The reason why the master is like this is now, ten are * are all used to you! Which kind of mother is like you, the son is everywhere to attract bees, you are not ashamed, you are proud!

"Well, don't say it, I will take you to find your master brother. The child didn't know what to do last night. Now I haven't seen him up yet." Su Lin's eyes are always concerned. With Tsui's every move, the words are almost the same, and when they are busy, they will receive it. They lead Xia Yuqing and walked toward the unprovoked room.

Xia Yuqing hurriedly followed, and Su Lin led several people to the front door of the unprovoked house that had been in the past few days after Xia Yuqing, and did not knock on the door, directly slamming the door and pushing the door straight.

Xia Yuqing looked at Su Lin’s action and stunned. Teacher, you are so embarrassed, does Master know? Amount... I must have known it, otherwise the Master would not be so hard to let you be such a small woman.

"Nothing, this is what it is like when I am still in the house. I don't want to hurry up. Your little sister is coming... I am looking for you." Su Lin’s heroic shouting is so clear after watching the scene inside the house. And then, the whole person is also stuck in the doorway, looking at the house with a blank look.

Xia Yuqing, who followed her, and other people saw her look and twisted her eyebrows. She probed the probe forward and was on the spot after seeing the scene inside the house.

Inside the empty room, the messy clothes were scattered all over the place. There were men and women, and they were entangled in the ground, regardless of you or me.

At the end of the room, the gauze is hidden, and a white hand can be seen sliding from the bed to the edge of the bed.

The sunlight that was projected into the house due to the opening of the door sprinkled on the bed, causing the person who was asleep in the bed to feel some discomfort, and reached out to block the sun that was too dazzling, and slowly opened his eyes.

Suddenly looked at it with a slight squint, and after discovering the hand that was lying on his chest, the whole person was excited and sat up from the bed.

Accompanied by his sitting up, the woman lying on the inside squinted, stumbled on his shoulder and sat up and sighed a few times, then it seemed to be aware of what it was like a dream, and widened his eyes. I can't believe the person on the side.

As the two of them sat up, the people at the door also saw the bleak scene of the bed.

On the wide double bed, the two men were lying side by side, wearing a single coat, and the two people’s so sloppy postures now made it impossible for everyone to think about it. The two men made it last night. What happened.

With a bang, a huge muffled sound came in from the doorway, and woke up the two faces of the bed, and the two people with their faces were awakened by the people who were completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

Suddenly, the eyes widened and looked up, facing the white-faced Tsui at the door.

"The niece, the slave suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and went back first." Tsui, a pale face like a paper, stepped back two steps and said. Later, after waiting for Xia Yuqing to respond, he turned and hurried out to the outside.

Suddenly waking up like a dream, he climbed up from the bed and refused to put on his clothes. He rushed straight toward the door: "Women, you listen to me, not what you think! Daughter, you don't want to Go, listen to me!"

"There is nothing to explain, you scum!" Green Core stepped forward, blocking the direction of unwarranted advancement, and raising the hand of the fire to give a slap in the face, "color magic scum, squander me Still thinking about fulfilling you and Tsui's sister, who thought of you... I really blinked! Tsui's sister doesn't want you to be right, you are the female enemy, the evil of the people! Cuier sister... ”

Unexpectedly, I was not checked for a moment, and I was swayed by the green core. When I came back to God, the green core had already chased the child.

I have no choice but to chase again. This time I changed to Xia Yuqing and blocked it in front of him: "Little sister, you let go, I have to go after the wife!"

"Following the hair chasing, you don't have to chase after!" Xia Yuqing snorted, and a small black face was said to be ruthless.

"How can you even have a younger sister? You are not letting me..."

I have no reason to say that it is okay. When I say that Xia Yuqing is even more flamboyant, I will give you a slap in the face: "I am letting you dress up with other girls, letting Tsui eat jealous, not letting you It’s good to go to the bed with other girls! Green is right, you’re a dead scum, a beast!”

After Xia Yuqing finished, she still felt that she was not relieved. She lifted her leg and took a foot to the unprovoked lower body. She turned and followed the two children.

"Hey..." Xia Yuqing did not stay at all with this foot. He was so anxious and anxious to chase people. He was left unguarded on the spot and the whole person was huddled.

Su Lin heard the screams of her own son and finally returned to God. She went to the condescending position in front of the plains and asked: "What happened?"

When I saw the unsuccessful response, I also put a few feet on my legs and asked in a cold voice: "Speak."

The people who heard the news on the side collectively stunned. The old lady is too embarrassed. The son is hurting like this. Even if she doesn't care about it, she can still make up a few feet without changing her face.

"Oh..." Suddenly gave an exclamation again, and the cold sweat on his head looked at his mother, hehe, he must not be a biological one, it must not be a biological one!

Su Lin was so unspeakable that she couldn’t speak. She turned her head and looked at the bed. She just wore the tidy Feng Jiuyi, and her face was so sullen: "Jiuyi, you said, what happened?"

"Master, I don't know! I didn't feel good about my teacher's mood last night. I took a few drinks with me..."

Su Lin’s face was cold: “So you are confused after drinking?”

"How is it possible? We didn't drink much at all. I don't know what's going on. I don't know anything about it. When I wake up, I find that it has become what it is now, and I am very puzzled!"

Su Lin heard the news and said that things were different. She sneaked into the house with a slight sigh, and tweeted: "You said that you drank a drink yesterday? Is it in this house?"


"What about the hip flask and the glass?"

Feng Jiuyiyiyi, it was only found that there was only one pot of tea and several cups on the table inside the house. Where can I see what wine jug?

"How come?" Feng Jiuyi squinted his eyes.

Su Lin’s eyes turned around, recalling everything that happened just now and the disappearing jug of wine jug, sneer: “Jiuyi, you are too big, you don’t know if you count!”

"Yes, the disciples know the wrong!" Feng Jiuyi really regrets that the intestines must be green.

Last night, she was so ignorant that she couldn’t see her future brother-in-law because of these days, and she moved her heart and thought about taking him out to distract her heart.

Unexpectedly, this goods are too lazy to move, just pull yourself to accompany him to drink, say what a drunken solution. She didn't feel what she was at first. After all, a few glasses of wine still couldn't drink her, who knows...

Just a younger brother-in-law is afraid that he has already seen the scene of their shared bed, and that is the kind of gaffe. This is good, not helping, but it has caused this big misunderstanding, God knows that she really is not intentional!

"Master, I didn't do anything with my brother." Feng Jiuyi said with some timidity. He had to say that she was very respectful and afraid of this master who was also a teacher.

Su Lin glanced at her and sneered: "I know, if you really want to do something, can the stinky boy live to the present?"

Su Lin hated the iron and steel, and looked at it without any reason: "However, if your physique is special, you may really have something to do. Jiuyi, it seems that you have been too lax in recent years, Master. Those who taught you at the beginning are still given to Master?"

Feng Jiuyi was trembled with some trepidation. Some of them shyly bowed their heads. She is the sacred woman of Miaojiang. She is most familiar with these poisonous drugs. If it is not careless, how can people let people know how to take medicine? !

Su Lin saw the color of Feng Ji’s face, and she no longer counted her. The angry hand raised her hand to the table on the side. Everyone only heard a bang, and the thick wooden table was so hard. A few and a half.

Everyone shuddered, knowing that Feng Jiuyi was really angry, and all of them frustrated and stunned, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

"Oh, the calculator actually dared to count the head of my son and the apprentice. It is best not to let me find out who it is, or else let him be frustrated!" Su Lin stunned her face like a water, and her eyes were actually cold. Cold light.

At the same time, one of the inns in the Jingcheng City, one person sitting in the elegant room leaning against the window, looking at the pedestrians coming and going from the street, sipping a cup of tea, elegant manners, manners.

With a bang, an ink-colored figure came in from the outside and fell down at the feet of the teenager. He respectfully said: "The Lord."

"How is the matter going?" Ying Yan asked the teacup in his hand and asked faintly.

"The subordinates follow the instructions of the young master and put the medicine in the wine of the two. Only..."

"Well?" Ying Yan turned his head and glanced at the man. The man trembled and his head went down a little lower: "It’s just that the two men have been sleeping together for a night, and nothing happened."

Ying Ying took back the line of sight and smiled and said: "I didn't think about what happened to them. One is the incumbent Miaojiang saint, the other is the son of the former Miaojiang saint. If it is not the drug, it is not. Colorless and boring, maybe you can fool them. But it doesn't matter if you do anything, as long as others seem to be doing something."

He had never thought about what the two people could really do. It just wanted someone to see the misunderstanding, provoke the feelings between the two, and completely ruin the matter. So even if Xia Yuqing didn't take Tsui in the past, he would have tried to find someone to lead Tsui. Who ever thought that Xia Yuqing had happened to take Tsui to Xufu and hit everything, so that some things are life!

"Less Lord, why do you want to... Bi Xuan girl is a half-month-old person, but in the end it is only the Lord's return, and she is not carefully selected from the descendants of the Moon Clan like you. If it comes out to be cultivated, even if she is with other people outside the family, there should be no accidents. So..." The man was really unable to resist the inner curiosity and asked aloud.

Ying Wei looked at him with his eyes and looked at him. He looked at him with cold sweat and his head hangs a little lower. He smiled lightly: "She is not a native of the Moon family, but she bears the righteous father. Her mission. The emotional things made her faint, forgetting that her life is not her own, but belongs to the righteous father. And I, but kindly reminded her."

Those who lie on the ground only feel that their hearts are slightly cold, and then dare not say anything that should not be said.

Ying Ying took the teapot on the table and added some tea. He asked a little: "What about the righteous father?"

The man groaned and hesitated and said: "Respect the Lord... It’s like entering the palace to see the Queen of the Kingdom."

"Oh?" Ying Yan's narrow nephew picked up slightly and chuckled. "Is it going to do business?"

The people on the ground didn't dare to talk again. Ying Ying was bored and took a look at the streets below.

Suddenly, Ying Yan’s face changed awkwardly, and the right hand suddenly grabbed the window of one side, staring at someone walking from below.

Half a sigh, Ying Ying's lips can't stop the slight lift, and whispered to himself: "I didn't expect him to come here too, and the next group of people may have trouble."

Xia Yuqing rushed back to the Fangfang Temple, and as soon as he entered the temple, he saw a small **** the side and asked: "Is Tsui back?"

The little girl was shocked: "The slave has seen the goddess, and the sister of Tsui has just returned. This should be in her room. The slave has just seen the green sister and she seems to follow her."

“Back to the room?” Xia Yuqing twisted her eyebrows and let go of the little girl’s hand. She turned and wanted to run to the room of Tsiu, but was stopped by another little girl who hurried into the door.

"The goddess, the night son is coming."

"Xiao Shiyan? What did he come over at this time?" Xia Yuqing twisted her eyebrows, but although she was so popular that she was far away from the night, she wanted to come to her. No one can stop it. The inner courtyard of the palace is generally difficult to get close to, but for him, it is like a no-man.

Xia Yuqing nodded to the gimmick of the newspaper, and hung up his smile and greeted him: "How did you come to Xiaoxiaoyan? Could it be that I came to discuss the marriage between Xiaobai and Xiaohe?"

The night was staring at Xia Yuqing's little face for a while, and smiled slightly: "I said it, as long as they are interested, this marriage is all based on Xiaoqinger."

"..." On the side of the crowd, the female eunuchs on the side of the house heard the words and actions of the men, and they couldn’t help but look at the awe of the night. This is actually a real thing in the world. It's not easy to get the general thick lines on the rails!

"Well? Since it is not for this, then... is it for Tsui?"

The smile on the face of the night was slightly faded: "No, I am here to find you."

Xia Yuqing’s eyes slammed, and he pointed at himself with amazement: “I?”

The secluded side hall is rarely used on weekdays, and few people will break into it without passing it. However, at this moment, there are two almost tall figures standing in this secluded palace.

Xia Yuqing looked at her feet with some uneasiness. The night said that she would talk to herself alone, and he brought him here, and drove those people who were originally around her. When there were only two of them left, she suddenly felt a little inexplicable. There is no reason for this, although this person looks even smaller than himself, but... but this is a bad thing, it’s really a matter of my grandfather’s grandfather’s life, and talking about an old antique is actually very stressful. Big wood has...

"That, Xiaoshuyan..."

Xia Yuqing has not finished yet, and the night has already turned around, like a smile and staring at her: "You want to ask... I am looking for what you want to say, right?"

Xia Yuqing groaned, and then he nodded unhurriedly, his eyes sparkling with a touch of curiosity. It is a pity that the next sentence of the night beauty has succeeded in making her curiosity in her eyes, and she suddenly became full of panic.

"Xiao Qinger, you... is it actually a soul-shifter?"

The nightly light and fluttering words made the smile on Xia Yuqing's face completely froze. Xia Yuqing had a pair of eyes and couldn't believe it to the night, and his feet unconsciously retreated backwards: "Xiaoshu Yan, what did you just say, how can I not understand?"

The night is staring at Xia Yuqing, who is scared and pale, and sighs: "You don't have to lie to me. The Yue family is best at divination and insight. The star of Xia Guoxiao Xia Yuqing is almost four years old. It was once bleak, and it was supposed to be degraded. Later, it suddenly turned back on, but the light was not as soft as it used to be, but it was glaring. The only explanation was that Xia Yuqing survived, but it was not the original Xia Yuqing. ”

Xia Yuqing listened to the explanation of the night, and couldn't help but breathe a cold air. She didn't think of her, what the moon family turned out to be a gods gathering place.

Astrology divination? Insight into the sky? Isn't that the same as the Taoist monk? Xiao Shuyan told himself this, is it difficult to think of himself as a demon ghost, a stick killed or received?

Thinking like this, Xia Yuqing couldn't help but step back a few more steps, looking at the night to look at the night. Damn, I just shouldn’t have paid for it. What should I do now? It’s absolutely impossible for you to be alone. It’s hard to be so embarrassed, then he’s caught out and went to the streets to show the crowd, roasting himself in front of everyone’s face? Oh, no, the family doesn't turn into a roast suckling pig!

Just as Xia Yuqing was thinking about it, the night was added: "You don't have to be so nervous, I won't hurt you."

The sudden sound of the night's beauty interrupted Xia Yuqing's brain supplement, Xia Yuqing was excited, and he did not hear what the night was saying. He also said that he had to do it himself, and his hands clenched his fists and said: "You Don't come over, no... yes, even if that's the case, if you dare to accept me, the general attacker will never give up, I will not give up so arrogantly, and everyone will make a jade, I...I Not afraid of you..."

The night looked at Xia Yuqing's appearance as an enemy, and could not help but be a little funny: "I didn't intend to accept you, and I didn't plan to do it with you, and I didn't intend to hurt you."

"You don't want to be mad, I... Hey, what do you say?" Xia Yuqing screamed at the gods, and suddenly heard the night and made up a sentence, shaking the small body like a sieve and slamming, a look surprised. Look at the night.

The night sighed helplessly: "I told you this is not to hurt you."

“Really?” Xia Yuqing looked suspiciously at the night and seemed to confirm that what he said was non-virtual.


"I said it early!" Xia Yuqing sighed with relief, and the whole leg was almost soft.

I calmed down my poor little heart for a while, Xia Yuqing seemed to think of something, and some did not understand: "Since you have known that I am not really Xia Yuqing, why did you let Tsui follow me? I simply It’s not the daughter of the former Princess, but it’s not really related to you, but you...” Why do you always appear by me and make me unprepared?

It seems to understand the doubts of Xia Yuqing's eyes. The night is very different. "Even if you have already moved the soul, it is no longer the original Xia Yuqing, but after all, you still have the blood of my family, so... can't escape the fate."

"Fate life?" Xia Yuqing stunned, how do you feel that the world is more and more mysterious? What is the fate of what? Xiao Shuyan, you are sure that you are not fooling me, just like the fortune-telling gods on the rivers and lakes, fooling me with ignorant teenagers?

The night looked at Xia Yuqing's look of suspicion, and sighed, as if he had expected that Xia Yuqing would not be so convinced of himself, his face said: "You can remember those you heard in Xia Guo. About the former empress and the former princess, that is, your nominal mother and grandmother?"

Xia Yuqing raised his eyes and looked at the night and looked at him. He seemed to be asking, what did the night special say? Could it be that the so-called fate in his mouth is related to her mother-in-law and grandmother?

"The Yue clan can see the heavens and is the person sheltered by God. But because of this, there must be some loss. The Yue family inherits the noble bloodlines and abilities, and must bear certain responsibilities and abide by certain rules. ”


"Yes, the Yue clan peeks into the sky, but can't use the secret to change the world's life and intervene in the disputes between the four countries, otherwise..."

"Otherwise... what will happen?"

"There is no such thing as a catastrophe. Even the entire family of the Moon will suffer terrible disasters."

Xia Yuqing's heart shook, I don't know why I suddenly felt a disgusting Sen cold feeling came out from behind: "This... What does this have to do with me or with them?"

The smile on the face of the night was faded, and Xia Yuqing looked at him for a while, closed his eyes and closed his eyes: "Do not intervene in the disputes between the four countries, including not being able to make a relationship with the emperors of the four kingdoms, or even becoming one of the emperors of the four kingdoms. ""

Xia Yuqing’s face suddenly changed: “The meaning of not being able to make a relationship with the emperors of the Four Kingdoms...”

"It is what you think, in a position where the four countries are too high, they will be considered by God... from the power of the four countries, tampering with the situation in the world."

As the night patriarch of the month of the patriarch, it is clear that they have acquired the innate talents and abilities, but they cannot sit on the highest position in the world. It is only a matter of heaven to balance the whole world. The chess piece is gone, and when the piece is out of control, it loses its value.

The affirmation of the night beauty made Xia Yuqing's face more and more ugly: "If that is violated, what will happen?"

"I just said it already."

Xia Yuqing has a little face and some numbness. He wants to hold a smile, but he is stubborn: "Oh, don't you think this kind of thing is ridiculous? What rules, what fate, what fate, one is the kind of mythical dog. The story that will appear in the blood drama, how could it appear here? I have less reading, you can't lie to me like this! Ah, hahaha, Xiao Shuyan, are you running the wrong theater? Hey, you are all old. Don't make such a joke. Today is not April Fool's Day. It's just like saying that this kind of thing will scare people, and this joke is not funny at all!"

"I am not kidding!" The night was squinting and looking at Xia Yuqing, and his eyes were full of pity.

"Enough, do you think I will believe you? This kind of thing... This kind of thing... How could it happen? But it is a worry, self-deception. How can it... how come..."

"You are all here, what else can't happen?"

The calm and calm words of the night successfully broke the last hope of Xia Yuqing. Xia Yuqing excitedly whispered, but slowly calmed down.

Yes, can I come from a thunder in the 21st century to such a pothole? What other strange things can't happen?

"The Moon family survived for nearly a thousand years. Before that, no one dared to violate this established rule until the emergence of the girl."

Xia Yuqing’s slightly swaying head moved, knowing that she was the one in the night’s mouth, the queen of the former dynasty, the grandmother of the original Lord.

"I am the patriarch of the Yue family. It is also the priest of the Yue family. The priest can not marry his wife and children for a lifetime. Therefore, in order to succeed in the near future, I have selected qualifications from the family of the collateral family. The best children are accepted as righteous women, and they hope that they can take up the prosperity and disgrace of the Yue family in the future. That girl is the best child I have ever seen in my life. I regard her as my own, very loving. But I didn't want to finally develop her indescribable temperament. I didn't even think that she would eventually dare to touch the family's taboo for a man. She would marry the emperor of the former dynasty without permission, and even tried to use her life to learn to change the former dynasty. The fortune of the game, in the end, was self-defeating, which led to the sacred census, which accelerated the loss of the former dynasty and destroyed it."

Xia Yuqing's heart is tight, and the hand hanging under him can't help but tighten up. So, the destruction of the former dynasty... largely blame... her grandmother?


"Yes, it is the sacred sect. The former dynasty should not be destroyed. No, maybe it should be said that it should be destroyed in that generation, but unfortunately... and this tragedy has continued to your mother."

"My mother-in-law? But isn’t Xia Guo not going to the country? Xia Guoming has been doing well until now, so this is not the explanation..."

"Xiaguo is still doing well now, because your mother-in-law knows the reason after giving birth to you. For your father and the whole Xia, I chose to die prematurely, and used her death to destroy the advent of the sacred sect. ""

Xia Yuqing's face was so heavy that she couldn't help but shouted at the night of the night: "The ridiculous, the father of the emperor clearly said that my mother is ... is being forced to die, how could she choose to lead herself to die? The father can't lie to me, that is, you are lying to me!"

The night beauty is another sigh: "Your mother-in-law is indeed voluntarily drinking the poisonous wine. After your father left the palace that day, your mother-in-law planned to be self-disciplined, but did not wait for her to do it, your father's After the mother came, she let her drink poisonous wine on the road. Your mother-in-law wanted to die, and I thought about pushing the boat and drinking the poisonous wine. When your father is embarrassed because of this, you can care more about you. ""

Xia Yuqing stepped back in two steps, and fell to the ground. Then he wanted to understand what he was looking for. He looked up at the night and said: "How could you be so clear at the time? You were there at the time. No, why don’t you save her? Why? Then say she is..."

After Xia Yuqing had not finished, he was interrupted by the night beauty: "The people of the Yue family can't freely intervene in the four countries."

Xia Yuqing's eyes widened and looked at the night, and then he seemed to think of something low and laughed.

"The emperor really has a foresight. He said that he can see you and your righteous woman can't be saved, and it is even more so for others." Xia Yuqing stares at the night, the faded gentleness Smile, now looks very indifferent and calm, and there is a trace of ridicule in the bottom of my eyes. "Is it telling me about the mother-in-law? Or how can the mother know this for no reason? After all... Is it that you killed my mother?"

The night did not answer, and a cold face looked at Xia Yuqing quietly: "You are not stupid at all, very smart."

Xia Yuqing listened to the night of the smile, which is similar to the words of admittance. I don’t know how suddenly I want to laugh. When the night is just talking about those, she suddenly feels that the world seems to have collapsed. Now suddenly she feels What he said is extraordinarily ridiculous.

Smart? As long as it is a life-related person, then stupid people know how to protect themselves, not to mention she is just a bit stupid, not stupid! It is said that what the Yue family can't intervene in the four kingdoms, what a grandiose, in the end is just a statement to shirk responsibility. Since her mother’s affairs are counted as the four kingdoms, will the truth tell the mother, what is the indirect death of the mother? In the eyes of these people, what is the mother-in-law and her? But now this is not the point, the point is...

Xia Yuqing's face changed slightly, looking up at the face of the night's face: "So, twenty years ago, you forced my mother, and now I want to kill me?"

The night was greeted by Xia Yuqing's gaze. The two had no dialogue with each other for a long time. In the end, it was the night of the face that took the lead and removed the line of sight. It smacked two words: "No."

"What?" Xia Yuqing looked strangely at the night.

"Even if I don't force you, you can't live for a long time." Night looked at Xia Yuqing and was surprised to see the extreme look. He licked his lips. "You have always felt dizzy recently, some Will there be some black spots in front of me?"

Xia Yuqing stunned, and the surprise in her eyes became deeper and deeper.

Since she saw the fireworks in Shangshufu that day, she often feels dizzy, especially when she wakes up every morning. There are times when she always feels that some ghosts are pressing the bed. The whole person is obviously awake. If she wants to open her eyes and eyes, she can’t open it. The whole body is stiff, just like someone is pressing on her body. No. Fortunately, the wind has recently come out early and late, I don’t know about it at all, otherwise I don’t know what the big problem is like.

In private, she had let the doctors open some refreshing ways for her, but those who have no use at all. This symptom has not been alleviated, but it has become more and more serious recently. And sometimes when you lie on the ground, you will feel your eyes black and fall almost when you stand up. I found a doctor who came to the doctor for treatment. I thought it was because of the sudden hypoglycemia. So I have been giving the green core to my sweet things recently. But these things, she never told me anything. People, including the wind.

"How did you know?" Xia Yuqing's hand on his chest suddenly tightened, and some asked dryly.

The night beauty looked at her deeply and gave a sigh of relief: "The last time I went to the palace to find Tsui, I stumbled upon your face a little different, licking your pulse and licking it, not sure. Your pulse is getting weaker and weaker, and it is a sign that the art of moving souls is gradually failing, in time..."

"...What will happen?"

"The failure to move the soul can only show that your soul does not fit the current body. Since this symptom means that you are likely to leave the soul soon."

"Leaving the soul?" Xia Yuqing's eyes widened, and it is unbelievable that the nouns that may appear in this chaotic dog blood gods will have a relationship with themselves. "The meaning of leaving the soul is... I will leave this body." What will happen after that? May I return to the original world? What about the summer rain in the world?"

The night looks like Xia Yuqing's excited appearance, the brows are slightly stunned, and the pity in his eyes is deeper and deeper: "You will not leave the original world. I don't know, but the summer rain of this world... no longer exists. Certainly, I have never heard of anyone who can live without it."

The last blood color on Xia Yuqing's face was completely exhausted. She never thought that she would end up in such a final stage. If she wants to annihilate in the long river of history, she will return to the world. Back to the world, just passing through, she has thought about going back many times, but now... go back to the place that belonged to her, and treat everything here as a strange dream? How is it possible to have a dream? !

Xia Yuqing swallowed a mouthful of water, and some dryly asked: "If that's the case, how long?"

"What?" The night was not heard clearly, and some doubts asked.

"How long can I still live, how long can I stay in this world?" Xia Yuqing asked, staring at the eyes of the night.

The night was silent for a while, giving a certain time: "half a year, four years round, star conversion. Almost... there are still half a year."

"Half a year..." Xia Yuqing whispered a four-year round. When she first passed through the summer, it was just the end of winter. Counting it, it was exactly four years after half a year.

The night looked at Xia Yuqing's appearance, hesitated, and decided to clarify the words.

"But... you probably can't wait until that time, because..." The night was overwhelmed, and he looked at the sight of Xia Yuqing's bet, and snorted, "Heaven...has already begun."

Xia Yuqing’s head glimpsed, and there was a blank inside his head, but there was something coming in and coming in.

"Several eunuchs who accidentally listened to the Qing Dynasty said that the northwestern borders seemed to be in the snowstorm in the past few days. A lot of food was frozen and died, and the northeastern border was still suffering from drought this summer..."

"There is no granules or second. The important thing is that...the slaves have heard that there are many people who died in the northwest because of the snow disaster. There are many people who have said that there has been a plague."

The news that I gotten not long ago, this time it seems like the gear that suddenly turned up, and it started to work.

The hustle and bustle of the city, the more and more dignified atmosphere in the hall, and the uneasiness that gradually faded in the palace when I didn’t notice it...

The night looked at the expression on Xia Yuqing's face and said: "It looks like you have heard it."

Xia Yuqing held his fist and avoided it, and his lips were tight, and the whole person was a little crumbling.

In the eyes of the night, Yan’s eyes passed a few minutes of shaking, but this soon wave was shaken into his eyes: “You don’t believe it, time will prove everything. Even if the country has passed this plague, the sacred Still, as long as you don't die, Laos will not be peaceful in one day."

Xia Yuqing raised her head and sneered a sneer: "This is the life that wants to force me to die. I was the one who used this kind of rhetoric to die. Then do you still want to do it in the future?" Killing my child with such words?"

The night of the night was shocked by the sudden outbreak of hostility in Xia Yuqing. After a while, he explained: "The man inherits the blood of the father, the woman inherits the maternal blood, so only the child... as long as she The non-four-nation lord who will marry in the future."

Oh, this kind of thing has actually come up with the name of a woman who doesn’t pass the man. Are you **** teasing me?

Xia Yuqing’s face was stunned, and the two of the big emperor’s family, which must be the emperor of Xia Guo in the future, the children of Yin Gongzi and Xiaotai’s doctor may also be the emperors of the future snow country, and the future Xiaoxi and He General's child...

I thought that the second baby might suffer the same treatment as himself. Xia Yuqing’s whole blood was rising, and his eyes were red and staring at the night. “I will let this so-called fate be cut off from me. If you dare to touch my children, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost!"

The night of the double-faced eyes suddenly shrank, but it was a little surprised that this weekdays looked weak and small, and the girls who often hide behind the wind would say such things.

What the night does not know is that no matter what kind of person, as long as one is touched by the bottom line, it is a kitten and a puppy that only knows the owner. Don't be anxious, it will also reveal the minions. In particular, human beings, once they are touched by something important and want to guard, will rapidly grow up and make things that could not have been done.

Xia Yuqing saw that the night did not respond, and her hands were tight: "Is it because of this, I have repeatedly rejected my master, because she is a member of the Yue family?"

"No." The night is different, and the cold voice, "She can only count as a half-month clan, she does not have the blood of the Moon family, so the moon family can not be used. Used on her body."

"In this case, why is she..." Is it true that I really don't like the master? It can be seen that her reaction to the master is clearly concerned.

"She is the orphan that I personally picked back, and it is the guard I specially cultivated to be around you. Her existence is only obedience. Her life belongs to me before going to you, after going to you." It belongs to your master. She never belongs to her. The emotional use will only hinder her and let her lose her worth. Her life is not her, she can't give what the man wants."

"Value? You actually use value to measure Tsui. Hahahaha..." Xia Yuqing stared at the night and looked indifferent to the extreme eyes. I felt that the whole person was not good at all. She used to blink her eyes and feel it before her eyes. This person is a very cute boy, and it’s really a matter of picking people up!

"Night special beauty..." Xia Yuqing stared at the night with a smile, and his eyes were full of sneer. The words that were spoken in a word echoed in the empty hall. "Do you really have a heart?" ?"

"Night beauty, do you really have a heart?" Xia Yuqing's low whispered in the ear, so that the night beauty tightened his brows, as if he was frightened by what was big, and stunned.

"Yifu..." Ying Yan walked out from behind the night, and smiled and approached the night, and smiled slightly. "Is the father to go to the Queen of Shu to make it clear?"

The night special turned to look at Ying Yan, did not answer Ying Yan's question, and asked: "You used the dark cabinet?"

Ying Yan’s face changed and she chuckled: “Father, the child only used a person who has a shadow.”

The implication of the words, I am using a man under my own hands, it is reasonable to say that it is not a slap.

The night was deeply glanced at Ying Ying, and indifferent spit out a sentence: "Don't do extra things."

Ying Yan’s face was so heavy that he smiled lowly: “Before the righteous father did not say that Bi Xuan’s beauty was still struggling in the cradle, why now...”

The night was swept away by Ying Yan and sighed: "Before her life was still in my hands, I have the right to control. Now she has found a new owner, her life is not in my possession. These messy things don't take me to deal with, and look at her own creation."

Said, the night is like thinking of something, paused, turned to look at Ying Ying continued: "And, my son, the child is not called Bi Xuan now, called Tsui, you better remember this ""

Ying Ying’s eyes slammed and squatted, and then he was a little angry and angry: “The righteous father is really the little girl, and even the Bi Xuan beauty who is with the girl’s head has got the righteousness of the righteous father. It’s not small. However, since the righteous father likes that gimmick, why should she tell her the beginning and the end of the matter and let her find her way out?”

Ying Ying’s voice has not fallen, and the night’s gaze has been brushed and moved to his body, with a gloomy face: “The glory and disgrace of the Moon’s group is above all else.”

"Oh..." Ying Yan looked at the cold face of the night, and somehow, the heart suddenly gave birth to a little complicated mood.

"Is the righteous father telling her that the so-called sacred sacred deserves to stop before the death of the empress?" Her mother-in-law actually didn't have to die at the beginning. It was someone who would have belonged to the family of the month. The sin has been imposed on her grandmother’s head, and the tragedy of this pulse has continued until now and beyond. In the near future, her child is very likely to continue to suffer from the suffering she suffered today?”

The Yue clan sneaked into the sky, but could not use the secret to change the world's life and intervene in the disputes between the four countries. Otherwise, it would be ruined, and even the entire family of the Moon would suffer terrible disasters.

However, he pushed the disaster that had fallen on the head of the Yue family to the child, causing her descendants to annihilate.

"I will let this so-called fate be cut off from me. If you dare to touch my child, I will not let you go if I do a ghost!"

"Night, you really have a heart?"

Xia Yuqing took a bit of resentful words and resounded in her ears. It also caused a few cracks on the face of the nightless face: "Enough, hey, you have too many things, these things are not You should be responsible for these words. You should not say these things. I told you this at first, not to let you blame me at this time. Just do your part and do nothing. Extra things, otherwise..."

After the language is finished, the night is cold and screaming, and no matter what reaction Yingxi is, I will go away.

Ying Yan looked at the back of the night, and suddenly gave birth to a few rabbits and dead dogs to cook the sadness.

"If... If one day, I did something that I shouldn’t do like the old sister, would you use the same method to deal with me?" The low-pitched voice echoed in the empty room. There is an inexplicable entanglement in one. Unfortunately, no one answered.

This evening, the wind smashed fruit and it was almost halfway through the night when the rushed to the summer temple of Xia Yuqing to rest. What is different from the past is that when he got into the bed, Xia Yuqing, who should have fallen asleep, was unexpectedly awake this time. When the wind smashed into the quilt, he quickly rolled into the wind. In his arms, he reached out and wrapped his waist.

The wind was so shocked that it was a stiff, but relaxed after smelling the familiar atmosphere of the person in his arms. Reaching out to bring people closer to the arms, whispered, "How come you are not sleeping so late?"

Xia Yuqing put his hand on the waist and waist slightly tightened, boring: "I can't sleep, I haven't seen you for many days, I want to wait for you to come back to sleep..."

The wind is so low, the smile on the lips is getting deeper and deeper: "If you want to see you, then now..."

The wind screamed and tried to pull someone who was like an eight-claw octopus on his body, but he heard that Xia Yuqing gave a quick exclamation: "Don't!"

The wind swelled and the brow peak twisted in the blink of an eye: "Love?"

Xia Yuqing apparently also found her own gaffe, and hurriedly replied: "I... I want to say... Heaven is so dark, I can’t see it separately, or don’t read it. You let me hold for a while, hold one. It will be fine."

The wind and the wind are awkward, and he tempted to ask: "Love, today... Is it happening?"

Xia Yuqing was trapped in the arms of the wind, and heard the wind and the question, the body was uncontrollable.

After a moment of silence, the wind heard her slightly guilty laughter: "Yes... there is a thing happening. Today, I took Tsui to the master's house, ready to complete the trick." When I arrived at the master's brother's house, I saw him and his master's sister faked the real thing and rolled it together. You said that you are not irritating? I kindly helped him to make suggestions, and the guy who died is not dead. Change, even my own master sister did not let go, it is simply a coat of animals! Before I remember that he is my master, I want to match him with Tsui. I didn’t expect the **** to drop the chain at the crucial moment! It’s so amazing. disappointed!"

Although Xia Yuqing tried to make her tone more insulting, but in the end, the skill was not enough, and the wind was still listening to a bit of perfunctory and burnout from her words.

The double glimmers, the wind knows that it is not as simple as she said that the summer rain is really so bad. Xia Yuqing is clearly shifting the topic and fooling himself.

The wind that saw this point did not linger on Xia Yuqing. I laughed and followed the words of Xia Yuqing: "So, I love you, I am worried that you can’t resist the temptation like your master, outside. Looking for an individual woman?"

A casual joke is an inadvertent sting of Xia Yuqing. Xia Yuqing holding the hand of the wind is a tight, barely smiled: "Yes, the emperor is so handsome and handsome, romantic, people love, flowers and flowers, the whole country does not know how many girls Staring at you, the courtiers are of course worried."

The wind is ridiculous: "That love can be seen well and close, otherwise, it is impossible to say that one day, people will be turned away."

"Yeah." Xia Yuqing lightly sighed, holding the waist of the wind and no longer talking, she also wanted to look at him by his side, but unfortunately, I am afraid that there is no such opportunity.

After she disappeared, the person she was holding was about to become someone else. He is an emperor. It is rare for him not to swear again. After he disappears, how can he still keep himself as jade?

Obviously... They clearly avoided the ruthless King of Rui, and won the long princess who grievances and resentment. He solved the problem of treating himself as a nail in the eye and a thorn in the flesh, but they lost their lives in the end! I am so reluctant, I am really reluctant!

Xia Yuqing buried her face in the arms of the wind. In the cool night, a drop of crystal tears fell silently from her eyes and fell on the popular clothes. It will disappear without a trace without a trace.

I don’t know that Xia Yuqing, who thought she had deceived the temptation, was that after she was completely in a deep sleep, the man holding her slowly opened her eyes again, and her slender fingers traced her redness. The eyes of the eyes, the bottom of the eyes passed a trace of cold.

The next morning, when Xia Yuqing woke up, it was not unexpected, and the wind had already left the palace. Xia Yuqing touched the cool bed next to her, staring at the top of the bed and squinting for a while before she slowly smashed herself into a ball, as if only in this way could she get a little warmth.

At the same time, in the royal study room, the wind and the condescending stare at the small straight underneath, coldly asked: "Are you clear?"

Xiaoshun’s face was white, but he still tried to maintain the calm on the face. He took a deep breath: “The slaves only heard that the emperor had taken the Cui’s girl to the Shangshufu, and later the girl. And the Green Princess girl rushed back and forth in a hurry, not long after the Niangniang followed, then..."

"And then?" The wind looked at Xiaoshunzi’s words and thoughts, and he said that the key to the matter was mostly on this.

"Then the night of the night, the boy went to the palace to meet the goddess side, and said something to talk to the goddess."

When I heard the name of the night, the face of the wind became more and more ugly: "What did they say?"

"The niece will all go out, no one knows what they have talked about. Just... just after leaving the night son, the niece is not quite right. I heard that I didn’t even eat the dinner yesterday and shut myself down. In the inner temple, he also told not to let anyone disturb."

Xiao Shun’s heart was horrified and watched the suffocating suffocation of the wind and his body became more and more intense. Until I finished, the raging anger also burned to the top.

"Night beauty!"

With a slamming sound, the sandalwood table in the royal study room was instantly split, and the huge sound accompanied by the powerful pressure caused the faces of everyone in the house to change. The trepidation fell to the ground and shivered.

Not waiting for everyone to sue, a black figure jumped in from the window, kneeling down in front of the wind: "The emperor."

"How's it going?"

"The few veterans didn't know where they learned about the Qin Tianjian's calculations. This is already a few..."

The suffocating suffocation of the wind swelled again: "The old guys have been idle for too long, and they have forgotten the thunderous means of the rebellion of the reign of the year. Even the sly people want to touch, it is time to find something for them. Do it."

The dark clouds rolling out of the window blocked the dazzling tomorrow, and brought out a strange ominousness, which also showed the unpredictable wind and rain.


"The forty-seventh time, the forty-seventh time." With a faint sigh, the female eunuchs hidden in the courtyard on the four sides issued a whistling argument.

"This is the forty-seventh sigh of the maiden, and everyone said that the sigh is much more sighing, and people are very easy to be old."

"What about nonsense? Is the maiden now only twenty years old?"

"I don't say this casually! It's not a way for the goddess to sigh like this. It's more distressing! What's wrong with this?"

"No, this sighs, I can't do anything about it. I heard that yesterday, a maiden with a sister of Tsui, they went to Xufu and accidentally hit the Su Gongzi with the time ago. The girl that the son often brought to the palace door is there..."

"That? Which one?"

"That's that!" The little girl squinted at the red ear and rushed to the fire. "The things that men and women are doing!"

A bunch of gimmicks suddenly realized, and then they all had a big red face.

"I didn't expect Su Gongzi to be..."

"Yeah, yeah, that's really a good boy. I didn't chase after my sister's sister some time ago. How can I blink in a blink of an eye..."

"Yeah, can't you say that men are happy and tired of old? Poor Tsui's sister is such a flowery girl, so... oh..."

"Really! No wonder the face of Cui Er’s sister was ugly when she came back yesterday. It’s really sad to think about it."

"But it's not that the goddess usually hurts a few of her sisters. This will be like seeing Tsui's sister. How can it not be distressed?"

"Yeah, yes, I originally thought that Taifu’s adult was not enough to leave the Yuan sister’s chaos. I didn’t expect that there was a mountain in the mountains. This is more than a Taifu adult...not only two feet. The boat is so blatant, it’s really mad."

"On the bright surface, I just walked on two boats. Who knows what is going on in the dark? I heard that the famous son was a famous figure before, and the brothel had his trace. This is on the bright side. I don't know if there are a few boats, let alone secretly."

"Really? I look at him like he doesn't look like that!"

"You look? How old are you, how do you understand the sinister world? This year, men don't have a good thing. Even the people who are so good as Tsui's sister don't cherish it. It should be his life to play bachelor."

"That is, men don't have a good thing!"

"The man doesn't have a good thing!" The result of a heated discussion with a group of small palace ladies and sisters was that they had knocked over a boatman.

The little eunuchs standing behind them looked at the innocent women in the small palace, and looked like they were enemies. They were very embarrassed and touched their noses. Fortunately, they were not considered men to some extent, otherwise they were still Not being beaten up by these mother-in-law as a soft persimmon on the spot, but this does not seem to be a good thing, oh...

At this time, the initiators who caused this heated discussion were still unaware of what kind of world war they had caused by their sighs.

The courtyard of Nuo Da is empty and silent, and it has faded away from the hustle and bustle of the world, giving people a feeling of relaxation.

On the edge of the courtyard wall, a semi-large banyan tree was planted. The tangled branches from the central drum stretched to form a huge crown-shaped flower. The thick branches were not high, just to make people Sitting on the leisurely leisurely cold without worrying about accidentally falling from the tree and being injured.

Xiaobai usually likes to lie on this tree and take a nap. In the long run, this position has basically become its exclusive throne. However, today there are two uninvited guests.

Xia Yuqing sat on the trunk, very leisurely swaying his calf, still lying in his arms is a very dark and sleepy little black cat.

Xia Yuqing stretched his hand and slid along the black neck, which led to the scorn of the little black hair: "Hey..."

Xia Yuqing looked at such a black, and his eyes were complicated: "Little black, you are his pet, so in fact, you already know that things are right?"

Xiao Hei is enjoying the caress of Xia Yuqing. Hearing that Xia Yuqing said this profound meaning, the little body is awkward and the cats of different colors are big, and the eyes are a little different. Frightened.

Xia Yuqing saw it, and the bottom of his eyes passed a trace. He patted the small body of the little black curled up and spit out a sentence: "Yesterday, you really eavesdropped outside. If it is not that you look small, one It’s not a superb monster, I really want to think that you are getting better!”

Xiao Hei was not very convinced and called a few times. He arched the hand of Xia Yuqing with his own small body. It was very well-behaved.

If it is normal, Xia Yuqing sees it like this, and she should have been happy to lift it up. Unfortunately, the current Xia Yuqing obviously does not have this mood.

Looking at Xiao Hei for a long time, he only lazily sighed, and there was no plan to play with it.

Xiao Hei was stared at by Xia Yuqing with some guilty conscience. The black hair that was shiny and shiny was also somewhat dimmed at this moment. He was pitifully staring at Xia Yuqing and calling: "Hey..."

When a person, a cat, a big eye, a small eye, and a confrontation, the appearance of a small round thing breaks this stagnant atmosphere.

Xiaobai just had breakfast, and routinely walked into his own courtyard with his little short legs. He was ready to lie on the trunk and hang his own little belly to bask in the sun. It’s nothing more than that!

But when it walked to the entrance of the courtyard, it was found that there were many palace eunuchs who were rarely seen in the courtyard around the cold and clear courtyard. There are some incomprehensible flashes in the watery eyes. How many people have come to this uncle's yard today?

With a doubt in his stomach, Xiaobai stepped into the yard, and he was surprised to find that his usual exclusive throne was actually occupied by a man!

"Wang Wang Wang..." Xiaobai rushed to the front of a man and a cat, set aside the battle, and screamed at the black. Damn bastard, give this uncle down from the throne of this uncle, roll down!

Xiao Hei heard Xiao Bai’s yelling and immediately forgot that he was confronting Xia Yuqing, and did not show weakness to Xiaobai’s teeth: “Hey...” Why should Xiaoye go down from here? Xiaoye still can't go on, what are you?

"Wang Wang Wang..." Rolled down and rolled down. This is the land of this uncle, and you can't let you scatter here!

"Hey..." Your site? What do you say is yours? Xiaoye can't see what marks here is your place.

"Wang Wang Wang..." You! Who said no mark? This uncle has been urinating in the vicinity, here is the land of the uncle!

"..." Xiao He silently glanced at Xiao Bai, silently turned his eyes to the sky, turned his head and stopped looking at the stupid dog.

Xiaobai was shocked to say something that he was ashamed. He was too shy at the moment, but unfortunately, because of the thick white hair of his body, no one found it.

Xiaobai couldn’t find it in Xiaohei’s body. He pitifully turned his gaze to his master, hoping she could get justice for herself. It is a pity that Xia Yuqing at this time has no time to control their cats and dogs. Still a light face straightens out the hair of Xiaohei, silently out of God.

Xiaobai sees that Xia Yuqing has not responded, his face is sinking, his teeth are grinning, and he turns and runs.

The crowds on the side of the crowd saw Xiaobai rushing out like a squad, and the face of each other lingered for a while, and the eyes were flashing with a bit of incomprehensibility. How did Xiaobai run in and screamed and ran out again?

It didn't take long for their doubts to be answered.

The wind, like the wind, left the wind and returned with the white, the rounded body and the top of the head each had a very bright pink bow, and swaggered toward Xia Yuqing.

The people who whispered in the corner were thundered by the new image of Xiaobai. They all looked like a ghost, and they stared at Xiaobai in a stunned manner.

Xiao Bai received the attention of everyone or a strange or panic, and he rewarded everyone with a blank eye. A group of ordinary people who don't know how to appreciate, it is impossible to understand the unconventional dress of this uncle, this uncle is the most popular fashion dress on the market now, I still don't tell him!

You have seen that the fascinating side of this uncle is that you have accumulated a blessing for a few lifetimes, and you don’t even know how to cherish it. Oh, stupid mortal! Look at it, the characters like the master of my home can understand the preciousness of this uncle!

Xiaobai swayed to the front of Xia Yuqing, directly to the first black spot that discovered its existence, and the other one, what the stupid dog wants to do? !

Xia Yuqing noticed the strangeness of Xiaohei, and some incomprehensible looked down, and the new dress was a small white powder.

"Oh..." Xia Yuqing stretched his face in the morning and finally suffered a fatal impact, completely breaking the work.

"The niece smiled, the sissy smiled!" The crowds outside saw the summer rain and finally showed off the smile, all of them followed the big head, and screamed with joy.

Xiaobai sees that Xia Yuqing smiled at himself, and became more and more proud. He cast a provocative gaze toward Xiaohei. Under the gaze of everyone, he sang up his head and sang.

"Oh..." A deafening scream rushed into the sky, and the hard-boiled birds flew from the air, and also scared the onlookers who were not prepared.

"..." Mom has an egg, how can there be risks in the past year? ! This terrible magic sound is so scary! However, how do you hear this voice sound familiar?

"..." This **** stupid cat! Find a chance, be sure to give it a dumb! This is the nest in Xia Yuqing's arms, and there is no preparation for being forced to thunder, and the face is immediately hung with two mosquitoes and black eyes.

"Oh, Xiaobai, I don't even know that you will still sing, and it's pretty good, give you a compliment!"

"..." Around the audience, they finally knew why the terrible magic sound was so familiar. Should they say that their Lord must have their darling? There is a magic sound in this palace that is enough to smash, and now one more, how can this day be passed!

Around the audience's bitter haha, they have been able to predict how hard their future life will become!

Xiao Bai got the praise of Xia Yuqing and was even more excited. Only the master knows this uncle! In order to give back to the owner's enlightenment, this uncle decided to give one more free of charge.

As a result, Xiao Bai Le’s music was sung, and a group of onlookers couldn’t help themselves, and they couldn’t help themselves.

At the end of the sing, Xiao Bai was very excited and turned his little buttocks. The round body was twisted several times, causing Xia Yuqing to break again.

Xia Yuqing looked at the white white twisted and twisted, and couldn’t help but laugh down. She had only seen the mini pig jumping in the hula dance. I didn’t expect to see the mini hula dance one day. Dog, it’s really up!

After the dance was finished, Xiaobai was panting, and the audience was mostly killed. Only Xia Yuqing and Le Taotao put Xiaohei on the side and reached out and took Xiaobai into his arms.

Xiaobai saw it like a chicken blood, the master finally held a small white, and the master finally put the black guy down and replaced it with a white one! Let's see it. The owner still likes Xiaobai most. He likes Xiaobai most. What new loves are all for the uncle to stand by, this uncle is the most favored, the most favored!

Not waiting for the white for a long time, Xiaobai looked at Xia Yuqing's arms and left him.

"Oh..." The big white round eyes were full of puzzles. I found that Xia Yuqing actually took it to the side of the black guy, and then...

"Little black, you see my family Xiaobai has now lost a lot of weight, the gesture is not to say, but also to sing and dance, at first glance, it is interesting to you, and the woman is pleasing to others. You know, you should not dislike it. And, take it."



One black and one white, one cat and one dog, look at each other for a moment, and at the same time burst into a scream, bright claws to each other.

"Wang Wang Wang..." This uncle is handsome and handsome, and it is worthy of this bastard!

"Hey..." You stupid dog, Xiaoye didn't want to take a look at it, I want the little man to accept you, the next life!

Xia Yuqing was shocked by the posture of the two men. They wanted to persuade them and were afraid to be involved in them. They became victims of their claws and had to blink at the side.

Just as she looked helplessly, she watched a cat and a dog playing hot, and there was a low call behind her: "The girl."

Xia Yuqing turned and went to see Tsui’s awkward standing behind him, and he stopped talking.


As soon as Xia Yuqing just made a sound, Tsui had already recovered the calmness of the weekdays. He whispered: "The goddess, the slaves are fine, the goddess does not have to worry about the slaves, the slaves are very good."

Xia Yuqing stunned, looked up and looked at the little gimmicks surrounded by four sides, and finally realized that Tsui and other people were afraid to see their own today as the reason for Tsui’s business. The heart secretly smiles, but the face is not moving.

"Cui Er, do you really feel no to my master? If you really don't feel it, would you care so much yesterday?"

Tsui's face does not change, it is very calm: "The slaves didn't care about it yesterday, just because the incident suddenly shocked. This kind of thing would be scared if a girl saw it, especially the slaves. Personnel girl."

Tsui’s words are so chic, it’s like things are exactly what she said, everything is just an accident caused by sudden events. Of course, this should be ignored. She hangs on her side and holds the hands that are almost bleeding.

Xia Yuqing took her reaction to her eyes and asked why she didn’t move. "You dare not accept the master, is it because of... Xiaoyanyan?"

Tsui’s body was shocked, and the fundus swiftly passed a touch of surprise.

Although it was only a moment, it was still discovered by Xia Yuqing. Xia Yuqing knew that he had guessed it. When he just wanted to say it again, he was interrupted by the sudden shaking of the outside.

"What happened?" Xia Yuqing screamed and whispered.

"Returning to the goddess, the negative heart came over, and now I am looking outside to see you!"


Responding to Xia Yuqing's green core, she was obviously the most angry in Xu's house yesterday. The most beautiful member of the emperor was awkward. At this moment, I heard that there was no end to it, and there was no yin and yang.

Xia Yuqing couldn't help but sneer out, and then he said: "Little white, don't fight, take the heart of the Han, and quickly call your brethren to come and help."

Xiaobai heard the call of Xia Yuqing and suddenly got up, and loosened the sharp teeth that bite on the little black shoulders, and automatically stepped back.

Xiao Hei also did not continue to entangle, but also grasped today's loot on his paws, a white hair, a white head... and bald.

Xiaobai saw a black eye, this **** black guy, and grabbed his own head, must be better than it looks better than it is deliberately destroying his image! Hey, there are still things to be done today, and I don’t care about it for the time being. I will definitely come back later!

Xiaobaiyang raised his head and bald his head. He ran to find his brothers and sisters to save the field.

When Xia Yuqing and others rushed to the front hall, they were whizzing back and forth with an ant on a hot pot, and they heard the movement and turned around.

Just after seeing that standing behind Xia Yuqing, Tsui, who didn’t look at him, was excited. The flying body flew toward Tsui: "Women, you listen to me, yesterday was really not what you want." That way..."

It is a pity that there is no time to rush to the front of Tsui, a figure will be smashed into the face of Tsui, and the hard-working inserted between the two, blocking the unreasonable way.

Suddenly, I took a breath of cold air, and came to a sudden brake in the original place, only to be able to stop the castration when I hit the person in front of me.

"Small... little sister, you suddenly ran out to do something, my brother, I almost hit you!" Suddenly looked up and down Xia Yuqing for a while, sure that she was not hurt by herself. A tone, if you accidentally broke the front of a man's hair, waiting for his wife to start, it is forced to have a group of people rushing to death, to beat themselves half-length.

"Hey, do you think that after you made such a mistake, will we give you a chance to get close to our family's virtuous and beautiful Tsinger?" Xia Yuqing smiled and looked at the unknown, his eyes flashing with obvious calculations.

"...Sister Xiao, your elbow can't go out!"

"Because the arm is not turned outside, you can't just forget it. Tsui is my person. With regard to your attitude, how can I still let her follow you? Fortunately, you are still innocent, the young people in the country." There are a lot of talents, and you can't pick them out. You are worse than the masters. Our family, Tsui, is so smart and capable, and has given up the whole forest for you to make such a neck tree?"

As soon as Xia Yuqing listened to Tsui’s hand to other men, he suddenly panicked and his face changed slightly. Now he couldn’t care for anything else. He hugged Xia Yuqing’s thigh and cried: “Little sister, you Can't do this, this can't blame me, I am also framed by people. You can't give away the brother-in-law's wife because of this! As the saying goes, the fat and water don't flow outside the field! Little sister..."

Xia Yuqing listened to the unreasonable crying, and Meifeng picked one up: "Master, do you really want to explain with Tsui?"

"That must be! Little sister, you have to believe that the master is innocent! You don't believe that the master, I am shocked to be the face of heaven, but also believe in the character of my master!"

"Master, let me remind you that your character is now negative in the eyes of all of us."


Xia Yuqing looked at the look of nothing like the thunder, and looked at the sky forty-five degrees and said: "It is not impossible to give you a chance, but you have to follow the rules."

"Rules?" Suddenly looked up and looked at Xia Yuqing, always felt... there is a very ominous premonition, and it is not enough...

"When the beauty was too good to chase Xiaoyuan, I also made some big mistakes. Before I admit my mistake, I must first..."


Xia Yuqing sneered and raised his hand: "Close the door and put the dog!"


Xia Yuqing gave a command, and the wooden door of the partial hall was opened. Xiaobai led a bunch of huge dogs to fight for the unprovoked rush.

Suddenly, the double-headed scorpion suddenly shrank, seeing the group of dogs rushing toward themselves with a big mouth, and they couldn’t care for anything else. They wanted to slip on the soles of their feet, but they didn’t expect the doors and windows on all sides to step on Xia Yuqing and others. The moment in the hall was completely blocked by death, and the only escape was only the beam above the head that could support it for a while.

I just wanted to fly and jumped onto the beam, but I heard the sound of the cool summer rain and the cool sound came over at the right time: "Master, you let Xiaobai catch up for a while, bite a few mouths, big guys look It’s no problem to eliminate the gas. But if you still think about opportunistic and small tricks at this time, I promise you that you don’t want to see Tsui in your life.”

Suddenly, his face changed, and he turned to look at Xia Yuqing’s face and looked like a good show. He pointed his finger at Xia Yuqing and gritted his teeth: "You count!"

Xia Yuqing made a grimace to the unprovoked, and gave a cold drink: "Small white, bite him tonight to let the green core give you sweet and sour pork ribs."

The green core is now unbearably bitten and unable to take care of itself. The words are also busy and should be said: "Yes, yes, as long as you can bite him, I will give you a collective meal this evening!"

The temptation of the meal is undoubtedly huge. The dogs that have been violently deceived have been promised. They all have a chicken-like blood, and their eyes are green and stare, and they take it as a A hearty plate of Chinese food.

Unexpectedly, I was stared at my hair. I looked at Xia Yuqing with a look of anger and anger. Just when you just exported, you only felt a sharp pain behind you. He turned his head and was looking at the little white eyes that were biting on his buttocks.

"Wow, my ass, it hurts! Quickly let go!" Suddenly, I was so sad that I was so white that I jumped on the spot and jumped on the spot. I wanted to take the little white out.

It seems that Xiaobai has identified him as a good bite, and he is not willing to let go.

I have no choice but to pull it down, I want to slap a dog, and I don’t have that thief. This is the love pet of her younger sister. She has smashed her forefoot, and the younger sister can estimate herself.

At the dawn of the millennium, there was a flash of light in the headless voice, shouting: "Look, there are chicken legs!"

Sure enough, the food was white and ears, and immediately attracted attention by the unreasonable shouting, and looked up.

I have no reason to look at the timing, raise my hand and pick up the white, and struggle to go out.

"Oh..." When Xiaobai returned to God, he was already in the air, and he was shocked and made a sigh of sorrow.

"Little white!" The people in the hall were also shocked and screamed. After a short time, everyone only heard a sigh, and Bai Bai forced to land.

Xiaobai closed his eyes, did not feel pain for a long time, but also felt a little soft, confused and reached down and touched. Hey, how are you still?

"Oh..." You haven’t touched it!

"..." Hey, this voice is familiar... I opened my eyes in a small white, and I couldn’t believe the black that was overwhelmed by myself, and my claws seemed to touch a cat at the moment. ……below……

"Oh..." The white flickered and flew up and stepped back a few steps.

The little black and double smog climbed up from the ground and gave a white look. The person who is taken advantage of the cheap seems to be himself. What kind of trouble is this stupid cat a woman who is being teased?

Xiao Hei snorted and walked away with an elegant step. He was stupid enough to pick up when the stupid cat was thrown over, oh!

Xiaobai saw Xiaohei and turned away without saying a word, and some were upset. He turned and just wanted to throw into the owner's arms and seek comfort. He didn't want to hear...

"Oh... I said that they are very compatible. You still don't believe it. Now you see it? Wow haha... Sure enough, although there is no future in this year, there is no future, but the beast is very promising!"

"..." Master, are you so heavy to make your man a man?

Xiaobai has no danger on this side. On the other hand, although he lost the great help of Xiaobai, his brothers and sisters have made unremitting efforts to go on for the meal.

It didn't take long for the unexplained one to appear in front of Xia Yuqing and others with a scar. The luxurious clothes on the body had already become the victims under the claws. They were ruined and arbitrarily placed on the body. It made it seem that there was no image of a ghostly son, but it was like a pitiful beggar begging along the street.

Xia Yuqing looked at the bite and bite enough. This raised the hand and let the green core with a few small palace ladies to take the few dogs that had made great achievements and rewarded them.

"Small sister, can I talk to my wife now?" Suddenly squatting on the ground, asked if she was holding Xia Yuqing's clothes.

Xia Yuqing turned to look at Cui Er, and coughed a bit: "Cui Er, you see the master brother, he has worked so hard, how do you give him a chance to explain?"

Tsui looked at the poor and looked at her unreasonably, and sighed, and stepped forward and walked towards nowhere.

Suddenly, I saw that Tsui was finally willing to come over. I was overjoyed and politely called: "Women..."

"Who is your wife? Then dare to scream your tongue!"

I have no reason to ignore the threat of Tsui, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and smiled: "Women, don't you do this, I can explain yesterday's things, I really have nothing with that person that day. Occurred, I was framed by someone who was always with me..."

"What does that woman have to do with you and what do I do? We are not husband and wife. Why do I manage how much you have collected outside Yan Yan?" Cui Er coldly looked at his face, and looked at him with nowhere. Double 眸 眸.

I have no reason to think about it. I think of the desire to teach myself before Xia Yuqing. The key to this is to make my wife jealous. Now, look at my wife’s attitude, is it jealous?

Suddenly stunned, the wolf on his face swept away, no face and no skin, and pulled on the clothes of Tsui, a little wife-like woman: "Women, don't say anything! That woman is me." Master sister, I have never done anything with her. I have only one of you in my heart. You must believe me!"

The voice of the unprovoked voice has not fallen, and the gimmicks on the side have whispered.

"It turned out that the girl is a sister of Su Gongzi. Isn't that a misunderstanding?"

As soon as the little girl finished, the green sneer sneered and inserted a sentence: "What happened to me? That day, I saw it with my goddess and my sister Cui Er, the woman’s bed in Su Gongzi, how could there be false?"

The green princess succeeded in pushing the discussion to the most *: "So, Su Gongzi has not let go with the sisters!"

"Right, right, isn't it? As the saying goes, the rabbit still doesn't eat grass in the nest! This is so a son... it's a beast!"

"Speaking of our maiden is also one of the teachers and sisters of Su Gongzi. I haven't felt what I used to do. Now, listen to you saying that this kind of son can do it to his own sisters. I can't guarantee that one day I will be hungry." It’s not necessarily the maiden’s hands!”

When Xiao Shantou said this, all the people on the side took a breath of air.

"..." The thief of the ear thief was so silent that he listened to the arrogance of these gimmicks, and the whole person was paralyzed.

What kind of slaves should he say? Hear what these gimmicks are saying, and the brain hole is so big that it is hard to look straight!

"You said this, I think that when Su Gongzi chased the sister of Tsui, she often went to our Fangfang Temple. Later, Su Gongzi had a new joy, and took the girl to our temple. Run. Do you say that the purpose of the Supreme Master is not the sister of Tsui, but our maiden?"

When I said this, I immediately got the support of everyone.

"Yes, that's right, our goddess is so cute, so kind, and thoughtful. You know, those weird favorite people are our goddess, and Su Gongzi is no exception. I will say how he is fine. Just run to us, it turns out that the meaning of drunkenness is not in the wine!"

"That is!"

A group of gimmicks talked to themselves, and they talked for a long time in the heat. Finally, they collectively stared at him with the gaze of "Song Gongzi, you are really a bad animal."

The expression on the plain face of the lying gun suddenly turned into a sauce purple: "..."

God knows how innocent he is, why does his own ordinary explanation of the ordinary open up so many people's brains? Is it true that only his wife is good at the beginning? ! He admits that his younger sister is really cute and cute, and he is very beautiful. However, given that his own younger sister is too shocking and has a huge lethality, he can’t even think about it when he touches his little sister’s finger. Ok?

The estimation of this class of Xiaoshimei can only be afforded by the lovers of the taste of the brothers and sisters! And don't let the wind linger, the young master who is fascinated with thousands of girls is compared with the so-called quirks!

"Women, you have to believe me, I am innocent. That person is really my sister..." Suddenly, I turned my head and looked at my wife, hoping to get a little comfort in her body, but unfortunately This time he is destined to be disappointed.

Tsui’s fixed look was awkward for a while, and suddenly closed his eyes and gave a sigh of relief: "I believe she is your sister..."

Unexpectedly overjoyed, but unfortunately, before he even showed his smile, he heard that Tsui added: "I believe that you are only a brother-sister relationship, but I don't believe you."

The smile on the face of the face is so stiff and stiff on the face, looking at the face of the incredible look to Tsui.

Tsui’s hanging on the side of the body slightly tightened, looking directly at the unreasonable eyes, finally telling the secret that has been buried in the bottom of my heart: “I don’t believe you, you have had countless women in the past, when you treat them, I haven’t treated me like me, I’ve got everything, and I’m feeling like water?”

"I..." I was eager to get angry and wanted to explain, but I found that the tongue was like a lotus on a weekday, and he would be a rare word for his sweet words.

There is nothing wrong with Tsui’s. Before he met her, he did have countless predecessors, and he had a tender and affectionate attitude for each predecessor. What's more, at the beginning, he noticed Tsui, although there was a certain reason because Tsui had beaten him mercilessly when they first met, but he was never met by such a woman. In the past, there was no shortage of people in his predecessors, but in the end, did not all make him like a little sheep?

The reason why I will catch up with Tsui is to wonder what kind of future wife I have for my mother. But this curiosity, but let him slowly get in, waiting for him to return to God when he has already been unable to withdraw, and never recovered. Therefore, people walk by the river, how can there be shoes? It used to be such a wave, and now I am decisively retribution. He decided that the daughter-in-law did not want him for his previous broken things!

Cui Er stared at the appearance of no regrets, and continued to sigh: "Song Gongzi, I have always had a feeling before, we are not suitable. And this time only let me confirm this matter."

"...wife, this is really just a misunderstanding, I really didn't have it with her..."

Unexpectedly, I have been interrupted by Tsui. "You don't have anything important with her. What matters is that... I want to know one thing."

Suddenly horrified, I looked at Tsui’s more indifferent face: "...What?"

Tsui’s self-deprecating chuckle: “I can’t trust you all the time. You have too many pasts and insults. I’m not sure if I’m the only one you are, and I’m not sure that you can be in love before. Then immediately discard those who have been vowed for a lifetime before, will you discard me as casually in the future?"

"Women, I..." I have heard this for no reason. I don’t know why I suddenly picked up a very complicated feeling. I couldn’t tell the truth, but it made him feel very suffocated.

Want to make a sound to stop Tsui, how can it be once again opened by Tsui Er.

"You listen to me, some words I will only say it again, so you can listen clearly. This time may be really a misunderstanding, but you know that when I saw the two of you on the bed, what I thought was What? What I think is, ah, really as I expected. Do you know what it means? It means that when I was with you, I actually had no sense of security, because I couldn’t even predict it. Suddenly When did I see another woman in your bed!"

After Tsui’s enthusiasm was finished, he would not look over his face and no longer look at the expression on his face.

Suddenly, I felt that there was some dryness in my throat, a difficult throat, and I didn’t know what to say. It’s really a night walk, it’s easy to hit the ghost! Now he listened to Tsui’s accusation, and his heart was filled with remorse and the pain of being cruelly rejected. It turned out that this was the pain of not accepting and trusting. He used to refuse so much. The woman, now these things can be regarded as a full retaliation back to their own body, in the words of Xia Yuqing, this is retribution!

Xia Yuqing listened to the unconventional dialogue between Cui Er and her heart. In fact, her heart suddenly gave birth to a bit of guilty conscience. If it weren’t for her indiscriminate thinking, wouldn’t these two people be made to the point where they are getting worse? However, in the end, it seems that I really can't blame her. In the end, it is all the troubles of the master's original romantic debts, so that the credit value he now has in the heart of Tsui has become a negative number!

Master, this time it’s really not a small sister who refuses to help you, but a younger sister really can’t help! It’s also a kind of responsibility for the man to clean up the mess that he has made! Take care!

Unreasonably greedy, staring at the back of Tsui, he has a hunch, this time if he does not do anything, the person in front of him will really leave himself!

"You...what do you want to believe that I am true to you?"

Suddenly hoarse and full of painful questions, some stinging Tsui, Tsui licked his lips: "The heart grows in your stomach, how do I know what you think in your heart? Two guessing each other It’s too tired for individuals to walk together. I don’t want you to give it. I don’t want to give it to you. So, I’m a good boy... let me let go of yourself, we’re really not suitable.”


Suddenly, I just want to say that Tsui’s like is what I found, my face suddenly changed, and I turned my head and Xia Yuqing, standing behind me, pushed it to the side.

At the same time, a long sword like a rainbow broke out, and the life of the room cut through the silent air in the temple, projecting a bright spot on the ground.

The people who were still watching the lively palace on the side were scared by this sudden change. After a short mistake, I didn’t know who screamed: "There are... there are... Assassins! Come, there are assassins!"

"..." Damn, this assassin will not come late, do you want to pick this time! His words have not been finished yet! Unexpectedly looking at the back of Tsui, who quickly turned away, almost bite a bite of silver teeth.

However, the Tucao was thrown into the trough, and it was quickly and unreasonably climbed up from the ground. Followed by Tsui’s left and right, it was in front of Xia Yuqing, and looked at the black clothes that fell from the roof. people.

Xia Yuqing was unprepared to be pushed by Tsui, and almost fell a dog's mud, and finally stabilized her body, but suddenly felt a cool, strange look around, seeing the autumn-like sword I took a glimpse of the place I had just stood. If it weren't for the push of Tsui, I was afraid that I had already been worn by the sharp sword itself.

I thought about it, Xia Yuqing had to step back two steps. Green Core also returned to God from the initial horror, and quickly ran to Xia Yuqing's side and asked, "I am okay, are you okay?"

She also saw the scene just now. If Tsui did not push Xia Yuqing in time, she couldn’t imagine what would happen.


"Green Core, with the maiden first retreat to the side." Cui Er squinted at the black man who was a little bit tempted to move, whispered.

Green Core nodded and hurriedly took Xia Yuqing back in front of Xia Yuqing.

At the same time, the guards who heard the movement outside the hall also rushed in. One team surrounded the Xia Yuqing, and the other team surrounded the black people. Followed by stealing things in the partial hall, the same heard the clouds in the clouds.

"What happened? How long did it take me to leave? How did it become so lively here?"

"What's the matter, you won't see it yourself?" Suddenly sneered, and the hand grabbed the long knife in the hands of a guard, and rushed toward another black man who was ready to sneak into Xia Yuqing.

With a bang, the sound of the sword's impact broke the silence in the temple, and the spark of the blade's bite also splattered in a flash. Suddenly, the anger that had just been interrupted was passed on to these people. The shot was fast and embarrassing, and there was no reservation at all. The black man quickly retreated under the unprovoked hand.

Tsui was unreasonably entangled with the black man, and the black people on the side were so arrogant that they were too arrogant, and they were busy with the unprovoked confession. Several black people were arrogant. one person.

Tsui's eyes slammed into the air and quickly jumped out of the sword hanging above the pillars on the side, rushing in the direction of nowhere.

With the lead of the two children, the guards who did not dare to act rashly on the side also rushed to support the two. For a time, the fighting in the Fangfang Hall was full and the atmosphere was dignified.

"Oh... I still said that there is no feeling. This will see that the master is being besieged and is not rushing to help. Tsui, it’s just that the mouth is hard and soft. It’s obviously care, what is so tangled.” Summer Yu Qing looked at the two words, not to mention the unfortunately fluttering past the Tsui, very helpless shook his head, a look of hate iron is not a bad look of steel.

"..." Niangniang, can you look at the show? If the slaves are not mistaken, these people are coming to the maidens! Can you feel a little crisis?

When the green core was in the heart of the spit, I heard the sound of a banter on the top of the head: "Speaking, where did these black guys come from? The skills are pretty good."

The green core trembled, and then the blue ribs exploded on the head, and sneered: "Standing and talking, no backache, you are still playing handsome at this critical moment, give me down!"

"..." Sure enough, the green core that is angry is terrible! This is Xia Yuqing, which was scared by the sudden explosion of the green core.

The more the cloud looked at the green nucleus facing the glare of his own eyes, he touched his nose secretly, and flew down from the beam. He has a hunch that if he dares to stay on the beam, he will not be able to look down on himself. He will not be able to fight himself directly from the roof.

In fact, he intended to stay on the beam for a while, look at the excitement, and then help out when the two people can't hold it. There is no such thing as saying that the heroes always go to the last moment. He is on the scene when everyone is in the most critical moments. He shines and saves everyone in the fire, and the green girl sees it. However, after the heartbeat, I fell in love with myself and took the initiative to send my arms. When I arrived... Oh...

If Xia Yuqing knows this plan in the heart of the cloud, I am afraid that I will despise him. I am the second brother, have you seen more recent martial arts horses? How come this strange and wonderful idea!

It is a pity that the small abacus in the heart of the cloud squeaked, but in the end, it was unexpectedly dropped by the green core, and it fell to the top of the roof and felt his nose screaming.

Green Core looked at the little eyes that were retreating in the clouds. The annoyance in the heart rose again. The more you squatted in the clouds, the more ruthless the number: "Yonggongzi, not me, you, you can’t help you." Even if you are not unreasonable people, you will not blame you. But why do you have to run around at this time to join in the fun? You said that you will join in the fun, you stayed on the beam and stayed without talking or People will treat you as a dumb, but why do you have to think about it, open your mouth? If you speak, you know, now everyone knows that the situation is urgent. You choose to hide and defend yourself. No one will laugh at you for fear of death. How can you say such words? Those black people are all assassins who will kill our goddess. If you don’t marry them, you will even praise them for their martial arts, speak for them, and let me say what you are. Ok, let me say what is good for you!"


The words that the green core machine guns spit out were once again shocked everyone in the room.

The more you look at the green core, the more you look at the green core, "Yong Gongzi, you are so disappointing, I am wrong," I feel that I am not only with two arrows in my knees, but also innumerable roots. Arrow!

Is your own martial arts low? Do you like to join in the fun? I am self-defense, and I am afraid of death. Do you also praise those assassins and speak for those assassins?

God knows that he just wants to wait for a good time to fly out and go out to play handsome and pick up the girl. Why is the development of the plot and the deviations in his own expectations so much? This unscientific!

The more the cloud listens to the number of green stalks, the whole person is petrified. If he knows that there is still a sinus in this world, he is forced to shout at this moment, Laozi is really **** more than Dou Yu!

Xia Yuqing looked at the clouds and stood in front of the green core, and let the green core count down. I couldn’t help but scream.

With her understanding of her two brothers, the second brother is absolutely unable to do anything to see death, and to be afraid of death. The reason why he will stay at the roof is to estimate what other plans are.

Unfortunately, the mood of a green core today is obviously not as good as usual. In general, the green princess who is in a bad mood and very violent will make some amazing moves that will not be made on weekdays. For example, the last time she knew that her second brother had stolen the countless delicious food she had done. It’s hard to hold the bamboo pole that is several times higher than her, chasing the second division and running half of the palace, destroying countless tiles in the palace, and finally smashing the second brother from the roof. Willing to give up.

Today, the poor second brother is once again unlucky enough to hit the gun, so it is said that sometimes the rp **** is really important.

"Green Princess, in fact, I am not greedy and afraid of death, my martial arts is not as low as that. I just... I just think that the brothers and sisters are playing hot there, just to take advantage of this opportunity to exchange a good time. Feelings, so I just can't hold back to disturb them, not deliberately want to..." The cloud is trying to save a little bit of his own image in the heart of Green Core, and hurriedly found a reason. Unexpectedly, as soon as he spoke, he suffered another round of rebound.

"You martial arts are not low, still not on the top? Even dare to say that they saw Tsui's sister and Su Gongzi did not go to help in exchange of feelings. Farting, is your eyes covered with paper? Didn't see Tsui Sister and Su Gongzi played so hard in the front? Life is still too late, how can you have such a leisurely feeling of exchange of feelings? Greed is afraid of death, greedy and fear of death, but also dare to make excuses! Did not see everyone in the temple to protect the goddess And do you work hard? Even the little gimmicks who don’t have martial arts know that they bravely stand up to protect the maiden at this time. You who are the two brothers of our maidens choose to sit on our heads and look at us. Do not stop looking for excuses, do you have any conscience? Is there a conscience!"

Xia Yuqing sees the cloud in the cloud under the pain of the spine of the green core. The whole person shrinks smaller and smaller, and becomes smaller and smaller, and finally becomes a small group. The mouth kept whispering to himself: "I am guilty, I admit my mistake, I can't help but die, I am not evil, I am the most unconscionable person in this world..."

"..." Two brothers, are you forced to go crazy by the green core?

In the end, the cloud finally couldn't stand the almost devastating spiritual destruction of the green core. He slammed it from the ground and threw a sentence: "I am now rehabilitated and I will help immediately." Submerged in those fighting people. in.



Xia Yuqing and Green Rui stood in the same place for a few seconds, and the green ruth was like what I remembered. He coughed a bit: "Mother, I just said it is too heavy?"

"Amount, a bit. But don't worry, the second brother should not mind him. And this is not a mistake for the second brother..." Xia Yuqing laughed twice and whispered, her home. The biggest mistake of the second division brother is that he does not know how to read it. Even the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the green core are unclear, and it is necessary to turn the boat inside the gutter!

However, this time Xia Yuqing was advising the wrong direction. The so-called "green" is too heavy. It is really not what Xia Yuqing thinks.

"The goddess, the slave is thinking..."


"Even if the Yungongzi martial arts is really too low, the slaves just shouldn’t say that. The slaves are not men, but the slaves of men’s self-respect are still knowing some. Oh, Yunzi must have felt that the slaves have just said that they have stabbed. His self-respect, so he swollen face and fat, said that his martial arts is not so bad. The slaves even stunned for a moment, said such words to stimulate him, what can be done now? Yungongzi martial arts is so weak, this will The child rushed into the fight of many people, what should I do if I was killed and injured?"

Xia Yuqing: "..." Suddenly felt good sympathy for the second division brother to break? The second brother, you want to smash the hero is not against the green core as a soft-footed shrimp, how can you mix in the days after, oh...

The fierce battle began to gradually shift to the side of Xia Yuqing and others because of the participation of the cloud.

Between the sword and the sword, the sharp blade kissed the neck of the opposite person, and then quickly pulled out without hesitation. The moment of **** splash, the unreasonable one-legged one squatted on the chest of the opposite person, kicked the person directly to the opposite side and ran into another black man.

On the other hand, Tsui’s long sword in his hand strove forward, and the long sword like water turned into a sharp weapon when he touched the chest of the opposite person. The blood spewed, and the opposite person fell to the ground.

At the same time, the emperor who killed the enemy in front of him and the unscrupulous tacit understanding back a few steps, against the back of the other side, relying on each other.

"Damn, these black people look at a small number of people, martial arts is not low!" Suddenly cursed, the wounds in the body in addition to the few just bitten by the dog, there are a few more shocking scars, Especially on the left arm, the flesh and blood turned slightly outward, and the bones were visible.

"Women, have you been injured?" Suddenly swept the black man not far away, but did not care about the scars on his body, but first cared about the green behind him.

"I...nothing." Tsui's pair of scorpions are still calm, but if you look closely, you will find that the smoggy eyes are rolling with strange emotions at this moment.

The eyes of Tsui’s eyes were swept away from the wound on the unprovoked arm. The wound was just a moment of care. I didn’t realize that a black man was ambushing and attacking, and it was unreasonable to save himself. Under.

At the moment of the millennium, she did not think that there would be a sudden rush of ignorance, and her life would block the deadly blow with his arm.

Suddenly aware of the sight of Tsui staying on his arm, the heart could not help but secretly, and it was the most useful thing.

Although he just saw the danger of Tsui is really a sneak peek, it’s too late to think about it and rushed to resist her, but it’s a good choice to let him take care of it as a bitter plan afterwards. ? Without such favorable conditions, he is not so stupid! Wow...

Just as there was no reason to silently calculate how to draw the distance between the two by the convenience of this fight, the more unfortunately the cloud hit, and successfully broke the two-person world.

"Master, I am here to help you!" The louder the voice screamed and flew to the face of the unscrupulous.

The green child who heard the movement was almost in a moment, and the distance between the land and the plain was undisturbed.

Suddenly, I felt the temperature behind me disappeared in a blink of an eye. The face that was so bright and clear was suddenly gloomy, and the cloud was smashing.

The more sly smile in the clouds, the glance at the unreasonable wolverine, could not help but scream: "Oh, how long has the master, how have you suffered so many injuries? Skills retreat!" ”

Unexpectedly cold and cold across the clouds, the more glanced, the wording of his teeth: "Roll!"

"..." The more the cloud is in a state of rigidity, then silently look at the forty-five degrees of sadness.

Let's see it. I said that the master and the nephew are sharing their feelings. The girl is still not convinced. She is running around at this time. Isn’t this purely looking for a pump? Hey, there is a girl and a younger sister who abandon me. When I am here, the master and the aunt are also abandoning me. Is there anyone in this world who is harder than me?

The emergence of the clouds and the more the two people between the two people finally fell back to the original point, and the unreasonable mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

Ever since, the rest of the time, everyone will be ignorant, as if they were desperately trying to slash against those black people. The more the cloud was shocked by the unprovoked situation, they immediately jumped to the edge of the battle circle to clean up those ones. Shrimp and crab will be how far away. He always felt that the anger was unreasonable for himself. If he didn't take advantage of the current time, he would run away. I am afraid that he will be unloaded.

The less I know in the cloud is because of this retreat from my own, so that the green core that looks at it all in the distance is once again misunderstood.

"Yun Gongzi really martial arts is not very good, the goddess you look at it, Yungongzi have been taken outside."


Therefore, misunderstandings are generated in this way.

After a fierce fight, those black people were almost wiped out by the unprovoked people. Xia Yuqing could not help but relax, and Tsui and others gradually relaxed and hidden in the dark. Someone is waiting for this moment.

The sound of the sharp-edged sword was suddenly introduced into the ears of several people who had cleaned up the mess. The face of Cui Er changed and looked around, just to the sharp edge of the beam that was projected from the beam opposite the Xia Yuqing diagonally opposite. .

"Mothers are careful!"

"Women are careful!"


A few exclamations rang through the entire sky of the Fangfang Temple, and everything happened only for a moment.

The muffled sound of the sword tip into the flesh and blood was introduced into the ears of the people. The long blade was so hard to open the chest of someone, and once stabbed back, it seemed to be prepared with a sword and a double sculpture. The man who was behind him also stabbed under the sword.

However, the person who was pierced by the body first took a step-by-step insight into the intention of the person holding the sword, did not take care of the sharp knife edge, and the right hand held the long sword that had been stabbed forward, and the life stopped it. the trend of.

"You..." Tsui smashed her eyes and looked at the man who was in front of him in the last moment.

The bright red blood followed the bright sword from the man's left chest and his hands slowly gathered into a blood line, quickly spread to the handle, pattered from the air, splashed on the ground Blossoming **** flowers.

"Vool... Keke..." Suddenly clenched the sharp sword, and finally couldn't help but vomit a blood.

Suddenly, this vomiting blood finally awakened the cloudy and Vietnamese on the side.

The more the face of the cloud sank, before everyone reacted, rushed to the unprovoked front, and exhausted all the effort to fly the black man who finally sneaked out, along with the black man. The one that took out was the long sword that pierced the unprovoked chest.

In an instant, the blood fog that was brought out of the chest by the sword sent a gorgeous flower in the air, and it was unreasonably unable to support it in the blink of an eye.

Cui Er hurriedly reached out and supported the unreasonable body, and there was a blank inside the head. The eyes are full of red blood, the unreasonable chest, hands, and own hands, on the ground. So much blood, how can there be so much blood, how can one's body flow out so much blood? !

"Master brother (Sugongzi)!" Xia Yuqing and others looked at the unreasonable fall, and also returned to God from the initial shock, and the face of horror rushed past.

Tsui reached out and wanted to hold on to the wound that had no bleeding on her chest. The two hands were not listening to the trembling, so she could not aim at the wound.

"Don't shake, don't shake, don't shake again!" Tsui's raised hand gave himself a slap, and wanted to stop the hand that didn't listen, but the effect was minimal.

"Cui Er..." Xia Yuqing and others were shocked by this move by Tsui, looking at her with a look of horror, but unfortunately, Tsui has no time to care about other people.

The tears of Dou Da’s tears ran down her cheeks, and her eyes lingered on the plain face and eyes.

Unexpectedly, I opened my eyes and felt the wetness above my cheeks. There was a slight surprise in my eyes: "You...he cried."

Tsui’s glimpse, stretched out his hand and wiped his face. It was full of tears. He rubbed it back and forth a few times. He tried to stop it, but there was no way. The tears were still uncontrollable.

I was so ignorant that I was eating and laughing: "Women, you cried for me, I am so happy."

Tsui snorted and couldn't speak, only toughly spit out two words: "A fool."

I was so arrogant and angry, and my eyes looked tenderly at Cui Erdao: "Women, telling you something, actually... I have never told other women to live with them for a lifetime. I only told you that I want to Have a lifetime with you."

Tsui’s glimpse, sly look at the unprovoked but forgot how to react.

Suddenly, he gave a low voice and looked down at the wound on his chest. He said the last sentence: "You said, my heart is in my stomach, I don't know what you think. I am taking my heart out now." Show it to you, daughter-in-law, are you willing to believe me again?"

"I..." Tsui only had time to say a word, and he watched the unprovoked hand slipping from his hand.

"Women, I like you, I am sincere to you, you believe me once."

"Women, you see that they are all married. We should and should... I promise that I promise that I have really changed my mind. I will only have a wife in the future. So, my wife, you marry. Give it to me, I will do my best to be good to you."

"You...what do you want to believe that I am true to you?"

"You said, my heart is in my stomach, I don't know what you think. I am now showing you the heart, my wife, are you willing to believe me again?"

Everything in the past is still in the ear, no more... No one will be as hard as this man to please himself, to accommodate himself, and to guard himself carefully. People, why do you always have to lose to know how to cherish!

Nothing, this time, I believe. I have been in my life for a lifetime, I recognize it! So don't you sleep, open your eyes and look at me. Wake up, wake up!


------Off topic ------

Thanks to the full five-point evaluation ticket and monthly pass of the Eagle Dance.

Thanks to God’s wing 88 for the full five-point evaluation vote and two monthly passes.

Thanks to the blue ugly and ugly three-month ticket, Feng Shunshun, but for a worry-free one-month ticket, listening to happiness, treasure for all 2 monthly passes for you

Thanks to the 188 rewards of 13769178752

Thanks to the diamond under the jing small hall

Thanks to the 11 flowers of Lost 77

Thanks for the flowers of 2508462238

Cough, think about it or send it to the first article. If there is no accident on the 22nd, the new text has been opened. It can be seen in other works by the author. The series is also, and the interested parents support a lot. ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read Academy’s Genius Swordmaster
ActionAdventureFantasySchool Life
Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure
Read Celestial Bloodline