MTL - Father, Mother Escaped Again-~ Final outcome

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The red blood spread along the smooth marble floor into a bright blood flower. In the center of the main hall, a girl holding her arms in her arms, no expression on her face, tears quietly follow Her cheeks slid down and squatted on the faces of the people in her arms. Xia Yuqing and others stood on the side and shouted and called the doctor. "乐"文》小》说|

The wind and other people heard the news, and this picture was seen when they came over from the royal study.

Everyone's face changed slightly, and they quickly walked up to the side of Xia Yuqing and others. They looked at the unfairness lying on the ground and asked a cold face: "What happened?"

Xia Yuqing’s face was pale and like a paper, licking his lips: “The thorns...the assassins, the assassins are for me, the masters, he...the master, he...”

Xia Yuqing’s voice did not fall, and the more clouds in the sky couldn’t help but whisper again: “Taiwan! Taiji? How can it still come?”

At this moment, the more complex the face is not ugly in general, although on weekdays, I like to pick up the knives, and there is nothing to do with each other, to confuse the other party with a pile of mess, but in the end, it is still the same as wearing a pair of trousers. How can you really want the other party to do something? This will see the unreasonable serious injury, the more the cloud may be indifferent?

"Come here!" The more the cloud was just finished, the crowd saw a small **** lead a group of old doctors and rushed in from the outside.

"The emperor, the empress of the queen..."

The old doctors just wanted to be prayed and they were interrupted by the wind: "What time is it? How about people?"

The old doctors stunned, and after seeing the situation at the moment, they couldn’t take care of the other. They tried to check the wounds of the unprovoked body, but they were caught by Tsui.

"What do you want to do?"

The red eyes of the red eyes are full of chills, just like a beast that has been invaded into the territory, ready to bite and kill the uninvited guest who invaded his territory.

The old doctor was scared by the momentum of Tsui’s body and stepped back a few steps. Xia Yuqing rushed to catch up with Tsui’s hand: “Cui Er, the old doctor just wants to save the master, you let go first.”

"Save him?" Cui Er shuddered and turned his head to look at Xia Yuqing. "You said he...and save?"

Xia Yuqing stunned, looking at Tsui, sly, she thought that... the master has already...

Xia Yuqing clasped Tsui's cold hands with both hands and nodded. "Well, the masters will not be willing to leave you."

The tears that Tsui had never stopped falling again, and Xia Yuqing was the first to see such a child. The heart was sour, and an unidentified emotion was rushing in the bottom of my heart. If these two people can be honest with each other, Some, why are you going to this point today? Ugh……

When I saw the summer rain and calmed up Tsui, I immediately made a look at the old doctor. The old woman doctor woke up like a dream, and hurriedly greeted other doctors who had no reason to treat the bleeding.

"How?" Xia Yuqing still clasped the hands of Tsui's hands, watching several old doctors are diagnosed and looking at the face, busy, and still can't help but eagerly asked.

The old doctor of the diagnosis of the pulse listened to Xia Yuqing and asked about it: "Returning to the maiden, Su Gongzi was seriously injured, and he lost too much blood. The breath and pulse were very weak. Fortunately, there is a coagulant pill here, which can be temporarily stopped. The blood that is lost in Su Gongzi is only..."

"Just what?" The old doctor had not finished, and all the people on the side had already come around, staring at the old doctor, and Tsui, who had been awkward with the mind, turned his head and stared at the old doctor. .

The old doctor was seen with a cold back and wiped the cold sweat on his head. This only opened the door: "It’s just that the sword that Su Gongzi received was avoiding the heart, but it was too close to the heart... ...if it’s not the next few days... I’m afraid I’m going back to heaven.”

Tsui’s face with no **** face is a change, and Xia Yuqing’s face is not good.

"So, there is no other way?" Xia Yuqing licked his lips, and then he thought of something, and his eyes suddenly became big. "Two of the family, there are two heads, if it is his must..."

Xia Yuqing turned his head and looked at the wind, but the look of the wind and the wind did not ease because of her words, but it was even more ugly: "Imperial?"

"Su Shen doctor he... is not in Beijing now, and it is too late to let him come back immediately."

Xia Yuqing’s head was blank, silent for a moment, and suddenly looked up and asked: “The second home... went to the border to cure the plague?”

The wind and the Shaozi Tang who followed him were all changed. The eyes of Xia Yuqing all brought a bit of surprise. I obviously didn't expect Xia Yuqing to know about it.

Xia Yuqing looked at their faces and knew that they had guessed it. They took a deep breath and turned to look at the old lady. "Is there any other way?"

Laotai doctor sincerely and sorrowfully returned: "The old minister can only temporarily use some precious herbs to hang the life of Su Gongzi, and the other ... can only be resigned.

Listening to the fate... How cruel the four words, shattering the hopes of all, powerless, can only be entrusted to heaven, let heaven make choices. This is the fate, always give a headache when people are too proud, tell them... they are just a mortal.

"Song Gongzi should not move too big now, emperor, goddess, look at you..."

Xia Yuqing turned his head and looked at the wind. Seeing that he had nothing to say, he turned his head to the little hoes in the temple: "I will immediately clean up the temple and let the master move over and be careful."

A group of soldiers and soldiers were doing their own things in a chaotic manner. Xia Yuqing intended to follow the children of Tsui and others to the partial hall, but he heard a curse of resentment in the moment of turning.

"The demon girl!"

Everyone in the temple was stunned and turned around and looked at the sound source. When the person who discovered the voice was one of the black-haired people who had just stabbed, many people couldn’t help but appear a little angry.

A few people who were rushed to the scene, such as the rushed to hear the man’s shouting, were even more sullen, and there was a bit of suffocation between the eyebrows.

"Love, you first go with Tsui, and look at the situation of Su Gongzi, here you can handle it." Feng Yu gripped Xia Yuqing's hand and wanted her to leave this place as soon as possible.

If it is normal, Xia Yuqing will not want to violate the will of the wind, and leave, but today... perhaps because the unreasonable things are too shocking, or maybe they have encountered too many things in these days, let the summer Yu Qing has become a bird of surprise. This time, when I heard that the person shouted that her demon woman was more and more difficult to calm down, she always felt that something uncontrollable happened without her knowledge.

"The demon girl, you will not be removed in a day, the country will be difficult to rest. The emperor, this demon woman is a disaster for the country and the people, it is a disaster for the world. Please the emperor for the sake of the people of the country, remove this demon girl, you have to protect the country from generation to generation. The black man suddenly got excited, and when he got up, he wanted to rush toward the wind, but he was suppressed by the guards on the side.

The people on the side suddenly heard the impassioned words of the man. They were also shocked. All of them looked at the black man with a stunned look. Many people turned their heads and looked worried at Xia Yuqing.

"You... you are nonsense! Niangniang, she is not a demon girl, you assassin can not smear our maiden!" Green Core took the lead in returning, resentful rushed forward to point to the black man is a while The pain.

The black man was not angry and laughed. He looked up and looked at Xia Yuqing with a look of resentment. He sneered: "Isn’t it a demon girl? Isn’t it a demon woman? The Tianfu Supervisory Committee is not a sinister sinister. There are countless deaths and injuries? All this is thanks to this demon girl, and it is the fault of this demon woman. As long as the demon girl is killed, the country will restore the peace of the past, otherwise you will not die well in the future. , not to die!"

The black man shouted with sternness, and everyone in the temple could not help but look white.

Oh, this word is really familiar! Xia Yuqing did not think of self-deprecating thoughts. She thought that when she heard this kind of speech, she would be somewhat annoyed or even flustered. It was unexpected... When I heard the person’s saying, Xia Yuqing Instead, I calmed down like never before.

"Green Core, you guys are all advanced to see how Tsui and the Master are."

"But, the maiden..." Green Core and others did not feel at ease to Xia Yuqing, but after seeing the bright light that could not be refused in the eyes of Xia Yuqing, they silently retreated.

I was amazed when a few people heard Xia Yuqing’s words, and looked at Xia Yuqing’s performance in the past. She was somewhat surprised: “Love, you...”

Xia Yuqing smiled and hugged the arms of the wind: "The emperor, these assassins hurt the masters, and this will say the courtiers, and they obviously came for the courtiers. Stay and hear what they say."

"This matter can be dealt with." The wind is still trying to persuade, but from the eyes of Xia Yuqing, she saw a rare steadfastness. The words that I wanted to persuade were swallowed up so hard.

In the end, the final compromise was still popular. I turned around and glanced at the black men who still had a few breaths. They sighed coldly: "All brought up."

"Emperor..." Yan dyed some disapproval of the wind and left Xia Yuqing, and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Leng Ruofeng and Shao Zitang.

Those black people were brought over, and all of them were glaring at Xia Yuqing, and the killings in their eyes still did not retreat.

The wind can't trace the way to the front of Xia Yuqing, blocking the sights of those people who are too explicit, and revealing the cold light: "Who is the Lord who made you thorns and love? And... How do you know Qintian? What about the supervision?"

Those black people were made with their hands, and they looked at each other for a while. They glanced at Xia Yuqing and snorted: "If you want people to know, unless you have nothing to do. No one is making us? We are all the people who are plagued by the plague." Relatives, Qin Tianjian's things, even if you want to conceal the emperor, deliberately favor this demon woman. But in the end there is no wall in the world, the emperor, do you really want to ignore the safety of the country's people?"

"Yes, the plague has gradually spread from the border. In time, Wang Cheng will certainly not be spared. Is it necessary for the emperor to put all the people in the country into danger?"

With the beginning of the black man, the rest of the black people also suddenly flocked. The guards saw them so excited, they should have blocked their mouths, and there was nothing to say about the popularity of the people, and they also showed some hesitation when they heard the black people.

The wind smothered a face, watching the group of people suffocate, and suddenly sighed: "Enough, I don't think how to do it, but you can't take it for you! Qin Tianjian? If Qin Tian’s supervisor is really accurate, how could the father of the old man fall into the chaos? Qin Tianjian? When Qin Tianjian once vowed to tell the father’s father, Huo Feiyan’s life is in line with the swearing of the scorpion. Becoming a queen of embarrassment, helping to unify the four countries, is invincible. Now? What do you think a crazy woman can do?"

Those black people were shocked by the murderousness that gradually spread out of the wind, and Zhang mouth still wanted to talk, and was interrupted again by the wind.

"The plague is a natural disaster. You don't allow anyone to pour this pot of dirty water on the sly queen. You should remember this."

When the wind came out, Xia Yuqing couldn’t help but tremble, and looked up at the wind and no half-false side face, his hands slightly tightened.

The shackles did not find her strange. They stared at the black people and continued to sneer. "You don't want to talk about the master messenger behind the scenes. You don't insist, there is a way to find out who is behind the ghosts. But also I would like to advise you to think about the beginning and the end of things before doing things. People are also used as tools for killing people by knife.

The wind sneaked out the words of ridicule, and the faces of those black people brushed white.

Not waiting for them to react, the wind has already taken Xia Yuqing back a few steps, raising his hand and waving: "Whether you are the family members of those who have been plagued by the plague, dare to enter the palace to swear, the crime is unforgivable. First, enter the prison, and then hand it over to Shuntian."

With a slap in the air, those guards pulled those black men out. The black men who dreamed of waking up suddenly fought back.

"The emperor, you can no longer be blinded by the demon woman, the demon woman is ruining the country, the red face is a disaster, and using her life to exchange the lives of thousands of people in the country, is the king of a country to do it, the emperor!"

"Yes, if the demon woman in the emperor continues to stay with you, it will surely bring disaster to the whole country! The emperor is so partial to her, confused by him, and will regret it one day!"

The black people’s screams are getting farther and farther away. The faces of Leng Ruofeng and others are getting more and more ugly. They look at each other and move their eyes to the two people not far away.

"Love, you are shaking." The wind smashed away those black people and immediately felt the slight vibration from the arm. They both squatted and held the hand of Xia Yuqing, but found Xia Yuqing. The more you shake, the more powerful it is.

The windy face became a little ugly, and turned to the outside and shouted: "Taiwan!"

Xia Yuqing hurriedly grabbed his hand and shook his head at him: "I am fine."

The wind looked at Xia Yuqing's side face, and the eyebrows were slightly twisted, but I didn't believe Xia Yuqing's words: "Love your face is too ugly, just scared. Let the doctor come over and give you a nap, Pressure shocked."

"I'm really fine." Xia Yuqing suddenly screamed loudly, and even with the wind stretched out to hold her hand, she was hit by her side.

A slamming sound, the windy hand was so swayed, shocked the people in the temple, and scared the two as the parties.

"I... I didn't mean it, I..." Xia Yuqing looked at him with a look of horror, and wanted to retreat, but he was stunned by the small steps behind him and almost fell.

"Be careful." The wind was so busy that he reached out and helped him, and in the moment Xia Yuqing was about to fall to the ground, he pulled the man back into his arms.

Xia Yuqing's small face is pale as paper, and the whole person is still a little embarrassed. After a while, he will completely return to the gods. When he looks up, he sees the wind full of worried eyes, his heart trembles, and he unconsciously reaches out. Surrounded by the windy waist, hugged.

"This is why you have come back late in the past few years. The plague that Qin Tianjian calculated to come to the border is because of my sake? Why don't you tell me earlier?"

Xia Yuqing's sullen voice came from the windy arms. The Yanyin on the side heard Xia Yuqing's questioning. He wanted to go forward and speak for the wind but was given a step by step by Shao Zitang.

Yan dyed some doubts turned his head, and then saw two friends looking at him with a dignified look, shaking his head, this licked his lips, some reluctantly screaming.

The wind did not expect Xia Yuqing to ask this, but also for a moment. Xia Yuqing refused to look up, the wind can only look at the spin above her head, sighed: "I just don't want to worry you."

All along, he only wants to protect this person's arms and protect her from all sorts of malices in the world, allowing her to live with her children's carefree life under her own wings. But what he didn't think was that although the person in his arms was timid and heartless, he was overly optimistic, but in her heart, what she wanted to do most was to share the bitterness and joy with them.

Xia Yuqing listened to the words of the wind, and the hand holding his waist could not help but tighten a few points: "So, what are the people they just said are true?"

She should have thought that if she is as good as the night, then even if he is not prepared to be himself, naturally many people will go to find their own troubles. Her next days, I am afraid that it will not be too peaceful.

The wind did not answer, Xia Yuqing had already got the answer, buried his face in his arms, and asked: "The emperor you... I believe Qin Tianjian said?"

Xia Yuqing's heartbeat thundered and waited for the wind to respond. Unexpectedly, the wind was so low that he laughed and dug out the head that Xia Yuqing had been unwilling to lift, and looked straight into her eyes. Dao: "I have just said it. If you believe in Qin Tianjian, you have believed since long ago. Why do you wait until now? Moreover, you have never believed in it. If you really want to believe, you only believe that you will appear. In front of you, and through the world and even the world, it is a life."

Xia Yuqing's eyes slammed and slammed, and looked amazed at the wind. This temple is afraid that only she knows the words of the wind. The heart that had already jumped fast, this time was even more uncontrollably trembled. The uncontrollable violent beating shook her chest and it hurt slightly.

When I saw the summer rain, I didn’t talk. I sighed and reached out and touched Xia Yuqing’s cheek. “This thing will be handled well and will not cause you any harm. Love, I thought I experienced this. You should be trustworthy."

Xia Yuqing looked at the wind deeply, and finally nodded, and buried her head in the arms of the wind, covering the hesitation in her eyes.

I don't believe that you care about me, but don't believe in myself. I can't guarantee whether this plague is related to me, and I can't guarantee that I will not be soft when I see you in the near future, in order to protect me from the whole world. I also care for me. You choose to leave, I don't even dare to guarantee how many days I will stay with you in the future.

In the messy palace, two people are closely embracing each other and trying to give the other party a little more temperature, but they don’t know if this excessive heat will burn the other side, and let the distance between the two people drift away when they are unconscious. .

Although the wind is very keen to stay and continue to appease Xia Yuqing, but now the most important thing is to deal with those who are stabbing and those who instruct the black people to be unfavorable to Xia Yuqing, so the mood in Xia Yuqing is relatively stable. After that, the wind was black with a face and Shao Zitang and others left the Fangfang Temple, and they left with Yun Zhongyue.

"How are you going to do it?" As soon as he stepped into the door of the Qing Dynasty Hall, the more cold the face was in the clouds, the first to open his mouth. The weekdays only had a sly face that was colder than the cold. Maple is more than ever.

The wind brows a peak, and turns his head and looks straight into his eyes: "I don't understand the meaning of the six kings."

"I am asking you, what are you going to do for the younger sister?" The more fearless and cloud-faced in the cloud, the eyes flashed with obvious obvious aggressiveness.

Suddenly, he has been seriously injured. He can no longer risk losing his summer rain. Although there are a few people on the weekdays, they will make a lot of noises, but in the bottom of his heart, he will treat these people, including those who are extremely out of touch with themselves, as their loved ones except for a few people in the cloud. In particular, Xia Yuqing is the youngest and the most difficult little girl to give herself a headache.

The saying of the natal chart is an important concern for the country’s head of the country. Although Yunzhong knows that the wind is very important to Xia Yuqing, he is not sure if it will be popular before the big situation in Jiangshan. The moment of hesitation just abandoned Xia Yuqing.

"I thought you just said it clearly enough, and you will try your best to keep your love safe and prevent anyone from hurting her."

The more I look at the windy eyes in the clouds, the more obvious hesitations are flashing: "Do you really want to violate the fate of the younger sister?"

"Oh..." The wind seems to have heard a big joke like a big joke, only to look at the clouds in the middle of the road, "God? Do not know the nature of love, know that she will never hurt," The country that hurts you. Is it true that God is so? For her, you can change your life at all costs!"

The last four words of the popular winds were said to be loud and sound, and for a time they actually lived in the opposite side of the cloud.

The more the cloud lingered for a moment, he laughed and said: "You better remember what you said today, otherwise you will steal the person from your house by the name of my hand, and then hide this person from you. Where it is not, it’s easy."

The wind smashed and smashed, and I saw a few obvious killings in the eyes of Yun Zhongyue: "You can try it. If you really have that day, you will lead the troops personally, and you will cross the border and not stay." Inch grass!"

The more the cloud stared at the wind, looked at it for a while, and finally did not say anything, turned and left.

The more the cloud went, the Yan dyeing and other people could not help but slightly relieved. Just for a moment, they were really afraid that the two men would fight on the spot.

"The emperor, what are you going to do with the assassins?" Leng Ruofeng turned his head and glanced at the wind, whispering the key.

"For the time being, I will send people to find out their details. As for the Qintianjian..." The eyes of the wind smacked a smattering of coldness. "If you do not know what to do, you will deliberately spread it." Gossip, what is the use of keeping them? All of them are put in jail. As for those who are doing small things behind the scenes, all of them are going out."

A few people looked at each other and knew that the wind was really angry this time. I didn’t dare to have any objections. I went back and said: "Yes."

Although the wind has ordered the death, the news of this assassination has completely ended in the palace and several people who need to inform, but there are still some people who want to swear and can’t help, like ......

"Is the thorns smashed? It turned out to be unharmed, and the life was really big. But the luck of Bixuanmei’s family is not so good. It may be that the next day will be resigned." Ying Ying sat by the window. On the chair, the vulture of his family was still on the arm, and while he was taking the melon from the table on the side, he teased the pet in his hand.

The night of the beauty turned his head and looked at him faintly, raising his hand and letting the secret guard of the letter retreat.

Ying Ying saw that the night did not answer the words, and he added another sentence: "Speaking of it, this Qin dynasty of the country is still a bit of a skill, even though the gimmick is related to the plague."

The expression on the face of the night was finally changed a little, and sneered aloud: "Who said that the gimmick must be linked to the plague?"

Ying Ying live, do not count, it is difficult to become...

"The meaning of the righteous father is... Does anyone in the country’s dynasty want to be bad for that girl?"

The night teapot took the teapot on the table and poured a cup of tea for himself. He sighed softly: "The girl was sealed for many years, and two children were involved. Unfortunately, in addition to those few winds in the DPRK. Other than the close courtiers, there are no other forces that she can rely on. For a long time, there will be people who are jealous. It is natural to take advantage of this great opportunity to get rid of her."

“It’s the same.” Ying’s eyes passed through a glimpse. “But how are these people so sure that they can really shake those rivers and lakes for their lives? Are they not afraid to be self-restraint?”

The night smiles and smiles at the glance: "The most common thing in the world is people, and some things happen too much, and with a little bit of heart, they will become more natural than imagined." Many of the family members of the rivers and lakes were at the border and were involved in the plague. When the spirit was tight, I suddenly heard this message, and I was naturally convinced. No matter what happened before, the moment was the hoe. The impression is definitely compromised. So, in this world, things like emotions are always the most likely to affect people."

"Oh, this trick is really brilliant to use knives to kill people, but unfortunately it didn't play any role. With the temperament of the temperament, it will certainly not be a good time for those who are willing to give up, those people are afraid that it will not be long before."

As soon as Ying Ying was finished, the night was lightly smiled: "I am afraid it is not that simple."


"There are many people who love people, and there are many people who believe in things. Naturally, they will become true. They are smart, and those old guys are not stupid. If they still have some talents, they should know how to do this time. It is the best for yourself. And... the bigger troubles have not yet appeared."

Ying Ying lived, and my heart faintly understood what was the bigger trouble in the night, and raised the last piece of cake in his hand into the vulture's mouth: "So, let's relax now, I am afraid it is too early. It is."

The night of the night, the tea came out again and sighed. "The real trouble is just beginning."

The assassination of Xia Yuqing caused an uproar in the palace. From the Yuan and the cloud that had just left the palace to live in Hefu, I got the news and immediately returned to the palace. At the same time, I was glad that Xia Yuqing’s girls were fine. Also worried about the unprovoked safety.

After Su Lin and Xu Lao were informed of the unreasonable things, even when they rushed into the palace.

Although the two said that they have a laissez-faire attitude on the weekdays, which parents in the world don't care about the children they have worked so hard, this will look at their son who is still alive and kicking in the morning, lying in bed, life and death are not clear, Su Lin is almost indifferent. The roof of the palace was smashed on the spot.

"Damn, which **** hurt my son, I want to throw him into the snake's nest to feed the snake!" Su Lin's face sank, and now she slammed her sleeves to find the black man who injured her son.

Xu Lao hurriedly stretched out her hand, and looked helpless: "The crazy woman, this is the palace, not your Miaojiang, you must be good before you do things..."

When Xu Lao was not finished, he was interrupted by Su Lin: "What happened to the palace? My son had such a big thing in the palace. I can’t say a few words. I’m going to take the people in this palace. Killing them together, all of them are buried with my son!"

"You!" Xu Laogang worked hard for his son's affairs. This was even more swayed by Su Lin's unreasonable temperament.

At this time, there was a cry from the side, "Master, Shi Niang..."

The two men who quarreled at the same time looked back at the same time, and they were facing the eyebrows of the summer rain: "These assassins are actually coming to me. The master is actually protecting me..."

"No... not the maiden's fault, he... it was to protect me from the sword. I hurt him." Xia Yuqing's voice did not fall, and Tsui had walked out of the house and went to Su Lin. In front of Xu Lao, he suddenly fell down.

"Cui Er (Sister Cui Er)!" The people on the side were shocked by the sudden action of Tsui. They wanted to lift them up, but they were stopped by Green Rui and Li Yuan.

Tsui’s lips squinted and looked up at Su Lin’s two men, and her face was firm: “The two predecessors are relieved that if they are really unreasonable this time, they will not be able to die, and I will go with him. On the Huangquan Road, he will never let him go alone."

When Tsui’s words came out, the faces of the people on the side were all changed. A look of surprise looked at Tsui’s expression, which was not like a joke, and it was reminiscent of the unreasonable performance of Tsui’s performance. .

Before anyone can think of it, unconsciously, Tsui’s unreasonable feelings have already been so deep.

Su Lin listened to Tsui’s almost sworn words, without a trace of movement, holding her arms coldly and said: "What do I want your life to do? When you die, my son will live? You just follow him. Is it because you want to make a pair of names in the local government?

"You can't say a few words about the mad woman? I just heard that it is the sword that my son rushed to block for his own people. How can he blame the girl?" Although Xu Lao is worried about the safety of his son, It is clear that his son, who saw his family and his wife, could not move. If this son is lucky enough to take back a life, know that they are so difficult to marry a woman, how to trouble with them in the future!

Su Lin was not staring at the top of Tsui’s head for a while, and she sighed with disdain: "If the kid is so easy to hang, how can it be my son?"

Tsui’s glimpse, not surely looking up at Su Lin’s.

Su Lin 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅 琅The stinky boy is also true. He told him that he had poured out a potion of medicine and used it to cook raw rice directly. How can he use so many detours? The kid is dead, not It’s going to be step by step, just like him.”

Xu Laowen was not happy, shaking the two flowing white beards and whispering: "Do you think everyone is like you, the shameless crazy woman? Our son was taught by you." I have been unable to catch up with his wife, you still have a face!"

"Hey, old man, you give me a clear statement, what is it called shame? I also said that I taught my son to be broken. If you didn't always give your son a bad idea, why didn't the son still find a wife? It’s not that you are stalking from it. I used the set of three-five and five-year-old Rush to toss my son. Maybe my grandson is now hugged.”

"So, blame me?"

"Do not blame you who blame!"


On the side of the crowd, I watched the two seconds before the two men were still in harmony with Godzilla. I turned into Godzilla in a second, regardless of the occasion to stage a war of words, and there was a tendency to rise from the war of words to the whole martial arts, and I could not help but collectively.

Two old predecessors, pay attention to the image in public! Can the violent horse of the house wait for you to go home and make it again! And if we remember correctly, your son can still lie inside! Are you so eager to fight at his door?

"As long as he can wake up this time, we will not toss any more in the future, will... well."

Just as the two of them were about to be picked up in front of everyone, Tsui’s slightly whimpered voice suddenly came in, causing the two men’s actions to stop and turn to look at Tsui.

Sui, Su Lin took the picture and took a picture of Tsui’s shoulder. "If you are willing to say this in his ear every day, believe me, the stinky boy will absolutely reluctantly hang it. But as his mother. Dear, there is a sentence I still have to tell you. The stinky boy used to make a lot of mistakes before, and blamed me for his poor discipline, but I can see that he is true to you. In my heart, that The shortcomings of the stinky boy are indeed quite a lot. I don’t ask you to follow him all the time and tolerate him everywhere, but I hope that you will not feel happy in the future. If you want to fight with you, don’t just casually say don’t want him. After all... he can't even kill for your sake."

Tsui was shocked, and the hand hanging on her side was slightly tightened. She nodded and said, "I understand."

Su Lin nodded with satisfaction, and she looked at the unreasonable eyes of Tsui, but she still had some concerns.

Xia Yuqing saw that Su Lin had calmed down, and there was no such difficulty as Tsui, and she could not help but feel relieved.

Xia Yuqing smiled a little and was preparing to go to the round field, and was interrupted by a small **** who suddenly broke into the temple.

"Mother...the goddess, not good, not good!"

"Small straight, how come you ran? Is there anything out there in the emperor?" Xia Yuqing just saw that the Qing Dynasty was the little straight that followed the wind, and he was so confused and confused. Some are ugly.

Xiaoshun breathlessly swallowed his mouth and said: "No...not the emperor has an accident, the amount...the emperor did have an accident..."

"There is nothing wrong with the emperor, you can say it clearly! How can you say this guy is unclear? It’s really anxious to die!" Lu Rui saw Xia Yuqing’s face was scared, step forward, some angry Interjection.

Xiaoshun took a deep breath and finally got a lot of asthma. "Oh, this is the case, the rumor of the Qintianjian..."

"What's wrong? You are going to say it."

"It is the rumors of the Qin Tianjian who don’t know how suddenly they spread in the folks. I heard that the people in the capital are talking about this matter! I heard that many people have already... The rumor, the entire capital is now becoming popular."

Xia Yuqing's face was white, and the mind kept echoing the words of the black assassin that day. There is no wall in the world, and some things will come.

The atmosphere in the Fangfang Hall is dignified, and the atmosphere in the dry courtyard of the other side is not so good.

"This group of **** old foxes, even the first to be strong!" Yan dyed to listen to the report of the people underneath, from the filming, the beginning of the sexual exposure began to break up, did not read a few words, they were on the side Shao Zitang’s extremely impatient slap in the face.

"Don't be noisy!" Shao Zi Tang Yin a face, if you pointed at a certain person.

Yan dyed indignantly followed his gaze, and then he discovered that there was still one person in the temple whose face was ugly more than a hundred times.

Before today, Shao Zitang and others had followed the instructions of the wind and found out that the black assassins were indeed relatives of the people affected by the plague on the border. They were saddened by the misfortune of hearing the family in the distance. And coupled with being deliberately provocative, it is easy to lose the sense of reason and follow the arrangement of others to enter the palace.

It’s just that the inner courtyard of the palace is not a casual person. Anyone can say it in abundance. Several people have thought about it in a rough way, and the mind has already reached a conclusion.

It is a pity that the forefoot has just grabbed those who are restless in the Qintian prison. The hind legs have not had time to move the real behind-the-scenes ambassadors. The folks have spread the summer rain and the border plague. The relevant rumors, if this is the wind, if they move those old ministers, I am afraid that they are calling their minds. What's more, those who incite rumors will also detain this charge to the head of Xia Yuqing, sitting on her enchanted emperor, murdering loyal ministers, **** and cruel crimes.

"These **** old foxes!" The wind sullenly covered a face, gnashing his teeth. I knew that these old ministers’ hearts were wrapped around this idea. When they first tidy up the King of Rui, he should not feel that these people are still safe. They have let them go, and the king is the most afraid of women. benevolence!

"Now the people in Beijing are often shaken by them. Although they don't believe it, they want to come to be dubious. In time, people are clouded, and the situation is particularly unfavourable to us." Leng Ruofeng is also cold-faced, and the eyes are covered with ice. There are some obvious concerns that are hidden.

For the sake of Xia Yuqing, the hot temper of his family was a bit indignant, and he was allowed to go on his own, fearing that there would be more chaos.

"The most urgent task is how to get rid of this rumor that is not conducive to the gimmick, but even to the emperor and the royal family." Shao Zitang touched his chin and hit the subject.

Yan Dian is not as calm as he is, sighing out, very helpless: "Speaking lightly, how can it be so light? People are awesome, who knows that the awkward eight women outside pass the rumors into What is it?"

“唧唧歪歪的八婆?” Shao Zitang sneered with a cold voice, “Is you talking about yourself?”

"Small sugar, your mouth is really getting worse and worse? Your family doesn't care about you anymore. Be careful when one of these mouths offends someone who shouldn't offend, and ask someone to tear it!" Angrily screaming at Shao Zitang, gnashing his teeth.

Shao Zitang dismissed him with a disdain: "How do we have a couple's little days, you don't need an outsider to make irresponsible remarks. As for the person who can tear my mouth, huh, huh, that person will never be you, You don't have this skill."


"Enough, it's quiet! It's all time, and there is a mood to bicker!" Leng Ruofeng couldn't bear to drink and smashed a cold wind and flew straight to the two, making the two chilly, hot The head was suddenly awake, and snorted, no longer screaming.

Leng Ruofeng took a look at the two people and turned to look at the wind and asked: "The emperor, you are ready..."

The wind slammed his brow, and when he was too late to speak, he heard a sharp notification from outside the door: "The Queen is driving."

"How come this time after the mother?" The face of the wind changed slightly, and I looked at the people in the room and walked toward the door.

"The children have seen the mother."

"Chen and I have seen the Queen Mother."

The face of Chang Sun’s face did not have the kindness and embarrassment of the weekdays. He had a slight face and looked at the people with some anger: “Get up.”

The wind and other people were shocked by the slightly miserable tone of Chang Sun, and several people’s faces all floated together.

"How come the mother came over? Is there anything that can be told to the children? Why bother?" The wind smirked the hand that wanted to take over Meixi, but was remembered by the grandson. Cold eyes forced back to the hard life.

"The mourner is not so old that even these few steps can't move!"

"... After the mother, the child does not mean this."

"Don't mean this? Oh, the mourner thought that you thought of the mourning home as a dead person. This big thing didn't even tell the mourner. If this is not a big trouble, you are still preparing to mourn. How long is the family?" Chang Sun’s hand raised a hand to the side of the table, and the huge muffled sound could not help but tremble under the hearts of everyone.

When I saw it, I was shocked by a serious cough. I was reminded: "After the mother, you are angry and angry. If you break the table, it doesn't matter. It is not good to take your hand."


The long-term Sun quietly took back the hand he had just patted. He was really confused. He even took the hand to shoot the table in the temple. The table in the temple was made of sandalwood. It was very hard, and she was pampered. It’s like a “rough man” who is practicing the martial arts all the time, just like a hand-broken table and a cucumber!

I thought about it, Chang Sun was very angry and swept away, and this stinky boy knew it, what did he say? Is this unclear to make yourself shameful? Is it true to the family!

The wind smashed the gaze of Chang Sun’s full of resentment, and when he was busy, he took it, and stepped up to the side of Chang Sun’s, and took her hand and gently squatted, and lost the smile: “The child is not afraid of disturbing your mother. Clean up, this did not dare to tell your mother? And, as for those old antiques that are almost old, the children can still cope."

This time, Sun Chang did not refuse the help of the wind, but sneered at the end of the wind: "Can you cope? If you really can cope, it will not become the present situation."

The action of the wind smashed his hand, and his face could not help but show a few points of shackles. He had to touch his nose and step back two steps, but he laughed.

When Chang Sunshi saw it, he couldn't help but turned his head and swept Yan Yan and others. He looked at the juniors with some self-confidence and slowly said: "Although there are some old antiques that are going to be ancient, but the age is in the seniority. There, there have been words that I have heard, the worms of the hundred, dead and not stiff! These old people can stand firm in the court for so many years, and there is no need to leave the slag.

The wind and other people nodded, and the group of people looked a little dignified.

Chang Sun’s glance at the crowd and sighed: "Hey, you can remember that the Emperor said to you, what is the most important thing to do as an emperor?"

The wind and face changed and silenced for a moment: "Lost, lost hearts."

"Those old antiques are now trying every means to threaten you by losing the hearts of the people!" In the eyes of Chang Sunshi, a cold cold light was passed.

The wind and the eyebrows were slightly picking up. Looking at the side face of Chang Sunshi, he smiled and said: "Is this kind of snow and ice smart and intelligent, and what can I do?"

"At this time, I know what to ask for help from my mother? What have you done early?" Chang Sun’s unrequited blame made him unable to hang on the wind, and he had to silence.

When Chang Sunshi saw him like this, he couldn’t be embarrassed again. He sighed: "Care is chaotic! Mother asks you, is the truth of the Qintian Supervisor mentioned in the rumor?"

Hesitantly hesitated for a moment, or chose to tell the truth: "Qin Tianjian is indeed a star, suggesting that this plague is related to the love of the sacred disk. However, after the mother, you know the place of the Qin Tianjian, both It’s a group of guys who eat white food, gibberish, where is it done?”

Chang Sun did not answer, only looked at the wind and looked at it for a long while. "There is a way to solve your current difficulties."

"What method?" When Sun’s words came out, everyone in the house gathered together in curiosity.

"Hey, you..." Chang Sun’s face looked serious and looked at the wind, and he said, "With the Qing Dynasty, the ancestral temple worships the heavens."

"Zongmiao sacrifices the sky?" Several people exclaimed, face to face, all looked at the long Sun.

"After the mother, do you also believe those rumors that you love her..." The wind was so ugly that it was unprepared for Chang Sun’s proposal.

Chang Sun’s grotesquely looked at him and said: “You also said how the things that came out of the place of Qin Tianjian can be trusted. The mourning home is thinking about the plague that is now so raging, if it is to be carried forward again, Even if Qinger really has nothing to do with this matter, this black pot is afraid to be backed up. If this is the case, it is better for you to take the initiative to attack and turn passive into active. Sacrifice the heavens and pray, and must sacrifice the heavens in the ancestral temple."

When Chang Sun told me that everyone had been stunned for a moment, it was suddenly realized. The Jongmyo Temple was the habitat of the emperors of the Sui Dynasty. If Xia Yuqing was able to pray for success in the ancestral temple, it means that Xia Yuqing was blessed by the royal ancestors, and it was impossible to blame the country and the people. Rumors will certainly not break.

"The proposal of the Queen Mother is really good, but those old foxes will not be as simple as we are after knowing it." Shao Zitang pondered for a moment and sighed his own thoughts.

"They naturally won't be as easy as you are, but can you be so easy as they are?" Chang Sun looked at a few people with a smile.

A few people smiled and nodded, and they already understood what to do.

"Yes, what's the plague of the border? What's the big thing? You don't even know how to score. After the mother, I don't know if I should praise you or you." Chang Sun gave a few people attention, the moment Then I saw that the attention was transferred to the plague on the border. After all, this is the source of everything. As long as the plague is resolved, many things can be much simpler.

The wind smirked: "This is really not to blame the child, even if the child tells the mother at the beginning, the mother can not help anything, it will only increase the mother's troubles. However, the mother can rest assured, the child just Upon receiving the news, people came to the border with the Soviet Union doctor, and the two-day ministers had already received the line report from the border. The Soviet doctor had found a way to treat the plague, and only waited for all the medicines to be transported to save the control. Live the epidemic."

Chang Sun’s breath sighed: “So best, the matter of worshiping the sky is not too late, best... can match the time when the Soviet doctor controlled the epidemic, you... know what to do?”

A few people in Yan dyeing were a glimpse. After the reaction, they couldn’t help but sigh, and sure enough... Jiang is still old!

The matter of worshiping the heavens in the ancestral temple was settled. On the evening of the same day, the wind blew back to the Fangfang Temple and Xia Yuqing to mention the matter. Xia Yuqing was silent and agreed.

The wind knows the uneasiness in her heart. This time, she no longer speaks empty words. She stays at her side and holds her hand and sleeps for a night, so that Xia Yuqing feels a little bit of security.

The ceremonies of the ancestral temples, under the inspiration of the savage and other people, are like the innocent rumors that have quickly spread to every corner of the capital.

Unsurprisingly, many people who had caused some panic about Xia Yuqing because of those rumors were frightened by this sudden message, and they doubted the authenticity of the original rumors. Of course, more people are Holding a look of lively mentality, I thought about the day of the sacrifice, and they saw that they only heard the name, and they did not see their queen.

Evening people and other people learned that the news was a glimpse, but then it became more and more interesting.

"I didn't expect to play this trick, I was not afraid to play too much to play myself into it?" Ying Yan stood behind the night, a little gloating.

The night smiles and glances at him: "This shows that he is very clever, he does not believe in ghosts, and the devil is really not something that actually exists. After all, what can really be used by those who have the heart is only the accidents that are deliberately created."

"The meaning of the righteous father is..."

The night is different from the two eyes: "The parties are fighting, the fun is extraordinary, but you have to look at the excitement in the past?"

Ying Ying stunned and chuckled: "Of course, such a good show is not something you can see every day."

On the day of the sacrifice, the streets of the entire capital are full of excitement, surrounded by people who want to witness the present Sanctuary and Queen Empress. The streets near the Zongmiao are crowded and crowded.

Xia Yuqing wore a gorgeous costume with gold inlaid, listening to the loud noises on all sides, could not help but clenched the hands in front of him.

The wind seemed to feel her nervousness, silently reaching out to hold her cool hands, whispered: "Don't be afraid, there are squats."

Xia Yuqing slammed for a moment, turned to look at the extremely serious eyebrows of the wind, the heart of the ups and downs calmed down a little, took a deep breath, and took the hand of the wind slowly and stepped out of the luxurious sedan Hey.

Suddenly, the four sides of the original squatted down, and the two men who walked out of the car, the men’s wearing a robes embroidered with golden dragons, the jade squats in front of them and slammed into the sound of the sound. More and more lining the man's evil spirits, domineering side leakage. The woman on the side of his body is wearing a golden costume of the same color as the man. The bright bird and the phoenix and the several golden dragons on the man shine together, and the more beautiful the woman, the more beautiful and elegant. Looking far away, the two are like a pair of fairy monks descending from the sky, fascinating.

Xia Yuqing felt the eager gaze of the people around him. Some of them wanted to hang their heads, but they were stopped by the force of the wind and the hands.

The sly eyes have been stuck at the end of the towering steps in front, not staring at Xia Yuqing, but Xia Yuqing is able to feel the temperature of the other party from the hands between the two.

"Let's go." The wind faintly said, ignoring the glare of the official ladies and nobles on the side, taking Xia Yuqing's hand to step on the ladder of that section.

The luxurious golden blouse hangs long on the ladder of the festival, and goes forward together, regardless of each other, looks solemn and solemn, luxurious and intimate

"Oh..." When he was halfway through, Xia Yuqing couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"What's wrong?" The wind blew, and some doubts asked, the steps under the feet were not stagnation. Just because at the end of the ladder, there are a group of ministers who are glaring at them, and they can't wait to see their every move and find every mistake.

"Nothing." Xia Yuqing’s face hangs the most relaxed smile of these days. "Just suddenly remembered the last time after the seal, the emperor, you also took my hand, took me through the eyes of these people. Under the Son, take me to the highest position."

Xia Yuqing’s face showed a bit of nostalgia. How can he think that he would have to walk to such a man one day, and then he stood tall and stood on the side of the world that belongs to them.

When I heard the words of Xia Yuqing, I smiled and said: "This is the highest position around you. It used to be yours. It is yours now. It will be yours in the future. There will be no more people."

Xia Yuqing’s fingertips trembled slightly, and the low-lying face couldn’t help but smack a faint smile: “With your words, it’s enough.”

Xia Yuqing’s words were whispered, and the wind above the ancestral temple was too big, and the wind was not heard. When he wanted to ask, he found that the two had already reached the highest point, and had to focus on the sacrifices according to the doubts in their hearts.

On the altar of Nuo Da, there is a towering hurdle. The hurdle is like a tent. The head of the tent has a round bag shape. Some are similar to yurts, but they are not completely closed like yurts. People can see what is happening inside. There is also a huge human figure in front of the hurdle, which is said to be the founding emperor of Laos.

Xia Yuqing stared at the statue for a while, and found that the statue was a bit similar to the wind and the eyebrows. But after weighing it, I still feel that it is still handsome!

The two old ministers flashed slightly, and they pulled out the incense on the table and tried to ignite them. Before they couldn't even get the hands, they were pressed by the Yan dye and the cold.

The two old ministers stunned and panicked for a moment and then returned to the original. They smiled and said: "What is Taifu and the man of the gods? What time is the sacrifice? The time of the sacrifice is coming, let go soon, if it is wrong, it will be Big things."

Yan dyed and smiled: "Tai Shi, and the admiral, the emperor told me, these little things will be handed over to us, you will first... oh..."

The two old ministers changed their faces slightly, and for a moment, they tried to maintain the smile on their faces: "I still don't bother with Fu Fu and the man. In the past, these things were done by us. You are still young, it is inevitable... ..."

The face of Yan Yan did not change, and the smile still said: "It is because we are still young, we have to take advantage of this time to experience a lot of time, the two adults will not even be satisfied with this?"

When Ruo Fengfeng saw that the two ministers still wanted to struggle, they simply dropped a sentence: "This is also the meaning of the emperor. How many adults are prepared to blatantly violate the imperial will?"

The two old ministers changed their faces and said: "Don't dare to dare." This is a retreat.

Leng Ruofeng and Yan Dian looked at each other, and the tacit understanding of the front, in the case of blocking the line of sight of the people, quickly transferred the incense sticks on the table.

The scented candle was ignited, and the two turned and walked to the front of the wind, and handed the incense in their hands to the two. Xia Yuqing did not understand the twists and turns in this, and it was only for the sake of this. The popularity is what I have understood when the two men come over, and the lips are slightly hooked.

The two prayed together in the heavens and the earth, and they were incredibly good. The two old ministers on the side were slightly changed when they saw Xia Yuqing inserting the incense into the incense burner.

Xia Yuqing was ready to turn and leave, and suddenly heard a small muffled sound. Some doubts looked up and looked at it. As soon as I looked up, I saw a figure sticking out from the edge of the frame on the head, no second. Then he was dragged back by his mouth.

Xia Yuqing's eyes widened, and when he looked at the unbelievable screaming, he saw the familiar figure in the place where the stranger had explored. It was actually... Yunzhong Yue!

In the middle of the cloud, he made a squeaking gesture toward Xia Yuqing. He was scared that Xia Yuqing hurriedly screamed the screams of the mouth and gave him a hard life. But he couldn’t help but feel what he was doing here. How do you look a bit like a crime?

Xia Yuqing silently took back the line of sight, and some guilty turned to look at the people on the side. Fortunately, there is a package on the top of the frame that blocks the clouds and the Vietnam. As long as it is not like the wind and the summer rain, it will not be able to find the cloud.

Xia Yuqing was so bold in the darkness of his heart that he did not find himself escaping in the moment.

In the cloud above the nest, a handful of knives knocked the black man who had dragged him back, and then he reached out and pulled out the dagger in the hands of the black man. If he had just dragged the man back in time, the support for the table was cut off by the person, and the entire frame would collapse in an instant. The sacrifice was gone.

The lighter in the clouds, the more sighing, the statue in front of the gap in the round, the fear of the future, only the remaining...

Behind the statue of Nuo Da, several shadows sneaked into a small cave on the head of the statue, and gestured to his companion as he determined that the sacrificial ceremony had begun.

A few other shadows in the cave will help you, picking up a bag of things from your body, and spotting a hole in the cave to get ready to start. Suddenly I heard a muffled sound coming from outside, and I was surprised to turn my head and look at it. I didn’t have time to see what happened. I only felt a pain in my neck and lost consciousness.

Hua Xiangying and Shao Zitang walked out of the darkness. Seeing that Shao Zitang had picked up the things that the black people had fallen, he snorted: "Chicken blood?"

Shao Zi Tang sneered aloud: "The chicken blood is infiltrated from this place, just enough to cause the statue to fall into tears."

"Amount..." The flower was very disgusting and swept the chicken blood handed over from Shao Zitang. "Get away and take it away, and die of nausea. If it is not for the sake of the younger sister and the two brothers, this seat will not do it." This kind of tired and dirty work."

Shao Zitang looked at the image of the cleansing of the flower, and the mouth was soaked, finally understand why Xia Yuqing mentioned the constipation of her three brothers every time.

It’s a lucky thing to have such a wonderful brother.

A few people in Shaozi Tang went very smoothly here, and God did not know **** those people who wanted to make small moves in secret.

Xia Yuqing suddenly did not know that she was fragrant on her own, and this kind of effort to worship God has already escaped the plot of one after another.

And the wind smirked and took Xia Yuqing out of the altar, and the faces of the ministers who were waiting respectfully outside were not brilliant.

However, they are not so easy to repel. After discovering that everything did not happen as expected, several highly respected veterans looked at each other and gestured toward the side at the angle that no one saw.

Ever since, everyone watching the ceremonial ceremony saw their esteemed emperor and empress, and as soon as they walked out of the altar, they were stopped by a teenager dressed in the Guardian costume.

The man fell to the ground directly against the wind and shouted to the ground, shouting loudly: "The emperor Mingjian, the empress maiden is the demon star, hit the scorpion, confuse the sage, endanger the people, the plague that appeared on the border recently Closely related, please the Emperor and the public to understand the Ming, in order to smash the country's thousands of people, remove this woman, protect me from the country's security!

When the guardian’s words were exported, all the people on the altar were all stunned. The rumors that were finally suppressed were rebounded again at this moment. At one time, the altar was noisy, and the arguments came and went.

The wind felt that Xia Yuqing’s hand had a cold sweat, and his face was not changed. He calmed down and said: “Oh, I don’t know when I’m close to the Royal Forest Army, who likes to talk nonsense. People who make a living, are not going to pull down."

The Guardian Army, who stayed on one side, woke up like a dream and hurriedly pulled forward.

The man apparently did not expect that the wind would be so unrelenting. After a while, he woke up and struggled fiercely: "The emperor, the grassland sentence is true, if there is a bit of falsehood, willing to be thundered!" The emperor must not be confused by this demon woman, otherwise the country and the thousands of people will be buried in the hands of this demon woman!"

The shouting voice of the man echoed over the entire altar, letting the people below move more and more, and let the windy face sink down slightly.

The ministers on the side looked at the opportunity and fell to the ground. They looked deep and clearly: "The emperor, this population screams that the Queen's maiden is the demon star, and it is related to the plague that has been raging in recent days. Why don't the emperor listen? He made a good statement and made a final conclusion?"

"Yes, the emperor, this person said that the head is the road, not like a fake, the emperor will take him down, afraid that it is more difficult to block the mouth of everyone, and provoke the population!"

"The emperor, a few adults said yes, this guard dare to say such words in front of the holy car, I must have some evidence. And Chen also heard that the recent Qin Tianjian also spread the name of the Queen's Niangniang, Qintian The supervisor is guarding the national pulse and seeing where the future lies. The news it sends is only afraid of..."

"Wei heard that the emperor had recently attacked Qin Tianjian for no reason, and the emperor was afraid of letting the people of the Shu State court chill!"

"The emperor..."

The wind and cold eyes glared at the old ministers, who seemed to be fleas and generally unwilling to jump out and be aggressive. At the time of Xia Guo, he had laughed at Xia Mingyuan's forced defeat by a group of courtiers, but he did not think that he had such a forced day, is this a feng shui turn? However, it is a pity that he is not the unsteady guy of Xia Mingyuan. He wants to play with him. It is very good. He will play with them.

The wind shook Xia Yuqing's hand tightly, and pulled a slightly horrified person into his arms. The cold eyes of the condescending squatting underneath, like the people who forced the palace, sneered: "You adults are confrontational With so many opinions, it seems that I believe the person’s words. Now what are the adults ready to do, forcing you to kill the Queen with your own hands? Just for your side?”

Those ministers were chilled by the chill of the popular words, but they still insisted on gnashing their teeth: "Chen and so on just hope that the emperor will focus on the national affairs, not for a small woman to ruin the country! Please the emperor Clear."

"Please Emperor Mingjian!" A group of ministers fell to the ground and echoed, and even the people under the altar were shaken one by one.

Xia Yuqing couldn't help but shrink back. She wanted to flee backwards but was gripped by the wind and tightly, and her ears echoed with a soft and soft consolation: "Don't be afraid, I will be there soon."

Xia Yuqing squatted down, looking at the face of the wind and smirk, some doubts. It’s coming soon? What is it?

Soon, a familiar voice unleashed this doubt for her.

"Fart! Today, the **** who dares to move the old man's apprentice, first step on the old man's body and say it!"

"Master?!" Xia Yuqing screamed and turned to look at the old man who rushed up from the altar under the altar, and his face was astonished.

"Call me Xu Ge!" Xu Lao looked up at Xia Yuqing, and he sighed with a sigh of relief.

"..." Master, this is not the point! Xia Yuqing helplessly pumped the mouth of the mouth, and then suddenly remembered the words of the wind and the genius, slammed his head and looked at the wind, can you say...

The wind did not respond to the surprise of Xia Yuqing's eyes. He held Xia Yuqing's hand slightly tightly, and smiled and gaze at Xu Lao who arrived in time.

Xu Lao climbed the ladder of the festival with the support of the little book boy, and glared at the old ministers who fell to the ground: "What do you want to do to the old apprentice?"

All the officials who fell to the ground were all stunned. Under the guise of the wind and Xia Yuqing’s unwillingness to publicize, many people know that Xu Lao has a very petty little apprentice, but I don’t know if this person is The queen of today. On the previous few feasts, although some officials saw the signs, it may be because the matter was too big, and I did not know whether it was intentionally or unintentionally ignored.

This time, Xu Lao suddenly appeared, so that the officials who ignored this point had a bad voice.

"How did you come from Xu Lao?" Some unidentified officials asked a puzzled face.

Xu’s crutches in the hands of the old man slammed into the ground, shaking their mouths and two white flowers and white beards indignantly said: "If the old man does not come again, you can kill the old man's little apprentice!"

When Xu Laogang finished, the officials looked at each other and looked puzzled. "How can we dare to shake your little apprentice? What is wrong with this... misunderstanding?"

Xu Laomeifeng was vertical, coldly screaming, pointing to Xia Yuqing: "You all said that she is a demon girl, and even want to deny it?"

"!" Xu Lao said this, all the officials were stunned, and looked stunned to Xia Yuqing, this girl is really the legendary Xu Lao's most loved little apprentice? !

The ordinary people under the altar, all the ones that appeared in Xu Lao, have been completely shackled.

Who is Xu Lao? That is a legendary figure in the country. He is good at organ and all kinds of cattle people who build building water conservancy projects. Even when the emperor was alive, he had to sell him a few faces, not to mention other things. Only because his temper is arrogant and lonely, few people can often hit him, which adds a bit of mystery to his invisibility. Now such a legendary figure suddenly appears in the public, and he still keeps his voice The younger apprentice, the most important thing is Xu Lao’s little apprentice... It’s their Queen’s Empress!

Under the altar, it became awkward again in an instant, and the old ministers changed their faces one by one because of Xu Lao’s words.

"Xu Lao, even so, this gimmick is a demon star, but it is true. Xu Lao does not care about the country because of his own affair." The rumors began to fall to Xia Yuqing and others, and hurriedly jumped out, saying righteously.

"Yes, that's right..." The old ministers who were stunned were also flustered.

The popular people and so on were amused by this group of people. Yan dyed took the lead and taunted: "Hey, the old man, if this is not a mistake, I just said that the Queen is a demon star. The person in the world is the bodyguard. Just when you pleaded for him, he only said that there may be another hidden feeling. How come it is so sure now? This kind of arbitrariness is not like your past style, or actually you started from the beginning. Know what, or you and the guard..."

If the Yanyin Cave’s words of fire make the old face of the talking cabinet change, it will also let the ordinary people who hear it clearly know. Although these ordinary people have no knowledge, but some people still know the world, this will be said by Yan Yan, many people have begun to doubt.

Xu Lao and the wind squinted at each other, watching the old minister sneer a sneer: "The old man is accusing the old man of ignoring people, looking for a bad girl to be a close disciple, confusing Jiangshan?"

"Xu Lao does not misunderstand, the old man does not mean this."

Xu Lao did not appreciate it: "Whether you mean this or not, the old man tells you today that the old apprentice is not a demon woman who is a disaster, not only, she is the innocent hero of our country!"

"Master!" Xia Yuqing's eyes slammed loudly and screamed to stop Xu Lao from continuing. Why didn't she know when she had done something great for the whole country? Master, this cowhide has blown over, how can it be closed later?

The wind smashed Xia Yuqing back and made a squeaky gesture to her, but with a faint smile on her eyes, she saw the mist of the summer rain.

"Xu Lao, you can't cover her because the Queen Empress is your little apprentice..."

"You don't believe it?" Xu Lao's eyebrows were vertical, too lazy to listen to these old antique chanting, coldly screaming, turning to look at the audience. "There are people who still remember the floods that occurred on the south bank of the Huaihe River for several years. About three years ago, there was an unprecedented flood. The people on the edge of the Huaihe River did not say anything. Even the family was washed away and countless people were drowned by starvation. Later, the emperor advocated on the south bank of the Huaihe River. Building a dam to prevent the flood from happening again, everyone knows who the drawings used to build the dam come from?"

Those old ministers face each other, and they can't help but raise a bad feeling.

"Yes, the drawings used to build the dam were designed by the old man personally, and the younger apprentices personally modified it. If there were no small apprentices to help, then the dam would be built, and it would not be as strong as today. Now, what do you think of the south bank of the Huaihe River? Three years ago, it was a wasteland that was plagued by floods. It can be used to build a dam. The Huaihe River has never been flooded, and the straw is growing vigorously. The time of the year has become a rich land of fish and rice. Who dares to say that my little apprentice is the demon star of the disaster? The demon star of the disaster country has come to this kind of thing? Hehe..."

When Xu Lao’s words came out, many people’s faces changed. The Huaihe River three years ago, they all knew or said that they all participated, but they did not think that Xia Yuqing was related to that time, and It has played such a pivotal role in it.

Xu Lao looked at the face of a few people's sudden changes, and the disdain on the face was even worse: "And, the old man can also remind the public that when the emperor proposed to build a dam in Huainan, the adults did a lot of anger. thing."

"..." Several old ministers recalled the situation at the time, and the expressions on their faces were colorful and swearing.

The wind swept a glance at the crowd under the altar under the altar of the old man. The eyebrows picked up and smiled and reminded: "Xu Lao, love 妃's contribution to Laos seems to be more than that?"

Xia Yuqing once again stunned and turned to look at the wind. Xu Lao’s pulling out the old dam’s old past was enough to surprise her. How do you listen to the wind, do you seem to have done other earth-shattering things?

Xu Laoshuang glimmered and smirked: "The old man has this memory. Some people can't remember some things when they are old. There is still the same. After that dam, the emperor sent several adults to supervise the construction of the water of the south. Can the adults remember the huge project to the dry north?"

Xu Lao’s words came out, and the faces of those old ministers all changed, especially the Taishi Yuan Chenhuan who took the lead.

Of course, Xu Lao said that they did not only know that when they first advocated doing so, they were strongly opposed by them, citing the reasons for labor and wealth. But later, I was still obsessed with my own opinions. I used a lot of methods to make them compromise. What happened later proved that the wind was far-sighted. It took more than two years before and after the project. I tried it for more than a year now. Both the North and the South have benefited a lot, but they did not think that Xia Yuqing is still related to this matter. Isn’t this the face of all the people in the entire Beijing city?

The wind seems to see Yuan Chenhuan’s thoughts in his heart, the more sneer in his heart, the fact that he was still a little respectful to the old minister who was born and died with his father and grandfather, but it’s a pity that the pilgrimage of the dynasty has been erased for many years. He had the lofty aspirations of his father and his ancestors, and he was afflicted with the unique atmosphere of the officialdom. If it weren't for him that he was so tight, why was he doing this to him? After all, it was human nature.

"Xu Lao means that the Emperor of the Emperor also participated in the project?"

"The design of the project's drawings, Ai, did not participate, but this proposal was originally proposed by Ai, and this can be testified by several well-informed adults." The wind and the summer rain came to Xu Lao By the side, I chuckled and inserted a sentence.

Yuan Chenhuan's double-twisted micro-flash, Lang said: "The emperor, there have been rules since ancient times, the harem is not allowed to do politics, the Queen's wife is doing this..."

"The harem is not allowed to do politics, but Ai's suggestion is not the identity of the empress queen, but the identity of Xu Lao's most valued apprentice. What is the objection of the Taishi?"

"This..." Yuan Chenhuan said, but he couldn't say anything about the rebuttal.

The wind smacked his head and glanced at it, but his eyes touched the flowers that had come down from the stone statues and Shao Zitang, and the black men who were tied by the five flowers behind them, and the lips were slightly hooked.

With a bang, several black portraits were thrown into the crowd in front of the sandbags. Shao Zitang patted the clap: "The emperor, the people who disturbed the sacrifices have already captured them, and asked the emperor to decide."

When Shao Zitang’s words came out, everyone in the room was taken aback. The people under the altar looked at the group of black people and it was difficult to react. The old ministers who knew the inside story saw a few people brushing their faces and knowing. This time, I am really calculating it!

Xia Yuqing is also a strange face with a wide eye and a few people on the ground. It is really turned to the tossed by this sudden turn of the gods.

"Oh, what did these people do?" The wind smirked and glanced at the group of black people, and asked them knowingly.

Shao Zitang threw out the chicken blood that had just been taken from the black man's hands. He laughed and said: "These people intend to pour blood on the statue of the founding emperor, causing the illusion of the statue to shed blood, and frame the Queen's Empress."

The words of Shao Zi Tang undoubtedly cast a boulder cast on the water that had already been tumbling, and instantly blasted the people under the altar.

"The adult said that someone wants to frame the Queen's Empress?"

"Yeah, I heard it too. This heart is too poisonous. I want to frame the goddess by the statue of the Emperor. This really makes them stunned. Can the maidens not jump into the Yellow River and can't wash it?"

"No, just Xu Lao also said that the goddess has done so many good things for the country. These people are so envious and enmity, it is..."

"Oh, you think about this, it just happened. Who is really scared? Of course, we are such a small people. I think these people clearly want us to misunderstand, and then let us help them to empress the Queen." Oh, really, when our people have no knowledge, should they be led by their noses?"

Along the way, the voices of the black people were screaming and screaming. The black people were awake from the coma and saw this scene. They were so scared that they struggled and struggled.

The windy look like a smile and a smile added: "You guys... Do you think that this group of black people is very similar to the group who had been in the palace to swear in the past few days?"

"What?" When the wind came out, Xu Lao’s face suddenly became dark: "You guys are the chief culprit of the old husband’s baby son. Look at the old man..."

Xu Lao waved his cane and rushed up. He punched and kicked the black men. The old ministers on the side heard Xu’s shouting but a white face.

They had heard that the group of people who had entered the palace did not hurt Xia Yuqing, but they injured one of Xia Yuqing's side, but they did not expect that the person would die or die. I have heard that Xu Lao Lai is old and ecstatic. If the child has three long and two short, they can be in trouble!

The black man was beaten and screamed, in order to avoid the death of the old man, the cold Ruo Feng was busy and came back to Xu.

Shao Zitang and Yan Dian had a look at each other. They pulled forward the white cloth that blocked the mouth of the black people. A black man got a free and shouted out loudly: "The emperor is alive, the emperor is forgiving, the slave is not deliberately making This kind of disrespectful thing comes... It’s the Taishi and a few old people who are forced to work as slaves.

"You!" The voice of the black man did not fall, and the face of Yuan Chenhuan was completely gloomy.

"The emperor, these thieves deliberately provoke dissension, please the emperor to see, the minister, etc. really did not instruct anyone to do such a big reversal thing!" Several named ministers all collapsed under the leadership of Yuan Chenhuan. On the ground, shouting loudly.

The wind smashed the waist of Xia Yuqing, and looked at the expressions of a few people with a blank expression. Only then did he laugh and took a pass from cold Ruofeng and directly threw it in front of several people. : "Several adults still look at the things inside and shout."

Yuan Chenhuan’s face-to-face confrontation, an incomprehensible hand reaching out the wind that was thrown over the wind, opened it, all the faces were frozen, and even the body was shivering because of extreme fear. stand up.

I looked at them like this, and sneered: "It looks like a few adults are looking at it. Ok, it’s so good! If it weren’t for this incident, I didn’t even know that several adults were still Huo Guogong had such a profound friendship. In order to win the riches and even buy the Tongtian Superintendent to create the fate of Miss Huo Jia’s life, and now the love of the country, it really opened the eyes!”

As soon as the wind was over, everyone under the altar was once again excited. Xia Yuqing was also taken aback. I didn't expect this incident to be related to the Huo family many years ago.

However, if you think about it carefully, then Huo Guogong seems to have a certain right to speak in Qin Tianjian, so these people... In fact, it is to seek justice for the Lu country.

This time, I was dissatisfied with the noise of those people. I only stared at a few old ministers and smirked: "There are all the evidences of the people, what are some of the adults saying?"

Several veteran ministers were speechless and speechless, and smiled happily: "That is good, Taishi, Wenyuange University, and several adults, deliberately destroying the sacrifice ceremony, disrespectful to the ancestors, deliberately spreading rumors, intentions. It is really abhorrent to slay the empress, the following is the heart of the wolf. It is ordered to separate all the official positions of these people, and put them in the prison, waiting for the Shuntian and Dali temples to be judged, convicted, not taken down?"

When the wind came out, the pro-guards of the Guards, all of them, rushed up and grabbed a few ministers who were struggling.

"The emperor, the emperor, the court, etc. are all for the country. What they do is for the sake of the people of Jiangshan. You can't do this! The emperor, the woman really can't stay with you, or you will regret it one day." I will regret it!" Yuan Chenhuan’s voice gradually drifted away but he still shouted loudly without giving up.

It is a pity that he thinks that the country is a scream for the people, with the mess of the land and the curses of the people under the altar. How do you really think how funny it is.

"She can't stay with her, can't she be a madman like Huo Feiyan?" The wind sneered, but in the end it was just trying to contain one's own glory by a woman's hand to complete their glory. It’s really alive and going back.

Xia Yuqing looked at the ridicule on the face of the wind, did not speak, just silently clenched the hands of the two men again, silently guarding him in silence, not too much in the moment of confrontation The words have already let the other side understand their own heart.

When the people under the altar thought that everything would stop here, a sudden burst of fast-paced voices came from far away. Everyone followed the sound and saw a soldier dressed in a keeper’s costume. The horse slid down and went straight to the altar.

"Report!" Xiaobing shouted loudly, stumbled in front of the wind and other people, spurting a spit out a sentence: "Return to the emperor, the border customs, the Soviet doctor has taken enough herbs to make a confrontation The plague medicine has come, and now the plague on the border has stabilized and will not continue to spread. Within a few days, the border plague will dissipate, please rest assured."

This sudden emergency report undoubtedly gave everyone a shot of the heart, so that everyone present was shocked.

All the people under the altar cheered up at once, and the people above the altar could not help but smile a little.

Xia Yuqing has accumulated a few days of boring and soothed a lot at this moment. Finally... finally the plague has been controlled, it will not spread, and it will not be too many people. It’s great, great.

The wind saw the summer rain clear and relaxed, and the lips could not help but raise a touch of smile, holding Xia Yuqing's hand in front of him: "Come."

"Well? Emperor?" Xia Yuqing looked puzzled and pulled forward.

On the edge closest to the altar, overlooking the circle of people around the country, the gentle and dedicated turn turned to look at Xia Yuqing, Lang said: "This is the first of his life. It will eventually be the last queen. Since she married her, she has experienced the ups and downs and countless assassinations. It can be said that today, you can stand in front of you so unharmed, and you can be one-minded and urgent. Urgent, for the people to think, a lot of credit is because there is such a queen is around. She is not a demon star, but the most precious person in this life who wants to protect and hope, hope You can accept her as well as accepting you."

"The emperor..." Xia Yuqing was slightly surprised, turned his head and looked at the wind, how did he not think that the wind would use this method to completely expose himself to everyone, a warm flow slowly Flowing through the bottom of my heart, the chest will rupture.

The people under the altar seemed to be shocked by the sudden announcement of the wind. Half a sigh, a few people came back to God, and they looked at each other and fell to the ground: "My emperor is long lived, Queen Empress Chitose is a thousand years old."

With people taking the lead, the people on the side all collapsed at once. In an instant, the sound of Longevity in the mountains has been one after another, shocking everyone.

Xia Yuqing looked at all of this in front of her eyes. Somehow her eyes were slightly hot, and she turned to look at the wind, but found that he was also looking at himself, gentle smile, eyebrows, as always.

The people above the altar looked at this scene, and they couldn’t help but smile. The more attention in the clouds, the more everyone’s attention gathered on Xia Yuqing’s body, slipped down from the hurdle and felt The nose snorted: "This is almost the same."

Just when everyone's eyes were all bet on the two illuminators, no one found two tall figures standing in front of a high-rise building not far from the altar.

"I didn't expect that there were quite a lot of people around the gimmick. Even the plague could find the way to suppress it for a while." Ying Yan stroked the soft feathers of the vulture, and the eyes were slightly cloudy.

Obviously, it is just an ordinary gimmick. Why do you provoke so many people in the dragon and phoenix? It is really unbearable... oh.

The night did not speak, and the breeze blew a few long hairs in front of him, masking the slight tumbling of his eyes.

"Time will prove everything. Even if the country has passed this plague, the sect is still there. As long as you don't die, the country will not be peaceful."

Just as Xia Yuqing and the wind smashed hands and smiled and looked at the crowds in front of him, a familiar voice suddenly reverberated in the brain, telling some kind of information, and completely broke her. It was not easy to build up, so she felt like she was hit by a sap, and she was dizzy in a blink of an eye.

Xia Yuqing turned his head and looked at the tall building not far away, but found that there was no one above, and the eyebrows were twisted, and the eyes were silently recovered.

"What's wrong?" I found out that Xia Yuqing was not worried about the wind and concern.

Xia Yuqing shook his head and smiled and smiled: "Nothing, it feels like a sudden dizzy head." It is the kind of stun that seems to be hard to pull out of the soul.

The face of Xia Yuqing was so ugly, I didn’t care about the occasion, and slowly lowered my head against Xia Yuqing’s forehead, wondering: “No fever!”

Xia Yuqing looked so close at the windy eyes and looked at himself in his eyes, smiling slightly.

The two people who were intimately on the stage did not find that there were individuals in the crowd who stared at them with sullen eyes. Finally, they could no longer look down. They pulled the hat on their head and turned away.

After Xia Yuqing was separated from the wind, the eyes swept away on the side and saw the back of the man. I only felt that this back was somewhat familiar. Later, suddenly, I remembered what my eyes suddenly tightened, and even my fingertips shook.

No, I must have thought more about myself. That person has already died long ago. How could it still appear here? It must be my own illusion that I must admit the wrong person.

But to put it this way, the anxiety in Xia Yuqing’s heart is getting heavier and heavier.

After the worship of the Jongmyo Temple, everything is expected to follow the development of the wind and others. The rumors of Xia Yuqing’s ruining the country are not broken. This is not only the case, but also makes Xia Yuqing a household name.

The rumors of the emperor's emperor and the empress of the empress, the genius of the genius, and the rumors of the combination of heaven and earth are widely circulated throughout the streets of the country.

Everyone in the Fangfang Temple learned about everything that happened on the altar. On the one hand, it was fortunate that the wind and other people had the foresight that they did not let Xia Yuqing go back to the black pot. On the other hand, they gnashed their teeth on those who were framed.

In any case, the matter was solved, and the Fangfang Temple entered a joy of joy.

However, the real party was not so optimistic, and the words that appeared on the altar that day have been echoing in her mind, reminding her that everything has not ended. And recently she has also discovered that her body's condition is getting worse and worse as the night has been said.

Fortunately, these days are not good things that have not happened. At least one thing that makes Xia Yuqing worry is that the dust has settled. That is to say that there is no end in the end, it is still supported, and completely separated from life and death in a few days. It was dangerous and I woke up in the morning of a certain day.

Since the unsuccessful coma, Tsui has no other thoughts, and she stays at the end of the world, watching the doctors come and go, and come again. Why didn't he leave the rest, even if he didn't eat much, the whole person lost a circle.

Xia Yuqing and others looked at her so hard and uncomfortable, but they could do nothing, and they could only work on one side.

Fortunately, on the eighth day after the unprovoked injury, everything changed.

Early that day, Tsui also held a handful of silent hands, and suddenly felt that the hand held in the palm of his hand moved slightly. Tsui stunned from her sleep and stared at the hand in her hand, for fear that she was just the illusion of her sleep.

Fortunately, fate did not make fun of her at this time. Under the gaze of Tsui’s full expectation, the slight vibration of the hand became obvious.

Even the unreasonable eyes moved slightly, as if trying to open.

"It's unreasonable?" Cuier cautiously screamed, letting the unreasonable eyes slowly open, and the short moment in the eyes of Tsui's eyes seemed to be as long as a lifetime.

Slightly some glaring light made me feel uncomfortable and squinted at the eyes. Later, I found something. I slowly turned my head and looked at the bed and opened my eyes. The child who had not reacted, smiled slightly: "Women ""

With a bang, the sound of the basin landing sounded in the house, but no one cares.

When Tsui’s squatting, she sat down at the bedside, and the whole person was on the unprovoked body, looking at the unreasonable eyes at close range, as if only in this way could be sure that everything he was seeing was not an illusion.

Unexpectedly, I looked at the pain and joy of Tsui’s eyes. I was too convinced. After a while, my lips were slightly hooked, and my right hand tried to stretch upwards. I put on the face of Tsui’s cheek and joked: "Women, you are miserable, you are not willing to accept me, you are destined to run out of my palm in this life."

Tsui reached out and touched the hand that had been touchless on his face. The tears fell uncontrollably from the eyelids, and squatted on the plain face. In the end, Tsui couldn't help it. He straightened his hand and hugged him for nothing. He buried his face in the unreasonable neck and burst into tears.

Suddenly felt the moist feeling between the neck, squatting, and then the micro-hook of the lip corner, slowly reaching back and hugged the body of Tsui.

Xia Yuqing, who heard the sound, and so on, saw this scene. After the smashing, all the people’s faces showed a smile that was relaxed.

I finally woke up for a sigh of relief, especially a bunch of old doctors. Every time I saw Tsui’s squatting on the side, a pair of eyes stared at them without half-hearted emotions. They always let them have a sense of being cold, so that they couldn’t wait to find a hole in the ground. How could they not find the goddess before? There is such a character around.

Fortunately, such days only last for a few days, otherwise they will continue to do so, they are afraid that they will be premature.

A group of old-fashioned doctors had a careful examination of the abbots. During the period, they heard a lot of ghosts and sorrows, and they lived like they were indecent, so that they once again felt that Tsui was like a thorn in the back, and the heart was helpless. Sighed, this is a good time when the singer is still in a coma. It is a lot of restlessness when I wake up. But since it’s all so spiritual, it’s nothing.

Xia Yuqing and others are very ignorant of the unreasonable mourning. Is this really true for everyone?

Please, Master, you hurt your wounds in the chest. Those old doctors are not giving you a diagnosis or looking at your face. Have you ever touched your chest? Is it like calling a pig? ! Only the child cares about chaos, can't see the bitterness of your red fruit, and sure enough... the IQ of people in love is basically negative!

"Coughing cough..." The old doctors couldn't help Tsui's urgently staring at people. They coughed and stood up straight, and they looked like a positive color. "Since Su Gongzi can wake up, it means that there is no danger of life. Su Gongzi’s chest injury is too deep, coupled with excessive blood loss, it is still very weak. Still have to stay in bed for a few days, be careful not to let the wound stain or re-split, otherwise the **** is also difficult to save. ”

"Okay, we understand, thank you for your old doctor!" Xia Yuqing and others heard a slight sigh of relief and nodded gratefully to the old lady.

The old doctor smiled and smiled at Xia Yuqing: "The maiden is polite, these are the old ministers should do. Su Gongzi loses too much blood, the old minister will open some prescriptions for Su Gongzi, but the medicine After all, it’s better than the food supplement. Recently, I have to worry about the green-skinned girl to make more blood-filled meals so that Su Gongzi can make up for it.”

"Well, we know, it’s too much work."

The old woman doctor turned to Xia Yuqing for a gift and turned away. Suddenly seeing the old doctor walked away, Li Mara lived in the clothes of Tsui’s clothes and said: "Women, people want to eat what you do."

Everyone in the house heard a word, and Tsui was also stunned by the unexpected request. He asked again: "Do you want to eat what I am doing?"

It is unreasonable to say: "That is nature."

The green core is a little annoyed with both hands holding a chest and sneer: "Song Gongzi is a dish that is abandoning slaves and not eating?"

Suddenly, I laughed twice: "Of course not, just since I have known my daughter-in-law, I have never eaten a meal made by a wife, I want to..."

Tsui's little face couldn't help but sigh. "The food I made is not very tasty."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it is done by a wife, it is the best in my eyes."

"That... that's alright."

I have never thought that Tsui’s promised to be so simple, overjoyed, if his current body is not allowed, I am afraid that I will climb up and turn a few heads.

If such a show of love is placed in peacetime, everyone will only be scornful, cursing a show and love to die fast, but this time everyone is very tacit to cast a sympathetic look towards the unprovoked.

Xia Yuqing has a bitter face and looks unwarranted, Master, you will regret it!

Unexpectedly, I had no time to realize the joy of being happy, and I heard a bad voice coming in from outside.

"Master, Shi Niang, I said that the scourge of the millennium, how can a master such a big scourge be so simple, then heroic righteousness? Look, just woke up and don't forget to play tricks, it really is easy to change, the nature is difficult to move! ”

A few people heard the sound and saw that Xu Lao and Su Lin, who had heard the news, entered the house, followed by Yunzhong Yue, Hua Xiangying and Feng Jiuyi.

"Hey, I think you can't eat the grapes and say that the grapes are sour! You are the one who loves me and my daughter-in-law. It's absolutely awkward!" Suddenly, the aggression looked at the clouds and the body, and immediately screamed, Tsui was busy with the help of a hand.

The bitterness of the faceless face immediately turned to the yin, and the provocative one cast a glance at the cloud, seeing the more hateful teeth in the cloud, and wishing to go up and flatten him.

"Well, the two brothers, the master brother just woke up not long, you will say less." Xia Yuqing sees the cloud is more suffocating, careless about the unprovoked body or a light cough reminds the cloud more than a sentence.

"..." The more I looked at the cloud, the more "I am hurting me the biggest", I couldn't help but want to raise my hand.

However, there is still a lot of people waiting for her, and now this guy and Tsui are on the side of the guard, only to be angry and snorted, turned around. This bastard, who spent his time worrying about him for a while, was a waste of feelings. He knew that he should take advantage of the opportunity to tie the villain and curse him not to be super-born!

I have always been fascinated with the flowers in the cloud, but this time I was unexpectedly standing in the middle of the cloud. I looked up and down and looked at it. I laughed lightly: "Master, you are a hero to save the beauty." No, I am worried that everyone will worry about you. It seems that you are not working hard at this time!"

When the flower made this speech, it was taken by Su Lin to face the rebellion. "Small three said yes, your kung fu is not home, or how can you go half a life? Wait for you to hurt. Ok, let me go back to practice and retreat."

"Hey..." Small three small three small three... Three brothers, you are a small three! Don't say, just rush your face and the enchanting temper, it's really a little three! Xia Yuqing covered her mouth and smiled silently.

Su Lin’s palm was directly photographed on the chest. Although she did not directly photograph the wound, she still touched a little. The pain was so sullen, and she looked at Su Lin’s face with a look of pig liver. Mom, I am definitely not a biological person, not a biological one!

The more the cloud looks at the look of awkwardness, the heart is refreshing, the teacher is doing well! Defeat the pro-God horse, give you one hundred and twenty praises!

Xu Laojian’s son had just been abused from the gate of Ghost. He suddenly disappeared and suddenly looked awkward and said: “Mad woman, what are you doing? The son just woke up, you are so right to him, do you really want to? If your son is dead, will you be willing?!"

"Hey, how can I listen to you so awkwardly, what is called a child who is dead, I am willing, he is your son, isn’t it my son?"

"...coming again!" Xia Yuqing looked at the two old couples who were all over a hundred years old and pulled open their arms. They again slammed their fists and felt tired.

Fortunately, when the two people became completely out of control, a quick cough succeeded in interrupting the death of the two people.

"That... Master, what's the matter of your old husband's wife, or wait until you go back and discuss it well. This big guy can still watch it!" Feng Jiuyi's interjection instantly attracted everyone's attention. Especially the child.

For this woman who had been sleeping with the unfamiliar bed, Tsui was somewhat overwhelmed.

Feng Jiuyi also felt the look of Tsui, and smiled and walked to the front of Tsui: "The last time I hadn’t talked to my brother and sister, my brother and sister ran. This time I made a special trip to explain to my brother and sister. I, my brother and I are really not what you think. I have already married someone. The reason why I was close to my younger brother some time ago is to test you."

"Try me?" Cui Er Meifeng, a little surprised to ask.

Feng Jiuyi smiled slightly: "It's not a younger brother. You suddenly broke up with the younger brother. The younger brother was caught off guard. The day was so overwhelmed and uncomfortable. It happened that the younger sister of the younger brother was an enthusiastic person. The stupidity of the unhappy, there is an idea for the younger brother to find someone to stimulate your brother and sister."

"The little sister of Su Gongzi, that is not..." Green Core smashed, and turned his eyes and turned to look at Xia Yuqing not far away.

Xia Yuqing saw that everyone’s eyes suddenly gathered on their own bodies, and they coughed twice and looked at the sky.

"..." Niangniang, it turned out to be the ghost you are behind! The most important thing is that such an important thing does not tell us, can not play happily! This is the voice of everyone in the Fangfang Temple headed by the green core.

Feng Jiuyi looked at the surprise in the eyes of Cui Er, and said with a smile: "The younger brother is worried that if he finds someone else with his appearance and temperament, he will become a misunderstanding."

"..." Xia Yuqing's mouth is pumping, heart, master, you feel really too good.

"Just after I went to Beijing with my master, I knew what happened to my younger brother and my younger siblings. I thought about doing a favor. I didn't expect it..."

"That means that in those days you are all in the same way... just acting..." Green is still unbelievable.

Feng Jiuyi nodded with a smile, and seemed to think of something, but it still floated a bit on the surface: "I just didn't expect the more help, the day that the younger brother saw it was really a misunderstanding. That day The wine we drank was indeed deliberately added something that we shouldn't have, but my younger brother grew up in Miao Xinjiang with a younger physique, and although she lost her consciousness, she did not do anything out of the ordinary."

"I can testify for them this time. If the kid really did something wrong with Jiuyi, he would have died before he could die. How can he still live now?" Hearing here, Su Lin finally I couldn't help but scream, but on the face was a schadenfreude.

"Mother, don't say!" Suddenly heard Su Lin's words, but it was a rare blush, and a flustered interrupted Su Lin.

A few people looked at each other and saw that when someone with a thick face on the wall was blushing, it was really unbelievable. After a short mistake, everyone was more and more curious, and what was it was so embarrassing that there was no such thing as a faceless skin.

"Sister, why are you so sure? Is it... what is the mystery?" Xia Yuqing asked curiously, and everyone raised their ears in a flash.

Su Lin looked at her son's eagerness to turn around, but she smiled lowly: "In the end, my eyes are good. I will see the future daughter-in-law at a glance. This kid, after seeing the daughter-in-law several times, I was eager to go back to Miaojiang and asked me how I could take my daughter-in-law to go home. I was happy at that time, telling him to take care of the girls and girls from the end. As a result, this kid is also slicking on weekdays. The demeanor is like a holy moment. At the crucial moment, he is a non-opening master like him. I was troubled by him. He directly lost a locust to him, and then let him take the mother to go back and find a way to The daughter-in-law, so from now on, except for the daughter-in-law, if the kid dares to touch another woman, the child who is under him will turn back, and it will not die long before he will die."

"..." Everyone was stunned by Su Lin’s words. I’m going to have this kind of thing on my son’s body. Are you really two of your own? !

It seems that I saw what everyone thought. Su Lin spread her hands and said nothing. "Don't look at me like this. Although I gave him a slap, but I don't have a mother, but who is on him, but he is himself. The choice. Who is going to defend himself like jade, can't I stop being a mother?"


Tsui turned her head and looked very strange. "You gave me a squat? When? Why don't I feel at all?"

Suddenly coughed up two channels: "The amount... is the first time I came back from Xia Guo. The mites have been very safe after entering the body. If there is no special condition, they will not act rashly, nor will they have physical Any injury, your wife can rest assured."

"Special cases?"

The more ambiguous on the end face is obvious: "For example, when I did something I should not do, or when we did something to do together."

"..." Tsui smashed, and suddenly realized that there was no meaning in the words, and the little face was red, and the anger was ignorant. I have no choice but to touch my nose and laugh like a cat.

"Oh... I didn't expect that the masters who have been in the flowers all over the world have a day of keeping people like jade. It really makes people never think of it!" The more the cloud is aiming at the opportunity, it is a sneer for the unprovoked.

When I saw it, I joined the battlefield. I was stunned by the two people for a moment. I just lost my face, but I turned my head and saw the blushing face of my wife, and I felt that everything was worth it.

Hey, laugh and laugh, laugh and laugh, anyway, the daughter-in-law has come to the bowl, and you are the envy and envy of these bachelors!

"Well, since the misunderstanding has already been explained clearly, your young people are in love and love to be stimulating and vigorous. I can understand this. But this is not a time to die, and it will be safe and stable in the future. Don't toss again. Su Lin glimpsed almost the same, some uneasy to turn around and smacked a few words against Tsui.

Tsui hesitated, but slowly nodded. Xia Yuqing looked at her like this, her eyes flashed slightly, but her heart was raised.

Suddenly, I finally woke up, and everyone was put down a heart that had been hanging for a long time. In the days that followed, there was a beginning of a painful and happy life of the rice worm.

After seeing Tsui's craft for the first time, I realized that when I first proposed to let Tsui make cooking for myself, everyone looked at their eyes with such sympathy.

Unlike Tsui's gorgeous hand, Tsui's cooking is absolutely dark. If Xia Yuqing is barely a kitchen killer, then the Tsui is a kitchen poison. No matter what material is encountered, meat or vegetables, it will eventually turn into a dark group. Terrible things.

Therefore, on the fourth day, Tsui Er once again put on a black group with no progress, and the unrequited self-deprecating ambition of the strong man with a broken wrist, ready to sweep all of it into the belly, the green core I couldn’t see it, I took it over, and begged that the two people should have a degree of love. She didn’t want to see the old doctors who worked hard to save them for such a wrong reason. Give it to death.

Ever since, Tsui was so rid of the kitchen that the eye-opening greens completely drove out of the kitchen and stopped the cruel and ruining of the kitchen.

It is unfortunate that when I can't stop playing my wife, I can't help but sigh.

Day by day, the unprovoked injury has slowly recovered, and everything seems to have restored the calm of the past, but some people have seen the waves that are hidden under the calm.

"Cui Er, I am going out with the palace." Early this morning, Xia Yuqing just fed two children, let them go out to play with two pets, and then stopped the green child who came out of the room.

Tsui has a slight glimpse: "Where does the goddess want to go? Do you want to bring more people out?"

Xia Yuqing gave her a deep look and sighed: "Without others, you and me. As for where to go, you will know."

Tsui stunned and looked at the unusual expression on Xia Yuqing's face. Somehow her heart suddenly shook.

On the way of Xia Yuqing, the driver drove slowly to the front of a slightly insecure inn.

Tsui felt that the carriage stopped and opened the curtain and walked out. After seeing the plaque hanging above the inn, she was shocked and turned to look at Xia Yuqing.

Xia Yuqing smashed the curtain and smiled and looked at Tsui’s eyes: "Go in."

Tsui’s heart trembled, and some were overwhelmed, but they followed Him Xia Qing and went in.

Xia Yuqing, as he heard the news, went to the room where the night was late and settled, and gently knocked on the door.

After a short time, there was a familiar boy voice inside: "Come in."

Xia Yuqing took a deep breath: reached out and pushed the wooden door, and took Tsui to go in.

There were two teenagers sitting in the room filled with faint incense. One was the night beauty that Xia Yuqing knew. At this moment, he was sitting at the table and holding tea. The other one is a teenager that Xia Yuqing has never seen before. She looks a little bigger than the night beauty. There is a fierce vulture on his arm. The teenager is holding a piece of meat to it. In the mouth, Xia Yuqing can only see his side.

It seems that I feel the gaze of Xia Yuqing. The teenager smiled and turned his head. A pair of slightly sharp eyes had no sign and Xia Yuqing suddenly confronted.

Xia Yuqing suddenly felt that behind the cold, I always felt that this boy had an innate hostility towards himself. Xia Yuqing twisted her eyebrows and couldn’t think of when she had offended this seemingly awkward teenager.

Tsui apparently found this, and stepped forward in front of Xia Yuqing, blocking the other's line of sight.

"Bi Xuan beauty, why should I be so nervous? I really want to move her, will it be done now?" Ying Yu's eyes are slightly gloomy, with a bit of ridicule to look at Tsui.

Tsui's face changed slightly, but she still managed to maintain her face with a light expression. One word and one word: "You have forgotten the little master, I am not already Bi Xuan, now I am just Tsui."

The smile on Ying’s face was slightly congested, and she stared at the face of Tsui’s face: “It seems that you are ironed to turn your back on your righteous father and stand on your new master?”

Little master, righteous father? ! Xia Yuqing’s eyes widened and looked surprised at this teenager who looked slightly bigger than the night. Bi Xuan called him a young master. The righteous father in his mouth should be Xiao Yanyan, that is to say Is it a small Yan Yanzi? With your grandmother a generation?

Xia Yuqing’s mouth was pumped, and he was once again battered by the number of seniors in the night.

Tsui looked directly at the eyes of Ying Wei, who was slightly miserable, and licked his lips: "There is less talk, and the existence of Tsui is only to protect the woman, there is no other meaning."

When Tsui’s words came out, Xia Yuqing obviously felt that Ying’s line of sight had shifted to his own body. The nearly picky sight turned back and forth on his body, and Xia Yuqing got a goose bump.

Finally, Ying Yan took a deep breath and took the eyes back with a compassionate look. The face was a bit puzzled and disdainful.

"The appearance is not a good choice, the body is not very good, the courage is small, and I am hiding behind others, and I have no ability to protect myself. Such a person who does not see any merits, I really don't think." Understand what is worthy of Bi Xuan beauty, you protect her again and again." Ying Yan sneaked through the Xia Yuqing's small body, full of sarcasm.

"..." Xia Yuqing's face was stiff for a moment, and he couldn't help but find a few red crossroads. Mom is an egg, this is a personal attack, the personal attack of the red fruit!

Xia Yuqing’s eyes are awkward, and it’s hard for a teenager who has given himself a worthless job to come up with a good face.

Still not waiting for Xia Yuqing's anger, Tsui has already stepped down his face first, and his eyes are burning and looking at Yingying: "The goddess is good, we all know that it will do, no matter how hard it takes."

Tsui’s words can make Xia Yuqing’s mood a little calmer. He looked up and looked at him. He ignored his slightly ugly face and raised his hand to the side. He looked at the table and had nothing to do. Night beauty, a single knife straight into the road: "I came to find you."

Xia Yuqing’s words came out, and Tsui and Ying are all a glimpse. The night is not surprising, but it’s like a premature one: “It’s rare that you take the initiative to find me, what?”

"If it is not a last resort, I don't want to see you again. I came to you for the sake of Tsui."

"Anniling..." Tsui was surprised. Xia Yuqing took the initiative to find the night beauty, which was enough to surprise her. I didn't expect Xia Yuqing to come here for her purpose.

"For the sake of Tsui's thing?" Night, Yan Meifeng, picked up and got up and walked toward Xia Yuqing.

Ying Ying, who was dissatisfied with Xia Yuqing, also changed his attitude because of Xia Yuqing’s words. He looked at the past with a little curious look.

Xia Yuqing’s hand under his body tightened slightly, and looked up with a few people’s eyes. He looked up: “The last time you said it, the life of Tsui’s life belongs to you before coming to me. After I was around, I belonged to my master. Isn’t that countable now?"

The night of the double-faced eyes flashed slightly, and the bottom of the eyes passed a trace, as if I had expected what Xia Yuqing wanted to do next.

"Of course, this matter counts whenever it is."

"That's good." Xia Yuqing slightly relieved, turned and pulled a hand over Ting's wrist. "Then I will be in front of you today, tell, no, I will inform you. The life of Tsui is now. Since it belongs to my master, then she will follow you again, and there is no such thing as the so-called Yue family. There is no blood in the family of Tsui, but what she owes you is just the parenting. The grace, this kind of love, has been paid off after you have arranged for her to be with me for four years. Now this life has been transferred from your hands to my hand, this will be her with you. It’s completely clear, and from now on, she doesn’t owe you anything any more. You don’t want to bind her with your so-called kindness. It’s said that she’s the person who is at the end of the month, and your set is not qualified at all. She is on her body."

"Anniling..." Tsui did not expect that Xia Yuqing would say such things in front of a few people. The face that has always been calm and rare has a few unexpected mistakes.

The night looked deeply at Xia Yuqing and asked a question: "What about the next?"

"What?" Xia Yuqing was stunned by the sudden surprise of the night, and some reactions did not come.

"You come here, you should not just want to tell us about this, let us know the relationship with Tsui. So, what's next? You let Tsui's life really become yours." After you have nothing to do with us, how are you going to use her life?"

Xia Yuqing slightly stunned, looking at the eyes of the night, the insight into all eyes, the heart secretly spit a sentence: this **** old fox!

"Since you regard Tsui as an item, then I will do as you wish. Not long ago, a group of black assassins appeared in the palace, aiming to stab. My master died in order to save me. This kind of thing is so precious. It’s natural to return. My life is worth a life. My life is not worth the money. I can’t match the one of the master’s brother, but the life of Tsui’s life is invaluable in the eyes of my master, so I use this piece of my child’s hand. It’s reasonable to pay him back."

Xia Yuqing’s words were exported, and several people in the house were all stunned. On the face of the night, Yan’s face was a bit of a surprise, and Ying’s eyes also passed a trace of light. Tsui’s face was shocked and looked at Xia Yuqing.

"I made this decision, Xiao Shuyan, you two, there will be no objection?" Xia Yuqing said with a stretch of a face, a serious look at the night and the two asked.

The night was silent for a moment, and nodded lightly: "Her life is in your hands, naturally arranged with you, we have no right to set it."

Xia Yuqing slightly relieved and turned to look at Tsui: "Cui Er, have you heard it? You are no longer theirs, nor are the people of the month, not even my people. And I will forward you to you. My master, you are his own person in the future, no one will say anything, and no one is qualified to say a gossip about your things. If you don’t leave, my master will never give up, no one will ever be alone. Can you separate them, do you know?"

After a shock, Tsui finally realized that Xia Yuqing personally brought her own purpose here. She lowered her head and sighed with a slight sigh of relief. "Well, slaves understand."

Xia Yuqing was completely relieved. Before she could say anything, she heard the night and asked: "What else do you want to say?"

Xia Yuqing turned her head and looked at the night, and the small face was a sinking. The evil voice was evil: "No."

"That's good." The night looked up and looked at the roof. He calmly said: "The people above have been waiting for so long, and it is time to meet and meet."

Huh? Someone above? Xia Yuqing was shocked. He looked at the roof with his eyes wide open, but found that there was no empty space above the beam.

Just as Xia Yuqing twitched his eyebrows, a figure jumped in from the window lightly, but his hand was still neat, but the face was still pale with a long time.

"Master!" Xia Yuqing exclaimed, turned to look at Tsui, but found that she was just like herself, looking at the man who should not be here.

"Master, how come you came here? Shouldn't you have a good injury in the palace? How come here? Master, can you get out of bed with your injury?"

Suddenly, the face is still pale, but the spirit is good. Slowly, I walked toward Xia Yuqing. The face was very flat and smiled. "I heard the younger sister in the room and you took my wife. Worried that the younger sister will not come back when you go back, but I will come over. Fortunately, I have come over, otherwise how can I know such awesome things?"

Xia Yuqing stunned, and looked disdainful. "Master, I found that I just made a big mistake."

"what's up?"

Xia Yuqing sighed and sighed at the forty-five degrees of the sky. "I watched a Chinese cabbage that I had been raising for a long time and was arched by a pig. I also helped the pig to uproot the cabbage. Oh, I was really stupid!"


"Master, do you say that I can replant my Chinese cabbage back into the pit?"

"No!" Suddenly, he rushed to the side of Tsui, and held Tsui’s hand tightly. He stared at Xia Yuqing and took off a pair of old hens.

"Cut." Xia Yuqing's contemptuous direction has raised his hand and made a joke. Is it so exciting? The master of this kind of person is a niece who is led by a wife and a sister who has lost the wall!

"Hey, hahaha..." The two brothers and sisters were squatting, and suddenly they heard a low laugh.

Xia Yuqing and Su Wuzheng are awkward, and they follow the sounds of the eyebrows.

Xia Yuqing coughed a little and pulled up the other hand of Tsui’s hand: "The words are clear. There are outsiders here. If there is anything, let's go back and say, let's go."

Tsui finally looked at the night and looked at the two, turned and followed Xia Yuqing and turned away.

The night of the two people looked at them and left, did not do more to stay, only when Xia Yuqing stepped out of the threshold reminded: "Xiao Qinger, time is running out, some things you can not escape."

Xia Yuqing’s foot was a bit, biting her lip, and some of them were reluctant to return: “I have a lot of things in my own life, I don’t need to worry about you.”

After the speech, I ignored the doubtful look of the two children, and dragged them away.

"This **** is so impatient to run to tell us about this thing? Is it too big a problem?" Ying Yan looked at the back of Xia Yuqing who gradually drifted away and asked with a chuckle.

"Is it a big problem? That's not all. Before that, the children didn't always oppose Tsui and the man who was just there. For this reason, do you still use the cabinet?"

Ying Ying color suddenly sinks: "The righteous father means that the girl is warning me?"

The night faintly glanced at him: "The mind of the girl is not as complicated as you think. She came here to see us, just because someone's heart can only be solved under certain circumstances. ”

Ying Ying stunned and chuckled: "It’s not too stupid to say that gimmick. But for a gimmick who spent a few years with her, so much effort, I really don’t understand the swearing bag. What is in it?"

"In your eyes, it’s just a gimmick, it’s more important than the imagination in your eyes."

Ying Ying once again stunned, but this time he did not speak again, only staring at the side face of the night.

His gaze was too obvious. The night was stared at him with some discomfort. He twisted his eyebrows and said, "What happened?"

"Nothing, I just feel very surprised. If this is the case, I will say it from your righteous father."

The movements under the night of the night were slightly trembled, but there was no rebuttal.

Ying Ying took back his gaze and turned to look downstairs. He looked at the carriage that Xia Yuqing and others gradually drifted away. His eyes flashed: "So it seems that the girl may not be as good as I thought, if it is more contacted. If I have said it a few times, I can still change her. It’s a pity..."

Ying Ying’s eyes turned and turned to look in another direction. He spoke a word: “I’m afraid there is no such opportunity.”

Not far from the inn, in the alley on the side of the street where Xia Yuqing and other people took the carriage, a group of black-faced mermaids rushed out and rushed toward the direction of the carriage.

I don’t know that Xia Yuqing, who has been stared at, is sitting in the carriage, and is following the unreasonable explanation of the relationship between Tsui and the night.

"So, the reason why you refused me repeatedly because I didn't have feelings for me, but because of your identity, I had to..." Sustained a cold face, looking at the face with a look of resentment "Women, how can you not tell me about such an important thing? I have always misunderstood that I am a hot person!"

When Tsui sees him like this, there is a bit of embarrassment and loss: "In fact, sometimes I feel that I am not good. I know that I can't give you what you want, but it will still be shaken because of your good for me. I don't really have any difference with those selfish women. Sometimes I can't help but think, maybe I shouldn't be so selfish at first, I should take you when you first showed me. Push it away, so that you won't get deeper and deeper afterwards, and suffer so much."

Suddenly, he never thought about it in the heart of Tsui, and he had been suffering for the difficult relationship between the two.

But fortunately, fortunately, she did not do what she said, otherwise they would have missed it.

I thought about it, and I suddenly found it to the side of Tsui, and the rogue sprinkled with a spoiled look: "Women, you can’t think so! If you push me away, you What can I do for the rest of my life? And when I am in a coma, you will be in my ear every day. If I wake up, you will follow me and never leave me, but you can’t regret it!”

"..." Cui'er petrified for a moment, his face was red, and the murderous ambiguity was unwarranted. "You have been awake!"

Suddenly, I was shocked and said that I missed my mouth. I smiled and touched my nose. "I haven’t been there. I didn’t really feel it in the first few days. Later, I had some consciousness, but my head was awake, but my eyelids moved. No, I can hear what you said, but unfortunately I can't respond."

What I said without a word is that if it wasn’t for Tsui’s repeated words over and over in his ear, he was afraid that he would give up long ago. Su Lin said that there is nothing wrong with him. He just came over because of the words of Tsui, because he was reluctant to leave the woman who had been with him.

The blush on the face of Cui Erwen became more and more obvious, and the resistance on his face was also a lot less.

I was so eager to see the timing, and I got her hand in the inch: "I said really, I am very fortunate, because of your selfishness, we have never missed it."

Tsui’s face, but her face was red again.

"..." Master, you are really a curse of the sweet words of yours. But do you think about the feelings of my onlookers?

Xia Yuqing silently turned a blind eye, and coughed a little to break the atmosphere between the two people: "That... don't you think that I am dead?"

When Cui Er woke up like a dream, she was shocked to see that everything that had just happened was seen in Xia Yuqing. The little face rose red in an instant.

I was a little embarrassed, but he was not as thin as the face of Tsui, so he took a moment and immediately shifted the subject: "I just thank you very much for the little sister!"

Xia Yuqing snorted: "I want to know that when I come out, I have to look at such a scene that hurts my eyes. I have never been so brave."

Suddenly, I was ignorant of my wife’s thin face, and I was busy transferring the topic again: “Cough, just say what the little boy told you? How to listen like it’s dumb, and you look It seems that I am not very happy, what happened?"

Xia Yuqing did not expect that there would be no reason to ask this, his face changed slightly, but he opened his mouth and closed it again. He did not know how to answer, and the carriage suddenly stopped.

"Hey, have you been at the gate of the palace? How is it so fast?" Xia Yuqing was slightly relieved and had some doubts. He turned and opened the curtain, but he saw the outside scenery and someone standing not far away. The face.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Cuier saw Xia Yuqing's face different, and asked hurriedly.

Xia Yuqing glared at her two eyes and looked at the outside with a look of horror. She swallowed a hard mouth: "Four... Four Emperors..."


On the other hand, after the winds solved the pilgrims who had pleaded for a few old ministers in the middle of the dynasty, they finally had a complete mind and laughed and went straight to the Fangfang Temple, only to find that Xia Yuqing was not in the palace. After coercion and lure for a while, it was considered to be out of the mouth of the green core. Xia Yuqing took Tsui to find the night's bad news in the early morning.

Green Core looked at the face of the wind and sullen, carefully added: "The emperor does not have to worry, Tsui's sister also went out with the maiden, there will be nothing."

The popular face did not turn better because of the comfort of the green core, but it was even more ugly.

"Just because she followed, I was even more uneasy."

The green core has not yet understood the meaning of the windy words, only the turn of the effort, the wind has disappeared from her face.

As soon as the wind turned, he gathered a group of Yulin troops to rush straight to the place where the night was beautiful, but a few quarters of time left the inn where the night is located.

At night, the two men were drinking tea in the house, and the door slammed and kicked from the outside. The movements under the night of the night did not change. I only looked up and looked at the people a little. I chuckled and said: "What a good day, every one of them, run to us."

The wind was black with a face, and his eyelids had been jumping since he had just left the palace. The last time his eyelids jumped, it was when the emperor died, and this time...

"Where is the love?" The uneasiness that deepens in the heart makes the whole person shrouded in the gloom. I am too lazy to talk to the night and other people, and ask at the door.

"Queen Empress? Oh, the Queen Empress did have been there before an hour, but it didn't take long to leave. How, the Queen Mother has not returned to the palace?" Night smiles and smiles The glare of the face, the face is innocent.

It is obviously impossible to be so convinced that the words of the night are so beautiful, the sharp and sturdy eyes of the knife are staring at the night, and the night is calm and calm, standing in the same place and watching the wind.

Not long after, there was a rush of footsteps in the downstairs, a popular close-up guard rushed to the front of the wind, and said: "The emperor has been asked, the subordinate has already asked, half an hour Before, there was indeed a woman in the inn who was somewhat similar to the empress, and she took a **** to the inn, but it didn't take long to leave."

Ying Ying heard the words but stood up, and smiled and smiled: "After an hour, I have already gone back. I am looking for someone at this time. I am afraid that I will go back to the palace when I am on the road." Wang He is not looking for it along the streets, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

The wind stunned and glanced at Ying Ying, and his eyes were slightly stunned. He turned and just about to leave. He suddenly remembered what he was thinking. He looked at the night again and said: "About half a month ago, the night son entered the palace." Hey, after that, Ai has been sullen and unhappy. For the sake of rudeness, I want to ask what the son of the night said to Ai Dai?"

The night is looking at the cold and cold eyes, and smirked: "Since the king is so concerned, why not ask her after I found Xiaoqinger?"

The wind squinted at the night and looked at it for a while, knowing that he was afraid of asking nothing, and the uneasyness of his heart expanded a little bit, forcing him to leave first.

The night of the night, listening to the outside footsteps, gradually drifted away, took the tea on the table and sipped a bite, and added a saying that the wind never heard: "If... you still have this opportunity."

As soon as the wind slammed out of the inn, he was calmly thinking about where to look for it, and suddenly heard a noisy encounter.

"The emperor..."

The wind screamed and heard the familiar voice and turned around. When I saw it, I was touched by Yan Yan and Leng Ruofeng, and I was walking slowly. The **** people’s green children were unreasonable, and the eyes suddenly shrank. , quickly walked toward the two people: "You..."

"Emperor..." Cui Er saw the wind coming over and grabbed the popular sleeves with the last strength. "The goddess, save the goddess, the four emperors... The four emperors did not die, he took the goddess gone."

A white face of the popular face brush, four emperors ... Xia Mingxuan did not die? !

"What about people? Where is it now?" Feng Li asked by grasping Tsui's hand anxiously.

"City...the northern suburbs outside the city, just not out of town for a long time, fast!"

The wind got the answer he wanted, and let go of Tsui, and flew up to the horse on the side, and rushed straight toward the northern suburbs.

"Hey, the emperor!" Yan dyed and cold Ruofeng face slightly changed, and hurriedly handed the two children to the two royal forests on the side: "You send them back, and you several to inform Shao Shangshu and He General took the rush to the northern suburbs, others went with us, hurry up!"


Xia Yuqing sat in the carriage and looked at Xia Mingxuan, who was sitting on the opposite side and staring at herself, unconsciously trying to go backwards. Unfortunately, the entire carriage was so small, and did not give her room to retreat.

"Ah, haha, the four emperors, you are still alive!" Xia Yuqing laughed twice, and said something with a little vibrato.

"I am very disappointed when I am not dead?" Xia Mingxuan Meifeng picked, and smiled and looked at Xia Yuqing. Compared with half a year ago, he was a lot thinner. The face of the country has not changed in the slightest, but the momentum of the whole body is more amazing than that of half a year ago. Although the face is smiling, it makes Xia Yuqing instinct. Feeling dangerous, all over the body.

" can it?" Xia Yuqing unconsciously shrank back and forth, and asked in trepidation, "Four emperors, are you ready to take me there?"

Xia Yuqing asked this question, and Xia Mingxuan’s calm eyes finally showed some fluctuations. He replied in a word: “Go to the place where you can exchange you and Qinger.”


Xia Yuqing's face changed awkwardly, watching the flash of madness on Xia Mingxuan's face, and trembled. At that moment, Xia Yuqing had only one thought in his heart. The four emperors were his brother...maybe really crazy.

Just as Xia Yuqing’s heartbeat was thundering, he thought about how to avoid this apparently radical madman. When he escaped from the birth of the day, there was a shouting outside: “The master, the army of the country has caught up.”

Xia Mingxuan’s face was sullen and gloomy. He looked up at Xia Yuqing and grabbed Xia Yuqing’s shoulder under the horror of Xia Yuqing’s heart. He wanted to pull her out of the carriage so hard: “Come here.”

"Ah!" Xia Yuqing gave a scream and wanted to resist. Her power was too small. She could only be thrown out of the car like a chicken that was only picked up. The tears flowed into the river. Always attacking adults, if you don’t come again, you will never see me again!

At the same time, somewhere under the foot of the mountain, the wind of the horse rushed to feel the pain of the heart, the face became more and more gloomy, and even the whip waving more quickly.

The Yan dyed and the cold Ruo Feng, who took the soldiers to catch up, looked at the wind and the unreasonable riding method was all shocked. They tried to catch up and advised: "Hey, don’t be so anxious, the four emperors are not very Do you like that girl? If you take her away, you shouldn’t hurt her. Don’t be excited! Hey!”

The words of Yan dyed did not play a role, and the wind rushed to the mountain and rushed up. Only the wind knows that one person knows that Xia Mingxuan likes the original Xia Yuqing, not the present one. Not only that, at the time of the Xiaguo prison, Xia Mingxuan immediately became Xia Yuqing as a murderer after he learned the truth. The culprit of the sweetheart, who knows what attitude the madman is now to Xia Yuqing, will it hurt her?

Thinking like this, the whip in the wind is waving more fiercely.

"The emperor, found the traces of those people, just on the mountainside!" I do not know who shouted, the wind in the hands of the horse rope tightened, looked up to the caravan on the mountainside.

The sound of the sword resounded throughout the mountainside, and the blood of the road splashed like a pillar, dampening the dust above the mountainside and contaminating the big tree on the side.

The entire half-mountain corpse ran across the wild, blood flowing, like a terrible battlefield of Shura, and in the pile of dead bodies, a figure was bathed in blood, both eyes stunned, and if you just returned from hell, the terrible death.

When Shao Zi Tang He Wenzhong and other people arrived with the army, they saw this scene. Everyone was scared to say nothing. Before they opened their mouths, the man standing in the middle of the corpse had already rushed into the remaining carriage, and quickly ran out of the carriage, picking up a black man on the side. Ruan said: "What about the people in the carriage?"

The black man was scared by his face, and he spit out a sentence: "Lord... The master took her to the top of the mountain."

The wind rushed to hear the reply, and the man slammed it to the side, and quickly stepped over his horse and rushed toward the top again.

Shao Zitang and others just woke up like a dream. They shouted loudly and screamed for a few voices and didn’t hear the reply. Their faces were also changed. This is the first time they saw the wind and the like, and they didn’t dare. There was a slight slack, and it rushed up.

"The master, they rushed up. Behind the cliff, we have no retreat."

Xia Yuqing's hands were not able to move in the hands of Xia Mingxuan, but they could not help but move after hearing the words of the black man in front of Xia Mingxuan.

It is a pity that her little strength can't be compared with Xia Mingxuan's big man. Xia Mingxuan will force Xia Yuqing to pull in his direction. It is so easy to drag Xia Yuqing into the arms and close her ears. The low smile: "I thought he saved you? Hehe..."

Xia Yuqing was trembled, and it was too late to speak. He heard Xia Mingxuan whispering again: "Come."

coming? What is coming? Xia Yuqing turned his head and looked at it. It was seeing the wind and Shaozi Tang and others rushed up and down, and stopped at a distance from them.

The wind quickly slid down from the horse and wanted to rush toward the direction of Xia Yuqing, but was scared to stop by Xia Mingxuan's next move.

Xia Mingxuan released the hand that made Xia Yuqing's hands in the blink of an eye, one hand clasped the shoulder of Xia Yuqing, and the other hand directly pulled out the dagger worn around the waist, and arrived at Xia Yuqing. Neck.

"After dare to step closer, I cut her neck and threw her into the cliff."

Xia Mingxuan’s clear and cold voice made everyone shocked, and his feet didn’t feel conscious.

"You are still alive." The wind stared at Xia Mingxuan, and I hoped that I would just throw it up and tear it into pieces.

Xia Mingxuan smiled coldly: "You are still alive, how can I be so willing to die? Speaking, I am able to survive because of the loss of you, if the big emperor is just a position, you will come out Such a big movement, let some people jump into the wall, save me from the prison at all costs, and want to use me to bring down the big emperor. Unfortunately, those who are self-imposed and self-righteous can control me, but In the end, I underestimated my strength."

The wind stunned Xia Mingxuan’s words, and now it was the old ministers of Xia Guo who discovered that Xia Mingyuan was unable to move with the hard bones, and then wanted to help Xia Mingxuan to take the position and let him be a good maneuver. Unfortunately, they still sneaked Xia Mingxuan.

Compared with Xia Mingyuan, Xia Mingxuan is afraid that the bones are more rigid. Therefore, those who are blind and stunned are afraid that they have already received the retribution they should have.

"You killed them." The use of the wind is a positive tone, as if it were just a fact.

Xia Mingxuan satirically smiled: "I am not interested in that position. The things I want are only the same from beginning to end."

After the speech, Xia Mingxuan handed the dagger in his hand to the neck of Xia Yuqing and scored a few points on the neck of Xia Yuqing's white and white.

"Oh..." Xia Yuqing snorted and the people on the side all changed his face.

"Little Empress!" Hearing the news with Shao Zitang and others, Xia Yunyun saw this scene and finally could not help but scream. "Four emperors, she is a little emperor, how can you..."

"How can I not? Oh, little emperor? Where is this counterfeit goods? What is the little emperor? She is just a sorrowful ghost who smashed the nest and died."

Xia Mingxuan’s low voice shocked everyone present. Xia Yunyun’s eyes widened and he looked at Xia Mingxuan with a look of disbelief. He was stunned for a while: “Xia Mingxuan, you are crazy, she...”

"Yes, I am crazy! I want to guard the people of my life. In the end, I let a ghost of a lonely ghost who doesn't know where it came from. Why... Why is she not there, you still live? Well, what? Why, by what?” Xia Mingxuan’s eyes were red, and the dagger on the neck of Xia Yuqing couldn’t help but move forward again. This time, Xia Yuqing’s eyebrows were sore, but there was no sound.

"What is he saying is true?" Xia Yunyun looked at Xia Mingxuan's look like a crazy look, turned his head and asked for the wind, seeing the wind sinking a face and not answering, then turned to look at it. Xia Yuqing, repeated again: "He said... is it true?"

"Say, tell the Three Emperors that I said that there is no such thing as a false statement? Are you just a ghost of no one, and occupy the demon of other people's body? Is it?"

Xia Mingxuan's low voice continued to reverberate in Xia Yuqing's ear. Xia Yuqing bit his lip and screamed three words: "I'm sorry."

Xia Yuqing’s three words are no different from the default. Xia Yunyun’s face is white and his body is shaking. Yan dyeing and other people are even more pale, a pair of scared to the extreme expression.

The only calm one was to know the truth of the truth only one morning. The wind did not pay attention to the expression of surprise and even panic. Looking up and asking Xia Mingxuan coldly, "How do you want to let go of love? Just do it." Get it, it will satisfy you."

"Even if I want your Wanli Jiangshan?" Xia Mingxuan sneered and asked.

The face of the wind was heavy, but there was no hesitation: "Yes!"

"The emperor, can't!" Xia Yuqing looked up and struggled fiercely, trying to get rid of Xia Mingxuan's bondage.

"Don't move." Xia Mingxuan re-uniformed Xia Yuqing easily, and the corners of the lips were more and more ridiculous. "Unfortunately, I am not rare in your country. So you want this ghost, you can change it. You come over, in front of me." The face is self-defeating, I will let her go."

"What? No!" Xia Yuqing screamed, and the strength of the struggle became bigger and bigger, but unfortunately it did not work.

The wind was only a moment, and the hands hanging on the side of the body clenched into a fist, and gnashed his teeth: "Okay, I promised."

Xia Yuqing's pupil suddenly tightened because of the wind, and looked at the wind and walked toward himself step by step, all the body was constantly shaking, suddenly she seems to twist the waist like a slightly Hard things.

Xia Yuqing was in a stiff state. Suddenly, she thought of something, shaking her fingertips. When everyone’s attention was concentrated on the wind, she slowly touched her waist.

After touching the handful thing, Xia Yuqing’s brain could not contain the resounding resounding sentence: "As long as you don't die, the country will not be peaceful." It turned out that this is the best result.

Everyone's attention was concentrated on the body of Xia Mingxuan, and there was no such thing as a moment in the wind. A few people in Yan dyeing also tacitly moved, and those who were in the black dress of Xia Mingxuan slowly Approaching.

"Oh, huh..." Just as everyone watched the wind and walked to the front of Xia Mingxuan ten steps away, shaking the sword in his hand and preparing to start, suddenly heard a low laughter from not far away Come over.

"What are you laughing at?" Xia Mingxuan's Meifeng was twisted, and Xia Yuqing, who suddenly calmed down in his arms, always felt that something was slowly getting out of control.

"Do you remember the four emperors? I was so drunk in the Spring Festival that night. When I woke up the next day, I thought I had done something with you that I shouldn’t do. I was terrified, worried that he would This is a dislike of me."

Xia Mingxuan heard Xia Yuqing mentioning the past, his face could not help but black: "You want to remind me at this time, what kind of stupid things did I do at the beginning?"

Xia Yuqing smiled slightly: "No, I just want to tell you, I realized at that time, I thought I care about that man more than I thought, so I can't betray him, whether it is heart or body. So, I don't. May return your Qinger to you."

"You!" Xia Mingxuan was in a hurry, and the dagger in his hand could not help but use a few points of strength.

But this time, Xia Yuqing did not show a half-point of fear. It was brave enough to directly look at him and added: "But I can return the things that belong to you, so don't be reconciled. Now, let's die together."

"What?" Xia Mingxuan was shocked by the sudden bursts of Xia Yuqing's sudden words. He looked at Xia Yuqing's guise of two crescent moons, and a cold chill of his son suddenly slammed from behind. Not waiting for him to come back, a hard thing has reached his waist.

A loud bang slammed across the top of the towering mountain, accompanied by a sleepy beast: "Love!"

Xia Yuqing and Xia Mingxuan fell off the edge of the towering cliff. The moment when the body fell, Xia Yuqing turned his head and just stunned the eyebrows and the hand that struggled forward.

Xia Yuqing wants to reach out and pull the hand and tell him that such an expression should not appear on his face. But she can't, so she can only watch her clothes slid from the fingertips of the person, making the panic in the eyes of the person completely desperate and wrong.

A moment of falling, Xia Yuqing saw a lot of familiar faces in front of him, Xia Yunyun, Yan Dian, Shao Zitang... Different people have the same expression, horror and pain, and that one Just stretched out and wanted to hold your hand.

Xia Yuqing hooked the lips and wanted to laugh, but the tears did not consciously fill the eyes.

Sister Sister, I am sorry, I have been staring at you, but please believe that I really regard you as my own sister, and the emperor and the emperor brothers... they are all. Although the iceberg is cold and cold on the surface, it is actually a hot person, and you will be very happy in the future.

Beauty Taifu should be good to Xiaoyuan, don't make another anger and make her angry. General He is an honest man, so I believe that you will cherish Xiaoyan. Xiao Shangshu, the days before the girl was too bitter, and I will ask you to be good to her later. Master, you have too many pre-existing subjects. You should wash your charges in the future, so that Tsui will believe you more and more. There are also two brothers... Green Core will ask you.

The last one...and the one I can't bear most, take care of our children, and be filial to my mother... In fact, what I really want to say is that I really like you so much, even if you bully me all day, even if you are old. I like to tease me, even if you have never been tired and tell me that you love me, even if... but I still like you, if I can really not want to leave you, but... too late.

everything is over! Xia Yuqing felt the cold wind blowing from her cheek and closed her eyes silently.

The wind slammed on the edge of the cliff, and the empty cliffs of the hustle and bustle had their own empty hands, and the shackles were considered to be coming back, and they made a shocking roar: "Ah..."

The darkness of the curtain shrouded Xia Yuqing's line of sight, and only the one that echoed her ear made her tremble. Slowly, the screaming wind faded, and the screaming screamed away from me. Xia Yuqing instinctively reached out and wanted to stay, but...

"Doctor doctor, I just saw her manual, really! Come over and show her!"

An unusually familiar scream in the ear kept echoing, letting Xia Yuqing open her eyes with some difficulty, and it was a face full of expectation and joy.

Xia Yuqing's pupil slammed and shook, looking at the girl standing on the edge of the bed, excitedly tearful, and asked a question: "Xiao Yu?"

Just after the exit, Xia Yuqing unconsciously twisted his brows. It seems that the voice of the male duck is his own?

Jiang Yuyu did not care about this. He watched the person who had been guarding for so long and finally woke up. He couldn’t stop the tears, and hugged Xia Yuqing, who had not returned to the gods, and dumb. Road: "You really scared people to know? Do not wake up, I really want to throw you here to fend for themselves, almost ... almost we even gave up, hehe..."

Xia Yuqing listened to the familiar voice in her ear, and asked awkwardly: "What am I?"

"Have you forgotten?" Jiang Yuyu climbed up from Xia Yuqing's neck and looked straight into Xia Yuqing's eyes. "You are still at home watching the computer, and you are stupid enough to knock over the water on the table, almost It is almost directly dead. However, it is almost dead. The hospital said that you can only be a vegetative person after your brain is dead. So we do not believe, have been guarding you, but fortunately, you woke up. Just wake up and wake up."

Xia Yuqing stunned, and suddenly remembered that time...

"How long have I been sleeping?" Xia Yuqing stretched out her hand and looked at the lines above her palm, whispering.

"It will be nearly four months, and it will be four months in a week."

"Four months!" Xia Yuqing took her forehead with her hand and only passed four months. Why did she feel as if she had lived for a long time? Why do you think... so sad?

Xia Yuqing slowly closed his eyes, and any drop of tears slowly slipped down his own eyes, falling into the snow-white pillow on one side, disappearing after a while.

Jiang Yuyu was busy going out to find a doctor to check Xia Yuqing and found it.

The critically ill patients who had already determined that they would be a vegetative person for a lifetime suddenly woke up and let the whole hospital boil. Especially after the inspection, it was found that patients who could only rely on nutrient solution to maintain their vital signs not long ago, except for some weaknesses, all the signs of life have been restored, and everyone’s eyes on Xia Yuqing have been brought up. A bit of awe and fear.

Xia Yuqing didn't care much about the eyes of everyone. They all walked away from the ghost gate. It is a blessing to survive. What are the things that are still in the air?

After half a month, Xia Yuqing was in the hospital with the big white oil and green oil. She could not wait to take herself to the terrible gaze of scientific anatomy and smoothly discharged.

Jiang Yuyu is still picking up her. Xia Yuqing does not have many relatives. The grandmother who loves her most has passed away. A pair of unscrupulous parents have been abroad and cannot be contacted.

"How many calls I have made to your parents in the past four months, all of them are not in the service area." Jiang Yuyu said with a look of indignation, there are still such parents in this world, and the children die someday. No one at home knows.

"They estimated that they went to places like Sahara without a signal. They didn't come back for three or five years. Anyway, they didn't manage me any more than just giving me money. I used to." Xia Yuqing was a little tired. Pushing open his own door, suddenly like thinking of something, turned to look at Jiang Yuyu, "Yes, you can't contact my parents, then I am hospitalized..."

Jiang Yuyu couldn't help but turn a blind eye: "You just remembered it? Of course, the three of us got together and made it out."

Xia Yuqing stunned, as if watching a monster, his eyes widened and stared at Jiang Yuyu: "You iron **** has a day of plucking."

Xia Yuqing’s voice did not fall, Jiang Yuyu had already called a slap in the palm of his hand, originally wanted to hit the head of Xia Yuqing, but when he thought that Xia Yuqing was seriously ill, his movements were a meal, and the momentum of the palm of his hand was abrupt. Go back.

"Oh, too lazy to care about you."

Xia Yuqing smiled and said: "That... I was in the hospital during this time, is Xiaoyu, how many of you took turns to accompany me in the hospital?"

"At the beginning, three people went round together, but on the day when Xiaoqing went, the hospital suddenly caught fire. You also know her physique. Whenever there is a place, there will be someone who will fall down, so for your sake. Peaceful thinking, after Xiaoqing, I will come to the hospital again."


Xiaoqing in Jiang Yuyu's mouth is a very gentle and kind girl living in the unit building opposite Xia Yuqing. She is also one of the good friends of Xia Yuqing, named Ye Chuqing. As the name suggests, the whole person exudes a small sense of freshness after the rain from the inside out, which is a kind of girl who is very suitable for being loved in the palm of his hand. It is a pity that the body of the girl is too special. As soon as she goes out, there will be a major accident within ten meters. It is a natural disaster. There was no shortage of people who had pursued her before, and in the end they were scared away by this strange property.

"As for An An, that life is a secondary disability, taking care of yourself is a problem, but also want her to take care of you? Are you living too long?"


"So, these days are Xiaoyu, you are taking care of me. I know Xiaoyu, you love me the most, come to kiss one..." Xia Yuqing stunned, and suddenly remembered when he woke up, Jiang Yuyu stood in front of his bed with two big dark circles, his face looked like a sly look, and his eyes twitched and went to kiss, but he was shot by Jiang Yuyu.

"How much is your relative worth? If you really thank me, I will give me the hospitalization fee, and I will pay for your care, mental damage, and the miners’ fees for these days. You don't know that just to take care of you for eating white food, I have been rounded back and forth by my readers several times these days? You must be responsible!" Jiang Yuyu said that he took out a calculator from his pocket and poked it up, and then hesitated. I lost it to Xia Yuqing. "On this number, see that our relationship is so good. I have given you 99% off. Don't thank me too much. Go back and collect the money. I will go back to sleep."

After that, he immediately slammed his own door in front of Xia Yuqing, leaving Xia Yuqing and the calculator in his arms to look at the two.

"..." This **** miser is a ghost!

To say that Xia Yuqing and Jiang Yuyu are definitely a shackle. When Jiang Yuyu was a fledgling * rookie writer on a certain website, Xia Yuqing stared at her, okay... it was her text. For the little yellow book that twitched herself, Xia Yuqing basically smashed the flowers and diamonds in front of the pit every day, selling the eager to update, but one day, her favorite article turned out to be... pit! And still stuck in the most fragrant flesh!

Xia Yuqing's fragile glass heart was so hard and broken. She was not willing to use all the methods. She finally found the little penguin of the pit buyer and went back and forth. The result...

Sunny after the rain: Great!

Nothing to knock on the wooden fish:?

Sunny after the rain: Wa is the brain of the brain! The old text is a pitted pit for the pit, and I want to explain!

Nothing to knock on the wooden fish:...

Sunny after the rain: Big?

Nothing to knock on the wooden fish: 2012 the end of the world is coming, you greatly have to pack up and flee to Mars, and have a chance!

It’s sunny after the rain: ... Big, are you **** me? Seeking updates, please don't hang out!

Nothing to knock on the wooden fish: This person is dead, something is burning paper! Big things dig graves, small things to seduce!

Sunny after the rain:...

Ever since, the first contact between Xia Yuqing and Jiang Yuyu was so spurted by the other side that the blood was almost full of blood. One day later, Xia Yuqing’s surprise flower now suffocates her three hundred milliliters of blood and lives on her opposite side. Xia Yuqing was excited on the spot, what is the fate of this!

Jiang Yuyu: Everything is a smash!

Therefore, just under the intentional hook of Xia Yuqing, the two became a good friend who had nothing to say.

Xia Yuqing took Jiang Yuyu's calculator into his own door, and the smile on his face faded in a flash. He took a deep breath and looked at this obviously familiar room, but he felt unusually strange and abnormal. ... lonely.

In the following days, Xia Yuqing seems to have recovered to four months ago. Cheng Riwo was at home to watch the movie Xiao Huangben, post a message, and browse the forum. Everything seems to have changed, but it seems that something has changed.

Late at night, Xia Yuqing suddenly woke up from his sleep and sweated. The whole person seemed to be fished out of the water. The scene in his mind was repeated.

Quietly sitting in bed for a while, Xia Yuqing touched the phone at the bedside table and knocked someone's penguin.

Sunny after the rain: Xiao Yu, is it?

Muyu: Ah, what happened? Looking for me so late, it’s hard to think of you... I warn you that debt is not illegal!

Sunny after the rain:...

Muyu: What happened?

Sunny after the rain: Do you believe that there is such a thing in this world?

Muyu: ... two sunny, your head was damaged by the thunder? How can there be so many strange things in this world? Hey, what is the beginning of a serious illness, what do you think about it, what daydreaming is it in the big night? Go to sleep very late, come to my house tomorrow, I will give you a good meal.

Sunny after the rain: ... ah.

Xia Yuqing dropped the phone to the side and lay back on the bed again, looking at the roof with empty eyes.


Everything that has been experienced in those four years is just a dream. Is the individual I met just a dream? how is this possible!

Xia Yuqing bite the lip flap, holding the sheets and curled up into a ball, letting the tears fall from the eyelids and licking the large pillows. Those people, those things, are vivid, how can it be just a dream?

The empty room, I didn't think there was anything in the past, but this summer rain is very big, very empty, very cold.

Every night, I fell asleep, and there was no one who would hold myself in my arms. Every morning I woke up, I couldn’t see the person lying sideways on the bed, smiling at my tender eyebrows; no one at every meal. Sitting with one hand, sitting on your side, looking at yourself indulgently, from time to time to give yourself a dish, every day...

A pile, one piece, kept shaking in front of her eyes, causing her whole heart to smash.

At this moment, Xia Yuqing can no longer lie to himself, not a dream, not a dream, then everything is indeed there, and now... she missed him, she missed him, and she felt pain in her heart.

"Wind...hey, hehe..." Silent midnight, in the black room, the girl lying in bed huddled the whole group, whispering, letting tears linger on the pillow .

I am so jealous, I miss you, miss you, but... I will never see you again, no more... I can’t see...

Cried for a whole night, Xia Yuqing the next morning was the home of Jiang Yuyu who walked in with two big fish bubbles.

Just as Jiang Yuyu cooked in the kitchen, he heard the sound of Xia Yuqing entering the door and shouted: "Second Qing, first spend a little time with the money, just be fine."

"Oh." Xia Yuqing responded, grabbing the piebald dog on the edge of the sofa and teasing it. "There is a lot of money."

Xia Yuqing called the puppy in her arms and spit. Xiaoyu is really thinking that the money is crazy, and raising a dog has a lot of such a vulgar name.

Xu is Xia Yuqing who has been missing for too long. The money is obviously not very friendly to Xia Yuqing. After playing for a short time with Xia Yuqing, he immediately broke into his kennel and asked Xia Yuqing not to come out. .

Xia Yuqing sighed softly, and said: I am still cute in my family.

I was lost, and I heard a loud ringing bell ringing outside.

"Xiao Yu, someone is looking for it." Xia Yuqing shouted at the kitchen. After a while, he heard Jiang Yuyu's response: "I can't open my hand now, you can help open it."

"Okay." Xia Yuqing nodded and agreed to get up and help the people outside to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Xia Yuqing saw a white-haired old man shouting excitedly: "Yo Yutou, my family's rice is just gone. You know how to respect the old and love the young, you will not be here. Is it right when you see death?"

"... Grandpa, Xiao Yu is inside."


The two stood at the door and stared at them for a while. The old avatar was found something, and both of them slammed up and quickly reached for a pocket.

In the next second, Xia Yuqing felt something attached to her forehead, and at the same time, the old man’s low voice came from the ear: “The enchanting, received you.”


A ping-pong sound came in from the outside, scared Jiang Yanyu in the kitchen to extinguish the fire, rushed out of the kitchen, and saw the scene in front of the door, the whole person froze.

"Hey, yoga head, I am an old man, old man, how can you get so heavy when you start? This head can be broken." The old man screamed in the sofa sitting on his side, the other side On the sofa, Xia Yuqing held a soft pillow and looked calmly at him, and he was silent.

"Whoever let you do something is okay to do this kind of messy thing? I rushed to the head of my girlfriend's head to stick the paper, I think you want to catch the ghost and think crazy!" Jiang Yuyu stunned the old man and turned Looking at Xia Yuqing, "Is it okay?"

Xia Yuqing shook his head, and the old man listened to Jiang Yuyu's concern for Xia Yuqing, but he was more and more indifferent: "Yotoutou, I didn't lie to you, the girl has an unusual atmosphere."

"Let's say another, see if I don't interrupt your denture!"

"Hey, don't..." The old man hurried back to his face, but looked up at Xia Yuqing's eyes and then stopped again: "Wait a minute!"

The old man exclaimed, glaring at the stalls where Jiang Yuyu was drunk by him. He shook his head and slammed into the front of Xia Yuqing. He helped his old flower glasses to look up and down Xia Yuqing for a while.

Xia Yuqing was somewhat illusory by him, and he shrank back unconsciously.

"It's amazing, it turns out that the soul is not a dead soul! But what is this kind of violation?" The old man turned around and back and forth several times around the summer rain, and the gods groaned.

Before he saw that he had come, Jiang Yiyu, who had been returned to the gods, had a slap in the face.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, you don't..." He is an old man. Xia Yuqing looked at the old man who was beaten up and couldn't bear it.

At the time of the chaos in the house, the door of Jiang Yuyu's house was opened again.

Several people in the room heard the movement, and all of them turned around and saw one person coming in from the outside. The person saw the scene inside the house is also a glimpse. He smiled and smiled: "I have pressed the doorbell several times. No one should, the door is unlocked, and he comes in."

"Xiao Qing!" Xia Yuqing flew over to the girl who was light and elegant.

Ye Chuqing was busy with a hand and looked at Xia Yuqing's lively and sloppy look: "Is it all restored? I brought the pig's belly lotus soup to come over and just give you a supplement."

Ye Chuqing’s voice did not fall, and the old man who had been holding his head suddenly screamed, and his eyes widened and stared at Xia Yuqing. The eyes were full of surprises: “It turned out to be the case!”


A few people haven't responded yet, and the old man has already taken the door and left a few people with a misty face.

I thought that things have ended here, but I did not expect that after a few minutes, the old man went back and returned, and he took a compass back.

As a result, the table that was originally prepared to place delicious meals suddenly became a serious scene of confrontation between the two sides.

The small table was placed in the middle of the empty dining table, and the compass was spinning fast, during which time it was accompanied by the **** of the old man.

"What you mean is that the reason why Xiaoqing hits the decline is because her soul has been cursed. The lightning that smashed the weather more than four months ago was actually intended to be a little clear, in order to let Her soul returned to her previous life and fulfilled her unfinished wish. The result was accidentally biased, and she went to the second sunny home." Jiang Yuyu looked at the opposite face and said the old **** stick, twitching his mouth. Asked.

The old man pretended to touch his beard deeply, and looked proud: "Yes, that's right, because the two of them live in the same unit, the window sill, and the name of the two people has exactly one word." The same, and it seems that the name of Miss Xia is still"

"..." So this is a tragedy caused by a wrong name? Mom and Dad, you are coming back to me, I want to talk to you! And... the mother got an egg, and it took a long time. I have been tossing in ancient times for a long time. In the end, it is an oolong! The heart is so tired, I will not love again!

With a slamming sound, when Xia Yuqing’s two parties were still surprised by the old man’s words, Jiang Yanyu’s slap on the table: “Do you think we will believe you as an old **** stick? Walk around and lie to me. I don't want to come back to my house for a while."

"Don't, don't, I said, is it true that Miss Xia is clear, Miss Xia!" The old man saw Jiang Yuyu turned his face and did not recognize people. He hurriedly looked at Xia Yuqing and begged her to help her.

"Xiao Yu, wait a minute." Xia Yuqing returned to God from the mistakes of the beginning, and stopped the two.

Jiang Yuyu turned his head and looked at Xia Yuqing: "Two sunny, you will not believe in the old **** stick?"

Xia Yuqing bit her lip and looked up at Jiang Yuyu: "He said... is true."

Xia Yuqing’s words came out, and everyone else in the room was scared. The old man screamed at the moment of Jiang Yuyu’s stay and broke away from the bondage. He took care of his clothes and sat back in his hometown: “Hey, don’t listen to the old man’s words, and lose money in front of you!”

Xia Yuqing ignored the difference between Jiang Yuyu and asked her lips: "If this is just an accident, will this accident affect those who have contacted me in that era, and they will have an accident?" ”

The old man snorted: "The butterfly effect, no effect is impossible, but this is not your fault, so it should not have much impact."

Xia Yuqing sighed softly, and then looked like something, and asked carefully: "Then I have a chance to see them?"

"How is it possible? Time and space through this thing can be played if you want to play? A carelessness can easily lead to time and space confusion."

"Oh." Xia Yuqing's hand on the chest slammed tightly, and the bottom of the eye also apparently floated a few points of loss and pain. It was just an accidental mistake. She stole it. How can it be too expensive? many?

"Second clear." Ye Chuqing sees Xia Yuqing's almost desperate appearance, and some worried about calling.

"Wait! Hey, it’s a strange thing every year. This year is a lot more. This compass shows that the era was chaotic because there was a shortage of people who shouldn’t be less, so this will be to maintain the stability of that era. If you have to send someone back, you don’t know which one of you needs to be sent back."

There are fewer people who should not be less? Is it... the four emperors?

Xia Yuqing suddenly looked up: "Send back, you mean... can I go back?"

"Your body has already caught the breath of that era. It is okay to say it, but if you don't have an accident this time, you are afraid that you will never be able to return to the world, and..." The old man moved his eyes to Xia Yuqing. The body of the person.

Xia Yuqing responded to this. If he said that he was mistaken, then Ye Qingqing was not the achievement of Xia Yuqing of that era. So, she is the one who made the four emperors cling to the whole world? !

I thought that Xia Yuqing looked at Ye Chuqing's gaze with a bit of guilty conscience. This kind of counterfeit goods saw the mood of the genuine goods, which was complicated and complicated.

Ye Chuqing seems to have seen the difficulty of Xia Yuqing, and smiled slightly: "Go, go."

“Hey?” Xia Yuqing once again stunned and looked at Ye Chuqing with a look of surprise. “But you...”

"I don't know what is going on. But when you look at it, I think there must be people who can't give up in that era. I also have people and things that can't be left behind here, so... if you can, can Instead of doing things that I have not done in my previous life?"

Ye Chuqing's words made Xia Yuqing's eyes suddenly red, silent for a long while, and nodded firmly.

"Hey, don't ignore me! I am going to go. You really believe this old **** stick. Is this very good?" Jiang Yuyu saw that the two had a chat with the old man and looked speechless.

Waiting for the old man to say something, Xia Yuqing has turned his head and looked at Jiang Yuyu. His face is dignified: "Xiao Yu, it is true, I know."

"..." Jiang Yuyu looked at the firmness of Xia Yuqing's eyes. If he had somehow wanted to export, he would be so stunned, sighing and not speaking.

On the big night after three days, Xia Yuqing carried a large bag of buns and stood in front of a black well.

"Are you sure you can go back to the era she wanted to go from here, instead of directly becoming a deep water ghost?" Jiang Yuyu stood on the edge of the old black hole, and the probe glanced and whispered. .

"Hey, don't listen to the old man's words and lose money in front of you, you look at it." The old man snorted and decided to ignore these ignorant mortals who did not trust themselves.

"Second Qing, you can think clearly, this jump can not go back?" Jiang Yuyu still does not believe in the old man's rhetoric, turned to look at Xia Yuqing hope that she would change her mind, but unfortunately...

"Well, I have to go."


"Xiao Yu will have the opportunity to see my parents in the future, so that they will not have my daughter."


"Xiao Yu, you have to take care of yourself in the future, don't worry more about it, it's easy to get retribution, and balabala..."

Seeing Xia Yuqing and starting a long story, Jiang Yuyu's face was so heavy that she couldn't bear to hit her **** and kicked her into the well.

Everyone only heard a scream, Jiang Yuyu silently took back his own foot, coldly screamed: "Hey, you have to roll it so hard, just waste my feelings! I knew that I should not save her at that time." After the rescue, I turned around and ran, which cost money and time."

Jiang Yuyu walked back and forth, and then suddenly thought of something, and turned and rushed back to the well, shouting at the wellhead: "Bastard, Erqing, your medical expenses have not returned to me! After you have gone well, you will pay off your account! You will come back to me!"

Ye Chuqing and the old man: "..."

One year later, the palace of the Laos was still in the same scenery.

Near the afternoon, several small palace ladies came from a courtyard with a variety of hearty dishes, and walked along while walking.

"The mood of the emperor today is not very good, I will be careful."

"I'm in a bad mood? What happened?"

"It is not the former minister who said that the post can not be suspended, and wants the emperor to stand the queen again."

"Oh, since the death of the Queen Empresses a year ago, the temper of the emperor is becoming more and more elusive."

"Oh, don't say it, but if you hear it, you have to kill it. If you remember, be careful."

A few gimmicks were talking about it. Suddenly, there was a huge sound of water coming from the lotus pond on the side. Several people’s feet were next, and they widened their eyes and looked at the pool. They couldn’t help but watch the scene inside the pool. Screamed loudly: "Stab... Assassin, there are assassins!"

Xia Yuqing took a painful **** and sat up from the lotus pond: "Hey, it hurts, really, you have to find a better place to land. It’s all wet. But... here is..."

Xia Yuqing turned her head and looked around. After seeing a few of the palace ladies in front, she was so bright that she really came back!

Not waiting for Xia Yuqing to be happy, I heard a scream that was uploaded for a while, and then those of the Yulin Army actually surrounded themselves.

Xia Yuqing hurriedly stepped back and refused to take care of the other. He shouted loudly and shouted: "To attack the adults, you have to dare to climb the wall during the time when I am not there. I will leave the house with two children!"

The scream of a face standing in the study room heard this scream, and the movements under his hand trembled, and the eyes widened, and his face lifted his head in disbelief.

When the wind rushed to the edge of the pool, I saw a group of Guardsmen surrounded by a strange woman in a lotus pond wearing a strange costume and drenched.

Xia Yuqing saw the wind coming out, and there was a moment of excitement on the surface, but it was followed by endless embarrassment and uneasiness. He looks like this now, is he still recognizing it?

The wind and see Xia Yuqing is also a glimpse, but then his eyes lit up with bright light, dazzling people can not look directly.

When the Yulin army and the palace ladies saw the wind, they all fell to the ground and did not dare to shake.

The wind did not pay attention to them, stepped into the lotus pond full of the pool, stepped toward Xia Yuqing step by step, stopped at a place far away from Xia Yuqing, and reached out to touch the cheek of Xia Yuqing. , smiled and said: "You dare! 朕 interrupt your legs, see where you are going this time!"

Xia Yuqing was trembled, and her eyes were red all the time. Looking at the gentle eyebrows of the past, she whimpered: "I am back."

The wind rushed into the arms and smirked: "Well, welcome back."

------Off topic ------

Thanks to Xuelin Dance, Xiaobai Rabbit II, 676514, book fan s123456, winter thought, 13769178752

Thank you, tulip, rabbit, tutu, rabbit, rabbit, ten flowers

Thank you, Mi? odd. Full five-point evaluation vote and four monthly passes

Thanks for the flowers of 2508462238

After reading this estimate, someone wants to hit me again. The lid is already topped (╯▽╰)╭

But there is no way. This is the ending in my mind. Xiao Qinger wears it back. It is the foreshadowing of the second volume of the tail. As for the oolong incident, it is from the beginning to the present, so don’t hit me. □╰)o (Public: Are you sure you are not ready for the final pit at the beginning?)

Hey, the text is here, the outside continues, and their happiness will not end here. (哒 ̄3 ̄) づ╭~

Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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XianxiaMartial ArtsHaremAdventure
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