MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 197

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Soon, Bai Li, the creator of the game "You Ran Tian Dwelling", became famous in the game forum when he "live-streamed goods" in Jiang Huaibi's live broadcast room.

Even Bai Li's Xingbo account that has not issued "Farming Strategy" has received a lot of green stares from netizens and players.

They are all waiting for the legendary farming cheats to save their dog's life and help them reach the pinnacle of life in the game.

I believe that when the craze of illustrated book collection is over, players’ game views will also usher in a change. At that time, they will regard "bigger and heavier" as one of the criteria for judging whether crops, flowers, fruits, and fish are valuable .

Players from other villages expressed their envy to the players of "Mushroom Village". Their village has such a great **** as Bai Li, who can do everything one step faster. And the players of "Mushroom Village", especially those who didn't catch up with Bai Li to set up a stall, are all regretting that they missed this rare opportunity, and they can only watch the strategy to grow the crops they need in the future.

"Hmph! As long as it is the speech of the 'Mushroom Village' players, it will be marked as superior in the show! You can secretly laugh in your heart, tell us what to stimulate us to do! Believe it or not, when I reach level 30, I will go to your village to take Li Li stole home?"

"Hey, hey, I also want to buy the crops that Li Li planted himself! I won't submit them if I buy them. I want to collect them and pass them on to my grandchildren in the future!"

"I'm the only one who is curious about what rewards will be given after collecting 50 crops? After watching the replay of the live broadcast, Li Li seems to have said that the item is called 'Ancient Seeds'. Do you know what it is?"

"How do we know this, we haven't collected more than 50... just wait, it is estimated that many people will get this reward after a while."

The topic suddenly changed from Bai Li's live broadcast to the mysterious number "50", and then more players appeared to talk about their experience of collecting illustrated books.

"I usually fish a lot, and the collection of fish illustrations is ranked high in our village. When the number of collections reaches 10, 20, 30 and 40, the system rewards me with random fish specimens. Now I have collected specimens of red carp, green carp, puffer fish and goldfish, and when I reach the number of 50, what I get is a 'fishing backpack', which can hold 100 different fish species, the same species The upper limit is 99, which can be said to be the favorite of fishermen. At the same time, this backpack can also be put into the player’s own backpack, which only occupies one grid. What are you waiting for, brothers, hurry up and go fishing!"

"Fruits are really easy to collect, but not easy to collect. Things like watermelon and strawberries that grow in the ground are considered both crops and fruits. However, it is really difficult to collect 50 kinds of QAQ. I fight I took my life and got more than 30 types, and then got three random fruit dolls, they are cute, I like them!"

"Collection of 50 clothing illustrations seems to be a random set of clothing. A fierce girl in our village has been buying a 'clothing surprise box' with krypton gold since she entered the game. I was lucky enough to visit her house. The outfits that arrived were all hung outside, filling three entire rooms! She fulfilled the conditions immediately, and now she is holding that big red 'wedding dress' and looking for someone to hold a game wedding! Hey! , if it wasn't for my ugly appearance, I would have wanted to apply for a name~"

"Look, Li Li has quietly updated it again. At the bottom of the list of illustrations, there is an additional current ranking. It says that the top 100 players in the village's collection completion ranking at the end of each month will have special rewards. The grades are divided into 1~10, 11~30, 31~100, I can see it, this is the official fate! My liver is hurting, how about you?"

"I also…"


"I have foreseen our future, pain and joy, what a sweet trouble!"

Bai Li clapped his hands to complete another temporary optimization, thinking that the players' enthusiasm for the game can be maintained for a longer time, right? Anything is possible if they are willing to work hard.

At this time, Wen Xingyao, who had not been in touch for several hours, boarded the game, contacted him through the friend system, and asked him where he was.

Bai Li directly asked Wen Xingyao to come over to his house, and when he came in, he asked him if the trip went well.

"Everything went well on the road. The soldiers in the military department were quite surprised by my appearance, but they didn't have time to come up and ask me where I've been recently, so they were informed by Tang Ying to hold a 'farming mobilization meeting'." Wen Xingyao Thinking of the concerned eyes cast by the soldiers, I felt warm in my heart, smiled and continued, "The military department has nothing important to ask me to come forward recently. After I processed the documents that I should sign, I was dragged away." The Imperial Research Institute next door did a full-body examination, and the result of the examination was that 90% of my genetic collapse disease has been cured. The old men were shocked by this result and asked me a lot of questions."

"Because I didn't ask you about your plan, I just said that I have been playing the game since the day "You Ran Tianju" was launched, and I also asked them to keep the results of the inspection a secret from the public for the time being. They said they wanted to get to know you about this game. Producer, if you don't mind, if I have a chance in the future, can I take you to the research institute to get to know those old men? They are all very good people, and they have studied genetic collapse disease for a lifetime..."

Wen Xingyao also described to Bai Li how those old men danced with joy after his test report came out, which successfully made Bai Li laugh too.

Since "Leisurely Living in the Fields" has attracted attention, Bai Li has been prepared for the special features of the game to be discovered, and he has planned that even if experts and professors come to him, he will not pretend to know nothing .

Sometimes, Bai Li also wondered why he didn't hide his origin and ability deeply like the time traveler in the novel, but instead made a high-profile holographic game, and started to make it bigger and bigger after the game became popular. Do bigger with mind.

It is true that at the beginning, Bai Li made games for two simple purposes, that is to appease his farming spirit and to make money. But now, he can't find any more reasons to excuse him. Faced with the players' enthusiastic smiles, love for life and longing for the future every day, he has made up his mind to make "Leisurely Living in the Fields" into a game that can make a big difference. The "sacred place" to alleviate the genetic collapse of interstellar people.

Even he himself still doesn't know the specific principle of this until now. In short, it is enough that it can play a role. For the rest, let the old men Wen Xingyao said have a headache.

Therefore, Bai Li nodded and said to Wen Xingyao: "Yes, when I have a chance, I will go to the 'Buddha Jumping Wall Star' with you, and I can also visit the planet you live in by the way."

Wen Xingyao was first happy with Bai Li's agreement and the concern for himself revealed in his words, then he quickly recalled some interesting things about "Buddha Jumping Over the Wall", and finally fell into a weird silence.

Before "Leisurely Living in the Fields" came out, many restaurants on "Buddha Jumping Wall Star" were famous all over the world. Although the dishes in the restaurant are expensive, they are loved by many rich people because they taste better than ordinary natural food. Even families with a low annual income are willing to grit their teeth and save some money to have a family together Go for a meal.

And when the game came out, especially after the live broadcast of the game came into being, the interstellar people who had eaten 30% of the delicious food in the game only had a strong dislike for those restaurants. It can't even reach one-tenth of the 30% taste of the food in the game, but this is still a well-known restaurant that is popular all over the interstellar? We would rather watch the live broadcast with the cheapest nutrient solution in our mouths!

Although there are still rich people who go to restaurants to check in for the so-called style of the rich and the pursuit of natural plants, the decline of the business of these restaurants is still obvious.

How could the restaurant, which even the interstellar people have lost interest in, attract Bai Li, who is accompanied by delicious food in reality? He probably prefers to follow him home and have an authentic home-cooked meal at his house, right? Wen Xingyao thought to himself.

Thinking about it, Jun's face became a little hot.

As for the landscape on the planet? They are all steel forests. From "Sweet and Sour Pork Rib Star" to "Buddha Jumping Wall Star", the style and details of the buildings have changed.

For the first time, Wen Xingyao had the urge to change the environment and scenery of the entire planet, and even wondered if the other residents living on the planet would also be tired of seeing everything in front of them, but because no one proposed Choose to take it for granted?

After all, this matter cannot be resolved overnight. He plans to discuss it with someone after he goes offline to see if he can make some changes on the planet.

And now...

"Okay, tell me whenever you want to go, and I'll take you there!" Wen Xingyao said.

Bai Li blinked, thought about the future arrangements, and gave an approximate time: "Then it will be next month for the time being? In a few days, the new nutrient solution of 'Weigu Food' will be launched, and I will pay attention to the game playing The advertising effect came out. Then it is almost the end of the month, and I have to start thinking about the next upgrade..."

He talked about the new changes in the game from the arrangement of the next few days, and guided Wen Xingyao to check the illustration page on the character panel. He saw that there were many icons on his page except for the clothing and formula sub-pages. It was gray, and he smiled and asked him to submit the eligible ones quickly.

As a result, Wen Xingyao didn't move.

Bai Li: "?" He looked at his boyfriend curiously.

Wen Xingyao glanced at him guilty, and said in a low voice: "A few days ago, I just sold all the things I didn't think I needed to the village chief, and now I have nothing to submit."

In order to prove that what he said was true, Wen Xingyao even showed Bai Li a look at his backpack which was more than half empty.

Bai Li was shocked. In the farming game, is there anyone who can't get the fun of hoarding?

He has regarded Wen Xingyao and Jiang Huaibi as two extremes, the latter likes to stuff everything into his arms, regardless of whether they are useful or not, hoarding is her pleasure. As for the former, he has achieved the ultimate in "duansheli". He obviously has enough space to put those things that are temporarily useless, but he is still more willing to sell them.

However, both of them do what makes them feel happy.

"Doesn't your house have an 'in-room locker'?" Bai Li asked incredulously. He usually went to Wen Xingyao's house, but he really didn't pay much attention to this.

Wen Xingyao also did not disappoint him, he was stunned for a moment, and hesitantly asked back: "What is that?"

Then Bai Li explained to him that this is an item in the game store, 100 stars each, and there are 100 storage spaces inside, which can only be used in the player's house and cannot be taken out. And its function is for players to store props that they don't need temporarily. After speaking, he also specifically mentioned that in one of the rooms in Jiang Huaibi's house, there are "in-room lockers" with three walls, which are usually very precious.

After listening to Bai Li's explanation, Wen Xingyao also remembered that he had indeed seen this item in the game store at the beginning of the game, but at that time he felt that the 50 slots in the backpack were enough, so he didn't buy it at all. Now that he has played the game for so long, he has mastered the skill of using a limit of 50 grids, so he doesn't need this item even more.

The locker in the room is one of the rare props that he has not spent money on.

It was rare to see Wen Xingyao's bewildered and at a loss, Bai Li couldn't help it anymore, and laughed outright.

Read The Duke's Passion