MTL - Farming Together wIth Interstellar People-Chapter 196

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On the familiar illustrated book collection page, on the sub-page belonging to "Crops", there are several neat rows of Q-version crop icons shining with mirror luster, which are extremely friendly to star people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

However, when switching to other pages, those lit icons became bumpy. As Bai Li said, the collection rate is indeed far lower than other players in the game.

Jiang Huaibi "..." for a moment, and opened his mouth to help Bai Li find a reason: "Li Li, you are so good, you have collected all the crops, and you must have spent all your energy on farming! Only people like you For those who devote themselves wholeheartedly and sweat hard in the field, the land will bestow the greatest kindness on you!"

The audience was also shocked by the salted fish of the game producer, but after Jiang Huaibi finished speaking, they all comforted him.

"Yes, Li Li, you have done a good job, don't feel lost and unhappy! According to my observation for most of the day, other things are much easier to collect than crops, as long as you spend money, you can buy them. Less, the rest can be taken slowly, anyway, if you can’t find others, you can’t find them.”

"Li Li's level is so high, he's already in his twenties, no wonder he can grow more than 50 kinds of crops! By the way, what kind of props will be given after reaching 50 kinds? It can't be a huge crop seed, right?"

"3 catties of juicy peaches, water-blue fan embroidered with anemone flowers, 5 catties of big crabs, recipes for food ash sauce balls, and at least five kinds of props with gray characters. I remember sister Huaibi has them here. Li Li, don't forget to look for her at her stall, several icons can be lit up!"

Jiang Huaibi also saw the above sentence, before Bai Li opened his mouth, he searched for it by himself first, pulled out these props that Bai Li lacked as quickly as possible, then pushed them directly on Bai Li's stall cloth, and said: "Li Li will give you all these, no money will be charged!"

If other people came to Jiang Huaibi's booth to buy things, she would definitely charge money, at most, they would give them a slight discount because they bought a large quantity. But Li Li is different. From the first day she entered the game, Li Li often gave good advice, which saved her a lot of detours, and also inspired a certain nature in her genes, with boundless strength. ah!

Jiang Huaibi had already pushed the things over, and even put on a posture of "If you don't accept it, you don't consider me a friend". Naturally, Bai Li couldn't shirk it. The things were put into the backpack and submitted to the system one by one.

The icons belonging to them in the Pokédex list light up one by one. Because the state of the panel has not changed, the audience in the live broadcast room witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and expressed their after-view impression that "the process of lighting up the icon looks super cool".

Jiang Huaibi nodded in satisfaction, ummm, that's how it should be, helping each other, the friendship between her and Li Li will last forever~

Looking forward to the past N years, their relationship is still super good, Jiang Huaibi smiled so much that the corners of her mouth almost went behind her ears. It wasn't until Bai Li spoke that her reverie was interrupted.

"Huaibi, have you collected all your 'crops' illustrations? I still have quite a few that meet the requirements. Tell me what's missing, and I'll bring it out for you."

Jiang Huaibi:! !

Quaint! How could she collect them all?

Jiang Huaibi untimely remembered her original intention when she first entered the game. At that time, she was still a little buddy who didn't understand anything. Just because she was a veritable "plant killer" in reality, she wanted to farm without thinking in the game.

It turned out that, not to mention the super good species in the game, other ways of playing also attracted her curiosity, especially all kinds of novel props. It's hard to put it in your backpack or storage box.

Playing the game so far, although she still started harvesting vegetables and farming as soon as she went online, the focus of the game has actually been placed elsewhere.

So, the crops did not get enough love from her, and most of them were of ordinary quality. Hey~

But even so, her collection completion is still much higher than other players. Who made her love to stock up?

Jiang Huaibi also opened his illustration panel, took a few glances at the gray icons on the top, and announced with a small mouth: "Corn, cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, sweet potato..."

She wasn't polite to Bai Li either, and reported everything she didn't have.

Bai Li rummaged through his backpack according to the species she mentioned.

When he first entered the game, the total number of backpack slots for players was only 50, which was inconsistent with the increasing variety of props in the game. Therefore, he added props [Backpack Expansion Stone] to the list of this month’s event point exchange, 500 Points are exchanged for one, and each stone plus a certain amount of copper coins can expand 10 new grids, and there is no limit to the number of exchanged by players.

Bai Li exchanged his points for 5 stones and expanded his backpack to 100 grids.

Fortunately, although the same type of crops in the backpack are placed in the same grid, when they are taken out, the one with the largest weight will be taken out first. This setting greatly facilitates the development of the player's "black market". Bai Li didn't have to pour all the crops out of his backpack in order to take out the crops that met the requirements.

One of the two reported their names, and the other took out the real thing. The speed was very fast. In just a few minutes, a lot of oversized vegetables were piled up on Bai Li's stall cloth, almost covering half of his body.

After the crops in the game are harvested from the soil, they will not be stained with a little bit of soil. They all look very cute, and they look a little childlike from a distance. The audience silently took screenshots, especially wanting to remove Bai Li , Put yourself up on P.

Originally, Jiang Huaibi was so focused on declaring his name that he never moved his eyes from the panel of the illustration book. When she thought about whether she was going too far and glanced in Bai Li's direction, her eyeballs almost popped out.

Good guy! Is Li Li so real? He has given everything she said, why does he have so many qualified crops in his hands! Also too good at farming!

"Huh? Why didn't you report it? Didn't you have any?" Bai Li noticed Jiang Huaibi's pause, stopped his movements, and asked.

Jiang Huaibi swallowed and shook his head subconsciously. Judging from the current situation, she clearly took advantage of Li Li! How much did she give Li Li, and how much did Li Li transfer to her?

"Li, Li Li, you have given too much, I will work hard to grow the rest, and I must have a sense of participation, hehe!" Jiang Huaibi shook his head again and submitted them silently.

Bai Li was right when he thought about it. If he wanted to, he could support at least 50 players to achieve the full collection achievement of the current level of the "Crops" illustrated book. Only when you arrive can you smile knowingly when you think about it in the future.

So he didn't persuade Jiang Huaibi any more, and watched with relief in his eyes after she submitted the crops she took out, and then fell into a state of doing nothing.

In other words, shouldn't he do something else to make it look like he didn't go in vain?

He quickly had an idea, looked around, and asked Jiang Huaibi for a small, useless sign. Like other players, he wrote a few words on it and put it in front of him.

"There are all kinds of crops, 3 gold coins each, and each person can take up to 5 (only open for half an hour)."

Jiang Huaibi took a glance with his probe, and immediately said "Wow", and announced to the audience in the live broadcast room with a smile: "Everyone pay attention, next is Li Li's live broadcast delivery time~"

"Live broadcast with goods", the use of this term is actually unreasonable, and soon some viewers expressed their dissatisfaction angrily.

"False propaganda, be careful and let us report it! What does Li Li's setting up a stall have to do with us? We can neither enter the game to buy Li Li's vegetables, nor can we actually receive those vegetables in reality. We can only buy them in the live broadcast room. Look at us helplessly, we are miserable!"

"Attention everyone, the following video data will record the precious scene of the game producer setting up a stall to sell vegetables for the first time!"

"Hahahaha! That's the right way to describe it. The host remembers to record the screen and save it after the broadcast!"

Jiang Huaibi is also very aware of his mistakes and can correct them. He changed the title of the live broadcast room to the one suggested by the audience on the spot, which attracted a lot of laughter.

Bai Li found that he had become a new meme among the audience, and couldn't help laughing, the interstellar people always show a different kind of enthusiasm in strange ways.

Watching other people sell vegetables? What's so cool about this?

It turns out, however, that it's pretty **** good.

As early as when Jiang Huaibi called Bai Li to stop, the surrounding players discovered Bai Li's existence. However, Bai Li had already been called away by his acquaintances, and they could only poke and watch from the sidelines.

When they saw Jiang Huaibi pulling out a bunch of props from his stall, the players around nodded, saying that their popularity with Li Li was really good, and those props, no matter which one they took out, could be sold at this time The expensive one was given to him by Jiang Huaibi without blinking.

And when they saw Bai Li taking out the crops that they couldn't find in the whole "black market" from his backpack under Jiang Huaibi's "reported vegetable name", their moods were ups and downs, from emotion to Envy, and then from envy to numbness, it only took a few minutes.

hateful! Is there such a big reward for Li Lihao? Is there still time to go up and hug Li Li's thigh? They also want to collect all the crops ah wow wow!

The players were watching nearby, frantically thinking about what reason they could use to strike up a conversation with Bai Li, and then saw Bai Li ask Jiang Huaibi for a wooden sign, and began to write on it. After I finished writing, I put it in front of me, and I was planning to set up a stall.

This is simply the best news they have received today!

While Jiang Huaibi was chatting enthusiastically with the audience, the ecstatic players directly surrounded Bai Li's small booth. After seeing clearly what was written on the wooden sign, they rushed to buy more, fearing that if he said it too late, the stock in Bai Li's hand would be emptied.

"Li Li! Li Li! I want pasture, peanuts, strawberries, pumpkins, and kidney beans! Wow, these five items only cost 15 gold coins. Li Li, you are a benevolent person who fell from the sky!"

"Li Li, I only want three kinds of watermelon, cantaloupe and pumpkin. Huh, making something that is already big is making things bigger. This is embarrassing me, Fat Tiger! In front of these three melons, no amount of fertilizer is good. Make QAQ!"

"Li Li! Do you have chili peppers here? Normal-sized chili peppers make my mouth smoke and throat burn. Will chili peppers that are two or three times the size increase in spiciness and become devilishly spicy?"

Enthusiastic players directly overwhelmed Bai Li. Even Jiang Huaibi, who was originally sitting next to Bai Li, was squeezed away by other people when he didn't pay attention. He could only stare at these people from the outside of the encirclement.

In the crowd, Bai Li's gentle comforting voices could be heard occasionally. Under such voices, the players gradually calmed down, and then their faces turned red, and they lined up like quails shrinking their necks.

Wuwuwu Lili is so gentle, did they scare people just now?

But soon, they found that Bai Li was not angry with them. During the 30 minutes of setting up the stall, he was like an indefatigable machine, quickly fulfilling the requests of the door-to-door visitors, almost completing it at the speed of two people in a minute. Trading, business is so good that there is no time to think about other things.

After 30 minutes, Jiang Huaibi, who was still stopped outside, reminded loudly, the players who were waiting in the queue and hadn't their turn heard this, and they took the initiative to disperse without pestering Bai Li to set up a stall for a while.

It's good that Li Li is willing to help them, they accept as soon as they see a deal, so that they can look forward to the next opportunity.

Seeing the reaction of the players, Bai Li also heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, quickly put the stall cloth under him back into his backpack, stood up, and said to the crowd:

"Thank you for your patronage today. I will come again if I have the opportunity, but I also suggest that you try it yourself. In fact, it is very simple to grow high-quality crops. I can post it on Xingbo later. A simple farming strategy."

The players cheered: Yes!

They followed suit along the way, and sent Bai Li near the entrances of all the booths. After his figure disappeared, they hurriedly informed all relatives and friends of the good news.

Farming strategy from the game maker, what is the difference between this and game cheats, give me a go!