MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 70 70%

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Ji Qingzhuo was eating dumplings with her head depressed. She thought of Xiantan under the sea of ​​blood she saw in the cultivation space.

What kind of flower does Shen Rongyu want to raise?

But it can't be her.

Sometimes Ji Qingzhuo is very calm, and she will not be confused by Shen Rongyu's appearance - because so far, the system has only unlocked the first stage of functions, which shows that Shen Rongyu's affection for her may only be at the initial acquaintance stage .

She lowered her head again, and stuffed a mouthful of dumplings into her mouth. Shen Rongyu is good at making dumplings, with thin skin and more fillings, which is much better than her own. Moreover, his habit of making dumplings is different from Qiao Shu's. Glue the sides so that the dumpling will look like an ingot.

They ate for a long time, and when they left, the lone moon was hanging in the sky, the autumn wind was bleak, blowing away the surface of the mirror-like water, blowing the withered yellow leaves down to the water surface, causing ripples.

"Zhuozhuo, I'm going back." Shen Rongyu picked up the Snow Burying Sword beside the umbrella.

"Okay." Ji Qingzhuo picked up his umbrella.

Shen Rongyu felt her warm body temperature, and her soft body pressed against her. She hugged the umbrella tightly.

His body trembled, and he said to Ji Qingzhuo: "If you don't use this umbrella, you can put it in your small purse, so you don't have to hold it all the time."

He has said similar things to Ji Qingzhuo many times, but she always doesn't listen.

"Senior Brother Xiaoyu, it's good for me to hold you like this." Ji Qingzhuo stepped on his Snow Burying Sword.

Shen Rongyu looked down at her, her expression was still calm and dull, her eyes were far away, looking at the distant scenery.

Ji Qingzhuo has been here on Baishui Island for so long, and it seems that she has not changed at all, she is still the same.

Shen Rongyu held her wrist when the Snow Burying Sword was flying, and Ji Qingzhuo's hand fell naturally, she didn't blush, she seemed to be used to his touch.

Well, she still has changes, for example, she is not as shy when facing him now.

Shen Rongyu thought of the mimosa planted by Elder Qiao Shu. The plant was so much teased that it would no longer close the grass leaves.

This may be a habit, he is her habit.

Shen Rongyu clenched her slender wrist tightly.

Ji Qingzhuo turned his head and asked him: "Brother Xiaoyu, what are you doing?"

On the Burial Snow Sword, one cannot cultivate.

"Wind up," he said.

When Ji Qingzhuo came to Mingxin Lake today, it took some mana to control the umbrella. She didn't feel it, but Shen Rongyu noticed it.

There are strands of aura flowing into Ji Qingzhuo's meridians from the place where the skins of the two of them touch each other. Shen Rongyu can control how much aura he absorbs, but this time he deliberately slowed down the speed of absorbing aura.

—Because he wanted to hold her for a while longer.

Ji Qingzhuo was reminiscing about the taste of the dumpling meal tonight, until Shen Rongyu asked her something, pulling her back from her thoughts.

"Zuozhuo, why did you come to Xuanyunzong?" It was actually the first time he asked Ji Qingzhuo this question—even though her behavior of coming here was indeed strange, because Ji Qingzhuo was incompatible with the monks here, and she was not like People who are willing to pursue the way of cultivation.

She is so indifferent to life and death, how can she pursue the longevity and inexhaustible power brought about by cultivation?

Ji Qingzhuo can't tell lies, so she kept silent, and just called out in a low voice: "Senior Brother Xiaoyu..."

Senior brother Xiaoyu is Shen Rongyu, and Shen Rongyu is the reason why she came to Xuanyunzong.

How could she really tell the reason?

But by chance, Shen Rongyu inexplicably said a word: "Because of me?"

He knew that Ji Qingzhuo would not lie, so he was the reason.

Ji Qingzhuo turned her head, she looked at Shen Rongyu's profile, and her eyes fell on the tip of his delicate nose.

She can only answer "yes" or "no", or... express the default silence.

For Shen Rongyu, did he approach him with a purpose from the beginning?

Ji Qingzhuo was silent, she just blinked.

"Since it's because of me, why hide from me?" Shen Rongyu knew it well, almost every time he came into contact with Ji Qingzhuo, he took the initiative.

The first time Ji Qingzhuo took the initiative to find him was because of the donkey.

She rushed towards him for the second time. On that day and night, she pushed open the door, her eyes touched him, and her eyes were full of surprise—she didn't know he was here.

Ji Qingzhuo can answer this question: "Senior Brother Xiaoyu, I'm afraid of people."

Shen Rongyu thought, what a coincidence, he is not human.

He held Ji Qingzhuo's hand and moved it up slowly, his fingertips brushed over the line of her slender arm, until he came to the side of her neck, his fingertips hovered under her ear, but did not touch her The skin, her hair was blown by the wind, and wrapped around his fingertips.

In Shen Rongyu's eyes, killing intent suddenly appeared. Ji Qingzhuo's existence was too strange, which made him uneasy that his secret would be revealed. Faced with such an existence, it is natural to kill him, which is the most straightforward.

He tried to kill time and time again, but failed every time.

This time, of course-

"Do you know who I am?" Shen Rongyu's fingertips fell down—before he was about to kill her, he was afraid of scaring her, the fingertips didn't touch her neck, he hesitated where to land, and finally It only stayed on her delicate and small earlobe, and gently pinched it.

Ji Qingzhuo's earlobe is sensitive, she flinched a bit, but did not avoid it.

Of course she doesn't know who Shen Rongyu is, a villain, anyone who has done bad things is called a villain, but she doesn't know anything about Shen Rongyu's past, why is he related to the earth vein ghost energy? And why did he do this to the entire world of cultivating immortals? Is he a man, a demon, or something else?

Ji Qingzhuo didn't know, and she wasn't interested in it either.

But she didn't know that Shen Rongyu was one step ahead of her and became interested in her.

She opened her lips and said to Shen Rongyu: "Senior Brother Xiaoyu, I don't know."

Shen Rongyu put down the hand holding her earlobe, Ji Qingzhuo has one advantage, she never lies, so this sentence is also the truth.

He remembered his original intention of asking Ji Qingzhuo the question in the first place. He wanted to know where she came from and who she was.

To be curious about a person is a terrible thing for Shen Rongyu.

He fell into a loop of unreasonable thinking again—he should have killed her, but such a piece of wood, what difference does it make if he kills her or keeps it?

Ji Qingzhuo was in a daze, she didn't know what was going on in Shen Rongyu's mind, she walked down to the Burial Snow Sword with him, instead of looking at the moon in the sky, she looked at the dead leaves in the forest, anyway she didn't look at him.

She felt that her mind was empty sometimes, because she had no desires, and she would not be interested in anything. When Maomao and You were still there, she would think about what the two little guys would eat tomorrow.

Ji Qingzhuo won't think about what Shen Rongyu will eat tomorrow, because he can eat it himself.

After all, Shen Rongyu asked him the most curious thing. From the bamboo house under the moon in Mingxin Lake to Baishui Island, he couldn't even ask the curious question openly like Elder Qiao Shu.

"What did Zhuo Zhuo do before he came to Xuanyun Sect?" He asked in a gentle voice, only holding her by the wrist, leading him to his small courtyard—the spiritual energy had already recovered, and he hadn't let go yet. hand.

"Work in the town, and help the boss in the pharmacy to settle accounts." This is indeed what Ji Qingzhuo did after coming to this world. She worked as an accountant for a month-this job can leave her a lot of time to fish, because she can quickly calculate those accounts.

She doesn't lack the means to make a living, otherwise she wouldn't even have the money to buy Mao Mao at the beginning, so she lives alone in a remote place until she grows old. Such a simple wish can be easily realized.

Shen Rongyu laughed softly when he heard this, he knew that this was something Ji Qingzhuo could do.

"What about before?" He didn't get the answer he wanted, so he continued to ask.

"Before that, I helped other people manage books in other places, and put the numbered books back where they belonged, and I could make some money." When Ji Qingzhuo said this, she felt a little disappointed, she was really unlucky Great, otherwise she lived happily in the original world.

"So?" Shen Rongyu only whispered, and he continued to ask—he no longer concealed his curiosity, "So, what about before?"

How could anyone be born with dead wood? Even himself, all the experiences since his birth, he remembers clearly and painfully.

However, Ji Qingzhuo's footsteps stopped, and she turned her head to look in his direction, but her beautiful eyes were still out of focus, and her gaze did not meet his gaze.

When Ji Qingzhuo heard this question, she felt that her mind was still blank, but she was at a loss when she realized that it was actually a terrible thing for her to lose all her previous memories. She knew that if she did not touch Touching this taboo, she didn't think about it, and it seemed that nothing happened, but Shen Rongyu asked.

How could she not answer his question? So she began to think carefully, but couldn't find the answer, she was like a flower without roots.

Ji Qingzhuo's eyes widened, her expression suddenly became distressed, her voice was still soft, dull and calm, as if she had just woken up from a long slumber.

"Senior Brother Xiaoyu, I forgot." She said to Shen Rongyu, "Before that, I didn't know."

This is a ridiculous answer, but it is an honest answer from Ji Qingzhuo's mouth.

To forget is to forget, never to remember.

Shen Rongyu looked into her eyes, and the other end of the line of sight was still pulling at his heart, turning into sharp thorns, stabbing the ground one after another.

Ji Qingzhuo's eyes were wide open, her brows were raised, her broken hair fell down in strands, which made her look very disturbed, the autumn wind blowing her eyes stimulated tears, but Her eyes were only filled with sparkles, and she was still unable to shed tears—whether it was because of sadness, or because of external stimuli.

Shen Rongyu's big palm covered her eyes, and the temperature of his palm warmed her increasingly uncomfortable eyes.

"Don't think about it." He whispered to her.

"Okay." Ji Qingzhuo replied obediently.

Listening to her voice that became crisp because it was too short, Shen Rongyu suddenly regretted that he asked her this question.

He became even more curious about her. The moment he stepped into the quagmire, every time he struggled, he sank deeper and deeper.

Ji Qingzhuo said, "It's not a big deal."

"After all, it's fine now." She said softly, she felt Shen Rongyu's emotions—it was strange, she was very slow to his killing intent, but she could instantly capture his soft emotions.

She didn't mean to be sad, that's all, she seemed to have forgotten it, but it would be bad to make others unhappy.

She was comforting him... Shen Rongyu dragged her into his courtyard, and Ji Qingzhuo looked at the moonlight reflected in the small pond in the courtyard.

As soon as her body lightened, Shen Rongyu hugged her, wrapped her back with one hand, and her legs with the other. When she lowered her head, she could see her bent knees, and the light tassels hanging on them Falling down, not far above the knee, is her restless tiptoe.

Ji Qingzhuo is still thinking about those weird things at this time, for example, she seems to feel the aura of the red airflow in the cultivation space, yes, the red airflow tightly wrapped her in the depths of the sea of ​​blood When it was time, it gave her the same feeling.

He is what he is, there is no difference.

Shen Rongyu straightened his back, not long ago, the red cloud on the back of his neck began to heat up, he thought, under the heavy clothes, the red cloud must be shining bright red.

Ji Qingzhuo blinked, her eyes were still wet, she huddled in Shen Rongyu's arms, and asked softly: "Senior brother Xiaoyu, did you practice this time?"

"Yes." Shen Rongyu hugged her, stepped onto the bamboo platform in the small pool, creaked the steps with his feet, and walked towards the bamboo couch in the center of the bamboo platform.

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