MTL - Do You Know How to Capture a Villain?-Chapter 69 69%

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Shen Rongyu came to Elder Qu Ting's Beast Spirit Valley. When there was no class, Elder Qu Ting stayed on the snow lake to take care of those Xuanshuang beasts.

Holding the ice spirit fruit in his hand, he distributed them to the Xuanshuang beasts one by one. Bingshuang stood in the center of the Xuanshuang beasts, with his head held high, looking quite at ease, as if he had forgotten about Ji Qingzhuo long ago.

Seeing Shen Rongyu coming, Elder Qu Ting turned around and looked at him with a smile: "Rongyu, why are you here today?"

Shen Rongyu called politely: "Elder Qu."

Then he pointed to You You who was squatting on his shoulder. This little guy was very fat, and his shoulders were heavy.

"On the day before the opening of the mountain, I bought a Xuanshuang Beast and gave it to Qing Zhuo. Now that she is going to go down the mountain to practice, I will bring this little Xuanshuang Beast to you for her." Shen Rongyu will again He picked it up and handed it to Qu Ting, "Elder Qu shouldn't mind raising one more Xuanshuang beast, right?"

Of course Elder Qu Ting didn't mind raising another Xuanshuang Beast, he took it with a smile, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's really heavy."

He fluttered his wings again in Elder Qu Ting's big palm, seemed a little dissatisfied, and groaned a few times.

"It always eats." Shen Rongyu had long felt that Ji Qingzhuo had been feeding it for too long, and as long as Ji Qingzhuo was willing to eat it, Ji Qingzhuo would keep feeding it. And the idea of ​​going on a diet - this is also the reason why she herself is unwilling to take the initiative to raise spirit beasts, she doesn't know how to raise them.

"It's okay, it's good to eat a lot, my Xuanshuang beast is still picky eater." Elder Qu Ting replied.

He hugged him again among the Xuanshuang beasts. Although these spirit beasts are arrogant by nature, they are unexpectedly friendly to their own kind. So, the chubby came to the center of the Xuanshuang herd again, and everyone came over to observe it, sniff it gently, and let out dull cries.

Bingshuang also came over, with a keen sense of smell, she smelled a familiar smell on Youyou—it was Ji Qingzhuo.

So it puffed up and puffed another breath, with frost, which made the little guy roll back a few times in fright.

"Bingshuang should have smelled Qing Zhuo's breath." Elder Qu Ting couldn't help sighing, "It's been so long, after the Xuanshuang Beast who partnered with Yao Lan in the first place was separated from her, he was so sad that he couldn't eat. Now it has almost forgotten, but Bingshuang still remembers her, and these days she always gets angry with me."

Shen Rongyu closed his eyes, he looked at Bingshuang, this big guy was baring his teeth viciously, but he was not afraid at all, and because he liked it, he kept bumping his head - and he also liked those who were not special to it Friendly creatures, such as Mao Mao ignore it, it will be more exciting.

Of course, Shen Rongyu is an exception, and he is really afraid of Shen Rongyu. Only when Ji Qingzhuo is present, this person and beast can barely show the picture of "father's kindness and son's filial piety".

"I once asked her if she wanted to bring Bingshuang back." Shen Rongyu chuckled when she heard that, "But she didn't want to."

Hearing this, Elder Qu Ting was taken aback. If Ji Qingzhuo wanted it, Bingshuang himself would also be willing. Of course he wouldn't mind sending away a Xuanshuang beast, but...he remembered one thing.

"Rong Yu, you can think of taking the spirit beast away for Qing Zhuo, what about you?" Elder Qu Ting stood with his hands behind his back, and he said slowly to Shen Rongyu.

Shen Rongyu had long forgotten that he had a good partner in the spirit beast class, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Me?"

"It's the Black Feather Bird." Elder Qu Ting said, "Rong Yu, your partner in the Spiritual Beast Class, is a small bird, but very capable."

Shen Rongyu remembered that he had indeed briefly fought side by side with a spirit beast named Black Feather Bird in the spirit beast class.

"I didn't expect this spirit beast to be so fragile, Rong Yu, you are so kind to it, it regards you as its real master, and then you left without coming to see it, so it died." Qu Ting sighed softly He said, "Later, I no longer dared to use such a weak spirit beast as a partner for the students in class. This Xuanshuang beast is not so dependent on the master."

Shen Rongyu seemed a little puzzled, he didn't know about it, his eyes flickered slightly, and he asked, "Is it dead?"

"Yes, it misses you very much. You treat it so well, just like the real one. The spirit beast has not yet developed its intelligence, it is stupid and very loyal." Elder Qu Ting looked at Taoyuan in the distance, "Later I will bury it in Taoyuan, Rong Yu, do you want to go and see it?"

"No need." Shen Rongyu refused, this feeling of surprise was only fleeting, just a bird.

Who made it stupid and stupid to believe him? Shen Rongyu is calm and rational - he just takes care of it according to the knowledge he learned in class.

"I knew you would say that." Elder Qu Ting looked at him and smiled.

Most of the elders in Xuanyunzong trusted Shen Rongyu and thought he was an excellent monk, but he was the only one who didn't like him that much.

He is indeed sensible and excellent, but he has no feelings, and his gentle and soft appearance is just an... image he shows to the outside world.

In contrast, he really likes Ji Qingzhuo more - even though she liked Bingshuang very much from the beginning, she could reject it again and again, but the more she refused, the more she attracted such a proud spirit beast like Bingshuang.

However, also in the snow lake, Ji Qingzhuo finally ran back and hugged Bingshuang, while Shen Rongyu left without looking back.

"Okay, let me stay here again until you come back." Elder Qu Ting broke the brief silence.

"En." Shen Rongyu responded.

Before leaving, Elder Qu Ting continued to feed the Xuanshuang beast with his head down, and suddenly said casually, "Rongyu, this person is much smarter than the spirit beast, and of course, he is also much more fragile."

However, at this time Shen Rongyu had already left with the sword, and it is not known if he heard what he said.

Shen Rongyu did not go to Wen Ying, because he had been talking to Elder Qu Ting for too long, so he went directly to Mingxin Lake.

Ji Qingzhuo was indeed in Mingxin Lake. She patted Maomao's head and squatted down to feed it carrots. Elder Qiao Shu was making dumplings. He looked at Ji Qingzhuo and said, "Qingzhuo, don't feed Mrs. If there are too many, it will be full, save some carrots to chop stuffing and make dumplings."

Hearing this, Ji Qingzhuo immediately stood up and carried back the remaining half bag of carrots, just as she turned around, she saw Shen Rongyu.

Shen Rongyu put the sword back into its sheath, stared at her, and only called out: "Zhuo Zhuo."

"Yeah." Ji Qingzhuo responded, and she asked Shen Rongyu, "Elder Qiao wants to make dumplings, will senior brother Xiaoyu eat them?"

"Eat." Shen Rongyu placed the Burial Snow Sword under the bamboo corridor, right next to Ji Qingzhuo's umbrella.

Ji Qingzhuo watched Elder Qiao Shu skillfully make dumplings, she blinked and wanted to try.

"Elder Qiao, can I wrap it? But I can't." Ji Qingzhuo rolled up his sleeves.

Qiao Shu was a little surprised when he heard this: "You mortals should make dumplings often, Qing Zhuo, can't you?"

In fact, Ji Qingzhuo ate dumplings herself only a handful of times, she pursed her lips and shook her head.

Shen Rongyu turned his head to look at her, but only looked at her side face, and didn't speak.

He seldom has any curiosity about people, because people are people, and in his eyes, they are similar to objects, and even two people with similar appearance will not be different in his eyes.

Shen Rongyu has never been curious about Ji Qingzhuo, even though she is so unusual, in Shen Rongyu's eyes, she is all the same, she can do anything, no one will be curious about the texture of the meat on the chopping board.

But now Ji Qingzhuo just pursed his lips, shook his head expressionlessly, but attracted his gaze, which was also connected to his heart like a silk thread, and when he pulled it, he suddenly felt a little painful.

Shen Rongyu fell into meaningless thinking, knowing that Ji Qingzhuo made the first dumpling under the guidance of Elder Qiao Shu.

Holding it in her hands, she handed it to Shen Rongyu, and asked, "Senior Brother Xiaoyu, does it look good?"

Shen Rongyu lowered his eyes and glanced at the strangely shaped dumpling. Even if he could tell nonsense with his face open and his eyes open, he couldn't say the word "good-looking".

He was silent for a long time, and finally opened his lips, and under Ji Qingzhuo's cautious and slightly expectant eyes, he said slowly: "Zhuo Zhuo, there is still room for improvement."

Ji Qingzhuo didn't hear Shen Rongyu's implication, she happily put the ugly dumpling on the table, but Qiao Shu who wrapped the dumpling burst out laughing.

"Rong Yu, don't talk about her." Qiao Shu said with a smile, "Would you like to try it too?"

Shen Rongyu also started making dumplings, and he couldn't do it either, but he wasn't as clumsy as Ji Qingzhuo's hands. This girl seemed to have gathered all her abilities in her head. As for the limbs, it can only be said that it is a miracle that they can still move.

Soon, he took out a decent dumpling and put it on the chopping board. Ji Qingzhuo looked at it and felt a little envious.

"Senior Brother Xiaoyu, do you like dumplings?" Ji Qingzhuo asked.

"As long as you can eat it, it doesn't matter whether you like it or not." Shen Rongyu replied.

Elder Qiao Shu raised his eyes and glanced at Shen Rongyu. He knew that the Dongshan royal family that Shen Rongyu used to belong to was a very traditional line of people. Every year, dumplings would be made in the palace to celebrate the New Year. Now that this family is destroyed, he should have been there for a long time. I didn't eat dumplings.

In the end, the dumplings made by Shen Rongyu were not bad, but the ones made by Ji Qingzhuo were really ugly. Qiao Shu put all the dumplings in the pot and threw them into the boiling water.

"It's been a long time since the world of cultivating immortals has the habit of celebrating the new year,'s almost winter." Elder Qiao Shu said with emotion, "You are leaving Xuanyunzong too."

While eating dumplings, Qiao Shu asked Shen Rongyu a question: "Rongyu, did Duanhong ask you to track down the whereabouts of that evil aura?"

"Yes." Shen Rongyu nodded and replied, "Now the elders in the sect can't spare a hand to track this matter, and the demons spawned by the ghost energy of the earth veins are still raging everywhere in the world, so they can only entrust this task to me."

"If you leave Xuanyunzong with Qing Zhuo, you have to protect her." Elder Qiao Shu said with a smile, "I gave her a little magic weapon to track demons, and she can rely on this little magic weapon to track those who are not too strong. demons."

It is difficult for lowly demons to hide their aura, so they are easily captured by these little magic weapons.

"Well, you can take her with you on the way." Shen Rongyu replied.

They were talking, while Ji Qingzhuo silently lowered her head and ate the dumplings. She didn't have the nerve to give the ugly dumplings she made to others, so she filled a big bowl full of ugly dumplings and ate them alone.

The dumplings she made had thick skins and little filling, which were actually not very tasty.

Shen Rongyu looked down at the bowl in front of her, only took her bowl over and pushed his own over.

"I'll change it with you." Shen Rongyu said, he lowered his head and took a bite of Ji Qingzhuo's bag, the taste was indeed not very good.

Ji Qingzhuo saw Shen Rongyu's bowl was made by himself, so she pressed **** on the edge of the bowl and pushed it back: "Senior Brother Xiaoyu, the one I made is not tasty."

When Shen Rongyu heard the words, she only looked down at her, and said with a hint of ridicule in her tone: "It seems that Zhuo Zhuo doesn't want to eat my bag?"

Of course Ji Qingzhuo was willing to try his buns, so she didn't refute any more, just picked up Shen Rongyu's bowl, and ate slowly.

At this time, night fell, dusk was over, and the lanterns under the bamboo promenade by the lake were already lit up, blown by the cooling autumn wind, and the light and shadow swayed.

Elder Qiao Shu ate a few mouthfuls casually, then looked at them with his chin on his hands, he smiled helplessly: "Rong Yu, who said that the short-lived epiphyllum is hard to grow?"

The light in Shen Rongyu's eyes under the thin ice was deep, and he said with a smile: "It's difficult to raise, but it's really interesting to raise."

The author has something to say:

Qiao Shu: Think I don't exist, right? Let me eat dog food, right?