MTL - Call Me Daddy-Chapter 91 , A man with soft rice is not a white-eyed wolf (11)

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Su Aobai, who got up early to brush his teeth, still maintained his usual posture, holding the toothbrush in one hand and supporting his waist with the other, brushing his teeth mechanically up and down, left and right, while keeping his eyes empty.

He did get a boost in strength, but the strength boost was not serious, it was only on the waist. Could it be that his prayer posture was wrong at that time?

"System, system?"

Jiang Nianbai ran out to call friends early in the morning, and he didn't know if he had breakfast, but Su Aobai was not worried about being seen by others.

"System, good father system!"

The garbage system at home hasn't appeared for a long time, and I don't know what I'm busy with every day.

Su Aobai wanted to raise his protest to the system, because he felt that the unscrupulous system in his home now seemed to be fostered by his wife, serving Yingzi wholeheartedly.

Well, he admitted that he was also happy during the process.

But Su Aobai still wanted to fight for some rights for himself.

"Good daddy system! Good daddy system! Good daddy!"

Su Aobai called a few more times.

"Hey, thief!"

The system finally appeared when Su Aobai called out.


Su Aobai spit out the toothpaste froth in his mouth. He can be sure that his own system really didn't know where it failed.

He directly ignored the loving sound from the system, rinsed his mouth with warm water, wiped his mouth clean, and then seriously discussed with the system, whether the rewards given in the future could favor him as the host more.

"Are you happy, are you happy, do you feel the rewards are helping you?"

The system came up with three consecutive questions, and Su Aobai was speechless.

The system is clear, it has done big data analysis, and human beings are like this, secretly laughing in their hearts and saying no to it.

The most similar manifestation is during the Chinese New Year, when relatives send a red envelope, they have already started to fantasize about how much money is stuffed in the red envelope, but they still have to push back and forth and say no.

Human beings, insincere, unlike them, can't be more honest.

The system felt the difference between their system and human beings, and decided to forgive this son's duplicity.

"I left with nothing else to do. Now I have signed a few more hosts. They are not up to you and have caused me a lot of trouble."

The system seemed very busy, seeing that Su Aobai was not looking for it for any urgent matter, he said hello and disappeared again.

Su Aobai was a little mad. Although the system had no expression, he could hear its attitude from the other party's tone, as if saying, "Small sample, it's cheap and good-looking."

Annoyed, Su Aobai drank the remaining mouthwash in the cup.

Unscrupulous system will be blocked sooner or later!

It doesn't know the real pain in Su Aobai's heart.

The system's rewards are of course very good, and it seems more like Jiang Yingzi's caring system, but in fact it fits his status as a soft meal in this life, and he is completely developing towards a perfect little boy.

But, but!

It's just that the software and hardware have evolved so well that Su Aobai is even more troubled.

What if I lose my life in the next life? QAQ


Jiang Nianbai came back resentfully, originally he was going to ask Qi's little friend to study at home, but he forgot what time it is.

The New Year is approaching, although there is not much work in the field, but the work at home has increased sharply in the past two days. It is necessary to clean up the house, scrub the inside and outside of the house, and the children have to help. Prepare the food that will be eaten during the Chinese New Year in advance, such as fried vegetable meatballs, steamed bean buns, dumplings... Except for some families who like to take advantage, reasonable elders will not let their children visit other people's homes during this time.

When people come to the house, and they are still children, most people always feel embarrassed to ignore them, and there is hot food cooking on the stove in the kitchen. When they see children, they have to be polite and stuff one or two.

These are all good things that my own children can only eat during the Chinese New Year. If they are given out all at once, who would not be hurt.

Therefore, during the period before the Chinese New Year, it has become the default rule to prevent children from visiting everywhere. As for the behavior of children visiting to beg for melon seeds and peanuts on the first day of the new year, it is a custom and a prestige. Every household will prepare these small snacks. Distributing to children is another matter.

Jiang Nianbai was so happy that he forgot this rule, so he could only go home resentful.

He was in a hurry to go out in the morning, he hadn't had breakfast yet, and he didn't know that his mother overslept today and didn't prepare breakfast for the two of them.

"Dad, what shall we eat today?"

Jiang Nianbai is easy to feed, so he eats whatever he has.

The cabinets at home have always been stocked with all kinds of pastries that Jiang Yingzi bought from supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores, but now that the weather is cold, the pastries taste hard and unappetizing.

"Your mother just fried a plate of meatballs yesterday, how about this, I will order two bowls of noodles later, and you can go to the cellar to get a cabbage."

If there is anything wrong with this era, it is that there are too few types of vegetables. In winter, there are only potatoes, cabbage and various pickles left on the dining table.

Jiang Yingzi made two troughs with wood, and spread a thick layer of soil inside. These two wooden troughs were placed in the warmest bedroom, and green onions and leeks were grown in them. Vegetables are ingested.

Su Aobai misses the juicy and crisp green vegetables a little bit.

The next noodles are very convenient. I have pulled the noodles before I have Yingzi at home, sprinkle some dry flour and shake them out, and put them in the pot.

Jiang Yingzi's cooking skills are only at the level of ordinary home cooking, but the pasta she makes is not to mention how good it is, in the final analysis, it is her hands. The dough is extra firm, the noodles are springy, and the wheat is overbearing.

Su Aobai first added a spoonful of lard to the pan, and then quickly fried two perfectly shaped poached eggs. Instead of taking the fried poached eggs out of the iron pan, he poured them directly into the boiling water pot After a while, the water in the pot showed a beautiful milky white color, like broth.

After the water boiled again, he grabbed two handfuls of noodles, fried meatballs, and washed and chopped cabbage and put them in the pot. He took out two large bowls from the cupboard and quickly added a A small spoonful of lard, salt, and a little five-spice powder, and then a little soy sauce and vinegar that Jiang Yingzi bought from an unknown black market.

The taste of this balsamic vinegar is perfect, not particularly pungent sour, but with a very mellow aroma, a bit of fruity smell, a boy as young as Jiang Nianbai can directly kill fifteen large dumplings with this balsamic vinegar.

Before the noodles were cooked, Su Aobai filled a few spoonfuls of boiling soup, and melted and mixed all the seasonings in the big bowl.

As soon as the hot water was hot, the aroma of the spices in the bowl came out, and Jiang Nianbai, who was sitting behind the stove watching the fire, moved his nose slightly, and his breath almost flowed out.

What kind of fragrance is this? Are the noodles so fragrant?

In the past, the noodles at home were simply boiled under the water, and then some salt was added and some side dishes were added. Sometimes the big bone soup was stewed at home, and it would be more fragrant to use the bone soup as the base soup noodles, but the fragrance smelled now is obviously beyond the Jiang Nianbai knows everything about noodles.

When the noodles are cooked, Su Aobai puts the noodles, meatballs, and cabbage neatly into a bowl, spreads poached eggs on top, sprinkles a handful of green onions, and drops a few drops of hand-ground sesame oil. It's all there.

Jiang Nianbai didn't even care that the noodles were still smoking, so he quickly picked up a piece, blew on it a couple of times, and put it in his mouth, feeling hot and reluctant to spit it out.


He also took a sip of the soup, which was fresh and fragrant.

The side dishes are also delicious. The meatballs are chopped by Jiang Yingzi himself. Some of them are chopped into minced meat and some of them are diced.

The cabbage is full of the soup, because the heat is well controlled, the cabbage leaves are soft and tender, and the cabbage leaves have a crispy and sweet taste. Jiang Nianbai is not very fond of vegetables, but he is also fascinated by this taste.

"Dad, why are your noodles so delicious? Why did you say that my mother's noodles are delicious before?"

Jiang Nianbai was completely puzzled while eating the delicious noodles.

It is impossible for Su Aobai to tell him that his father was really not very good at cooking in the past, and the cooking was not delicious, not to mention that in his marriage, he felt that he and Jiang Yingzi were just getting along, completely He enjoyed Jiang Yingzi's contribution for granted, and never thought of helping Jiang Yingzi with some of the housework.

"Because I really think that the food your mother cooks is the best food in the world. I can't compare to your mother."

Su Aobai gave such an answer. In his opinion, people who don't cook have no right to be picky about those who cook.

Dad, when did you lose your sense of taste?

Jiang Nianbai wanted to ask this question very much, but seeing his father's serious eyes, the little animal's intuition told him that if he asked this question, he might suffer disaster.

After many years, Jiang Nianbai recalled today's scene again, and he suddenly sighed, could this be the power of true love in the legend.

In the evening, when Jiang Yingzi came home after a busy day, he found that his man was already busy in the kitchen.

It turned out that Jiang Nianbai was obsessed with the taste of that bowl of noodles and insisted that his father make it again at night and let his mother taste it too.

So Jiang Yingzi sat down at the dinner table flattered after washing up briefly, and took the noodles brought by her son, which was made by her man himself.

"Mom, how's it going? It's delicious. Is it more fragrant than the noodles in state-run restaurants?"

Seeing his mother take a sip, Jiang Nianbai asked impatiently.

Fragrant, very fragrant!

Jiang Yingzi nodded again and again, not only because of the deliciousness of the food itself, but also because of the surprise brought to her by the person who made the food.

"Right, I also think it's very delicious. It's better than the noodles you made before, but my dad insisted that he thinks the food you cook is the best in the world. Mom, why don't you take my dad with you?" Go to the hospital to see a doctor."

Jiang Nianbai whispered in his mother's ear.

Jiang Yingzi, who was sucking noodles, was stunned. She turned to look at the man who came out of the kitchen with the other two bowls of noodles.

He never said this in front of her, but he told him in front of his son that the food she cooks is the best in the whole world.

If he hadn't remembered the saying that a woman bleeds but not tears, Jiang Yingzi would want to hug her man and cry now.

How awkward is her little husband, hiding her love so deeply, she must dig harder tonight.


Suddenly realizing something, Jiang Yingzi glared at his stupid son angrily.

"You think your mother's food is unpalatable!"

This kid is not as conscientious as his father at all, he is only responsible for eating and picks and chooses.

Feeling like he was being watched by a tiger, Jiang Nianbai's hairs stood on end in fright.

That night, the neighbors of Jiang's family heard Jiang Yingzi beating the child.

How many years has it been since I discovered for the first time that Jiang Yingzi also beat children? What a naughty thing this kid Jiang has done.


In the blink of an eye, two or three months have passed, the ice and snow have melted, and the frugal families have not even finished eating the New Year's goods prepared for the New Year, and the busy farming season of the new year is coming.

During this period of time, Su Aobai published several articles one after another, and now no one in the production team ridiculed him for eating soft food.

The postman came to deliver letters to him again that day, and the villagers thought that his article had been selected by the newspaper again, and curiously asked how much he had received for the manuscript this time.

"It's not the newspaper, it's my parents who wrote me a letter."

As soon as these words came out, instead of dispelling the curiosity of those people, it made them even more surprised.

When Yuanshen first went to the countryside, his parents would send letters every now and then, occasionally bringing some food stamps and money, but the letters seldom contained any words of concern for him, and more were complaints about how difficult the family was, and that his eldest brother was getting married. , the younger sister started from scratch after taking over the **** shift, and the family's salary suddenly decreased. The meaning in the words was to hope that he would not expect too much from the family's subsidy.

Later, Yuanchen got married, and his family learned that he had married a country girl who had just graduated from elementary school, so his family stopped giving him that little help, and never saw a letter all year round.

If everyone remembers correctly, the family has already sent a letter three months ago, and the time interval is a bit short this time. Could it be that something serious happened to the family?

Su Aobai looked at the letter in his hand, he knew what was written in the letter.

Originally from the capital, as the political center of the country, the residents living there are far more informed than those in remote areas like them.

The letter stated that the country may resume the college entrance examination.

The reason why the host family sent Yuanshen a letter was because Yuanshen's grades were not bad when he was studying before, so hurry up to review, maybe there is still hope for a junior college, and at that time, he will be able to transfer his household registration to the school's location city ​​of.

The family has made up their minds that if he can be admitted to university, he will divorce his wife in the country and let go of the children in the country. If the family tells him a good marriage, he will have another child.

Speaking of selfish behavior so confidently, coming out of such a family, it's no wonder that the original body will become an irresponsible scum.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-01-04 17:39:34~2022-01-05 17:49:50~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Daydream Zhongmeng; 20 bottles of Li Chengfeng; 233 bottles of Superman, 1890794310 bottles of Aquamarine lq, 5 bottles of Ginger and Xiaochu; 3 bottles of Shuguang; 2 bottles of Xinglan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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