MTL - Call Me Daddy-Chapter 90 , A man with soft rice is not a white-eyed wolf (10)

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Jiang Nianbai is now a veritable king of children. In the past, when his father had a bad reputation, he could subdue many younger brothers and sisters by relying on his brute force. Not to mention that now he has cleared up his father's grievances, proving that eating soft rice is a good thing. What a difficult and difficult thing to do.

None of the children, including him, who was the leader of the party brigade, could find a partner who was willing to support him and eat soft food like his father.


As soon as a group of little kids got together, a little boy about the same age as Jiang Nianbai couldn't help but burst into tears. He rushed over and hugged Jiang Nianbai, crying heartbreakingly, with tears and snot in his nose They all wiped Jiang Nianbai's padded jacket.

"It's too difficult, those questions are too difficult."

This child has not yet entered elementary school. After knowing that he will be able to eat soft meals if he studies hard, the first thing he does when he returns home is to ask his elder brother and sister who are in elementary school to teach him how to read and count. It turned out that his elder brother and sister went to school just for fun. I didn't study hard, but in order to save face in front of my younger siblings, I taught this child things that I didn't learn well.

So there was a teaching accident where he clearly remembered that his brother and sister said 8+7=15 before, and 8+7 equals 14 a second later, and learned a new word yesterday, and changed the way of writing the word today.

How can a child know so much, he just thinks learning is too difficult, and he can change seventy-two like Monkey King.

His crying resonated with most of the children present, yes, it is so difficult to study, and it is so difficult to eat soft food.

Regarding everyone's crying complaints, he also expressed his helplessness, because he also felt that studying was a very troublesome thing, but as a big brother, he always had to solve problems for the younger brothers.

Jiang Nianbai scratched his head, but still couldn't think of a solution.

"I can't help it either."

He muttered and said: "It is not easy to eat meat regularly and wear new clothes. If everyone can eat soft food, the adults in our village will not be jealous of my dad and make up those bad things. "

Jiang Nianbai attributed everyone's criticism of his father to jealousy. They must be jealous of his father, a capable man, because they can't get enough food.

"Think about it for yourself. You can see that their adults are also very tired after working in the fields every day, but do you eat meat every now and then? So you still have to study hard, so that you have the hope of eating soft food."

Jiang Nianbai clenched his fists, cheering for his younger brothers and sisters.

He didn't have to, because these days he suddenly discovered that he was his **** son, and he could have a **** soft meal with his father, anyway, he had been here for the past seven years.

His words made some children who had already wanted to back down regain their courage.

Because they thought of their parents, they knew better than Jiang Nianbai how tiring it was to work in the fields. Their parents' shoulders were covered with thick calluses, which were left by carrying heavy burdens day after day. The skin scabs after being worn out again and again, and the scabs are worn off again, leaving behind thick calluses that cannot be eliminated. Many villagers who have been doing heavy farm work for a long time are old and can't even straighten their waists. walking.

Even if they work so hard and are so tired, it is difficult for them to open their stomachs to eat a hearty meal, and occasionally get some cloth tickets, and they have to save up to make clothes for the oldest child in the family, and then pass them on to the younger children. For me, wearing new clothes is a happy event that rarely happens in my life.

Will such a future be more bitter than studying?

"But study hard, can you really have a soft meal like your father?"

asked a child, licking his fingers.


Jiang Nianbai scratched his head, but he couldn't guarantee it, because he had only seen such a powerful woman in his life.

"Anyway, if you study well, you may still find it. If you don't study hard, you won't even have this chance."

Their production team only has one powerful woman, but there may be many people like her outside. As long as you study hard, you can get out of the production team, because the junior high school is in the commune, the high school is in the county, and the technical secondary school is better. The school is farther outside, as long as you go out, you can always meet more and more people.

Although Jiang Nianbai is still young, his horizons are already very broad, and he is not limited to the one-acre-three-point land in front of him.

"Do you know that the article written by my dad has been published in the provincial newspaper? Do you know what a provincial newspaper is? It is a newspaper that the people of Shanwan Bay will read. The article written by my dad is only about a hundred words. The provincial newspaper gave my dad fifteen yuan, and my dad said, this is the power of culture.”

For the children in the country, five cents is a huge sum of money. How much is fifteen cents worth of five cents? A group of scumbags who didn’t study hard before started counting with their fingers, but it’s a pity that they add fingers and toes. It doesn't work, and all in all, it must be a lot of money.

It turns out that Jiang Nianbai's father is not only so good at eating soft food, but he is also so good.

"Wow, then your dad will definitely buy you a lot of cannonballs."

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and all the children are thinking about right now are firecrackers.

The pride on Jiang Nianbai's face froze. Last night their family celebrated happily. His father handed the remittance slip directly to his mother, saying that he would buy new clothes for his mother, but he didn't say he would buy them for him. What.

His father won't let him go, will he?

Impossible, that was the father who protected the boar behind him the first time he encountered a madness.

Jiang Nianbai quickly shook the smart water in his head.

"Of course, my dad said he would buy me so many cannonballs."

Jiang Nianbai drew a big circle with his hands, which attracted envy from all around.

"So it must be right to study hard."

Jiang Nianbai emphasized again that no one would refute him this time, after all, the fifteen yuan his father took home was the real deal.

"Brother Bai, what shall we do? How can we eat soft food?"

The little girl in the crowd couldn't bear it anymore. She couldn't get in the words just now, but seeing other friends rushing towards the bright future of eating soft food, they became a little anxious.

In the village before, it was always men who scolded for eating soft rice, so what about these girls.

"Read more, too."

Jiang Nianbai replied without thinking.

"But... can I have soft rice like this..."

A more mature girl who is more than nine years old hits the nail on the head.

For a long time, people in the village have always scolded men for eating soft food, because they think that women are vassals of the family, and they create little value, so it is normal to rely on men to support them. , In this case, women's family status is low, and they have less right to speak. It's okay to have nothing to do at ordinary times. Whenever there is any major event, it is basically a man's talk.

The girls couldn't figure out why there was such a big difference between Jiang Nianbai's father and the married women in their village, who were also the adopted half.

"of course!"

Jiang Nianbai said very firmly, "Just study more."

"Think about that sister Gu in the educated youth team. She has a lot of studies, so she can often publish articles in newspapers. The royalties she earns are enough to support herself, and my mother often talks about her acquaintance when she comes back from the city. Several female cadres, female workers, those people have studied a lot to have such a good job."

Jiang Nianbai's idea is extremely bold.

"Think about it, my mother is strong, but she hasn't studied much. You are not as strong as my mother, but you can surpass my mother in reading. If you become capable Women, why do you want to eat soft food, be bold, you can be the masters of the house and raise a man who eats soft food like my dad."

As soon as these words came out, there was a tendency of earth-shattering shock.

The wife is bold, the wife is too outrageous, but thinking about it makes one's blood boil.

A few sensible little girls blushed, but they couldn't bear to listen to Jiang Nianbai's astonishing words.

They all thought of Jiang Nianbai's father's face, he was really the most beautiful uncle they had ever seen when they grew up. Although they were still young, they already knew how to appreciate beauty.

And think about it again, that uncle is not only good-looking, but also gentle and gentle. No matter how the villagers arranged for him to eat soft food in the past, no one said anything about him beating and scolding his wife.

The few little girls didn't think that it was because the original body couldn't fight at all, so they didn't dare to fight this situation. They just thought that if they were really as good as Aunt Jiang, they would definitely be willing to marry a man like Uncle Su.

In fact, not only these children think that way, but also the older girls and daughter-in-laws in the village think the same way every time they see Su Aobai's face.

Thinking back to how many young married women Yuan Shen was fascinated by when he first went to the countryside, if it wasn’t for the fact that he was so useless at work, he couldn’t even support a child if he really wanted to get married, and the adults in the family were immediately alert, wouldn’t Give the girl in the family a chance to hide her signs, and the little girl who circles around the original body is really unrecognizable.

That was when he was not favored at home and the pearl was dusty. He was carefully taken care of by Jiang Yingzi all these years, and it was the real brilliance that showed, which was ten times and a hundred times stronger than when he first went to the countryside.

Could it be that they don't want to keep this delicate flower? It's that they are not strong enough.

"But, but, my parents don't want to send us to study."

"My parents told me to drop out after finishing my studies next year."

Beneath the beautiful expectations is the naked reality.

Most people in the village don't pay much attention to the girls in the family. It is already very enlightened elders to send girls to graduate from elementary school. More families will not send girls to study at all.

This situation will not improve slightly until the resumption of the college entrance examination next year, but it is also limited.

Now there are very few girls in the whole Xiangdang brigade who are lucky enough to have gone to junior high school. Without exception, these girls come from the families of village cadres, or some of them are soldiers or workers in the family. Because of their different horizons, they attach different importance to education.

Of course, the financial situation of the family also accounts for a large part of the reason. As mentioned by the former, the conditions of the family are mostly the group of people who have established a better family.

Faced with this situation, Jiang Nianbai was a little helpless.

No way, these little girls must study hard, otherwise who will he find soft food in the future.

"Well, you guys come to my house and let my dad teach you!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Jiang Nianbai felt a little regretful, because he hadn't asked his father in advance whether his father would like to teach so many people.

A few days ago his father said that he would start enlightening him, but Jiang Nianbai knew at such a young age that the difficulty of teaching him alone is definitely different from teaching a group of children.

But the words have already been spoken, and his dignity does not allow him to take them back, especially when facing a pair of eyes full of surprise.

Especially Ernier, she had never looked at him so brightly before he roasted sparrows for her.

The eyes are so big, be careful to stare the eyeballs out.

Jiang Nianbai thought angrily in his heart.


Jiang Nianbai, who rushed out excitedly, turned into a defeated fighting **** when he returned home, with his head drooping, looking at his father from time to time.

Su Aobai had already noticed his strangeness.

Jiang Nianbai hurriedly moved to his side, hesitatingly told him the big words he said outside.

"Dad, did I cause trouble for you?"

Jiang Nianbai was downcast, he had long since lost the courage to take care of everything outside during the day.


Jiang Nianbai thought, if his father didn't like it, he would go and reject his younger brothers and sisters, and it would be embarrassing at worst.


Who knows, his father didn't scold him, but calmly agreed to his request, as if it wasn't a big trouble.

For Su Aobai who used to be a teacher, teaching a group of children is really not a troublesome task, and he stays at home every day, so he can't really pass the time with these books that the original body has read countless times.

Besides, he really needs these opportunities to ease the relationship with his son.

Jiang Nianbai jumped up happily when he heard this sentence.

His father really loves him! Jiang Nianbai once again affirmed this cognition.

"Ding—Jiang Nianbai's favorability +10, system reward power +5!"

It's that simple that a child's goodwill comes from.

Su Aobai drove the little guy to wash his hands and eat snacks, and then secretly went back to the room to experience the increased five points of power.

He tried to move the desk in the bedroom before, but because the desk was made of solid wood, he couldn't move it at all, so he could only move it on the ground, which left a long line on the ground. drag marks.

Su Aobai thought, after adding five points of strength, he should be able to barely move the desk.

Who knew that when he tried hard, the desk still remained motionless, but it was him who turned his face into a liver-colored one.

It doesn't make sense, the system can't make false shipments, where is the power?


"Go to sleep a little longer. I got up late today, so I don't have time to make porridge. Then you and your son will have some pastries. I'll bring you big meat buns from the state-owned restaurant when I come back tonight."

When Jiang Yingzi got up today, it was already dawn. According to her biological clock, she should wake up before dawn.

Jiang Yingzi rushed to the machinery factory to finish the last task before the Chinese New Year, and it was too late to make breakfast. After a brief explanation to the sleepy man, he hurriedly dressed and washed, got on his bicycle and went out .

The morning glow reflected on Jiang Yingzi's face, which made her look different from the past. She was like azalea who had been full of morning dew.

She had to ride faster to get to work on time.

Hey, it turns out that the old saying is true, the spring night is bitter and the day is high, and the king will not go to court early.

Such a thin person, such a small waist thief has a lot of energy!

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-01-03 17:47:39~2022-01-04 17:39:34~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: Jujue acridine 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: Jielin. 5 bottles; 411839751 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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