MTL - Both are Foxes-Chapter 121 Happy world

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Nangong Gongran glanced at Nangong Gong again slightly, then turned and left, and the flames rose skyward behind him. Nangong Gongran knew that he and Ye Yin were really far away from here and there was no time to meet again. See the latest chapter in Perfect World, and go for the quick bar. Collection ~ Top * 点 * 书城 书 友 整 ~ 理 提 ~ Supply

After Nangong slumped behind her, she just wanted a man's full love, but why did she get a cold back? Couldn't she have happiness?

A fire at the Xianwang Palace burned the entire Xianwang Palace to ashes. No one knew what the cause of the fire was, nor did anyone investigate it. Nor did anyone know that this fire burned down the life-long love of an emperor.

According to Nan Rong's historical records, the famous emperor Xiande in Nan Rong's history was reigned for twenty-five years. During his reign, he favored the queen Nangong alone. However, although the emperor's feelings were good, the queen Nangong was rarely smile , Emperor Xiande is without any children. After the death of Emperor Xiande, the emperor was passed on to the son of Lingyun in Nangong.

In the early morning, the bird song awakened Ye Yin from his deep sleep, rubbing his sleepy eyes, Ye Yin Ren Fengyao stared at him motionlessly, and there was a strong love in his eyes. Heart swayed, Ye Yin reached out and stroked his cheek: "Jing Xuan, you are white again, do you worry about me?"

Ren Fengyao smiled, grabbed Ye Yin's hand, put it on his lips and kissed, and whispered, "As long as you can come back to me, even if the bun is white, I am willing, Yeer, in this world I have never been afraid Things, but in you I always feel what is scared. "

Speaking of Ren Fengyao's eyes, he was scared, and he smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, Ye, it's all my fault, but I failed to protect you and hurt you so much."

"It's not your fault. Actually, I was voluntarily taken away by them." Ren Fengyao was surprised when he heard the words, and Ye Yin explained, "The day I entered the backyard meditation room, I noticed something wrong and thought that the meditation room was lost. The taste of the medicine, I have been working on how to fight the drug after experiencing the case of Beibei. I vowed never to let people fall for me again, so after that I have been training me to Drug resistance, so the drug in the Zen room was not completely put to me, and my consciousness was still sober. "

With a hint of guilt, Ye Yin looked at Ren Fengyao and said, "If I shouted someone at the time, it would be possible for the dark guards outside to come in to save me, but I wanted to know who wanted to be against me, and then I heard Xie Zhiqiu and The voice of Gongwu. The old Zen master was impersonated by Gongwu. Through their dialogue, I knew that they wanted to take me to Nanrong to Nangong Piaoran. After knowing their purpose, I decided to equip them and let them down. Take me away. Jingxuan, I was trying to solve these things all at once. I didn't like to leave a tail behind me. "

"Yeer, I understand what you think, but I disagree. If you take such a risk, where would you put me? Yeer, he also used 'forgotten dust' on you. I don't know you How did you escape the 'forgotten dust', but if you really forgot me? Yeah, you ... "

"I didn't expect him to use 'forgotten dust' on me, and I would let them take me away because I don't think Nangong floating will hurt me, but I didn't expect him to use 'forgotten dust' on me." Ye Yin When she said that her look was bleak, she sighed, "I know 'Forgetting Dust', because last time when I was in the first line, Lanzhi told me in detail what Nan Rong's secret medicine is, respectively. What are the effects. When Gongwu gave me medicine, I guessed that what he gave me to listen to might be 'forgotten dust', because 'forgotten dust' directly erased people's memory, and another 'drunk dream died' 'But it is a deadly poison. Fortunately,' Forgetting Dust 'is not a medicine that melts at the entrance, so I did not swallow it, and Gongwu also cares about seeing that I was not fully awake. I was vomiting. "

Although Ye Yin tried to slow down his tone as much as possible, but his narrative was very dull, but Ren Fengyao's face became more and more gloomy. Finally, he couldn't help but said, "Yeer, have you thought about it if you really eat it? What if you really forget everything? "

"No! I won't forget you! I know it is really scary when I think about it, but I will never forget you. People's memories will disappear, but love will not." Ye Yin urgently Tao said, her eyes were full of firmness, and she saw Ren Fengyao's heart palpitations.

Although Ye Yin said very earnestly, Ren Fengyao knew whether some would say that he would not be born, but how could he take her? After staring at Ye Yin for a long time, Ren Fengyao finally said helplessly: "Yeer, I don't know what to say to you, I can only thank God for returning you to me, only hope that there will be no next time. Ye I know you have always been a strong and competitive person. You don't want to depend on others. But, Yeer, can't you rely on me? Can't you leave everything to me? "

"No, I won't be stubborn anymore. In the future, I will leave it to you to do it. I just want to be a rice bug. These lazy things really make me a little tired. Now, Jing Xuan, you will always stay with me and my baby, always protecting us, right? "

Ye Yin ’s last sentence had a hint of coquettishness, which made Ren Fengyao, who had never seen Ye Yin look like this, shake heartily, his eyes softened quickly, and the softness seemed to drip water. In the same way, he reached out to Ye Yin's abdomen and said lowly: "Yes! You and the children are the most important babies in my life. Thank you, Yeer, I ca n’t believe I have Child. Yeer, you are too messed up this time. You have a child and you still ... ”

Reaching out to cover Ren Fengyao's mouth, Ye Yin begged: "Don't preach, I know it's wrong, I know it's okay? And I didn't know I already had a baby, if I knew , I will not be so reckless, when I knew I was already on the way to Nanrong, I was already pretending to be foolish, I .... The arrow is on the string, I have to, I have to think of another way to protect me and the child. "

"In fact, my original idea was to face Nangong alone and let him take the initiative to let go. I don't want me and his friends to fail. But I still want it too much. Now it seems that I and him do I ca n’t be friends anymore. Jing Xuan, Nangong is an obsessive person. If he is not allowed to let go on his own, I will have to face him in the future, so I have to let him understand that I and him will never be there One piece, Nan Rong is horizontal between me and him, and Nangong Nang horizontal.

"If you didn't cross these lines, wouldn't you just ..." Ren Fengyao said sourly, "I've heard that you've been interested in him?"

After giving Ren Fengyao a glance, Ye Yinjiao yelled, "I did really care about him, because I still hated you!"

Yi Renfeng snorted: "You can leave this to me."

"Entrust it to you?" Ye Yin scoffed, "What can the two big men do besides confrontation by force? And you will never give up when you come to Nangong, and Nangong's unwillingness will result in Nangong's unwillingness. So I have to resolve all worries before we let go. I don't want anyone to harass us after we retire. "

"It makes sense for you to say everything!" Ren Fengyao nodded Ye Yin's mind and said, "Fortunately, you are still by my side, but this is enough."

Reaching out to embrace Ren Fengyao, Ye Yin buried his head in Ren Fengyao's arms and whispered, "Jing Xuan, thank you for being so tolerant of me, thank you for letting me know that there is really one-hearted love in the world. I thought I was I'm destined to be alone all my life, but ... thank you for having me with you. "

"What a stupid thing to say!" Ren Fengyao blocked Ye Yin's waist, sighed with satisfaction, suddenly he seemed to think of something, and laughed, "Yes, Yeer, I only recently learned that Yang Han seemed to be at Langzhi. I ate it. Yeer, it seems that you have to make a match for the two of them! "

"Is it because of the difficulty? In fact, both of them are very boring. When I get the chance to put them together, I don't believe I can't make this match! If it doesn't work, I will give them two tablets * *, Drag them directly to bed, hum! Wait for the raw rice to cook mature rice, I don't think they are right! "

"Sao Sao?" Ren Fengyao was thinking about the meaning of "Sao Sao", but he heard a few words behind Ye Yin, and suddenly he couldn't help crying. "Yeer, what are you thinking about this mess, you, you………"

Ye Yin gave him a scornful glance, then adjusted his posture, and comfortably nestled in Ren Fengyao Huaihuai: "How is this called a messy idea? I am optimistic about both of them! You do n’t know Langzhi once told me It was said that Yang Han was a good person, and Yang Han also wanted a woman who was gentle and able to rely on him. Lange was very suitable for him. Lange was so good that he was more than enough to accompany him. "

Shao Renfeng shook his head unwillingly. He knew that these two people had some meaning to each other, but Lange seemed to have some intimidation, so it would not be easy to get them together!

"Jing Xuan, do your men value women's chastity?" Ye Yin suddenly got up and stared at Ren Fengyao carefully.

Ren Fengyao was stunned, then immediately said: "It's impossible to say that you don't care, but it doesn't matter if you really fall in love. Are you worried that Yang Han will not accept Lange? You don't have to worry about this. Yang Han is not a superficial person. He knows what happened to Lange, and he pities her. Yeer, the problem now is with Lange, and he seems to have a heart knot. "

"I know this, I will solve it. Jing Xuan, Lanzhi will do me harm like that, so I hope she can be happy, I don't want her to be harmed in any way." Ye Yin sullenly said, "Jing Xuan, you Say I will go to **** in the future? I have done a lot of ......... My hands are covered with blood. "

Reaching out to embrace Ye Yin again, Ren Fengyao gently kissed Ye Yin's silk road: "Fool, who has not been stained with blood on my hand, neither am I! Don't think about all the mess, this world is not completely Those who do n’t invite people to scold are nothing but some people who scold less and some more. Yeer, the people of Laos are very respectful to you, and in their eyes you are the perfect God, so do n’t Think of those unpleasant things, even if he really wants to go to **** in the future, don't forget that you and me, I kill no less than you, we will always be together. "

"People often say that pregnant women are prone to sentimentality. It seems to be true now. I have never thought of it like this before, right." It seemed like something happened, Ye Yin looked at Ren Fengyao with a erratic look And then whispered, "Jing Xuan, now I'm pregnant, would you ..."

"Huh? What?"

"Will you be intolerant of loneliness? This kind of thing often happens." Ye Yin blurted out.

Wu Wenyan said, Ren Fengyao's eyes froze, and he smiled and said, "What do you say? Yeer, are you doubting me?"

Ye Renfengyao's expression was a bit dangerous, which made Ye Yin realize that he just seemed to say something wrong. However, in the previous life, this is indeed a very real question, and she just asked it when she thought about it, why did she have to eat her expression so badly?

Ye Yeyin chuckled, and just planned to say something to distract Ren Fengyao's attention, but he was blocked back without saying a word. The summer sun was shining warmly through the window lattice, and there was a scene in the house.

A few years later, three horses were walking along the border between Dongling and Lao Guo, two years and a girl at once. The boy in front of his head was about fourteen or five years old. He wore a moon-white gown. His temperament was as quiet as water. Raising his hands and feet was even more elegant. The young man's appearance is very beautiful, his eyes are even more dazzling, and his eyes lightly reveal a kind of enchantment intentionally or unintentionally.

The girl next to him was about twelve years old, and his appearance was a bit similar to him. A face was more exquisite and exquisite. She also had a pair of bright eyes that could catch people's hearts, but those eyes were more flowing. Layer sly.

The other boy is also twelve or three years old, but his appearance is very ordinary, but he has an indescribable taste that makes people not ignore his existence because of the superiority of two children. . His eyes were very quiet, there was no extra emotion in his eyes, and only occasionally a peculiar indulgence appeared in his eyes when he looked at the woman.

"Brother, do you say father and mother are there?"

"Where can I go? Naturally, there are mountains and water to go, according to the mother's meaning, it is a honeymoon."

"True, the two of them ran out and were at ease, but kicked the two of us out to stop Dong Ling and Lao Guo from standing. Is there any reason for this?" The girl muttered unhappy.

"Actually, that ’s okay. I do n’t know if one of the two old foxes will be left with the bones of the two of us. And dad did n’t say, as long as we do n’t play too much, let us What to do, therefore, it is not necessarily a bad thing to be romantic and kicked out by them. "

Moaning, Ren Fengliu turned his head and looked at Yang Yandao, who had been silent, "Yangyan, why are you here too? Are you kicked out by Aunt Zhi?"

"No, my mother said that I want to protect my sister." Yang Yan glanced helplessly in his eyes, he sighed, "Merry, I said don't ask me to raise my eye again."

Ren Hantian, Ren Fengyao's eldest son twitched slightly: "A Yan, your mother and your father are walking with my father and mother, so your mother actually found an excuse to kick you out. A Yan Your mother has been following my unscrupulous mother for so many years, and she is not a fuel-efficient lamp now, so letting you protect the Merry is just an excuse. "

"I know." Yang Yan said faintly, he already knew his mother's original intention, but even if his mother didn't kick him out, he would follow him to protect him.

"Merry, pick one, are you going to Dongling or Lao Country?" Ren Hantian stopped, looking at himself with a good look, but he was actually a little devil's younger sister.

"Hey! Brother, can you really play casually?" Seeing Ren Hantian nodded with a smile, Ren Fengliu also smiled, "Then I'm going to Lao Country, my mother was jealous of my relationship with my father and then kicked me out, so I I'm going to her to set up Lao Guo to toss. "

"Well then, I'll go to Dongling. Dongling is a country that my father has always been concerned about, and I was kicked out by my dad. The emperor who didn't toss Dongling is ..." Said, "Merry, remember to leave a few more messes to clean up for them, we can't let them fight like that."

"it is good!"

Twenty-three horses diverged at the fork and the smoke rose, and another legend began.

End of the text

Fanwai (1)

March is the season when the plants are blooming and the peach blossoms are blooming. However, this spring has come late. By the end of March, the peach blossoms are still in the unopened state, and the grass in the fields seems to be much thinner than in previous years.

The sky was gloomy from the morning, gusts of wind passed, letting people snoring coldly. Afternoon, drizzle began to float in the air, and in the rain was still mixed with granular snowflakes, chills rushed out, making people dare not go out.

Qifeng City is the southernmost city in Laos. It is close to Dongling in the south and Nanrong in the north. It is a must for business travel of all countries. Therefore, there are many teahouses and restaurants in Fengcheng outside the city.

Compared with the big restaurants and big tea houses in the city, these small restaurants outside the city are much simpler, but these tea houses and restaurants have no fewer guests than the big restaurants in the city. It is just a bit cold today. , So that there is only one guest in the "rest restaurant", which is often full on weekdays.

This is a young man in white with a clean and handsome face. The young man is very handsome, and he is full of scholarly manners. At a glance, he knows that he is a good scholar. He is a polite scholar, but the teenager's face is a little somber. It looks like he's not in a good mood.

Outside the restaurant, the rain and snow seem to be getting worse and worse, and the sky is gloomy and scary. The cold is getting heavier. The second person inside the restaurant is holding his arms and stomping to keep warm, while keeping low. Grunting, cursing the ghost weather, while he was cursing from time to time, he peered at the only guest in the restaurant to see if his wine was finished.

The palm refused to hide in the backyard long ago, squatting in front of the stove to warm himself, but he could only stay here to say hello to the white boy who has been sitting since the beginning of the morning. Although his appearance is very pleasing, but here In this kind of weather, he prefers to sleep on the hot hood and sleep in a cold night.

The boy bowed his head and seemed to be thinking about his mind. The table was full of the jugs he had drank. He had already drank a lot, but his face still looked as white as ever, without the slightest drunkness, just when he was Occasionally, when he raised his head and looked out the window, the second child would see a trace of blurry light from the teenager's twin bright sides.

The young boy ’s eyes are very beautiful, bright and radiant, and his eyes are full of enchantment, as if he could inadvertently seduce the soul of a person. This is a boy who looks like a lotus and is like a monster!

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but take a nap and hurry up and look away. He didn't want to be stunned by this young man who occasionally showed a state of evil. He was better off from this boy.

Xiao Xiaoer's reaction was completely in his eyes, but now he has no time to pay attention, slumped his head and sipped his wine, then looked up out of the window. The teenager's eyes were all confused, how did he get the trick?

Outside the window, the city walls of Fengcheng can be seen faintly from the flying rain and snow. The young man looked at a part of the city wall dumbly and sighed a long time ago. His mother-in-law should have fallen from the building there to swindle to death. ? She had used the same strategy twice, and she had deceived so many people, and she had to say that his mother-in-law was indeed deceitful.

At that time, she retreated with swindle and rapid death, completely disappeared from the history of Lao Guo, leaving only her reputation as a young man in white. At that time, her seduced father who was swindled to death fell ill and almost destroyed the war. In all countries, her fraudulent death made Nanrong's idle grandfather take the initiative to ascend to the throne just to avenge her. That year she ...

She had done countless things in the past. She counted many people back then, and now he hasn't escaped her calculations!

I think he has had a smooth life since he was born, and now everything is under his control, but now because of his unscrupulous mother's calculations, he has run into a woe. The end, but also escaped to such a small place to drink.

Think carefully when did they calculate him? It should have started two months ago!

Maybe even earlier? The teenager's complexion was more gloomy, his teeth bittered, and the shopkeeper Er looked back involuntarily.

Two months ago, his unscrupulous dad preached in his ear every day, and wanted him to marry the five princesses of Dongling. He was annoyed by his dad, so when his unscrupulous The mother-in-law asked him to go to Laogu to see his flowers. By the way, he asked him to inspect the training in the camp. He didn't hesitate to agree, and immediately packed up and packed out the valley. Now I want to come On the face of it, his mother seemed to be for his good, and wanted to get rid of his unscrupulous father's calculations, but in fact it was ...

In fact, he knew that his mother-in-law was not kind, but he was too confident, he felt that he would not be trapped, so he went, he thought he had always been as good as God, and there was nothing in heaven. What can stump him, so he knew that his mother might be calculating him, and he didn't care much, because he thought he would be too stupid if he knew he was a trap and would be fooled, but it turns out that he Really stupid!

Ginger is old and spicy, and now he is deeply aware of it. He has missed an item after countless calculations, that is, the emotional matter is not controlled by human reason. To become a fine fox parent, he is, at best, a little fox!

Humph! What his dad said was to take the five princesses from Dongling to Guzhong to cultivate feelings with him is actually just a cover. His dad made it clear that he was helping his mother to run on him, because he was afraid of being his own dad. He calculated automatically and left the valley, but he was still calculated! Was calculated by his father and mother!

If you think about it, he is really stupid. His dad usually spoils his mother so naturally, he naturally stands by his mother, and his mother has never wanted to have a relationship with the royal family. How could that be? Will make him have a relationship with the five princesses of Dongling, but he just believed in the words of his daddy fox, thinking that he really wanted to marry the five princesses of Dongling, thinking that his lifelong affairs would be his own The unscrupulous dad offered to sell and hurried away from the valley, what a fool!

He shouldn't have left the valley at the beginning! If he didn't leave the valley, he wouldn't encounter flowers, and if he didn't, he wouldn't run away so wildly!

A pot of wine met the bottom again, Ren Hantian beckoned to signal to Xiao Er to go to another pot, and then glanced gloomily out of the window. Hualiliu the little girl was the same age as his sister, but she followed her. It's completely different. He has never seen a girl with such an upright temper, and Geng is so involuntarily trying to maintain her.

I still remember when he saw her one month ago. The weather was better than today, but the chill was not lost at all. He had just arrived in Laos and was having lunch in a restaurant. He heard downstairs. The noise in the street, he looked out subconsciously, and then he saw her.

She is not a beauties in the country, she can only be regarded as handsome, but she is very upright and a little reckless.

She was teaching those who were cheap at the time, and a little girl was surrounded by so many people without a trace of fear. The righteous appearance made him laugh. However, he did not agree with her approach at that time. Although she was a righteous act, in the final analysis, she was just a little girl. She should not have been so impulsive and rushed to the theory. Under the shadows.

These people are all foolish on the street. They never make sense. Although she is good at martial arts, she almost hurts those people's underhand, so he helped her.

The second time he met her was at Huayao ’s house. That was when he knew she was Huahua ’s daughter, Hualili, and at the same time he began to suspect that his mother wanted him to come here. The flower was stumbling. Although he guessed his mother ’s purpose at the time, he did n’t care. He thought that since he had guessed the mother ’s deceit, he had nothing to fear. He did n’t believe his mother could calculate it. Got him! However, he didn't spend much time in Huafu. He didn't take long to go to the barracks. However, he encountered Hualili three times there. Now he wants to come to Hualiu to collude with his mother, so he will be in the army. I saw Lilu, but at that time he didn't think too much, because Hualilu always talked in the barracks.

A 15-year-old little girl was already a major general in the army, which surprised and deeply admired him, because the little girl in the barracks did have the same appearance, she was not here to confuse of. Hualiu only had a daughter, Hualiu, who had treated Hualiu as a boy since he was a child. Since the age of three, he has taken her to the barracks and let her fight with the soldiers. Let her train Jiang with those soldiers, let her develop such an upright temperament, and let her have the title of major general today. She is a real major general, without any trace of adulteration, she has a really good ability.

Knowing Hua Lili ’s past, he felt a lot of pity, and at the same time, he complained a little bit about flowers. How can a good girl be raised as a boy, and let her work and rest with the soldiers in the army. The girl is born The delicate should be pampered in the palm of his hand, such as his sister Merry, who is not spoiled by her, although Merry is now spoiled, but she has everything a girl should have.

Qin Qi calligraphy and painting, knitting women's red, romantic, but flowers do not know anything, she will just dance guns to make a stick, she will just march line; romantic skin is as delicate as water, and flowers leave hands The top is full of thick cocoons; romantic is treacherous, knows how to be coquettish, knows how to look at people's eyes and is pleasing to the people, but spends all his life in a righteous manner, saying one or two, never knowing the twists and turns, typical military style.

I thought that Ren Hantian couldn't help but sigh deeply. There wasn't a girl like Hua Liluo on his body, but he just moved.

Daddy Dad knew about Niang and fell in love with her because of curiosity, but he loved her because of pity, because he felt sorry for flowers, and then he took the initiative to contact her, then ... and then fell! When he felt his heart about Hualilu now, he fled, very frightened.

Dad said that once a man in love is in love for a lifetime, he has always been convinced, so he also knows that he is afraid to be completely carried this time, but he is very unwilling, if he is just pure He planted it in the hands of the little girl, and he acknowledged it, and he would not run away so embarrassedly, but this time it was obvious that he was planted in the hands of his mother, who was calculating him, how could he be willing to enter How about it? So he fled.

After another pot of wine bottomed out, Ren Hantian sighed again. Although he was very unwilling, he still had to go back. The little girl was not only upright but also reckless, and it was easy to offend people. There is nothing in the army, but just out of the barracks ... He had to go back and look at her. If he didn't go back and look at it, maybe he would get into trouble one day because he offended someone who couldn't offend him. Forget it, he still confessed his fate!

Watching Ren Hantian leave Silver Two out of the door, Xiao Er could not help secretly tongue out, this man is just a 17-year-old boy, but the amount of alcohol is so good, even drinking so many pots even a trace of drunkenness No, the footsteps are still so steady, and I don't know who this boy is and how they were taught. The charm and grace are like gods.

In the official way, Ren Han walked on the top of the wind, a thin white suit was pressed against him by the wind, his robe corners were flying up and down by the wind, but he didn't seem to feel the chill, and his steps were not tight. Slow, it seems a little leisurely and leisurely.

He is going back to find the little girl now, but he also has to think about the countermeasures. The little girl seems emotionally slow, so he has to think of a way to capture her heart. Since he has already fought to accept his mother The calculation of the dear, if he can't hold the beauty, he will be laughed at by his unscrupulous mother, but today he acknowledged that the calculation was made by his mother, and he will definitely retaliate in the future, his Not attentive!

Thousands of miles away, amidst green grass and peach blossoms, the purple-silvered Yelian even sneezed a few times, then rubbed her nose and said, "Jing Xuan, what do you think Tianer is doing now?"

"What else can I do, of course it is joy, annoyance, and unwillingness. He must be extremely contradictory now, and he still hates us very much. You think about what he has eaten since birth Lost, but you counted him this time! "Ren Hantian caressed the show of Ziyin Ye, smiling slightly, his son was originally savvy, but this time he overturned the boat in the gutter. Be willing!

"I can't do anything about it!" Zi Yin Ye mumbled, "Who made your son disobedient!"

"Tianer disobedient?" Ren Fengyao shook his head, disapproving, "When did you tell Tianer not to do it? Tianer just doesn't like being restrained. His temperament is a bit like Du Luo, like to follow Tian Er said that his biggest wish is to make friends with friends, to drink and drink together, to talk about the sky, and to travel all over the world. Tianer is proud of himself and never refuses to convince others, let alone It's surrendering to being a man, so ... "

"So what? I didn't let him surrender to whoever he is! And why don't you say that Tianer's temperament is with you? The same ruthlessness, doing things depends on personal preferences, and things that you are not interested in. I will never intervene in it. "Sitting straight from Ren Fengyao's arms, Ziyin Ye slumped at Ren Fengyao, humming, and said," You're right, what I told him to do, he did. Go to do it, but he will not do his best to do it, he will only perfunctory things, so I will think about calculating him! And you are not involved in this matter too? You mumbled in his ear every day If you want him to marry the five princesses of Dongling, and also say that you want to receive the five princesses from Gu Zhong to cultivate feelings with him, wouldn't you be stinging him? If he didn't believe you, how could he be so obedient? Just go out of the valley? "

"Yes, yes, I was involved, and I said those words are indeed taunting him, but I'm helping you!" Seeing Zi Yin Ye staring at himself, Ren Fengyao hurriedly soothed.

"Help me?" Ziyin Ye snorted softly, glanced at Ren Fengyao, and raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Jing Xuan, are you sure you're just helping me? Are you sure you don't have the slightest intention of going to the theater?"

With a slight cough, Ren Fengyao shrugged and chuckled, and said leisurely: "The little girl in the flower family does have some meaning, and it is more interesting than your five princess, even though I have a heart to marry and want to marry his five princess to the sky. Son, but the uncle's five princess has a temperament too Wen Shu Dunliang, she can't trap Tian'er's heart, and spend the little girl ...

Ziyin Ye pouted his lips and hummed his whole life. "Dare to deliberately act, obviously he wants to go to the theatre, unscrupulous father!"

Ren Fengyao chuckled. He is indeed an unscrupulous father, but Yeer counts Tianer for ... To sigh gently, Ren Fengyao said positively: "Yeer, I know what you count Tianer for, You want him to protect your country for you, so that the people of your country can be safe and happy. But, Yeer, have you thought about it, how long can you protect this happiness? "

She does n’t know how long she can wait, but she hopes that Laos will not be involved in the war within a hundred years. Her heart is actually not big. She cannot care about the peace of the entire Ziyun continent, but Laos is her lifelong life. With painstaking efforts, if the country cannot guarantee a century of peace, then she ...

Laos is among the five nations in the Ziyun continent. If any two nations are in war, Laos will be affected. As far as the current situation is concerned, there will be undercurrents among the countries, and these undercurrents will one day explode She couldn't stop, she just hoped that the explosion could be postponed.

She knows better than anyone else. She knows that one day there will be a great monarch on this continent, a monarch who can unify the entire Ziyun continent. However, unity is obtained through war. After that, there will be no Laos in this world.

Today, she and Ren Fengyao are still there, so she can temporarily maintain the surface peace, but she and Ren Fengyao are gone? She doesn't want the Lao Kingdom she built with all her heart and soul to maintain a century-old peace, so she can only count on her children, and she hopes that they can also help her protect Lao Kingdom.

The wind blew gently, the peach branches trembled, the peach blossoms flew up and down in the air, gorgeous and eye-catching.

Looking at the flying petals, Zi Yin Ye said for a long time: "How long can I guard, I just want to do my best, I hope that countries can maintain the status quo within a hundred years._In fact, although you haven't said anything, but I Knowing that you do n’t want to see Dongling fighting with other countries, I ca n’t control things for a long time, but ... The status quo is alive, so we can fool around, and when we can only rely on heaven after a hundred years They are, Tianer, he is too casual. Instead of forcing him to control the affairs of the puppet state, it is better to let him have a bond with the puppet state. "

Having said that, Ziyin Ye smiled a little, "Although Hualiluo is not a country-wide beauty, but I believe that this natural and straightforward little girl who does things a little recklessly will surely attract Tianer's interest, and Hualiluo The teaching of gradual departure from childhood has an unusually high patriotic mood. If Tianer really likes Lili, then he will not do his best to protect the country.

Qi Renfeng shook his head and sighed softly, "You, just thinking about Laos, what about Dongling? Selfish girl, just thinking about your Laos, don't forget that you are still a Dongling!"

"There is one for two. Since he is in charge of the country's gossip, will he ignore Dongling? And don't forget that Dongling has his relatives and grandparents. Tianer always pays attention to affection. How can he ignore Dongling? Ling, look at your careful look 1 ”Ziyin Ye pouted his lips, looked disdainful, Ren Fengyao smiled and shook his head, this little fox knew he had the opportunity to arrange him deliberately, and he was careful there, he just ...

"Yeer, do you think Tianer didn't realize that you were counting him?" Ren Fengyao's expression is very meaningful. His son is always savvy. Perhaps he has already seen their tricks. Otherwise, when he leaves the valley, It won't be that disdainful expression.

"What if you notice it? As long as he obediently obeys my intentions to see the flowers gradually leave, and then visits the military camp of Lao Guo, then he will not be able to run! I have already contacted flowers to leave, and Tianer will see flowers. Li Xuan, Jing Xuan, your son is very savvy, but some things are savvy and may not be able to hide. Tianer he is too confident, even if he guesses my purpose, I guess I intend to use flowers He will not be avoided if he is pinned down by him, maybe he will greet him proactively to prove that I can't count him. Tianer's life has always been very rational, and everything wants to be in his hands. OK, but there is one thing in this world that he ca n’t reason and ca n’t count. It ’s the feelings of people. Sometimes people are only at such a short moment.

Seeing Ziyin Ye so determined, Ren Fengyao raised an eyebrow and stopped speaking. Knowing the child Moruo, maybe his son will really like the little girl who is gradually leaving home. It is better to be blue than blue. Tianer is indeed more savvy than he was, but he is only ten after all. Eight-year-old, speaking of the age of fierce temperament, easily tempted by the opposite sex, how can he escape his mother's old fox's calculations!

Fanwai (2)

This is a sunny afternoon, this is a afternoon suitable for taking a nap, the spring is sleepy and the autumn is lacking. The plain-clothed woman lying on a lounger under the peach tree is sleeping in the soft spring breeze. Her appearance is like that Fabulous, although she doesn't look too young, the years haven't left much marks on her face, but because of the precipitation of the years, she naturally exudes a graceful and luxurious atmosphere and mature charm.

The wind blows from time to time, and the peach blossom petals dance against the wind. In such a leisurely cow, the flying petals and the sleeping woman constitute a beautiful painting, without a voice or a bird, the picture is quiet and yet It is pleasing to the eye, but this harmonious picture is quickly broken by a heavy footstep.

"Bastard Xiaoqi, you still have no time to sleep here, and she is gone, do you know?" The speaker's voice was full of anger, and the sleeping woman was awakened, rubbing her sleepy eyes, and stretched her back, The woman Su Yi got up and blinked, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? How dare you ask? How did you become a mother-in-law? She's gone, you know?"

"What should I do, that's all, Lange, calm, calm!" Ziyi Ye, a woman in clothing, didn't take a look, she stretched out a finger beside the chair to signal Lange to sit down, and then slowed down. "Lanji, in fact, you don't have to worry about it so much. She is just running away from home. It's okay!"

Laneige stared at Ziyin Ye with unbelievable eyes, "Just run away from home? You can say it! Ziyin Ye, is there anyone like you who is like this? Your daughter left the house and you are even a little bit Do n’t worry, say it ’s okay? Wait, you already knew that you were away from home, did n’t you? ”

Ziyinya shrugged, and her face didn't matter. "Yeah, she left last night and left a letter before leaving. Now the letter is still on my desk. Would you like to see it? If you If you want to see it, get it yourself. "

"You ..., you ..." Lange rolled her eyes with anger, and said for a long time, "You left last night, and you are still sleeping here, aren't you worried at all?"

"What are you worried about?" Leaning down to pick up the book on the ground, Ziyin Ye flicked it with her hand, "Lanji, don't be so nervous, love her ..."

Before Ziyin's night talk, Lange snorted heavily and walked away. Looking at the back of Lange's anger and anger, Ziyin sighed softly. She was not anxious as a mother. Why be so angry? Really ...

"What's wrong with Lange? She looks very angry and asks her to ignore her."

Ziyin Ye glanced up and glanced at the elegant and handsome man, pouting: "It's not because of your baby girl!"

"Merry?" Ren Fengyao raised his hand to pick up the petals falling on the purple silver night, and then sat down beside her, thinking only a moment, Ren Fengyao knew what Lanzhi was angry at, so he smiled and said, "Lanzhi It's normal to be angry. After all, she treats Merry as her daughter-in-law from an early age. Now that the Merry is gone, she will be anxious. However, your performance as a mother is too stable, no wonder she will be angry. That look! "

"You are not the same as your dad!" Ren Fengyao gave a white look, Ziyin Ye said rudely, "Leave away from home, you still have to go to the market to buy things as usual."

Yi Renfeng smiled, didn't speak, and to be honest, their parents did behave a little too calmly!

"Yeer, to be honest, don't you really worry?" Playing with the silk of Ziyin Ye, Ren Fengyao carelessly said.

"Worry!" Put the book next to the small table next to you, Ziyin Ye raised an eyebrow and looked at Ren Fengyao, "I'm really worried, but I'm not worried about your baby girl, but the one who met her People! You do n’t know the personality of your baby girl. It ’s always her bullying. Who can bully her? I ’m afraid she ’s going to make a lot of troubles again for us. Give her aftercare! "

Ren Fengyao chuckled and shook his head and said, "Lanji always said that we are parents who are not responsible, but how can our children who are fathers and mothers not understand? If they really suffer, then how can we sit Live? However, with this merry trip, A Yan will certainly catch up. The children have left, and Guli seems a bit deserted. "

"It's nothing bad, it just happened to be quiet." Ziyin Ye raised his hand and held up the tea cup and took a sip, seemingly casually, "The children are too old to keep them here forever. It ’s good to let them go out and hone them! ”

Ren Fengyao shook his head with an unknown meaning, a smile on his face, "Yeer, don't think I don't know your point of thinking, after all, are you punishing them for something three years ago?"

Ziyin Ye raised her eyebrows. "Do I have one? Am I the kind of person who calculates after the fall?"

You are the kind of person who will settle accounts after the fall! Ren Fengyao shook his head and said in his heart, three years ago, Tianer made a donkey jump in the palace of Dongling, and caused himself to run to the aftermath of Dongling, so he let his entanglement, and his five The princess got married, and it was romantic, but she caused Yeer a big trouble to come back. Yeer didn't blame her to settle the bill! However, Fengliu is not a fuel-efficient lamp, I hope she won't bring trouble back this time.

Because the spring came late this year, the scenery in Nan Rong Palace is still relatively depressed.

In the Imperial Study Room, a nine-five-year-old Nangong, who is in the suit of the Yellow Emperor, stood silently in front of the window of the Imperial Study Room. Many of the peach blossoms outside the window were budded. It's a bit of new green, but the greenness is much shabby than in previous years.

Although the sun is not so bright outside the window, compared to the haze of the past few days, today's weather can be considered very sunny, but there is no sound of birdsongs in such a glorious day. The whole court looks like that The quiet, quiet one can hear the sound of the wind blowing over the peach branches, the peach branches trembling, and the quiet is only the sigh that Nangong floats inaudibly. This kind of quiet is very dull, and this kind of quiet is full of worries.

The wind rushed in from the window with coldness. The books and memorials on the case in the Imperial Study Room were blown up by the wind, and the Nangong standing in front of the window was scattered on the shoulders. It was blown up and down by the wind. There is a bit of frost in the flying silk, but his horns are already completely white, and Nangong floating before the fifties is so old!

His face has been scarred by the years, and he is no longer as handsome as the evil, and there are many wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, which is obviously caused by frequent frowns; his face looks somewhat rigid, it seems that these years He rarely smiled; he was less than 20 years old as emperor, but his whole man seemed to be overwhelmed by the emperor.

"Gong Wu, are you back?" There was no one in the Royal Study Room, and Nangong floating without any extra movement, he seemed to speak into the air, speaking lightly.

Nangong Piaoran's voice just dropped, and there was an extra person beside him. This person should be nearly 50 years old, but he looks much better than Nangong Piaoran. White, but he is still older than a warrior of his age.

The years in Tao Nanrong's palace seemed to pass faster than outside, one or both of them became older than others.

The five palaces bowed, and came from their hands, "Yes, emperor, his subordinates are back."

"What's going on outside? What's new in each country recently?" Nangong's floating voice was as usual, very gentle, and basically couldn't hear the ups and downs, let alone the emotion contained in his voice.

Wu Gongwu sighed in the bottom of his heart, obviously worried, obviously in an unexpected situation, but his tone was still not a touch of eagerness. A fire 18 years ago destroyed not only the entire Wangwang Mansion, but also all the joy and sorrow of this emperor. Since then, Palace 5 has never heard anger in the floating voice of Nangong, nor has it Sadness, not to mention joy. For more than a decade, he has maintained the same expression when speaking and doing things, calm and plain, and he speaks slowly like a waveless lake. All his emotions have disappeared with the fire in that year. wind.

From childhood to age, his master has always been excellent and dazzling, and he has always looked up at his magnificent and magnificent master with respectful eyes, but now? Zhang Yang has become bleak, and gorgeous does not appear. His master lives indifferently like a doll in this world, doing what he does not want to do mechanically.

His master has always disliked this constrained life. His master likes to walk around and enjoy a free and easy life, but everyone is pushing him, forcing him to board this nine he does n’t like very much. The position of Five Lords forced him to give up his favorite woman and forced him to lose all his emotions.

"Why not answer? Any questions? Or the situation is bad?" He glanced slightly at Gong Wuyi, and Nangong Piaoran still said nothing.

"No, there is no change in the countries. This time the cold affects not only our country, but also Beibei, Dongling, and Lao Guo, because the grass in the Tianhan Beibei pasture has not yet grown. Their The cattle and sheep have suffered a lot, and Lao Guo and Dong Ling have not been able to plant so far. As for the west, it seems that they have also been affected by the cold. Emperor, are you worried about this ... will there be another war? "

Tao Nangong Piaoran didn't answer, he just turned around and sat down behind the desk, his face was very calm. Just when Gongwu thought that Nangong Piaoran wouldn't say anything again, he suddenly heard him say, "Gongwu, the preacher of preaching, ordered the daily training of the military camps to be serious, not to be slack in the slightest. One day, don't let our knives and guns rust. "

"Yes!" Gong Wu nodded and promised, but couldn't help whispering in his heart, would there really be war?

"It is not certain whether the war will take place, but it is still necessary to prevent it. Although he does not violate the heart of other countries, he cannot allow others to commit Nan Rong. Since He is sitting in this seat, He There are so many things to consider, to prevent them before they happen. "

Nangong's gaze looked again at the peach village that moved with the wind outside the window. He was so focused that Gongwu couldn't help looking out, but there was nothing but the peach blossoms that had not opened yet, so What is his master looking at?

"Palace five, do you remember the storm between Dongling and Lao Kingdom three years ago?" Nangong fluttered his eyes and spoke quietly.

"Remember that Dongling and Lao Guo had already bordered Chen Bing. Seeing that the war was about to begin, but it disappeared overnight. No one knew what had happened, anyway, the two countries did not fight. Why did you mention this suddenly? ”Miyako puzzled. The battle that had not been fought three years ago has always been a mystery. Although he wanted to figure out what was going on, he always suffered no results. His master didn't care much at the time. Why did he bring it up again three years later?

"I only received news a few days ago. Three years ago, when the border between Lao Guo and Dongling Chen Bing was about to go to war, a mysterious character came from each of their barracks, and the battle also calmed those two mysterious people. "When Nangong Piaoran said these words, there was a slight flash of recollection on his face, his eyes became deeper and his expression on his face softened a lot." The two children should be ... I don't know her these years. How's it going? "

The last sentence of Nangong Piaoran was very low, almost whispering. However, Gongwu still heard it clearly, Gongwu's face changed slightly, but he didn't know what to say, and hesitated to listen only to Emperor Nan Rong. Again: "Three years ago, Dongling and Laos clashed because of Beibei. Although the war was artificially eliminated in the invisible, the contradiction was not so easy to resolve, so Dongling and Laos sui There will be disputes again. "

Wu Gongwu nodded his head slightly, and constrained his eyebrows: "Emperor, do you think we will also be affected?"

Nan Rongdi's mouth twitched slightly, creating a smile without any temperature, and slowly said: "Beijing has gradually used the power of the kingdom to break away from the control of Dongling, and how can Dongling let the north so easily I am out of my control? When I assist the Beibei, Dongling will hate the Laos. Over this time, there will be conflict between Dongling and Laos. If Dongling and Laos really go to war, then Beibei is sure He will take advantage of the fire to take the opportunity to formally break away from the control of Dongling. Maybe Beibei will still think about swallowing Dongling! "

"The Beibei will ..."

"Don't underestimate Beibei. Beiyu's Beitang Jingyu is ambitious! However, in this way, Laos will naturally cooperate with Beibei against Dongling, and if Dongling's national strength and the current Lao kingdom really fight If you get up, you will only lose both. However, if you add a Beibei, then Dongling will only be defeated. Therefore, Dongling will look for allies. The five nations, the Middle East Tomb and the West Leaving, will be vengeful. Dongling will never To find an alliance with Xili, so Dongling can only find an alliance with us, and then ... "

Tao Nangong Fengran groaned silently, Gong Wu frowned: "We can sit in the mountains and watch tigers fight, although Dongling will find us to form an alliance, but we do not have to agree!"

"Once the war started, it wasn't as simple as talking about it. Dongling fought with Lao Guo and Beibei, and Xili would definitely get a kick. Although the current king of Xili is not as warlike as Ximen Hanyang, But none of the emperors wanted to expand their territory, so .... When the four kingdoms are fighting, and Dongling is trying to protect themselves, how can they let us go? They will use all their power to force us to join the war, and if we are on the side Watching the war, then once Dongling dies, that's our next turn. "

"Why? We have no conflicts with Laos, Beibei and Xili!"

"Dongling died, Emperor Xi ’s ambition would expand, he would want to seize more land, and no king did not want to unify the world. Therefore, Dongling and Pu kingdom could not fight, otherwise, once the fighting together It was a big dogfight between the five nations, and maybe the world was in chaos. This was not what she wanted, nor was it what I wanted to see. Therefore, I can't let Dongling fight against the kingdom of Lu. "

"Emperor, ..."

Gongwu did not say the following words. Although he knew that Nangong floating is not just for the sake of Nan Rong, he didn't want to see the war, but he didn't dare to say anything. He didn't dare to name the person in front of Nangong floating because of that person. It is the most untouchable injury in Nangong Piaoran's heart, and he will bleed when he touches it.

Nangong Fengran knew what Gongwu was thinking, and he seemed to wave his hand very indifferently, and said lightly: "Well, you go down, pay attention to the movements of various countries at any time, don't let the slightest slack, I don't want her to live in seclusion And worry about these things. "

Tao Nangong's floating expression was very normal. He didn't even move his eyebrows when he raised that person. This made Gongwu very surprised. Did the emperor really care? The problem of Gongwu was quickly resolved. The flash of grief in Nangong Piaoran's eyes made Gongwu understand that Nangong Piaoran was not indifferent, but he would bury it deeper.

Wu Gong nodded, and disappeared quickly outside the Imperial Study Room. Gong Wu's departure left the silence to Nangong Piaoran again. The sunlight outside was already high, and the sun was shining on the glazed tiles outside, bright and dazzling.

How many years has Tongnan Palace closed his eyes tiredly? How many years has he been trapped in this deep house? How many years has he never seen her? I used to think that the fire would burn all his emotions and love, but in the end he only realized that some things could not be burned, it would only be buried deep in my heart, and it would not be erased if I forgot it. With the passage of time, it slowly ulcerated in the bottom of the heart, became mad, ulcerated again, and ..., letting him rest over what was painful.

Memory is a very strange thing. I don't want to forget it, but I can't remember it, but what I should have forgotten in the morning appears clearly.

He missed even more strange things. He often visited in the dead of night, growing wild like weeds, letting his heart be destined after being desolate and quietly barren after being green.

Nangong looked at Suwai suddenly and suddenly, he sighed silently after a long time, reached out to take the memorial on the table, and flipped the pen while reading. As soon as he finished writing a line of words, he listened slowly: "Friend, since Come, why not tell the story? "

There should be no one else in the mortuary except Nangong Piaoran, but listening to what he said, there are obviously other people in this room, and they are still a guest.

Seeing his own words did not get a response, Nangong Piaoran put down his pen and said: "You have to visit every day, so many days, you must be familiar with the imperial palace? Are you looking for something or ...? What do you want to say? Maybe I can help! "

"Will you be so kind? Don't you be afraid that I want your life?" A clear voice sounded somewhere on the roof, and the speaker was a girl, and a very young girl.

The girl's voice was obviously with a little curiosity. Nangong smiled a little, raised the pen to continue to review the memorials, but she said casually: "I am really not kind, but I am a little annoyed by you. There should be no one in this world People want to be stared at while they sleep! "

"Giggle" came after chuckling herself, only listening to the girl's coquettish saying: "That's what I said! But you really are not afraid that I'm here to kill you?"

"Why be afraid? Why should people fear death? 朕 Never fear of death, and ..." And death may be a relief!

Nangong writes quickly, only a moment of effort, several memorials have been set aside by him, another memorial was opened, and then the pen stained with cinnabar was lifted up again, waiting for the pen, there was a lot at the table. Alone, I saw that man got in front of him and curiously said, "And what?"

Tongnan Palace looked up subconsciously and looked at the girl who visited Nanrong Palace every day, but he held it at a glance. The pen in his hand stopped in the air, a drop of cinnabar dripped, and the blood color fainted on the memorial.

The girl in front of my eyes was about fifteen years old, and looked at him curiously, a pair of crystal-clear eyes that did not blink, and the familiar colors flowing in his eyes.

The look of the girl is even more familiar to him, almost the same as the person he misses day and night, except that the girl is younger than that person, and the girl does not have the kind of maple-like atmosphere of the person, but it is more silky. naughty.

Standing up suddenly, Nangong Piaoran almost trembled and said, "Who are you? You, you and Xiao Qi, no, you and Ye Yin, neither, who are you Ziyin Ye?"

Tao Nangong fluttered some words incoherently, the girl rolled her eyes, and dismissed her lips with a disdain, "Do you need to be so excited? Fortunately, it's just that I am here. If my mother is here, you must not pass out!

Inhaling deeply, Nangong Piaoran asked again, "Who the **** are you?"

"I? I'm Ren Fengliu. The purple silver night, Ye Yin, and Xiao Qi in your mouth are my mother-in-law! Didn't you guess why you had to ask more?" Ren Fengliu pulled a chair over Nangong floated down and sat down oppositely, saying slowly, "Uncle Nangong, you are still the king of a country, you are too calm!"

Nangong fluttered with excitement, he slowly sat back on the chair, the joy in his heart overflowed with words, so many years, so many years, he finally got the news of her, and her daughter was sitting in front of him now, so Like, then ...

"Uncle Nangong, what have you not told me yet?"

Nangong fluttered for a moment, whispered "Oh" and said: "And you are not murderous, if you really

How could He be assassinating me without any murder? and so……"

Ren Fengliu's face suddenly realized, "That's the case. No wonder you showed me early but you haven't stood still. It turned out that you knew I wasn't here to kill you so stable. But, uncle Nangong, how did you show me? ? "

Nangong didn't answer, just smiled slightly, his face was deep and unpredictable, Ren Fengrui murmured, discouraged and said: "Forget it, you need not say I can also guess, your martial arts is much higher than me, naturally Can show me. "

Tong Nangong was totally undecided. He didn't intend to tell the little girl in front of her that the fragrance on her had betrayed her. The little girl's light work was good, but there was always a very strange fragrance appearing around for a few days. Anyone would doubt it!

"Is there anything wrong with your coming to Nanrong this time? Is it your mother ..."

Waved to interrupt Nangong floating, Ren Fengliu said: "I have nothing to do with my mother, I came by myself."

The disappointment on Nangong Piaoran's face flashed away, but was caught by Ren Fengliu. She smiled slyly, her eyes turned slightly, and her face changed into a sorrow. "Uncle Nangong, can you keep it For a while?

"Oh? Why? Did you cause anything? Or did you get kicked out by your mother?"

"No! I ran away from home myself. Uncle Nangong, you don't know how dark my mother is!" Ren Fengliu's complaint caused Nangong to frown, and his face was straight, Shen said, "Little girl, don't say your mother like that. There is no such thing as a parent in the world who can't say that!"

"I'm telling the truth! Do you know it was my mother who forced me to run away from home?" Ren Fengliu pouted and yelled, "Do you know, she wants me to marry me! I'm just over ten It ’s only five years old. It ’s the flower girl, but I have n’t had time to enjoy my beautiful youth. She is anxious to ask me to marry. How can there be such a reason, and you listen to her reasons, she said I'm a troublemaker, and she said I knew it would be a lot of trouble for her to recover. "

Nangong raised her eyebrows, Ren Fengliu's gloomy face, and said resentfully: "She said that when I marry someone, I will become someone else's family. In the future, even if I get into trouble, it will cause trouble in other people's family. That ’s all, she can worry about it later! Do you listen, is she the mother of this? And, how can I get in any trouble to come back, not to help carelessly arrest the baby son outside Li member When he was thrown into the lake by a prostitute, he was almost killed by the water, and he accidentally blasted his ancestral hall while playing explosive battles, and ... "

Ren Fengliu said more and more quietly, and finally the voice was silent. Looking at Ren Fengliu who played with his fingers, Nangong shook his head and said, "It's just? Your mother must have spent a lot of thought to give you aftercare, right? You can think of seeing your mother What a headache for you! "

"Then she shouldn't force me to marry! I also want to marry a seductive kid. I have a good relationship with seductive kid, but there is no need to ask me to marry him! And you think about it, how old I am now Yeah, I just turned fifteen, and just entered the best time in my life. It was the age of ostentation and spirit. She had to give me a chance to pick it out! I do n’t know how many beautiful men in the world It ’s time for me to take a walk, take a look, and choose one by the way. You ca n’t hang me on a tree, right? Huh! I do n’t expect myself to build any harem. At least this emotional game should let me

It's just a few games. The wine is fragrant, this love ... "

Looking at his head shaking his head, with a proud look of Ren Fengli, Nangong shook his head in a hurry, interrupted her quickly, and said with tears of laughter: "What's the matter with you! Where are these messy ideas from your little girl? Who is this? Teach you? "

"My mother!" Ren Fengliu took his face for granted. Nangong Piaoran was incredulously surprised. "Your mother? You mean your mother taught you what 'emotional games' and what ... this is impossible!" "

"Of course she didn't teach it to me. This was what I heard when she taught me Aunt Zhi." Ren Fengliu said, suddenly moving forward, with a mysterious expression, "You know how she taught me Zhi Yao ?"

"Aunt Zhi? You mean Lange?"

Ren Fengliu nodded, took the snacks on the table slowly and threw them into the mouth, and then said, "Aunt Zhi and my uncle Yang got married late. When they got married, they were good-looking boys. Oh, Yang Yan and Aunt Zhi Yan's son. Yang Yan was almost six years old when they got married. Do you know why they got married so late? "

Nangong shook her head floating, Ren Fengliu threw a piece of snack into her mouth, and then shook her head in a pretentious gesture and sighed: "Oh! This is my mother who has ruined it. She is a stalk in it! What happened to my aunt Zhi I ’m not too clear, but she seems unwilling to marry someone. I heard my mother said that although she likes Uncle Yang very much, she never agreed to marry him. Until later, she had a good-looking kid. Well, this seems to be with me. Mother-in-law, but I wasn't too clear before I had a break. Anyway, it was my mother who gave my aunt Zhi to Yang Shu. "

After a pause, Ren Fengliu said, "When the seductive boy was over two years old, Aunt Zhi was touched by Uncle Yang. She was about to promise to marry Uncle Yang, but my mother suddenly inserted a bar, and then Aunt Zhi ... …, She regretted it, and I do n’t know why Uncle Yang offends my mother, she treats him so much. ”

Tao Nangong said, "How did your mother do destruction?"

Ren Fengliu shrugged and said, "My mother told Aunt Zhi that marriage is the grave of love. You have to think twice about Aunt Zhi. He also said that men always go from slaves to generals. Don't look at him now who is 100% obedient to you. However, it is not so true to be a real relative. At that time, he will ride on your head as a prestige and blessing. She wants Aunt Zhi to think it over carefully before considering whether to promise to marry Uncle Yang. It was she who instilled a set of 'mistress theory' for my aunt Zhi. After that, she and her uncle Yang had been dragged for more than three years before becoming married. For this, Uncle Yang had not spoken to my mother for more than a year, and they became married. He later withdrew. Uncle Yang said that the killing would not allow Aunt Zhi to deal with my mother any more, and the province was bad for me.

Tong Nangong chuckled softly and murmured: "'Mistress theory'? It's like what she would do, and your mother and her will do all these strange things."

"I don't quite understand this theory of mistress. Anyway, it means that a woman is better than a wife than a wife. In fact, my mother meant that Aunt Zhi should not easily promise to marry Uncle Yang. By the way, I The memory is pretty good. I still remember what my mother said at the time, and I gave you the "mistress theory" that my mother said. "Cough, and Ren Fengliu will not wait for Nangong to open his mouth and speak softly," Mistresses are better than wives. First, they do not need to have children, shoulder the mission of inheritance, and let them wither pitifully, be a sad mother. Second, do not wait for in-laws, and deal with relatives such as uncles and aunts. Haha's daughter-in-law is relaxed, not afraid that if a small tail is caught, it will be brutalized by the people; ... "

"Okay, okay, you don't have to memorize it again. This is indeed what your mother would say. However, I know Yang Han. He has neither parents nor siblings. It seems that these two are not applicable to him. It ’s too applicable. As for one, do n’t they already have Yang Yan! ”

"Of course, one or two are not needed, aren't there three or four, and you won't let your back?" Ren Fengli muttered in a low voice, Nangong wailed and laughed, he knew Xiao Qi's temper, if she deliberately disrupted Then no one can run, it seems that Yang Handing offended her somewhere.

"Your mother, she is a typical post-autumn accountant. I want to come to you that Uncle Yang must not offend her, or she will not ..."

啊 "Ah, I see!" Ren Fengliu suddenly clapped, interrupting Nangong Piaoran, "I understand why she forced me to marry, originally for three years ago."

"Three years ago?" Nangong was puzzled, Ren Fengliu said, "Three years ago, I went to work in Lao Country, and accidentally took Shixue and Li Nian back, but my mother was hiding outside. More than a year, but you said that my mother didn't want to see them and just bombed them away, why should she hide? So hard! "

Xun Shixian and Li Nian knew your mother well and knew how to move her. They must want to ask her to go back to the country to preside over the whole situation. But how could your mother go back since she lied to her? And your mother did not hesitate to drive them away, so she could only hide. Your little girl has caused a lot of trouble for your mother. Shixue and Li Nian are not people who give up easily. They will definitely go to your mother again. You leaked her behavior and hid her. I told someone she didn't want to tell me, did you say she can't be angry? "

"But she didn't show how angry she was at the time, and I didn't tell them how to enter the valley. Without me, they wouldn't be able to enter the valley. Oh, I see, her purpose is to think Get rid of me, my brother left, and I also left. Then Shixue and Li Nian will not be able to enter the valley if they want to enter the valley. She can sit back and relax. It is a good abacus! Eyes turned slightly, watching Nangong floating seriously, "Uncle Nangong, you still love my mother, don't you?"

Tong Nangong froze quietly, don't open your eyes gently, and said lightly, "What do you ask this for? Little girl, you shouldn't ask well what you shouldn't ask!"

"Do n’t you have a little bit of unwillingness? You will be an emperor. Actually, you want to take revenge for my mother by the power of Nan Rong, don't you? But the ultimate benefit falls into the hands of my father, do you? That's it? In fact, my mother doesn't have any affection for you. She has always mentioned you over the years! "

"Your mother often mentions me?" Nangong Piaoran seemed to hear only this sentence when Ren Fengliu looked at Ren Fengliu with a look of surprise, murmured.

"Yeah, she always mentioned you, she said she was too ruthless at that time, and my dad had been eating vinegar for a while for this!" Ren Fengliu blinked, and the smile on the corner of her mouth became a little dangerous, "Nangong Uncle, don't you want to see my mother again? "

"What's the matter? It's better not to see it!" It took a long time for Nangong to spit out such a sentence. The expression on his face was very indifferent, but Ren Fengliu still caught a trace of fluctuation from his eyes. He really wanted to see She's just a glance.

"Uncle Nangong, how can you say that, you will fail entirely because you didn't fight for it, and you should be proactive. Although it's a little late to say these things now, do you plan to continue like this? These For years, you have never been a concubine. People say that it is because you have a good relationship with your queen, but after my observation, you and the queen have long been a stranger. So what else can you do? To say that true love is to follow the happiness of the person you like, do n’t you want to keep my mother close to see her happy? Anyway, you are almost fifty years old, and most of your life is also It ’s already passed, do you want to waste the rest of the day? You can stay by my mother, play chess with her every day, talk, even if you just look at her every day! ”

Tao Nangong heard the words floating, the expression on his face changed, he could see that Ren Fengliu's words touched him deeply, and he did have some enthusiasm. Suddenly, his face was full, squinting at Ren Fengliu: "Little girl, what are you trying to persuade me to do?"

"What can I do? It's nothing more than watching you live so tired and trying to help you, anyway, after so many years have passed, the relationship between you should have sublimated early, and you don't have to ask my mother to marry you, in your heart Since you still love my mother so much, you will be happy to see my mother every day, right? In fact, I just want you to be happy, you are a few years younger than my father, but you look like Much older than my dad. If you continue to do this, you will consume yourself, so look away and go to my mother, just stay with her as her good friend, so my dad There will also be a sense of crisis, which will be better for my mother, isn't it? Or you don't want to see my mother happy? "

Looking at a serious Ren Fengliu, Nangong Fengran shook his head and said, "Little girl, aren't you going to let me be a lobbyist for you? They all seem to be for my good, I don't believe you will be so kind? "

I'm not so kind, I just want you to find my mother. If you really run to find my mother, their joy will be great! My mother is sandwiched between my father and you, and will be tired of coping. Then I will have no time to take care of my brother and me, and my father who does not know how to help me will also help my mother to calculate my father ’s headache. It's up!

Ren Fengliu could not say these words, she snorted softly, and said, "Uncle Nangong, you don't care what my heart is, you just say my proposal and you can't be attentive? If you are attentive, I will tell Where are you, my mother, and how do I go to find them? "

"I am really tempted by your proposal, but I can't just leave Nanrong this way. Since I chose to be the emperor of Nanrong, I should be responsible for Nanrong. I ..."

"Are you stupid? Didn't you set up the prince early? What did he do?" Nangong floated off and was interrupted by Ren Fengliu. "You have been trapped by this throne for so many years. You have done it. It ’s all right, and the prince you set up is already an adult, and it ’s time for you to worry about it. Do n’t keep the burden on yourself, okay? And I ’ve also observed your prince, he. Quite clever and should be able to support Nan Rong. "

Nangong frowned, and pondered for a long time, Fang said: "Fang Er is indeed a clever child. He has also been involved in the affairs of North Korea and China these years, but it seems too early to hand over the throne to him. The gang of senior officials will not promise me to abdicate so early. "

I said you are stupid, you are really stupid, who told you to surrender the throne now? Wouldn't you instruct the prince to let go for a while? And who made you abdicate and give up? You will not lie to you! This trick was used twice by my mother that year. Did n’t you learn anything at all? "Ren Fengliu's disdain," Forget it, you can do it. I will tell you where my mother is hiding in a few days. As for whether you go to her, you can take care of yourself! "

Feng Renliu turned and walked away. Nangong floating in front of the desk seemed to be lost in thought and didn't open her mouth. Ren Fengliu glanced back at Nangong floating with joy and annoyance. She knew that Nangong floating was tempted.

He smiled proudly, and Ren Fengliu flew into the room. She was not her unlucky brother. It was not easy to get her to marry like this! Moreover, since everyone said that she was the troublemaker, she wouldn't be too troubled to go back to the title they gave her without causing some difficult troubles!

In Juegu, Ziyin Ye, who had closed her eyes, suddenly felt a little uneasy in her heart. Although she had taken the romantic away, would her baby girl cause her a lot of trouble again? Should she be ready to go out and avoid it?

The breeze was blowing gently, the peach blossom had already been thanked, and the green peach leaves were swaying in the wind. No one knew how wonderful the next days would be. Ziyin Ye did not know, Ren Fengyao did not know.

谁 Who will win the battle between the old fox and the young fox? Maybe only the wind knows.

End of full text

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