MTL - Both are Foxes-Chapter 120 Passion

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"Second Brother, you haven't lost her, so you forgive me for my mistakes before, okay?"

There was a slight smile on Lingnan Palace's face, and his second brother like a divine came, so he could go with peace of mind, but would he be alone on Huangquan Road?

"Master, you won't be alone. I will accompany you on Huangquan Road. I will tell you that the fastest novel is the eye. Is it fast?" Lu Qiaoyue murmured: "I thought I knew she was actually a woman. I would hate her very much, but the moment I saw her, I knew I could n’t kill her, because some love ca n’t be hated so easily, especially women, it ’s silly to fall in love. ”

"Lu ..." Ye Yin opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"Whether I can kill her or not, I don't want to live in this world, it's too painful to live, so I took the poison before I came here again. Lord, my father and mother will never forgive me. I dare not meet them, so can I follow you? "

"Okay!" Lingong Nangong's eyes have gradually closed, and the word "good" is low to the point where the north wind blows away.

The sky was gradually bright, and after a night of slaughter, Xianwang's Mansion was beyond recognition. Standing in a sea of ​​corpses, Ye Yin quietly looked at the already lost Nangong floating, the wind in the morning was very cold, and her heart was colder.

Sui Nangong Piaoran finally turned her eyes from Nangong Ling Yun back to Ye Yin. He shouted, "You have always been awake, haven't you?"

"Yes, I have always been awake, because I am waiting for you to wake up and wait for you to let go. Nangong, we cannot be together."

"Because Ren Fengyao? Do you love him so much?"

"The problem is not entirely with Ren Fengyao. The problem is with you. Even without Ren Fengyao, we cannot be together. Nangong, do you know how many assassinations I have experienced since I arrived in Nanrong? Some you know, there are You may not know it, but Nangong Aunt wants my life but you always know. Nangong Aunt will not have other women share her husband, Nangong, since we realized that it hurt me It ’s always your loved ones, and no one around you wants us to be together. "

"I can ..." Nangong floated back subconsciously.

"Can you abolish or kill Nangong 翎? Can you get rid of Nangong 让 and make her no longer a threat to me? You won't and can't, if you can, you already did it. Nangong, I've I said that you are not a person who can sacrifice your affection, but also a person who is too burdened, and you have a heavy sense of responsibility. "With a long sigh, Ye Yindao said," Actually, I am interested in you in Nangong, but Everything disappears when you become the emperor. What I want is someone who can treat me with one heart. Reversibility can never be given. "

"I was for you ..." Nangong uttered a painful voice.

"It's too late for any reason now. If you miss it, you miss it. Some people miss it for a lifetime. Besides, if you don't become the emperor, can you leave everything for Nan Rong? Can you leave Nangong Hey? Before you met me, you and Nangong Yu were already ......... A man must not be responsible. You have to take responsibility for what you have done. Abandoning a woman is the last thing to do, and Nangong Yu is not allowed to let go. Drive you.

所以 "So you have sentenced me to death for a long time, haven't you?" Nangong said with a smile.

"It's not that I want to sentence you to death, but that we should meet from the beginning. Nangong, people should be persistent, but some are not desirable. You are already the emperor of Nan Rong, so you must be responsible for your choice. You You must be responsible for your people, and you must be responsible for Nangong Yu. "

"Ha, ha ha ......... he was so busy, in the end it turned out to be a mirrorless flower." Nangong floated as if he was more than ten years old, he looked at Ye Yindao with a desperate look, "Little Seven, maybe you Right, missed is a lifetime, but Xiaoqi, I am not willing, I am not willing, Xiaoqi, how do you want me to let you go? I love you so much, I ... "

"You don't deserve it! You don't deserve to love her. If you really love her, you won't treat her that way. Nangong floats and Yeer is mine. She belongs to me forever and ever." The blue shirt flutters, and Ren Fengyao is like a green shadow. But when he arrived, he stared at Nangong with a cold face.

Nangong Piaoran didn't fear Ren Fengyao's grim look that seemed to kill. He sneered and looked at Ren Fengyao and said: "Ren Fengyao, I didn't lose to you, I just lost to myself. Hold on, if I can be more unforgiving, the outcome may not be the same. "

"You can't do it, Nangong." It was Ye Yin who opened her eyes, her eyes drooped slightly, as if whispering, "Nangong, you really can't do it, you have Nanrong people in your heart, you may You can have a ruthless love for Nangong, but you can't have a ruthless love for Nan Rong, and you will not let Nan Rong's people fall into suffering because of you. "

After a moment of silence, Nangong floated and said, "Yes, you're right, I can't be merciful to Nan Rong's people. I know that Yuner will kill you, but I can't stop her. I can only do everything I can. Protect you. I want to put you in the palace and put it nearby to protect me, but ......... Actually, I have thought of killing Tonger, but I ca n’t, because when Tonger dies, Nan Rong will also fall into turmoil, as Nan Rong's former actress is her supporter. "

Tong Nangong watched Ren Fengyao take Ye Yin into his arms, and his heart was cramping like a knife. It turned out to be so difficult to let go!

"What you will do for yourself is because you are afraid that your child has poisoned your food, right? I know that my child has poisoned your food, and I have been guarding it, but it is hard to prevent it, I underestimated it. Her ability, I still can't stop her. "Nangong said quietly," In fact, I have been guessing that you may be pretending to be a idiot, because a real idiot cannot remember to make food for myself. "

"I know you can guess it, but I have to sit and eat for myself, not only because I want to prevent Nangong Yu from poisoning my food, I also have to ..." Ye Yin paused, biting his lip, "I have to find a way to keep my child."

孩子 "Child ?!" Unanimous words come from two people, but one person's voice is always full of surprises, but two people are ...

Ignoring the suddenly taut arms of the people behind him, Ye Yindao said, "I can adjust my taste when I make food myself, so that I don't have a morning sickness reaction. Even if it appears, it is mild and does not make people appear. Nangong, man I lose my mind when I'm jealous, and I'm afraid you know that my pregnancy will hurt my child by impulsivity. "

Nangong Piaoran stepped back and said, "Little Seven, am I the kind of person in your eyes? How could I possibly hurt you, your child?"

"Are you sure you won't be jealous when you know that I'm pregnant? Nangong, it's not that I want to think you will hurt me, but that I have to guard against it. I have always been a very suspicious person, before I do anything I have to think about it, especially for my children. I can't let myself be a little bit leaky, so ... "

"You don't let anyone come close to prevent me from bringing the Royal Doctor to you for treatment, because the Royal Doctor will show that you are pregnant?"

"Yes, Nangong, maybe I'm measuring the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, but after you used 'forgotten dust' on me, I don't think you can accept my child, you may not hurt me, but you It may hurt my child due to a momentary impulse, so I must protect myself and protect my child. "Ye Yin looked up at Nangong and said in sorrow," Nangong, in fact, you already guessed that I was pretending You are foolish, but you do not want to admit it, because if I pretend, it means that I am rejecting you, and you do not want to accept that I am rejecting you. "

Tong Nangong fluttered slightly at the corner of his mouth, but you didn't open your mouth, but there was silence in your eyes. Sighing, Ye Yin said again, "I also know that you have already guessed that I am pretending to be stupid, but ... we are all in circles, I am waiting for you to let go, and you want to use your soft emotions to affect me, We have been stalemate, we have been waiting for each other to bow their heads. "

"Why don't you run away?"

"Escape? Where can I escape? Xie Zhiqiu sealed my inner strength again, and Nan Rong is your place. Where can I escape?" Ye Yin smiled bitterly, "Nangong, you still don't understand ? If you do n’t really let go, Nangong Yu will surely want me to disappear in this world, so if I leave your shelter, I will die faster. We are dead, and I will live Nangong Yu will think Kill me by all means, and if you kill Nangong Yu, Nan Rong will definitely split, so only you let go. Nan Rong, do you think you will be safe if you bring me into the palace as a concubine? Will be closer to you, and the sooner you die the faster you will die. "


"Do you think I will stay in your palace and stay by your side, you will be able to protect me? But, Nangong, you said it yourself, you have a lot of power in Nangong, you still can't help it. Say my child again What do you do? You think I have to make every effort to persuade the old ministers to nod, then my child? Are you going to kill him? "

A hand holding Ye Yin's waist was tight, and behind him came Ren Fengyao's condensed voice: "The child is mine! Yeer, don't you think it's ridiculous to say this to him? What qualifications and rights do you have to seal me? Ren Fengyao's wife is a concubine? What qualifications does he have to decide the life and death of my child? "

The appeasing pinch of Ren Fengyao's hand, Ye Yin signaled Ren Fengyao not to plug in, she continued: "Nangong, we are destined to be impossible. As Ziyin Ye, I and Ren Fengyao worship the heavens and the earth. Husband and wife, I do n’t want to marry a second time in this life. From the beginning, when he caught me by arrest, I was destined to be his wife. Nangong, most importantly, I love her, I love Renfeng remote."

Ye Yin ’s last sentence seemed to completely let Nangong float into despair. He slowly opened a faint smile, looking at Ye Yin who was pale but mentally good. Nangong said lightly: “I understand Now, Xiaoqi, I let go, really let go, I will be a good emperor of Nan Rong, and I will treat Nangong Yu well. You are right, we should n’t have met in the beginning, so I let you go! "

He was only a few steps away from the woman in white, and then these steps were really impossible for him to cross. He and she really missed. It turned out to be a miss for no reason.

坐在 Unconsciously sitting in the **** courtyard, Nangong's floating consciousness suddenly jumped to more than five years ago. Which teenager in the restaurant has a pair of very bright eyes, which look like a soul that can hook people, he was attracted by those eyes at first and then slowly fell.

The pictures in my mind are jumping, she is sly, she is smart, she is lazy, she is indifferent, every picture is so clear and vivid, but every picture is so far away from him, from now on below him Maybe there are only memories.

When Nangong Rong arrived at Xianwang Mansion, the most beautiful courtyard in the King ’s Mansion was already in flames. Nangong stood quietly in front of the courtyard, and when Nangong was approached, Nangong said lightly: Everything is burned, her portrait, everything she used, everything is in that fire, so you can rest assured? "

Nangong looked for a moment, then bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry, floating, don't hate me, I'm compelled to do so. If it's another woman, it's all right, but she ...... he has too much influence on you, I can't ............ Piaoran, even if you hate me, I must not let him stay with you, because you will do it for her ... "

"You can rest assured that I won't look for her again, and I won't even see her, so please don't call her attention again." Nangong interrupted, Nangong sneered sneer, "Queen, what you have I will never ask you again about one thing you have done, but since then, please follow your duty as a queen and really make a good for Nan Rong. "

Tong Nangong's floating eyes were very cold, cold enough to make Nangong a subconscious leg. She bit her lip and stubbornly said, "That woman is not dead. You let her go, and the meeting will live in your memory forever."

Nangong looked at her with a smile and said with a smile: "Why, you still want to embarrass her until now? Well, you can try it, you try to see how you react after you moved her Ren Fengyao? Queen, as Nan Emperor Rong, I will do my due responsibilities, but her peace is my last bottom line, the dragon has the inverse scale, please do n’t touch it. "

"in case………."

"I let go of her for the people of Nanrong. If you dare to move her again, then why am I staying in Nanrong?"

He stayed not only for Nan Rong but also for her. Only he stayed can stop the crazy thought of living in Nangong. Ren Fengyao is very powerful, but if he has been negligent once, then he must be negligent twice, so he will guard Nangong Yan, guard her from letting her have no chance to hurt Ye Yin again. Nangong Yu can't die, nor can he leave. Nan Rong's future is exchanged for the love of his life! People often say that they abandoned rivers and mountains for the sake of beauty, but he had to give up the beauty for rivers and mountains, but these rivers and mountains are not what he wants, but he must guard them, because this is the only mother he promised to die one thing.

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