MTL - Both are Foxes-Chapter 101 Demise

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"Li Nian, come!" Ye Yin called out softly, walked out of Wangjiang Pavilion and looked down the mountain. She reached out and pointed at the winding Bailian Road in the distance. "Look, what's that?"

"It is one of the Sijiang River and one of the four rivers of Lao Kingdom. It is recommended to read the novel in the first place and read the book quickly." Li Nian answered in a low voice, and he could not think of what Ye Yin asked.

"Of the four rivers of the Lao State, the Nu River and the Chuan River are within the boundary of the East River, and the Yulong River is the dividing line between the East and West Rivers. Only the Luwen River belongs to the West River alone, that is, near the Luwen River. That large piece of land is Xiqiao. This pavilion is called 'Wangjiang Pavilion' and it looks at the Wenwen River, but from here you can see most of the Xiqiao land. Li Nian, Xiqiao is your hard work, Now that I have left, I will give you the task of protecting Xiyu. "Ye Yin turned his head, staring at Li Nian without blinking, saying word by word," Li Nian, I gave Xiyu to You, guard it! "

The autumn breeze rose again, the red leaves of the mountains were blown up by the wind, floating like a red rain, and under the flying red, the young boy in white stood quietly, and the white robe looked like flowing clouds Floating like that, accompanied by the red sky, Li Nian felt that the picture was a bit thrilling.

Nod solemnly, Li Nian promised his next life: "Okay, younger, Li Nian will make every effort to make a good for Xi'an at this end of his life."

This is all right, so that her purpose is achieved. Ye Yin turned her head and stared again into the distance. The slight breeze blows her heart a little bit cold. Perhaps she really wants to let go this time!

Looking at the sky, Ye Yin said, "Li Nian, it's getting late, you can go down the mountain! Otherwise you can't go down the mountain before it gets dark."

Li Nian stunned, Nana said: "Shao Xiang, ..."

"There is a banquet all over the world. Life is always made up of partings, so do n’t let it go. At least I am still alive. I will still pay attention to you and Lao Guo, so rest assured to do it. Many things urgently need to do now I have written it for you and Shixue in advance, and put it in my relative ’s house. As for where I put it, I think you should be able to find it. As I said, the future of Lao Guo will be better. "

Li Nianchui, a little stunned, he understands that he really has to say goodbye this time, taking a deep breath, Li Nian looks up and says earnestly: "Young man, what are your plans for the future?"

"Me? I naturally walked around. For so many years, I have been tied to the position of Prime Minister. I can't go anywhere. Now I have a leisure time and I should look around. It makes me feel a bit tired, and now it's time for me to relax. "

Li Nian's old-fashioned mood makes Li Nian cried and laughed. He is a young man with a weak crown, but he speaks as if he is old, really ...

Seeing Li Nian's disapproval, Ye Yin smiled and said, "Actually, I want to go home and take a look, and I should go home after so long."

"Go home?" Li Nian said in surprise, "Shao, do you have a home?"

"What are you talking about?" Ye Yin raised an eyebrow. "Did I jump out of the crack in the stone? Li Nian, I also have father and mother, and my father and mother are still living well now!"

Li Nian scratched his head awkwardly, and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, Shaoxiang, Xiaguan didn't mean that, Xiaguan just ..., just ..."

Ye Nian's squeaky appearance made Ye Yin smile slightly. She shook her head and said, "Okay, you don't need to explain, I understand what you mean. I haven't mentioned my family in these years, so I misunderstood you. Family, I don't blame you. Okay, let's go, you can't really go down the mountain again. "

"Well, how about you? Aren't you going down?"

我 "I? I also want to see the mountains I have fought for! Li Nian, you go, leave me alone!"

Li Nian nodded, solemnly worshiped Ye Yin for three weeks, and then said, "Say less, take care of you!"

Ye Yin nodded, and suddenly said again: "Yes, Li Nian, I will take a closer look at Shixu. Shixu is a talented person, but his personality is a bit flawed. He will be stable in the future. I am afraid he will be affected by his personality. He will suffer a lot if he offends a lot of people, so it ’s time to help him. It ’s not okay for you to be alone. He ’s too old-fashioned. Some things need to be done by stone leisure. ”

Li Nian nodded and said, "Xiaguan Jiji! Shaoxiang, what else is there to command?"

"No, you go!"

Looking at Li Nian's background disappearing into the line of sight, Ye Yin breathed a sigh of relief, and put on a lazy look: "Finally hit him!"

"Your eloquent speech just bluffed people, Xiao Qi, your acting skills are really good enough."

Gao Bai glanced slowly at Lange, which emerged from behind the rocks, and Ye Yin slowly returned to the pavilion. Pouring a glass of wine for himself, taking a sip, Ye Yincai said, "I have all the acting, is it half true or not? You don't know, Li Nian is a very old-fashioned person, you have to convince him I am very simple, but it is not easy to persuade him to give up and return to me. He admits death is a cramp. "

"In that case, why don't you meet Shixue?"

"Shixue?" Ye Yin said with a lip, "Shixue is not so fooled. He already knew that my words were to be heard selectively. Shixue was called a ghost, and sometimes he would take a devious approach when doing something. He is not as obedient to my words as Li Nian, and Shi Xi may not keep the contract. He meets Shi Xuan, maybe I will be invited to Wen Yuanbo this time. But Li Nian is not the same, When Li Nian is obedient, what time will I let him come, and when will he come, I will let him come alone, and he will definitely come alone, and I will let him not tell anyone what I am alive, he will never tell anyone . "

怎么 "Why does it sound like Li Nian is like your puppy?" Ban Zhi said with a lip, "But now, you throw away a puppy that is so loyal to you."

切 "Cut! What did you say, do you want me to go back?"

"Of course not, by the way, what did you say in Li Nian's ear? I didn't hear it!" Lanzhi looked curiously at Ye Yin, Ye Yin raised her eyebrows, reached out and patted Lanzhi's face lightly, " secret!"

Yan Lanzhi's eyebrows were lightly raised, half annoyed, "Don't talk about pulling, is it rare!"

Seeing that Ye Yin just tasted the wine and ignored her, Lanzhi finally couldn't help but say, "You said to Li Nian that you want to go home and see, Xiaoqi, then we are going Tangling? "

"Dongling? Would you like to throw yourself in the net? Don't forget that Dongling is a place of Ren Fengyao. I will not return to Dongling in a short time. I will also hide and seek with Ren Fengyao." Ye Yin With a smile, "I told Li Nian that the words were for others."

别人 "Others? Anyone else here?"

"Li Nian is a dead-headed person. He promised me that he wouldn't do it without telling me what was still alive, but he wasn't afraid of 10,000, just in case. Li Nian was too upright and often made people tell the truth. So regarding my whereabouts, that's what I leave for those who want to use Li Nian. "

"You doubt ..."

"As soon as Li Nian returns this time, Lao Guo will unilaterally break the contract, and it will be difficult to fight again, and the people who started this war will immediately think of who is engaging in ghosts in the middle, and he can definitely check with his ability. When Li Nian arrives, he will want to know the content of my conversation with Li Nian. "Ye Yin smiled and took another sip of wine and continued," Actually, the way I told Li Nian did not completely stop Ren Fengyao, The way I prevent Ren Fengyao is to take a salary at the bottom of the pot. "

"Put a salary at the bottom of the kettle? What do you mean?" Laneige said puzzledly.

"Ren Fengyao will run to war because he feels that I am under his control, but what if I get out of his control? I bet he dares not let me disappear out of his sight? I If he wants to choose between war and me, he has to work hard if he wants to find me, then he can only give up the war. "

Laneige said suddenly, "You are planning to drag Ren Fengyao with yourself. If Ren Fengyao now loses your whereabouts, he will be anxious, and he will find Li Nian, and will ..." But, That person is so smart, he must think that you can't go to Dongling, so it just means that you told Li Nian that it was a lie. "

"Wrong, because he is very clever. He would think that what I left for Li Nian was false, and that it was deliberately told to him, but I have been fighting him for so long, he knows me well, he knows me It is possible that the fake drama is really done, so is it true that I said it? Will I really return to Tangling when the fake drama is really done? He will be entangled in this problem, then he will definitely go Confirmation, and when he did his best to go to Dongling for confirmation, he couldn't find me anymore. He is very powerful, but there is a huge crowd, it is difficult to find a person who deliberately hides. "

"Xiao Qi, since you know Ren Fengyao's heart to you, why do you still treat him that way? You are torturing him, Xiao Qi, do you still not like him?"

"Whoever says he likes must be good to him? The things that are too easy to get often do n’t know how to cherish. Only things that are hard-working and hard-working, can he know to cherish. I want to see Ren Fengyao's perseverance, and I Anyway, it ’s a woman, it ’s a woman who wants to enjoy the joy of being pursued! ”

Wu Wenyan said, Lanzhi's eyes flashed a dark look, and she smiled strongly: "Xiao Qi, you are really a woman who makes the teeth of men who love you hate."

"I know, in fact, love is a process of masochism and abuse. He fell in love first, and he loved it deeply, so he naturally became a masochist, and it was because of him that I had suffered so many grievances before. How could I hold my breath without asking him back. "

"Little Seven, you can really avenge your revenge! It's been so long, and you still remember revenge, and your grievances are imposed on you by those women, you should find them!"

"Why do you always justify him?" Ye Yin dissatisfied. "He is the culprit, okay! And I am a woman, so why bother women?"

He stood up and stretched, Ye Yinchan smiled brightly: "Langzhi, I promised you to let everything go, and take you all over the world, now it can be achieved. Langzhi, shall we go to Beibei first?"


"Yeah, Beibei, a country where grass, fat, water, good cattle and sheep are strong, I always wanted to go, unfortunately ... Lange, how about our next stop going to Beibei? How about I take you to Beibei to ride and graze? ? "

开心 Slowly burst into a happy smile, Lange nodded and said: "Okay!"

Xiyan City, the main city.

Leng Canxing peeped at the gloomy face, and Ren Fengyao didn't say a word for a long time. He could not stop saying that he could make his brother look like this, really ..., cough, Leng Canxing Finally couldn't help but laugh: "Brother, Shirley is really amazing, can make you look like this, I really admire her!"

怎么 "How can you be sure that she did it? Maybe this method was what Li Nian came up with."

"No, how could a person as old-fashioned as Li Nian come up with this method, except for the teacher and I can't think of anyone else in the world who can have such a strange idea!" Leng Canxing smiled lowly, Learning from Li Nian's tone, "Shao Xiang has left his death, and his country is weak. Since then, he has been neutral and will never take part in any war. Shao Xiang is one of the most admired people in my country, so his last life Up and down had to obey, so even though Lao Country had the intention to leave the war to the west, it also had to withdraw. This is Lao Country's respect for the younger Prime Minister. Therefore, Lao People can only support Dongling and Nanrong mentally and vigorously. Victory. Hahaha, brother, Lao Guo will support you in the spirit of your war! "

"Are you gloating?" Ren Fengyao raised an eyebrow and said expressionlessly, "You're happy to see me posing by her?"

Leng Canxing quickly said, "No, brother, I just think it's really funny. A piece of paper was left to disrupt the plan of Brother You to join the power of the Three Kingdoms to destroy the West, and those in Laos I believe that it is really her last life, and I do n’t want to think that she is not a god. How can there be an omniscient prophet! Say that you have too many enemies in this life, and you will be murdered in the future, so that no one can hold the banner of revenge for her. To introduce war; to say that the foundation of Lao Kingdom was unstable in all aspects, but also to say that Lao Country must develop into a peaceful and friendly country. You must not set up enemies and not be allowed to participate in any war. This is obviously an excuse. If there is a war Is it true that she can resolve it with just a few words of her? She is just a little lover, and even if it is a dead letter, why does the emperor listen to her? "

"The Emperor Huang must be persuaded by Li Nian, and that bequest is shown to us, and it is a means of the people of the country. The people of the country treat her as gods, and they want to serve her. Revenge, but since she said that she was not allowed to participate in any war, and she said so passionately, the people of Laos would abide by her last will. As for us, there is no way to refute a last beast. "Ren Fengyao gritted his teeth." The little fox figured out that I couldn't publish her alive to the public, so I came here. Last to death? Huh! The dead man is big, I know she's preventing it. The excuse of war, but I can't help it, I can't say it. "

"Well! To be honest, it's true enough. Everything is ready. The army has also been transferred to the border of Laos, but it can be found here. Knowing that Laos's so-called reason to withdraw from the war is false. Yes, it ’s an excuse, but it ca n’t be refuted. Brother, Shirley, how could she be so clever that she did n’t know that this war was fought for her, but she was fighting against you, and she did n’t take your love at all , And I haven't given you any face! "

Ren Renfeng snorted coldly, without an interface, he was really angry, but he was not so angry. The reason why Ye Yin would prevent the war is that he has guessed a few points, so he is not angry, and he is angry at another thing.

"Brother, what are you going to do now? On the basis of not violating the death of the younger brother, the top and the bottom of the country are now supporting the spirit of you to leave the war with Xi! But what is the toll and the land rent for the war? The loss of land and the environment is not easy to handle. One soldier paid three or two silvers. Before the war started, Lao Guo earned 600,000 silvers in vain, and she was doing a good deal! "

"She wants to stop the war, but ... she wants money, right? I'll give it to her!"

If Ren Fengyao let Leng Canxing hold his mouth, he opened his mouth and said inexplicably, "Brother, are you stupid? Nan Rong has planned to withdraw from the army, and you only have 200,000 people. You plan to use these 200,000 people. Are people close to the army of nearly 800,000 people from the west? Brother, are you going to die? "

"Just let me go to death. Can Xing, she expected that I would retreat, but I just want to do the opposite, I want to see what she wants to do? Can Xing, actually I am angry It's not this. "Ren Fengyao said with a sad expression," I was mad that she knew that I didn't worry about her, but she was ... again, she slipped away from my eyelids again. "

Leng Canxing was surprised: "How is that possible, brother, haven't you sent someone to follow her all the time, and you even fought her new guard, the landlord of Mengthorn Tower!" [Netbook eBook : ..]

"Not only did she get rid of my people this time, but she even dumped Yang Han. Yang Han couldn't find her. She also took Langzhi them. She disappeared completely in my sight this time. Now. "

Seeing Ren Fengyao's loss, Leng Canxing hurriedly said, "Brother, don't worry, the sudden withdrawal of Lu Guo is mainly the host named Li Nian, which means that she must meet Li Nian Come and give Li Nian the opportunity to pass beforehand, then you can ask Li Nian to ask, or just ... "

Waving to interrupt Leng Canxing, Ren Fengyao said, "Is it useful? Even you can think of her meeting with Li Nian, can't she think of it? Wouldn't she use Li Niankou to leave a fake message for me? ?"


"I won't ask Li Nian, because there is no need, if she wants to hide, I can't find her, and my ability is not that great." Ren Fengyao sighed, "Zan Xing, I tired."

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