MTL - Both are Foxes-Chapter 100 Meet

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Late autumn, all layers of forest are dyed. Update as fast as possible

Mengwu Su Mountain is the highest mountain in Xiqiao. It is named after the year-round cloud and mist, and in late autumn, Wu Su Mountain is more charming and mysterious.

李 It was noon when Li Nian panted and climbed to the top of Wusu Mountain, and the sun was hanging in the sky, but unfortunately, there was no trace of heat, as if the heat had been swallowed up by the eradication of the late autumn. Although the sun was shining on the mountains and the ground, but the heatless sunlight left only a cold one, and the cold seemed to form a crystal curtain.

Although there is no heat in the sun, Li Nian also has a fine layer of sweat on his forehead and nose. He is just a scholar with no chicken power. It is really difficult to climb this towering Wusu Mountain by himself. But he had to grit his teeth and hold on.

After a little rest, Li Nian lifted his feet and moved forward again. The man asked him to meet at noon in the Wangjiang Pavilion at the back of Wusu Mountain. He was afraid that he would not see the person before he was late. .

Everyone says that person is dead, but he firmly believes that the person he admires will not be counted so easily. No, that person didn't ask him to meet. In fact, he also thought that this might be a trap for him, but even if he was trapped, he had to go to the appointment, because he did not want to lose any opportunity to meet that person.

年 When the familiar back finally appeared in his eyes, Li Nian almost burst into tears. It really is him, he is still alive, he is not dead!

In the lookout of the river pavilion, the boy in white stood against his hand, and the strong mountain wind blew his hair and his robes rang. The back of the boy looked as lonely as before, and his body stood upright as before.

As if he had eyes behind him, knowing that Li Nian had arrived, the boy slowly turned around, with a smile familiar to Li Nian, and looked at Li Nian and said, "You are here? Li Nian, you are still punctual as before. Keep it. "

The juvenile's smile made Li Nian's nose a bit sour. He softened his legs, fell to his knees, and choked with a little choked throat: "Shaoxiang, really you, you really ..., really ..."

Qi Ye Yin sighed, took a few steps forward, raised her hand to lift Li Nian, and chuckled: "What. Am I still alive?"

"No, Shaoxiang." Li Nian quickly wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes, "Xiaguan is glad you are still alive."

Ye Yeyin smiled slightly, and a coat of clothing was sitting on the stone chair of Wangjiang Pavilion and sat down, "Sit, Li Nian, I haven't seen it for more than half a year, you and I will tell you well."

Sit down opposite Ye Yin, Li Nian said: "Shaoxiang, what was your day ..., the day after you had an accident, the emperor sent someone to search along the river, and Xiaguan ..." Shaoxiang, what are you doing? ... "

He raised his hand and poured a glass of wine for Li Nian. Ye Yindan said, "Do you want to ask me how to survive? Is this a long story, not to mention. Li Nian, this time I will invite you to Wangjiang When Ting meets, he will tell you something and tell you something, and he will say goodbye to you. "

"Farewell?" Li Nianhua said in surprise, "Mao, you, are you not planning to go back?"

Ye Yin's mouth twitched slightly, as if a bit helpless, he reached over and drank the wine glass, and then slowly said, "Li Nian, I can't go back. If I can go back, I'll go back early, I won't use I've asked you to meet this way. "

"Why? Shaoxiang, you ca n’t live without you. Since you were in trouble, the North Korea is very confused and the emperor's temper ..." Li Nian didn't say any more. He looked at Ye Yin earnestly, and Ye Yin sighed, "I know, I know that there will be chaos in the DPRK after I leave, but you and Shixue are at ease. I will not be chaotic. As for the emperor, he is just not used to it. You can help He, he is a good emperor. "

"Sorry, you ..."

Raising his hand to stop Li Nian, Ye Yin said: "Li Nian, I actually don't go back for the sake of the country, for the emperor. If the emperor wants to sit on the throne, I must leave, and if I continue to stay, I will prevent the emperor from returning. The footsteps of the people. "

"Xiaguan doesn't understand!"

"No, Li Nian, you understand. When a court official's voice is higher than the emperor he is loyal to, the court official should be ready to retreat."

Sui Wenyan immediately expressed surprise and anger on Li Nian's face, and he said in a deep voice: "Is it the emperor ..."

Ye Yin shook his head and laughed: "How do you think so? The emperor is a prince, he doesn't care about things like high-powered earthquakes. It was after I was injured that my presence had seriously threatened the emperor. Some emperors of Xi'er have begun to move, they want to rebel in my name. "

"What? What about Xiaguan ..."

He waved his hands, Ye Yin said, "You don't hear it doesn't mean there isn't, so .... 唉! 沚 country has just been unified and imperfect in all aspects, between the monarchs and the people, between the people, the east. Between the west and the west. It will take a long time to run in. East and West are divided for too long. It is not easy for East and West people to realize that they belong to the same country. It is not easy to support each other. All the people ’s hearts have been put in the hands of the emperor. What they admire is the emperor, but what about Xiyu? Have you heard the voices of the people? Xiyu is a show of our hands. They do n’t trust the emperor, and they admire me. Li Nian If you think about it, what will happen in the long run? The country cannot be the two masters, so my departure will allow the emperor to smoothly gather all the people's hearts. "

Li Nian was a little stunned, he murmured: "I have heard those sayings about the Xiqiao folk, but I didn't expect it to be so serious. Young man, do you really have to leave? Emperor him ..."

"Li Nian, you have to think that the reason why I left is for the future of Laos. How much hardship did it take us to unfold the West ?? How did we look at Laos to unify in our hands? Li Nian, you are willing Let such a fragile country be disintegrated because of my existence? Don't let the country that we have worked so hard to collapse because of my reasons. "Ye Yin's voice suppressed an unspeakable pain, which made Li Nian was very sad.

"Sister-in-law, do you have to leave?"

"Li Nian, I'm the most wise choice to leave." Ye Yin stood up and looked away. "In fact, I realized this as soon as I arrived in Nan'an City. At that time, I thought about leaving, but I was not at ease. So I put all the things you can do, all the burdens you can bear on you and Shixue, I want to train your ability to stand on your own. Maybe you and Shixue didn't understand me at that time, I thought I was lazy, actually ... "

Looking back at Li Nian, who looked down with some shame, Ye Yin glanced at him with a slight smile, and he said earnestly: "Unfortunately, although I have the idea of ​​leaving, I have never been able to find a chance, and this is not the case. He said to Emperor Ming, because of his character, he would never agree to let me go. The Emperor is very strong, and he would never believe my words, but Li Nian, you should know that I am not false, we Everything should be thought of before it happens, instead of trying to remedy it afterwards. It will be too late. "

Because Ye Yin's back was facing Li Nian, Li Nian didn't see the sly smile on Ye Yin's face, only listening to her and slowly saying, "This time, my arrow fell into the moat. Fortunately, it was so difficult that I could not die. Understand a lot of things, and I also thought a lot during the recovery period, Li Nian, I can just get out of it. If I resign from the emperor, I will definitely have a lot of opinions even if the emperor is allowed. Disadvantage, so I haven't returned to Nan'an City, I can't go back. "

"Shao, ..." Li Nian choked a little.

Ye Yin turned around with a trace of sorrow: "Li Nian, in fact, I should not have appeared in front of you, but I couldn't rest assured, so I met you. You have to remember that I am still alive Do n’t tell anyone, especially the emperor. If the emperor knew that I was still alive, he would be searching for my whereabouts with great fanfare, so that everyone would know, and folk speculation would follow, so I ’m like this Sacrifice has no meaning. "

"I see, younger, I won't tell anyone that you are still alive." Li Nian's voice was a little trembling, and her vision was gradually blurred.

There was a breeze of autumn wind, and I saw that the boy in white in front of him fluttered in the wind, as if the man was about to be sent to the sky for nine days. He flew like satin in the air, and the white figure was like a ray of clear light, ethereal and lonely.

Ye smiled slightly, Ye Yin said, "That's good, so I can rest assured, Li Nian, I have an important thing to ask you to come, this time the state of Laos to declare war on the west."

Li Nian stunned, and then said, "Is there a problem with this? The Prime Minister of Dongling and the Emperor discussed it. The emperor would agree and wanted to avenge you, and the morale of the soldiers of the West Rim was also unprecedented. All agree with this time ... "

Li Nian closed his voice, because he saw Ye Yin's face sink in an instant, and only heard Ye Yin coldly said, "Li Nian, for so many years, have you not even looked at it so much? Right? Declaring war on the west? Yeah, the power of the three kingdoms seems to be a victory in the declaration of the war on the west, but have you ever thought about the victory? How can you divide the land on the west? Dongling and Nanrong They are not bordering the West, they will definitely not want the land from the West, so what do they want? Is it Lao ’s land or Lao ’s money? Take a step back and say that even if they do n’t want anything, the West ’s territory is completely Owned by Laos, then can the Laos have the ability to digest them? Laos has not even gathered their own hearts, and what energy does it have to manage the West?

Ye Yeyin's words made Li Nian's forehead ooze coldly. He panicked: "Xiaguan didn't expect this. Xiaguan was only thinking of revenge for you at that time. He didn't want to be so far, so ..."

"Li Nian, you are too immature in this matter. You and Shi Xia as the new state of Lao Kingdom, you must wake up from time to time." Ye Yin's face was heavy, she looked at Li Nian and sighed He replied, "You are really stupid. What three kingdoms declared war on the west? Haven't you thought about the middle question? Huh! It is said that the three kingdoms left the war at the same time, but where did they fight? In Dongling On the land of Nanrong? If you can start a war, you can only start the border with Laos in the west and ignite the war in your own territory. Do you have any brains? Since the war was declared by the Three Kingdoms, Dongling and Nanrong are bound to send people into Country, then you haven't wondered if the wolf will be brought into the room? "

Li Nian stopped talking, Ye Yin said, "Do you want to say that you can refuse to send troops from Dong Ling and Nan Rong, and only let them provide material assistance?"

Li Nian nodded, Ye Yin hated Tiefuchenggang: "Li Nian, how can you let me go? Dong Ling and Nan Rong only provide material assistance, so what are the three kingdoms to declare war? The soldiers of Lao Kingdom go The soldiers who were killed and killed were also the soldiers of Lao Kingdom. Was it easy for Lao ’s troops to be trained? If you can win the tiger and wolf divisions from the west, even if they can win, it will be a terrible victory. At the same time, when you send troops to Lao Country, what are you going to stop? "

Ye Yeyin screamed and asked Li Nian's face to fade into an instant. He murmured, "Why didn't I think of this, why didn't I think of it, I ..."

"Okay, Li Nian, now is not the time to regret it, it is the idea to remedy." Ye Yin Shen said.

"How to remedy?" Li Nian looked at Ye Yin with a sad face and said sadly, "Dong Ling and Nan Rong are gathering troops and will enter the territory of Laos soon. How can this be prevented?"

"What written agreement can be made between the three countries?"

Li Nian stunned and shook his head, "No, it was the oral agreement between the Prime Minister of Dongling and the Emperor."

Wu Wenyan said, Ye Yin slowly laughed, seeing Ye Yin's smile, Li Nian's eyes brightened, and he said, "Shaoxiang, do you think of a solution?"

Ye Ye's eyebrows were all smiles, and he slowly said, "It's normal to regret it if you make a verbal agreement. Come here."

Li Nian whispered her thoughts carefully, Ye Yin looked at Li Nian with a big mouth and looked at herself, playing the dust that did not exist on her clothes, Ye Yin said gently: "The emperor There you have to state the strong relationship truthfully. As for the others, you can wave it yourself. You have seen my handwriting, and it should not be difficult to imitate it. "

Li Nian opened his mouth and said hesitantly: "In this way, Dongling and Nanrong ..."

"Nan Rong is also in contact with Dongling Yan, so don't worry about Nan Rong. As for Dongling, Ren Fengyao dare not treat the country like Ye." Ye Yin chuckled confidently, and she didn't trust Feng Yaodong. The battle can be fought!

I think Ren Fengyao will soon understand that she has moved her hands and feet, so what will his reaction be? Will you be angry or helpless?

You Ren Fengyao, although I understand your heart, although I intend to accept you, but we are still the enemy in politics, I will protect my country, and what will you choose?

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