MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 277 Elf ruins

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The expressions on both sides were stiff, but they quickly returned to normal.

As long as he does not encounter anything related to Qi Jingchen, Nie Yi is still very calm. For example, at this moment, he knows that he needs to be careful and not impulsive.

Eric’s four men are warriors, only one magician. The strongest of the four fighters is just a warrior. He can’t beat it, but he doesn’t have to fight. Rick himself is a wanted criminal and should not reveal their whereabouts.

However, when encountering an acquaintance at the moment, it is necessary for Nie Yi to understand that he should be more careful. After all, if he and Qi Jingchen’s identity are exposed, Qi Jingchen may be taken back. After returning, Qi Jingchen does not belong to him alone. Now!

During this time, Qi Jingchen can only belong to him!

Nie Yi's eyes flashed, pulling Qi Jingchen's hand strength increased, he pulled a Qi Jingchen into his arms, and then looked at Qi Jingchen very calmly looking for a position to sit down.

Qi Jingchen is very natural to rely on Nie Yi's arms. He is also very calm, not afraid at all. Even if someone is looking for him outside, he has not made any mistakes. Going back is no problem, Eric is different.

Eric has been wanted by the Rose Empire. If he goes back, he will probably be dead.

Seeing Qi Jingchen's expression did not change at all, Eric couldn't help but frown, and some doubted his own guess - this boy is exactly the same as that of Qi Jingchen, but maybe not a person?

Qi Jingchen is respected, and there have been people waiting around him. He has always been calm and calm, and is completely different from the young boy who is in front of him.

However, is there really someone who looks so similar? Eric looked at the man who dared to sing "Qi Jingchen" and found the doubts on this person.

His stupid sister is deeply rooted in Nie Yi’s love. He naturally observed Nie Yi. This person is very similar to Nie Yi...

No, it’s not just like it. It should be said that this person is Nie Yi!

His eyes fell on the hands of Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen. Eric, who had always paid attention to the details, found that the two men wore the rings of Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen.

I noticed that Eric was staring at Nie Yi and he kept seeing that Eric, the head of the lion mercenary group, who was not in the small mercenary group, said: "Adult, this The earth magician is the powerful earth magician I told you, next to his lover."

He introduced Eric to Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen, and then introduced Eric and others to Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen.

"The soil magician?" Eric frowned at Nie Yi. Nie Yi has the magic of water and fire wood, how can it suddenly become a soil magician?

Eric raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then suddenly thought of one thing, that is, Nie Yi can have three magics, and then there is a kind of magic, it seems not strange?

However, he did not expect that the powerful magician and his lover that the head of the group said would be Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen.

"Yeah, this adult is a powerful earth magician!" The head of the Lions Mercenary Corps is obviously very excited.

Eric’s face showed a gentle smile. He came up and talked with Nie Yi: “Hello, I am a water magician... We are talking about the disappearance of Qi Jingchen of the Guangming God. Do you understand this?” When I was asking questions, my eyes fell on Nie Yi’s hand holding Qi Jingchen.

In fact, they have not met people for a long time. In fact, they often find some mercenary groups to inquire about the news these days. Therefore, the news of Qi Jingchen’s disappearance is not the first time he heard it.

He had been curious about why Qi Jingchen was missing. Now... look at Nie Yi’s strangeness... Oh, Qi Jingchen shouldn’t be kidnapped from the holy city by his men?

"No interest." Nie Yidao.

Qi Jingchen was stunned by Nie Yi, and he did not forget to peel a nut into Nie Yi’s mouth. He looked at Nie Yi softly and looked at it and was not interested in this topic.

Eric saw this scene and his mouth was pumping.

He still remembers the noble appearance of Qi Jingchen's release of bright magic on the wall of the Western District. Naturally, it is hard to believe that the person who has the artifact and can become the next pope of the Guangming God will be nestled like a male pet. Feeding people.

However, he now wants to understand some things, such as why Nie Yi did not quit his sister.

At the beginning, he felt that the relationship between Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen was awkward. At that time, he thought that Nie Yi would have to serve Qi Jingchen in bed, now it seems...

"I didn't expect the two to be interested. Before we entered the World of Warcraft, we all heard about the Qi Jingchen adult. He is really a very powerful person." Eric said again.

"I think so too." Nie Yi nodded. This sounds serious, but it seems very perfunctory.

"Adult, I am a bit cold." Qi Jingchen said.

"Let's go back to the tent first." Nie Yi glanced at Qi Jingchen, and then looked into the tent with Qi Jingchen coldly, and the various magical arrays on the tent shone, and would not reveal the inside.

Eric looked at the tent and looked a little weird. The head of the Lions Mercenary Corps immediately said: "The temper of this adult has always been weird, please don't be surprised."

"I won't be surprised," Eric said.

The experience of being chased these days has made him grow a lot. After leaving the palace, he suddenly found out that the intrigues that were once in the palace were really naive and ridiculous. His previous insights are really too few, and if they were not, they would not be forced into such a situation...

Nie Yi, Qi Jingchen... Eric’s mouth evokes a smile. The two people are waiting in the holy city. There is definitely a reason to leave the holy city suddenly. The reason is related to Nie Yi’s magic core.

He has been studying the weakness of Louise and has a deep research on the magic core. Although Nie Yi is very good, he still found some strange.

Thinking too, Nie Yi has four magics, so the magic core can still be no problem, then it is strange!

"His Royal Highness is very concerned about the two, because the male pet looks like Qi Jingchen?" Eric and his men immediately asked after entering the tent.

Eric looked at his hand and smiled. "No, that person is not very like Qi Jingchen. He is Qi Jingchen." Eric said.

Eric’s face was full of surprise: “How come?” They met Qi Jingchen. The Qi Jingchen they saw was totally different from the previous boy. How could it be a person?

The noble bright magician will serve people like a male pet?

"What is going to happen in this world?" Eric said.

"What do we do now?" Eric's men asked in a panic.

"We are using them now," Eric said.

"His Royal Highness!" The man looked at Eric, and Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen were very strong, but the two were too dangerous...

"Where we are going, we need the guidance of the wood magician." Eric said, of course, the most important thing is that Nie Yi’s current magic core has problems and is well controlled.

As for Qi Jingchen... This is a bright magician. According to the situation in which he used the artifacts when he resisted the people who Louise sent to kill him, the artifacts did not have much attack power and could only be defended.

What are the two people like this, what are you afraid of?

The next day, the lion mercenary group left early in the morning. They said goodbye to Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen's tent, but Nie Yi did not respond.

They left, Eric and others stayed. When Nie Yi pulled Qi Jingchen out of the tent, he saw him sitting on a stone and looking at them with a smile.

"You are finally awake." Eric's mouth smiled.

"Yeah." Nie Yi responded and began to collect the tent.

"Nie Yi, Qi Jingchen." Eric accurately named Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen, and smiled: "I didn't expect to meet you here."

"I did not expect to meet you." Nie Yi directly admitted his identity.

Hearing Nie Yi admitted that the four soldiers around Eric were shocked to see Nie Yi, and finally his eyes fell on Qi Jingchen next to Nie Yi.

"Nie Yi, do you want to cooperate?" Eric suddenly said.

"No interest." Nie Yi refused without hesitation. He hates Louise, but he doesn't have a good impression on Eric. This man can even pick up a hand like a child like Little Norman. I really have to say it, there is no difference between it and Louise.

"You don't hear what cooperation is at the end?" Eric laughed. "Do you know that there has been a big event in the World of Warcraft recently?"

"No interest." Nie Yi said again, he only wants to be with Qi Jingchen all the time. As for other things, he does not want to blend anything.

Eric saw that Nie Yi’s oil and salt did not enter, and he was helpless. In the end, he could only find out: "Not long ago, someone found a relic of the elves in the Warcraft Forest. There are many good things in it. You don't want to go see? Nie Yi, you have wood abilities, and you should be able to find some good things like that."

Eric did not wait for Nie Yi to answer, and soon introduced the specific situation.

The elves live in the Elven Forest, and the so-called Elf Forest is actually close to the Warcraft Forest. When the Elf was strong, the World of Warcraft was simply their back garden. They also built a lot in the Warcraft Forest. Residence point.

Unfortunately, I did not know why those settlements were abandoned and became a relic.

Not long ago, someone discovered the remains of an elf, and there are still a lot of things left there!

Nie Yi had no interest in the so-called good things, but at this moment, Qi Jingchen took his hand: "I want to see."

The branches of the tree of life grow very slowly, and there is no way for Connie. Qi Jingchen has long wanted to touch something related to the elves!

Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen and finally said, "Good!"

Qi Jingchen showed a smile to Nie Yi.

Nie Yi didn't react, Eric looked at the smile, but his eyes flashed.

Qi Jingchen is really beautiful, no wonder Nie Yi will take him away from the holy city...

Read The Duke's Passion