MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 74 Mad at you

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Cazor waited for a long time outside the king's tent before a low-browed slave came out to invite him in.

There is only one person in Huayi in the king's account. There is a huge incense burner next to the stove. Water vapor and mist are constantly coming out of it. Cazzo sniffs his nose, feeling that it seems to be floral and mixed with medicine. Incense, it is said that the merchant from the south brought it for sale. It can mix flower and spices into water and put it in a small fire. It has its own fragrance. For the sake of Changan's poor health, Huayi asked the doctor to add the herbs he eats daily, which made the fragrance a bit bitter, but it was unexpectedly calming.

Cazor had been very aggrieved for a while. Although he was under Chang'an's hands, Chang'an didn't make him feel bad, but the taste was like sitting on a needle and felt quite plummeted.

At the beginning, he was still full of blood and had a headache and brain heat. During the whole day, seven were not convinced and eight were unheard of. Who knew that Huayi hung him for half a year.

Cazor was panicked, and the fire bubble in his mouth had grown twice, otherwise he wouldn't have his face in private to ask for Chang'an.

He felt like a hero, but as soon as he left the elder's position, he found himself a bear.

The human condition is cold and warm, except for the old ministry brought out by his own Blackhawk tribe. Each of these people has the ability to see the wind to make the rudder. The king city is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more people. With riches, who will remember who was the first warrior in the Blackhawk tribe?

Isn't this a joke?

Huayi called him in, but didn't rush to speak, but instead sighed and remained silent for a while, then ordered: "Sit."

At that time, in the account of the leader, in the presence of Huayi, Cato sat down carefully with Bu Dong's head as a dog's head, but his **** was only on the side of the chair.

Huayi lifted his eyes and looked at him. He didn't sleep all night. He seemed a little hesitant, and said, "Chang'an and I mentioned it."

Cazzo froze.

"What do you want me to say?" Silent for a moment, Huayi suddenly said such a sentence.

Kazona for a moment: "Let me ... I drank a little more that day, it was ... it was done ..."

Before he finished speaking, Huayi suddenly stood up and threw the animal skin on his knees, and threw it across Kazuo's face, yelling loudly: "Did you do it? Drink more? Give it to me. Is it human? If someone else kills your son for no reason, how about you? What about killing people and killing them? The city rules are sculpted. All strokes are engraved on the wall. Blind people can Touch it! How do you let me protect you? You say it! Damn it! "

Casso took off the animal skin on his face and looked at Huayi, who was desperately angry, and his eyes were red.

Huayi was fainted as if angry, but I didn't notice it.

"Blame me for beating your elders, I want to kill you bunny! You aggrieved fart, **** things, can't Wang Cheng pretend to be you? You should have thrown you out to me to defend the outer city as soon as possible! You ..."

Huayi's words were interrupted because Cazor suddenly sat there and burst into tears.

Huayi: "..."

This person is reckless and cunning, irritable, assertive, lawless and unconvergent. I am afraid that the effort that goes into the footsteps is much stronger than that of hunting. It is a stinger, but this cry is very true. .

The rage that Huayi had pretend to have called him such a throat that he couldn't make it go. He stood in place for a while, and asked with a chuckle: "Who do you want?"

Cazor even choked unclearly: "I am so wicked, I am nothing!"

Huayi instinctively nodded, thinking that he said something quite reasonable.

Cazor slipped out of the chair and hugged Huayi's thigh, crying indifferently to his face.

Changan just happened to come in from nowhere, pushed the door and opened the account to see the situation, and immediately retracted his head without saying a word, with a green face.

The next day, Cazzo led a new errand and took a group of people out of the city silently. He got a promise. Once he completed the task well, he returned to set up a post with the rank of seven elders. Things are not easy to do, come and see you.

And within a few days after he left, Haizhu City's central bankers were invited to drink tea by the king of the sea one by one, and there was news that afternoon that a team of merchants was exempt from paying the city gate all year round.

The money paid to the city gate throughout the year is 40% of the profits. After that, he can sell everything at a reduced price. If this case is reopened, will other merchants in the city have no way to live?

For a while, the old travellers took the blood, walked around the door to find out the inside story, and finally, they found a few words from the elder Solem.

The monkey-like elder with a yellow skin and a frenzy all day shook his head and said, "Why? Wang Zhengli leads the East China Sea in Wangcheng. It is difficult to go out. Naturally, he wants to find someone to make his eyes. But what's the big thing about the one-year city gate profit? The entire East China Sea belongs to him. After discussing his joy, the benefits will be many in the future. "

The old banker was sweating his head, and he dared not ask more questions, but the next day he hollowed out his mind-to-heart relationship one by one, and wanted to see the king. He had walked outside for a long time.

Who knew that Huayi was missing and wanted to sell, but they did not want to buy it.

The merchants in the King City floated their hearts, and they often happened to crush the victims. The news of the various avenues and trails was continuously passed to Huayi through various channels that they "discovered", and the cards leaving the King City Zo echoed the letter sent through the covert channel.

Huayi soon knew the approximate direction of his enemies.

Between the northwestern part of the East China Sea and the extreme north glacier, there is an area where forests and grasslands intersect. A large area of ​​plain is where Huayi mainly planned to reach out in these years. The vegetation is fertile. Whether it is grazing, planting or hunting, there are abundant resources. All mouth-watering.

I just didn't expect that he hadn't had time to get started yet. Others had focused on him first. Wang Family's lanterns were in full bloom. I don't know how many nails had been buried in the unknown enemy.

Huayi said to Solem by the light of the night pearl: "He has such time to bury nails, why not come to challenge early?"

Solaim couldn't compare with his physical strength around the clock. He had been dug out of the bed since his wedding night. He couldn't sleep well for a long time. He was exhausted and rubbed his face. The voice said vaguely: " Since this person is ambitious, he definitely wants to settle down first, and then to the outside world. Although the exact news from Cazor has not yet spread, I guess he probably first swallowed the small and large tribes on the grassland before swallowing the whale. Have energy to take care of you. "

Huayi smiled: "It seems that my brother and I thought of going together."

Soleil yawned and said casually: "Maybe you two are brothers who have been separated for many years ..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly got agitated suddenly, sobered up, realized that he had made a mistake.

Who knew that Huayi hadn't changed his face, but stared at the night pearl shining faintly beside him.

"King?" Solem asked in a low voice. "Huayi?"

Huayi blinked, seeming to be awake from a small distraction, Solemu checked his eyes, some understood, and lowered his voice and asked, "Why, Chang'an and you are out of temper, haven't you finished?"

Huayi gave a cough and raised his hand solemnly: "Uh ... the elder has worked hard these past few days, and go back to rest early, otherwise my wife will blame me."

Chang'an clearly stated to Huayi that the fire was going up in the past few days. He really didn't want to see him or talk to him. He told Huayi that he had nothing to worry about, and went to live on the tower.

In the middle of the night, Huayi quietly looked up at the tower, softly rubbing hard and soaking it. In the end, Chang An came out frankly and told him—you can go back. It's useless. I forgot about it in two days.

... Huayi found that Chang'an was absolutely confidant in dealing with his temper.

Solimu looked at him with a smile.

Huayi couldn't see his insignificant expression. When he raised his hand, he put his palm on his face, and pressed it out fiercely, saying, "Don't be so cheap-like a big girl and a daughter-in-law, put it together at home Order a little bit, you really want to do that, just go out and find someone else, don't be in Lao Tzu's account. "

Solaim stood up and stretched, sighing: "When you don't want me, I dream about it. I eat every day and get dark, grow flowers and birds, recruit cats and dogs, go back and hug my wife, and tease my children. Nobody dug me out of the bed in the middle of the night and told me to see the dead ... "

Huayi said without looking up, "Is it a man? Just stop dreaming."

He was interrupted by Solemy's voice, but the smile on his face seemed to be slow for a while. It took a while to fade from his face. He whispered, "Yes, who made me born? Deserve it."

Huayi couldn't help but said, "Wolves want to eat rabbits, rabbits need to escape, and you can only be rabbits without being a wolf. What else can you do? Don't think about anything messy, I think you can live until your grandson is born."

Solaim put his hand on the door, and turned back to Huayi and said, "I'm not a wolf, I'm satisfied when I'm full, and I'm not a rabbit. I'm happy to live. I'm a personal person. How can I not think more? Involuntarily. "

Huayi glanced at Kazuo's letter, pondered for a moment, and responded: "You scold me for not being human?"

A bowl of water flew towards Soleil's head.

Solimu narrowed his neck, got out of the door, and clung to the door, saying, "Fight the King quickly, your enemies this time are different from the past, let alone your strength, it's because of such deep thinking, I'm afraid you will lose him. With a chip, it's better to slam his head directly and disrupt his layout. Everyone speaks with a sword, and there are still more chances to win. "

Huayi rested her hands on her chin, meditating silently.

After Solaim left, after a while, the vigil slaves only listened to the sudden sound in the king's tent. The King of the East China Sea hurriedly said, "Go, go upstairs and get the city master, saying I have something urgent."

When the slave heard it, he thought it was 100,000 in a hurry, and he dared not delay, and ran out without touching his feet.

Changan toured the city for the last time, and was planning to take a break. Who knew that such a command suddenly came, and thought that something had happened in the king's city, and he followed the panting slave to the king's account.

I saw Huayi standing solemnly at the door waiting for him, waving the slaves who were there to pull back, and then he held Chang'an and strode into the account: "Come with me."

Changan followed him in unknown, and glanced at the pile of things on the table, frowned, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Huayi walked quickly, leading the way, saying, "I plan to ask someone to reinforce Cazor, and once they meet those who are unidentified, go to war."

Chang'an: "So urgent? How do you know how many people they have? What about the terrain?"

Huayi waved his hand: "You don't need to worry about these, Sollywood has his own way."

"Oh ..." Changan nodded, walked through the courtyard with Huayi without warning, and walked into the inner room. Seeing that he was still in a hurry, he also sped up his pace subconsciously and asked, "What about you? Am I here to do anything? "

Huayi suddenly stopped and turned around, still looking diligently at Chang'an.

Chang'an: "?"

I saw that Huayi could not cover his ears quickly, quickly raised one hand, passed through the side of Chang'an ear, and pulled the door up with a movement that was so fast that it could not be captured.

Chang'an: "..."

The seriousness on Huayi's face was like changing a mask, and it disappeared in no time. His hands rested on the side of Chang'an, and he drew a person over. "I ask you to come naturally, such as ... go home to sleep."

Even with this kind of foolishness, Chang'an began to doubt that he was really a bit silly.

Huayi had no choice but to seize the opportunity to lock his limbs, clenched his arms tightly, and just hugged him to the big bed in the king's tent.

Chang'an thought that if he spoke at this time, he must have been more stupid, so he was determined to do it, but when he touched the mattress, he was surprised to feel a warmth coming from his body, not dry and very comfortable.

Huayi Xuxu said, "Warm, right? I asked someone to cover it with warm jade for a day. It has been in autumn for many days. Sleeping on the city tower ... It's really a loss that you want."

He flicked Changan's forehead and whispered affectionately, "Pill jar."

Then Huayi sighed deliberately, and touched two of his hair very nostalgically, and said back in three steps: "Forget it, you don't want to see me, I ... I go to the front yard to sleep by myself, but it doesn't bother you eye."

Chang'an watched him grind and grind, but in the course of more than twenty steps, he didn't move to the door after taking a lot of incense. It is better to be at the door like the threshold is thousands of mountains and rivers. I can't get over it.

He sat next to the bed, touching the moist bed, and finally couldn't help but say, "You ... well, you still come, I don't ..."

He didn't finish this sentence, there was almost a flash of people's shadow in front of him, and Huayi's big face came in front of him.

It's really a small step like embroidery, like a thunderstorm.

Chang'an: "... angry at you ..."