MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 73 Lord of the Pearl City, I remember you

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Chang'an just felt that the eyes of the person in front of him were as red as a rabbit, and his facial expression was like a mad dog that had been infected, so he didn't want to entangle it.

According to Luda, there are four assassins and five are missing, so where did the other one go? Who is going to ventilate?

He took two steps back and made a knife-retracting action, and the two well-trained city defenders rushed out from both sides, intercepting the rabbit-eye man one by one.

Chang'an glanced at him before turning around. He did not go out in two steps, and a strong wind struck behind him. He instinctively lifted a scabbard and heard only a crisp sound. The scabbard was poked by the other side, and the other side When he turned back, half of the half split directly.

The two city guards who were standing in front of Chang'an were killed in a blink of an eye. Chang'an didn't dare to carelessly. He immediately retreated to the tree. He leapt forward, raised his hand to catch the branch, and lifted himself with one hand. The hooked knife followed immediately, and the force of the split was as severe as breaking and slashing, cutting the tree across.

Chang'an frowned, his toes lightly tapped on the treetops, and he fell quickly two feet away. To Luda, who was not far away, said, "Check to see if anyone has come in or out tonight. ... lock the city gate, search for people! "

His one-word effort was interrupted twice, and the word "if" was only exited. A knife slashed straight behind him. Changan didn't even return his head. He raised his hand to place the long knife holder on his back, and used his power. After going out, the word "Feng" did not say Lisuo, and the second knife had been cut to his waist.

Someone exclaimed, "Citylord!"

Changan turned in place, and the whole person became a whole with the long knife, as if forming a complete circle. The sound of the collision between the swordsman and the sword between the light and the fire rang, and no one could see what was going on. Separated again, the mad rabbit-like man smiled grimly, and said in a very husky and rough voice: "The world's first unique knife is passed down, the moment the wrong one winks, the three swords are shot, and the first sword is separated. My hook, the second knife presses my blade while my wrist is hanging down, and the third knife clings to the blade and asks me to press my hand. If it is not for me to withdraw quickly, I will either give up or break my hand ... You are sure With some skill, it's barely deserved reputation. "

Changan slightly moved his tingling wrist: "You are not with those people, who bought your knife?"

The crazy rabbit man exhaled his yellowed teeth: "No one can afford my knife, I came for you, but by chance, it is convenient to borrow this waste."

Chang An frowned gently.

However, the other side suddenly broke into trouble and rushed at him. The sharp wind brought by the blade hurt his face. The crazy rabbit laughed and said, "How can you keep the sword in my hand!"

The long knife with the hook was cut off in the air, like a half-moon head, Chang'an was no longer in place, the long knife cut to the ground, and the dust actually flew half a foot high.

As soon as the lunatic looked up, a very thin blade suddenly arrived, exactly the same, the cold light approached, and the suffocation across his throat suddenly enlarged the lunatic's pupil, and he felt that all his blood was ignited Then, the whole person was covered by the blade, and there was no room to hide.

If you can't hide, you won't hide.

The mad rabbit turned into a mad gun battle, dying and then greeted the blade of Chang'an, and the hook knife in his hand pierced into Chang'an's chest like Changhong Guanri obliquely.

Chang'an Ke didn't plan to accompany him to the end. He immediately elbow and changed his moves. The long knife stood up and the back of the knife fell heavily. The hook knife cut his coat from the right chest to the left belly by more than a foot. There was a very shallow scratch on his chest, until the hook knife was broken by him with an inch of strength, and then two blood beads came out.

Chang'an only felt that the red light in the eyes of this man was more prosperous, and it was red so bright that it would shine in the night!

Then the crazy rabbit, who had taken a rat medicine, suddenly gave out a laugh like a donkey that was about to suffocate. His voice was three miles long and he couldn't stop piercing his ears. Read his "partisan". The palm of the hand was transformed into a beast's claw. Although it was a bit inconvenient compared to the sword, it was more overbearing to hurt people. The rabbit disappeared from the ups and downs, leaving only a very resentful sentence.

"Good knife! Lord Haizhu, I remember you!"

Chang'an had a stomachache and understood the meaning of what he said—the green mountains will not change, the green water will flow, and with a new knife in the future, he will certainly come to your door to trouble you.

But this man's madness is a rival he has never seen in his life. Before Chang'an had time to take a sigh of relief from the thrilling confrontation just before, he heard someone screaming again, "City Lord, they ..."

Changan turned around and saw that, except for those who had already been ambush, other arrested caravans fell at the same time at the same time.

Chang Chang was startled, and bent over and pressed the neck of the man under his foot. The man was dead.

who is it?

Who can make these many people willing to die for him, even the mighty lunatic can be dispatched?

Haizhu City's BOC has frequent business contacts. How long has the man inserted his eyeliner?

Chang'an Shen said: "Go and tell the king, and the elder ... OK, I know he married his wife today. Then you can call him a little lighter, just put your feet on the door, don't be scared to scare the bride . "

When Solem was taken over, the wine had not yet awoken, and he had to be supported. When he let go, he had to land on four feet. The first word after seeing Changan was to curse him with a big tongue and indiscriminately. "You ... you will be kicked by a donkey ..."

Chang'an was silent for a while, and pressed the elder's head full of paste into the cold water basin.

When Huayi, who was rushed to the rescue, was rescued, the elders' grief and anger were almost flowing into the sea.

Solimu tilted his head and sneezed, almost shaking his eyes off the window, and then rubbed his nose. He noticed that the corpse was set on the ground, but his face didn't look astonished, and rubbed his nose. , Asked, "Surely a trader?"

Huayi hugged her arms in front of her chest and stood silent.

Two years after the completion of Haizhu City, the elder Solem went on to say that in each city, the roster of permanent residents was established in the city, who is the last name, where is the owner, how many people, and who are the relatives, etc. It is necessary to report to the person in charge of the management of this matter in the city, and whenever you go, it will be easier to manage as the population increases.

Only businessmen are different. Businessmen go south and north, they have no place to stay, they are the most difficult to manage, and most of them are cunning. They are profitable, and they can do everything for money.

Solaim glanced up at Huayi, seeing that he was speechless, his face was a little dignified, and he asked, "Why, Wang wants to ... suppress business?"

Huayi groaned for a moment. If this happened in the past, according to his cautious personality, at least he would have to hide all the traders who entered the city from the beginning, but because he wanted to be left, he had an awkward scene with Changan in the middle of the night. Emotionally, what should be said or not should all be poured out, and now the mood is inexplicably widened a lot.

"Isn't it germ-wheat to hear the worm call? Businessmen are forbidden. If there is a natural disaster, where should we open source?" Huayi waved his hand and pointed at the corpse on the ground. After a daybreak, someone passed by and saw what it looked like? Chang'an Solaimu came with me and called me the seven elders ... and Kazo, together. "

Besides, Lu Da was ordered to Chang'an and rushed to the city tower, but got no news that no one would go out.

He frowned, turning his mind to know that the fifth man who was missing was probably still in the King City. Luda immediately mobilized some people from the night watchman on the gate and searched in the city.

Haizhu City is a king city. It has been repaired more than once. The planning pattern in the city is divided into sections. Luda patrols day by day. He knows the topography of the city as early as possible.

From the night watchman's weapon rack, he found a sharp knife that was barely in his hands, and Luda pressed down the anger of the broken knife and went along the road.

He walked more and more along the inner moat of the moat, only to hear a rattle in the river water, Luda yanked the knife out, and turned back angrily and said, "Who!"

A huge fish tail lighted up in the water, and the scumbled his head. He didn't know what was in his mouth, and looked at him blankly.

Luda exhaled, "It's you little beast."

The word "little beast" was understandable, and his tail patted the water angrily. If it was not for Luda flashing fast, he would almost splash his face, and then grabbed his "dinner" and swam farther together. go with.

Luda shook her head before she could continue to move forward, and she glanced inadvertently in the direction in which the tartar was swimming. Suddenly, behind a big tree, she found a dress lifted by the wind.

He suddenly locked his eyes there, relying on the familiar terrain, and walked around from the other side. He caught the man behind the big tree out of nowhere, and the sharp knife crossed the man's neck.

The man exclaimed in a terrified tone, exposing his face to the moonlight, Ruda stunned, the hand holding the knife lowered unconsciously, wondering, "Women?"

This is not an ordinary woman, no matter whether she is dressed or looks, she is telling others that she is a dancer.

The snow-white dress was made of unknown cloth. It was as long as the two of her, dragged to the ground with a burden, rolled up by the wind, and fluttered like a fairy—if it wasn't too good-looking, With her tiny body hiding behind such a large tree, Ruda was not caught in a breeze.

Wearing such a skirt on my body may not be able to walk the road. Serious women do things, and naturally they will not wear this virtue. Only dancers, they are human, and they are not too big. They can be casually worn. Trafficking is precious and humble, and does nothing except to please the owner.

She didn't know how to escape by herself, she had already become extremely embarrassed, her skirt was not symmetrical, apparently she had been shaved off by something, and her tender hands were all scratched.

Luda had never seen such a woman, even though she was embarrassed and panicked.

On weekdays, I think the ladies in Wang Cheng are mostly beautiful, but when compared with her, those people lost their color instantly, as if they were white bricks and gray bricks.

Her long hair was like water, and there was no knotty frizz on her head. Her face and figure were everywhere delicate and ugly. Especially the picturesque eyebrows, the corners of the eyes seemed to be cinnabar, and in the moonlight there was a bit of talk about the rest, which made Luda feel a kind of familiar and kind feeling.

He inexplicably glanced at what Sichun ’s fellow boys said—seeing her was like having known each other for a few years, and it was love at first sight as if she was so kind and happy to be home.

Luda didn't know how long he stayed before returning to God. He loosened the dancer's clothes, but the sharp knife did not return to the sheath. He asked fiercely, "Who are you? Why sneak in the city at night?" "

The dancer said hurriedly: "I ... I'm not sneaky, I just want to escape from the city ..."

Luda squinted: "Escape?"

The dancer lowered her head, biting her lips and refusing to speak, the whole person shivered in the night wind.

Luda pinched her chin, forced her to look up, and asked coldly, "I ask you, what do you have to do with that food dealer who claims to be from the north? They are missing five people tonight. They have Is it you? "

The dancer was startled and hurriedly said, "No! I'm not an assassin!"

Luda: "Assassin?"

Tears turned to tears in her eyes, and a pair of little hands on her sleeves tightly pulled her sleeves, as if pinching uneasily in the hands and rubbing: "I ... I bought them with Shizhu pearls on their way, and they said To dedicate me to the nobles in the city ... well, well ... easy to do ... one day I heard about the assassin ... I, I, and I am not an assassin, do n’t kill me, I am really not an assassin! "

Luda looked through her nose and knew that she wouldn't kill anyone, not even a rabbit—the assassin didn't wear such a clothes that he could trip himself by two steps.

"So you run away?"

The dancer nodded and shook her head, as if her mind was so confused that she didn't know what she was talking about.

Luda thought about it, and withdrew the sharp knife sharply. He raised his hand and held the dancer, hardened his heart: "I'll take you to the city master."

The dancer didn't say a word, let him hold him obediently, and walked for a while, Luda couldn't bear itching in her heart, looked down at her again, but saw her head resting on her shoulders, was quiet Tears burst into tears.

Luda couldn't help but step back: "What are you crying for?"

The dancer nibbled, "The Lord of the City will kill me ..."

Lu Dayi laughed: "There is no woman like you in the soul of the city owner's sword, rest assured."

The dancer raised her head and looked at him, and a small face seemed even more pear-shaped with rain: "They sent assassins to kill nobles in the King City, and they would naturally die if they were caught. The city owner would surely think I was with them."

Luda said casually: "The city owner is not old, not confused, what can you do? I haven't heard that singing a song can also kill people, but those businessmen naturally catch up first, and after interrogation ..."

His words came to an abrupt end.

Lu Da is young and strong, holding his personal footsteps is also very fast. Unconsciously, he has returned to the place where Chang An is. People from far away come and go. Chang An seems to be no longer there. Sending the corpse one by one, he subconsciously hugged the dancer in his arms and hid behind a wall, covered her mouth and lowered her, and then carefully watched.

I don't know who ordered it. Those people were all dead. Seeing that, no one seemed to be left alive.

Lu Da sweated somehow, and suddenly he made a bold decision, grabbed the arm of the woman who was already in the arms and was about to faint, and whispered, "Come with me, don't say anything. "

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