MTL - Banished to Another World-~ Times 599

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C_t; Not to mention how the teachers and students of the college discussed a series of things that happened. Here, they said with a stern and the original battle: "The snake's daring has come to an end, waiting for Stein to make a hand, how many he is? Secrets can't be kept. (Advertising)

The original battle, "This person can't stay."

Strictly decapitated, "I know the importance. When Stan smashes all his secrets, he will give him a semi-public trial, at least let the Bunxi and Sumen be present. The crimes committed by the snakes in Jiuyuan will die."

Seeing the sternness of the original war, I also agreed that the death penalty of Stan would no longer entangle the problem. I asked: "You will call everyone in the afternoon to say something."

Strictly stepping forward, "is a matter of Wusong, about how the blood warriors and ordinary people get along."

The original battle coveted at the foot, and did not care about the earth: "There is nothing special to come up with, what happened in the past, how is it now?"

"No, you neglected one thing." The strict expression became serious. "If Jiuyuan is like the original tribe, the blood-blooded warriors are only a few, and all of them fall into a few, so the contradiction will not be obvious. In order to let a very small number of blood-blood warriors do more things, other ordinary people will make a lot of incredible patience, and even deliberately hold the status of the blood-blood warriors and treat them as gods."

Speaking in a tight tone, "But this is the case with very few **** blood warriors, just like God, the number is small, everyone is awe and cherish. But once God walks, God is everywhere, you Will you fear him? No, you will only hate him because the strength and status of the other party are far more than you. Similarly, if the number of blood warriors is small, it will not be easy for ordinary people who occupy a large proportion. Offend, at most, treat them as subjects. But if the number of gods is too large, if they do not guide the direction correctly, they will not regard the protection of ordinary people as their own responsibility, but will divide ordinary people and blood-blood warriors into two species. Just like a horned person watching a hornless man."

The original war did not speak, in fact, the strict scruples, he had already expected the other party and he had formulated the rules of the nine originals, but he did not expect to develop as fast as he did.

Suddenly frowning, "I am a little regretted to develop everyone's potential potential. Originally, there will not be so many blood soldiers in Jiuyuan, but because of my behavior, the proportion of Shenyuan soldiers in Jiuyuan is much higher than other. Forces. Now the contradictions between the two sides are intensifying. I am afraid that not only is the secret of the snakes and other people, but my behavior is also one of the causes of the intensification of the contradictions. I have a great responsibility for this."

"So you are taking time to ponder the training method." I tried to touch him and didn't want to see him blaming himself for this kind of thing. In his view, this kind of thing is very well resolved. Since the rules are there, then according to the rules, people who violate it will kill more, and everyone will naturally obey. Of course, the premise of achieving this is that he is stronger than all the fighters of Jiuyuan, and he has this confidence.

"Do you remember that I told you that the ancestors made me spend another life in my dreams?"

Such an important thing, of course, the original battle remembers, "how"

"Going to the Western Continent, seeing those hornless people, and the strength there, combined with my other life, I was inspired by a few readings." Yan Mo also did not intend to conceal the original battle, "in another In one life, some people mentioned Qigong. They firmly believe that the human body can use the proper exercises to generate airflow after cultivation. These people are ordinary people. After the West China comes into contact with the vitality, your eldest son Wu Guo reminds If I am going directly to the primary training method, I will be able to send out airflow in a period of time."

The original battle was not good. "You didn't mention it to me."

Strictly playing haha, "I was not busy with other things at the time. I didn't want to mention it when I wanted to come back. I just didn't think it was going to catch up. I thought that time will be a lot, I can slowly Come."

"Wait." The original battle was a bit puzzled. "Jiuyuan has already popularized the primary training method, but I have never heard of anyone who has developed airflow."

Strict right right boxing left palm, "This is the difference between the East and West continents is a lively, a chaotic. Ordinary people want to practice the airflow, must remix the absorbed energy together, Jane In other words, the various elements of the scattered Jinmu, water, and fire are combined into the initial state, so that only ordinary people can cultivate Qigong."

"That is to say, the Western Continent is more suitable for ordinary people to practice, and the Eastern Continent is more suitable for the blood soldiers."

Strictly laughing, "This is the case, but if you can master the method of transformation, it is the same everywhere."

"You know how to convert"

"It's already a bit clue." He is also a person who has been exposed to maternal energy. He is not familiar with energy use, at least not strange.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the city bell struck, and people were concentrated in the outer city square because they were notified in advance.

Just after the end of the war, the people who gathered here were beaming and eager to think that they were going to celebrate the celebrations and reward the heroes.

But when the two arrives, the leader and the priest appear, but it is another thing.

The original war came up: "Today everyone is not to reward people who are meritorious, nor to celebrate the defeat of horned people, but another important thing. Wuhuan"

When Wuhuan came forward, he sang: "Because of the fine provocation in the city, there have been many contradictions between the blood-stained warriors and ordinary people. Among them, the students in the college have the most troubles."

The students in the college are blushing, but many people are showing their indignation. It seems that there is something to say and forcibly resist.

Wu Yu said the incidents he found in the face of the people. There were blood soldiers who bullied ordinary students, and ordinary students deliberately provoked blood soldiers. The two sides even formed small groups, recruiting members in the college to resist the other party. .

"More blood soldiers are conscious of their extraordinary status, dissatisfied with the rules of the Nine, and envy other forces. The blood soldiers can have more than one slave, woman and more property and power. These people either privately treat the long-term workers as slaves, and some abuse the long-term workers. After the death, secretly destroying the dead, or secretly using power to collect more wealth, and some blood soldiers have not enough wife, and then to lure other men and women or simply force him to see the relationship with them;

The atmosphere at the scene became strange, and it was discovered that the snoring of the imagination did not appear. It seems that the situation described by Wu Song has already become the norm in Jiuyuan, that is, the people present are almost aware of these things.

Wuhuan then directly named the name and reported out some of the names of the gods who had done excessively. "The behavior of these people was discovered, and the head of the original ice was publicly tried and disposed according to the rules of Jiuyuan, but these people are getting After the trial results, they refused to accept the treatment. Some people escaped from Jiuyuan overnight, and some attacked the former ice leader and others on the spot. Although these people have been arrested and disposed of, there are ghosts and blood-stricken soldiers who are dissatisfied with the rules of Jiuyuan. I began to sneak away from Jiuyuan, because Jiuyuan had no restrictions on the soldiers who wanted to leave. These people left with their own property."

Wu Yu said the blood-blooded warrior and said ordinary people: "This person hates the blood-blooded warrior and has the ability that ordinary people do not have. He relies on his own identity as a college chef. He poisons the students who are awakened by the blood, although it is timely. It was found that it did not cause great damage, but it also caused the contradiction between the blood-stained warrior and the ordinary people. The parents of the poisoned students were too angry, regardless of the rules of the Nine, and the death penalty was imposed on the chef, which led to the tragic death. While busy solving the civil strife, the parents and family of more than 20 students went to kill the chef's family and ethnic groups. Although they were forcibly stopped by the former head of the ice and the squad leader of the sand wolf, they also caused many injuries and caused the chef. A small tribe that is just in the Jiuyuan has left the Jiuyuan."

Hearing it here, he made a laugh that meant unclear.

Laughter is not hard to hear, not even gloomy. The thousands of people who can stand on the square are always out of a cold sweat, especially those names mentioned by Wuhuan.

In fact, what Wu Huan said, after the sternness and the return of the original war, has been reported, but once again, I heard that Wu Yu said that I still want to kill people with strict temperament.

The original battle was not so angry and so angry. He felt that it would be normal to have these things happen, because he also had the same views as those of the blood-stained warriors. He once thought about having his own slaves. The education of the original tribe is to let the blood warrior always stand on the ordinary people, but he had to hide the secret of his awakening in order not to cause the hatred and jealousy of the old priest.

Probably because there is such a passage, he is not proud of his identity as a blood soldier, but he remembers that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Severe anger is due to disappointment. The original war is plain. He did not have high expectations for the nine atomic people at first. He even knew that this kind of thing would come out sooner or later, so he was even less disappointed and angry.

Strictly stood up from the stone chair and walked to the forefront of the high platform. He looked at the crowd under the black pressure and used his will to transmit his voice to everyone's ears: "You are doing very well, but my leader and I have left. For half a year, you are so troubled. It’s really wonderful.”

Slightly applaud gently.

Many people in the audience bowed their heads with shame, but those who joined and consciously received unfair treatment stared at the sternness and felt that they had not done anything wrong.

"I think if I haven't left the original war for so long, probably these problems are not going to break out so quickly, even if there are spies, but if you don't have such meaning in your heart, how can it be so easy to make it easy?" The tone is always mild.

But the more gentle he is, the more afraid people are under the stage, even those who feel that they are right are just holding on.

Few people are not afraid of power. In particular, the other party has the ability to be unpredictable. It has been deified in Jiuyuan. It can be said that the nine originals today are all severely accomplished. Coupled with the love of the gods, by the respect of the fear, Jiuyuan people face the harsh and hateful, even if they know that the other party is fair, they will still fear him from the bones.

Everyone knows that their priests are angry, and this fact makes them afraid.

The original battle also came to the side of the stern, with the big hand overbearing on his waist and giving him all the support.

Strictly look around the crowd, "Do you think ordinary people are not as good as blood soldiers?"

The people did not dare to answer, but look at the expressions of many people, the answer has not been said.

"Idiot" sternly came out. "When are the training methods that I have passed to you, are the ordinary soldiers training methods of the outside forces? It was the ancestors personally taught that I was pleading with the ancestors to us for the great purpose." Special training method"

"哗" everyone in the audience finally made a sound.

"I want to know how special the training method I have passed to you." Slightly sneer, "War, get a boulder out."

The original battle was carried out according to words, and the stage quickly "long" out a cylindrical boulder.

Strictly hand raised, an invisible airflow rushed to the boulder

"Oh." The boulder was cut off by the waist.

Everyone in the audience: what happened to the priests who did what

Strictly and loudly: "The people in the front row noticed."

Note that the front row of people have not responded. Seeing that the priests raised their hands again, this time they clearly felt a strong push to them, whether it was a blood warrior or an ordinary person who could not stand up and fly backwards.

Everyone: "Ah, ah," So what exactly happened to the priests is to teach everyone? It doesn't look like it.

None of the people who were pushed into the back crowd were injured, all of them either by the hands of others or by themselves.

It’s not enough to be strict, and the hands are pushing, pushing the people in the front row and pushing them back.

"What is this ability?" finally someone shouted out.

After calmly closing, and waiting for everyone to stand firm, they said: "I have not used any blood power."


"This is just a kind of power application from the training method to the later stage. The training method is divided into primary, intermediate and advanced. The blood-blood warriors can improve the ability of the blood. If ordinary people learn, they can send such invisible airflow like me. If you Using weapons, you can send out swords and knives, hurting people invisible. But ordinary people want to practice their sense of temperament and need to work harder, but as long as they are trained, they are completely fearless, even beyond them."

"The ancestors are on the top." Everyone was shocked by this change and did not know what to say. Many people are chanting the names of the ancestors and the priests.

Strictly followed by a fatal blow to everyone: "At present, the nine-time warriors and colleges are only learning the primary training method. Although the primary training method can't immediately let the ordinary people make the airflow, it is the top priority of the basics. After observing everyone's training situation, I was prepared to wait until everyone practiced the same, and then handed over the method of practicing airflow to the soldiers who were truly loyal to Jiuyuan. However, the Jiucheng party had an accident, and I was forced to leave the East Continent until the war. It will take a while to return."

Suddenly silence suddenly.

I learned more about him in the original battle, and slowly connected: "You let the priests and me disappoint, but let us see who is truly loyal to Jiuyuan, who has always been distracted. If you think Jiuyuan does not The rules of slavery and fairness are not good. Anyone can leave, but those who leave will not want to return to Jiuyuan, including his descendants."

"For those who have already left, if he has learned the training method of Jiuyuan, I will recover it. The training method that the priests exchanged from the ancestors at great cost will only teach those who are truly loyal to Jiuyuan, especially He was prepared to teach the secrets of practicing qi. Originally, the priests wanted to teach them in a wide range. As long as they were loyal to Jiuyuan, they could pass it on to him. After passing the test for half a year, um, this should be the examination of the ancestors for everyone, but unfortunately. Some people didn't pass, so as a leader, I decided that the secrets of practicing the temperament and the higher-level training methods in the future will only be passed on to those who have made a vow and a meritorious person."

In other words, it is impossible to get the primary training method as a whole as before.

Does Jiuyuan regret?

Are they going to repent of the intestines?

However, their leader liked to add another sentence: "Oh, you may not know, the advanced training method can make the blood-blood warrior easily break through the tenth level, just look at me, look at the nine original so many ten The warrior will know."

The blood soldiers and their people: the people who left are stupid, we are stupid.

A lot of students and soldiers are crying: the chief of the leader, the priest, we are wrong to teach the training method that can break through the tenth level.

Whether it is a blood-blood warrior or an ordinary person, those outside the powers say it better, can there be training exercises taught by the ancestors, can the ordinary people practice the gas that is not weaker or even stronger than the blood of the gods? Say that Jiuyuan’s exercises can easily break through ten

Tenth grade

Strictly speaking again, the words once again shook the people at the place: "In combination with the training secrets and training methods, ordinary people can reach the half-god or even higher level."

I am doing my exercises.

Jiuyuan people are crazy

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