MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 598

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Mr. Li did not rebel against the bones, and now there is no point in resisting. . . In addition to changing the fruit, there is no other important thing in the bone ring.

Strictly seeing Mr. Li is still so calm at this time, he has to admire this person. If he changes other people, when he says that he is breaking the fruit, I am afraid that either he will commit suicide or he will run away, and it will be like this person. Can surrender the bones without a flaw.

Mr. Li stared at the harsh hand, his bone ring needed his soul to open, unless the strict soul power was stronger than him...

"Hey!" Mr. Li suddenly grabbed his forehead and painfully bent down.

Strictly put the bone ring in his hand for two laps. After scanning out its composition, seeing that there is no trap, it directly invades the soul and strongly erases the soul mark left by Mr. Li.

Mr. Li smiled awkwardly. "It’s not a priest, it’s so simple. With such a powerful soul, I’m afraid there is nothing you can’t get.”

This is very heart-wrenching. If it is a gathering in the Ninetowns, it may not be how many people will be jealous of strictness. But here is Jiuyuan. The audience is all nine atomic people. After listening to Mr. Li’s sour and autumn, Not only did no one feel the horror of their priests' ability, but they all had the honor and the priests who felt so powerful that they were so happy!

"Hey! The priests are really omnipotent!" A group of children shouted excitedly.

Others shouted directly: "The priests, grab all the good things in the world!"

"Right! Good things give us Jiuyuan! Wow haha!"

Strictly smiling.

The original battle took the tight waist and was very satisfied with the blind worship of the priests of the nine atomic people.

Mr. Li only felt that his ears were stunned and his eyes were stunned. The screams of the primitive people in the audience are no problem, but the person who is on the stage is very daring!

Taking a deep breath, Mr. Li finally pressed down the bonfire of his heart. No, he is not jealous, just think that the person has no eyes!

Speaking of silence, while laughing, while opening the bones, the things inside are just like the same.

Most of them are things that look ordinary, such as Yuanjing, paper, pen, map...

"I didn't expect Mr. Li to be a blood-stained warrior. I thought you were just an intermediate bone teacher." Strictly picked up a lot of Yuanjing coins and laughed.

Mr. Li, "That is my property, not for cultivation. The priests will not use the Yuanjing coins for the Ninetowns and even the following forces?"

"Well, I am wrong. You are not a blood-stained warrior. You are just rich." It doesn't matter, it takes up the map and admire: "Yes, the painting is very good, almost all of us in Jiuyuan City. I have drawn in. Especially for the warehouse, the entrance of the secret passage, the heads of the leaders, including the homes of me and the war, have been specially marked. But I am very curious, why do you as a bone teacher who teaches students in the college? Are all the big warehouses and even the entrances to the secret passages so understand?"

The people in the audience were once again stunned.

Strictly hand over the map to the crickets of the crickets, the ice and the Bianxi.

The Bianxi nationality did not expect that they could see it, and immediately caught it.

He smiled sternly to him: "You are the elder of my nine originals and one of the judges. Of course, I can see this map, just don't rumor."

The Bianxi tribe is a sorcerer, and he does not say anything, and he does not need to say anything. He had previously thought that Jiuyuan gave him an elder position just to appease the Bianxi people. To say that the elders were a symbol, he did not expect that he really had the possibility to participate in the major affairs of Jiuyuan.

After reading the map, nod, "is true."

The original ice also nodded.

The Bianxi clan returned the map to the stern. When he first came, he knew that there were not many things, and he couldn’t judge it. But he only knew that the Bianxi chief’s residence was not marked wrong.

The original battle also took the map and looked at it, asked Mr. Li: "How do you say?"

Mr. Li is very calm, "This is what I got."

I laughed out with a stern smile. "You really don't see the coffin without tears, so you can find the detailed map of the secret. Are you really the defense of Jiuyuan like a sieve?"

Coffins and sieves are new words that Jiuyuan people have not touched before, but the words of rigor can let everyone understand directly, but they don't need to understand them.

I thought that the original war suddenly received a sentence: "Before we have not enough people, the defense in the city is indeed like a sieve."

After hearing this, it was not so good. The original ice was dying and he took a look at the original battle.

The original war was deliberate, and said: "But the original ice is doing well, there is no big deal in the city, and he and the sand wolf are not small."

The original ice was "settled" and only wanted to commit!

Severely, I didn’t hear that the original war was deliberately stimulating the ice, and nodded in the attachment. “Yes, they did a very good job and they were rewarded.”

When I heard the original battle, I immediately said, "No hurry, wait until the end of the matter."

This is also the meaning of rigor, and puts the attention back on the items in the bone ring.

Everything else is fine, even if it is a little different, Mr. Li can probably find an excuse. Strictly turned over and over, he picked up the fruit of a banana like a banana.

Strictly lifting the fruit and saying to the original war: "Do you know how to use this fruit?"

"Paint your face?" The original battle laughed.

Strictly through the guide, I have already asked for a detailed answer. I immediately smiled and said: "There are several names in this thing. One of them is called a fruit-changing fruit. As the name implies, the flesh of this fruit can be applied to the face, and you can change your face again. ”

"Oh? So amazing? How to change? Just apply it directly to the face?" The original battle also came to interest, picking up a fruit to play.

Strictly turned to face everyone, and asked: "Who wants to try the effectiveness of this change of fruit? If I come, Mr. Li is afraid to say that I use witch to cheat."

The more you raised your hand, the louder shouted: "I am coming!"

Sumen also stepped forward. "Master, let me try."

Other children are also eager to try.

Strictly beckoning to let the side come up, "Bian Yue and Su Men are bitter masters, you two will try this one for one person, rest assured, the flesh is non-toxic."

When the two small ones came together, Sumen looked down at the fruit in his hand, and the more he suddenly grabbed him and loosened it.

Sumen turned his head and opened his mouth: "..."

The more chuckled side, each of the offerings: "After I cover you if anyone bully you, you told me that I beat him with you!!"

Sumen liked the last sentence, thought about it, and the more he smiled back.

As a result, the more he rushed over, he hugged him hard, and raised his hand to touch his little white horn.

White Horn Warrior: Impolite! Let go of our big witch!

Sumen said very seriously to the side: "Don't touch my horn. The corners of the horns can only be touched by elders and partners."

The more blushing, "I'm sorry."

Sumen shook his head. "It doesn't matter, you don't know." After that, he also made two steps toward the side.

I thought to myself: This little white horn seems to be really unpleasant.

Sumen: No matter what, he almost died because of me. I must be better to him later and let him know.

The two small people stood side by side, and there was a little bit of sputum at the beginning, but after the flesh was applied to the face, the two got interesting and then they picked each other's faces.

Slightly got up, walked to the front of the two small, held their shoulders, let them turn to face everyone, and smiled and said: "Is there no? This fruit is called the fruit, because it is painted with flesh. It can be fermented into a dough-like substance on the face. This substance is very similar to human skin after drying. It can be made in any hour before it dries. What shape you want to fold into? ""

Mr. Li closed his eyes. This person actually knows how to change the fruit and knows its purpose. So how does this person know that he used a change of fruit?

The two youngsters first played their own faces and made all sorts of strange things. After a while, the forehead swollen, and a big bag was bulging on the face for a while, and the nose became old, and the people in the audience laughed.

After that, the two small and toss each other, you help me pinch my face, I also help you get a new look.

Both small creativity and imagination are good. After several improvements, they have pinched a face that they think is satisfactory.

The process of two small pinches was seen in the eyes of the people. After waiting for the two small finals, everyone in the audience looked at the two faces and could not help but marvel.

The two small faces have changed completely. If they don't see their previous actions, the first time they see them, they must think that they are two other children.

Strictly watch the faces of the two children, touch them, and say to everyone: "Is it clear? It is so useful to change the fruit. The two children are still small, and there are still many flaws, plus no attention to time, finally It’s not very natural to close the harvest, but if you use it for a long time and have some research on it, it’s really hard not to pull out a fake face. Go on for everyone."

The two little hands jumped off the stage and ran to show everyone their new face.

The closer you look at it, the more people are surprised. Some people directly touch it. "It’s really the same as real, it’s not fake at all, it’s not touched.”

"This is the power of changing the fruit. The extra flesh can be thrown away. This will be more suitable for the skin. But for the sake of the fruit, it can only last for seven days. After seven days, the fruit will be weathered and cracked. You must reapply the new one. The flesh."

Strictly and sincerely thank Mr. Li. If it weren't for him, he couldn't find such a magical fruit. There is such a thing. Although he doesn't need it, he can easily help other people in Jiuyuan. If he wants to fake someone, whoever pinches his face into that person, don't do too much!

Everyone looked at Mr. Li and was very curious about what his real face looked like under his skin.

Soldiers such as crickets and ice quietly surrounded Mr. Li and controlled all possible escape directions.

Strictly facing Mr. Li, he broke his true identity in a word: "Small snakes, or should I call you a great priest?" Since the death of Tucheng, you don't know where to go. I thought you were dead, I didn't expect you. However, I changed my face and ran into my Jiuyuan. If you are honest, you will be a good person. I don’t have a lot of you, and you are a lot less. But you are always aiming at me, Jiuyuan, everywhere, and giving me Jiuyuan. All kinds of troubles, and even selling all the news of Jiuyuan, in order to make my Jiuyuan cause turmoil! Your crimes, the original ice and I have records here, you probably can't think that you have been targeted? Unfortunately, I waited for the original I want to catch people behind you and see who you are working with, for a moment, and almost let your plot succeed!"

Strict and very painful, God knows how uncomfortable he was when he saw the true face of Mr. Li through the bone mouse. He looked at a face that was so similar to his life. The owner of this face was a spy, and he hated him even more. It is his duty to destroy Jiuyuan, who is hard to establish. The sales and souls of these people can't feel the deepest!

The snake that was called the identity was not shocked, but after listening to him, he saw that he had used the fruit for seven days and then guessed that the other party should have seen his true appearance, so he did not ask the other party why he knew who he was. He now only cares about one question: "How do you know that I used a change of fruit? You said that you saw, how did you see it? When did you start to monitor me?"

The three questions are actually one problem.

Suddenly and mysteriously, "I am the priest of Jiuyuan. As long as I want to know, everything that happened in Jiuyuan would not want to pass my eyes."

Everyone: Hey! The priests are powerful and domineering!

The snake galls frowns. "Is it a bone? Are you using some kind of surveillance bones for me?"

Strictly speaking, the snake is also a physiological aversion. Don't think that he didn't notice the other person's eyes on his family!

I don’t want to pay much attention to this disgusting snake that looks into other people’s bowls. I waved my hand and directly to the original ice road: “Declare his crimes and let someone at the venue participate in the trial!”

"Yes." The original ice began to count the crimes of snakes, some of which were speculations, and there was no actual evidence, but the original ice did not care about this. Only the priests would pay attention to the evidence. Even if others had this understanding, they have not yet arrived. When kidnapped by evidence.

The original ice just said that the snake gallbladder is best at provoking, including provoking the long-term work from the slaves, and provoke the relationship between husband and wife or husband. The daughter of the Huangjing tribe was unable to recover because of his secret provocation. To the point.

"Want to go! You have to see that I agree to disagree!" A violent drink, shocked everyone.



The sound of shattering and the screams of the snakes sounded at the same time.

Everyone in the audience was a bit silly. What happened just now?

They are listening to the sins of the original ice, and then they hear the priests screaming, then?

I saw the position on the stage of the snake, and there was a person behind it. It was their leader’s original battle.

The snake's hand was placed on the waist and seemed to want to do something, but his body was motionless as if he was fixed, and there were many black wood thorns on his body and two on his hand.

The original warrior pinched the waist of the snake.

The snake's gallbladder hurts his eyes red, and the cold cold sweat dripped down the forehead, but he still couldn't move.

The original warrior was loose, and the upper part of the snake's gallbladder fell to the ground immediately. He fell with his lower body and blood flowed out of his mouth.

"You, you..." The snake had a terrible pain, and he thought he could escape. This was not so much at the last Ninetowns gathering, but it was a gift in healing and witchcraft. However, why did he go back to the Western Continent and his force has become so powerful?

Those wood thorns, he did not even see the shadow, but his body could not move in an instant.

The broken door in the start was crushed by the original battle, together with his lumbar vertebrae!

The snake daring escaped, even the trial was not used, and everyone has already determined that he is a spy.

As strictly as expected, he was grateful and fond of him. Now, knowing his true face, he is more disgusted and repulsive to him. Everyone likes gentle, kind, good people, and they don't mind doing something for such people, but if this person's good start with the purpose, even at the beginning is not good, face is facing They laughed, but they thought about their death, which made anyone who was "beneficial" unacceptable!

In particular, the snake gallbladder is also dedicated to the innocent and deceiving women and children, which is the most unacceptable for everyone.

Strictly coming to the snake, he shook his head and said: "You are stupid. Since I know that you are a snake, it is a spy, how can I not understand you thoroughly? I can see that you change yourself every seven days." If so, how can I not investigate whether there are other life-saving things around you? You also have a mind, and make the empty door into a belt-shaped plate on your body, so that you can escape at any time, but you will always take the next two when you take a bath. Once, I know this about bones. How can I not recognize the empty door?"

There is still no words in the silence. After knowing that the snake has broken the empty door, he has done his hands and feet to ensure that he can find out where he is if he escapes with a broken door. Today, the original war has been keeping an eye on him since the beginning. He has any change, and the original war will directly abolish him.

"You...have not been in Jiuyuan..." The snake whispered while talking. His body was bent at a strange angle, just like a person leaning back on the floor and falling to the ground.

"I can't monitor you when I'm not in Jiuyuan?" Are you a eater who is a fun bee? After the original ice reported your name, I let the nine winds bring back the bones, just to monitor you. I don't need to see it myself, the piranha will stare at you, and the bone mouse will send your image to my mind.

What's more, "I have cultivated the son of life, and the ancestors reward me, so that all living things in the world can communicate with me."

He originally had this ability, and the energy of life made those creatures like him. What he wants to know, just go around the place where the snakes live, give a little reward, and those insignificant little creatures will see them. Tell him everything he knows.

Snakes can be wary of people, beware of animals, and beware of bones, but will he be wary of those bugs that are hiding in the shadows, completely inconspicuous, and plants everywhere?

He said that everything that happened in Jiuyuan didn't want to see his eyes. It wasn't exaggerated. The only difference was that he wanted to know or didn't want to know.

The snake's head can't lift, he can only see a pair of feet.

He hates the change of his position with the other side. He could have had everything he had dreamed of in the East China, but he has destroyed this person!

Strictly take out a small bone bowl from the bone ring of the snake's gallbladder. "This is the bone device you use to contact the outside world, but you are very careful. Every time you contact the outside, there is no name for the other party. The bone bowl cannot. Show the image. Tell me, who are you talking to? Who is your home? Say it, I will make you die."

The snake screams and laughs, and the laughter gradually becomes bigger. "You, do, dream! You wait, Jiuyuan will surely perish, and in the near future, you will regret everything you have done to me. But if you rule Ok, let me leave safely, then I can consider helping you avoid a crisis."

What is the danger? Is the snake sin really true or false?

There were a lot of people on the stage, and everyone looked at the silence and the original battle.

The words in the audience were good, and the words of the snakes were spread, which suddenly aroused the indignation.

Strictly squatting, I don’t know where to grab a grass root and lick the nostrils of the python. "The lumbar vertebrae are broken and can be so hard. Are you a duck? If you are me, you must say everything arbitrarily." Come out, anyway, I still have to say in the end, let alone still have a crime?"

The snake that was smashed out of tears: "..." I x your mother!

"Is it tortured?" Yan Mou finished his nostrils and went to the mouth of others.

The snake that tastes the smell of his nose is cracked: you are the witch! No human demons! How can you be so disgusting!

Strictly pinch the eyelids of the snake, and smile gently. "Have you heard the name of the ghost?"

The snake is indifferent.

Strictly: Oh, it doesn't seem to know. So can you rule out that snakes are related to horned people? No, not necessarily. The horned people know that there are very few people who exist in Stan. If the snakes are only slaves of horns, it is even more impossible to know Stan.

Suddenly guessing the snake's home, waving to the original ice, "Come, take our spies and take care of him. He doesn't say anything. He must let him feel the penalties of our nine originals." Don't be afraid to kill him, there is me, he can't die!"

The original ice did not say anything, and immediately the two pickets dragged their arms and left.

Snakes are painful and mournful: ... my waist!

The original ice finally noticed that the waist of the snake was broken and called another two people. Four pickets, two grasping wrists, two grasping ankles, very cruelly folded people and squatted.

Strictly watching, they all feel pain for the snake.

The snake daring fortunately fainted.

Strictly throw away the grass roots, clap your hands and stand up, screaming at the sky, telling Wusong: "After lunch, two o'clock, ringing the city bell, summoning all the people in the city who can be called, let them concentrate in the outer square, say I have a very important thing to announce."

"Yes." Wuhua immediately sent the news. Nowadays, the population in the city is getting more and more. Just ringing the city clock may not be able to gather everyone on time. It is necessary to give notice in advance so that everyone can be prepared so that they can try as much as possible. Concentrate the people in one place.

Strictly and the original battle faced the teachers and students of the whole school and the Bianxi people. They said some words of comfort and encouragement. After all the emotions were mobilized, they were told to attend the city gathering in the afternoon, and they took the person to leave.

The author has something to say: I have a deep impression on seeing everyone’s comments on the previous chapter. I have indeed entered a strange circle, and I want to write passion, and I am afraid that the progress is too fast to be said to be bad. The results are often revised and often written. A good plot gave me a repair, a second repair, and I lost the feeling of wanting to write a certain plot at the beginning, and wrote the high and the tide.

I will pay special attention to this later. I will try to write according to my feelings, try not to modify it, and see how it works in one go.

If you have any feelings, please let me know, try from the next chapter~~


As for the update time, I think everyone wants to be able to set the timing, then it is still 12 noon. If the day is not updated at 12 o'clock, it is the second or third day to make up, until the end of this article.


Thank you for your long-standing support. This article is the longest one I have written. I sold the copyright of the film and television at the end of last year. As long as I think that this novel may be made into a TV series in the future, I am a bit too cautious and afraid to write. Not good, don't laugh at me, ha, shy~~

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