MTL - Always with the Old Attack-Chapter 88 . And the Prince

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Under this pestle, Xu Jinyi almost lost his half life. Fortunately, he had a strong internal force, and he got a cheap price there. Therefore, after adapting for a while, Xu Jinyi took the initiative to climb up under Hu Yanhe's concerns ...

The swollen and swollen thing sinks into the warm and slippery peach blossom source, and in a flash, the trembling bliss trembles from the tip of that thing to every cell, and Hu Yanhe first tasted this kind of eclipse Ziwei, only care about the baby in his arms to conquer vigorously, but can't wait to swallow Xu Jinyi into his stomach.

In the first few worlds, Xu Jinyi and his lover did not experience such things in the water, but they are in the wild, and they are only a few miles away from the camp. On weekdays, there are always men who come here to wash and wash ... Xu Jinyi thought of here The thin body was tense, the place where the giant peach blossom was contained, and it was tightened because of his tension, and Hu Yanhe's forehead exuded a layer of sweat.

The slender waist was hugged easily by an iron arm of Hu Yanhe, and with Hu Yanhe's constant trembling, this unbearable grip of Bai Nen seemed to be broken at any time by Hu Yanhe's big palm.

Hu Yanhe watched Xu Jinyi's expression all the time. Once the show eyebrows were slightly raised, no matter how blissful he was, he would definitely stop and stroke up and down on Xu Jinyi's body, and pity him as if he had become a physical instinct, but Seeing this fragile waist, and seeing a small ball under him, his heart still rose with raging desire.

Hu Yanhe lowered his head, pecked at Xu Jinyi's chest, licked his tongue from time to time, and then raised his eyes, and the crazy violence in the tigers' eyes turned into water tenderness.

Boa, his Boa.

The surroundings became more and more quiet, and the call of Xia Chong was weakened. Here, only two popping sounds of body collision were gradually heard, the murmur of the young man and the roar of the rough man ... seemed too ambiguous. The moon was ashamed and hid quietly into the clouds.

When Xu Jinyi was carried back to the camp by Hu Yanhe, he was already tired and passed out.

Hu Yanhe was very nervous. He wiped Xu Jinyi's entire body carefully like wiping jewelry before putting it into the bed. He called Xu Jinyi twice, never seeing his answer, ran to the best doctor in the tribe in panic, dragged him out of his sleep, pulled him back and ran.

The doctor thought it was a big deal. When he saw Xu Jinyi with a pale face lying on the bed, he looked at the purple traces on the neck of Xu Jinyi, and his mind was already worth it.

The doctor gave Xu Jinyi the pulse, and Hu Yanhe, who was pacing around, rubbed his palms constantly, his expression seemed to be lame and sweet, and eventually all became annoyed.

The evening wind on the grassland was still very cold. By the time they fought the last time, the river water had already cooled down. The little prince had already endured the hard work, and now he was cold and blowing again. What if something happened? Baby, you have to die for him.

Hu Yanhe, who never thought of his life, raised his hand and gave him a slap.

In addition to being close to some of his close men, Hu Yanhe was always solemn and solemn towards the others. The doctor did not dare to look at the sound of this crisp sound, and looked down at Xu Jinyi with his eyes, nose and nose. When Hu Yanhe's breathing got heavy, the doctor gave a salute without leaving a trace, and bowed his head, "Xu Gongzi overworked and blew the cold wind, and then fell asleep. Wait for the soup to prevent the fever, then mix with some Xu Gongzi drank the swelling ointment, and if there is no fever tonight, nothing will happen. "

Hu Yanhe was relieved, and he urged with a big palm, "Don't hurry up, don't delay Xu Gongzi's body."

When the doctor was brought in by the doctor, Hu Yanhe hurriedly fed it to Xu Jinyi, and he personally applied the ointment to the wounded area. When he saw that area was red and swollen, he gave him two slaps.

In the middle of the night, Hu Yanhe didn't dare to sleep. He only held Xu Jinyi carefully, and touched his forehead from time to time. When the next day's morning sun came through the gap in the tent, the warm light came through. Xu Jinyi still had no fever, and his face was red. Anxious about Hu Yanhe for a night, he finally felt relieved.

"Woke up?"

Seeing Hu Yanhe lying on the edge of the bed, his expression seemed uneasy, Xu Jinyi beckoned and beckoned to him, Hu Yanhe jumped into bed immediately, and got into the bed with the little prince.

"Let's do this, what is it?"

The little prince's eyes were bent, apparently not bothering him, Hu Yanhe grinned, and kissed the little prince's mouth gently, seeing that he still looked like that, even more happy, "Is it a husband and wife? "

Xu Jinyi put his hand on Hu Yanhe's waist, decisively, "Yes!"

For two days, how to eat the marrow and know how to taste, and how tenderness and affection are not mentioned. Only the two of them are sticking their eyes together with a loving attitude. If the tribe people can't guess the relationship between Hu Yanhe and Xu Jinyi, they will deceive themselves.

Although during the last round of hunting, Khan said that the steed was bred by Xu Jinyi, and the prey like a hill was also hunted by Xu Jinyi. But after all, everyone didn't see it for themselves. Every day when they saw Xu Jinyi's small body, he consciously regarded him as a pamper of charm and sweat.

The Huyan tribe attaches the greatest importance to personal ability. This can be seen from the phenomenon that men can hunt and support their families as well as women. Therefore, he noticed that Xu Jinyi had become a pet of sweat, and he was greasy and sweaty all day long, and the charm of the evil devil in the country was very unpleasant.

Fortunately, Hu Yanhe had a lot of power in the tribe, but few of them talked about the gossip in person, but talking about it secretly, when talking about Xu Jinyi's contempt for his subordinates and his people, he didn't know how many.

On this day, more than a dozen tribal leaders gathered in Huyan He's account to discuss the annual autumn horse-walking activities of the Huyan tribe.

The so-called "walking horse" is to select hundreds or thousands of people from the Huyan tribe to form a horse team, and bring some specialties such as meat, fur, and other specialties produced by the Huyan tribe to the Phoenix Country or other countries in exchange for cloth, food, and other large items. Exchange activities.

At this time, for the sake of security, the country did not open a city for trade. Although some people would bring their own special products to other countries to change things and find some differences to earn some money, they were only allowed by the court. This is the annual horse-riding event.

Some countries cannot produce some necessities of life, so such horse-walking activities are related to the survival of the nation. Therefore, horse-walking activities have always been the top priority. Even the Huyan tribe, which is proud of the two great powers of Wufeng and Canglong, dare not underestimate. .

After all, although the prairie is rich in meat and fur is a major specialty, some of the most basic things, such as grains, salt, cotton, silk, and vegetables, are extremely scarce. Such necessities of life cannot be used by grabbing a few convoys. of.

"Sweat, otherwise we will be led by Weichen this year? Two brothers and sisters from Gesangen and Gesanghua will choose some brave and stable boys from the tribe." A trembling old man stood up and walked towards Hu Yanhe bowed.

This old man is the elder sister who took over the sweat. It is with her support that Hu Yanhe can successfully sit in the position of sweat. After that, during the rule of Hu Yanhe, the old man also supported him very much, so Hu Yanhe respected him very much. she was.

Seeing the old man bowing his back, Hu Yanhe quickly lifted her up. "Uncle, you are old and you shouldn't be car-ridden, but you should stay in the tribe and take care of the tribe for me."

After hearing Hu Yanhe's words, a dozen leaders suddenly exclaimed in unison, "Sweat, do you want to leave the tribe?"

Hu Yanhe laughed, "Yes, Ben Khan will lead the team himself."

"It's impossible to sweat!" A middle-aged leader hurriedly stopped. "If there is less sweat, if someone is working at this time ... the tribe may not be stable!"

Indeed, if the monarch of a country is not in the capital, if the rebels take advantage of it at this time, the tribe is likely to become chaotic. What's more, Hu Yanhe not only left the capital, but also left the entire tribe to go to other countries!

Hu Yanhe was extremely bland, "Isn't there an uncle who helped me to take care of the tribe? Uncle is now strong and strong, and he has great prestige in the tribe, and nothing will happen."

The other leader wanted to dissuade him, and Hu Yanhe waved his hand. "Ben Khan's intentions have been decided. Don't say any more, just wait for Ben Khan to come back. If someone wants to make use of Ben Khan's deliberate chaos, wait for Ben Khan to come home ! "

Hu Yanhe's idea was so strong that everyone knew his temper and nodded.

However, a woman in this group of people was very angry. After seeing the people's compromise, Hu Yanhe and Xu Jinyi smiled at each other. Her face was even more embarrassed, and she stepped forward, pointing at Xu Jinyi indignantly: "Big sweat, you I have to lead the team myself this time, is it for this guy? "

The eyes of everyone looked at Xu Jinyi in the direction of the woman's finger.

Xu Jinyi just converged, so everyone didn't take him to heart, but at this time the woman pointed him in front of everyone, and Xu Jinyi could only endure these dozens of unusual eyes.

Hu Yanhe froze, "Sarri, of course I led the team this time in order to exchange more things for the tribe! Why do you say it is for Jinyi?"

"Huh!" Sa Ri apparently didn't believe, "Did he not charm you yet? He is the prince of Feng Fengguo, and of course he wanted to return to his own country, so he just bewitched you to lead the team southward, and he will follow you there. Xun Fengguo! Sweat, I didn't expect you to be so easily confused by him. If you leave the tribe, you will go south with him no matter what! "

"Sari keeps her mouth!" An elderly man who had a look similar to her, standing next to Sari, finally yelled at her, and then turned to plead guilty to Hu Yanhe. "Sweat, little girl, please forgive her for saying nothing. Sin. "

Xu Jinyi raised an eyebrow. The father and daughter each had a white face and a red face, but they were rare "smart people" in the tribe.

Sure enough, the other leaders first glanced at Xu Jinyi with a poor eye, then turned to Hu Yanhe with a little suspicion on his face.

Hu Yanhe chuckled, "Sa Ri, you always insult others indiscriminately! This year I lead the team, but I just want to see what else is new and worthy of exchange in Feng Fengguo, nothing to do with Jinyi!"

"Then he won't go with you?" Sa Ri pointed to Xu Jinyi with anticipation, if this **** stayed in the tribe, he happened to take advantage of the opportunity to go out and sweat him out!

"Of course Jinyi will go with me!" Seeing the indignation and resentment on Sa Ri's face, Hu Yanhe's eyes were cold and impatient, "Jin Yi's martial arts is strong, I asked him to protect me on the road and protect the team." Come, the team is in danger all the way, there is Jin Yi, the meat and fur prepared by the tribe for a year will never be taken away by other teams. "

"What is he good at martial arts?" Sarri's voice was sharp, his face flushed and his neck thick. "Are you really confused by the sweat? What kind of team can such a small and thin man protect? I'm afraid he will give sweat too You pull your hind legs and want your protection! "

"Sa Ri!" Hu Yanhe narrowed his eyes, and his deep eyes flickered away. "Who will allow you to insult my distinguished guest again and again?"

"What kind of guest is he? He's just your puppet--" Seeing Hu Yanhe's unconcealed coldness, Sa Ri felt cold, and he straightened his accusations, but suddenly straightened his chest, "Sweat, since You say he is a martial artist, I will fight him! If I win him, let me go with you! "2k novel reading network