MTL - Always with the Old Attack-Chapter 87 . And the Prince

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Xu Jinyi recovered his anger, and the Mustang still docilely allowed him to sit on his back.

"Congratulations!" Hu Yanhe jumped from the tree with a smile on his face.

Being able to tame such a wildly good BMW, Xu Jinyi was also very happy, holding his neck and squinting, then raised his eyebrows and looked at Hu Yanhe, "Are we back?"

"Come back, it's not too far this time to be able to tame a BMW, it's a worthwhile trip." Hu Yanhe's outstretched hand hadn't landed on the horse's neck before the horse hid to one side, his face His smile became more satisfied.

Suddenly, the two rode on their respective horses. Xu Jinyi also took a newly tamed one and returned towards the tribe gathering side by side.

As dusk approaches, there are more prey in the grassland, which is much more frequent than in the daytime. Hu Yanhe and Xu Jinyi also encountered a group of wild boars. The two were large in size, and the remaining five were smaller in size, each of which could have two. Three hundred pounds should be the child of the two big boars.

Hu Yanhe raised his bow and arrow and was about to kill the most dangerous male boar. Xu Jinyi shook his hand at him, "It's better to drive them all back."

Wild pork is more delicious than domestic pork eaten today. Now that you have encountered it, why not drive all of them back, you can pickle the ones you ca n’t finish, and keep them for the winter. After all, hunting sheep on the grasslands is the main thing, and the snow and ice in the winter city is half a foot high. Then you will eat pork. It's all difficult.

"The wild boar can catch up?" Hu Yanhe said, but he put down his bow and arrow, "how to catch up?"

"Hit!" Xu Jinyi put out his fist. "Frightened, naturally obedient."

Fist is the last word. Not only people, but even animals follow this rule. The two around the two wild boars were a fat meal, the punches did not fail, but the punches were not fatal, and the two boars beating kept roaring.

Finally, the two wild boars fled into the wind, and Hu Yanhe and Xu Jinyi flew on their horses. They rushed back to the camp with a group of wild boars on both sides.

The camp was already full of bonfires. The girls and boys were racing their prey in groups of three or five. They only heard a snoring sound, but they saw a lot of wild pigs and the man who lived with them all drove a group of wild boars. came back.

When they saw two gigantic wild boars and five wild boars that were definitely not small, everyone was shocked.

With the prey of seven wild boars of nearly seven pounds in size, who can get the title of "Huyan First Warrior"?

In fact, in this kind of hunting competition, even if the hunting skills are strong, hunting for three or five hundred catties is extremely high. After all, everyone is a single gun. If there are too many prey to kill, the horse will not be able to return.

If they happen to encounter a large prey such as a wild boar, the hunters will only shoot at most two. If the horse is struggling, half of the wild boar's feet will be chopped off halfway.

Who knows that sweating so unusually hastened a group back?

Wild boars can't listen to people?

"Sweat." Gesangen walked around the boars and kept talking. "We can't see the 'First Warrior' for a long time, but we have no share of it every year! When can you let us once what?"

"This year's" Huyan First Warrior "is not me!" Huyan Heha laughed, and ordered his subordinates to drive several other wild boars into a cage and hold them. The smallest one was skewered on the fire and grilled. Xu Jinyi sat down on the main seat and said, "It is Jin Yi. He not only tamed a strong horse, he also thought of the way to catch wild boars. Jin Yi said that they were obedient when they were afraid. As expected, these wild boars were obedient. Yes, you can go in any direction. "

"Yeah!" Ge Sanghua held a wine bowl and bumped Xu Jinyi. "Brother Xu, how do you grow your brain? If we can get back in time, we won't be able to get things in the future when we hunt."

The national bone on horseback has a natural love for hunting, because men and women in the tribe are very strong, both in strength and archery are very good. When they go hunting, they rarely fail, but they often hit things but not all of them. Take it back, you can only throw away some experience on the road.

Seeing that large pieces of meat could not be retrieved, naturally someone was distressed. At this time, knowing that the prey could rush back, suddenly the eyes brightened. It is not very difficult if three or five people rush back with a group of prey while hunting.

Xu Jinyi laughed loudly and drank after touching the bowl with her.

Within such a sturdy race, a slight twist of behavior would seem to be pretending. Fortunately, Xu Jinyi very much enjoyed the spirit of this free drinking, and afterwards, he could use his internal force to force the spirits out of his body, which is not a problem.

Hu Yanhe did not stop, watching him sip the liquor, and waited for the next person to pay respect, but stared gloomily at the eyes of a pair of tigers, and glared at the man holding the wine bowl to the side Only with satisfaction glanced back.

It was another song and dance, Xu Jinyi did not participate, just sitting on the side of Hu Yanhe and watching the actions of the crowd squinted and smiled. The people of the Huyan tribe are very arrogant and enthusiastic, and they have few flowers and hearts, happy is happy, hate is hate. Dealing with them, Xu Jinyi lived a few hundred years old with a simple heart.


Xiaohe shimmered under the moonlight, and then suddenly burst out, a white person jumped out of the water, the man's upper body was full | naked, dim in the moonlight, but still taught people to see Clear his slender waist, smooth back, and slender arms like tender skin.

The man's long hair clung tightly to his back, and finally, someone peeping in the dark could see his side face, full forehead, straight nose bridge, and the arc of a perfect incredible jaw. And a few pieces of wet hair stuck to his ears ...

Hu Yanhe, who was peeping, held his breath and walked quietly step by step.

The river water was basked by the blazing sun for a day, but there was still some temperature left. Xu Jinyi, who was overworked by hunting, had fallen into this amazingly comfortable and comfortable life since he was trapped in the water.

Just on the shore was a smooth stone with a small area, half hidden under the river and half above the water. Xu Jinyi lay on it, sunk most of his body into the water, and closed his eyes comfortably.

While Xu Jinyi was extremely relaxed, a sudden sound of heavy objects entering the water suddenly appeared. Xu Jinyi immediately stood up and screamed, "Who?"


When Xu Jinyi discerned that it was Hu Yanhe's voice, a burly man like a brown bear had swam to his side, staring hotly at his upper body exposed above the water, panting heavily.

The frosty moonlight shines on the little naked prince, and his skin is white as jade, or bright or dark light and shadow make his handsome appearance dreamlike, not like a mortal, look down, Xin long neck , Round shoulders, and two red beans that disappear from time to time as the water floats ...

The lower bodies of the two bodies were tightly attached to each other. Only then did Hu Yanhe finally realize how beautiful and beautiful this body is. Such a beautiful touch is even smoother than the finest tribute silk snatched from Wu Fengguo. Delicate, with a slightly cool temperature, just like a mass of warm fragrant nephrite.

Hu Yanhe supported an iron palm on both sides of Xu Jinyi's body, his anxious eyes shot back and forth in the naked part of Xu Jinyi, and his thirsty throat swallowed twice from time to time, with the most obvious **.

Suddenly the air thinned, Xu Jinyi was oppressed by his body like a hill, and he could only lie weakly on top of the stone, breathing shortly with his mouth open. Hu Yanhe was breathing heavily, his free palm suddenly sticking to Xu Jinyi's cheek, and then slowly sliding down, across his tender petal-like lips, across his raised delicate clavicle, and finally stroked At two o'clock dogwood, two rough fingers sandwiched the small grain, pressed, twisted, flicked, dialed ...

"Hu Yanhe ..." Such a huge body has never been seen before, and at this time in the wild, maybe he will be seen ... Under the teasing of Hu Yanhe's rough palm, Xu Jinyi's brain was in a mess, I don't know why A little panic erupted, and for the first time he was timid, and wrapped his arms helplessly around Hu Yanhe's thick and amazing neck, "Hu Yan He ..."

The two were so close, the tip of the nose could touch each other from time to time, and the lips were not too far away. The two looked at each other. The light in the other's eyes showed that he had the same desire, and they both lowered their eyes at the same time. , Looking at each other's lips and teeth.

Breathing became tighter and tighter. Finally, Hu Yanhe lowered his head and Xu Jinyi raised his chin. At the same time, the two bumped into each other, tearing and biting each other's lips.

It was already extremely difficult to breathe. At this time, the lips and teeth were close to each other, and the two were only concerned about licking, sucking, biting, and how could they care about their own breathing. When the two finally recovered, even though the air in their mouths was empty, they couldn't bear to leave each other. They could only fit closer and **** more eagerly.

Hu Yanhe's strong taste of males made Xu Jinyi excited and couldn't help himself. The clean and refreshing sweet taste in Xu Jinyi's mouth also made Hu Yanhe's eyes red, almost mad.

I do not know when the crackling sounded, Hu Yanhe's big palm tore the only lechery trousers left on Xu Jinyi's body into pieces, shaking his palm to touch the more mysterious part of his body. Xu Jinyi's two tender hands also touched Hu Yanhe's muscular knotted broad chest, and occasionally brushing two swollen beans could attract Hu Yanhe's heavy breath.

"Jinyi, Baoer, help me? Help me!" Two delicate long legs around the waist, a pair of small hands on the chest scrambled back and forth, somewhere in Huyanhe already thick and swollen, but always No one could enter, and he had to peck at Xu Jinyi's eyes, nose, and mouth corners, begging him.

Unexpectedly, the lover in this world didn't know about this between men. Xu Jinyi couldn't help crying and laughing. She could only reach out and pick up the lover's object to guide him, but she was frightened when she encountered the object.


"Baoer? Baoer?" Hu Yanhe was surrounded by Xu Jinyi's hands, and he felt that this was the best taste in the world. His waist continued to rise, but he accidentally hit the top place where he should push in by mistake--

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