MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 131

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Zhen Zhen became more and more uneasy when she heard Xi Junjie's pale explanation. Recently, a large-scale war broke out between Pakistan and its neighboring countries. There were countless casualties. Many overseas Chinese and Chinese came to the embassy for help, hoping that China would bring them back to China. The staff of the embassy saw that the war in Pakistan was becoming more and more difficult to control, so they quickly reported to the country and requested the country to send people to evacuate the overseas Chinese.

It is not too late, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately reported to the country after receiving the request, and received instructions within just one day, requiring the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to go to Pakistan with the army Do a good job of evacuation. Due to the local war, the plane is only expected to land in a neighboring country that has not been affected by the war. During this period, the personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the army have to drive alone to the Chinese embassy in Pakistan to pick up the Chinese abroad. The identity and nationality of the evacuees may be in danger at every link. Although China asked the two countries in the war to cooperate to retreat, this guarantee was not very credible during the war.

After hanging up the phone, Zhen Zhen sat on the chair with a pale face, the office staff took a document and just put it on the Zhen Zhen table, Zhen Zhen a Push it away, grab the car keys on the table and run out.

"Manager, this is the latest document of the land auction." The subordinate shouted aloud for fear of delaying the company's major events, at this time Zhen Zhen didn't even care about the land Regarding the auction, there is only one thought left in my mind: go home quickly.

This is not the time to get off work, and there are not many pedestrians on the road. Xi Junjie put the last coat on the bed into the box, glanced around the room, and seeing that there was nothing else to pack, he bent down and zipped the box.

"Bang!" The door was suddenly pushed open, Xi Junjie turned his head and saw Zhen Zhen clutching the door frame with one hand, gasping for breath. Xi Junjie sighed, stood up, walked to the door and pulled Zhen Zhen in: "It's all right."

Zhen Zhen's eyes suddenly turned red, she threw herself into Xi Junjie's arms and hugged his neck tightly: "How could it be okay, I'm not Fool."

"You know, I have no choice about this kind of thing. At this time, those compatriots need us to take them home." Xi Junjie gently kissed Zhen Zhen "But I promise you, I'll be back safely, okay?"

Zhen Zhen's tears soaked Xi Junjie's shirt, she nodded sharply in his arms: "You have to promise me, don't be brave, don't be a hero , I just want you to come back safely."

Xi Junjie smiled, deliberately showing a relaxed attitude: "I must come back safely, with you and two lovely children at home, how could I Don't worry. Don't worry, we have troops accompanying us, and Hua will always be in contact with those two countries to let them avoid our retreat route."

Zhen Zhen knew that she couldn't stop this kind of mission from the country, and Xi Junjie couldn't help but go, she could only hug his waist, can't wait Make time go slower.

Xi Junjie also put his arms around him so quietly, until the time on the wall could not allow him to delay any longer, and then slowly pushed Zhen away Zhen, looked at him jokingly: "Look, I have to change before I go out."

Looking at the large wet marks on Xi Junjie's shirt, he wiped his tears and tried to squeeze out a smile: "I'll go get you a shirt."

Xi Junjie unbuttoned, took off his shirt and put it aside, Zhen Zhen came over with a very flat ironed shirt and helped him put it on by himself , one by one slowly buttoning the buttons.

"I'm leaving." Xi Junjie's voice was a little hoarse.

Zhen Zhen picked up the car keys on the table: "Where are you meeting? I'll take you there."


Zhen Zhen stood outside the airport and watched Xi Junjie's special plane skid off the runway and flew above the blue sky. Quietly leaning on the car door, until the sky gradually darkened, Zhen Zhen came back to her senses, turned around to open the car door and returned home.

The car stopped outside the gate, Li Muwu, who was sitting at the gate, immediately stood up and quietly told Zhen Zhen: "Your father-in-law and mother-in-law quarreled, it seems that it was because of Junjie. thing?"

"Oh." Zhen Zhen paused for a while, although Xi Changbo was the deputy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but many decisions were made by him and the top leader. Xi Junjie's affairs in the country must have been known to Xi Changbo. In fact, from her father-in-law's standpoint, Zhen Zhen could understand the decision he made. If she didn't send her son out at this dangerous time, it would be inevitable that people would talk about it.

"I see." Zhen Zhen said, "I'll go and persuade me, I'll see the twins later, you ask my mother to wait for me for a while."

"There is still milk in the refrigerator, so don't worry too much." Li Muwu said, and couldn't help asking: "Isn't it just going abroad for a few days? Why don't you all look so happy." Seeing that Zhen Zhen's eyes were still a little red, Li Muwu was a little anxious: "Is there something we don't know about?"

"No." Zhen Zhen tried her best to squeeze a smiling face: "It's just that we haven't been separated for so long since we got married, it will inevitably be a little uncomfortable."

"Oh, you child, you are still clingy at such an age." Li Muwu laughed: "Junjie said that he will be back in ten days and half a month. "

"I see." Zhen Zhen pointed to the door: "Then I'll go first." Li Muwu nodded and watched Zhen Zhen enter The door, and then turned to go home.

Walking into the main courtyard, Zhen Zhen could hear Ling Xiulan and Xi Changbo arguing without any ability, Zhen Zhen has been living next door to Xi's house for several years. Time is running out, and when I see my father-in-law and my mother-in-law are all loving and loving, this kind of quarrel is the first time in history.

Zhen Zhen sighed and knocked gently on the door, the quarrel inside disappeared immediately. The door opened from the inside, Zhen Zhen glanced at Xi Changbo who opened the door, and called softly, "Dad."

Xi Changbo responded with some guilt, and couldn't help lowering his head, Zhen Zhen stood at the door and looked at Ling Xiulan sitting on the sofa wiping tears, and walked over Sitting next to her and holding her hand: "Mom, don't cry, Junjie will come back safely."

It's okay not to say this, as soon as she said this, it was like flipping a switch, Ling Xiulan turned around and hugged Zhen Zhen and burst into tears: "Your dad It's easy to say, it will make the two countries avoid the route, but can this war be accurate? If they are so reasonable, how can the two countries die so many people?"

Gently patted Ling Xiulan on the back, Zhen Zhen also said two words for her father-in-law: "Mom, actually my dad is also uncomfortable, Junjie is his only one. His son, he must also be worried and thinking about it, but in his capacity, he can't stop him, he can only do it."

Xi Changlang sighed, and his tone was not as intense as before: "If you talk about you, it's better for a child to understand me."

"But I feel bad." Ling Xiulan's eyes were red: "That's my son, my only son, if he has anything to do, let me How to do?"

Zhen Zhen was silent for a moment, then said word by word: "I won't let him have anything to do."

Ling Xiulan's eyes fell on Zhen Zhen's face, she was suddenly scared, she didn't care to cry, she grabbed Zhen Zhen's hand and persuaded : "Zhen Zhen, Mom knows you are worried about Junjie too, but I want to understand, your dad said that they are with the best troops in our country, they will be fine if they protect Xi Junjie, you can't run away rashly. Looking for Junjie. Well, Dragon and Phoenix, if you think about it, Dragon and Phoenix can't do without you."

"I know." Zhen Zhen smiled lightly: "Besides, I can't get a plane ticket to go there."

Ling Xiulan breathed a sigh of relief, wiped her tears and began to comfort her daughter-in-law: "Mom was frightened just now, in fact, I also understand those reasons, but I understand but I must still feel uncomfortable." Seeing Zhen Zhen's straight eyes, Ling Xiulan couldn't help but ask: "Did you take Junjie to the airport?"

Zhen Zhen nodded and smiled at Ling Xiulan: "He said he would come back safely, let us wait for him at home."

Ling Xiulan saw the haggard expression on her daughter-in-law's delicate face for the first time, and couldn't help but put her in her arms distressedly.

In the evening, she coaxed the twins to sleep, and Zhen Zhen lay on the bed but didn't feel sleepy. Thinking of Xi Junjie who had been away for a few hours, she closed her eyes and controlled her consciousness to look for the shadow of which plane in the sky. Gently landed in the cabin, Zhen Zhen looked at Xi Junjie who was sitting on the plane with his eyes closed, he couldn't help but drifted over and kissed his cheek gently, Xi Junjie opened his eyes sensitively, Looking around for a while, he looked a little dazed. The colleague next to him put down the newspaper and glanced at him suspiciously: "What's wrong? Dreaming?"

Xi Junjie came back to his senses and smiled a little embarrassedly: "I dreamed of my daughter-in-law."

The colleague smiled kindly: "I'll see my daughter-in-law when I get home."


Xi Junjie and his party got off the plane. The personnel of the neighboring embassies have prepared their vehicles. They will go to the Chinese embassy in Pakistan to pick them up through the border. diplomats and fellow citizens.

At this time, Zhen Zhen, who was in China, had no intention of managing the company at all. She called Mingbei from the construction site to handle the company's business, and she sat behind the desk. He closed his eyes and stared at Xi Junjie with consciousness.

Mr. Li and Wang Sufen, although they didn't know what happened, but the expressions on Ling Xiulan and Zhen Zhen's faces were not very good. The news broadcast, also vaguely guessed the truth of the matter. At this time, they felt that they couldn't help their daughter and son-in-law, so they could only pick up the baby dragon and phoenix every morning to avoid disturbing Zhen Zhen. Fortunately, Zhen Zhen squeezed a lot of breast milk and put it in the space, enough for the twins.

According to the route given by the staff of the Chinese embassy in Pakistan, the route taken by the Chinese army and Xi Junjie and his party was far from the place where the two sides exchanged fire. Gunshots can be heard from time to time in the nearby area.

The convoy arrived at the Chinese embassy in Pakistan after two days. At this time, it was already crowded with people waiting to evacuate overseas Chinese. Xi Junjie and his colleagues will bring The food and drinking water were sent to them. After the evacuation route negotiated with the two countries that exchanged fire was sent from China, the convoy immediately drove out of the embassy.

After walking for half a day, suddenly there was an exclamation from the bus, Xi Junjie stood up and walked in the direction of the riot, and saw a A young woman is crying loudly with her face covered.

Xi Junjie frowned slightly, and first let a few overseas Chinese who came to watch the fun return to their seats, and then asked the woman: "How are you doing? already?"

"The two friends who went to the embassy with me didn't get in the car." She looked at Xi Junjie in horror: "At that time they said to go to the bathroom, and then passed After a while we got in the car, I thought they were coming, but when I was looking for them just now, I found out that they were not in the car."

Xi Junjie immediately asked, "What's your name?"

The girl cried twice before saying, "Li Wen and Zhang Xiaoran."

Xi Junjie quickly looked up the passports he had collected, and sure enough he saw the names of two people inside. Xi Junjie slammed the back of the seat with a dark face, and quickly contacted the staff of the cars behind him by radio: "Look to see if Li Wen and Zhang Xiaoran are in the car." After five minutes, they saw three The cars reported back information: "No. 2 car!" "No. 3 car!" "No. 4 car!"

Xi Junjie scratched his hair irritably. At that time, there was obviously a staff member who did the final inspection to ensure that there was no one in the office and bathroom before the car was allowed to drive. Go, why did this suddenly drop two more. But since they fell, they can only go back to find them, after all, their passports are still in their hands.

Xi Junjie immediately contacted the person in charge of the evacuation of overseas Chinese, and after a while, the person in charge gave an order: "Xi Junjie and two soldiers drove an off-road vehicle Go back and look for two compatriots, and the others keep driving, meeting in neighboring countries."

The convoy stopped, and soon an off-road vehicle was vacated. Xi Junjie sat in the driver's seat, and two soldiers with live ammunition sat in the co-pilot's seat. , one person sat in the back.

The evacuation route given by the two countries that exchanged fire is time-limited. You must hurry up and leave the country as soon as possible.

The sound of bombardment could be heard from time to time on the street in the distance. bombed to rubble. Xi Junjie stepped on the accelerator all the way, and returned to the embassy in only two hours. He jumped out of the car and opened the door. He saw two women sitting on the ground crying and complaining to each other.

Seeing that the door suddenly opened, the two of them screamed in horror, and they were relieved until they saw that it was a yellow-skinned compatriot. The two stood up and wiped away their tears, recognizing that this was a staff member from Hua Guo to do the evacuation work, and immediately asked excitedly, "Why did you leave suddenly?"

"Why did you leave without notice?"

Xi Junjie suppressed his anger and looked at the two people: "I also want to ask you, so many people got in the car, why did they leave you behind?"

The two saw the young man's anger, and then turned their heads with a guilty conscience: "Well, I went out for a while."

Xi Junjie didn't want to talk nonsense with such a fool, so he let the door open: "Get in the car quickly, and if you delay, you may encounter an exchange of fire between the two countries."

Then they panicked, grabbed the backpacks on the ground and hurriedly got into the off-road vehicle, Xi Junjie's eyes were on the golden wrist of one of the women Sweeping over the chain, he glanced at a gold shop not far away that was bombed yesterday, took two deep breaths, and then suppressed his anger and drove in the direction of retreat.

It took four hours to go back and forth, because the two soldiers had to maintain a high level of vigilance, so only Xi Junjie was driving. Even though he was eager to go home, his physical endurance was limited after all. After driving for eight consecutive hours, Xi Junjie parked the car on the edge of a wood and rubbed his eyes tiredly: "I'm too tired, I need to rest for a while. "

Soldier Shao Hong handed him the compressed biscuits he brought: "Eat a little for half an hour, and I'll stand guard for you."

Xi Junjie nodded, he took a bite of the dry and hard compressed biscuit, and before he could swallow it, he leaned back sleepily on the back of the chair and fell asleep. Soldiers Shao Hong and Zhu Mingyi got out of the car and circled around the car.

Li Wen and Zhang Xiaoran realized that Xi Junjie and the soldiers did not like them, and they were also a little guilty, but after sitting in the car for eight hours, they really They couldn't sit still, and after discussing in a low voice, the two opened the door and got out.

Shao Hong immediately turned to look at the two of them, and shouted sharply, "Go back to the car, it's dangerous here."

Li Wen swallowed and said boldly, "We want to go to the toilet."

Shao Hong looked around, pointed to a big tree not far away and said, "You go over there to solve it, come back early, we are here Can't stay too long."

The two nodded and ran to the side of the tree. Li Wen looked at the distance to the vehicle and dragged Zhang Xiaoran. They're too close, will they take a peek? Or we're going over there."

Zhang Xiaoran looked at the two soldiers who were circling the vehicle with guns, and hesitantly said, "Isn't it unsafe here? Just make it up."

Li Wen sneered: "No one is quiet here, and let's not go far, you see there is not a downhill there, let's go to Go there and see nowhere."

Zhang Xiaoran looked at the **** that Li Wen said was only ten meters, and nodded: "Okay, let's hurry, because we went to the gold shop to pick up gold. I don't think that person from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is very happy with us."

"Isn't it because we let them run more than once." Li Wen said confidently: "Who thought they would suddenly leave without waiting for us? ."

The two went down the **** while talking, but they couldn't see clearly in the dark. With one foot, the whole person slid down.

& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..." The figure immediately changed his face: "What's wrong with these two women?"


"Come and help us!"

"We fell into the pit."

& nbsp; I don't know what happened when I went to the toilet, Zhu Mingyi and I will go over and have a look, please be alert."

Xi Junjie nodded, wiped his face, unfastened his seatbelt, opened the door to breathe, Shao Hong and Zhu Mingyi walked in the direction of the voice. The two climbed up the dirt **** and looked at the two women at the bottom of the pit. They were speechless. Li Wen, who was sitting on the ground, covered the blood flowing from his forehead and was terrified: "Help us up, we can't climb up with weak legs."

Shao Hong was about to speak when suddenly a series of gunshots rang out. He was about to turn his head when a bullet came from behind. Shao Hong took the time to drag Zhu Mingyi and jumped into the pit , and then a grenade exploded on the edge of the pit, and the falling sand and gravel almost buried several people alive.

Zhu Mingyi and Shao Hong covered a woman's mouth and lied quietly under the pit, daring not to make a sound until the two women also realized the danger and said they would not After the meeting, Shao Hong and Zhu Mingyi quietly raised their guns and prepared for battle. The gunshots outside were scattered and disappeared a few times, and Shao Hong and Zhu Mingyi were worried about Xi Junjie in the car, for fear that something might happen to him.

At this moment, every minute and every second is suffering. After all, Xi Junjie is still outside. In their hearts, Xi Junjie is more important than these two women who died. too much. Shao Hong couldn't wait any longer. He made a gesture of cover for Zhu Mingyi and carefully climbed up to the pit with a gun, but found that it was quiet outside and no one was there.

Shao Hong gestured towards Zhu Mingyi, Zhu Mingyi dragged the two women into the pit, and then quickly ran towards the off-road vehicle parked outside the woods . But when they got to the side of the car, they found that the door was open and there were many bullet marks on the car body, but Xi Junjie was gone.

Shao Hong and Zhu Mingyi couldn't care about these two demon women at this time, they were frantically looking around with guns, but they searched all over He went to the nearby woods, but still did not see Xi Junjie. At this time, it was already dawn, and the two of them reluctantly expanded the scope to search for a circle. This time, they finally found some clues. There were scattered bullet casings on the ground, and one of them had a trace of blood. Other than that, there was no bullet. The figure of Xi Junjie.

"This is kidnapped? But what are they kidnapping our Chinese diplomats for?" Shao Hong said uncertainly: "What should we do?"

Zhu Mingyi was silent for a moment and said, "We can't delay any longer, send the two of them back first, and then immediately apply for troop rescue."


The sun came in from the window, Xi Junjie's eyelashes moved, and he slowly opened his eyes. Perhaps in the dark for too long, Xi Junjie felt that the light was a bit dazzling. He was about to stretch out his hand to block the sunlight, when suddenly a sharp pain came from his upper arm, Xi Junjie took a painful breath, and his eyes fell on the bandaged arm. A little dazed for a while.

Everything I experienced last night gradually came back to my memory. At that time, Shao Hong and Zhu Mingyi went to find the two women. , Suddenly a few people came out from behind the vehicle. They saw the parked vehicle and couldn't help but shoot.

Xi Junjie immediately rolled down from the car and ran quickly towards the woods under the obstruction of the car. Calling distracted the crowd. Xi Junjie only remembered hearing the sound of the grenade exploding and the continuous sound of gunfire. When he finally ran into the woods, a bullet rubbed his arm and hit the tree in front of him. Because of the sudden sharp pain, he slipped and fell on the soles of his feet. Who knew his head just hit a tree on one side, and he passed out at that time.

He touched his forehead with his uninjured hand, and sure enough it was wrapped in a bandage. The pain made Xi Junjie know that all this was not a dream, but it was so dangerous Xi Junjie felt a little incredible that he was actually saved under the circumstances.

Feeling the soft bed under her lower body, Xi Junjie lifted the feathers on the lid. He stood up and walked to the window, suddenly caught his eye by the strange scene outside. There are many shelves and bottles and jars downstairs. After all, Zhen Zhen has collected so many cultural relics. Xi Junjie also has some basic understanding of cultural relics, but who can tell him where this is and why it is placed outside. Got a bunch of blue and white porcelain?

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