MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 130

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Driving to the plant base, the farmers hired from nearby are busy reclaiming wasteland. Seeing Zhen Zhen coming, the leader hurried over: "Manager Li, it's not good for you to pack this land, it's a bit too barren and the soil is hard, I don't think it's good to grow food on this land, you're so delicate Can delicate flowers work?"

Zhen Zhen smiled: "I asked someone to buy some fertilizer specially designed to nourish the land, it's definitely no problem."

People just saw that Li Mingzhen was a good person, so they gave some suggestions based on their own experience, saving wasted effort. But when he heard that the boss had already prepared, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, we've finished loosening this land, then we'll go to reclaim the barren mountains. What, do you want people to farm the land? We all have some old ladies in our family. Can do it."

Zhen Zhen thought for a while and then shook her head: "It's okay, I have someone here to do it."

As soon as they heard it, they didn't force it, and they led them away from the ground and went straight to the barren mountain next to them. The reason why there are such a large area of ​​barren hills and wasteland here is mainly because there are no people nearby, otherwise they could have been raised by planting and fertilizing for so many years.

Zhen Zhen saw that all the people were gone, and she used her consciousness to see that no one came over a radius of several miles, so she gently stomped her feet, and the ridges of land automatically turned over, and the depths of the ground were turned upside down. The fertile soil was turned on top, and the originally thick lumps of soil became fine soil, and the land became suitable for cultivation almost in the blink of an eye.

In fact, Zhen Zhenda could use her own abilities to turn the ground without hiring anyone, but such a large area is a project that the government is concerned about, and you have to find some people who can work on the surface.

The ground was turned over, Zhen Zhen took out a dozen bags of seeds from the space, unsealed them, the seeds floated out with Zhen Zhen's consciousness, and evenly sprinkled on the ground. The moisture in the soil wraps the seeds and quickly takes root under the blessing of supernatural powers. Zhen Zhen used her consciousness to look at the state of the seeds, and it was estimated that in seven or eight days, the buds would emerge.

Leaving from the flowerbed, Zhen Zhen drove to a small village, this village was too remote and did not keep pace with the times at all, it is still the most barren in the 1960s standard of living.

Stopped the car at the entrance of the village, a group of scantily clad children ran over curiously, happy that this rarely seen car was spinning, Zhen Zhen saw them climb up on the car The one who climbed down was not angry, and walked directly to a group of old people in the village.

Seeing a beautiful girl in the village, the old people greeted her warmly: "Where did you come from?" "Who are you looking for?" "Are you thirsty? Don't go to the aunt's house for a drink."

Zhen Zhen squatted down and looked at the eyes of the old people sitting at the door: "Uncle and aunt, my name is Li Mingzhen. That's it, I covered that barren mountain and wasteland more than ten miles away. I'm going to plant some flowers, plants and traditional Chinese medicine. I need someone to help me with watering and so on. I want to pay to hire a few people. Do you think there are suitable people in the village to do this work?"

"It's not heavy work, so what kind of money do you give me." After finishing speaking, an old lady shouted into the room: "Dasheng, after you finish the housework, go help this big girl water it. of."

Zhen Zhen waved her hand to persuade: "Auntie, this is not a matter of a day or two, it has been done for several years, I think you have young people who are inconvenient to leave home, you can go and help me see The flower garden can earn some money to support the family, and they can take care of anything in the village.”

Several old people saw that Zhen Zhen really wanted to hire someone, they looked at each other and said a little embarrassedly: "Look, it's not a lot of work, it's not a lot of money to pay back. Excuse me."

Zhen Zhen said with a smile: "I can't always let you guys help for free, it will last for a long time."

"That's fine, you can say how many people you want." Seeing Zhen Zhen's sincerity, the old people didn't treat her politely anymore: "We have appointed you to pick the most capable and practical person."

Zhen Zhen thought about it: "A dozen or so will do, both girls and boys will do, and young and strong elder brothers and elder sisters are also included."

Several old people must have so many people, and quickly called the village chief out to make an idea. The village chief was overjoyed when he saw that the girl was going to find someone to work in his own village, and he hurriedly called all the young people out. There is only so much land in the village, and there is no water or electricity. Now it is a well-known impoverished village. At the same time, the situation outside is good, and there are many ways to make money. Many young people choose to leave the village because they are afraid of being poor. Now in the village, apart from a dozen young families with ties at home, the rest are old people. Weak, sick and disabled, if we can find jobs for these young people near home, we can solve the big problem in the village.

The only fifteen young people left in the village were called over. There were young couples who had just married and young men aged seventeen or eighteen. Zhen Zhen clicked in the expectant gaze of the village chief. Nodding: "If there is nothing at home, I can stay with these people."

The village chief was so excited that he almost cried: "Thank you so much, Director Li, you don't know that I am so worried about this matter, and I wrote a letter to the district a while ago. In the city, we want the leaders to help us think of ways.”

Zhen Zhen said with a smile: "Mayor Xi specially explained to me this time, saying that I should give priority to hiring people from your village, and the follow-up water and electricity work has also been arranged by Mayor Xi. Now, you just have to wait."

"Mayor Xi is really a good person." The simple villagers immediately said gratefully, and they thanked Zhen Zhen together: "Girl, you are also a good person, thank you very much. ."

Zhen Zhen smiled: "Then let's go and see my land, you may need to build some houses over there, and you have to put up a row of fences, bricks and woods I I'll ask someone to buy it." After Zhen Zhen finished speaking, she realized that she had to find a leader for this group of people, she couldn't stay here for a long time, someone had to arrange the work schedule and so on, Zhen Zhen's eyes were drawn from these The person swiped: "Which one of you is more capable?"

When the young man heard this, he turned to look at a man in his early thirties: "Usually it's the big brother who leads us to work, the big brother who farms the land and builds the house, and we all listen to him. of."

"That's fine, you can get in the car with me first, and I'll show you the place first." Zhen Zhen pointed at the three sturdy young men: "You three also come with me first. , the rest..." Zhen Zhen hesitated, she really couldn't pull that much.

"There is a big car in the village." The village chief said immediately: "I will drive the big car to send them there."

"Okay, I'll trouble you, the village chief." Zhen Zhen smiled.

"You're welcome, it's us who troubled you." The village chief waved to the young man happily: "Xiao Wu, go to my house and drive the driver out, hurry up, don't Delay Boss Li's business."

Everyone in the village knew about the wasteland and the barren hills, so Zhen Zhen didn't have to stay to lead the way, she drove the five young people to the wasteland first, pointing to the seeds that had been sown The soil of the land introduced: "This is the land I contracted, and now I have hired someone to dig the land and scatter the seeds. You only need to water it regularly, weed, and take care of it."

Dasheng took a look at the area. Although it is very large, these tasks are light and effortless, and no matter how you look at it, you don’t need fifteen people to work. Dasheng only thought that Zhen Zhen came to help the poor, and looked at her hesitantly: "Actually, you can do it with two or three people, don't waste your money for relief."

Zhen Zhen smiled and pointed to the barren mountain next to her: "That mountain is mine too, after the wasteland reclamation is over, I will use that kind of medicinal materials, then I'm afraid you people will still Not enough for me."

The Dasheng smiled reassuringly, and immediately asked energetically: "Then what shall we do today?"

Zhen Zhen led him to the edge of the wasteland, where a lot of materials needed to build a house were piled up: "You build a few houses, I will need someone here at night when the plants and flowers grow up. Those on duty, when the time comes, you will arrange your own shifts, and there should be no less than five people in the field at night." After Zhen Zhen finished speaking, she got into a canvas tent next to her, and after a while, Zhen Zhen came out and said to Da Sheng, "There is a stove in here. , pots and pans, etc., you have to cook by yourself."

Dasheng heard the words and followed Zhen Zhen into the tent, because it was a tent dedicated to the construction site, and there was a lot of space inside. In addition to a single bed, there were also everything for cooking, and there was a corner in the corner. There are more than a dozen bags of rice and white noodles, and next to them are buckets of oil and baskets of vegetables. Zhen Zhen opened the curtain over a basin, which was full of steamed buns: "These are only enough for you to eat today, you will have to make them yourself tomorrow."

Dasheng's heart is warm, he didn't go out to work because he was thinking about his old mother, but the young man from the village came back during Chinese New Year and talked a lot about the hardships outside, sleeping on a wooden board and chewing the leaves of vegetables, When it was difficult, I drank cold water to satisfy my hunger, and the boss I met wished to work during the day and night without paying attention to food. How can there be such a good boss who even prepares rice, noodles and vegetables, and even big white steamed buns. This is because they are worried that they have just come to work on the first day, and they are afraid that they will not be able to cook in time to be hungry.

While speaking, the carriage behind also arrived, Zhen Zhen came out and called everyone together and said: "This seedling will take seven or eight days to be sent out, and it will take some time to grow up. During the period, you only need to have one person living in the tent to watch things at night, and you don't need to leave the rest. But during the day, you have to hurry up and build the house, and you can't live in the tent when the weather is hot." He took out a pile of money and distributed it one by one: "I know it's not easy for you at home, let alone those who come out to work at home this time, let's pay one month's salary in advance, and from next month, we will Salary will be paid on the last day of the month.”

Dasheng squeezed the five pieces of great unity in his hand, and the eyes of the big man about 1.8 meters were red: "Boss, you don't have to give us so much to take care of us."

Zhen Zhen smiled and said: "I believe you are worth the money, don't think that our work seems to be nothing special, but after a long time you will know that serving flowers and plants not only requires patience, but also needs Professional ability." She looked at more than a dozen people and said, "I will come over regularly to tell you about the maintenance skills of flowers and plants, and I hope you can seriously learn to think about it and take good care of my plants."

"Don't worry, we will definitely do a good job." Dasheng roared, and the others said, "Don't worry, boss, we will not let you pay for nothing."

Zhen Zhen smiled: "Okay, you are busy, I will go to the mountain over there to see and say hello to them."

The big student responded and called a few young men to measure a flat area, ready to start building a house. Zhen Zhen drove to the foot of the barren mountain. It had only been half a day and the barren mountain had not been opened up much. Zhen Zhen looked at the progress and estimated that it would almost be summer after the mountain was opened.

"I hired people from Dayan Village to take care of the wasteland below. This is also what the city means." Zhen Zhen knew that the nearby villages were usually a bit of an open and secret fight, so she made it clear He said: "You open up your wasteland, and after you open it, hand it over to the people from Dayan Village to manage it."

The leader thought about the situation of Dayan Village, and felt a little regretful that his village had missed such a good job: "I can understand the decision in the city, Dayan Village has been too difficult these years." He sighed After a sigh of relief, he took the opportunity to have a good impression with Zhen Zhen again: "However, the people in our village are not bad at work, you can see how good the land is, if you have any work in hand in the future, think about us first, Dayan Village There are not enough people, so don't forget to come to our village to hire."

Zhen Zhen nodded: "You can rest assured, as long as you do well, I will definitely hire you first."

It's not enough at all, but you can perform well now, and you will have more ways to make money in the future.

When this person is busy, he always feels that life is passing so fast, Zhen Zhen feels that half a month has passed since she returned to the city for a few days. Zhen Zhen looked at the flower seedlings in the flowerbed with her consciousness, under the irrigation of the villagers, more than a finger of seedlings had been grown, but these people did not have much research on flowers, and they watered a little too much.

A bed and a table can be placed, and two large houses have been built separately, one for farm implements, and the other as a kitchen and a place to eat.

Dasheng was leading the villagers to dinner, when he saw Zhen Zhen coming, he quickly put down the bowl: "Boss, you are here."

Zhen Zhen nodded: "You guys go to dinner, I'll take a look at the situation of Hua Miao."

Dasheng hurriedly said, "We're almost done eating, so we're just going to accompany you around. Well, boss, we don't know much about this flower and grass, can you see how well this flower seedling is growing? "

Zhen Zhen has never learned to grow flowers, but she can feel the state of plants most directly. She squatted down and touched the flower seedlings at her feet, Zhen Zhen stood up: "The water is too much, it's a little waterlogged."

Dasheng and others were a little nervous when they heard it, for fear of causing losses to the flower because of their own mistakes. Seeing that they were sweating out, Zhen Zhen laughed quickly: "But it doesn't matter, it's not serious, I didn't teach you before, you have done a good job. So, I happen to be free today, so I will tell you about this. The maintenance of flower seedlings."

Dasheng hurriedly returned to the house, brought paper and pen and followed behind Zhen Zhen, Zhen Zhen took them to the first field, bent over and touched the delicate flower seedlings, Zhen Zhen said: " This piece is planted with roses, hardy and drought-resistant…”

In future generations, it is estimated that someone will have to murmur how the flowers and plants of different origins are planted together. However, this is not a problem for Zhen Zhen, she will come regularly to adjust the planting method according to the needs of the plants, and work with the villagers to explore a set of methods to grow flowers without the need for abilities.

Zhen Zhen took them around the whole flowerbed, introduced the plants in it by category, and asked them to observe what state is lack of water, what state is too much water, and according to different The hobby of flower seedlings focuses on the maintenance knowledge of different methods. Dasheng listens and records quickly on paper. Sometimes he misses a sentence and asks quickly, for fear that a little memorization will delay the growth of flower seedlings.

Zhen Zhen pays attention to Dasheng's actions, seeing that others are very down-to-earth, very convincing, and the key is to be self-motivated, she is relieved, after all, the flower garden can have a reliable Managers, you will be able to relax a lot in the future.

Zhen Zhen circled around the flowerbed, and the flower seedlings were also in good spirits. Although Zhen Zhen did not use her abilities to affect their growth, for flowers and trees, as long as Zhen Zhen was here, It is already a natural nourishment.

As the flower seedlings grow up, the first batch of skin care products has been produced, but Ling Xiulan has always been cautious, she did not rush into the market, but first sent the samples to the relevant departments for testing , After getting the qualified report, hundreds of employees who voluntarily signed up for product testing were selected in the factory for trial. After a trial period of half a year, Ling Xiulan made a before and after comparison of the skin of the 100 employees. None of the employees who participated in the test had allergies, and their skin quality was significantly improved. Only then did Ling Xiulan announce Lan Zhen skin care products. IPO.

Lan Zhen skin care products have been high-end positioning since the beginning. At this time, most people only buy a bottle of cream, but the two series of Lan Zhen include nourishing water, essence, eye cream, A full set of skin care products such as day cream and night cream are not what ordinary people are willing to choose. Therefore, in addition to the counters in the shopping malls, beauty salons are the main sales locations for cosmetics.

You can show off everywhere, so once these two sets of cosmetics were launched, they were sought after by customers of beauty stores. When you buy them back, you can proudly say: "My skin care products and beauty stores use the same brand."

As the first batch of products sold in large quantities, the second batch of cosmetics also began to be put into production. At this time, the first batch of plants in the flowerbed had reached maturity, and Zhen Zhen took the initiative to invite Ling Xiulan to inspect the flowerbed. The car stopped outside the flowerbed, pushed open the door of the wooden fence, and a sea of ​​flowers appeared in front of him.

Ling Xiulan went in and went to the rose garden first. The roses swaying in the wind were not only bright in color but also in large size and fragrant. The quality was much better than what she had ordered from the outside, lavender, chamomile... all kinds Flowers gather into a sea of ​​flowers that makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Ling Xiulan looked at the unforgettable scenery in front of her and couldn't help sighing: "Zhen Zhen, Mom doesn't know how to praise you. No matter what you do, you child will not fail."

The breeze blew, Zhen Zhen tucked the hair that was blowing on her face behind her ears: "It's just my luck."

"It's not so easy to succeed just by being lucky." Ling Xiulan looked at her admiringly: "Also serious and courageous."

"Who let me live in such a good age, there is gold everywhere, it depends on whether I should bend over to pick it up." Zhen Zhen smiled: "I am the kind of person who bends over and is more diligent. "

Ling Xiulan couldn't help laughing when she heard Zhen Zhen's metaphor: "This is good, we have our own flower garden, and the quality of the products is more guaranteed. By the way, I hear you say You also planted herbs?"

"Yes." Zhen Zhen pointed to the mountain not far away: "They are all planted on the mountain, but there is not much experience in artificial cultivation of medicinal materials to learn from, I have to explore the experience. Moreover, the growth period of medicinal materials is generally relatively long, and I estimate that the medicinal materials purchased from outside will be gradually replaced next year."

"This is already very good." Ling Xiulan looked at the endless flower garden and felt very comfortable: "To tell you the truth, I never dared to build my own plant base before, I always felt that It involves too much manpower, material resources and energy, and I comforted myself that buying from outside is the same. However, I only purchased two batches of raw materials and found that this is not as simple as I thought, especially for things like flowers that are easily damaged. If you find that the quality of the flowers provided by the other party is not good enough, it is difficult to find a supplier that can be replaced immediately. Fortunately, you have thought of this. We have our own plant base to ensure the quality of raw materials and thus the quality of our skin care products. ."

"It's mainly because my mother is too serious." Zhen Zhen blushed when Ling Xiulan praised her, and started praising her mother-in-law: "With your seriousness and hard work, we can expand from one beauty salon to eight beauty salons. The hospital, and now the skin care products factory and plant base, Mom deserves the greatest credit."

"It's alright, let's stop touting each other's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law." Ling Xiulan smiled and patted Zhen Zhen's hand: "I have to arrange for someone to pick it up, and tomorrow we will be able to pick the most Fresh flowers are on the production line."

Zhen Zhen couldn't help with the picking, so she stayed with Ling Xiulan for a while before returning to the city. Recently, there has been rumors in the city that there is a piece of land with a good location to be auctioned. This is the first time that the imperial capital has said that it will be auctioned for the construction of residential land. If your own real estate company wins the land, you can build commercial housing for external sales, which is different from building a public housing with a bid. Building a public housing is at most the level of a construction company. You can only build commercial housing if you get the land yourself. A real real estate company.

As soon as she returned to the office, Zhen Zhen couldn't wait to call her newly recruited assistant: "Is there any news about the auction of the land?"

"The city has already issued a notice that the public auction will be held in ten days." The assistant handed the documents to Zhen Zhen while talking. Zhen Zhen took it over and swept it over quickly, and then he was relieved: "You hurry up to sign up, and then ask for any precautions, we must not miss this auction."

"Okay." The assistant replied, just about to leave, he remembered something and immediately turned back and said, "Manager, you made a few calls at home just now, and it sounded like something was wrong. urgent."

Zhen Zhen's heart trembled when she heard this, the first thing she thought of was if something happened, because the family knew that Zhen Zhen was busy with work, and generally would not call the unit unless there were special circumstances. Zhen Zhen immediately looked at the situation at home with her consciousness, and saw the twins sitting on the bed holding building blocks giggling, Wang Sufen and Mrs. Li talking while watching the children, Li Muwu sitting next to him drinking tea, nothing seemed to happen thing.

Zhen Zhen was about to look away when she suddenly saw that Xi Junjie was at home at this time and was still packing. Zhen Zhen immediately picked up the phone and dialed to her room, Xi Junjie put down the shirt folded in his hand and picked up the phone: "Hello?"

"Junjie, I heard you called me?" Zhen Zhen took the phone and asked, "Is there something wrong at home?"

"No." Xi Junjie rubbed the bridge of his nose with a tired look on his face: "I may have to travel for a while."

Zhen Zhen looked at Xi Junjie's expression and had a bad feeling in her heart: "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Pakistan to pick up the local overseas Chinese back to China, and handle some foreign affairs." Xi Junjie's voice was a little uneasy, as if he was worried that Zhen Zhen would not agree: "I know there may be some danger there , but I didn't go by myself, there are seven colleagues, and we have soldiers accompanying us, you can rest assured that it will be very safe." Hearing the silence over the microphone, Xi Junjie reluctantly added: "You Those who know that we do diplomatic work will inevitably encounter such a situation.”

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