MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 97 Military school student-097

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Chapter 097. Response

In fact, Nishizawa has already done a good job of Lin Yuan’s introduction to his mother, “This is my friend/housemate/classmate.” I did not expect that Lin Yuan would actually say “this is my alpha”, Nishizawa was shocked. At the same time, the bottom of my heart suddenly burst into ecstasy -

Xiaoyuan finally recognized his identity!

In Xiao Yuan’s heart, he is no longer a friend, but “my alpha”!

If Lin Yuan’s mother and sister are looking at Xize in amazement, Nishizawa wants to go back and forth in the snow outside to express his excitement.

The so-called sincere deeds, the stone is open, but this is not the case?

On the face of Mrs. Shanglin’s surprise, Nize’s face immediately showed a handsome smile, and respectfully said: “Auntie is good, my sister is good, my name is Nishi, it’s the alpha of Xiaoyuan.”

This sentence is simply refreshing.

Compared to the original coach who was taught to have nothing to say, today is a bright boyfriend who sees Lin Yuan’s foster mother and sister as a boyfriend. The mood before and after Nishizawa is really a hundred thousand miles away. This is wishful thinking. What is the difference between the two feelings?

Mrs. Lin has always been gentle, since Xiaoyuan took the initiative to recognize the relationship between the two, she did not have any opinions as a mother, but because Lin Yuan was very happy to visit with her alpha door--

After the exposure of Xiaoyuan omega, Mrs. Lin has been frightened and feared that her son will be depressed because of his identity change, and he is afraid that he will be harassed by other alpha. Since he can find a favorite alpha to see his mother at home, and the appearance and temperament of the other person looks very good, and the person is very modest and polite, Mrs. Lin is naturally very happy for her son.

Looking at the politeness of Nishizawa, the more I saw it, the more I felt pleasing to the eye. Mrs. Lin turned back and said to Lin Yuan: "You are really good at Xiaoyuan. Don’t tell me in advance, you see, I am not prepared for anything... Far away, you are going to make more dishes."

"Hey!" Lin Yao also happily turned back to the kitchen.

Nishizawa said: "No need to worry, I am very casual about eating and drinking. You have prepared enough."

Lin Yuan attached to the location and nodded and said: "Yes, Nishizawa is not picky eaters, the amount of rice is not big, my mother will leave the dishes every time, this time there is him, it should be just enough to eat."

Lin Yao was going to the kitchen. When he was halfway, he had to come back. He said with a smile: "Xiaoyuan, this is the united front with Nishizawa, so consciously help Nishizawa talk?"

Lin Yuan: "........."

Lin Yuan’s face was slightly red, avoiding her sister’s gaze and whispering: “It’s a waste to do more, anyway, I don’t want to eat leftovers every day.”

Nishizawa sees Lin Yuan's blushing look and feels more happy.

Lin Yuan’s conscious act of helping him to speak has a feeling of “following the singer”. Even if Lin Yuan is only unconscious, it is this natural reaction that can prove that the little monster has He is in his heart.

Nishizawa pointed to the full table of food on the table of the restaurant. He smiled and said, "I really don't need it. Don't go too busy with your sister. We must have four of these dishes." Nishizawa saw Lin Yuan. At a glance, added, "even the nightingale of Xiaoyuan is enough."

Lin Yuan: "........."

Need to say in front of my mother that I am a big stomach king who loves to eat supper?

Mrs. Lin looked at her son’s reaction and couldn’t help but smile: “Well, I did have even the nightingales of Xiaoyuan, and you are hungry. Come and have a meal.”


Four people sat around the table, and the mother and sister sat together. Lin Yuan and Nishizawa naturally sat on the other side.

The food for Lin Yuan is actually very rich. Seven or eight dishes are full of tables, and there are delicious pork ribs soup. Many of the dishes on the table are those that Nishizawa has never seen before, probably on Ryan’s planet. Specialties.

Lin Yuangang started to be a little embarrassed by her sister. Later, she saw that her mother and her sister seemed to like Nishizawa very much. This gradually relaxed. As the owner, Nishizawa first came to his own home to be a guest.

Therefore, Lin Yuan took the initiative to put a white bamboo shoot into the bowl of Nishizawa and said with a smile: "Taste this cold dish, you must have never eaten. This is the specialty of our Ryan planet, called the ice shoot. It grows in the snow and you can find it by going under the snow."

Nishizawa tasted it and tasted it. It is grown in the snow. The feeling of ice is like eating ice cream. The faint sweet fragrance spread by the tip of the tongue stimulates the taste buds, and it is full of enthusiasm.

A very simple dish, but it can just pick up the appetite of people.

What makes the appetite of Nishize even more is that Lin Yuan actually personally gave him a lot of special dishes, while introducing the dishes and introducing them, but they didn’t know, so the intimate movements were seen in the eyes of the elders. It is more like a love in the show.

The dull Lin Yuan did not find a smile that her sister and mother had a long time. She was excited to introduce the specialties to Nishizawa.

Nishizawa felt that this was the sweetest meal he had ever eaten since childhood.

After dinner, Nishizawa took out a gift from Mr. Lin and Lin Yao from his suitcase and went to the living room to hand in front of the two. He smiled and said, "Auntie, sister, this is what I bring to you." Some of the meeting."

Mrs. Lin, who is accustomed to thrift, looked at the exquisite box that Xize handed over, and suddenly felt distressed that he was spending money, and said: "Come to my house to play, and bring gifts, too expensive."

Nishizawa smiled and said: "I don't know what you like, I picked a practical one. Do you open it?"

Mrs. Lin opened the box and found that it is actually the latest smart massager. The massage device is designed according to the blood circulation of the human body. It can be adjusted according to the physical condition of different people, not only to relax muscles, but also to treat some A disease such as joint pain. Nishizawa knew that Mrs. Lin was in poor health, so she bought this. Although it is expensive, it is very practical.

Mrs. Lin immediately put on the box and said, "How do you buy such expensive things? It is a waste of money."

Nishizawa said: "If you can use it, you can accept it."

Lin Yuan also followed: "Mom accepts it. I bought this massager after I wanted to come back. I didn't expect Nishizawa to buy it." This is the truth, Lin Yuan has always wanted to buy this for his mother, but he The scholarships for this semester all add up to a little money. I wanted to wait until the next semester to buy again. I didn't expect Xize to buy it.

Lin Yuan looked at Nishizawa and smiled at the eyes of Nishizawa. His heart suddenly burst into a heat flow. Although Mrs. Lin was not his biological mother, he could raise him for 14 years and in his heart with his biological mother. no difference. Nishizawa was so good to her mother, and she thought carefully about buying this practical thing for her mother, which made Lin Yuan very moved.

Seeing Mrs. Lin still hesitated, Nishizawa said: "Auntie, you don't have to worry about money. I have participated in the National Mecha Competition with Xiaoyuan and got a lot of scholarships. I have to eat and control in the military school. Drop it."

Listening to Nishizawa, Mrs. Lin settled down with peace of mind. This alpha is not only good, but also so filial to her. Xiaoyuan can find such an alpha, and her heart can’t help but look at it. You, Nishizawa."

Nishizawa smiled and said: "Auntie is too polite."

Lin Yao curiously said, "Czech, do I have a gift?"

"Of course." Nishi gave her a gift box and opened it. It is actually the most popular touch-screen game computer in the empire. It comes with a lot of classic 3D games. After connecting to the Internet, you can download new games from the game library or directly. Network battle.

Lin Yao stunned, and his face suddenly showed a hint of surprise: "Great, I love to play this!" Then he patted Nize's shoulder. "You are so intimate!"

In fact, this gift, Nishizawa also spent a lot of thoughts. After all, with his rough understanding, Lin Yao’s personality is very straightforward. It should be loved to play games. This game computer is the best word of mouth, even if she does not like it. Not too annoying, it should be safer to send such a gift.

I didn't expect it to hit Lin Yao's heart, but it was an unexpected surprise.


Receiving the carefully prepared gifts, Lin’s mother and Lin’s sister’s goodwill towards Nishizawa is exponentially multiplied. Polite, considerate, and handsome, so good alpha, my family is really a treasure!

Mrs. Lin sneaked Lin Yao into the room and whispered: "It seems that Xiaoyuan is the alpha. What do you think of Nishizawa?"

Lin Yao thought about it and said: "The person is very handsome, has a good temper, has no shelf, and should not bully my family. Since Xiaoyuan likes him, I feel very good. There is Xize in, always better than him. It’s better to be afraid of studying at school.” Lin Yao paused. “And, they haven’t tagged each other, and we have no meaning in opposing it.”

Mrs. Lin groaned and sighed. "Yeah, Xiaoyuan is already the Omega of Nishizawa..."

Lin Yao haha ​​laughed: "I can't think of it, my brother actually opened it so quickly, it was marked so soon."

The mother and the daughter looked at each other and felt that the thoughts of their little monsters were too high. This was just turned into omega, and they were marked. They also brought their own alpha door to see the parents!

After Lin Yao returned to the living room, Nishizawa suddenly said: "Sister, is there any photo of my childhood? I really want to see it."

Since Xiaoyuan said that he liked to roll on the bed when he was a child, Nishizawa always wanted to see what he looked like when he was a child. Lin Yuan was very cute when he was a child.

Lin Yao busy said: "Of course, my sister will go and get it for you!"

Taking Lin Yuan to take a shower, Lin Yao secretly took out his childhood video and showed it to Nishizawa. Nishizawa looked at the small little monster on the screen and rolled it around in bed, only feeling cute. The round baby fat face makes people want to pinch a hand...

Soon, Lin Yuan’s videotapes, photos, and various award-winning certificates were all “shared” by Lin Yao. Lin Yao even said that Lin’s anecdote when he was a child said to Nishizawa...

Lin Yuan, who was taking a shower, did not expect that he had been completely sold by his heartless sister.

When the shower came out, Lin Yaozheng said haha ​​and Nishizawa, and Nishizawa’s face was also smiling.

Lin Yuan wondered: "What are you talking about?"

Seeing that the two men did not speak very tacitly, Lin Yuan had no choice but to look at Nishizawa and said, "You go to the bath, I will help you with the toiletries."

Lin Yuan took Xize to the bathroom and arranged everything. Then he turned around and went to Lin Yao and asked: "Mom has already slept?"

Lin Yao nodded. "Well, she just tried a massager from Nishizawa. When she was sleepy, she slept first."

Lin Yuan asked: "Where is Xize to sleep tonight?"

There are no spare rooms in their homes, and Lin Yuan has some questions about how to arrange for Nishizawa.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yao actually held the bed and cleaned the quilt directly to the double bed in Lin Yuan's room. He smiled and said: "When you take a shower, take a break early, I will go back to play the game."

Lin Yuan stunned and widened his eyes. "Sister? You mean to let Nishizawa be here..."

Lin Yao got to Lin Yuan’s ear and lowered his voice and smiled: “Is it already marked? Is there anything wrong?”

Lin Yuan: "..............."

Knowing that his brother was marked, Lin Yao was very happy. She has known Xiaoyuan’s life experience from her mother, and she has been worried that Xiaoyuan will be wronged at school as an omega. Since Xiaoyuan has found the favorite alpha and is willing to be labeled by him, he also brought this alpha to his home. Come to see the family... As a sister, my brother found true love, Lin Yao is more happy than marrying himself.

Although growing up on the desolate Ryan planet, Lin’s concept is still very open. When he was a child, he often rolled around in bed. His bed was a big enough double bed. Since they had already marked each other, they should naturally sleep in a room.

Lin Yao laid a good quilt, patted his brother's shoulder and smiled and said: "You have a good rest. I am leaving, good night."

Lin Yuan: "..............."


When Nishizawa came back from the shower, she found that Lin Yuanzheng was standing in the room, and both her mother and her sister had closed the door and slept.

Two new quilts were laid on the double bed, and the pattern on the quilt was exactly the same. It looked like a couple.

Sure enough, my mother and sister have already guessed the relationship between the two, and Lin Yuan, who is straightforward, exposes everything.

Nishizawa smiled and walked to the front of Xiaoyuan, and said calmly: "Where am I going to sleep tonight?"

Lin looked at his bed with a sigh of relief. "Hey, it’s here, there is no room in my house..."

Nize nodded and went to the bed to sit down and waved toward the small distance. "Hurry to rest, what are you doing there?"

Lin Yuan had to move slowly to the other side of the bed, smashed the quilt and climbed onto the bed, lying sideways against Nishizawa.

I noticed that Lin Yuan tightened his back nervously. Nize suddenly opened his horn and forced himself into the bed of Lin Yuan. He stretched out his arms and hugged him from behind.

Lin Yuan stiffened and said, "What are you doing?"

Nishizawa turned Lin Yuan and smiled and kissed his forehead: "So what to do? I am already yours, Xiaoyuan."

Lin Yuan looked up, black and clear eyes all the time looked at Nishizawa. After a while, he gently hugged Nishizawa and took his head to Nishizawa’s chest. He said seriously: "Xize... I didn't I think you will bring gifts to your mother and sister, and also prepare such a good gift... Although the two of them have no blood relationship with me, they are the most important relatives to me. Thank you for being so good to them... ”

Nishizawa smiled and licked the head buried in his chest. He said softly, "What are you thanking? You said that I am your alpha, your family, and naturally my family."

Lin Yuan heard this, holding the arms of Nishizawa could not help but get tighter.

- The little monster looks very moving?

Nishizawa couldn't help but ask: "I really want to thank me?"

Lin far nodded, "Yeah."

Nishizawa said: "So, do you take the initiative to kiss me?"

Lin Yuan looked up and looked at the eyes of Shang Xize. After a while, his ears were slightly red, and he took the lips and kissed him.

The warm and soft touch on the lips made Nishizawa almost stop the heartbeat.

Lin Yuan tentatively contained his lips, kissed it gently, and wetted the lips of Nishizawa before he learned to use his teeth to open his teeth and explore his tongue...

Lin Yuan, who lacks experience in this area, can say that this kiss is very raw, and the tongue is gently squatting in the warm mouth of Nishizawa. It seems to have a clumsy pleasing meaning...

Nishizawa was kissed for a burst of blood, and Lin Far’s feeling of kissing was even more heart-breaking than when he was holding him.

It was a gluttonous kiss, but with fullness and seriousness, the tongue slid gently in the mouth. Lin Yuan was like doing a very important thing. He closed his eyes and kissed Nishizawa very carefully.

There is no pure kiss of any skill, but it is more than any superb kiss technique to make Nishizawa heart.

His little monster is like this, although his feelings are a bit clumsy and slow, but once he identifies a person, he will become very serious and focused - just like he has been serious about his dreams for years.

Nishizawa likes Xiaoyuan’s seriousness and perseverance, and likes Xiaoyuan’s efforts to dream.

It is also such seriousness and perseverance that it is more radiant in the eyes of Nishizawa.

If you only want to find an omega companion for your own children, thousands of pure-blooded omegas in the Omega Association's registration data meet this requirement. However, Nishizawa only likes Lin Yuan.

Because Lin Yuan is a different omega, it is a maverick little monster, and it is also the only irreplaceable thing for him.

Lin Yuan kissed Nishizawa for a long time, and saw that Nishizawa had not responded, and finally embarrassedly retired from his mouth.

Nishizawa pinched Lin Yuan’s face and said with a chuckle: “Kissing skills are still not improving. It seems that I have to practice a lot.”

Lin Yuan’s face suddenly turned red. Every time before, Nishizawa kissed him. Every time he was kissed by the brain, he couldn’t respond. It was his first time to kiss Nishizawa for the first time. Of course, there is no skill at all, just learning the action of Nishizawa with vague memory. But obviously did not learn home.

Nishizawa saw his blushing look, and his heart moved, no longer hesitating to reach out to the flexible waist of the man in his arms, to regain the initiative, and deeply kissed Lin Yuan.

"Oh... um..."

"So... come... try to respond to me..."

Nishizawa kissed him while encouraging Xiaoyuan to follow his own steps.

This kind of on-site teaching made Lin Yuan's face more red, but he couldn't help but try to respond because he was very comfortable to kiss.

The passionate and intense kiss lasted for a long time, and the two men's breathing became more and more urgent, and the sound of drowning between the lips and teeth was infinitely magnified in the quiet room.

Because of Lin Yuan’s active response, this kiss is more enjoyable for every unilateral kiss in the past.

Later, Lin Yuan even closed his eyes intoxicated, and his hands actively learned the appearance of Nishizawa, gently stroking his back.

Nishizawa, who was Xiaoyuan’s hair, was even more excited.

Lin Yuan also enthusiastically uses his hands and lips to express his inner subtle emotions.

Soon, the bed became messy, the pajamas opened a large piece, and the bottom-body even reacted...

Knowing that Lin Yuan’s estrus has just passed, the body is not suitable for doing that kind of thing, Nishizawa immediately stopped the action, retreating from the small distance, deep impulses in the mouth pressure j□j, Yu Linyuan’s head, smiling Asked: "Have you learned?"

Lin Yuan frowned and frowned. After a while, he suddenly thought of a bad idea. One turned over and pressed Nize to the bed, his eyes stared at him, and he kissed him seriously again.

Lin Yuan, who has a very strong learning ability, quickly applied the experience he had just learned. He gently licked the oral mucosa of Nishizawa with his tongue, and carefully brushed his dentition and wrapped his tongue intimately. kiss.

Nishizawa was kissed all over the body and the back was tight. The bottom was harder to burst, and Lin Yuan was still kissing him in a flattering manner, as if to prove his ability to learn.

Nishizawa: "........."

This little monster, sometimes it is really passionate.

However, if you kiss your alpha like this, are you really not afraid to overplay the fire?

The author has something to say: don't quarrel with the review, everyone calm down~ The comments under the text are smoky, and it is really unnecessary to eat a contraceptive pill like a murderer...

The 95 chapter did not understand the suggestion and look back again ~~

Another sentence: reasonable contraception (including the use of condoms, contraceptives and other measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies) This is what the state encourages support, doctors recommend, and normal people should do. You don't need to be guilty.

My classmates still have contraceptives to take a holiday... This has nothing to do with selfish cold blood and indifference to life...

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