MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 96 Military school student-096

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Chapter 096. Going home

When I took the red pill from Nishizawa, Lin Yuan suddenly felt that the packaging of the pill was very familiar. It seems that the medicine given to him is similar. Under the doubt, I took out the red box in the medicine box and compared it. It was the same medicine.

Ling Feng also wrote a small line on the instructions in the kit -

"Xiaoyuan, omega's chance of conception during estrus will be very high. If you don't want children, taking this medicine within three days after estrus can prevent pregnancy. You are too young now, consider making another decision. ""

Because many omega estruss come suddenly, the contraceptive measures can not be done in time, and the probability of pregnancy after the estrus is completely marked is very high. If you do not use contraception, then omegas have to have one child a year, so the body will definitely not eat. .

Experts at Imperial Central Hospital deliberately developed this after-the-fact contraceptive that can be used after estrus to prevent omega pregnancy. Many of the empire's alpha homes have this medicine, in case their own omega estrus at an inappropriate time, they will use this method to prevent omega pregnancy when they don't want children.

Lin Yuan carefully looked at the instructions for use, took a red pill from the box and put it in his mouth, swallowed it with warm water.

After eating the medicine, Lin Yuan raised his head and looked at Nishizawa.

Although Nishizawa’s face always smiled and even offered the decision to “don’t want a child”, Lin Yuan could detect that Xize’s mood was obviously low.

In the first estrus, the alpha of the child is extremely rare in the empire, especially the royal family who pays attention to the inheritance of blood. Every prince of the royal family will almost always give birth to a child when marking his omega for the first time. The child born, whether it is a prince or a princess, is written into the royal genealogy as a grand prince/big princess, and is personally named by the then father. Even the celebration party at the palace...

However, Nishizawa offered to take the initiative not to have children for the first time.

Let him make this decision, it must be difficult?

Changed to another omega, perhaps An An heart has long been the prince of Nishizawa, staying in the palace to give him a child.

Ke Lin can't do this. He has never received education about omega-related knowledge, and he is not prepared for the child. He doesn't want to disrupt all plans because of unexpected pregnancy.

This way of post-contraception is undoubtedly the best. As long as you don't get pregnant, you will solve all the problems.

Looking at Nishizawa's pretending look, Lin Yuan couldn't help but ask: "Nishizawa, are you not too happy? You... want a child?"

Nishizawa smiled and touched Lin Yuan’s hair. "No. You are only 18 years old. Your child is not in a hurry. Don't think about it, do what you like."

Lin Yuan hangs his head and whispers: "I am not mentally prepared yet, give me some time... okay?"

Nishizawa said, "Okay, I will wait for you."

Unexpectedly, Nishizawa did not hesitate to say "I will wait for you", a simple sentence full of trust and tolerance.

Lin Yuan suddenly blinked and rushed into Nishizawa's arms and hugged Nishizawa tightly.

- This is his alpha.

- Willing to wait for him unconditionally.

- Willing to give him the greatest freedom, tolerance, and support.


After Lin Yuan finished eating the contraceptive, he immediately sent a message to Ling Feng telling him not to worry.

In the fluttering star has been fidgeting Ling Feng finally put down the heart, Ling Yu is not, Xiao Yuan is like his pro-son, Xiao Yuan's current age and physical state is not suitable for pregnancy, after the contraception is considered to be this The impact of the accidental estrus has been reduced to a minimum.

And Snow has stunned his eyes on the name of the drug that appeared in the web search -

The name of the drug that he has never heard of is actually a contraceptive?

Dad specially came to the space station to deliver the medicine. Lin Yuan and Nishizawa did not open the hatch door for three days and three nights, and then suddenly had a fever. It turned out to be...


When I thought that my brother had been marked by Nishizawa, Snow’s mood was suddenly complicated.


Lin Yuan and Nishizawa finally arrived at Ryan Planet at 8 o'clock that evening.

These days, Ryan’s planet is snowing and the temperature is as low as minus 18 degrees. Therefore, Lin Yuan deliberately married her mother and her sister and did not come to the space station to pick him up. After being convinced by Lin Yuan, they decided to give Lin Yuan a home. A hearty menu is served to pick up the wind.

Ryan Planet is located on the edge of the cigar galaxy. There is a large amount of mineral reserves on the planet. Most of the troops stationed here are military personnel responsible for supervising the mining of minerals and workers of the mineral company. There are few indigenous residents on the planet.

On this desolate planet, there is no small suspension vehicle for renting passengers. The two had to take a public suspension vehicle from the space station to the residential city, get off at the mining company and then walk home.

Nishizawa said that the purpose of this trip to Ryan Planet is to look at the snow. Since it was a trip, it was supposed to go to the hotel. Ke Lin seems to have forgotten this point. He has been walking with his home to Nishizawa. Nishizawa will not actively remind him, and he is cheeky and beside Lin Yuan.

The cold Ryan planet is almost covered by snow, and the tall, tall trees that are extremely cold-resistant are planted on both sides of the street, and there is a sense of desolateness at first glance.

Compared to the bustling and warmth of the capital star, it is like two worlds.

There are few pedestrians on the street, and many small shops along the road are fighting because of the cold weather. At eight o'clock in the evening, the sky was already dark, the street lights were completely lit up, and the dimly lit street lights shone, and the snow fluttering in the air seemed to have a golden glow.

The two walked side by side on the sidewalk, and the snow that stepped on the foot made a creaking sound, blowing the biting cold wind, and mixed with a large piece of snow straight into the neck.

Never before has it been so cold, Nishizawa’s nose has always been sensitive, and he has not adapted to this climate, and he can’t help but make a big sneeze.

Lin Yuan immediately turned back and asked: "Czech, is it very cold?"

The wind was too big. Nishizawa did not hear what he was saying. He leaned over and put his ear to his lips. He whispered, "What are you talking about?"

Lin Yuan looked at the red-haired ears of Nishizawa. The red color was like the frozen meat that was taken out of the refrigerator. Obviously his ears were almost unconscious under the chill of the air.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but stretch out the warm hand in his pocket and gently warmed his ear. He said, "My family is snowing all year round, unlike the capital star, you are coming for the first time. Are you not used to it?"

He said that he had stretched out the other hand again, rubbing his hands in the ears of Nishizawa and gently rubbing his ears in the palm of his hand.

"Is it frozen? Look at your ears red, so you know you should buy a hat before you leave..."

When Nishizawa groaned, it was only then that Xiaoyuan actually used his hands to warm his ears.

The shock and excitement in my heart made Nishizawa unable to speak for a long time.

Is his omega worried about him? Worried that he would freeze, so use his hands to heat his frozen red ears?

The warmth of Lin Yuan’s palms quickly spread through the whole body, and the heart of Nishizawa became warm and warm. The feeling of being cared by liked people was so good... Xiaoyuan was caring for him. It is so happy...

When I noticed that Nishizawa took the initiative, Lin Yuan picked up his toes and continued to use his hands to heat his frozen red ears. He joked and said, "You have never been to Ryan Planet, unlike I grew up here. Most of them are used to it. You don't adapt to the climate here, it is easy to freeze. The ear is most likely to be frostbite when it is exposed. If our prince gave birth to frostbite, the majesty and the queen will definitely feel bad."

Xiaoyuan’s smiling eyes were bent into a beautiful crescent shape under the streetlights, and people’s hearts could not help but stir.

Nishizawa resisted the urge to kiss him, and followed Lin Yuan’s words, jokingly whispered: "If I am frozen, will you not feel bad?"

Lin Yuan: "........."

The face was slightly red, and I didn't know if it was too cold or shy. Lin Yuan pretended to calmly put his hand back and transferred the topic: "It's too cold outside, let's go, my house is at the corner of the front."

Then he put his hand back into his warm pocket and turned and walked toward his home.

Nishizawa smiled and immediately caught up with Lin Yuan's footsteps.

Lin Yuan grew up in Ryan's planet. He has long been accustomed to this cold climate. When he got off the ship, he found thick coats and hats from his suitcase. He didn't feel too warm when he wore it. Nishizawa underestimated the cold here. The little prince who did not do the warmth measures took a long walk in the cold wind. The ear was almost frozen and fell. Lin Yuan worried that he could not help but get hot when he was frozen. His ears.

Looking back now, Lin Yuan also feels strange - why did you feel that Xize was suffering from freezing?

Actually stupid enough to pick up his feet and use his own hands to give him ears...

Soon after arriving home, Lin Yuan glanced back and just looked at the smiling look of Shang Xize.

At the moment when the four eyes were opposite, Lin Yuan’s heartbeat seemed to suddenly stop for half a shot, and quickly moved away from the line of sight and rang the doorbell.


After a while, the door was opened.

Lin Yao, who was wearing a casual suit and wearing a ponytail and pulling up her sleeves, looked very clean and neat. When she saw Lin Yuan, she immediately rushed over and gave Lin Yuan a big hug. It’s back!”

Lin Yuan took off his hat and smiled and said, "Sister."

Lin Yao licked his younger brother's head, and then let go of him, looked around and asked, doubtfully: "Right, Habi? Isn't it secretly hiding in your suitcase with you?" Wouldn't it be discovered by the school?"

Seeing her sister's worry, Lin Yuan explained: "No, Habi is quite safe. I will leave it for a classmate to take care of."

In fact, Lin Yao especially likes the head of the hip-hop, and braids its hair into various twists... Habi is really afraid of her tossing, so when Lin Yuan wants to go home, Habi is determined not to follow It was not easy to escape from the clutches of Lin Yao’s sister. This time, I can’t go back. If the owner left it at home to take care of Lin’s sister, wouldn’t it be better to die?

Habib’s attitude was very determined. Lin Yuan was forced to helplessly and had to temporarily leave it in the broken military star.

Fortunately, Bossa is the daughter of Eileen’s instructor. The family lives in the military academy. The gentle personality also likes to keep pets. Lin Yuan will give Habi to her for the time being. I plan to return to school after the holiday and then put the hair group. Give it back.

Hearing that the "dog" was not dangerous, Lin Yao also let go of his heart, did not ask more, looked up and stared at the tall boy next to his brother, wondering: "This is?" Lin Yao aimed The suitcase in the hand of the eyes, "A classmate who came with you?"

Lin Yuan and Nishizawa had not had time to answer. The direction of the kitchen came with Mrs. Lin’s gentle voice: “Is Xiaoyuan coming back? Why don’t you come in and talk? It’s so cold outside, standing at the door and being careful to catch a cold.”

Lin Yao busy said: "Right, don't say it here, come in!"

Speaking of the hands and feet, I found clean slippers for both of them.

The two men changed their shoes at the door and walked into the house together. Lin Yuan put the two people's suitcases into their bedroom. Lin Yao hurriedly poured water on the two people.

Mrs. Lin came out of the kitchen and saw the handsome boy sitting next to her son. After a moment, she asked: "Xiaoyuan, is this?"

Lin Yuan wanted to say: This is my roommate, passing the Ryan planet to see the snow.

However, when this kind of words were in the eyes of Shang Xize, he suddenly said that he could not say anything.

Not long ago, the two had just completed the complete marking of each other. Lin Yuan clearly remembered that I loved you carefully every time he embraced him. Afterwards, Nishizawa also said with care, don’t want children, take the initiative to buy I came to the contraceptive pill and helped solve all worries when I was not prepared for it, and said without hesitation: I will wait for you.

- How can such a person continue to use "friends" to define his identity?

- He came to Ryan Planet for a thousand miles, how can he let him suffer this kind of grievance?

Lin Yuan thought of this, finally no longer hesitated, scratching his head, and some embarrassed to say: "Mom, he is... He is my alpha, his name is Nishizawa."

Nishizawa: "..."


Lin Yao: "..."

My alpha, a short sentence contains infinite meaning.

Usually, only the partners who have marked each other will use the adjective "my alpha". The "my" prefix proves that the other party belongs to itself, and the best way to belong to each other between alpha and omega is to completely mark.

Lin Yuan’s heart was straightforward. He said it directly without any thought. Xize said “I am yours” at the moment of thorough labeling. When Lin Yuan introduced him, he naturally used “my”.

Unexpectedly, after saying this, the other three were suddenly surprised and silent.

Lin Yuan looks at Nishi, sees my mother, then sees my sister... What happened to you three? Is it that I said something wrong?

The author has something to say: Happy Valentine's Day Lantern Festival! ! Was dragged to go shopping and came back late~~

Don't hate Xiaoyuan, ask for encouragement and positive energy!

I don't think I have written a collapse. My thinking is a little normal. I don't want children when I am 18 years old. I don't want children. It is best to take birth control pills. Another way: when Nishizawa and Lin Yuan ox took a condom... Do you feel cruel~~~

This is just a reasonable contraception, and the child is still not pregnant...

There will be buns, but not now, the cute buns will come to this world happily when the two fathers really love each other and prepare for the baby. ^^^2k

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