MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 134 Fanwai's Tomb Rain -05

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Fanwai's Tomb Rain -05

In the spring of next year, the baby is about to be born, and the rainy rain is taken from the military to take home from the military’s strong request. The old members of the Dark Army and the Glory Legion are very much looking forward to the second child who will be born to their own generals/Marshal. Some people even sneaked a gamble, and the children who gambled in the rain will be alpha or omega, and the two legions are also very lively.

Ling Yu rested at home for half a month until March, when the expected date of delivery was approaching. Rosen did not trust him and sent him to the Central Hospital, where he lived in the top-level vip ward.

Snow and Ling Feng just went to work in the Central Hospital. Ling Yu came to the hospital. As a brother, Ling Feng often came to visit. Rosen also took delicious food all the time to the hospital to treat the rain, fish soup, chicken soup, Pork ribs soup, Rosen's cooking skills in the short-term progress, the colorful soup bowls and bowls to the rain, the Ling Yu feels that he is quickly fed to him.

However, every time he looked at Rosen’s gentle eyes and watched him hand the good soup to the front, Ling Yu could not bear to reject the man’s thoughtfulness and kindness. He could only eat all the things he brought. .

Ling Yuan also often ran to see him, looked at his father's apparently raised abdomen in awe, curiously asked: "Dad, this time will be a younger brother or a younger sister?"

Ling Yu said: "It is a younger brother."

When the child is not born, the extracorporeal ultrasound examination can be used to see the difference between men and women. Ling Feng is a doctor here. He has already checked the rain. This time it is a boy, but the alpha or omega is waiting for the child. Genetic testing can be done after birth.

Lingyuan was very excited to hear this: "My brother is good! I can take him to play when he grows up!" Then he looked forward and asked, "Is it a few births? I will take time to see him." And there is still, I want to give my brother a gift..."

To the excited eyes of his son, Ling Yu could not help but smile and said: "No accident is about March 15."

Ling Yuan nodded and silently recorded this number.

On March 15th, Xiaoyuan and Luosen and his son ran to the hospital nervously to wait for the baby to be born. As a result... Waiting for a whole day, the trunk of the rainy rain did not respond at all. Rosen asked Ling Feng doubtfully: "Is the expected date of birth not today?"

Ling Feng smiled and said: "The expected date of birth is only estimated according to the general law. It is normal in the early days and nights."

Rosen remembered the little omega that had been born prematurely for more than a month at Delu. It shouldn't be a big problem for two days at night.

Although Ling Feng explained, Rosen is still not at ease, the space of the vip ward is enough. In the evening, Rosen simply took a bed next to the rain, and how to persuade him not to go back, but he had no choice but to go back. I left this worried prospective father in the hospital.

The next day, the child still did not move...

Rosen’s march was not so nervous. Seeing that time passed, Rosen’s heart was up and down. What happened to this little son, and he refused to come out in his father’s stomach?

Until a week after the expected date of birth, on March 22nd, under the strong hope and supervision of Rosen, the little guy staying in the belly of Ling Yu was finally willing to move. In the early hours of the morning, the tomb rain suddenly felt unbearable, and Rosen accompanied him to sleep very lightly. He quickly discovered the reaction of the rain, and immediately called the doctor.

The doctor came over and checked... finally got born!

The attending physician pushed the rain to the operating room with his hands and feet. Rosen kept following until the door of the operating room. The doctor stopped him helplessly: "Marshal, please wait outside."

Rosen clung to the hand of the rain, and whispered in his ear and said, "That... I am waiting for you here."

Ling Yu had already had a white face and a layer of fine sweat on his forehead. Rosen didn’t quite understand this sentence until the forehead suddenly warmed up, and the man printed a light feathered kiss there. The ear heard his familiar voice: "...I love you."

Ling Yu heard this time, and his heart moved slightly. He opened his eyes and looked at his worried eyes. He couldn’t help but comfortably gripped his hand and said, "... Don’t worry, it’s okay.”

Ling Yu was pushed into the operating room, and Rosen looked at him intently. After the door of the operating room was closed, he turned to sit next to him and began an anxious wait.

In fact, Rosen’s fears are not necessary. Nowadays, medical technology is developed, and the probability of dying from childbirth has already dropped to less than 0.01%. In addition, there is already a small distance before the rain, and the second child will not be too big. The problem.

Xiaoyuan was born on the way to the escape of the rain. At that time, he was only his brother Ling Feng. I stayed in the hospital for half a month, and I was served by Rosen every day. Xiaoyuan often came to see him. With the lover's companionship, the environment and mood were different.

Ling Yu himself is not nervous at all, but Rosen is so nervous that he can't wait to take care of the rain in his hand...

After all, it was the first time that I saw my child's birth, and Rosen's tension was justifiable. Ling Yu felt that he was too small to do a big job, but he couldn't help but feel a warmth.

It’s quite good that two people look forward to the birth of their children together.


When Ling Yu gave birth to a child, because at 3 am, Xiaoyuan Lingfeng and others did not receive timely notification. In the corridor outside the hospital’s operation, only Rosen waited alone, anxiously watching the door lit up. light.

It’s just...the second is like the year.

Counting the time, a second and a second, the operating room door still did not move, Rosen stood up from the seat, walked back and forth in the corridor, and looked at the door of the operating room from time to time, the expression is almost enemies.

- The imperial people in the eyes of the imperial people are always so calm, so calm and undefeated God of Marshal Rosen, today can be regarded as the defeat of the little guy who has not yet been born.

I don't know how long it took, the indicator light in the operating room finally went out. As the door opened, there was a deafening loud crying in the ear. The doctor smiled and said: "Marshal, congratulations, father and son are safe! The result of the genetic monitoring is an alpha. ""

The nurse next to him is holding a newborn baby... No, it should be said to be a big baby.

This child is too fat!

Fat toot's hand, round legs, plus a big head... a whole ball of meat!

Rosen's complex face went up intricately, and the chubby little fat man was taken into his arms. The child's crying was very loud. Rosen had no experience of licking the child, and he was at a loss.

The fat boy naturally does not listen, and continues to cry and scream.

Fortunately, the thoughtful nurse smiled and said: "Marshal, hold him like this..." The little nurse personally demonstrated how to hold the child, Rosen's face adjusted stiffly, holding his son in his arms, whispering Said: "Don't cry, I will take you to see Dad."

Rosen said thank you to the doctor and nurse, then turned and went to the ward.


After the rain, he was pushed to the original vip ward. He was resting there at the moment. His face looked weak and pale after losing his physical strength. Fortunately, his expression was very dull and he should not be hurt too seriously.

Rosen was slightly relieved. He came to the bed of the rainy rain with a little fat man. He smiled and leaned over to kiss him. Then he handed his son into his arms and said softly, "Look at our son. Is an alpha."

Ling Yu took the child and hugged it in his arms. The child was hugged by his father. He finally stopped crying and looked at him curiously with a pair of black and clear eyes. The rain was on the same black eyes as himself. I couldn't help but feel soft in my heart... I reached out and touched my baby's face, like a sensory one. The younger son also grabbed a chubby hand and grabbed Dad's finger.

Ling Yu smiled and pinched the child's fleshy face, "Hey."

The little fat man smiled happily.

Rosen looked at the scene and couldn’t help but get better. He sat down on the bed and gently put the rain into his arms and whispered, "Work hard, take a rest, son, I will take care of you."

Ling Yu didn't want to rest. Obviously, he wanted to tease his son more.

The body of the fat toot is soft and soft, and the hand feels very good. Ling Yu could not help but say: "How is he so fat..."

Rosen touched his nose and coughed softly.

This...this is naturally the credit of his father!

During the rainy period of Lingyun, Rosen gave him a variety of foods every day. He also cooked the soup for him many times. He didn't expect... He even fed the child into a little fat man!

Looking at the chubby little son in the tomb of the tomb, Rosen’s heart was very satisfying.

Boy, fat, it doesn't matter, and the child is still young, growing up... coughing, the body will definitely get better when he grows up, there are two very good fathers, he can't grow up and grow into one. Only big fat, right?

When I was a child, I was a little fat and pretty.

Rosen comforted himself and saw that the little fat man became more pleasing to the eye.

The little fat man looked very cute, but he could hold it in his arms... but it was very tiring.

Ling Yu just gave birth to a child. There was not much physical strength. After holding it for a while, he was sour. Rosen quickly took his son from his hand and said softly: "You sleep for a while, rest assured, I am here to accompany you. ”

Ling Yu nodded and was comfortably laid down by Rosen.

Just covered with a quilt ready to sleep, Ling Yu suddenly said: "Right, the child's name..."

The two people who were too happy because of the birth of their son actually forgot to give their children a name.

This child, Rosen gave the name of the name to the rain. Before I learned that this was a boy, Ling Yu also secretly pondered a few names, but it was not sure. At this moment, looking at the little fat man in his arms, Ling Yu thought about it and said, "How about calling Ling'an? Take peace and stability." Ling Yu smiled and shook his son's soft hand. "I hope he can grow up peacefully in the future."

Rosen stunned, and the word An is lacking in the rain.

Ling Yu lost his parents in his childhood. He grew up in a desolate dungeon in his childhood and childhood. After he went to the military school to study, he suffered from twists and turns in his military career. Later, he was expelled from the military because of the inhibitors. He died and died. for many years……

From small to large, he can say that he has never been settled, and there has not been much stability.

Now the name of the second child is called Ling'an, which is also a sign of his thoughts. I hope that this child can grow up safely and steadily.

Rosen held his son in one hand, but the other hand grasped the hand of Ling Yu and whispered, "Okay, let him be Ling An. You can rest assured that we are by his side, he will be safe." Growing up." Rosen leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Sleep, my son has my care."

Ling Yu nodded and closed his eyes under the gentle eyes of the man.

The rain quickly fell asleep, and Rosen slept Xiaolingan and placed it in the crib next to him.

Looking at the appearance of two big fathers and two fathers, Rosen couldn't help but smile.

The stone at the bottom of my heart finally landed, and the younger son was born safely. Later, together with the rain, he will raise this chubby little guy to raise the adult little by little... But who will be more like this little fat man will grow up? ?

As an alpha, should it be more like a father's right?

The author has something to say:

Ling Yu’s little fat man came out 23333 and far more than an alpha brother.

Who will be like Ling An when he grows up?

Like a brother - an optimistic small attack; like a father - a cold and arrogant attack; like a father - a calm little attack;

Anyway, it can't be a fat, a child, a attack! 2k novel reading network

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