MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 133 Fanwai's Tomb Rain -03

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Fanwai's Tomb Rain -03

The 799 calendar is undoubtedly a historic turning point for the Lacey Empire. The largest civil war broke out in the history of the Empire. Marshal Rosen led the Allies to settle the rebellion, and then elected a new Congressional member nationwide, regardless of For the soldiers, the royal family or the ordinary people, this is undoubtedly a busy year and a year worth remembering.

In this year, the omegas finally got the long-awaited freedom. The betas were able to turn over and have the right to equality with the alphabet. The whole empire was full of vigor and vitality, and people's faces were beaming, as if they had ushered in the first rain after the drought.

For Ling Yu and Rosen, this year is also the most memorable year of their lives.

Because the two people who have experienced the twists and turns have finally reunited together, exchanged their minds, and made a decision to work together for a lifetime.

It was a very ordinary weekend. At 7 o'clock in the morning, many people were still sleeping in the bed and enjoying a rare time to relax. Rosen, who was the imperial marshal, got up early in the kitchen and made breakfast for his lover and son. .

Lin Yuan stumbled and smelled a scent, couldn't help but blink his eyes and sat up from the bed, looking for the taste to go over - I saw that my father had already prepared breakfast in the restaurant, the fried poached egg was golden in color and baked. The bread is pleasantly aroma, the milk is obviously just hot, and the cup is still hot.

Lin Yuan endured the slobber and wondered: "How did the father get up so early today? Also cook in person?"

Rosen smiled a little. "The military has a rare holiday. I haven't cooked for a long time. I just made some food for you. You should go to the face first, I will call your father to get up."

"Oh..." Lin Yuanqi went to the bathroom to wash his face.

Rosen turned and walked upstairs to the bedroom, and the tomb was still asleep when the door was opened. The expression on the face of the man who fell asleep on the side looked very relaxed, the quilt was covered to the chest, and the loose pajamas exposed a delicate collarbone.

Rosen walked over to the bed and reached out and touched his black hair gently, his eyes could not help but be gentle.

Recently, there have been too many things in the military. Although he and the Lingyu are both military generals, they are busy with each other. They can’t see one side for several days, and the rain is not the kind of omega that depends on people. Independence of the Ling Yu every time when calling Rosen is always a business-oriented attitude, a marshal, a few words to finish and simply cut off the call.

In the eyes of outsiders, there is absolutely no trace of embarrassment between the two...

Luo Sen’s men learned several insiders. Every time they saw their own marshal and the general manager of the rain, the cold and faint expression of General Ling Yu, everyone could not help but smack a tear for sympathy for their marshal.

Spread the only one omega general in the history of the empire, Marshal, you are really... take care.

Although they lived together for more than a month, they were as pure as they were when they were friends in college. Even when they were sleeping, they all slept on one side, and one person covered a quilt and did not interfere with each other.

The bed is too big and it is depressing...

Because the military affairs are complicated, the night army has to be reorganized. The rain is busy every day, and the pregnant person is easily tired. His head will soon sleep with a pillow... Rosen can only control himself. Forcing patience - hope.

Fortunately, everything came to an end yesterday. Today is a rare holiday. After the shower in the rainy night last night, Rosen finally couldn’t hold back and pulled him into his arms and kissed him.


Suddenly kissed by a surprise, plus Rosen turned over and pressed him on the bed - the rain in front of the eyes was dizzy, the baby in the stomach was also very dissatisfied to start to scream...

Kissing for a while, seeing the rainy face pale, Rosen was busy letting him go, nervously asked: "What?"

Ling Yu took a deep breath and put his hand on the lower abdomen. He frowned at the uncomfortable position. Rosen was frightened. He thought that something had happened to the little guy in his stomach, and he quickly put his hand on his slightly raised abdomen. "It's okay? Do you want to call a doctor?"

Ling Yu: "..."

After a moment of silence, Ling Yu said: "Nothing... He just kicked me."

It seems that I have proved that my father’s words are not fake. The little guy kicked another foot and played very hard. Rosen noticed the child's reaction, and quickly put his hand on the abdomen of the rain and gently appease. The baby who was comforted by his father finally calmed down, and the face of the rain rain eased a lot.

At least, Rosen’s strong desire to hold his desire has been completely ruined.

Looking at the favorite person lying next to me, of course, it is impossible to be content with pure shoulders to sleep, Rosen actually wants to hug him, wants to possess him, wants to listen to his breathless sound, wants to see his face flushed **** - Feeling expression...

The only three-day experience of the q-phase in memory, now recalled, is even more irritating.

However, Ling Yu is now pregnant, Rosen even wants to hug him, but also to take care of the little guy...

Reluctantly sighed in the bottom of his heart, Rosen kissed his forehead gently, "sleep."

I turned around and went to the bathroom to solve the problem.

Ling Yu looked thoughtfully at Rosen's back, and closed his eyes after a while.


Even if I am pregnant, Ling Yu’s work habits are the same as before, and I always wake up before 8 am every morning. Rosen sat on the bed for a long time, Ling Yu really opened his eyes, Rosen leaned over and kissed his lips, whispered: "Today's holiday, you can sleep a little longer."

Ling Yu shook his head, "No need."

Rosen said: "Go wash your face, I am ready for breakfast."

Ling Yu nodded, got up and went to the bathroom to quickly wash, and went downstairs with Rosen.

When I came to the restaurant, Lin Yuan had already sat there, because the two fathers had not come down yet. He was embarrassed to eat first, and only silently drooling at the breakfast in front of him.

Rosen helped the tomb to sit down at the table and smiled and distributed the food to the two. "Come, eat."

So, the father and son began to bury their heads to eat, the rainy face was cold, and Xiaoyuan’s face was full of smiles, one big and one small face to face for breakfast, both of them had a pair of black and clear eyes... This picture is seen in Rosen The eyes are especially warm.

It’s a very happy thing for Rosen to cook breakfast for the two most important people in my life. In the face of these two men, the imperial marshal of the upper class on weekdays is just an ordinary... lover and father.

After the rain, the appetite became very big. Lin Yuan was always a big stomach king. The fried egg and bread were only enough for the father and son to break their teeth. Fortunately, Rosen had already prepared, in addition to doing two Pan pastries and a pot of polenta, all of which were eaten up, Lin Yuan was satisfied with a fullness, and the rainy face calmly put down the chopsticks.

Rosen looked at his son: "It’s a rare weekend, do you want to go there, I will take you there?"

Lin Yuan said with a smile: "No, I have a good dinner with Snow!"

Rosen nodded. "Well, then go out yourself, contact me if you have something."

Lin Yuanxing changed his clothes and went out.

The little monster was very cleverly guessing that his father wanted to be alone with Dad, so he pushed the boat and said that he was going to eat with Snow. Of course, it was the truth that Snow's name was changed to Nishizawa.

I changed clothes and slid out the door and met at the agreed place. The little monster went to the little prince who smiled at him and scratched his head and said, "I told my father that I went to eat with Snow. Don't say anything!"

Nishizawa smiled and said: "Understand."

After the son went out, Rosen walked over and gently circled the shoulder of the rain, and whispered, "You change clothes, let us go out later."

Ling Yu doubts: "Where to go?"

Rosen said: "Marriage Registry."

Ling Yu: "..."

Rosen said: "You promised me before, can't you remember?"

Ling Yu: "..."

Rosen smiled: "I have been too busy to take time out recently. Today we are all on holiday, why not register?"

Ling Yu was silent for a moment, nodded helplessly: "Good."


The staff of the Marriage Registry ushered in a pair of unexpected newcomers just after opening the door early in the morning.

It’s too eye-catching, Rosen’s trip to the home is a home-suspended car, and both of them are casual clothes...

Who is Rosen? The empire idol that appeared on TV all day is the unbeaten **** of war in the minds of countless imperial people!

This time, the war was settled, and he also set up the Allied Army as the chief commander. The people of the capital star were already familiar with the appearance of the marshal. Rosen was wearing casual clothes and was recognized by the staff at a glance.

However, this person around the marshal... looks very raw?

It was a very handsome man, a pair of eyes bright as a star, the expression on his face was cold and cold, standing quietly beside the marshal's side, the man's body seemed to have a unique temperament, standing in the gas field powerful Rosen didn't seem to be inferior.

The picture of the two people standing together looks very harmonious, as if they are worthy of each other.

Ling Yu rarely appeared in front of the public, but also hated the touting of the media. Although this time made a great contribution, most people did not know what the legendary omega commander looked like...

The army chief of the Dark Legion, Yu Yu, is a mysterious legend for the people.

At this moment, see Rosen appearing at the entrance of the registration office with a strange man. The staff were suddenly shocked. How could the marshal who has been single for so many years suddenly appear in the marriage registration office? Is this just passing by? Passing by, right?

However, Rosen took a casual look at the man's hand and smiled and walked in.

...not passing by!

Rosen politely said to the beta girl at the registration office: "Hello, let's register for marriage and trouble you for the procedure."

Everyone: "..."

After the beta of the registry had been lingering for a long time, I suddenly returned to my heart and stuttered: "Good, good, marshal, please give me the two ID cards..."

Rosen turned back and reached out to the rain of the Tomb. The rain saw him and silently took out the card and handed it to him.

Rosen smiled and held the two cards together and placed them in the crystal card sensing area in front of them.

The identity card of all the people of the empire is bound with the fingerprint when they are born, and can also be used as a bank card. The system of multi-card integration is very convenient. When the crystal card is placed in the sensing area, the photo-brain screen appears in front of the registration personnel. Details of two people, including date of birth, place of birth, family members, blood type, etc...

What the registrar has to do is to compare the information of the Imperial Demographic Center and verify the authenticity of the identity data.

Originally, the process was very simple, and it was done in a minute, and at the moment... the registrant was shocked.

Ling, Ling Yu...

This person is the tomb? !

The person who wants to marry the marshal is actually... the general of the tomb? !

The Dark Army has long been rehabilitated by the military. The tomb that was expelled from the military in the same year naturally restored the rank of major general and continued to serve as the head of the Dark Army. This legendary general of omega became a hot topic after the imperial people's meal, but unfortunately many things in the past were the secrets of the military that could not be fully disclosed, the mysterious atmosphere of half-covering and the unique identity of omega and the bumpy experience of many years. The popularity of Lingyu quickly soared in a short period of time, and even topped the list of the Empire Internet Search List for several times...

No one thought, this legendary omega young general, actually a pair of lovers with Marshal Rosen? !

The people in the registry suppressed the shocked emotions. Under Rosen’s gaze, they rushed to start the registration process.

The little girl’s voice began to tremble: “Yuan, Marshal, General, please... There will be a doctor who will pre-marital medical checkup...”

Rosen nodded and turned to the medical examination office with the rain.

The doctors there had already received internal news, and they were curious and excited. Rosen walked to the door with the rain, just entering the door, but was stopped by the doctor: "Marshal, please come here..."

Rosen frowned. "Isn't it possible for me to accompany him?"

The doctor said something awkward: "Pre-marital medical examination is in accordance with the rules, two people are to do it separately..."

Ling Yu looked back at Rosen, faintly said: "Nothing. Physical examination, I can cope with it."

Rosen’s firm look at Shangling Yu, then let go of his heart, leaned over and gently kissed his forehead and whispered, “Okay. I’m next door, something to remember to call me.”

Ling Yu nodded and walked into the room with the doctor.

The room for pre-marital check-ups is very cozy and comfortable, with a doctor in charge of the medical examination and an assistant robot. Pre-marital medical examinations are not complicated. In addition to routine vital signs and serum tests, some genetic diseases and sexual-paths are excluded.

Ling Yu reached out and let the doctor take a tube of blood, then took off his loose coat and lay down to wait for the doctor to check his body.

After taking off the jacket, the raised abdomen looks very obvious. The doctor asked in surprise: "Are you pregnant?"

Ling Yu said calmly: "Well, five months."


When the general’s omega is really awkward, this calm attitude is simply convincing...

Fortunately, doctors have seen many pregnancy betas to register, experienced, and soon calm down, the language and the temperature asked: "Do you want to check the baby's situation?"

Ling Yu thought about it and nodded and said, "Okay."

Doctors took the ultrasound system to the Lingyu for detailed examination. Soon, the situation appeared in the projection screen next to it. Ling Yu looked sideways and saw a small baby lying there. As the angle of the probe changes, his body contour can be seen faintly.

Even if I am used to indifference, I still can't help but feel soft when I see my child.

Ling Yu smiled slightly and looked at the little baby on the screen seriously.

The doctor quickly finished the examination and smiled: "The child is developing very well. Is the expected date of birth in March next year? He will be a very healthy baby."

Ling Yu smiled and said: "I hope so."

When the doctor took the ultrasound system, Ling Yu got up from the bed and put on his jacket and asked: "Is there still a project to check?"

The doctor said: "No, the general waited a moment, and then rested aside for a while, and soon the results will be produced."

Ling Yu nodded and went to the side of the sofa to sit down. The doctor and the assistant robot began to analyze the inspection data. Ling Yu was silent for a moment and suddenly whispered: "Right, doctor, I want to ask you a question... ”

The doctor smiled and said: "General, please."

Ling Yu paused and said calmly: "If you do - love during pregnancy, will it affect your child?"


When the general's omega is really too big, as an omega, he actively asked this question...

The doctor coughed and said with a smile: "No, you have no problem if you need it, but be careful not to crush the child. Generally, after the child is stable for four months, the husband and wife can have normal sex. Living..."

Ling Yu thought thoughtfully, and nodded and said, "Thank you."


The medical report came out very quickly, followed by a psychological assessment, and it was half an hour after Rosen returned to the hall.

Seeing the rainy face sitting calmly, Rosen was busy and nervously walked over, grabbing his shoulder and whispering, "Is there any discomfort?"

Ling Yu shook his head. "Don't worry, my body has been very good."

Rosen was relieved. Although he knew that his own omega was a general who didn't need someone to take care of him, Rosen couldn't help but worry that he would touch it, even if the rain hurts a finger, Rosen is distressed. It’s terrible.

Is this probably the nature of alpha? I have a strong desire to protect my omega, even if that omega does not need protection at all, I can't help but want to take him around.

The marriage procedure was finally completed. The girl at the reception gave me a wedding certificate with a smile. "Marshal, General, this is the marriage certificate of the two, please accept it! Congratulations!"

Rosen smiled and took the marriage certificate from her hand. "Thank you."

The two turned and left, and the marriage registry suddenly exploded.

"Scorpio! Marshal's lover is actually the omega general!"

"So, the marshal has not been married for years, is he waiting for the general tomb?"

"Two people seem to have a good relationship..."

"And the generals of the rain are actually pregnant..."

Unfortunately, such a sensational news, they can not share with family and friends. There is a strict confidentiality system. No matter who is registered, they can't reveal a sentence... It is really painful and happy to know everyone in the registry of this truth!


After the smooth registration, Rosen accompanied the rain to the place where the capital star scenery was very good. He took a walk and relaxed. The two had a meal in the restaurant outside, just like a regular couple in a date, they spent a relaxing time. The day.

When he returned home at night, Rosen immediately placed the marriage certificate of the two men on the table in the bedroom. The calm and calm man gently put the rain into his arms, his face was full of smiles, and his joy was full of words.

Ling Yu was on his gaze, thinking of the doctor's words, the bottom of his heart moved slightly, took the initiative to kiss and kissed Rosen's lips.

Rosen naturally kissed back unceremoniously.

The two held together intimately-kiss, all men who were bloody, and soon the body responded. Rosen took the rain to the bed, and wanted to take off his clothes, halfway off, his fingers hit the raised belly, suddenly hesitated, and then patiently let go of the rain.

I didn’t expect Ling Yu to take the initiative to surround Rosen’s neck and put his lips up and whispered, “Hold me.”

Rosen: "..."

Ling Yu buried his face on his chest, and his tone was still calm: "The doctor said yes... or do you want to continue to endure?"

The author has something to say: Busy... I finished writing in the early morning, my work is tragedy tat

The rain of the Fanwai -04 you know, first make up your own brain, can not be issued during the crackdown, can only put a physical book!

The traditional version of the physical book is already pre-ordered. The address can be found in the copy. The Taiwanese reader can also purchase it directly from the official website of Longma Publishing House.

Simplified version pre-order at the end of May, about 60 cheaper than the traditional (recommended mainland readers to receive simplified, traditional typesetting you may not get used to)

If you don’t want to buy a book, go back to this chapter after you’ve played it in November! I will find a way to make up! The same is true for the Snona chapter and the Bergna chapter!

There is something that can't be updated today (Friday), everyone will come to see you at 6 pm on Saturday:) 2k novel reading network

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