Transcendence Due To A System Error-Chapter 135: Progress

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< Chapter 135: Progress (2) >

Coming out of the practice room, Choi Ji-hoon and I were staring at each other, maintaining a reasonable distance.

โ€œDid you come up with a good strategy?โ€

I asked with a sly smile.

โ€œWell, I wonder if we even need a strategy.โ€

Choi Ji-hoon also responded, lifting just one corner of his mouth. Oh, the confidence.

โ€œWhat will you do if you lose, feeling embarrassed like that?โ€

โ€œThat wonโ€™t happen.โ€

I sneakily glanced at the audience seats.

Kim Chul-jin was wearing the most vicious smile in the world.

Judging by that expression, it seemed certain that Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s โ€˜Magic Armorโ€™ had really evolved.

โ€ฆ Itโ€™s going to be interesting.

โ€œThen, without further ado, shall we start?โ€


We each stepped back three steps.

โ€œJia, please do the countdown.โ€

Jia as the referee, nodded slightly,


The countdown began. I gently grasped the training dagger, not forgetting to keep the magic active and on standby.


Magic surged from Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s body. Although I had seen the flow of magic from the Magic Armor intermittently, today something was definitely different.


The magic armor began to cover Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s body.

From the helmet to the armor, the gauntlets, and the boots.

In less than a second, all the armaments were complete. Clearly, this alone showed tremendous growth.


However, the surprising thing was not the speed of equipping.

It was the fact that Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s Magic Armor began to turn red.


An evolved version of the magic armor with superior characteristics.

[Asura Magic Armor]

I never imagined I would see that form now.


Itโ€™s not the time to be admiring.

I immediately took a stance.

And heightened my tension, activated the โ€˜Elfโ€™s Eyeโ€™, and focused on the โ€˜Windโ€™s Pathโ€™.

I decided to save the Dragonโ€™s Eye for later.

Before experimenting with the Dragonโ€™s Eye, I want to feel the power of that โ€˜Asura Magic Armorโ€™ with my own body.

Also, to see how far I can go without relying on โ€˜item luckโ€™.


Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s afterimage came flying like an arrow. Much faster than I expected.

I swung my dagger following the trajectory pointed out by the Windโ€™s Path.


Hearing the sound of metal clashing as I twisted my body, I noticed that my dagger had guided Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s long sword to the ground.

If this were the Choi Ji-hoon from two months ago, it would have been over here.


As if anticipating my feint, Choi Ji-hoon used his long sword as a pivot to launch a kick.


I avoided it by bending my upper body. I dodged the following flurry of fists and sword attacks with minimal movement.

At the same time, I thrust my dagger into his side. The dagger, infused with a powerful force, hit Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s side accurately.



But my dagger couldnโ€™t penetrate Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s Magic Armor.

The shock transmitted to my arm felt numb. Despite the careful application of force, it only left a small scratch.

โ€œItโ€™s futile.โ€

The best chance to attack is the best chance to counter, as itโ€™s said.

As if waiting for this timing, a red light burst out from Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s Magic Armor.


That is the effect signaling the activation of the โ€˜Asuraโ€™ mode of the Asura Magic Armor. In this state, all โ€˜physical ability statsโ€™ increase by one rank.


I twisted my body quickly.


The piercing sound of the sword cutting through the air echoed clearly.

I tried somehow to escape, but it wasnโ€™t easy.

Choi Ji-hoon seemed unwilling to let me go while I was off-balance.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A merciless continuous attack leveraging the enhanced physical abilities and strong defense.

Clang! Swish!

My situation was gradually getting worse under the onslaught.

This is much harder than I thought!

During the last team battle, I suppressed Choi Ji-hoon with my abilities, leveraging the advantage buff.

But now, the situation is the complete opposite.

My balance is crumbling bit by bit.

If this continues, I will lose!

I canโ€™t let that happen!

I seized an opportunity and circulated my mana.

Whirl whirl whirl!

The fire arrow created above Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s head targeted Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s blind spot as it fell.

Choi Ji-hoon, who was fully focused on the attack, did not notice the fire arrow.



Fierce flames erupted around Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s body.

Considering the defense of the Asura Magic Armor, this wouldnโ€™t be the end.

First, I need to take advantage of this timing to create some distance and regain my stance.

That was what I was thinking when I tried to leap backward.

Whirl whirl whirl!

Through the flames, a red gauntlet shot out,


and grabbed my right arm accurately.

โ€œI told you itโ€™s useless.โ€

From the center of the flames, Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s eyes shone even redder.

โ€œNow you canโ€™t run away.โ€

He pulled the hand that was grabbing me, drawing me in while thrusting his sword.

Is there a way to avoid this?

No. As long as Choi Ji-hoon has hold of my arm, itโ€™s practically over.

Looking at the longsword approaching through the flames, I thought.

I thought I could do a bit more, but it seems this is my limit without the aid of items.

Thereโ€™s no helping it.


The corner of my mouth turned up in a crescent moon shape.


A golden glow erupted from my eyes. It was the opening of the Dragonโ€™s Eye.



Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s longsword stopped just 3cm in front of my body.

โ€œโ€ฆ Ice magic?โ€

Starting from the ground, the ice had frozen and immobilized Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s right hand and his longsword.

โ€œWhy are you surprised? Havenโ€™t you seen the news? Do you know what my trait is?โ€

โ€œA trait that allows the use of all elementsโ€ฆโ€

โ€œThatโ€™s right.โ€

The characteristic of the Dragon tribe.

Dragon Eye.

For me, who possesses the eye that can see the essence of mana, freely using elemental magic was a very simple task.

โ€œโ€ฆ Hmph. So what? Hah!โ€


At the same time as Choi Ji-hoon exerted his fighting spirit, the mana dispersed and the ice shattered.


Dodging the longsword that swung around as the ice released, I leaped backward.

โ€œWow. Is it because you have fought a lot with Si-yeon? You are quite adept at breaking free from the frozen state.โ€

โ€œHeh. Compared to Si-yeonโ€™s ice magic, it was nothing.โ€

Choi Ji-hoon growled as he regained his stance.

โ€œHmm. I admit. Honestly, itโ€™s nothing compared to Si-yeon.โ€

I admitted it honestly. From afar, I could see Si-yeon snickering.


Seizing the moment when I was distracted, Choi Ji-hoon swooped in like a shot arrow.

โ€œWhere do you thinkโ€ฆโ€

My mana seeped into the ground.


At the same time, a wall of earth sprouted up along Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s charge path.


โ€œEven Earth attribute!โ€

With the sound of the collision, dust scattered.

I quickly stepped back three steps.


Simultaneously, Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s sword sliced through where I had been just moments before.

Even having lost his sight in the dust, he remembered where I originally stood and attacked that spot.

โ€œAha~ you really have improved a lot.โ€

The fundamentals were different.

It felt almost like dealing with a different person.


The aftermath brought by the horizontal slash blew away the dust, momentarily opening the line of sight between me and Choi Ji-hoon.

Choi Ji-hoon hurled his body straight at me, but it was futile.

โ€œโ€ฆWhat is this?โ€

The earth wrapped around Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s entire body like a snake, hindering his movements.

The earth attribute magic that was cast along with the wall of earth, โ€˜Earthโ€™s Restraint,โ€™ had delayed activation and was now restraining Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s body.

โ€œThat one might be a bit hard to get out of. The characteristic of earth attribute is โ€˜mana flow reduction.'โ€

โ€œโ€ฆThis trifling thing!โ€

Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s muscles bulged.

It seemed he was thinking of breaking free through sheer force. Not a chance.

Once again, a golden glow shone from my eyes.


A frost magic overlayed on the restrained body of Choi Ji-hoon.


Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s body completely stiffened.

Although it seemed his body was perfectly protected due to the magic armor, he would be unable to move even a single finger.

Suppressing the flow of magic with earth attribute restraint magic, and suppressing bodily movement with frost magic. There would be few cadets who could break free from this.

โ€œI won, didnโ€™t I?โ€


Choi Ji-hoon gave no answer.

He seemed to be trying to somehow break free from the restraint, but it was useless.

โ€œYou canโ€™t break that.โ€


Even then, he doesnโ€™t give up.


However, he soon seemed to come to terms with it, clicking his tongue.

โ€œI won, right?โ€

I grinned, bringing my face close to Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s.

Looking at my smile, Choi Ji-hoon also smiled.

โ€œโ€ฆHeh. I havenโ€™t lost yet.โ€


โ€œUnless you pierce my โ€˜Asura Magic Armor,โ€™ my defeat is not acknowledged.โ€

โ€œOh~ Is that so?โ€

Once again, I applied a strong energy to the dagger. This time it was energy possessing the property of mana combustion coated with โ€˜Elemental Flamesโ€™.


I thrust the dagger, enveloped in translucent flames, towards Choi Ji-hoon.


However, my dagger could not fully penetrate Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s Asura Magic Armor. It had only pierced about halfway through.


It happened because the amount of mana in Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s Asura Magic Armor overwhelmingly exceeded the amount of mana in my strong energy.

โ€œItโ€™s useless. My Asura Magic Armor is invincible.โ€

โ€œI see. It really is disgustingly hard.โ€

It was enough to make me stick out my tongue.

โ€œHeh. It canโ€™t be helped, itโ€™s unfortunate.โ€

With that, Choi Ji-hoon casually spoke while looking at me.

โ€œIt seems we have no choice but to end this in a draw since we canโ€™t deliver decisive blows to each other.โ€

Wow, look at how petty he is.

โ€œDo you dislike calling me โ€˜hyungโ€™ that much?โ€


Choi Ji-hoon remained silent.

And it was said that silence often means affirmation.

โ€œI am determined to hear you call me โ€˜hyung.'โ€

It seems I have to win even if itโ€™s just out of stubbornness.

Once again, I ignited a strong energy using the โ€˜Elemental Flames.โ€™

โ€œI told you itโ€™s useless. With your amount of mana, my Asura Magic Armorโ€ฆโ€

โ€œJust shut up and watch.โ€

I stabbed down with my dagger again.


Of course, the outcome did not change.

My dagger only penetrated halfway through Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s Asura Magic Armor.

โ€œDo you lack the ability to learn? I said you canโ€™t pierce itโ€ฆโ€

โ€œItโ€™s not over yet.โ€

But this is where the real deal starts.

I twisted the corners of my mouth upwards.

โ€œHave you heard of counter-spelling?โ€

โ€œAre you talking about the โ€˜witchโ€™sโ€™ trait that prevents the activation of magic?โ€

Itโ€™s a characteristic that can be seen as the identity of the witch, ranked 4th among the S-rank superhumans.

โ€œThatโ€™s right. Itโ€™s a fraudulent trait that prevents the activation of magic by understanding the magic activation formula, calculating it, and casting it in reverse.โ€

โ€œโ€ฆ And what about it?โ€

Choi Ji-hoon looked at me with puzzled eyes. I smirked.

โ€œWatch carefully. I will show you something interesting from now on.โ€

Due to the combustion process of magical power, the pattern of magical power of the Asura armor scattered in the air.

The structure of Asuraโ€™s magical power is visible through the gap where the dagger is stuck.

And Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s magical traits that have become familiar through over 30 bouts.

Based on the magic information read through the Dragonโ€™s Eye, I completely analyzed the structure of the Asura armor.

โ€œโ€ฆ8,849 patterns of magical power. Thatโ€™s a lot.โ€

It was a success.

โ€œWhat are you talking about?โ€

I quietly raised my hand to Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s helmet.

At the same time, I moved the magical power.

I start to reverse the 8,849 patterns of magical power, breaking them down from the end.

It seemed to take longer than expected, but fortunately, Choi Ji-hoon couldnโ€™t move. There was plenty of time.

โ€œYou, donโ€™t tell meโ€ฆโ€

Did he realize what I was trying to do?

Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s voice trembled slightly.

โ€œConsider it a good experience.โ€

I kept moving the magical power.

โ€œWhere else would you get to experience counter-spelling?โ€

The next moment.


Choi Ji-hoonโ€™s Asura armor shattered into pieces and dispersed like smoke.

I put my dagger to the neck of Choi Ji-hoon, who was now bare-skinned.

โ€œSo, I won, right?โ€


โ€œNow you have to call me โ€˜hyungโ€™, right?โ€


โ€œGo on, call me โ€˜hyungโ€™, little brother.โ€

Choi Ji-hoon scowled with a face that seemed to have bitten into something bitter.


โ€œSay hyung, say it.โ€


โ€œHyeโ€ฆ Iโ€™d rather cut off my tongue!โ€

Oh, but really, how petty.

* * *

That night.

Returning home, I was giggling with admiration for the omnipotent effect of the Dragonโ€™s Eye.

โ€œKeuu~ I never imagined I could even cancel out the magic armor.โ€

It took a considerable amount of time, but that was no big deal.

On top of that, the ability to freely use all attribute magic spells.

Truly the Dragonโ€™s Eye.

There is no fraud like this one.

โ€œDo all dragon tribes have this eye as a passive trait?โ€

With eyes like these, plus the โ€˜Dragon language,โ€™ near-infinite magical power, and strong physical abilities.

It was bound to be strong.

โ€œAh, itโ€™s already this late.โ€ freewebn(o)vel

Looking at the time, it had already passed midnight. I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth.


On the way to the bathroom, I noticed Renaโ€™s room.

I stealthily opened the door to check inside.

Centered around Rena, Goldie, and White Tiger were huddled together, sleeping.

I quietly opened the camera app. Oh my, this needs to be captured.


Thus, one more photo was added to my healing collection today.

It was when I was leaving the room with a satisfied smile.

โ€œWha! Shit! You surprised me!โ€

I screamed out in surprise, noticing something black in front of the room.

Upon closer inspection, it was a person.

What, what is it? An enemy? Is it an attack?

I hurriedly grabbed a weapon nearby.

โ€œGood evening.โ€


It was a familiar voice.



The black mass, Hermit, lifted his head.

His two eyes were sparkling.

It felt like I could sense something like admiration or reverence.

No, more importantly.

โ€œโ€ฆIs it okay for you to be here?โ€

Arenโ€™t you going to get caught by Unknown?

โ€œYou donโ€™t need to hide anything. I know everything.โ€


โ€œSurely you didnโ€™t calculate everything from the beginning and used the great spiritโ€™s oath, did youโ€ฆโ€

Hermit bowed his head deeply with a moved expression.

โ€œI am impressed.โ€

Looking at such Hermit, I thought to myself.

< Chapter 135: Progress (2) > End

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