The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings-Chapter 357 - 294: Breaking Limits, Shattering the Void (Please Subscribe)

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Chapter 357: Chapter 294: Breaking Limits, Shattering the Void (Please Subscribe)

Translator: 549690339

[At sixteen: You accepted the prince’s invitation, left Yunzhong County, and headed to the Capital.]

In the end, Pei Xuanjing agreed to Mr. Pei Laozhu’s request, left Yunzhong County, and headed towards the Capital.

After all, the Heaven and Earth in Yunzhong was too limited for him, no longer suitable for his stays.

The main reason he projected himself into this world with the help of a simulator was to explore the path of cultivation, treading one step at a time on his own cultivation journey.

This world was somewhat stronger than the original Daming World, and the ultimate power it could hold was the Heavenly Rank.

In other words, reaching the Heavenly Rank already meant standing at the peak of this world. If one could take one step further, they would step into the legendary Realm of Heavenly People.

According to the records in this world, the so-called Realm of Heavenly People could break the lifespan limit, shatter the void, and ascend as a heavenly person.

“Breaking the lifespan limit, then shattering the void, and ascending as a heavenly person.”

Pei Xuanjing murmured to himself.

However, he didn’t know whether this so-called ascension meant entering a broader great world?

He recalled when he had entered this world and unintentionally caught a glimpse of the infinite worlds, which looked like grains of sand, through the simulator portal.

“Perhaps, only by meeting those few who are called half-step into the Realm of Heavenly People, can I understand.” Pei Xuanjing thought to himself.

Originally, the Heavenly Rank warrior was just a vague boundary. Due to the disparity in strength of those at the Heavenly Rank, some minor divisions were created.

According to these divisions, the Taoist of Li Tiange whom he had killed should be at the early stages of the Heavenly Rank. While He Lian Qngti?n was also at

the early stages of the Heavenly Rank, if he were supported by military formation, he should be considered as a strong person in the Heavenly Rank.

And the peak warriors within the Heavenly Rank should be like the Grandmaster of Da Li and the superintendent of the Imperial Astronomical Observatory, who had half a foot into the Realm of Heavenly People.

If it were merely divided by realms, then Pei Xuanjing should be placed in the early stages of the Heavenly Rank.

However, the cultivators of this world walk on the singular path of Refining Qi, while Pei Xuanjing cultivates the three paths of Essence, Qi, and Spirit, making him much stronger than them.

Although he doesn’t know how he compares with those peak warriors who have half a foot into the Realm of Heavenly People, someone like He Lian

Qngti?n, a strong person within the Heavenly Rank, is not a match for Pei Xuanjing at all.

Pei Xuanjing sat inside the carriage, the refined Primordial Qi circulating inside his body, continuously refining his physical body.

In Heavenly Rank cultivation, besides sensing and understanding the principles of Heaven and Earth, you constantly refine the Primordial Qi within your body, cycling back and forth, hoping to reach a state of infinite circulation. Primordial Qi is continuously dispersed and condensed in the body.

But Pei Xuanjing didn’t need to do this. To him, this Primordial Qi didn’t need to be dispersed to infuse it into his body, which was the way to refine the physical body.

The physical body refinement in the Spirit Realm is to refine the body’s orifices. Pei Xuanjing had a fortuitous refining of the orifices in a life simulation of the original Daming World. However, due to his insufficient physical strength later, he could no longer refine them.

Now, his physical body has undergone a complete transformation and is already strong enough to support the refining of orifices. He no longer needs to worry about the possibility of his physical body collapsing.

With the experience of refining the orifices once, refining the orifices again was much easier for Pei Xuanjing. In just a short month, he had already refined one orifice.

Tong Pass, north of the Yellow River and south of the mountains. As it was located at a river crossing of the Yellow River, at the junction of three Daozhou, controlling the main road from the Capital to the divine city, it was a must-pass area and a strategic spot for eastward entry into the Central Plains and westward advancement into the Central region and Western Regions. It had always been a battleground contested by all.

The towering city wall seemed to rise out of the ground abruptly, blocking the path like a natural moat.

The tall city wall was built with black giant stones about ten meters long and wide, and black iron was poured between the gaps of the giant stones, reflecting the luster of the metal, making it indestructible.

Countless merchant teams and carriages were waiting here, preparing to queue up for entry. Suddenly, a group of cavalry rushed out. They wore black armor and had precious swords hanging around their waists. They looked valiant and magnificent, galloping all the way, causing a cloud of dust.

Someone frowned, about to speak, but was pulled by the sleeve by someone beside him. “These are the Jinwu Guards.”

The person’s complexion changed drastically, and he immediately closed his mouth, suppressing the anger in his heart.

A line of dozens of Jinwu Guard cavalry, led by a young and handsome lieutenant, rushed out, attracting many people’s attention.


The troop of Jinwu Guard cavalry stopped in front of an ordinary-looking carriage. The young lieutenant dismounted and came up to the carriage, whispering respectfully. “This subordinate, Lieutenant Wei Tao of Left Jinwu Guard, pays his respects to the young master. This subordinate was commanded by Your Highness to come here and escort the young master to the Capital.”

“It’s my duty!” Wei Tao bowed deeply, then mounted his horse and said to the black-armored Jinwu knights behind him, “Open the road, escort the young master to the Capital.”

Regarding the attitude of the person inside the carriage, Wei Tao felt that instead of being mocked, it was a reasonable treatment.

Because the person inside this carriage was the recently famous Mr. Min. He who was invited by the prince to the Capital, which delighted the prince.

Even though Wei Tao was the prince’s brother-in-law and a member of the Wei Family, he knew clearly that he was incomparable to the person inside the carriage.

Plus, the person inside the carriage remotely leads the position of the General of the Left Jinwu Guard, which even technically makes him Wei Tao’s superior.

Looking at the carriage escorted by the Jinwu Guards themselves, everyone was extremely surprised, curious about who was inside the carriage.

“Who is this person who can even have the Jinwu Guards escort him personally?”

They originally thought the Jinwu Guard were mobilized because something big had happened.

But they instead found out it was merely to escort a single person into the Capital.

The Capital, the Imperial Astronomical Observatory. 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝓮𝓌𝑒𝒷𝘯ℴ𝑣𝓮𝓁.𝒸ℴ𝘮

The superintendent of the Imperial Astronomical Observatory, recognized as the strongest person in the empire today, sat facing a Daoist with crane hair and a youthful complexion. A game of Go was laid out in front of the two.

“I heard that Mr. Min is coming to the Capital.” The Daoist with crane hair and a youthful complexion placed a black piece without paying much attention.

Superintendent Ye Daoyuan put down the white piece, capturing several of the Daoist’s pieces, and said, “He has already reached the Tong Pass. The prince has already sent someone to meet him.”

The Daoist frowned as he looked at the captured pieces and said, “Going to the

Capital at this time isn’t great timing!”

Superintendent Ye Daoyuan laughed lightly: “This is the person the prince invited. Unless the emperor himself says otherwise, who’d dare to stop it?”

Having said that, he dropped another piece, cutting off the Daoist’s large dragon, gaining the upper hand.

The Daoist, upset, messed up the chessboard and snickered, “Well, it has nothing to do with me anyway. All I need to do is to concentrate on refining pills for the emperor. I’ll leave the rest to you distinguished people.” With that, the Daoist stood up and left.

Watching the Daoist’s departing figure, Superintendent Ye Daoyuan quietly laughed without a word..