Substitute Marriage: Reborn As The Top Big-Shot-Chapter 293 - : 134: Slapping face, the real miss of the Thompson Clan! _4

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Chapter 293: 134: Slapping face, the real miss of the Thompson Clan! _4

Translator: 549690339

Samuel Thompson had also returned outside the Operating Room.

揥here抯 Viola? Mary Perryne and Sawyer Thompson immediately asked.

Samuel replied, 揝he said she will be here soon.

揌ave you found her?

To avoid worrying his parents, Samuel Thompson only nodded and said, 揧es.

Hearing that Viola was okay, both Sawyer Thompson and Mary Perryne breathed a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, inside the Operating Room.

The surgery continued.

The atmosphere remained extremely tense.

At that moment, a panic-stricken voice rang out, 揗iss Thompson, the patient抯 heart has stopped suddenly!

Cardiac arrest!

Upon hearing this, even the doctors surrounding the operating table couldn抰 hide their surprise.

They knew it was inevitable as Mrs. Thompson抯 heart rate had been declining, a cardiac arrest was only a matter of time.

However, Viola Thompson remained calm, 揌emostatic forceps. The nurse beside her was stunned.

If the heart had stopped, what use were the hemostatic forceps?

Viola simply repeated, 揌emostatic forceps.

The nurse finally snapped out of it and handed over the forceps.

Viola then said, 揚repare for a blood transfusion.

揘umber four suture thread.

揇octor Lee, get ready.

Even though her tone was indifferent, her words carried an unyielding determination.

Everyone else in the room, although unsure why she was attempting this apparently futile procedure, still followed her instructions.

Doctor Bruce watched, his forehead slightly furrowed.

Was she unable to accept Mrs. Thompson抯 death and behaving erratically as a result?

Doctor Bruce approached Viola Thompson and chose his words carefully, 揗iss Thompson, every surgery carries a risk of failure. No one is perfect, you shouldn抰 blame yourself. After all, once someone dies, they can抰? But before he could finish, there was a sharp noise in the air.

Doctor Bruce was stunned yet again. That was

The sound of the heart rate monitor.

But hadn抰 Mrs. Thompson抯 heart stopped suddenly?

Doctor Bruce抯 eyes were full of disbelief.

So were the others, but they quickly snapped back to reality. 揗y God! The patient抯 heart rate is back to normal!

揟he patient is breathing autonomously!

揃lood pressure is normal!

Viola Thompson抯 expression remained neutral throughout.

After a moment, she put down the suture thread, 揝urgery is complete.

Four simple words landed with impactful resonance.

Doctor Bruce was rendered practically speechless.

Was this?

Was he dreaming?

揗iss Thompson is amazing!

揟his is real 慴ringing the dead back to life in the medical field! Doctor Bruce抯 perception of Viola changed from shock to admiration.

That抯 right.


He underestimated this girl from the very beginning.

The most remarkable thing about her was her composure. Regardless of the setbacks and lack of faith from others, she did not seem angry or flustered, nor did she show conceit after successfully treating Mrs. Thompson using her superior medical skills.

What is the mark of a real professional?

This is it!


The lights in the operating room switched off.

The hearts of the Thompson Family members waiting outside tightened.

Generally, this sign could mean only two outcomes.

One, the surgery was successful.

Two, the surgery failed.

Seeing the lights shutting off, Sylvia Thompson subtly raised an eyebrow.

It was two in the afternoon.

She had to remember the death anniversary of the old lady forever.

As the Operating Room doors opened, the Thompson Family remained standing there, hesitant to approach.

They were afraid of hearing the news they least wanted to hear.

After a moment, with newfound courage, Sawyer Thompson, as the eldest son, stepped forward, 揇octor Bruce, is my mother?

Doctor Bruce, smiling, said, 揅ongratulations, Mr. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson抯 surgery was very successful. She has been sent back to the ward for rest.

揜eally? Sawyer Thompson exclaimed joyously.

He thought he was prepared for the worst. He did not anticipate such a pleasant surprise from fate.

Doctor Bruce nodded.

Hearing his response, everyone else was overjoyed.

Mary Perryne, Elena Williams, and Penny Kalafatis, in particular, couldn抰 help but cheer out loud.

Sylvia Thompson, however, stood in place. Although her face wore a smile, her mind was in turmoil.

How could this be?

The old woman hadn抰 died?

Indeed, evil lives on forever.

Sylvia Thompson was dissatisfied.

At that moment, Sylvia caught a glimpse of a figure. She squinted slightly and quickly said, 揝ister, you抮e back! That抯 great; grandmother is also alright! Despite having just completed a surgery, there was no signs of fatigue in Viola Thompson抯 eyes as she walked towards them.

揂s long as grandmother is okay.

Sylvia Thompson replied with a smile, 搇 knew it. You抮e our family抯 lucky star. As soon as you return, everything is fine with grandma..

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