Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation-Chapter 340: 332: 5 Years Later

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Chapter 340: 332: 5 Years Later

Translator: 549690339

The Golden Spirit Fruit Tree was incredibly huge.

Standing below its crown, He Song couldn’t help but feel insignificant.

However, after sensing the surging mana within his body, he looked at the

Golden Spirit Fruit Tree with calm eyes.

It was just a tree, after all.

With his current Late Foundation Establishment cultivation, he could probably knock it down in an instant.

Although the tree’s size was enormous, it posed no threat to him.

With this thought in mind, He Song released his divine sense, enveloping the entire Golden Spirit Fruit Tree.

Soon after, a ripe Golden Spirit Fruit fell from the tree’s crown, appearing before him.

The immature Golden Spirit Fruit was silver-white with specks of golden light.

Once matured, it turned completely gold, with no trace of silver.

It resembled Master Yin Yue’s Golden Elixir from before.

However, without the flickering golden glow within, it wasn’t as visually appealing as a Golden Elixir.

Nevertheless, appearances didn’t necessarily determine the effectiveness of worldly objects.

Unclaimed Golden Elixirs could be used for elixir and artifacts refining, holding considerable value.

However, the Golden Spirit Fruit in He Song’s hand could potentially provide two or three Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivators with the opportunity to advance to the Golden Elixir Realm.

The values of the two items were incomparable.

From the perspective of a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator,

The value of a Golden Spirit Fruit far exceeded that of a Golden Elixir used only for elixir and artifacts refining, or other purposes.

From the perspective of a Golden Elixir Realm cultivator,

The value of a Golden Elixir was far greater than that of a Golden Spirit Fruit used only for refining the Golden Congealing Elixir Pill.

Thus, He Song gave the Golden Spirit Fruit a brief glance before storing it in a jade box.

After putting away the Golden Spirit Fruit,

He Song’s gaze swept over the immense Golden Spirit Fruit Tree once again.

A hint of hesitation emerged in his mind at this moment.


He was inside the Golden Elixir Cave Mansion.

Outside, the Golden Elixir Array protected him, ensuring absolute safety.

Even if the Righteous Alliance and Demonic Alliance waged a fierce battle and Golden Elixir Masters from both sides engaged in war, his safety in this place would remain uncompromised.

Moreover, under the protection of the Golden Elixir Array, the density of the spirit Qi in this place was much higher than that in the small Spirit-Gathering Array He Song had used before.

Considering that his progress would be faster in a safer environment,

And that his fortuitous encounter was already in hand,

Should he leave this place and go to Heaven Power Immortal City for seclusive cultivation?

If he didn’t go,

As the Master Guardian of Heaven Power Immortal City, he might have a hard time explaining himself to the Thick Earth Sect.

However, if he went, the spiritual Qi at the Immortal City would not be as rich, which would make staying and cultivating here a missed opportunity.

After some contemplation,

He Song looked at the hollow above the Golden Spirit Fruit Tree, and a sudden thought flashed through his mind.

In the eyes of outsiders, he had been at the Mid-stage Foundation Establishment for thirty-two years.

If he dragged it out a few more years, to thirty-seven or thirty-eight years,

And then announced that he had successfully broken through to the Late

Foundation Establishment Stage,

It would be considered a normal cultivation speed for a cultivator, not arousing any suspicion.

In this case, his position as the Master Guardian of Heaven Power Immortal City would naturally be relinquished, and he would return to the Thick Earth Sect after spending a few more years in Heaven Power Immortal City.

Although the Righteous Alliance with the Thick Earth Sect was currently at war with the Demonic Alliance,

As a Loose Cultivation Base Building like He Song, they were not within the recruitment scope.


Even if his cultivation were to break through to the Late Foundation Establishment Stage in others’ eyes and he were to return to the Thick Earth Sect, He Song’s personal freedom would not be restricted.

Just like Meng Guan, who had left the Thick Earth Sect to seek fortune elsewhere, He Song could also pursue opportunities when the time came.

Under such circumstances, He Song naturally had a plan in mind.

After all, all the Master Guardians in Heaven Power Immortal City were familiar with him.

He could simply stay here and undergo seclusive cultivation for several years.

After a few years, he would make a trip to Heaven Power Immortal City, announcing his breakthrough to the Late Foundation Establishment Stage.

In this way, He Song, who would have reached the Late Foundation

Establishment Stage, would naturally no longer need to serve as a guardian of Heaven Power Immortal City,

Instead, he could return here and continue his seclusive cultivation.

Once several years had passed and the sect’s order arrived, He Song could naturally leave the Thick Earth Sect and continue his seclusive cultivation here until another breakthrough.

When He Song’s cultivation advanced from the Late Foundation Establishment

Stage to the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection,

The Golden Spirit Fruit and the Golden Elixir secret method in his possession would become useful.

However, before that,

He Song needed one more thing.

That was the Golden Congealing Elixir Recipe and the auxiliary medicinal for refining the Golden Congealing Elixir Pill.

After some thought,

He Song thought of a person.

The Sub -Pavilion Master of Heaven Power Immortal City’s Treasure Pavilion.

Master Luo Jing.

Master Luo Jing was a disciple of a Golden Elixir Master. As a disciple of a Master and the Sub-Pavilion Master of the Treasure Pavilion, Her access to resources was naturally beyond He Song’s reach.

He Song often exchanged letters with Master Luo Jing, and it seemed that she had an interest in forming a connection with him.

Therefore, obtaining the Golden Congealing Elixir Recipe through her should be possible.

Even if it weren’t, it might appear at the Treasure Pavilion’s auction.

When the time came, he could ask Master Luo Jing to keep an eye on the item, notify him when it was available.

Having made up his mind,

He Song’s state of mind had also stabilized.

This Golden Elixir Cave Mansion did not need to be destroyed after all.

Even the elixir refinement room that had previously been completely disassembled by He Song was quickly restored.

After restoring everything inside the Golden Elixir Cave Mansion to its original state, He Song was thinking of going into closed-door cultivation here.

However, he suddenly thought of something.

The four Golden Armor Guards that had been suppressed by the Golden Elixir Array.

They had not been subdued by He Song yet.

They were still continuously consuming He Song’s spirit stones.

If he wasn’t careful and let it drag on for enough time, he feared that these four Golden Armor Guards could greatly deplete his supply of spirit stones.

Now that he thought of the four Golden Armor Guards, whose strength had reached the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, He Song naturally wouldn’t let them continue to consume his spirit stones.

At the same time,

since he had already accessed the memories of Master Yin Yue, for these four Golden Armor Guards, He Song naturally found their control method.

Although the combat power of these four Golden Armor Guards could only contend with cultivators at the stage of Foundation Establishment Great

Perfection, in fact, they were already the best puppets in the hands of Master Yin Yue.

In the Cultivation World, be it puppets, cultivators, or other things like demonic beasts,

from the Qi Refining stage to the Foundation Establishment Realm, although it is difficult, many can still achieve it.

With perseverance, willpower, opportunities, and qualifications, one can cross these stages.

But when it comes to the Golden Elixir Realm, it’s not the case anymore. Whether it is a puppet, a cultivator, or other things like demonic beasts,

to step into the Golden Elixir Realm takes immense resources, difficulties, challenges, and obstacles that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Golden Elixir cultivators are scarce.

Golden Elixir puppets are scarce.

Golden Elixir demonic beasts are even scarcer.

Although Master Yin Yue was a cultivator at the Late Stage of the Golden Elixir, he was not a dedicated puppet master who studied puppetry.

He possessed both Elixir Tao and Artifact Tao, but he devoted much of his effort to Artifact Tao.

He had fallen behind in the elixir path.

And naturally even further behind in puppetry, which he had never really studied.

Having a puppet at the stage of the Golden Elixir Realm was just wishful thinking.

Even these four Golden Armor Guards, whose strength only reached the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, were purchased by him through coincidence and used for his daily life.

At the same time, since these four Golden Armor Guards were bought, the method to control them was naturally present in Master Yin Yue’s memory.

After a brief examination, He Song found the control methods for the four Golden Armor Guards.

Then, with his divine sense manipulation, he marked all four Golden Armor Guards, which had been suppressed by the Golden Elixir Array since the early days.

From now on,

the four Golden Armor Guards, whose combat power has reached the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, had changed masters.

They now belonged to He Song.

As a Late Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator, he now had four Golden Armor Guards with combat power comparable to Foundation Establishment Great Perfection by his side.

Now, He Song’s strength was probably unmatched below the Golden Elixir stage.

Upon collecting the four Golden Armor Guards,

after a brief consideration, He Song quickly planted spirit rice and spirit medicine in the spirit field and medicine garden within the valley.

Since he was going into seclusion, he naturally needed to plant spirit rice and spirit medicine before doing so.

Perhaps, by the time he broke through and came out, these spirit rice and spirit medicine could be harvested again.

After planting the spirit rice and spirit medicine,

He Song’s figure also appeared in the quiet chamber inside the cave mansion.

This place, although a Golden Elixir Master had died here, and even been killed by him,

He Song didn’t have any psychological burden about cultivating in seclusion here.

As he was in the Cultivation World, and Master Yin Yue’s soul had been completely obliterated, He Song naturally did not need to worry about any lingering problems.

Time went by.

In the blink of an eye, five years had passed.

During these five years, He Song had been in seclusion and cultivated in the cave mansion opened by Master Yin Yue.

While comprehending the Golden Elixir Array, he studied various techniques from Master Yin Yue’s memory.

At the same time,

five years passed in the blink of an eye, and He Song’s cultivation had also taken a huge step forward in the Late Foundation Establishment Stage.

During these five years, He Song’s mana had significantly advanced.

This was thanks to the Golden Elixir Array deployed in the valley.

Although the spirit-gathering effect of the Golden Elixir Array couldn’t compare with a specialized Golden Elixir Spirit-Gathering Array,

when compared to the small Spirit-Gathering Arrays in the Foundation Establishment Realm, it was much stronger.

Although the area around this place was thin in spirit Qi, the Golden Elixir Array nevertheless attracted countless spirit Qi.

In comparison, the spirit Qi attracted here was more than double the amount attracted by the small Spirit-Gathering Array that He Song had set up in Heaven Power Immortal City.

He Song could even imagine that if he were to set up the Golden Elixir Array in Heaven Power Immortal City, the spirit Qi it could attract would be even richer..