My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire!-Chapter 270 - Rescue

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Hearing Uncle Olsen’s words, Ellis was briefly startled.


Then he tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Uncle, you’re not going to resort to force just because you can’t get what you want, are you? Such acts are not condoned in our family!”

Uncle Olsen, however, had a frosty look in his eyes as he asked, “How many people have you brought with you to Oceanion?”

What Keira could think of, Uncle Olsen had thought of as well!

The person who could quietly kill Mrs. Horton under Lewis’s watchful eye in Oceanion and then retreat without a trace, leaving no evidence behind to this day, was definitely no ordinary individual.

Seeing his serious expression, Ellis realized the gravity of the situation. He promptly opened his mouth, “My bodyguards, together with yours, in the open and in the shadows, we have roughly 30 men.”

Uncle Olsen clenched his jaw; he didn’t know if these men would be enough.

But he knew that they could not afford a single mistake!

He looked directly toward the Horton residence. “Borrow men from Lewis.”

“Okay, how many?”

“The more the better. Surround the Olsen residence. I don’t want a single fly to escape!”


Ellis immediately ran toward the Horton residence.

Since Lewis was unwilling to go to the crematory, Oliver represented him, taking Jake along as well.

Lewis still stood in place, staring in the direction the vehicles had departed.

He rapidly approached Lewis. “My Uncle asks to borrow some of your manpower.”

This statement finally elicited a reaction from Lewis. Yet without asking for details, he simply said, “Let Tom arrange it.”


Ellis turned to leave but glanced back at Lewis. Seeing his dispirited form, he could only pat his shoulder and turn to depart.

Keira saw Ellis leave and took steps to follow, but Howard grabbed her wrist. “Where are you going?”

Keira’s eyes flickered. “Uncle Olsen asked me to check on Mrs. Olsen again.”

Howard, however, looked at her strangely and suddenly smiled. “Will you come back tonight?”

Keira found him to be a bit odd, but her mind was entirely focused on Mrs. Olsen, and she only said, “Yes.”

She left in a hurry.

She didn’t see that after she left, Howard approached Lewis and spoke in a low voice, “Mr. Horton, I also believe that your wife isn’t dead.”

Lewis turned to look at him.

Howard, with a pleasing smile, took a step forward and leaned into his ear…

Keira was utterly unaware of what Howard was doing. At the moment, she had already run out of the Horton residence and happened to see Ellis reporting to Uncle Olsen.

She ran over, opened the car door, and got in.

Because she wore a mask, Ellis didn’t see her face and was startled. “Hey, you are…”

Uncle Olsen then intervened. “This is my friend.”

Ellis immediately showed a gossip-hungry expression, giving Keira a piercing look.

At that moment, someone came to report. “Uncle, we’ve found out that Taylor has taken Mrs. Olsen home. Our men have surrounded the villa, and we are just waiting for you!”

“Let’s go immediately!”

The Olsen residence.

Taylor carried Mrs. Olsen upstairs.

Aunt South stepped forward, about to help Mrs. Olsen out of her outerwear, but Taylor said, “I’ll do it, Aunt South.”

Aunt South paused, “Sir?”

Taylor insistently looked at her. “I said, I would do it.”

Aunt South furrowed her brows, turning to look at Mrs. Olsen, only to see Mrs. Olsen staring back at her with a dismal gaze.

Taylor continued. “Aunt South, after being married to Shirley for over twenty years, I thought you would understand me.”

Aunt South fell silent for a moment before nodding. “Then I’ll leave you to it.”

As Mrs. Olsen watched her walk away, her eyes showed a look of shock. Then she saw Aunt South leave the room, thoughtfully closing the door behind them.

The moment the door shut, Taylor turned his head to look her way.


He walked over slowly and began to help Mrs. Olsen out of her clothes. When it came down to the undergarments, Mrs. Olsen bit her lip firmly, and tears once again silently rolled down her cheeks.

Her stubborn rejection infuriated Taylor in an instant!

He pulled out his belt, brandished it, and just as he was about to swing it at Mrs. Olsen, he suddenly stopped. “I can’t hit you, Shirley. Before we leave tomorrow, you can’t show any flaws; otherwise, Lewis will notice…”

He frowned, “But if I can’t hit you, how can I make you submit?”

Soon, his eyes slightly lit up, “I have an idea!”

Taylor, having said this, grabbed Mrs. Olsen by the hair and dragged her into the bathroom, where the bathtub was already filled with water.

He put Mrs. Olsen into the bathtub and then ruthlessly pushed her head down into the water!


Bubbles appeared in the bathtub, and Taylor lifted Mrs. Olsen’s head, gently wiping her cheeks with a towel, asking her, “Shirley, are you willing to give in to me now?”

Mrs. Olsen’s face was covered with water. She glared fiercely at Taylor, unable to speak, but she managed to spit water into his face!

Taylor wiped his cheeks, his expression hideous and terrifying. “Shirley, you’re too naughty; you still need to be taught a lesson…”

As these words fell, he once again pushed her head into the water!

Mrs. Olsen only felt that her nose and mouth were filled with water, the liquid seeming to turn into blades that twisted into her lungs, causing a suffocating pain in her chest!

In these extreme conditions, her body finally reacted. But because she had been injected with a muscle relaxant, she ultimately couldn’t push him away and could only struggle weakly…

Mrs. Olsen felt darkness before her eyes, and the suffocating pain tormented her, making her feel as though she would die at any moment!

But she didn’t want to die yet! She had just gotten her daughter back, and she didn’t want to make her sad!

The next moment, she was dragged out of the water again.

She gasped for air; the fresh air was so precious to her!

But before she could catch her breath, her head was pushed back into the water!

Perhaps the effects of the injection were slowly dissipating, or perhaps it was the instinct to survive that granted her strength. Her hands finally felt sensation. She grabbed Taylor’s hand, trying to make him let go…

But Taylor was much stronger than her, and she couldn’t break free at all!


The pain of her scalp being torn was intense, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of getting air again.

While Mrs. Olsen was panting, Taylor once again got close to her, firmly pinching her chin. “Shirley, have you decided yet? Will you give in to me?”

Mrs. Olsen still glared fiercely at him, her voice straining to utter two words: “You’re disgusting!”


Taylor could no longer restrain himself and slapped her face hard!

Then he grabbed her shoulders. “Why, would you rather die than be with me?!”

Mrs. Olsen glared at him with rage, “Yes!”

“You…!” f𝚛𝚎𝗲we𝗯𝗻ovel.𝐜om

Taylor clenched his fist tightly, then suddenly ripped open Mrs. Olsen’s clothes, leaving her feeling completely exposed…

Her eyes widened in terror, trying to cover herself, but Taylor had already sneered. “Shirley, this is all your doing. You’re the reluctant one, and that’s why I have to force you!”

Having said that, he bent down…

Meanwhile, downstairs.

Uncle Olsen and Keira arrived in his car.

They didn’t knock but had someone break open the door lock and rushed in with bodyguards!

“What are you doing? Who are you people?” Aunt South shouted in alarm, trying to stop them, but she was caught by the bodyguards!

Uncle Olsen looked around. “Where is Taylor?”

This was his first time at the Olsen house, and he was unfamiliar with the layout.

Keira, however, saw panic on Aunt South’s face, and following her gaze, she immediately saw the master bedroom upstairs.

She immediately said, “It’s there!!”

Hearing her, Uncle Olsen and she rushed upstairs immediately.

Just reaching the door of the master bedroom, they heard the miserable screams of Mrs. Olsen. “Taylor, let me go!!”