MTL - Your Majesty Please Calm Down-Chapter 97

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Ji Zhao’s attitude towards the sudden change of Ji Zheng was very confusing, and he was a bit frightened when he was wrong. She couldn't understand how he looked at her. For various reasons, after he learned that she was a woman, the number of times they met was not much, and it would definitely not be a long time.

However, anyway, her heart has been expressed clearly. There is no grass in the world, she feels that Ji Zheng will certainly not hang on her tree neck. At least she is so hopeful.

When Ji Hengyi was released by the Queen Mother, he ran out of the palace to find Ji Zhao. He was confessed by Ji Zhao in public today. He was happy to step on the clouds. The clouds came in the fog, and several guards who protected him in the crowd almost did not keep up. The emperor's light work is really - absolutely.

The quarter house has been sent by Ji Heng enough people to watch, before he also issued an order: Anyone, especially a man, can not easily enter the quarter house without the permission of Ji Zhao. Some people have been included in the "welcome list of the homes" by Ji Heng. Even with the permission of Ji Zhao, they can't walk in, such as the Ning Wang Ye Ji Zheng.

Ji Heng went into the quarter house. He had a sweet talk with Ji Zhao, but when he saw her standing under the plum tree and smiling at him, he suddenly found out that it was not important to say anything. He has a sympathy with her, and his mind is connected. Any language is weak at this time. It is better not to say. He walked over and pulled up her hand, thought about it and smiled. "Wait for me to marry you."

"it is good."


Ji Zheng’s love made Ji Zhao somewhat embarrassed, so she recently deliberately avoided meeting with him.

For example, when Ji Zhao had a small reception banquet for Zheng Shaofeng in the eight-party diners, she did not ask for the levy.

The sergeant who is serving in the border customs has no order to leave without permission, and it is even more impossible to return to the capital. But who makes Zheng Shaofeng the second generation of the official. The most important thing is that his mother really missed him too much. After several times, she packed up the soft belt and went to Xuanfu to visit her son. Zheng Shaofu got a headache, and Zheng Shaofeng took the year to close and returned home. Another reason for urging him to go home is the fact that "Tian Qi suddenly became a woman." It’s terrible to think about it, how can a buddy suddenly become a woman! This world is really insecure!

On the second day of returning to Beijing, Zheng Shaofeng found Tang Tianyuan and listened to him in person about the passage of "Tianqi changed women." Zheng Shaofeng discovered that he had missed the important part of "Tian Qichang eunuch". In other words, the whole process of Tian Qi's identity transformation is "man - **** - woman", at least on the surface, this is more like a case of transsexual surgery, it is simply too abnormal. Zheng Shaofeng was awkward while celebrating that Tianqi was a real woman, not changed after being cut off. However, that kid, ah no, the girl even dared to pretend to be a prisoner in order to assassinate Chen Wuyong, and it is really a hero!

Tang Tianyuan is much more calm than Zheng Shaofeng, because his shocked momentum has passed. When he first heard about this incident, he felt incredible. After all, he knew that there was a lot more than Zheng Shaofeng. Before and after a contact, he knew that the matter was not empty. So Tang Tianyuan sighed that Ji Zhao’s life was not good, and she felt that she was brave and conscientious, and never let it go.

Now, the two of them are sitting in the elegant room of the eight-party diners, looking at the Zhao Zhao who is wearing the women's dress. The girl is too beautiful to look at them with a smile. Tang Tianyuan and Zheng Shaofeng are a little embarrassed. After all, I used to be with my buddies as a buddy. I didn’t do anything with my back and shoulders. Now it seems that it’s all about “indecent assault”. It’s really a good fight.

On the contrary, it is Ji Zhao, who is generous and generous, and starts with the wine glass. "Before you are involuntarily, you are more concealed. You are not a villain. I am here to give two people to accompany me, and I will punished three cups." Said, and sure enough to dry three glasses of wine.

The girl’s family is like this, and the big man says that everything is sentimental, so he decisively picks up the wine to accompany him.

Zheng Shaofeng is a wide-minded person. To put it bluntly, his intelligence is not enough to support him to think about it. So after he has a few glasses of wine, he naturally accepted the setting of "Tianqi is a girl" and started to follow two People talk about their life in Xuanfu. Although Xuanfu is not as prosperous as the capital, it is also a key link between the north and the south and the east and west. Before the bandits ran to the market to disturb the people, Zheng Shaofeng followed the Chu generals to rob the bandits, and forced the Mongolian bandits near Xuanfu to almost nowhere. Ji Zhao also listened to the fact that he had a lot of bragging ingredients.

When Zheng Shaofeng said and said his own rival, that is Ni Shijun. He routinely satirizes Ni Shijun in front of a good friend. Ji Zhao was very curious and asked, "Who is Ni Shijun's father? What is the way?" How can He De get the same as the emperor?

"He is called Ni Song, it is unclear. I only know that I have died."

"When did you die? What is the cause of death?"

"Let me think about it, I heard people say it, it seems to be... 淳道二十二十二十 October... October 25? The cause of death is a bit funny: Ni Song’s main room and Xiaoyan quarreled and moved the weapon. Ni Song went forward to persuade, and accidentally was accidentally injured by her wife, then she was dizzy. The doctor had already broken his breath."



This death is really... I don’t know what to say. Forget it, the deceased is big.

Zheng Shaofeng sighed, "So, don't put too many women in the men's home, chaos."

The two bachelors began to talk loudly about whether or not they should be asked. Ji Zhao thought, your first priority is to put your wife on the first...

However... Ji Zhao held his forehead and frowned. She always felt that Ni Song’s death seemed to be a special day. Where is it special? Twenty-three years of the martyrdom was the year when her family was changed, but his father was arrested in November. October 25 is exactly the birth of her mother. What was she doing that day?

Ah, yes. Although her father would celebrate his mother's birthday well in previous years, but that day, somehow, his father always seemed to be absent-minded. At that time, she was too young to understand things, but she could feel that her father was thinking about things next to her. and then? I listened to the play during the day and my father did not come to accompany my mother at night. She and her brother thought that their parents had quarreled, so one stayed with their mother and one went to marry their father. The younger brother went to the study to find his father and was quickly rushed back. She asked her brother what he said, how did his brother answer it at the time?

- "The father stood alone in the yard watching the moon, talking to himself and saying "The success or failure is here." He saw me and blew me back without waiting for me to speak."

Ji Zhao didn't feel anything on the day and went to bed early. It’s strange to come now, what happened that day? Why did the father say "the success or failure is here?" What is he thinking about? Later, success or failure?

The father was already the first person in the Zhan government. The general thing would not make him so anxious. The most worrying thing for him was the storage of the Prince.

So is this matter related to the Prince, what is it?

Is it related to Ni Song? What is it?

Ji Zhao linked several characters and time, and suddenly there was a bright light in his head.

Although Ni Song is only a small military officer of the Sixth Product, but the Five Cities and Soldiers are in charge of the law and order of the capital, it is considered to be part of the strength of the armed forces. Since the troops stationed in Gyeonggi are stationed outside the city, when the night gate is closed, the only force outside the Imperial City and within the capital is the Five Cities and Soldiers. Compared with the army outside the city, this part of the soldiers is tantamount to the ants to the elephants, but the elephants cannot enter the city, and the ants can move freely in the city.

There are some guards in the Forbidden City, but the number is relatively small compared to the Five Cities and Soldiers.

What concept is this? If the Prince can think of a way to open a door in the Forbidden City at night, Ni Song led the city he was in charge of, and the Terracotta Warriors attacked the palace, annihilating the party of Chen Wuyong and forcing the emperor to abdicate - this is entirely possible!

The risk of this incident is great, but the results are also very tempting. With Ji Zhao’s understanding of Ji Heng, he really dared to do this kind of thing. That Ni Song will also be a great hero to protect the time. Once successful, the fame and fortune are really like playing.

Thinking about it from the perspective of the Prince, he probably had to do the same. In the twenty-third year of the martyrdom, the first two years of the first emperor’s death were the most maddening moments of Chen Wuyong’s flow. If the Prince does not take the initiative, he is afraid that the future will be handed over to others.

This matter is extraordinary, so her father will be nervous. That night he should have been waiting for the signal from the Prince.

Unfortunately, nothing happened later.

It’s really not as good as people’s days, and Ni Song actually died like that.

The prince is a person who reads the old feelings. Ni Song is his old department, and he must be the one who is extremely trustworthy. Therefore, although this incident was defeated by the death of Ni Song, after the Prince was enthroned, he would still take care of Ni Song’s descendants.

At that time, there were few people who knew this. This is a blessing in misfortune. Everyone's mouth is very strict, so this plan to win the palace, although defeated, but did not leak the wind.

No, it should still be leaked. This is why, after her father was sentenced to exile, Chen Wuyong tried every means to get him back. The Prince himself worked very well, and Ni Song, one of the key figures, died. Chen Wuyong suspected that the Prince had won the palace, but there was no evidence. This is the one who is most likely to know the truth. He needs her father to testify. Therefore, over and over again, the other side stressed that he must "live catch".

As a result, everything can be explained.

However, there is still an unclear question: Who is it, to kill her father?

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